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May 6th, 2016
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  1. <rezedus> i wonder
  2. <rezedus> !help
  3. <CuteB0t> CuteB0t help: !about / !help / !modules / !triggers / !returnnick / !randomletter / !lovecalc / !random / !guid / !hcnick / !rnd37k
  4. <rezedus> oh lol
  5. <rezedus> it's still running
  6. <rezedus> !lovecalc London Islam
  7. <CuteB0t> The probability of London and Islam having a successful relationship is 31 percent.
  8. <rezedus> !lovecalc London muslims
  9. <CuteB0t> The probability of London and muslims having a successful relationship is 19 percent.
  10. <Tenshi> !lovecalc rezedus Tenshi
  11. <Tenshi> lol
  12. <Tenshi> whoops
  13. <Tenshi> !lovecalc rezedus Tenshi
  14. <Tenshi> well
  15. <Tenshi> the bot hates me
  16. <Tenshi> !lovecalc rezedus Tenshi
  17. <rezedus> !lovecalc Tenshi win10
  18. <CuteB0t> The probability of Tenshi and win10 having a successful relationship is 10 percent.
  19. <rezedus> !lovecalc Tenshi w10
  20. <CuteB0t> The probability of Tenshi and w10 having a successful relationship is 39 percent.
  21. <Tenshi> lmfao
  22. <rezedus> lol
  23. <Tenshi> !lovecalc rezedus Tenshi
  24. <Tenshi> ...
  25. <Tenshi> COME ON
  26. <Tenshi> !lovecalc rezedus rezedus
  27. <rezedus> !lovecalc rezedus rezedus
  28. <CuteB0t> The probability of rezedus and rezedus having a successful relationship is OVER NINE THOUSAND (Narcissism much?) percent.
  29. <maelask> !lovecalc maelask maelask
  30. <CuteB0t> The probability of maelask and maelask having a successful relationship is OVER NINE THOUSAND (Narcissism much?) percent.
  31. <maelask> !lovecalc Maelask'sMathTeacher Alcohol
  32. <CuteB0t> The probability of Maelask'sMathTeacher and Alcohol having a successful relationship is 56 percent.
  33. <maelask> well
  34. <maelask> it is successful
  35. <Tenshi> !lovecalc rezedus rezedus
  36. <maelask> considering he spends his days in the pub
  37. * Tenshi is now known as Rezedus_
  38. <Rezedus_> !lovecalc rezedus rezedus
  39. <CuteB0t> The probability of rezedus and rezedus having a successful relationship is OVER NINE THOUSAND (Narcissism much?) percent.
  40. <Rezedus_> !lovecalc rezedus Tenshi
  41. <CuteB0t> The probability of rezedus and Tenshi having a successful relationship is 75 percent.
  42. <Rezedus_> :D
  43. <Rezedus_> !lovecalc rezedus pwned
  44. <CuteB0t> The probability of rezedus and pwned having a successful relationship is 66 percent.
  45. <Rezedus_> not bad
  46. <rezedus> !lovecalc pwned ban
  47. <Rezedus_> !lovecalc rezedus pwnsrv
  48. <CuteB0t> The probability of pwned and ban having a successful relationship is 91 percent.
  49. <CuteB0t> The probability of rezedus and pwnsrv having a successful relationship is 27 percent.
  50. <rezedus> LOL
  51. <Rezedus_> !lovecalc rezedus maelask
  52. <CuteB0t> The probability of rezedus and maelask having a successful relationship is 52 percent.
  53. <Rezedus_> !lovecalc AlphaBeta CaptainPeanut
  54. <CuteB0t> The probability of AlphaBeta and CaptainPeanut having a successful relationship is 30 percent.
  55. <Rezedus_> ouch
  56. <Rezedus_> !lovecalc Jamie hounsell
  57. <Rezedus_> :(
  58. <Rezedus_> !lovecalc Jamie hounsell
  59. * Rezedus_ is now known as MaeLask_
  60. <MaeLask_> !lovecalc Jamie hounsell
  61. <MaeLask_> !lovecalc Jamie hounsell
  62. <MaeLask_> k
  63. * MaeLask_ is now known as Tenshi
  64. * Tenshi has quit (Changing host)
  65. * Tenshi ( has joined
  66. * sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  67. * gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  68. <maelask> why
  69. * Tenshi has quit (Changing ident)
  70. * Tenshi ( has joined
  71. * sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  72. * gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  73. * Tenshi is now known as lololevade
  74. <lololevade> !lovecalc Jamie hounsell
  75. <lololevade> trying to evade the bot's lolignore
  76. <lololevade> !help
  77. <CuteB0t> CuteB0t help: !about / !help / !modules / !triggers / !returnnick
  78. <lololevade> aw
  79. <lololevade> unloaded
  80. * lololevade is now known as Tenshi
  81. * Tenshi has quit (Changing ident)
  82. * Tenshi ( has joined
  83. * sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  84. * gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  85. * Tenshi has quit (Changing host)
  86. * Tenshi ( has joined
  87. * sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  88. * gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  89. <Tenshi> !8ball Will user99672 marry Claudia?
  90. <Tenshi> !8-ball Will user99672 marry Claudia?
  91. <Tenshi> aw
  92. <user99672> I strongly doubt Claudia has the most remote interest in me.
  93. <Tenshi> can't get it to work
  94. <rezedus> !lovecalc user99672 ZoidServer
  95. <CuteB0t> The probability of user99672 and ZoidServer having a successful relationship is 47 percent.
  96. <user99672> ...
  97. <Tenshi> !lovecalc rezedus Kelton
  98. <CuteB0t> The probability of rezedus and Kelton having a successful relationship is 55 percent.
  99. <Tenshi> lol
  100. <user99672> well I am annnoyed at it right now because it's FUCKING HANGING DURING SHUTDOWN
  101. <user99672> :@
  102. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  103. <Tenshi> aw he unloaded it
  104. <Tenshi> !help
  105. <CuteB0t> CuteB0t help: !about / !help / !modules / !triggers / !returnnick / !randomletter / !lovecalc / !random / !guid / !hcnick / !rnd37k
  106. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  107. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  108. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  109. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  110. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  111. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  112. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  113. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  114. * * has kicked CuteB0t from #RoL (Channel flood triggered (limit is 8 lines in 5 secs))
  115. * CuteB0t ( has joined
  116. * RoL gives voice to CuteB0t
  117. <Rye> stop it
  118. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  119. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  120. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  121. <Rye> lol
  122. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  123. <rezedus> lol
  124. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  125. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  126. <Rye> Tenshi
  127. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  128. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  129. <Rye> it's working but lagged heavily
  130. <Rye> so don't
  131. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  132. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  133. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  134. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  135. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  136. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  137. <user99672> he's having trouble with his send queue.
  138. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  139. <user99672> obviously
  140. <Tenshi> !tempcon K 273.15
  141. <CuteB0t> 273.15 K is equal to 32.00 F (0.00 C)
  142. <rezedus> claudia's going to be happy when she sees this
  143. <user99672> -.-
  144. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  145. <user99672> *rubs eyes*
  146. <user99672> oh look it's 16:04
  147. <user99672> aka 4:04
  148. <rezedus> *22:03
  149. <Tenshi> *05:04
  150. <Tenshi> *04:34
  151. <rezedus> lol
  152. <rezedus> pyongyang time
  153. <rezedus> !lovecalc user99672 IntelliJ
  154. <CuteB0t> The probability of user99672 and IntelliJ having a successful relationship is 70 percent.
  155. <Tenshi>
  156. <CuteB0t> Title: Europe Today: The EU proposes new channel to up its 'Blame Russia' game — RT Op-Edge (
  157. <user99672> fuck, it's better than Eclipse.
  158. <Tenshi> europe today?
  159. <Tenshi> really?
  160. <user99672> much better.
  161. <rezedus> !lovecalc user99672 Eclipse
  162. <CuteB0t> The probability of user99672 and Eclipse having a successful relationship is 26 percent.
  163. <rezedus> lol
  164. <user99672> !lovecalc user99672 NetBeans
  165. <CuteB0t> The probability of user99672 and NetBeans having a successful relationship is 25 percent.
  166. <user99672> HA
  167. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  168. <Tenshi> fuck
  169. <user99672> it's accurate!
  170. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kanade Otonashi
  171. <rezedus> i guess the bot hates you
  172. <Jelle> what.
  173. <maelask> * * has kicked CuteB0t from #RoL (Channel flood triggered (limit is 8 lines in 5 secs))
  174. <maelask> shouldn't that have kicked obat
  175. <Tenshi> ... yeah
  176. <Tenshi> well
  177. <Tenshi> i think it *DID* kick me
  178. <rezedus> wait what
  179. rezedus Rye RichardG RelaXy RoL ross ryaxnb ryaxnb21
  180. <maelask> 22:03:33 rezedus
  181. <rezedus> i see
  182. <Tenshi> <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  183. <Tenshi> * * has kicked CuteB0t from #RoL (Channel flood triggered (limit is 8 lines in 5 secs))
  184. <Tenshi> * CuteB0t ( has joined
  185. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kanade Kazunobu
  186. <rezedus> it should have
  187. <rezedus> probably a bug in insp
  188. <rezedus> !lovecalc Tenshi CuteB0t
  189. <CuteB0t> The probability of Tenshi and CuteB0t having a successful relationship is 64 percent.
  190. <rezedus> !lovecalc Tenshi CuteB0t
  191. <CuteB0t> The probability of Tenshi and CuteB0t having a successful relationship is 90 percent.
  192. <rezedus> DON'T LIE CUTEB0T
  193. <Tenshi> > two different percentages
  194. * Tenshi has quit (Changing ident)
  195. * Tenshi ( has joined
  196. * sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  197. * gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  198. <rezedus> hmm
  199. * Tenshi has quit (Changing host)
  200. * Tenshi ( has joined
  201. * sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  202. * gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  203. * Tenshi is now known as rezedus_
  204. <rezedus_> !lovecalc Kanade Kazunobu
  205. <rezedus_> hmmm
  206. <rezedus_> !lovecalc Kanade Kazunobu
  207. <rezedus_> how?!
  208. <rezedus_> there is no way the bot can distinguish between me and the r-
  209. <rezedus_> ah wait
  210. * RoL sets mode -q on #RoL rezedus_
  211. * RoL removes channel operator status from rezedus_
  212. * RoL gives voice to rezedus_
  213. * rezedus_ has quit (Changing host)
  214. * rezedus_ ( has joined
  215. * gives voice to rezedus_
  216. <rezedus_> k
  217. <rezedus_> !lovecalc Kanade Kazunobu
  218. <rezedus_> WTF?!
  220. * rezedus_ has quit (Changing host)
  221. * rezedus_ ( has joined
  222. * gives voice to rezedus_
  223. * rezedus_ is now known as rezedus-
  224. * rezedus- has quit (Changing host)
  225. * rezedus- ( has joined
  226. * gives voice to rezedus-
  227. * rezedus- is now known as pwnsrv_
  228. <maelask> zline zline zline
  229. * pwnsrv_ is now known as Tenshi
  230. * Tenshi has quit (Changing host)
  231. * Tenshi ( has joined
  232. * gives voice to Tenshi
  233. * RoL sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  234. * RoL gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  235. * Tenshi is now known as pwnsrv_
  236. * pwnsrv_ has quit (Changing host)
  237. * pwnsrv_ ( has joined
  238. * sets mode +q on #RoL pwnsrv_
  239. * gives channel operator status to pwnsrv_
  240. * gives voice to pwnsrv_
  241. * RoL sets mode -q on #RoL pwnsrv_
  242. * RoL removes channel operator status from pwnsrv_
  243. * pwnsrv_ is now known as pwnsrv-
  244. * pwnsrv- has quit (Changing host)
  245. * pwnsrv- ( has joined
  246. * gives voice to pwnsrv-
  247. <pwnsrv-> !lovecalc Kanade Kazunobu
  248. * pwnsrv- is now known as Tenshi
  249. * Tenshi has quit (Changing host)
  250. * Tenshi ( has joined
  251. * gives voice to Tenshi
  252. * RoL sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  253. * RoL gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  254. <Tenshi> k
  255. <Tenshi> i WILL find a way around the lolignore
  256. <Tenshi> wait
  257. <Tenshi> rezedus' ns pass is hunter2
  258. <Rye> lol
  259. -NickServ- Invalid password for rezedus.
  260. <rezedus> really
  261. >rezedus< one of those ns failed logins was me lol
  262. <rezedus> !lovecalc rezedus CuteB0t
  263. <CuteB0t> The probability of rezedus and CuteB0t having a successful relationship is 15 percent.
  264. * Syhota has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  265. <rezedus> works perfectly well
  266. <maelask> !lovecalc RickAstley GivingYouUp
  267. <CuteB0t> The probability of RickAstley and GivingYouUp having a successful relationship is 17 percent.
  268. <rezedus> lol
  269. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kanade Kazunobu
  270. <Tenshi> no it does not
  271. <rezedus> !lovecalc rezedus CuteB0t
  272. <CuteB0t> The probability of rezedus and CuteB0t having a successful relationship is 43 percent.
  273. <RoL> !lovecalc Kanade Kazunobu
  274. <CuteB0t> The probability of Kanade and Kazunobu having a successful relationship is 50 percent.
  275. <RichardG> [botserv say logger] <override>rezedus just said that
  276. <rezedus> lol
  277. <RoL> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  278. <RichardG> [botserv say logger] <override>rezedus just said that
  279. <Tenshi> ...
  280. <RoL> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  281. <RichardG> [botserv say logger] <override>Wheatley just said that
  282. <Rye> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  283. <RoL> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  284. <RichardG> [botserv say logger] <override>Claudia just said that
  285. <Rye> !lovecalc ayy lmao
  286. <Rye> huh
  287. <maelask> ayy lmoo
  288. <RoL> !lovecalc cishet nigger
  289. <Tenshi> k
  290. <Tenshi> time to bring up a bot
  291. <Jelle> !lovecalc je moeder
  292. <CuteB0t> The probability of je and moeder having a successful relationship is 74 percent.
  293. <Tenshi> to bruteforce rezedus' ns pass
  294. <Jelle> LOL
  295. <Rye> lol
  296. <Rye> no need for that
  297. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Rye Wack0
  298. <Tenshi> well the bot is lolignoring me
  299. <rezedus> !lovecalc Rye reversing
  300. <CuteB0t> The probability of Rye and reversing having a successful relationship is 43 percent.
  301. <Tenshi> wait
  302. <Tenshi> i can change rezedus' pass
  303. <Tenshi> using os override :>
  304. <rezedus> you won't.
  305. <Jelle> !lovecalc moeder vader
  306. <CuteB0t> The probability of moeder and vader having a successful relationship is 70 percent.
  307. <Tenshi> then drop the lolignore
  308. <Jelle> only 80 percent?
  309. <Tenshi> because if you want war
  310. <Jelle> meh
  311. <Tenshi> well
  312. <Tenshi> believe me
  313. <Tenshi> you will lose :>
  314. <Jelle> 70*
  315. <Tenshi> ... wait
  316. <maelask> !lovecalc meober whagby
  317. <CuteB0t> The probability of meober and whagby having a successful relationship is 8 percent.
  318. * Tenshi has quit (Changing host)
  319. * Tenshi (rezedus@depressed.and.feeling.nothing) has joined
  320. * sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  321. * gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  322. * gives voice to Tenshi
  323. <Tenshi> ohhh
  324. <Tenshi> nice pass there rye ;)
  325. <Tenshi> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  326. <rezedus> !lovecalc Tenshi Rye
  327. <CuteB0t> The probability of Tenshi and Rye having a successful relationship is 41 percent.
  328. <rezedus> works perfectly there :)
  329. <Jelle> !lovecalc Kelton Claudia
  330. <CuteB0t> The probability of Kelton and Claudia having a successful relationship is 65 percent.
  331. <Jelle> woo
  332. * Tenshi has quit (Changing ident)
  333. * Tenshi (riley@depressed.and.feeling.nothing) has joined
  334. * sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  335. * gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  336. * gives voice to Tenshi
  337. * Tenshi is now known as Rye_
  338. <Rye_> :>
  339. <Rye_> !lovecalc fuck off
  340. <Rye_> how...
  341. <Jelle> oh
  342. <Rye_> i am indistinguishable from the real rye
  343. <Rye_> ah i see now
  344. <Rye_> #somariteam
  345. <Rye_> new wintalk
  346. * Cannot join #somariteam (Channel is invite only)
  347. <Rye_> *S*O*M*A*R*I*T*E*A*M* :: Ridding the Internet of Battler since 2010.
  348. <Rye_> ...
  349. <user99672> where is that
  350. <Rye_> nowhere
  351. <Rye_> but
  352. <Rye_> #1 is a VERY suspicious channel
  353. <rezedus> !lovecalc Rye_ impostering
  354. <CuteB0t> The probability of Rye_ and impostering having a successful relationship is 84 percent.
  355. <Rye_> and what a coincidence
  356. <rezedus> LOL
  357. <Rye_> staff is lucas
  358. <Rye_> rezedus
  359. <Rye_> maelask
  360. <Rye_> hounsell
  361. <Rye_> basically our resident anti-battler faction
  362. <RichardG> suspiciously suspicious channel
  363. <RelaXy> Rye_, having fun?
  364. * Rye_ is now known as Tenshi
  365. <RichardG> somari? why would one name a channel after a bad NES game
  366. <Rye> nope
  367. * Tenshi has quit (Changing host)
  368. * Tenshi ( has joined
  369. * sets mode +q on #RoL Tenshi
  370. * gives channel operator status to Tenshi
  371. * gives voice to Tenshi
  372. <Tenshi> but please rye
  373. <Tenshi> for the love of god
  374. <Tenshi> change your ns pass
  375. <RelaXy> why would you even auth with it
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