
Zuikaku LN Volume 1 Part 2 - The Trial Seas

Mar 15th, 2015
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  1. >鶴翼之絆 第二章 試煉之海
  2. >The Bond's of the Crane's Wings, Part 2 - The Trial Seas
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  9. 瑞鶴跟加賀那場對決的五天後──鎮守府的門前朝霧彌漫。
  10. >5 days after Zuikaku and Kaga's face-off, the gate of the Naval District was shrouded in the morning mist.
  11. 外面充斥著合乎初冬時令的冷冽空氣。頭上是變得光禿禿的樹枝,腳下則是無數的紅色落葉。太陽尚未完全升起,天色微暗。
  12. >The outside air was chilly, as would be expected of the early winter. Embracing their winter baldness, the trees covered the ground underfoot with their cast-off crimson leaf toupees. The sun had not yet risen, and the last fingers of the previous night gamely struggled on.
  13. 「嗚嗚~還是一樣冷……!」
  14. >"Uuuu~as cold as always....!"
  15. 瑞鶴一走出大門,便忍不住以雙手抱住自己的身體。她吐出的氣息一片白,身上則是戰鬥時的裝備──換句話說,大腿一帶相當冷。
  16. >No sooner had Zuikaku left the main gate that she found herself incapable of resisting a shiver, her breath forming a white cloud in front of her. Her combat uniform left much to be desired when it came to warming her legs.
  17. 「雖然只是程度問題,但還是好羨慕穿長襪的加賀學姊她們啊……」
  18. >"It's not that big a deal, but I could really do with Kaga-senpai's stockings right now..."
  19. 「不可以示弱喔,瑞鶴。」
  20. >"We can't show weakness, Zuikaku."
  21. 背後的翔鶴一副當以爲常的樣子回應。
  22. >Shoukaku, following behind her, seemed teh same as always.
  23. 「習慣寒冷也是訓練的一環……說不定哪天會在比這裏還冷的地方作戰喲。」
  24. >"Acclimating to the cold is a type of training as well....who knows, one day we may have to fight on battlefields even colder than this."
  25. 「寒冷的地方有阿留申就夠了啦……」
  26. >"Even colder? The Aleutians were bad enough..."
  27. 中途島海戰後,瑞鶴曾與輕型航母龍骥、瑞鳳一起前往北方,支援阿留申攻略作戰。
  28. >After Midway, Zuikaku and the Light Carriers Ryuujou and Zuihou had went together to the North to support the Aleutian Islands operation.
  29. 聽到瑞鶴的抱怨,翔鶴輕笑一聲接著說下去。
  30. >Hearing Zuikaku's complaints, Shoukaku laughed lightly before continuing.
  31. 「更何況,你也不想讓那些孩子們看見自己丟臉的樣子吧?」
  32. >"Plus, you wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of those children, right?"
  33. 「早安!翔鶴姊、瑞鶴姊!」
  34. >"Good morning! Shoukaku-nee, Zuikaku-nee!"
  35. 正門被用力拉開,從中奔出數名個頭嬌小的艦娘。
  36. >With a bit of effort, the main gate was pulled upon, and from inside came several little shipgirls.
  37. 吹雪、矶波、深雪──都是吹雪型驅逐艦娘。三人和瑞鶴、翔鶴一樣,穿著戰鬥時的裝備暴露在寒風下。她們今天早上似乎輪空──遠征任務和早餐的准備都由別人負責。
  38. >Fubuki, Isonami, Miyuki--all Destroyer-type shipgirls of the Fubuki class. All three wore their combat uniforms in the winter wind, just like Shoukaku and Zuikaku. It seemed they had free time today--expedition duty and breakfast duty had both fallen on others.
  39. 吹雪型是所謂「特型」驅逐艦的第一系列,在她們剛完工的年代,那超出一般認知的續航距離與重武裝帶給列強不小的沖擊。鎮守府裏也有許多同型艦娘,可以說她們是鎮守府的招牌。
  40. >The Fubuki-class was the first of the so-called "special-type" destroyers, carrying armament and range unparalleled by ships of their class and generation. There were many shipgirls of this class and its derivatives in the Naval District--it was almost as if they were the District's Mascot.
  41. 向兩人打招呼的是吹雪。她很符合吹雪型1號艦的定位,在同型艦中成了領袖。
  42. >The one who had greeted the two was Fubuki. Well-suited to the role of name-ship, she served as the leader to the other shipgirls of her class.
  43. 「似乎會是個好天氣呢!今天也努力地晨練吧!」
  44. >"Seems like some great weather, huh? Let's train early and hard today as well!"
  45. 「咦、呃,嗯……」
  46. >"Eh? Uh, yeah......"
  47. 瑞鶴苦笑。驅逐艦們即使衣著單薄仍然精神抖擻,吹雪並非特例。
  48. >Zuikaku forced a grin. In spite of their thin clothing, the destroyers were full of vigor, and Fubuki was no exception.
  49. 從跟加賀對決的隔天開始,瑞鶴便在翔鶴的建議下每天慢跑當晨間訓練。
  50. >From the day after the face-off with Kaga, Zuikaku had taken up daily jogs as morning training as Shoukaku had suggested.
  51. 盡管瑞鶴不太清楚這麽做的效果何在,但因爲是姊姊翔鶴說的,所以她沒想太多就贊同並參加了。
  52. >Though Zuikaku was not quite sure whether there would be any effect, it had been her sister Shoukaku's suggestion, and so she had taken up the suggestion without much thought.
  53. 對于驅逐艦們來說,晨跑似乎是例行公事,因此瑞鶴與翔鶴每天都會碰到她們。
  54. >For the destroyers, the morning jog appeared to be a morning routine, and so Zuikaku and Shoukaku regularly bumped into them.
  55. 在翔鶴這五天的訓練──室內授課與室外操練之下,瑞鶴的技巧有了飛躍性的提升,即使是長距離航海也能順利完成。今天則預定要在晨跑與早餐後開始進行正規訓練。
  56. >Under Shoukaku's past five days of tutelage (a combination of indoor tutoring and outdoor training) Zuikaku's skills had improved dramatically, such that she could now do long-distance cruises. Today's schedule was a morning jog and breakfast, followed by standard training.
  57. 據翔鶴所言,要瑞鶴上前線的出擊命令這幾天就會下來。
  58. >According to Shoukaku, the order for Zuikaku to join the front lines would come within a few days.
  59. 照原先的預定,這道命令會在提督詢問瑞鶴是否要以艦娘身分戰鬥的兩周後下來,當成最後一道測驗;不過瑞鶴的訓練進度比想像中快,預定因此提前。
  60. >As per the agreement with the Admiral, this order originally constituted the final stretch of the two-week trial period in which Zuikaku decided whether she wanted to serve as a shipgirl. However, Zuikaku's training had long since outpaced the plans for the original trial period, and so the test had been moved up.
  61. 吹雪做了些伸展運動後,很有精神地向瑞鶴她們說道:
  62. >After some stretches, Fubuki spoke to Zuikaku and Shoukaku excitedly
  63. 「好,我們走吧!晨間訓練愈認真肚子就愈容易餓,早飯也會變得更好吃!」
  64. >"Well, we're off! Earnest training brings an empty stomach and a tastier breakfast!"
  65. 還沒等到回應,吹雪就已飛奔而出。其他艦娘們也拿起裝備跟在後頭。
  66. >With that, Fubuki charged off without waiting for a response. Picking up their equipment, the other shipgirls followed
  67. 「天氣這麽冷,她們可真有精神……」
  68. >"They sure are lively for such cold weather...."
  69. 瑞鶴傻眼地嘀咕,翔鶴再度輕笑後,以佩服的口氣回答:
  70. >Zuikaku's dumbfounded whisper was met with another tinkling laugh from Shoukaku and a rather admiring response.
  71. 「那些孩子雖然不像我們這樣頻繁地上前線,卻在護衛船隊、運輸物資、救援孤立的一般市民等方面大爲活躍喔。就某種意味上,她們所體驗的戰鬥比我們更爲嚴苛……」
  72. >"Those children may not fight at the very front like we do, but they more than make up for it serving as escorts, transporting supplies, and rescuing civilians. In a certain sense, their battles are even rougher than ours..."
  73. 「這樣啊。在這裏也一樣呢……」
  74. >"Ah, so it's like that here to...."
  75. 瑞鶴颔首表示理解。
  76. >Zuikaku nodded in understanding.
  77. 在「那場戰爭」中驅逐艦被稱爲「車夫」,跟其他軍艦相比總是矮了一截。然而,自從戰況陷入劣勢後,她們就成了消耗戰的主角在戰場上來回奔波,活躍程度不輸主力。
  78. >In "That War", the diminutive destroyers were known as the "rickshaw drivers". And yet once the tides of war had changed for the worse, they became the main characters in a war of attrition, working with a diligence and vigor that rivaled the main force.
  79. 艦娘們也繼承了那樣的靈魂──
  80. >The shipgirls, too, had inherited this kind of soul--
  81. 「那我們走吧,瑞鶴。」
  82. >"Well then let's go, Zuikaku."
  83. 「嗯!」
  84. >"mm!"
  85. 不能讓她們看見自己丟臉的樣子──感受到翔鶴話語份量的瑞鶴,也跟著跑了起來。
  86. >They couldn't embarrass themselves in front of those children--feeling the weight of Shoukaku's words, Zuikaku also launched into a run.
  87. 慢跑路線包含了鄰近鎮守府的港口小鎮。朝陽下,艦娘們沿著保護小鎮的堤防奔跑。
  88. >The jogging route passed through the small port town that neighbored the Naval District. Under the morning sun, the shipgirls run along the town's protective seawall.
  89. 種種景物自眼前流過。染上朝陽的鎮景、飛舞于空的海鳥、准備出航工作而不停發出聲音的小型漁船、淹沒沙灘後退去的海浪。瑞鶴還是軍艦的時代,似乎也有這樣的景象。
  90. >Various scenes and objects flew past--the town, dyed in the morning sun; the seagulls, dancing in the sky; the countless fishing boats squeaking, whistling and jostling as they went out to work; the tide, advancing and then retreating from the beaches. In Zuikaku's warship days, these scenes had existed as well.
  91. 「話又說回來、爲什麽大家……都還穿著戰鬥時的裝備?」
  92. >"Now that I think about it, why does everyone wear their equipment?"
  93. 呼吸有些紊亂的瑞鶴問道。她覺得如果只是慢跑,換成別的裝扮應該也可以。
  94. >Zuikaku inquired, slightly out of breath. After all, if it was jogging, why not change into something more fitting?
  95. 跑在旁邊的吹雪口氣認真地回答:
  96. >Running alongside her, Fubuki responded with a serious face.
  97. 「晨練也是重要的鍛煉,穿得跟上戰場時一樣比較會有精神!何況……」
  98. >"Morning exercise is a type of combat training too! If we're dressed like we are on the battlefield we can get a little more hype! Also..."
  99. 「何況?」
  100. >"Also?"
  101. 吹雪有些爲難地苦笑。
  102. >Fubuki's smile looked a little awkward this time around.
  103. 「司令官說『這樣比較可愛,而可愛的你們並肩奔跑時,看起來就像一幅畫』……」
  104. >"The Commander said that 'this is cuter! All you cute girls running shoulder to shoulder like that makes the perfect kodak moment'...."
  105. (那、那個男人…………!)
  106. >(T-that man......!)
  107. 瑞鶴不禁伸手扶額。吹雪口中的「司令官」當然就是指提督,不少艦娘這麽稱呼他。
  108. >Zuikaku put a hand to her forehead. The "Commander" Fubuki mentioned, of course, was the Admiral. Quite a few shipgirls preferred to refer to him that way.
  109. 「提督是性騷擾慣犯」這點,瑞鶴已經聽說過很多次了。
  110. >Zuikaku had already heard tales of the Admiral's sexual harassment exploits many times already.
  111. 這人一有機會就掀艦娘的裙子、動不動就摸頭、摸裝備──似乎非常放肆。
  112. >Given the chance, the man would readily and brazenly peek under skirts, rub heads and touch equipment without a second thought.
  113. 幸好瑞鶴還沒碰過這種事。或許是到任當天的那一擊生效了也說不定。
  114. >Luckily, Zuikaku had not yet been a target of these things--perhaps a legacy of their first meeting.
  115. 「啊,不過這樣也有好處喔,你看!」
  116. >"Ah, but it does have its perks. Look!"
  117. 吹雪連忙指向前方。
  118. >Fubuki hurriedly pointed in front of her.
  119. 許多人爲了通勤、通學、購物而走在堤防道路上。他們幾乎都會對艦娘揮手致意,並且露出信賴的眼神。其中也有小學生與幼稚園生,能聽到他們大喊「艦娘姊姊們加油!」、「別輸給深海棲艦!」之類的話。
  120. >Countless shoppers, commuters and students walked on the road along the seawall. Almost all of them waved to the shipgirls, their eyes glowing with familiarity. Among them were elementary schoolers and preschoolers, raucously cheering the shipgirls on with shouts of "Shipgirl Onee-sans, good luck!", "Don't lose to the Abyssals" and the like.
  121. 驅逐艦們興奮地揮手回應大家。面帶微笑的翔鶴優雅地效法她們──滿懷疑惑的瑞鶴也跟著做。
  122. >The Destroyers, in turn, eagerly returned their waves. Laughing gently, Shoukaku followed in elegant fashion--as did Zuikaku, albeit with some hesitation.
  123. 大致上打完招呼後,吹雪開口:
  124. >Once the greetings hard largely ended, Fubuki spoke.
  125. 「我們沒辦法跟民衆們過同樣的生活,鎮守府除了開放日以外也幾乎不會有訪客,因此像這樣跟大家接觸的機會非常寶貴。」
  126. >"We can't live the same way as the civilians. The Naval District hasn't had many visitors since opening day either, so being able to meet and talk to everyone like this is really precious."
  127. 「偶爾也會有人給我們點心或飲料呢~!」
  128. >"Sometimes they even give us snacks or drinks~!"
  129. 從後趕上的深雪開心地跟進。跟在她旁邊的矶波則害羞地接下去:
  130. >Catching up from behind, Miyuki joined into the conversation with a grin. At her side, an embarrassed Isonami spoke up:
  131. 「平常爲了避免引人注目,我們都會卸下裝備再外出,所以像這樣能讓大家知道自己是艦娘的機會很少……」
  132. >"We normally go out without our equipment in order to avoid attracting attention, so we don't often get the chance to show everyone that we're shipgirls..."
  133. 接著,她以滿足的表情補充。
  134. >With a satisfied expression, she continued.
  135. 「而且,最近我們護衛船隊有了成效,現在物資能夠從大陸輸入本土,便利商店和超市擺出了各種商品,笑容也回到大家臉上……看到大家高興的樣子,我也很開心。」
  136. >"Plus, thanks to our convoys, supplies have been able to come in from the Continent. Now the convenience stores and supermarkets have stuff are packed again, and the smiles are back on everyone's faces.....seeing everyone happy makes me happy as well."
  137. 先前上室內課時,瑞鶴聽說深海棲艦出現大約是十年前的事;在那之前這個世界似乎長期維持在和平狀態,頂多有些小紛爭。便利商店、超市、以及行動電話等文化,也是因此而誕生。
  138. >During indoor studies, Zuikaku had heard that the appearance of the abyssals had occurred a decade ago; the world before that had been largely at peace for some time, interrupted by a few disputes at best. It was in this time that the convenience store, supermarket, the cell phone and other aspects of modern culture had developed.
  139. 這些文化雖然因爲深海棲艦的出現而陷入危機,但多虧了艦娘們的登場與活躍,至少這個國家已逐漸恢複之前的狀況──
  140. >While this culture had been momentarily threatened by the abyssals, the arrival and battles of the shipgirls had returned some semblance of the prewar status quo to this nation, at least--
  141. 「原來如此……」
  142. >"I see...."
  143. 瑞鶴點點頭,覺得自己似乎能明白提督要大家穿戰鬥裝備晨練的心情。
  144. >Zuikaku nodded, feeling that she now understood why the Admiral had wanted everyone to keep their equipment on.
  145. (至少要在這種時候讓這些孩子得到贊美嗎……)
  146. >(At least this way these kids can get praised.)
  147. 希望在暗處默默努力的驅逐艦們,能夠看見她們努力的成果──或許是因爲這種關懷也說不定。
  148. >These efforts perhaps allowed the destroyers, used to fighting in thankless silence, to witness the results of their hard work .
  149. 特別是像吹雪型這樣的特型,鋒頭總會被陽炎型那種相對新穎的驅逐艦搶走。
  150. >This was especially true for the Fubuki-class and their predecessors, whose glories in combat were often stolen by the newer and more advanced Kagerou-class, among others.
  151. (不愧是提督……雖然只要老實地稱贊她們就行了……)
  152. >(As expected of the admiral.....on the other hand, is it that hard for him just to praise them honestly?)
  153. 瑞鶴苦笑。不管真正的理由爲何,「提督是個難以捉摸的人物」這點依舊不變。
  154. >Zuikaku smiled wryly. Regardless of the real reason, the saying that "the Admiral is a hard guy to understand" remained as true as always.
  155. 「唉,不過像我這樣的美少女,就算沒有裝備也能吸引大家的目光就是了……」
  156. >"Eh, but beautiful girls like us could catch everyone's attention, even without our equipment...."
  157. 「叢雲,你這話有點……」
  158. >"Murakumo, that's a little...."
  159. 聽到吹雪型中唯一具有近未來風格外表的叢雲如此發言,白雪便露出苦笑。其他的吹雪型似乎也有同感。
  160. >Hearing the Fubuki-class' only futuristic-looking shipgirl Murakumo's statement, Shirayuki smiled awkwardly. The other members of the Fubuki-class seemed to share their sentiment.
  161. 「……話又說回來,爲什麽我們會以女孩子的外型誕生呢?」
  162. >"....speaking of which, why were we all born with the appearance of girls?"
  163. 叢雲的台詞引發了瑞鶴的聯想,疑問不禁脫口而出。翔鶴微笑著回答:
  164. >Murakumo's musings had aroused a question from Zuikaku, who spoke before she could restrain herself. Smiling lightly, Shoukaku responded,
  165. 「海之民祈求航海安全的神叫做船魂,據說祂是個女孩子。或許我們之所以會用這種樣子出現,就跟這件事有什麽關系也說不定呢。雖然這只不過是推測……」
  166. >"Those who live on the seas pray to a deity 'Spirit of the Ships' for safety, and apparently it takes the form of a girl. Perhaps that is why we appear with this appearance, or perhaps that is simply one of many reasons. Of course, this is all just speculation...."
  167. 「這麽想或許也不壞呢……」
  168. >"Eh, that might not be that bad a way of thinking about it."
  169. 瑞鶴若有所悟地低語。然而,不知爲何翔鶴卻神情複雜地緊閉雙唇。
  170. >Zuikaku muttered, satisfied. Shoukaku, however, closed her mouth with a complicated expression.
  171. 慢跑完畢回到鎮守府時,朝陽已完全升起,朝霧也消失無蹤。
  172. >By the time they had finished their jog and returned to the naval district, the sun had already risen, dispelling the last vestiges of the morning mist.
  173. 「呼,果然每天早上都跑就不會覺得痛苦了呢……」
  174. >" really isn't that bad once you do it every morning..."
  175. 渾身火熱的瑞鶴揮手替自己搧風。翔鶴則拿了幾條毛巾走近。
  176. >Burning all over, Zuikaku fanned herself with her hand. Shoukaku came over, carrying several towels.
  177. 周圍還有好幾名個頭嬌小的妖精──她們似乎也幫了翔鶴的忙。
  178. >Several tiny fairies surrounded them, seemingly having helped Shoukaku out.
  179. 這些妖精連瑞鶴也不曉得來頭,只知道鎮守府裏至少有幾十個;她們會幫忙艦娘處理些日常瑣事,或是在實戰中操作裝備等等。
  180. >Zuikaku had no clue where these fairies came from--all she knew was that quite a few of these inhabited the Naval District. They helped the shipgirls with daily chores and manned some of the equipment in battle.
  181. 「來,瑞鶴,毛巾。艦娘似乎也會感冒,所以要把汗擦乾喔。」
  182. >"Here, Shoukaku, a towel. Shipgirls can apparently get sick too, so make sure you wipe yourself dry."
  183. 「啊!謝謝你,翔鶴姊!」
  184. >"Ah, thank you, Shoukaku-nee!"
  185. 「大家也要注意喔。還有別忘了伸展操。」
  186. >"Same goes for everyone. And don't forget to finish your stretches."
  187. 「好~!」驅逐艦們一邊大聲回應,一邊從翔鶴手裏接過毛巾擦汗。看在眼裏的翔鶴,就像個關心孩子的母親般露出微笑。
  188. >"Yeah~!" The destroyers responded loudly as they took towels from Shoukaku's hand. Shoukaku smiled, a caring mother surrounded by her children.
  189. 瑞鶴暗自佩服姊姊的體貼周到。
  190. >Zuikaku secretly admired her sister's thoughtfulness as well.
  191. (果然,翔鶴姊跟我完全不一樣呢……)
  192. >(As expected, Shoukaku-nee is nothing like me...)
  193. 這麽說來,聽說翔鶴是半年前來到這個鎮守府。
  194. >Speaking of which, she had heard that Shoukaku had come half a year ago to the Naval District.
  195. 雖然不知道艦娘們的戰鬥是從什麽時候開始,但從驅逐艦們這麽信賴翔鶴看來,她或許算得上是元老。
  196. >While it was unclear when the shipgirl's part of the war had began, the respect shown by the destroyers to Shoukaku suggested that she was one of the first to heed the call.
  197. (真令人崇拜呢……)
  198. >(sure is impressive....)
  199. 心裏這麽想的瑞鶴走向大門──
  200. >Thinking this, Zuikaku walked to the main gate--
  201. 「……!」
  202. >".....!"
  203. 背後有氣息──瑞鶴驚覺地轉頭,發現數架艦載機俯沖而來。盡管不至于撞上,瑞鶴依舊下意識地側身。
  204. >A breath behind her--shocked, Zuikaku turned--to see several carrier planes charging at her. Zuikaku subconsciously turned aside--it might not be a crash, but better safe than sorry..
  205. 瑞鶴耳裏聽著翔鶴「沒事吧,瑞鶴!」的聲音,同時環顧起周圍。
  206. >Hearing Shoukaku's "are you alright, Zuikaku!", Zuikaku scanned her surroundings.
  207. 「什麽人!居然做出這種跟偷襲沒兩樣的事……給我出來!」
  208. >"Who goes there? To just attack someone out of the blue like that....out with you!"
  209. 「相當厲害呢。不愧是實力得到加賀學姊認可的航母──但因此自滿可就不好啰!」
  210. >"Not bad. As expected of the carrier recognized by Kaga-senpai--but that's no reason to get overconfident!"
  211. 鎮守府的屋頂上響起一個高亢的嗓音,于是瑞鶴與翔鶴轉頭看去。
  212. >From the Naval District's rooftop rang a resounding voice, and Zuikaku immediately looked up.
  213. 瑞鶴的視野裏,出現一名盤著雙臂站在屋頂上的艦娘。她的頭上有數架艦載機,但造型跟瑞鶴、翔鶴那種弓道服式的衣裝不同,反而近似于陰陽師。胸口的勾玉特別引人注意。
  214. >In her vision loomed a shipgirl, standing on the rooftop with arms crossed. Several carrier planes lay on her head--but not a type Zuikaku had seen before. Rather than Zuikaku and Shoukaku's archery uniforms, hers resembled that of an Onmyoji. The hooked jewel on her breast was especially eyecatching.
  215. 她的飛行甲板也不是瑞鶴那種肩甲狀,似乎是張攤開的卷軸。而且,卷軸上頭還有好幾張剪成艦載機形狀的紙片──既然是陰陽師打扮,那麽艦載機大概是式神吧。
  216. >Her flight deck, meanwhile, was not a shoulder guard such as Zuikaku's, but a roll-out scroll. Additionally, several vaguely plane-shaped pieces of paper lay on the scroll. Given the onmyoji getup, those carrier planes were probably shikigami.
  217. 「你是……?」
  218. >"You are....?"
  219. 「今後就由我出雲……更正,由我飛鷹代替一航戰的學姊們指導你,做好心理准備吧!我們可是很厲害!」(注:飛鷹原爲商船「出雲丸」,隼鷹則爲商船「橿原丸」。)
  220. >"From here on out, I, Izum--rather, I, Hiyou, will instruct you in the place of the Senpai of the 1stCarDiv. Prepare yourself! I'm quite good!"
  221. 「『飛鷹』是那艘輕型航母飛鷹……?話說回來,既然要用這種方式登場,就別弄錯自己的名字啦!」
  222. >"'Hiyou' was that light carrier, right....? And anyway, don't fuck up your own name if you're going to make an entrance like that!"
  223. 瑞鶴忍不住吐槽。接著,從飛鷹背後現身的另一位航母艦娘帶著苦笑嘀咕:
  224. >Zuikaku could not help a snarky retort. From behind Hiyou, another carrier shipgirl interjected with a wry laugh.
  225. 「我每次都會提醒,但你老是改不掉呢。是不是因爲內在還是以前那個大小姐啊?」
  226. >"I try to remind you every time, but you keep on forgetting. 's it because you're still that lil' Ojou-sama from back then?"
  227. 「啰、啰唆隼鷹!總而言之,提督命令我來指導你們……所以給我老實地接受!」
  228. >"S-shut up, Junyou! Anyway, the Admiral has instructed me to teach you'd better prepare yourself!"
  229. 「哎呀,她的意思應該是『雖然我們來鎮守府的時間也不長,不過同樣是中途島海戰後的主力,大家就互相切磋砥砺吧』啦~」
  230. >"Ahh, what she's trying to say is that 'even though I haven't been at the Naval District long either, I, too, was also a part of the main force after Midway, so let's get along', or something like that~"
  231. 「真是的隼鷹!我難得想表現得潇灑一點,這不是全被你搞砸了嗎!」
  232. >"Really now, Junyou! I pull off this stylish introduction and then you go and mess it up!"
  233. 隼鷹無奈地再度吐槽,飛鷹則是不斷反駁。至于翔鶴與瑞鶴,只能啞口無言地看著兩人你來我往。
  234. >Unimpressed, Junyou chuckled mockingly as Hiyou retorted. As for Shoukaku and Zuikaku, they could only watch wordlessly, reduced to spectators in this heated exchange.
  236. 2
  237. >2.
  238. 「今天要舉行艦隊演習,替訓練收尾。」
  239. >"Today we're going to wrap up training with a Fleet Exercise."
  240. 翔鶴一邊在鎮守府近海的水面上移動,一邊對瑞鶴說話。
  241. >Shoukaku traversed the surface of the waters around the Naval District as she explained to Zuikaku.
  242. 結束上午的室內課並吃完午餐後,兩人前往演習海域。
  243. >Having finished their afternoon indoor lessons and lunch, the two headed towards the Practice Waters.
  244. 天空萬裏無雲,海面以冬季來說也顯得頗爲平靜。遠方能看見圍住鎮守府的海岸線與披上植被的群山。
  245. >Under a barren and cloudless sky, the seas murmured with a tranquility that was a little unusual for the winter. In the distance one could see the shoreline surrounding the Naval District and the woody mountains that lay behind it.
  246. 「所謂的演習,簡單來說就是艦娘彼此交戰吧?就像我之前和加賀學姊戰鬥那樣?」
  247. >"These so-called fleet exercises are basically just a battle between shipgirls, right? Like my battle with Kaga-senpai earlier?"
  248. 「對呀。不過,這次的艦隊演習是艦隊之間的戰鬥喔。畢竟我們航母要和其他艦種搭配才能發揮實力。」
  249. >"That's right. However, this battle will be a battle between fleets. After all, we carriers can only reach our true potential with other ships."
  250. 瑞鶴會意地點點頭。
  251. >Zuikaku nodded in understanding.
  252. 航母這種船艦,能夠靠著艦載機攻擊遠在戰艦和重巡射程外的敵人,因此攻擊力壓倒性地強大。相對地,航母的防禦力連重巡都不如,有可能被一擊重創。
  253. >Aircraft carriers formed an impressive attack force, capable of using their planes to strike far beyond the reach of Battleships and Heavy Cruisers. Defensively, however, carrier armor could not even match that of the Heavy Cruisers--a single hit could well spell disaster.
  254. 翔鶴、瑞鶴以及其他航母艦娘們也繼承了這項特性。因此跟護衛艦艇之間的合作對航母來說攸關生死。
  255. >Shoukaku, Zuikaku and the other carriers had inherited these strengths and weaknesses. As such, working with the fleet escorts was a matter of life and death for a carrier.
  256. 「一來護衛艦艇在防空戰鬥的對空炮火不可或缺,二來跟深海棲艦戰鬥時,第二波以後的攻擊往往得在距離敵軍極近處讓攻擊隊起飛。因此,我們經常會被扯進炮擊戰裏。」
  257. >"Firstly, gun fire is absolutely indispensable when it comes to defending against air attacks. Secondly, battles with the abyssals usually lead to us closing to shelling distance by the time we launch our second wave. As a result, we often find ourselves under fire in the thick of battle."
  258. 「所以才說跟其他艦娘的合作很重要……」
  259. "That's why it's important to work with the other shipgirls..."
  260. 「嗯。艦隊編組最多只能到六人,因此跟『那場戰爭』相比可以說變得更重要了。」
  261. "Mmm. The maximum size of a fleet here is six ships. You could say that teamwork has become even more important than it was in 'That War.'"
  262. 投入實戰的艦娘之所以最多六人,是因爲一旦聚集了超過這個數字的艦娘,深海棲艦就會偵測到我軍行進的航線,導致中伏擊的機率大增。雖然原理不明,但深海棲艦似乎具備了這種未知的情報搜集能力。不過或許就是因爲這樣,深海棲艦的艦隊也總是在六艘以下。
  263. >Only six shipgirls could engage in a battle at once--it seemed that the abyssals were capable of detecting larger fleets by some yet-unknown method, savaging it with constant ambushes. Perhaps of this, however, the abyssal fleets also never exceeded six ships in size.
  264. 「而且,深海棲艦也會像我們這樣編組以航母爲主力的艦隊,組成機動部隊彼此交戰用的陣型。所以,航母機動部隊之間的艦隊演習,最適合當成實戰的預演。」
  265. >"Moreover, the abyssals also integrate carriers into their striking forces, forming carrier task forces and using formations just like us. As such, Exercises between carrier forces is the best training for the real battle."
  266. 「感覺實在不怎麽好呢……」
  267. >"That's really kind of unpleasant..."
  268. 瑞鶴老實地把心裏話說出口。到任當天跟提督的對話,以及這些日子在室內課所記住的各級深海棲艦模樣,全都烙印在她的腦中。
  269. >Zuikaku voiced her feelings frankly. The Admiral's words on her first day, and those days studying the various abyssal types during indoor lessons had burned themselves into her mind.
  270. 「湊齊了跟我們一樣的艦種,用跟我們一樣的方式戰鬥,簡直……」
  271. >"The same ship classes, the tactics, the same mode of warfare--it's as if...."
  272. 「簡直像是我們的怨靈?」
  273. >"As if they were vengeful spirits made in our image?"
  274. 翔鶴試探性地詢問。瑞鶴以僵硬的表情點點頭。
  275. >Shoukaku's probing inquiry was met with a nod from the stiff-faced Zuikaku.
  276. 如果說深海棲艦也像自己重生成艦娘一樣,是那場戰爭的負面情感以不同于自己的姿態誕生在這個世界……
  277. >If the abyssals were theoretically a similar type of existence to the shipgirls, then they must be all the rage, regret, despair and negativity from 'That War,' incarnated in human form in this world...
  278. 「就像提督說的,我們幾乎完全不了解深海棲艦。說不定,只是跟人類完全不同的生物基于合理性而進化,路線卻剛好跟人類的兵器體系一樣也說不定。」
  279. >"As the Admiral said, we have virtually no understanding of the shipgirls. For all we know, they may simply be a case of convergent evolution, completely inhuman organisms whose development has given them a coincidental resemblance to the weapons of man.
  280. 煩惱些不會明白的事也沒用──翔鶴的意思是這個。
  281. >In other words, Shoukaku was saying that there was no point in dwelling on the unknown.
  282. 「不過,既然對話無法成立,我們也只能戰鬥了。深海棲艦每一艘都很強大,而且數量多得像是無限,絕對不能掉以輕心……」
  283. >"Regardless, what is true is that we cannot communicate with them, and so we must fight. Each Abyssal is quite strong, and their numbers are virtually unlimited--only a fool would drop their guard around them."
  284. 瑞鶴感到自己全身僵硬。
  285. >Zuikaku felt herself stiffen.
  286. 跟無限湧出的敵人戰鬥。既然彼此無法對話,代表跟那場「戰爭」不一樣,可能得打到其中一方全滅才會結束。
  287. >A battle against an unending enemy. This was not like "That War"--there was no negotiation or arbitration, but a war whose end could only via complete annihilation of one side.
  288. (要勝過那種對手,也只能像這樣磨練自己的戰技了呢……)
  289. >(Against an enemy such as this, there was no option but to train for endless war.)
  290. 前些日子跟加賀的戰鬥浮上腦海。或許正是因爲明白這場戰爭的殘酷,加賀才會指正瑞鶴的大意吧。
  291. >The battle with Kaga from several days past floated into her mind. Perhaps it was Kaga's awareness of the cruelty of this war that she had fought so hard to point out Zuikaku's carelessness.
  292. (既然如此,那剛才的飛鷹又是怎麽回事……?)
  293. >(If that's the case, then what was that thing with Hiyou about....?)
  294. 正如隼鷹所言,飛鷹、隼鷹這兩艘飛鷹型,曾是戰功可與翔鶴型相比的航母。
  295. >As Junyou had said, the two carriers of the Hiyou-class had accolades and achievements that compared with those of the Shoukaku-class.
  296. 雖然中途島海戰前飛鷹隼鷹被當成二軍,但在那之後她們就跟自己一樣,成了替代四航母的主力航母,參與過多場航母對戰。
  297. >Although they had been a second-line unit at Midway, they had been forced to fill the shoes of the four carriers in its aftermath, serving in various carrier battles.
  298. 根據將自己的記憶還有方才從翔鶴口中聽到的話,飛鷹沈沒于馬裏亞納海戰,而隼鷹似乎在「那場戰爭」後依然幸存。
  299. >According to Zuikaku's own memories and a few statements from Shoukaku, Hiyou had sunk in the Marianas, while Junyou had survived "THat War."
  300. (確實,她們兩個跟我們一樣是中途島海戰後的主力,立場或許跟我們一樣……)
  301. >(Given, the two of them were also part of the Post-Midway striking force just like me, so maybe they're in a similar position...)
  302. 盡管飛鷹聲稱是「受提督所托」,但從說話的口吻看,飛鷹似乎是出于自願,還隱約有種把瑞鶴她們當成勁敵的感覺。
  303. >Regardless of Hiyou's claims of "orders from the Admiral," it seemed that she had acted of her own volition, perceiving Zuikaku as a rival.
  304. 飛鷹會有那種性格,想來是因爲她原本是民用的豪華遊輪。不過話雖如此……
  305. >Hiyou's attitude was probably because of her past as a former luxury liner. But even so....
  306. (願意指導這點很令人感激,不過擺出一副奇怪的前輩架子實在是……)
  307. >(I'm glad that she's willing to guide me, but that tacky senpai act.....)
  308. 「瑞鶴,可以看見負責護衛的各位啰。」
  309. >"Zuikaku, there's our escorts."
  310. 瑞鶴一往翔鶴所指的方向看去,隨即見到四名艦娘的身影。沒多久雙方就會合了。
  311. >From the direction SHoukaku indicated came the outlines of four shipgirls. They met in no time.
  312. 「今天請多指教啰,五航戰姊妹。」
  313. >"We'll be in each other's care today, Sisters of the 5thCarDiv."
  314. 重巡利根來到兩人身邊看著她們。一旁還有同型艦築摩,以及驅逐艦雪風、卷雲。
  315. >Heavy cruiser Tone regarded the two. Next to her was Chikuma of the same class as well as the destroyers Yukikaze and Makigumo.
  316. 「盡管護衛過一航戰與二航戰好幾次,但同時保護五航戰的兩位倒是第一次。既然艦隊有吾輩在,就不必再擔心索敵啰!」
  317. >"We've covered the 1stCarDiv and the 2ndCarDiv a few times, but this'll be our first time protecting the 5thCarDiv. But now that I'm here, you won't have to worry about finding the enemy y'know (note: I'm using this in place of Tone's "-da zo." I don't know how to approximate "Wagahai," however)!"
  318. 「好的,期待你的活躍。」
  319. >"Very well, we look forwards to your exploits."
  320. 翔鶴開心地露出微笑。瑞鶴也感到安心不少。
  321. >Shoukaku smiled gently. Zuikaku, too, felt a little reassured.
  322. 「那場戰爭」時,利根與築摩最新型的重巡洋艦,她們利用船體後方搭載的許多水上偵察機,在多場戰役擔任機動部隊的眼睛而大爲活躍。對于機動部隊互相交戰的演習,她們可說是最適合與五航戰組隊的艦娘。
  323. >Tone and Chikuma had been the most advanced Heavy Cruiser of "That War." Mounting multiple scout planes on their backs, they had distinguished themselves on multiple battlefields as the fleet's eyes. For the purposes of carrier task force battles, they were the perfect match for the 5thCarDiv.
  324. 「航母對戰重點在于以先制攻擊封鎖敵航母行動,進而確保優勢。所以,我等會專注于索敵,之後的攻擊就交給你們啰。」
  325. >"Carrier Battles are all about getting the first strike and restraining the enemy carrier's movements. As such, I'll make sure to look extra careful. The attacking's going to be up to you, though, y'know."
  326. 「好的。築摩、雪風、卷雲也請多指教。」
  327. >"Alright. Chikuma, Yukikaze, Makigumo, we'll be in your care as well."
  328. 「好的。就請各位多關照姊姊和我了。」
  329. >"Of course. I ask that you all take care of my elder sister and I."
  330. 「了、了解!雪風會加油的!」
  331. >"U-understood! Yukikaze will give it her best!"
  332. 「我也、呃,會全力以赴的!」
  333. >"Me too, uh, I'll do my best!"
  334. 三名艦娘以三種不同的方式回應。此時瑞鶴突然有個念頭。
  335. >The three shipgirls each responded differently in turn. A thought suddenly intruded into Zuikaku's mind.
  336. (這麽說來,我跟加賀學姊戰鬥時,雪風也站在赤城學姊身邊呢……是來觀摩的嗎?)
  337. >(During the battle with Kaga-senpai, Yukikaze had been with Akagi-senpai....was she watching?)
  338. 「剛會合就麻煩大家實在很不好意思,不過演習馬上就要開始了。」
  339. >"It's asking a little much of everyone when we've just met, but the Fleet Exercise is about to begin."
  340. 翔鶴以略帶緊張的聲音宣告。
  341. >Shoukaku spoke with a hint of worry.
  342. 「雖然我也不曉得對方編制如何,但既然目的是訓練我們,代表很可能是機動部隊……不要松懈!」
  343. >"I don't know the enemy's makeup--but since their goal is to train us, it's most likely a carrier task force...we can't let our guard down!"
  344. 「「「「「了解!」」」」」
  345. >"Understood!"
  346. 「旗艦由我翔鶴擔任,請各艦務必依照我的指示行動。我們若要贏過數量占優勢的的深海棲艦,必須仰賴各艦之間缜密的合作。注意不要擅自行動!利根和築摩讓水上偵察機起飛!開始索敵!」
  347. >"I, Shoukaku, will serve as the flagship. Please act by my orders--if we are to win over the overwhelming numbers of the abyssals, we will need to trust each other and fight as one. Don't act on your own! Tone and Chikuma, please launch your recon seaplanes and search for the enemy!"
  348. 「了解!上吧,築摩!」
  349. >"Understood! Let's go, Chikuma!"
  350. 「好的,利根姊!」
  351. >"Yes, Tone nee-san!"
  352. 利根與築摩左手的彈射器指向天空,將裝備在上頭的水上偵察機一架架發射出去。
  353. >Tone and Chikuma pointed the catapults on their right arms towards the heavens, launching their seaplanes into the sky in series.
  354. 「雪風、卷雲擔任前衛,利根和築摩在左右兩側。先組成輪形隊等待敵軍!瑞鶴別離開我身邊!航母是艦隊的核心──不管戰意有多高昂,都該盡量避免待在前方。」
  355. >"Yukikaze, Makigumo, you guys will be vanguard, with Tone and Chikuma taking the flanks. Form up in wheel formation and keep your eyes out for the enemy. Zuikaku, stay by my side. The carriers are the core of the fleet--regardless of your vigor or enthusiasm, avoid waiting in the front."
  356. 「了解!」
  357. >"Understood!"
  358. 瑞鶴待在翔鶴身旁。其他艦娘也按照翔鶴的命令,迅速組成輪形隊──將護衛艦艇配置成甜甜圈狀,保護中央艦艇的防空用艦隊陣型──並繼續前進。
  359. >Zuikaku watched by Shoukaku's side. The other shipgirls followed Shoukaku's orders, forming up quickly into the wheel formation a doughnut of escorts surrounding the center ships in an anti-air formation as they advanced.
  360. (不愧是翔鶴姊……!)
  361. >(As expected of Shoukaku-nee....!)
  362. 瑞鶴佩服地看著接連發號施令的翔鶴。她的熟練程度似乎非比尋常。其他艦娘好像也非常信賴翔鶴,完全遵照命令行動。
  363. >Zuikaku watched Shoukaku as she shot out her orders. That practice confidence was exceptional, as was the way the other shipgirls obeyed wordlessly and perfectly with complete trust.
  364. 「……!找到這回的對手啰,翔鶴!右方二十度,距離五百──正從島嶼後方朝我們沖來!航母兩艘、其他艦艇四艘!」
  365. >"....! Enemy detected, shoukaku! 20 degrees to starboard, distance 500, coming from behind that island! Two carriers, four other ships!"
  366. 「翔鶴小姐,右方上空有攻擊隊!總數百架以上!」
  367. >"Shoukaku-san, attack force, coming from the starboard side! Over a hundred of them!"
  368. 都是來自水上偵察機的報告。
  369. >All this came from the scout planes.
  370. 「在島嶼後方埋伏?不錯的反應呢──全艦,右轉二十度!瑞鶴,要上啰!」
  371. >"An ambush from behind the island? Not a bad plan--all ships, adjust course twenty degrees to starboard! Zuikaku, let's get in there!"
  372. 「是,翔鶴姊!第一波攻擊隊,起飛!」
  373. >"Yes, Shoukaku-nee! 1st Wave, away!"
  374. 翔鶴與瑞鶴朝天射箭,讓攻擊隊起飛。箭矢很快就變爲數倍之多的艦載機,開始在空中集合。幸好早期發現敵軍,在敵機來襲前,應該來得及集合完畢飛向敵艦隊。瑞鶴、翔鶴的艦載機都是零戰、九九艦轟、九七艦攻這些大戰前半的主力機。
  375. >Shoukaku and Zuikaku loosed their arrows into the sky. The arrows instantly burst into carrier planes, multiple for each arrow as they began to form up. It was fortunate that they had detected the enemy before they had struck--with this forewarning, there would probably enough time to form up and charge the enemy fleet. Zuikaku and Shoukaku's planes were all Type 21 Zeroes, Type 99 Dive Bombers and Type 97 Torpedo Bombers--all early war fighters.
  376. 「發現演習對手──敵艦隊了!」
  377. >"Fleet Exercise opponent--Enemy detected!"
  378. 前方擔任前衛的卷雲大喊。瑞鶴與翔鶴朝她所指的方向看去──
  379. >From the front, vanguard Makigumo shouted her warning. Zuikaku and Shoukaku looked at the direction in which she pointed--
  380. 「「飛鷹、隼鷹?」」
  381. >"Hiyou, Junyou?"
  382. 敵艦隊裏有早上引發騷動的兩艘輕型航母,飛鷹和隼鷹。此外還有重巡衣笠、青葉,以及驅逐艦胧、曙。
  383. >WIthin the enemy fleet were the two light carriers responsible for the morning's ruckus, Junyou and Hiyou. With them were the heavy cruisers Kinugasa and Aoba, as well as the destroyers Akebono and Oboro.
  384. 除此之外,對方的艦隊並非輪形隊而是單縱隊──艦娘縱向排成一直線,適合炮雷擊戰的陣型。飛鷹與隼鷹則待在陣型的最前方。
  385. >That aside, the enemy was not advancing in wheel formation, but in line ahead--a straight battleline, suited for shelling. And, at the front of their formation, were Hiyou and Junyou.
  386. 「明明是航母卻帶頭沖鋒?你們在想什──」
  387. >"Carriers leading the charge?! Are you craz--"
  388. 「我依照約定來指導你們了!」
  389. >"As promised, I have come to teach you!"
  390. 飛鷹就像要蓋住瑞鶴聲音似地大喊。她和隼鷹向前突進,沿途掀起大量的水花。
  391. >Hiyou's bellow drowned out Zuikaku's incredulous shout. She and Junyou surged forwards, sea foam blasting in their wake.
  392. 「還有,航母對戰的基本是反覆攻擊!要沖進敵人懷裏不斷送出攻擊隊!新生二航戰的指揮官角田提督,當初也是這樣在南太平洋海戰獲得勝利!」
  393. >"The essentials of carrier warfare are repeated attacks! To charge into the heart of the enemy and bring the fight to them! This is how New 2ndCarDiv commander Kakuda won his victories in the South Pacific!"
  394. 南太平洋海戰是瓜達爾卡納爾攻防戰的一部分,這場機動部隊決戰的後半,角田提督麾下以隼鷹爲主力的新生二航戰,代替受損後退的新生一航戰逼近敵航母,以多達七次的波狀攻擊癱瘓了敵艦。
  395. >The battle of the South Pacific had been a portion of the Battle of Guadalcanal--in the latter half of the decisive battle, the New 2ndCarDiv and Junyou, serving under Admiral Kakuda, had struck in place of the damaged New 1stCarDiv, closing in on the enemy carriers and devastating the paralyzed enemy with seven waves of attacks.
  396. 角田提督是衆所周知的猛將,也深得軍士官兵們的信賴。瑞鶴能理解曾擔任二航戰旗艦的飛鷹爲何如此崇拜他。
  397. >Admiral Kakuda had been an excellent commander who had the love and trust of his subordinates--Zuikaku could understand why Hiyou, flagship of the 2ndCarDiv, would worship him so.
  398. 「不過,我記得那個時候你──」
  399. >"But if I remember correctly, at that time you--"
  400. 「南太平洋海戰的時候,飛鷹根本不在現場嘛──!」
  401. >"Ahyahyahya~ Hiyou warn't there, not in the Battle of the South Pacific!"
  402. 隼鷹就像替瑞鶴補充般地吐槽。
  403. >Junyou chuckled, as if trying to complete Zuikaku's sentence.
  404. 實際上在南太平洋海戰前夕,飛鷹因爲輪機故障而無法參加海戰,被迫將旗艦地位交給隼鷹後撤退。
  405. >Indeed, Hiyou had been forced to hand over the flagship position to Junyou, unable to take part in the battle due to a malfunction in her turbine.
  406. 「啰、啰唆!我當二航戰旗艦的時間比你長,所以我也有資格說這些話啦!」
  407. >"S-shut up! I was flagship of the 2ndCarDiv longer than you were, so I have more right to talk about this!"
  408. 「說是這麽說,但你們是速度慢、裝甲比我們薄弱、艦載機也比我們少的輕型航母……太亂來了!」
  409. >"Maybe, you light carrier's speed, armor and capacity are all inferior to're getting too carried away!"
  410. 「正因爲是輕型航母才要置之死地而後生!改裝航母並不差,這點你應該也很清楚才對!就算防禦力弱了點也沒關系!」
  411. >"It's because we're light carriers that we have to get into the thick of things! Remodeled aircraft carriers aren't anything to scoff at, as I'm sure you know! A bit less armor doesn't make a difference!"
  412. 「可是……!」
  413. >"But....!"
  414. 「那麽,如果你不得不跟比自己強大的深海棲艦對決時,又要怎麽辦!」
  415. >Well then, what will you do if you face an abyssal stronger than you?!"
  416. 「……!」
  417. >".....!"
  418. 「好,就讓我們報中途島的……更正,讓我們展現力量!攻擊隊,動手!」
  419. >"Well then, let me avenge midwa--rather, let me show you my strength! Attack team, let's get in there!"
  420. 「哎,飛鷹這麽說也有她的道理I去吧!」
  421. >"Eh, guess Hiyou's got a point too! Let's go!"
  422. 飛鷹、隼鷹的攻擊隊與瑞鶴她們的攻擊隊交錯後,先後開始俯沖。此外,其他四艘水面艦也開始炮擊。
  423. >After the initial clash between the Eagles and the Cranes' carrier teams, planes from both sides began to escape the fray. Below them, the other four surface vessels also began to open fire.
  424. 「怎麽辦,翔鶴!這樣下去她們會逼近,還沒准備好應付炮雷擊戰的我們會被迫陷入混戰喔!」
  425. >"What are we going to do, Shoukaku! We're getting into a brawl, and we're not quite ready for shelling battle yet!"
  426. 翔鶴愣了幾秒,隨即下達命令。
  427. >Shoukaku gaped for a few seconds before setting out new orders.
  428. 「以現在的陣型繼續戰鬥!就算變成混戰,只要我跟瑞鶴還在就有逆轉的機會!大家沒問題吧?」
  429. >"All ships maintain formation and engage! Even if this becomes a slugfest, we have a chance to turn this around as long as Zuikaku and I are around! Is that alright?"
  430. 堅持讓航母待在後方,將其他護衛艦艇當成盾牌迎戰──這麽做多半會有很大的損傷,某種意味上是個殘酷的決定。然而,利根與築摩都堅定地颔首。
  431. Keeping the carriers in the back and deploying the escorts as a shield--it was a cruel decision in a certain sense. Under concentrated fire, the escorts would likely take heavy damage. And yet, Tone and Chikuma both acknowledged the order with a nod.
  432. 「這才是咱們五航戰的翔鶴!就讓你們見識一下吾輩的炮雷擊戰!對吧,築摩!」
  433. >"This is our 5thCarDiv's Shoukaku! I'll show you my shelling prowess! Right, Chikuma?"
  434. 「是的,讓人想起薩馬島海戰呢!」
  435. >"That's right! It's just like Samar again!"
  436. 「首先擊退敵機!各艦,開始防空戰鬥!」
  437. >"Focus on bringing down the enemy planes! All ships, clear the skies!"
  438. 四名艦娘一邊回避敵艦炮擊,一邊以機槍對空中瞄准。瑞鶴也在加入她們行列的同時,緊盯逼近的敵機。
  439. >The four shipgirls dodged, weaved and fired, evading enemy shells as they aimed their AA guns at teh skies. Zuikaku, too, joined the fray as the enemy planes closed in...
  441. 3
  442. >3.
  443. 鎮守府裏最大的餐廳「豐川」裏,有個面對一樓海岸的區域。
  444. >The Naval District's largest dining hall, the Toyokawa, faced the shoreline in one direction.
  445. 鎮守府的艦娘們,基本上都是在這個餐廳吃晚飯。雖然也有些人在鎮守府內的甜品鋪或酒吧吃晚飯,但那些地方的餐點份量對于發育中的艦娘似乎不太夠,因此這麽做的並不多。
  446. >For the shipgirls of the naval district, this was their main cafeteria. A few chose the Naval District's sweets shop or bar instead, but the portions there were too small for developing shipgirls.
  447. 餐廳今天也是門庭若市。輪空的艦娘們各自坐在喜歡的位子上用餐、交談,或是看電視播的動畫。
  448. >The dining hall today was a packed house as well. Shipgirls in free time sat at their favorite seats to eat, chat or simply watch what appeared to be anime on the TV.
  449. 「痛痛痛……飛鷹真是的……」
  450. >"Owowow....that Hiyou..."
  451. 瑞鶴把盛著餐點的托盤擺在桌上,同時竄過全身的痛楚也讓她繃緊了臉。
  452. >Zuikaku lowered her tray of food onto the table, wincing from the dozen aches and pains that wracked her whole body.
  453. 今天星期四,菜單是鎮守府特制咖哩,所以餐廳裏充滿了咖哩的辛香。爲了再來一份而往返廚房與餐廳的艦娘──特別是驅逐艦,以及一部分的標准航母──也很多。
  454. >Today was thursday and thus curry day, and the spicy aroma of the Naval District's special curry wafted through the cafeteria. Quite a few shipgirls were returning to the kitchen for seconds--mainly destroyers, but also a few standard carriers.
  455. 「就算是用演習彈,爆炸的沖擊還是不能小看呀。真是的……」
  456. >"Even if they're practice rounds, those blast shockwaves are nothing to laugh at. Geez."
  457. 「你沒事吧,瑞鶴?」
  458. >"Are you alright, Zuikaku?"
  459. 坐在旁邊的翔鶴擔心地問道。瑞鶴則以苦笑回應。
  460. >Zuikaku grimaced in response to Shoukaku's concerned inquiry.
  461. 「嗯,這點程度還忍得了啦。翔鶴姊你呢?」
  462. >"Yeah, I can deal with just this. What about Shoukaku-nee?"
  463. 「沒事。畢竟那點程度的回避運動,我已經在實戰中做過很多次……」
  464. >"I'm fine. I've been through that level of evasive exercise more than enough in real battle."
  465. 「這樣啊,不愧是翔鶴姊!話又說回來,飛鷹居然用那種攻擊方式,而且還不只一次,而是三番兩次地……」
  466. >"Wow, as expected of Shoukaku-nee! Speaking of which, how about Hiyou's attack style? It was literally just straight up once, twice, thrice..."
  467. 白天演習的情境在瑞鶴腦中浮現。
  468. >They scene from the day's exercises hovered in front of Zuikaku.
  469. 結果,跟飛鷹、隼鷹她們新生二航戰的艦隊演習,混戰到最後以和局作收。
  470. >In the end, the exercise with Hiyou, Junyou and the New 2ndCarDiv ended with a brawl and then a draw.
  471. 盡管新生二航戰一如宣言采取貼身攻擊,卻無法突破翔鶴她們的防空炮火,彼此艦載機消耗嚴重,最後水面的炮雷擊戰也沒得到決定性的戰果,雙方兩敗倶傷。
  472. >While the New 2ndCarDiv had gotten as up close and personal as promised, they failed to penetrate Shoukaku and company's blanket of AA fire. Both side's carrier complement had been exhausted, while the surface combat failed to produce a definite victor; both sides retired, nursing numerous wounds.
  473. 不過事情還沒結束。飛鷹說「只比一次算不上訓練」,主張繼續對抗演習。翔鶴與其他艦娘們商量過後,基于「鍛煉瑞鶴」的理由接受了這個提議。
  474. >The affair, however, was not over. Saying "just a single contest isn't training," Hiyou had proposed the continuation of the Exercises. After some negotiation, Shoukaku and the other shipgirls had acquiesced under the pretext of "training Zuikaku."
  475. 結果就是瑞鶴現在的樣子。
  476. >And so, Zuikaku found herself in her current state.
  477. 飛鷹、隼鷹大概是從經驗多寡來判斷瑞鶴比較好對付,因此集中攻擊她。瑞鶴也拚命地回避,直到最後都沒有中彈而得以保持戰鬥能力,戰鬥全都以平手收場。雖然瑞鶴也因爲極近距離彈的沖擊而遍體鱗傷就是了。
  478. >Veterans Hiyou and Junyou had quickly identified Zuikaku as the easier opponent and focused their attacks on her. Zuikaku in response had evaded furiously, ending the battle without a single direct hit, combat ability intact. Unfortunately, the shockwaves of countless near misses had taken their toll on Zuikaku, leaving Zuikaku covered in bruises and the battle inconclusive.
  479. 「身爲防禦能力堪憂的輕型航母,居然因此反過來想在極近距離發動波狀攻擊……她們兩個最後不也弄得滿身傷嗎?」
  480. >"For light carriers and their paper armor to opt for danger-close, all-in attacks...didn't they end up covered in wounds?"
  481. 「我聽到啰,瑞鶴。」
  482. >"I can hear you, Zuikaku."
  483. 背後傳來聲音──嚇了一跳的瑞鶴轉向後方,隨即看見飛鷹與隼鷹拿著托盤走近。
  484. >Zuikaku jumped in response to the voice behind her, turning to see Hiyou and Junyou walking up, each carrying their own trays.
  485. 感覺背脊有股寒意的瑞鶴保持沈默。但飛鷹並未追究,而是在瑞鶴附近的椅子坐下,然後同樣地繃緊了臉。
  486. >Feeling a chill run down her back, Zuikaku remained silent. Hiyou, however, didn't appear to push the issue. She chose a seat near Zuikaku instead, wincing like Zuikaku as she sat down.
  487. 「痛……!不過,這點程度的傷以輕型航母來說很普通。必須忍耐……」
  488. >"Ouch...! Still, this is normal for light carriers. We must endure...."
  489. 「不用那麽逞強也……」
  490. >"No need to push yourself so hard..."
  491. 「我也不喜歡受傷啊,只是不得不接受而已。」
  492. >"I don't like being hit either. But it can't be helped."
  493. 飛鷹似乎要壓住痛楚似地深吸一口氣,然後以有點自豪的口氣問:
  494. >As if to suppress the pain, Hiyou took a deep breath before speaking in a prideful voice.
  495. 「所以說,我們的戰鬥方式怎麽樣啊?」
  496. >"Well then, what do you think of our fighting style?"
  497. 「『怎麽樣』是指……」
  498. >"'how' as in...."
  499. 「確實,以先制攻擊封鎖敵航母行動是航母對戰的理想流程。不過那頂多只是理想,現實沒那麽簡單──既然如此,一開始就沖進敵軍懷裏勝算反而比較大。」
  500. >"Given, constraining the enemy carrier's movement is theoretically the nominal goal in carrier combat. But that's all it is, a 'what should be' when the reality's nowhere as simple; a hail mary line drive straight for the goal brings the greatest chance of success."
  501. 飛鷹這番話,聽在瑞鶴耳裏頗有說服力。實際上,飛鷹與隼鷹正是靠著出其不意的近距離攻擊與己方戰得不相上下。
  502. >Hiyou's logic did make some sense to Zuikaku. Indeed, Hiyou and Junyou had fought her to a standstill through their close engagement attacks.
  503. 「我想─要下結論還太早了點。」
  504. >"I'd say it'd a little to early to make doctrinal conclusions."
  505. 翔鶴不爲所動地回答。
  506. >Shoukaku responded, unconvinced.
  507. 「我們的對手是擁有壓倒性物量的深海棲艦。隨意沖進對方陣中,在取得戰果的同時也會受到相當大的損傷,對日後的戰況不利。」
  508. >"We are a fighting an enemy both overwhelming and overpowering. Charging blindly at the Abyssals will bring victory only at great cost. In the long run we will be the ones driven into the corner by costly engagements."
  509. 「那麽更應該置之死地而後生。」
  510. >"That is why we must be the Forlorn Hope--to secure those decisive victories."
  511. 「開始兜圈子了呢。」
  512. >"Your logic is becoming circular."
  513. 飛鷹瞪著翔鶴。翔鶴則表現出一副毫不在意的樣子,以湯匙將咖哩送入口中。
  514. >Hiyou glared at Shoukaku, who ate another spoonful of curry with an unconcerned expression.
  515. 「……算了,沒關系。反正遲早會在戰場上證明是誰對……不必急于一時。」
  516. >"....whatever, it is not important. After all, we'll find out sooner or later who is correct on the need for haste."
  517. 飛鷹歎氣似地回答。接著她眨了一下眼,隨即勾起嘴角看向瑞鶴。
  518. >Hiyou sighed. The corner of her mouth turned up as she turned to Zuikaku with a wink.
  519. 「話說回來,瑞鶴你今天真不簡單。碰到那麽誇張的集中攻擊,居然只受了點小傷……你身邊果然有幸運女神呢。」
  520. >"By the way, Zuikaku, you really are quite something. To get away from such an overwhelming attack with only minor wounds....the goddess of fortune definitely stands beside you."
  521. 「我、我……?」
  522. >"M-me...?"
  523. 突如其來的話題轉換,令瑞鶴有些困惑。
  524. >Surprised at becoming the topic of conversation, Zuikaku responded with a touch of confusion.
  525. 「我只是盡力而爲罷了……這麽說來,飛鷹你不是很討厭我嗎?」
  526. >"I just did what I could...but speaking of which, you don't actually dislike me, Hiyou, right?"
  527. 「我可沒討厭你喔。我只是覺得,身爲資曆比較老的前輩,至少該把這件事告訴你。不過嘛,要說沒把你當競爭對象是騙人的就是了……」
  528. >"Of course I don't hate you. As your more seasoned senpai, however, I feel like I needed to tell you that. But to say I do not see you as a rival would be a lie."
  529. 「啊,是這樣啊……」
  530. >"Ah, so that's how it is."
  531. 「唉~我也好想快點搭載新型機喔。這麽一來攻擊力會更強,就能增加打擊敵人的機會了耶。」
  532. >"Ahhhh~I wish they'd upgrade our carrier planes already. Stronger planes means harder strikes and more chances to make them count."
  533. 根據瑞鶴在室內課所學到的,彗星、天山、零戰五二型等新型機還在開發中,量産化後會優先配給一航戰與二航戰。
  534. >Zuikaku had learned from indoor classes that the 2nd generation Suisei, Tenzan, and Type 52 Zeroes were currently in development, with priority set on upgrading the 1st and 2ndCarDiv.
  535. 「我和隼鷹在『那場戰爭』裏直到最後都沒機會搭載新型機……所以這是我的夢想。」
  536. >"In 'that war' Junyou and I never got a chance to use those new planes, all the way until the end...I guess it's just my dream."
  537. 飛鷹含著湯匙,以遺憾的口氣咕哝。
  538. >Hiyou mumbled wistfully around the spoon in her mouth.
  539. 瑞鶴什麽也說不出口。像自己和翔鶴,以及還沒出現在鎮守府的大鳳等標准航母,在最後一場機動部隊決戰──馬裏亞納海戰時,有幸搭載這些新型機。
  540. >Zuikaku said nothing. Standard carriers like Zuikaku, Shoukaku and the still-absent Taihou had been fortunate enough to mount some of these second-generation machines.
  541. 「……我去多盛一份。」
  542. >"...I'm going to get seconds."
  543. 飛鷹將不知不覺間清空的盤子放上托盤後離席。等她的身影消失後,一直保持沈默的隼鷹靠近兩人。
  544. >Hiyou picked up her empty tray and left, having seemingly cleared it out of nowhere. As she disappeared, the previously silent Junyou approached the two.
  545. 「哎呀~不好意思,我姊每次都給你們添麻煩。」
  546. >"Ara~sorry 'bout that, my sis keeps on bringing you problems."
  547. 神情開朗的隼鷹抓了抓頭。
  548. >Ever-cheerful Junyou scratched her head.
  549. 「我想第一次看見她這樣的瑞鶴應該會嚇到,多少還是得幫忙解釋一下。」
  550. >"I figured that Zuikaku'd be a little freaked out by this kind of first meeting, so I wanted to help clear some stuff up."
  551. 「你的意思是,她會這樣有她的理由……?」
  552. >"You're saying that she has a reason....?"
  553. 「飛鷹在『那場戰爭』裏有怎樣的經曆,對那些經曆又有怎樣的感觸,活到恩加諾角海戰的瑞鶴應該想像得到吧?」
  554. >"Everything Hiyou went through in 'That War,' her history and her feelings...I'm sure Zuikaku, who survived up until Cape Engano, would understand, right?"
  555. 瑞鶴大吃一驚。因爲她立刻明白隼鷹想說什麽。
  556. >Zuikaku blinked with instant understanding.
  557. 航母飛鷹的運氣實在不怎麽好,南太平洋海戰前的撤退就有如她的寫照。直到馬裏亞納海戰爲止,飛鷹都無緣參加航母對戰;就連終于得以參與的馬裏亞納海戰,也在攻擊敵航母時失去了大多數艦載機,最後沈于空襲。
  558. >The aircraft carrier Hiyou had not been a fortunate carrier. Her unfortunate and premature exit from the Battle of the South Pacific set the tone for the rest of her career. Up until the battle of the Marianas, Hiyou had been unable to take part in the carrier war; when she finally joined the Battle of the Marianas, she lost most of her carrier complement in combat against enemy carriers before ultimately succumbing to air attack.
  559. 如果自己有那種經曆──瑞鶴一想到這裏,登時有股惡寒。飛鷹跟參加了中途島以外所有航母對戰的自己完全相反。
  560. >If Zuikaku had gone through a life like that--a chill traveled down Zuikaku's spine. Compared to herself, who had taken part in every carrier battle since Midway, Hiyou could well be her direct antithesis.
  561. 要是在保有這種記憶的狀況下,置身于新的戰場中──
  562. >If she had been thrown into battle with such memories--
  563. 「而且啊,我跟飛鷹本來是民間的豪華遊輪嘛。」
  564. >"Plus, Hiyou and I used to be civilian luxury liners."
  565. 隼鷹舉起了舀咖哩的湯匙。
  566. >Junyou raised a spoonful of curry.
  567. 「既沒辦法成爲原來的豪華遊輪,又沒辦法以改裝後的航母身分好好戰鬥……飛鷹的心情想必很複雜吧。」
  568. >"Denied a life as luxury liners and then denied the right to fight as a real carrier...Hiyou's feelings are...complicated."
  569. (所以才會說出那種話……)
  570. >(So that's why she said things like that...)
  571. 飛鷹會拘泥于航母戰術,大概表現出了她想盡航母本分的心願吧。
  572. >Hiyou's narrow doctrine probably reflected her obsession with truly performing her role as an aircraft carrier.
  573. (話是這麽說,但如果持續用那種方式戰鬥,不就印證了翔鶴姊說的話嗎……)
  574. >(That may be, but if she continues to fight like this, Shoukaku-nee's prediction will eventually come true.)
  575. 「所以,希望你們對她寬容一點。而且我也希望能再次像南太平洋海戰那樣戰鬥嘛!那場追擊戰很棒喔!」
  576. >"That's why I'm hoping you guys can bear with her a little. Not gonna lie, I wanna have a real battle like the South Pacific again! That battle was great!"
  577. 隼鷹自豪地挺起胸膛。南太平洋海戰勝利的記憶,似乎是隼鷹的驕傲。
  578. >Junyou puffed up her chest with pride. That victory in the South Pacific appeared to be Junyou's pride.
  579. 此時,隼鷹突然站起身。
  580. >Suddenly Junyou stood up.
  581. 「那我也去盛新的啦。喂,飛鷹!既然裝了第二份就來比誰吃得快吧!輸的人下次去鳳翔姊的居酒屋喝酒時要請客~!」
  582. >"Well, imma off to get another plateful too. Oy, Hiyou, let's race to see who can finish their second portion fastest! Drinks at Houshou's are on the loser~!"
  583. 于是隼鷹揮別了兩人。之後還能聽到飛鷹喊「我才不要!又不是小孩子!」跟隼鷹回她「有什麽關系嘛!如果不想賭鳳翔姊的店就賭餐後甜點的布丁吧~!」的聲音。
  584. >With that, Junyou departed with a wave. In the distance Hiyou yelled "I don't want to! I'm not a child!" "Why's it matter," Junyou returned, "if you don't wanna bet on drinks at Houshou's, we can bet on dessert pudding~!"
  585. 「飛鷹跟隼鷹的感情真好。」
  586. >"Hiyou and Junyou sure get along well."
  587. 明明個性完全不一樣──聽到瑞鶴這麽補充,翔鶴微笑著回答:
  588. >Given their completely disparate personalities--hearing Zuikaku's remark, Shoukaku laughed gently.
  589. 「畢竟兩人都有從豪華遊輪改裝爲航母的過去……」
  590. >"After all, they both are both carrier conversions of luxury liners..."
  591. 接著,翔鶴看向遠方。
  592. >Shoukaku looked into the distance.
  593. 「想必就是因爲這樣,讓她們之間有種無形的強烈牽絆吧。」
  594. >"Perhaps it's because of that they're bound together so tightly."
  595. 「所以隼鷹才會那樣……」
  596. >"So that's why Junyou's like that..."
  597. 隼鷹總是一副開朗的樣子,但那說不定是爲了替飛鷹打氣──瑞鶴是這麽想的。
  598. >Perhaps Junyou's carefree appearance was a way to cheer on Hiyou, Zuikaku thought.
  600. 4
  601. >4.
  602. 隔天,鎮守府辦公室裏的氣氛十分緊張。
  603. >The next day, the mood in the Naval District Office was tense.
  604. 「現在開始作戰簡報。」
  605. >"I will now begin the Mission Report,"
  606. 提督手裏拿著文件,對被召喚至辦公室的艦娘們宣告。
  607. >the Admiral announced to the shipgirls in the office, a sheaf of documents in hand.
  608. 在場艦娘總共六人。成員以秘書艦翔鶴與其妹瑞鶴爲首,另外還有輕型航母飛鷹、重巡妙高和羽黑、驅逐艦響。這顯然是航母機動部隊的編制。
  609. >Six shipgirls had been assembled--Secretary Ship Shoukaku, Zuikaku, Light Carrier Hiyou, Heavy Cruisers Myoukou and Haguro, and destroyer Hibiki--evidently a carrier task force.
  610. 這天要舉行瑞鶴的最後一道測驗,也就是上前線。
  611. >Today would be Zuikaku's last trial--the front lines.
  612. 「換言之,提督打從一開始就決定以這個陣容出擊……所以才要飛鷹來找我?」
  613. >"In other words, deploying with this formation in mind...was why he sent Hiyou to find me?"
  614. 這麽一想,事情似乎就說得通了。眼前的提督雖然是個性騷擾魔神,卻也是會隨時注意艦娘們身心狀況的人,這點從鎮守府的樣子就看得出來。
  615. >In retrospect, the situation made somewhat more sense. Although the Admiral was a pervert, he also paid attention to the mental and physical wellbeing of the shipgirls--that could be seen from the daily affairs of the Naval District.
  616. (……還有,響就是那個跟雪風一起看加賀學姊與我對決的孩子吧……)
  617. >(....also, Hibiki was watching with Yukikaze during that battle with Kaga-senpai....)
  618. 挂著無比冰冷表情的響站在妙高身旁,等待提督的下一句話。或許她的個性相當冷淡也說不定。
  619. >Hibiki stood listening to the Admiral next to Myoukou, expression empty as ice. It seemed she was the cold type.
  620. (她跟雪風感情很好嗎……?)
  621. >(Does she get along with Yukikaze?)
  622. 「首先說明整體戰況。翔鶴。」
  623. >"First we will explain the current situation. Shoukaku, if you would."
  624. 「好的。」
  625. >"Yes."
  626. 提督身旁的翔鶴,站到了記有戰況與其他情報的白板前。
  627. >Standing next to the Admiral, Shoukaku stood next to a whiteboard covered in reports, both combat and noncombat.
  628. 「自從開始反擊敵深海棲艦以來,我們鎮守府就以取得西方海域──資源産區爲目標,持續發動攻勢。」
  629. >"Since we have begun our counteroffensive against the abyssals, our Naval District's objective has been to capture the resource-rich sectors of the western seas, and we have launched several offensives to that effect."
  630. 翔鶴以指揮棒指向以本土爲中心的地圖。
  631. >Shoukaku directed attention with a pointer to a map centered around the current location.
  632. 本土連往大陸的航道上,釘了三個標示艦娘遠征部隊的紅色圖釘。它們全都代表負責護衛船隊的艦隊。
  633. >On the routes between the Continent and the Naval District were pinned three red thumbtacks, each representing the expedition fleets. Each was currently on escort duty.
  634. 在這塊海域的外圍──西南群島海域的沖之島近海、北方海域的醇魚海、西南海域的果醬島與咖哩洋,則釘有代表深海棲艦的藍色圖釘。
  635. >The Southwest Island Waters's Okinoshima, Curry Sea and Jam Island bore blue tacks representing the abyssals, along with the Northern Sector's Moray Sea.
  636. 「我方已壓制了相當于西方海域門口的西南群島海域,攻勢原本進展得相當順利。」
  637. >"We have already suppressed the 'gate' to the Western Seas, the Southwestern Island Waters, with some initial success."
  638. 「原本……?」
  639. >"Initially...?"
  640. 瑞鶴訝異地出聲。翔鶴則以嚴肅的表情颔首。
  641. >Zuikaku voiced her surprise. Shoukaku responded with a stern expression.
  642. 「是的。但作戰目前不得不停擺,原因在這裏。」
  643. >"Yes. Recently we have been forced to suspend our offensive. Our problem lies here."
  644. 翔鶴指著西南群島外側的沖之島海域。
  645. >Shoukaku pointed to Okinoshima at the edge of the Southwest Islands Waters.
  646. 「因爲我們在沖之島海域發現大規模的敵軍泊地。如果置之不理就攻略西方海域,側面有可能遭到泊地艦隊攻擊。」
  647. >"We have found that the waters around Okinoshima serve as a large-scale enemy Anchorage. If we assault the Western Seas without dealing with them first, we may find ourselves attacked by their garrison fleets."
  648. 瑞鶴點點頭。要繼續攻勢得確保航道安全,如果讓強大的敵人待在側面,就有航道遭斷的危險。
  649. >Zuikaku nodded. The safety of the supply line was integral to the success of an offensive. If a strong enemy awaited on the flanks, the fleet ran the risk of having their supply line cut.
  650. 「因此鎮守府暫緩攻略西方海域,准備向沖之島海域的敵軍泊地發動大規模攻擊。這次的攻擊將投入艦隊主力,規模預定會是曆來最大。」
  651. >"As such, the Naval District has temporarily suspended the offensive in the Western Seas and has launched several major offensives against the enemy harbor at Okinoshima. We will be committing our main force this time around in the largest offensive to date."
  652. 根據室內課,深海棲艦會在各地的海域建設泊地,並以該處爲據點進行侵略。由于泊地會隨時間擴大,因此發現後必須盡快解決。
  653. >From the indoor classes, Zuikaku had learned that the abyssals would construct harbors within various sectors, acting as staging points from which further invasions could be launched. As the harbors expanded with time, it was advantageous to quickly remove them.
  654. 「爲了讓行動成功,我們選擇溫存主力,將重點放在整備與儲蓄資源。本來該立刻發動攻擊,但先前的攻勢消耗了大量資源,因此主力難以行動。」
  655. >"In order to ensure the success of this operation, we have decided to keep our main force at home and stockpile resources. The initial plan had been to launch an all-out attack, but recent battles have sapped our strategic reserve, reducing our main force's range."
  656. (在這個世界,資源存量也會影響艦隊行動呢……)
  657. >(So supply levels can constrain fleet movements, even in this world....)
  658. 「那場戰爭」裏,己方不止帳面上的戰力不足,還被迫在缺乏燃料的狀態下戰鬥。
  659. >In "That War", her side lacked both the power and the resources to continue the battle.
  660. 「然而,同時我們還有另一個問題,那就是數天前開始在東部奧廖爾海囂張的敵方通商破壞部隊。」
  661. >"Moreover, we have yet another problem--several days ago, a large force of enemy supply raiders have surfaced in the eastern Orel Sea."
  662. 翔鶴指向西南群島海域的一角。
  663. >Shoukaku pointed to a corner of the Southwest Island Waters.
  664. 「我方已經控制了東部奧廖爾海的海權,但敵方從西方海域派出艦隊威脅我方航道安全。以鎮守府的立場來說,還要考慮艦隊從側面支援沖之島海域的問題,因此希望能盡快消滅他們。」
  665. >"Our side already controls the eastern part of the Orel Sea, but the enemy fleets have been threatening our supply routes from the west. Given the possibility that they may also move up to reinforce Okinoshima, it is imperative for the Naval District that they be destroyed with all due haste."
  666. 「而你們就是負責解決問題的戰力。」
  667. >"And you are the force assembled to deal with that problem."
  668. 提督接過翔鶴的話頭,往前一站。
  669. >Picking up from Shoukaku's explanation, the admiral stepped forwards.
  670. 「鎮守府的主力不能派。但是,不消滅東部奧廖爾海的敵軍會帶來很多麻煩。你們的任務,就是一舉殲滅他們。」
  671. >"We cannot send the Naval District's main force. However, to leave the enemy fleet in Orel would bring problems. As such, your duty is to wipe them out."
  672. 「換句話說……」
  673. >"In other words..."
  674. 飛鷹的聲音聽起來不太高興。提督不好意思地點點頭。
  675. >Hiyou sounded less than thrilled. The Admiral nodded apologetically.
  676. 「替你們添麻煩了。主力不能派,所以派其他人──等于完全將你們當成二軍看待。即使如此……你們願意出擊嗎?」
  677. >"Apologies. We cannot dispatch the main force, so we had to send someone else--essentially, we are relegating you all to the role of second-line troops. Even so...are you willing to sortie?"
  678. 提督盯著瑞鶴和飛鷹。
  679. >The Admiral gazed straight at Zuikaku and Hiyou.
  680. (到任的最後測驗,居然是突如其來的正規戰鬥……)
  681. >(To think that the last test before enlistment would be a real battle....)
  682. 不安隱然浮現。自己能在未知的戰場上發揮標准航母的本領嗎──
  683. >A prick of unease. Would she be able to do a carrier's job in this unknown battlefield--
  684. (不過,如果在這個時候退縮,有辱翔鶴型的名聲……!反正翔鶴姊也會一起去─既然如此……!)
  685. >(Even so, to decline now would be an insult to the Shoukaku class...! Shoukaku-nee's going anyways, so....!)
  686. 瑞鶴與飛鷹瞬間對看了一眼。兩人互相點頭後─瑞鶴開口:
  687. >Zuikaku and Hiyou's eyes met, and they both nodded before Zuikaku spoke:
  688. 「請讓我出擊。既然敵人是通商破壞部隊,光靠我們應該還是有勝算才對。」
  689. >"Please allow us to deploy. Since the enemy consists simply of commerce raiders, even we should have good odds."
  690. 「這樣啊。」
  691. >"Is that so."
  692. 提督如釋重負地颔首。瑞鶴緊接著提問:
  693. >The Admiral spoke, as if a burden had been released from his shoulders. Zuikaku quickly followed up.
  694. 「敵方有航母嗎?」
  695. >"Does the enemy have carriers?"
  696. 「不錯。敵方雖然是通商破壞部隊,但我們認爲在前衛部隊的後方還有主力。你們在解決前衛之後,大概得繼續對付敵主力吧。」
  697. >"They do. They may be commerce raiders, but we believe that they are simply a picket force, and that a main force waits behind them. Once you dispatch the vanguard, you will likely encounter the enemy main force."
  698. 根據室內課,敵深海棲艦會在部署主力的泊地周邊安排許多警戒部隊與前衛部隊,讓他們來回巡邏。
  699. >From indoor classes, Zuikaku knew that abyssal harbors were generally protected by a dense web of advance forces and pickets that constantly patrolled.
  700. 艦娘在接近主力的途中,得仰賴索敵能力避開這些部隊,或是將這些部隊排除。因此,進擊路線並非固定,有時還會于抵達主力所在處之前被迫撤退。
  701. >When approaching the main force, shipgirls either worked to avoid these forces via early detection or destroyed them altogether. As such, attack routes often remained fluid up until the moment of contact. Sometimes the fleet would be forced to retreat without meeting the main force at all.
  702. 「作戰細節由翔鶴說明。除了作戰的進退以外,我打算將一切判斷都交給你們。」
  703. >"The small details of the operation will be explained by Shoukaku. Apart from when to retreat, I intend to leave all decision on the ground to your judgement."
  704. 每位艦娘的目光都放在提督身上。
  705. >Each shipgirl's eyes were now on the Admiral.
  706. 「祝各位幸運。」
  707. >"I wish you all the best of luck."
  708. 簡報結束後,瑞鶴獨自在走廊上漫步。此時背後突然有個聲音朝她搭話。
  709. >Briefing over, Zuikaku left alone, plodding down the corridor. From behind her, came suddenly a voice.
  710. 「瑞鶴!先別走!」
  711. >"Zuikaku! Don't go yet!"
  712. 「隼鷹……?」
  713. >"Junyou...?"
  714. 少女往背後一看──發現隼鷹快步跑來。
  715. >She turned around to see Junyou catching up with quick steps.
  716. 「怎麽了?飛鷹剛才往別的方向……」
  717. >"What's up? Hiyou went the other way...."
  718. 「我有些事要拜托你啦。」
  719. >"I have something to ask of you."
  720. 瑞鶴大吃一驚。隼鷹點點頭,以前所未見的嚴肅神情開口:
  721. >Zuikaku blinked in surprise. Zuikaku nodded, speaking with a previously unseen solemnity.
  722. 「剛才的簡報,是在講下次出擊的事情對吧?然後,飛鷹也會和你一起出擊……」
  723. >"That briefing was about the next sortie, right? And Hiyou will be deploying with you..."
  724. 「嗯。不過,這點事問飛鷹就……」
  725. >"Mm. But if you want the details, you could just as Hiyou..."
  726. 「能不能麻煩你關照一下飛鷹?」
  727. >"Could I ask you to watch over hiyou?"
  728. 隼鷹的眼神非常真誠。
  729. >There was only sincerity in Junyou's eyes.
  730. 「認真是那家夥的優點,但一到了航母對戰,她的注意力就會全放在自己的戰鬥上。雖然我也覺得拜托初次上陣的你很奇怪,可是航母的事只有航母艦娘才會明白,擔任旗艦的翔鶴又很忙。我不會勉強你,只要做得到的範圍內幫她一下就好……行嗎?」
  731. >"Being serious is that girl's specialty--but when it becomes a carrier battle, she begins to tunnel vision on her own battle. Although I, too, think it's strange to ask a favor of a greenhorn like yourself, there are some things about carriers only another carrier could understand. As flagship, Shoukaku is busy as well. I won't force you or ask you to go beyond your means...but do what you can, alright?"
  732. 瑞鶴想起昨天隼鷹說過的話。
  733. >Zuikaku remembered what Junyou had said the day before.
  734. (老實說,我不贊同飛鷹那種過度勇敢的戰術,而且我還是新手,同樣處于想依靠別人的立場……)
  735. >("To be honest, I, too, do not approve of Hiyou's gung-ho tactics. I'm a rookie too, so I have to consider her pride...")
  736. 跟隼鷹對看數秒後,瑞鶴微笑著緩緩點頭。
  737. >As Junyou's gaze lingered for several seconds, Zuikaku chuckled and nodded.
  738. 「我知道了。雖然沒什麽自信,但我會盡力而爲。」
  739. >"I got it. Though I'm not too confident, I'll do what I can."
  740. 隼鷹的表情頓時開朗起來。
  741. >Junyou's expression instantly brightened.
  742. 「不愧是瑞鶴!真是可靠!期待你發揮『幸運航母』的實力啰!」
  743. >"As expected of Zuikaku! So reliable! I hope to see the 'Lucky Carrier's' true power someday, yo!"
  744. 「我就說那只是巧合啦!」
  745. >"That 'true power' came from coincidences!"
  746. 「又來了~別謙虛嘛!」
  747. >"There you go again~no need to be modest!"
  748. 隼鷹開心地拍拍瑞鶴的背。瑞鶴在不安的同時,也發現自己不討厭這種感覺。
  749. >Junyou cheerily slapped Zuikaku in the back. While she certainly felt uncomfortable, Zuikaku found that she didn't hate this feeling.
  751. 5
  752. >5.
  753. 眼前就是巴士島海域的遼闊海面。
  754. >In front of Zuikaku's gaze was the wide expanse of the Bashi Island Waters.
  755. 包含瑞鶴在內的六名艦娘已進入深海棲艦的勢力範圍,正在海上高速移動。
  756. >Zuikaku and the other members of the six-shipgirl fleet had entered abyssal's area of control, cruising through at high speed.
  757. 目前還沒看見敵影。但兩艘重巡的偵察機什麽時候回報發現敵蹤都不奇怪。
  758. >Until now, no enemies had been detected. However, it would be no surprise if the two heavy cruisers' reconnaissance seaplanes reported the enemy then and there.
  759. 天氣晴朗。但海象比鎮守府近海來得險惡,有時艦娘們的身影甚至會從視野中消失。
  760. >It was a clear day, but the seas were a little more treacherous than they were around the Naval District--occasionally some of the shipgirls would be obscured altogether from view.
  761. 「好安靜……」
  762. >"SO quiet..."
  763. 前進的艦娘們組成輪形隊以防敵軍奇襲。航行途中,瑞鶴輕聲對翔鶴問道:
  764. >The shipgirls were currently cruising in wheel/diamond formation to deter enemy ambushes. As they went, Zuikaku spoke quietly to Shoukaku.
  765. 「這裏真的有深海棲艦的艦隊嗎……?」
  766. >"Are there really abyssal fleets here?"
  767. 「事前的偵察結果是這樣沒錯,而且水上偵察機應該很快就會回報。」
  768. >"That's what previous records indicate. Plus, the scouts should be making their report soon."
  769. 瑞鶴不安地點點頭。來到這裏,她終于意識到自己將面對第一次的實戰戰場──敵我性命相搏之處。
  770. >Zuikaku nodded with unease. The gravity of real battle--and the life and death struggle that would ensue--weighed heavily on her mind.
  771. (雖說敵軍是比我方弱小的通商破壞部隊,但一個不小心還是可能會被擊沈啊……)
  772. >(Even if the enemy consists merely of supply raiders, one mistake could lead to sinking...)
  773. 盡管跟加賀戰鬥時也曾遇上生命危險,然而那時的瑞鶴渾然忘我,因此並未感到恐怖。不過她現在能感受到,那種感情正源源不絕地湧出。
  774. >Sure, she had felt her life in danger during the battle with Kaga--but at that time Zuikaku had other things on her mind and had never quite felt terror. She felt it now, a constant undercurrent of fear.
  775. 由于恩加諾角沈沒時的記憶模糊不清,因此她想不起當時理應感受過的痛苦。然而,這一切反倒化成了對于未知的恐懼,令瑞鶴的心如波濤般起伏不定。
  776. >The memory of her sinking at Engano remained fuzzy, she was unable to recollect the pain she must have felt then. And yet that uncertainty only served to strengthen the terror stirring in her heart.
  777. (……!不行不行,不能再這樣下去!)
  778. >(....! Damn it, I can't keep on going like this.)
  779. 瑞鶴搖搖頭。
  780. >Zuikaku shook her head.
  781. (我是標准航母。我要努力磨練自己,讓自己能像翔鶴姊跟加賀學姊那樣,解救這個世界的……)
  782. >(I'm a standard carrier. I've trained hard so that I could save this world, just like Shoukaku-nee and Kaga-senpai...)
  783. 「瑞鶴,你沒事吧?」
  784. >"Zuikaku, are you alright?"
  785. 「哇啊!」
  786. >"Aaah!"
  787. 翔鶴突然搭話,嚇得瑞鶴尖叫出聲──她尴尬地看向翔鶴以及其他艦娘,發現大家都笑了出來。
  788. >Shoukaku's sudden interjection caused Zuikaku to let out a shriek--mortified, she looked at Shoukaku and the others as they laughed.
  789. 「呵呵,你太緊張啰,瑞鶴。第一次上陣或許難免會這樣,不過還是放松點比較好。」
  790. >"Fufu, you're a little too uptight, Zuikaku. It can't be helped--it's your first time, after all--but loosen up."
  791. 翔鶴收起笑容,以溫柔的聲音說道。
  792. >Shoukaku softened her smile, speaking gently.
  793. 「放心,你在先前的訓練裏已經累積了充分的經驗。剛到任時那場跟加賀學姊的戰鬥,你不也躲過了擊沈判定嗎?我保證,就算面對敵軍的機動部隊,你也一定能順利應付。」
  794. >"Don't worry. You've already accumulated more than enough experience in training. During that first battle with Kaga-senpai, didn't you escape sinking then too? Even if the enemy is a carrier task force, you'll be able to deal with it. I promise."
  795. 「翔鶴姊……」
  796. >"Shoukaku-nee..."
  797. 即使在這種緊要關頭,翔鶴依舊體貼地鼓勵妹妹。這分溫柔令瑞鶴不禁濕了眼眶。
  798. >Even in these circumstances, Shoukaku continued to cheer on her sister as always. In response to this kindness, Zuikaku could not stop her eyes from watering.
  799. 「而且瑞鶴是我心愛的妹妹嘛,我會好好保護你。所以,放心地戰鬥吧。」
  800. >"Plus Zuikaku is my lovely sister, you know? I'll keep you safe. So don't worry and fight.
  801. 「唔、嗯……!我會努力!」
  802. >"mmm, yes....! I'll do my best!"
  803. 「慢著翔鶴,你這話聽起來好像只在乎自己的妹妹,我跟其他艦娘都無所謂嗎?」
  804. >"Hold on, Shoukaku, are you just talking about your sister? Are the rest of us just cannon fodder here?"
  805. 後方的飛鷹插嘴。
  806. >Hiyou interrupted from behind.
  807. 「哪兒的話。提督都將旗艦這個榮譽的位子交給我了,我怎麽能失去大家的信賴呢?」
  808. >"Nonsense. Since the Admiral has been kind enough to entrust me with the role of flagship, would I betray everyone's trust like that?"
  809. 翔鶴以帶有魄力的微笑接下這個質疑,眼中充滿了自信。
  810. >With eyes full of confidence, Shoukaku met the question with a bold smile.
  811. 「放心,我不會讓任何人在我眼前沈沒。絕對不會……」
  812. >"Don't worry, I definitely won't let anyone sink. Not on my watch."
  813. 她看著遠方低語,彷佛將這句話當成了信念。一旁的瑞鶴則是既安心又感動。
  814. >She spoke softly, gazing into the distance, as if it were a mere matter of fate. Next to her, Zuikaku felt both reassured and moved.
  815. (翔鶴姊果然很可靠呢……)
  816. >(Shoukaku-nee is reliable, as expected.)
  817. 翔鶴一頭銀發隨風飄揚的身影,令瑞鶴感覺自己的心漸漸冷靜下來。緊接著──
  818. >Seeing Shoukaku standing with silver hair flowing, Zuikaku felt herself calm. And then--
  819. 「……!翔鶴小姐!偵察機回報!」
  820. >"....! Shoukaku-san! Seaplanes reporting!"
  821. 重巡羽黑以帶著緊張和畏縮的聲音喊道:
  822. >Heavy Cruiser Haguro called out her report with a tense fear.
  823. 「前方發現敵艦隊!雷巡一、輕巡三、驅逐艦二!大概是敵軍的前衛部隊!」
  824. >"Enemy fleet, straight ahead! One Torpedo Cruiser, Three Light Cruisers, Two Destroyers! It's most likely the enemy picket force!"
  825. (前衛部隊──沒有航母?可以靠空襲單方面痛擊敵人!)
  826. >(A picket force--no carriers? We can hit them hard from the air then!)
  827. 戰意迅速高漲。敵方沒有航母,戰況很可能朝對我軍有利的方向發展。
  828. >Zuikaku's combativeness quickly surged. If the enemy had no carriers, she would have the initiative.
  829. 「了解。翔鶴通告全艦,先發制人擊破敵艦隊,打開通往敵主力的進攻路線!」
  830. >"Understood. Shoukaku to all ships, we're going to take out that fleet and open up the way towards the enemy's main force."
  831. 翔鶴一聽報告立刻對全員下令。
  832. >Shoukaku promptly handed out orders to the rest of hte unit.
  833. 「各航母開始讓第一波攻擊隊起飛!其他艦艇准備水面炮雷擊戰!按照教範,第一波攻擊隊空襲完畢後開始突擊!」
  834. >"All carriers, launch the first wave. All other ships prepare for surface engagement! Move in as soon as the first wave has completed its attack run!"
  835. 「「「「「了解!」」」」」
  836. "Understood!"
  837. 瑞鶴與翔鶴對上空放箭,飛鷹則將左手的卷軸攤開成飛行甲板,並以右手從懷裏掏出紙片艦載機以陰陽術將它們化爲式神,再讓它們從飛行甲板起飛。
  838. >Zuikaku and Shokaku both let fly their arrows into the skies. Hiyou unfurled her scroll with a sweep of her left hand, revealing her carrier deck. With her right, she drew out a bundle of paper carrier planes, forming them into Shikigami and launching them from her deck.
  839. 「去吧──!」
  840. >"Go--!"
  841. 瑞鶴讓艦載機在上空集合,同時也感覺到內心的恐懼逐漸消逝。就跟對決加賀時一樣,一旦開始戰鬥,就沒空感到害怕──
  842. >As she waited for her carrier planes to form up above her, Zuikaku felt her terror subside. It was just like that battle with Kaga--once the battle started, there was no time for fear--
  843. 在空中集合完畢的艦載機群,就這麽組成編隊朝敵艦隊飛去。
  844. >Having consolidated into their formations, the carrier planes flew towards the enemy fleet.
  845. 數十秒後,羽黑的叫喊宣告戰鬥開始。
  846. >Several moments later, Haguro's shout indicated the beginning of the battle.
  847. 「目視到敵艦隊出現在水平線上!敵軍正掉頭朝我們而來!」
  848. >"I have visual of the enemy fleet on the horizon! Enemy is coming around to engage us!"
  849. 「各航母的第一波攻擊隊開始攻擊!水面部隊開始炮雷擊戰!」
  850. >"All carriers, begin your first wave attacks! Surface fleet, commence shelling!"
  851. 「了解!」
  852. >"Understood!"
  853. 瑞鶴將目光放在遠方水平線上的敵影,將意識往目標集中。
  854. >Looking to the enemy silhouettes on the distant horizon, Zuikaku focused on the targets.
  855. 航母艦娘對敵艦位置的認知愈正確,空襲的命中率就愈高。因此,只有開場的第一擊,艦娘會爲了先發制人而在命中率低落的情況下從遠距離放出攻擊隊。
  856. >When a carrier shipgirl knew the enemy's position, heading and formation, air attack accuracy increased dramatically. Shipgirls generally only launched a relatively inaccurate long-distance attack in the opening phase, in order to gain the initiative.
  857. (情況如何……?)
  858. >(What's the situation....?)
  859. 艦載機群在瑞鶴視野彼方開始俯沖。沒多久,敵艦隊便身陷爆炸與水柱之中。
  860. >The carrier planes began to fade out of Zuikaku's vision. Not long after, the enemy fleet was wracked with explosions and pillars of water.
  861. (太好了……!這麽一來就穩操勝券……!)
  862. >(Great...! This way the rest of the battle will be a walk!)
  863. 瑞鶴不禁想歡呼。只要這樣繼續攻擊下去,勝利等于十拿九穩。
  864. >Zuikaku wanted to cheer. If this continued all campaign, victory was virtually assured.
  865. 「敵艦隊,全艦中大破或沈沒!他們停下來不動了!」
  866. >"Enemy fleet is either badly damaged or sinking! They've stopped moving!"
  867. 羽黑以安心的口吻報告。水平線上那些冒黑煙停著不動的深海棲艦,就像在印證報告的正確性一般。翔鶴隨即下達新命令。
  868. >Haguro spoke with relief. The abyssals on the horizon waited immobile, black smoke gushing from their wounds as if to confirm the report. Shoukaku immediately set down the next order.
  869. 「水面炮雷擊戰開始!各航母准備第二波攻擊隊!就這樣一口氣殲滅敵軍!」
  870. >"Initiate surface combat! All carriers, prepare your second wave! Let's finish the enemy in one go!"
  871. 「「「「「了解!」」」」」
  872. >"Understood!"
  874. 6
  875. >6.
  876. 瑞鶴她們消滅遇到的第一支敵艦隊沒花多少時間。
  877. >It did not take long for Zuikaku and company to mop up the remnants of the first fleet encountered.
  878. 這批深海棲艦應該是巡洋艦部隊,而妙高、羽黑、響的炮擊很快就擊沈了殘存艦,瑞鶴她們甚至不需要讓第二波攻擊隊起飛。己方毫無損傷──這是場名副其實的完全勝利。
  879. >These abyssals appeared to have been a cruiser fleet--Myoukou, Haguro and Hibiki's gunfire quickly sank the survivors before Zuikaku and company needed to launch a second wave. No damage had been sustained in the encounter--a true total victory.
  880. 六名艦娘再度于洶湧的波濤中前進。由于逐漸接近帶有航母的敵軍主力,因此她們在上空放出了數十架護衛機,防備敵機的奇襲。
  881. >The six shipgirls pressed on through the rough seas. The enemy main force and its carriers were closing in, and so they put up a CAP of a few dozen fighters as protection.
  882. 然而,瑞鶴的心雀躍不已。
  883. >And yet, Zuikaku's spirits had never been higher.
  884. (我在第一場戰鬥中……活下來了……而且贏了!)
  885. >(My first battle...I survived...and won!"
  886. 她自然而然地握緊拳頭。因爲這場勝利證明了自己能以艦娘的身分與深海棲艦戰鬥。
  887. >She unconsciously balled her hands into fists. This victory proved that she could fight as a shipgirl against the abyssals.
  888. (而且,翔鶴姊在我身邊……)
  889. >(Plus, Shoukaku-nee's at my side....)
  890. 根據戰果判定,對深海棲艦造成最多損傷的艦娘似乎是翔鶴。翔鶴的第一波攻擊隊擊沈兩艘敵輕巡,另外還讓一艘驅逐艦大破。擊沈、重創剩下三艘則是瑞鶴與飛鷹的戰果。
  891. >The post-battle report showed that Shoukaku had done the most damage to the Abyssals, her first wave having sunk two light carriers and crippled a destroyer. Hiyou and Zuikaku had been responsible for the remaining three ships.
  892. 翔鶴不僅擔任艦隊旗艦這個實質上的實戰指揮官,更展現了壓倒性的攻擊力,讓瑞鶴難掩自己的贊歎。
  893. >As flagship, Shoukaku had both shown herself as an experienced commander and as a force to be reckoned with--Zuikaku had trouble restraining her praise.
  894. (只要翔鶴姊在,這次的敵人根本不算什麽……!)
  895. >(As long as SHoukaku-nee is here, our enemies count for nothing...!)
  896. 雖然敵軍主力是航母機動部隊,但我方六人裏有三名航母。盡管不能掉以輕心,但只要好好戰鬥,勝利應該是手到擒來。
  897. >Though the enemy main force was a carrier task force, they had three carriers with them. That was no reason to let down their guard, of course, but as long as they fought hard, victory should be well within their grasp.
  898. 瑞鶴再次望向水平線。
  899. >Zuikaku looked once more to the horizon.
  900. 視野裏只有遼闊的海平面。上空雖有若幹雲層,但除此之外都十分平穩。
  901. >All that could be seen was the wide expanse of the open sea. A few clouds dotted the sky, but otherwise all was clear.
  902. 「話說回來,剛才那場戰鬥你們表現得真是精彩呢,瑞鶴、翔鶴。」
  903. >"By the way--that was an impressive showing, Zuikaku, Shoukaku."
  904. 飛鷹從後方搭話。
  905. >Hiyou spoke up from the back.
  906. 「居然開場攻擊完就大勢底定……真不愧是翔鶴型。」
  907. >"Deciding the battle within the opening attack...the Shoukaku-class lives up to its name."
  908. 「飛鷹不也很努力嗎?」
  909. >"Didn't Hiyou also work very hard?"
  910. 翔鶴轉向後方回應她。
  911. >Shoukaku turned in response.
  912. 「飛鷹型雖然是輕型航母,但搭載能力緊追在飛龍型之後。馬裏亞納海戰指揮我們的小澤提督常說『飛機最重要的是數量』,我認爲你和隼鷹就印證了這句話。」
  913. >"The Hiyou class may be light carriers, but their carrier capacity is close to that of the Hiryuu class (note: at the time this was published, the dragon Kai II had yet to be released. At this time Souryuu and Hiryuu kai had only 7 more planes than Hiyou and Junyou, though their slots were superior. Admiral Ozawa, our commanding officer in the Marianas, often said that 'the most important thing about planes are numbers (note: yeah because that worked so well at the Turkey Shoot right?)'; I believe you and Junyou are proof of that."
  914. 「誇我也沒好處。反正一碰上比較強的深海棲艦,身爲標准航母的你們遠比我這個輕型航母更有可能正面作戰。」
  915. >"No need for the priase. Once we run into stronger abyssals, after all, you standard carriers are far more likely to be in the thick of it than we light carriers."
  916. 飛鷹的口氣有些寂寥。或許是因爲看見翔鶴壓倒性的攻擊力,讓她意識到自己的極限。
  917. >Hiyou spoke with a hint of wistfulness. Perhaps witnessing Shoukaku's crushing attack power had made her aware of her own limits.
  918. 「我覺得,飛鷹你太看不起自己了。」
  919. >"Hiyou, I feel that you underestimate yourself far too often."
  920. 瑞鶴從旁插嘴。她腦中閃過出擊前隼鷹說過的話。
  921. >Zuikaku cut in from the side as Junyou's words flashed in her mind.
  922. 「單看帳面上的規格或許真是這樣,但該看的不只這部分吧?像是燃料消耗較少──我聽說在『那場戰爭』中,你跟隼鷹正是因爲這項優點,而在後方扛起了運輸飛機與資源的重責大任。」
  923. >"If you look at the hard stats, that might be the case, but what about everything else, like fuel consumption? I heard that in 'That War', you and Junyou served diligently and efficiently as supply and plane transports due to your fuel efficiency."
  924. 「這種事我曉得啦。我也覺得這件事很光榮──不過,就算這樣還是無法避免跟深海棲艦正面對決,必要時依舊得挺身面對戰鬥。」
  925. >"I understand that, and I am quite proud of it. However, this is not a world where you and I can avoid confronting the abyssals directly. When the time comes we must always do our best in the battle."
  926. 「所以說,這種思考方向……」
  927. >"That's why, this way of thinking..."
  928. 「這是我的信念。誰都不能改變我……就算是隼鷹也不能。」
  929. >"This is my way of life. Nobody can change that....not even Junyou."
  930. 飛鷹講得斬釘截鐵。瑞鶴與翔鶴都無言以對。
  931. >The curt resolve in Hiyou's voice was far too firm for Zuikaku and Shoukaku to challenge with further words.
  932. 「……不過,謝謝你們。」
  933. >"...but...thank you."
  934. 頓了數秒後,飛鷹不好意思地這麽說道。
  935. >Several seconds later, Hiyou said with some difficulty.
  936. 「這些話總比笑我什麽速度慢跟裝甲薄要好多了,也能給我一點安慰……感謝。」
  937. >"These words are far kinder than jabs about my low speed or thin armor. It gives me some comfort....and I am grateful."
  938. 她這幾句話,替六名艦娘帶來一股暖意。
  939. >Her words seemed to have warmed up all within the six-ship fleet.
  940. 霎時間,瑞鶴耳邊響起尖銳的聲音。
  941. >Of course, it was at this time that a sharp noise pierced Zuikaku's ear.
  942. 緊接著,許多聲沈重的低吼傳來。
  943. >Shortly after came a chorus of low howls.
  944. (這聲音……該不會!)
  945. >(That can't be!)
  946. 「各艦!緊急回避!這個聲音是──!」
  947. >"All ships, evasive action! That sound is--!"
  948. 翔鶴鐵青著臉大喊。
  949. >Shoukaku shouted, her face drawn"
  950. 「戰艦主炮齊射的……!」
  951. >"That's the sound of a battleship's...!"
  952. 下一秒,大量的水柱與爆炸接連出現在六名艦娘周圍。
  953. >A second later, explosions and pillars of water surrounded the six shipgirls.
  955. 7
  956. >7.
  957. 鎮守府的別館有間弓道場。道場雖小,射場、矢道、的場等設施卻維護得很好。(注:射場是指弓道場中射手拉弓的區域,的場是擺放標靶的區域,矢道則是前兩者之間的空地,也就是「箭矢飛行的道路」。)
  958. >In one of the Naval District's many auxiliary buildings was a kyudo/archery range (note: the chinese translator goes into great lengths using the japanese kyudo terminology, but I'm going to avoid doing that, as it adds no real purpose to the text). While the range was not particularly large, its target area, shooting area and shooting field were all well furnished and maintained.
  959. 使用這間弓道場的人,主要是標准航母艦娘們。
  960. >The main users of this archery range were the standard carriers.
  961. 由于標准航母艦娘是對上空放箭,等箭矢變成許多艦載機後再讓它們飛向敵人,因此不見得非精通弓道不可。然而,想精准地引導艦載機需要集中力,在這裏鍛煉弓道技術則是培養這種能力的最佳方法。
  962. >Of course, the Standard Carriers simply need to shoot into the sky for their arrows to transmute into autonomous carrier planes, and in that respect anything more than a basic grasp of archery was unnecessary. Even so, guiding the carrier planes required mental focus, and kyudo was one of the best ways to develop that focus.
  963. 這天,赤城與加賀穿著平常的裝備,一早就在道場裏練習。
  964. >Today, Akagi and Kaga were up early to practice, dressed in normal uniform.
  965. 爲了集中意識,她們從頭到尾保持沈默。兩人幾乎箭無虛發。道場中另有數名妖精會在赤城與加賀射箭時,忙著處理收集箭矢、更換標靶等工作。
  966. >To focus their minds, both of them maintained total silence. There were virtually no misses. On the field, several fairies helped to scurry away with the loosed arrows and replace the targets.
  967. 此刻,加賀射出了不知第幾次的箭矢──然後落空了。
  968. >At this moment, Kaga fired yet again--and missed completely.
  969. 「…………」
  970. >"....."
  971. 一語不發的加賀露出難以接受的表情,接著再度拉弓放箭──這次的結果也一樣,甚至偏得比剛才更遠。
  972. >Kaga silently nocked a second arrow, her expression a little incredulous--yet her result was the same once again, her second arrow going even further off the mark.
  973. 「爲什麽……」
  974. >"Why..."
  975. 一旁的赤城輕笑道:
  976. >Next to her, Akagi lightly giggled.
  977. 「現在的你啊,有些心不在焉呢。」
  978. >"You must have some kind of unease in your heart."
  979. 「心不在焉?」
  980. >"Unease?"
  981. 「你在擔心瑞鶴吧?」
  982. >"Are you worried about Zuikaku?"
  983. 加賀瞪大了眼,彷佛在說連她自己也沒發現這件事。赤城毫不在意地接著說:
  984. >Kaga's eyes widened, as if she herself had not noticed. Unfazed, Akagi continued:
  985. 「自己看中的孩子初次上陣,能不能順利達成任務呢?盡管自己相信會成功,現實卻沒那麽簡單……這些都寫在你臉上。」
  986. >"That child who's caught your eye has gone to battle for the first time. Will she complete her mission? Even if you're fairly confident, the reality is often not that simple...that's what's written on your face."
  987. 「怎麽可能。」
  988. >"I don't see how that's possible."
  989. 「不過,的確是這樣吧?」
  990. >"Regardless, it is the truth, no?"
  991. 對于赤城的逼問,加賀紅著臉別過頭去──看樣子是說中了。
  992. >In response to Akagi's inquiries, Kaga looked looked away, her face slightly red--it seemed Akagi was right.
  993. 「放心吧,那些孩子沒問題的。」
  994. >"Don't worry, that child will be fine."
  995. 「…………」
  996. >"........"
  997. 「一航戰有一航戰的戰鬥方式,五航戰有五航戰的戰鬥方式……教她這點的不正是加賀你嗎?那些孩子們一定會平安回來的。」
  998. >"The 1stCarDiv has the 1stCarDiv's way of fighting, the 5thCarDiv has the 5thCarDiv's way of fighting...wasn't the one who taught them that you, Kaga? Those children will definitely come back safely."
  999. 赤城直直盯著加賀的眼睛。加賀認輸似地歎了口氣,再度舉弓。
  1000. >Akagi gazed straight into Kaga's eyes. Sighing as if to admit defeat, Kaga raised her bow once more.
  1001. 「是啊。不過,也就是因爲這樣……」
  1002. >"Yes. However, it is also because of that..."
  1003. 加賀凝視標靶。
  1004. >Kaga sighted the target.
  1005. 「所以這次絕不能輸。如果我們輸了……」
  1006. >"That we cannot fail. If we fail..."
  1007. 拉弓、放箭──這回箭矢命中了標靶的中心,獨特的回音在道場內回蕩。
  1008. >Draw, loose--this time the arrow stabbed straight into the center of the target, the thud resounding through the range.
  1009. 赤城忍住了差點出現在臉上的些微苦笑。原先有些動搖的心,居然只因爲自己的一句話就重回安定,這股堅定的意志相當符合加賀的風格。
  1010. >Akagi hastily suppressed the bitter smile that had almost reached her face. To be able to allay her own worries and strengthen her resolve with a single phrase--that was just like Kaga.
  1011. 赤城是這間鎮守府資曆最老的艦娘之一。她在鎮守府剛成立時就已到任,之後便持續以主力的身分在第一線奮戰。有一陣子因爲赤城的出擊頻率實在太高,鎮守府原先儲備的資源與糧食在不知不覺間消耗殆盡──這些事如今都已成爲美好的回憶。
  1012. >Akagi was one of the oldest shipgirls in the naval district. She had taken up her duties when the Naval District was first formed, and from then on had fought vigorously on the front lines as one of the main force. There was a time when Akagi sortied so often that the naval district's food and supply reserve had been whittled down to nothing--these days, those affairs were simply pleasant memories.
  1013. 所以,許多艦娘將她當成「可靠的航母大姊姊」崇拜,也因此赤城常會關心其他艦娘們的身心狀況。
  1014. >Because of this, many shipgirls worshiped her as "the reliable carrier onee-san," and because of that Akagi frequently cared for the other shipgirl's mental and physical health.
  1015. 對赤城來說,摯友加賀也是關心的對象之一。
  1016. >And for Akagi, Kaga, as her closest friend, was the one she cared for the most.
  1017. (加賀雖然不老實,卻很誠實呢……)
  1018. >(Kaga may not honest, but she is truthful...)
  1019. 以毛巾擦汗的赤城再度忍住苦笑,並爲了補給水分往連接走廊的門移動。留下的加賀則是頭也不回地繼續拉弓。
  1020. >As she wiped her sweat off with a towel, Akagi suppressed another sad smile. As she walked towards the hallway for some water, Kaga continued to draw and shoot without a second glance.
  1021. (不過,就像加賀說的……)
  1022. >(But, as Kaga said...)
  1023. 一踏上走廊,便有一名艦娘接近赤城。
  1024. >As she stepped into the hallway, a shipgirl approached Akagi.
  1025. 「雪風?」
  1026. >"Yukikaze?"
  1027. 「辛苦了,赤城姊!」
  1028. >"Thanks for your work, Akagi onee-san!"
  1029. 雪風很有精神地打招呼。從她出現的時機看來,似乎是在等赤城離開弓道場。赤城停下了腳步。因爲她明白雪風爲什麽會在這裏等待自己。
  1030. >Yukikaze's greeting was full of energy. From the way she had shown up, it appeared that she had been waiting for Akagi to leave the archery range. Akagi stopped, realizing why Yukikaze had been waiting for her.
  1031. 「跟那件事有關對吧,可以告訴我結論嗎?」
  1032. >"It's related to that, right? Could you tell me?"
  1033. 「好的。雖然等一同出擊的響姊回來,應該就能明白了……」
  1034. >"Yes. Although you could probably hear it from Hibiki nee-san once she gets back..."
  1035. 雪風說到這裏─猶豫地吸了一口氣──接著,她小聲地說道:
  1036. >Having voiced her hesitation, Yukikaze took a deep breath and whispered:
  1037. 「瑞鶴姊就跟司令所預期的一樣──」
  1038. >"As predicted by the commander, Zuikaku onee-san--"
  1040. 8
  1041. >8.
  1042. 先發制人造成的混亂範圍有限。
  1043. >The chaos following the preemptive strike was limited in scope.
  1044. 由于敵軍瞄准航母攻擊,所以其他三人平安無事。她們立刻開始突擊,朝深海棲艦──終于現身的敵軍主力前進。緊接在戰艦炮擊後來襲的敵軍第一波攻擊隊,也在攻擊的同時與翔鶴倉促間送出的第一波攻擊隊爆發沖突,目前已開始撤退。
  1045. >As the enemy had targeted the carriers, the other three shipgirls were unharmed. They immediately retaliated, turning to engage the enemy abyssals--the long-awaited main fleet. Hard on the heels of the battleship shelling, the enemy's first attack flight had followed clashing with Shoukaku's hastily-launched first wave before disengaging.
  1046. 然而,下方的海面上──
  1047. >And yet, on the water's surface--
  1048. 「振作點!飛鷹!」
  1049. >"Get a hold together! Hiyou!"
  1050. 陷入恐慌的瑞鶴將臉湊向受重創倒下的飛鷹。
  1051. >Panicked, Zuikaku turned to where Hiyou lay on the water, knocked over by repeated hits.
  1052. 「飛鷹!深海棲艦就在眼前I你不能在這裏倒下!」
  1053. >"Hiyou, the Abyssals are here! You can't just lay there!"
  1054. 「嗚,啊……」
  1055. >"Ugh, oh...."
  1056. 飛鷹痛苦地呻吟。可說是飛鷹型注冊商標的陰陽師裝束燒得焦黑,手裏的飛行甲板卷軸燒掉了一半。
  1057. >Hiyou groaned in pain. The Hiyou-class' trademark onmyouji uniform had been charred black, and only about half of the flight deck scroll had survived the flames.
  1058. 她本人的傷勢也相當嚴重,就連移動都有困難。
  1059. >The wounds on her body, too, were quite severe; even movement was difficult.
  1060. 這是因爲敵戰艦的炮擊與航母艦載機的攻擊接連打向飛鷹。但是不曉得幸或不幸,待在附近的瑞鶴毫發無傷,翔鶴雖然有傷但不影響戰鬥。
  1061. >The enemy battleship's shells and their carrier's planes had both targeted Hiyou in succession. Whether out of fortune or misfortune, the nearby Zuikaku had unscathed, while the lightly wounded Shoukaku fought on as if unaffected.
  1062. 「飛鷹!」
  1063. >"Hiyou!"
  1064. 瑞鶴再度喊道。她內心滿是焦躁與恐懼──以及強烈的後悔。
  1065. >Zuikaku shouted again. The frantic terror in her heart was tinged by a powerful regret.
  1066. (我到底在想什麽……!)
  1067. >(What was I thinking...?!)
  1068. 有三名航母在不可能輸給敵軍機動部隊──自己本來的確是這麽想。
  1069. >There's no way we could lose against an enemy carrier task force with three carriers--that was what she had thought.
  1070. 然而,實際上己方反倒遭受奇襲,使得飛鷹大破。擊退第一波攻擊隊的翔鶴艦載機,也在空戰中損失慘重。
  1071. >And yet in reality it was they who had been caught with their pants down, allowing Hiyou to be heavily damaged. Shoukaku's CAP, which had been forced to fight off the enemy's first wave unassisted, had also taken heavy losses.
  1072. 此外,在這段期間內自己什麽也做不了。自己只是看著重傷的飛鷹而手足無措,沒辦法像翔鶴那樣應付敵軍的空襲。
  1073. >Moreover, in this period of time Zuikaku herself had done nothing, gaping at Hiyou's wounds instead of acting to mitigate the enemy air attack as Shoukaku had.
  1074. 「嗚……瑞、鶴……?」
  1075. >"EUrgh...Zui...kaku...?"
  1076. 「飛鷹!」
  1077. >"Hiyou!"
  1078. 飛鷹勉強睜開眼睛,擠出細微的聲音。
  1079. >Hiyou forced her eyes open as she spoke with a tiny voice.
  1080. 敵退敵機的翔鶴趕來飛鷹身旁,瞄了一眼她遍體鱗傷的樣子──然後冷靜地說道:
  1081. >Having driven off the enemy planes, Shoukaku rushed to Hiyou's side. Evaluating Hiyou's wounds with a sweep of her eyes, Shoukaku gave her diagnosis calmly.
  1082. 「……放心,這點損傷沈不了。只要能平安回到鎮守府,應該有辦法修複才對……」
  1083. >"...don't worry, this level of damage won't sink you. As long as we safely return to the Naval District, we can fix this much...."
  1084. 「翔鶴姊!現在不是悠哉地講這種──」
  1085. >"Shoukaku-nee, now isn't the time for this--"
  1086. 「爲了達成這個目的,接下來得靠我們的努力才行喔,瑞鶴。」
  1087. >"It'll be up to us to realize our objective from here no out, Zuikaku."
  1088. 翔鶴露出一如往常的溫柔微笑──然而,她回答的聲音卻因此更顯嚴肅。
  1089. >Though Shoukaku's smile was as gentle as always, there was a steely tone in her response.
  1090. 瑞鶴感覺被潑了一盆冷水。相對于順從情感而大爲動搖的自己,翔鶴選擇面對現實,去做該做的事。一想到自己有多丟臉就讓她很想死。
  1091. >Zuikaku blinked, as if dunked with cold water. While she was busy panicking, Shoukaku had chosen to face the current situation and act to mitigate the situation. Zuikaku felt as if she could die from shame.
  1092. 翔鶴或許是察覺到妹妹在想什麽吧,她輕撫瑞鶴的其中一束馬尾。
  1093. >Perhaps discerning what her sister was feeling, Shoukaku lightly stroked one of Zuikaku's twintails.
  1094. 「放心,事情變成這樣不是你的錯。」
  1095. >"Don't worry. It's not your fault that we are in this situation."
  1096. 「翔鶴姊……」
  1097. >"Shoukaku-nee..."
  1098. 「想必敵艦隊是躲在雲的下面,所以才會連偵察機都沒發現他們的蹤影──這種事情在『那場戰爭』中也發生過好幾次呀,更別說敵方是多數比軍艦來得小的深海棲艦。這不是你的責任。」
  1099. >Most likely, the enemy fleet hid underneath that cloud to evade our scouts, just like what happened quite a few times in 'That War.' Combined with the fact that the abyssals are somewhat smaller than warships, it's not your fault."
  1100. 「可是……!」
  1101. >"But...!"
  1102. 「沒迅速放出艦載機確實該扣分……但是,面對突如其來的實戰不慌才奇怪。所以你不必在意。」
  1103. >"You do lose a few points for not sending out your planes posthaste...but to be panicked by an attack out of nowhere is natural. Don't worry about it."
  1104. 瑞鶴咬住下唇。她明白翔鶴說的沒錯──卻沒辦法老實地接受。
  1105. >Zuikaku bit her lower lip. Although she understood that Shoukaku's words were correct, she could not honestly accept it.
  1106. 翔鶴看著妙高她們正在進行炮雷擊戰的海面。盡管不曉得局勢的發展,但敵艦隊有戰艦又有航母,必然對己方不利。
  1107. >Shoukaku regarded Myoukou and company, engaged in the surface action. Though the exact situation was unclear, the enemy had battleships and carriers--a disadvantageous situation without a doubt.
  1108. (該怎麽辦才好……?)
  1109. >(What should we do...?)
  1110. 從剛才來襲的敵戰艦炮彈與敵艦載機架數看來,敵方戰力大概是一艘戰艦、兩艘航母,加上三艘其他護衛艦艇。如果能好好戰鬥,應該不是贏不了的對手。
  1111. >From the recent battleship shelling and the carrier attack, the enemy's fleet probably consisted of one battleship, two carriers and three escorts. Not a losing hand, as long as they played their cards right.
  1112. 然而,敵方先發制人使得飛鷹大破,翔鶴也失去了許多艦載機。依然保有完整戰力的只剩下瑞鶴。
  1113. >And yet, the enemy's preemptive attack has crippled Hiyou, while the ensuing action had whittled down Shoukaku's complement. The only carrier at full strength was Zuikaku.
  1114. (可是,如果跟翔鶴姊一起參戰,就得放著大破的飛鷹不管……!而且一旦攻擊失敗,我們就會被敵軍殲滅……)
  1115. >(But if I join the battle with Shoukaku-nee, we'd have to leave behind Hiyou...! And if we fail, we'll be wiped out...)
  1116. 翔鶴也緊抿著嘴一言不發。或許是在絞盡腦汁思考挽回眼前劣勢的策略吧。
  1117. >Shoukaku also remained silent. Perhaps she was also wracking her mind for a tactic to escape this situation.
  1118. 「……不要管我了啦……」
  1119. >"....Don't worry about me..."
  1120. 「飛鷹……?」
  1121. >"Hiyou...?"
  1122. 飛鷹發出沙啞的聲音。瑞鶴不禁大喊:
  1123. >Hiyou spoke with a hoarse voice.
  1124. 「別說話了,飛鷹!而且我怎麽能丟下你……!」
  1125. "Don't talk too much, Hiyou," Zuikaku shouted, "and there's no way we're leaving you in this situation...!"
  1126. 「就因爲是這種時候才要說吧……如果爲了保護我而分散戰力,就更沒勝算……」
  1127. >"I have to talk because this is the situation...if we divide our force to protect me, our chances are even worse...."
  1128. 盡管面容因痛苦而扭曲,飛鷹仍舊繼續說下去。
  1129. >Though she was nearly bent over with pain, Hiyou continued to speak.
  1130. 「要挽回劣勢,只能像我跟隼鷹演習時那樣沖進敵人陣中……如果是速度比我們快的你們,一定能成功……」
  1131. >"In order to regain the initiative, you have to go all in and rush the enemy like Junyou and I did in the fleet exercises. If it's you guys with your speed, there's no way you'll fail..."
  1132. 「這怎麽……」
  1133. >"What are you..."
  1134. 瑞鶴倒抽一口氣。沖到距離敵人極近處發動攻擊。盡管這會提高中彈的風險,然而一旦成功就可能逆轉局勢。飛鷹主張該這麽做。
  1135. >Zuikaku took a deep breath. Moving danger close to engage as Hiyou proposed would increase the risk of damage. If it succeeded, however, it would likely turn the situation on its head.
  1136. 但是,如果自己跟翔鶴的嘗試失敗,艦隊將會失去所有航母而慘遭敵軍擊破。更何況,能進行這種反覆攻擊的人,只剩還保有充足艦載機的自己。
  1137. >But if Shoukaku and Zuikaku failed, the fleet would lose the entirety of their carrier force. Additionally, only one person still had the planes to execute this counter attack--herself.
  1138. (我怎麽可能辦得到……!)
  1139. >(How can I pull all that of...?!)
  1140. 「……我明白了。」
  1141. >"...I understand."
  1142. 翔鶴堅定地點頭,代替沒出聲的瑞鶴作答。
  1143. >Shoukaku nodded honestly as she spoke for the soundless Zuikaku.
  1144. 「翔鶴姊?」
  1145. >"Shoukaku-nee?"
  1146. 「確實就像飛鷹說的,要賭只能賭這招。而且如果我們不快點開始反擊,妙高、羽黑、還有響都會有危險。」
  1147. >"It is as Hiyou said--this gamble is our only chance. And if we don't counterattack soon, Myoukou, Haguro and Hibiki will be in danger."
  1148. 「可是,這樣太危險了!翔鶴姊你也說過這種戰術不合理……!」
  1149. >"But it's way too dangerous! Shoukaku-nee, you told me in the past that this tactic was illogical...!"
  1150. 「可以的話我會盡量避免這麽做。我們是以艦載機爲武器的航母艦娘,應該從頭到尾都在敵軍的攻擊範圍外出手──也就是貫徹視距外戰法。」
  1151. >"If there were another option I would have taken it. We, whose only weapons are our carrier planes (note: technically Kaga has only a slightly weaker broadside than the Aoba-class, since she mounts 5 20cm on each side), should optimally spend the whole battle outside of the enemy's attack range--engagement from beyond the horizon.
  1152. 「既然這樣……!」
  1153. >"Well then...!"
  1154. 「可是在這種狀態下,要逆轉只能這麽做。」
  1155. >"But if we are to reverse this situation, it's the only option."
  1156. 「……!」
  1157. >"....!"
  1158. 「而且呢,瑞鶴。」
  1159. >"Furthermore, Zuikaku."
  1160. 翔鶴臉上浮現跟先前一樣的溫柔微笑。
  1161. >Shoukaku smiled, gentle as always.
  1162. 「我們不但要爲了擊敗深海棲艦而戰,也得爲了拯救自己與同伴的心而戰。我們都懷抱著在『那場戰爭』中所受的心靈創傷──如果不一邊治療一邊戰鬥,我們遲早會因爲心靈崩潰而無法戰鬥。我有這種感覺。」
  1163. >We do not fight simply to defeat the abyssals, but also to rescue our comrades. We all bear traumas from 'That War' that we must confront in battle--if we do not let these mental scars heal, they will fester and sap our will to fight.
  1164. 瑞鶴啞口無言。她想起剛來到鎮守府時自己跟翔鶴的對話。
  1165. >Dumbstruck, Zuikaku was reminded of what Shoukaku had told her when she had first joined.
  1166. 「要是我們變得無法戰鬥,別說不能解救無辜的人們,就連我們自己都拯救不了。這場戰爭或許會拖得比『那場戰爭』還久。如果拘泥于戰術理論而持續扼殺內心,說不定會落得沒有救贖的結局……」
  1167. >"Losing the means to fight is more than losing the means to rescue these innocents--it means losing the means to save ourselves. This war may well outlast 'That War;' if we allow our hearts to be strangled under the constraints of tactical theory we may well end up in a nonredeemable situation."
  1168. 少女腦中浮現了慢跑時替自己和同伴加油的人們、因此而笑逐顔開的驅逐艦艦娘們,以及隼鷹托付自己的話語。
  1169. >Zuikaku recalled the people who had cheered her and her comrades on during their jogs, the destroyer shipgirls who had broken into smiles as a result, and what Junyou had told her.
  1170. (飛鷹是我們寶貴的同伴……不能白費她的心、她的意志、她的願望……爲了拯救這個世界、也爲了讓自己能繼續戰鬥下去……)
  1171. (Hiyou is our valuable friend and ally...we have to value her heart, her hopes and her order to save the world, and in order to save ourselves...)
  1172. 瑞鶴感覺內心逐漸平靜。恐懼還在,但決心逐漸堅定。
  1173. >Zuikaku felt herself calm. The fear remained, but it was encased in a hardening resolve.
  1174. (若是爲了達到這個目的,我……!)
  1175. >(If it's to reach our goal, I...!)
  1176. 瑞鶴彷佛要與先前的自己訣別般咽下唾液。煤炭的苦味纏著咽喉不放。但是,這味道似乎反而讓思緒變清楚了。
  1177. >Zuikaku gulped, as if to force her previous feelings down her throat. The bitter taste of coal clung to her throat--and yet, somehow, that taste seemed to help her think more clearly than ever.
  1178. 「飛鷹、翔鶴姊。我願意。」
  1179. >"Hiyou, Shoukaku, I'm in."
  1180. 瑞鶴握緊拳頭壓抑指尖的顫抖,同時站起身來。
  1181. >Restraining the tremors in her clenched fist, Zuikaku stood up.
  1182. 「我會一個人解決兩艘航母給你們看……所以等著瞧吧!」
  1183. >"I'll take those two carriers down on my own...just you guys watch me!"
  1184. ◇◇◇
  1185. > <><><>
  1186. 妙高、羽黑、響與敵艦隊的炮雷擊戰,就如翔鶴她們所擔心地落入下風。
  1187. >As Shoukaku had expected, the surface engagement between Myoukou, Haguro, Hibiki and the enemy ships was taking a turn for the worse.
  1188. 敵艦隊已不知是第幾次的炮擊轟向她們三個。大量水柱接連噴發。
  1189. >The enemy fleet let fly yet again with another volley at the three shipgirls, enveloping them in seaspray and waterspouts.
  1190. 「哇啊────!」
  1191. >"Uwaahhh--!"
  1192. 遭炮彈直接命中的妙高因沖擊過大而飛了出去──好不容易才穩住身子。
  1193. >Struck by a direct hit, Myoukou was sent flying, steadying herself only with great difficulty.
  1194. 「你沒事吧,大姊!」
  1195. >"Are you alright, Onee-san?!"
  1196. 盡管自己也被水花濺得一身濕,羽黑仍舊擔心地問道。
  1197. >Soaked with water from near-misses, Haguro nevertheless looked to her elder sister with concern.
  1198. 「我沒事!繼續炮擊!」
  1199. >"I'm fine! Continue shelling!"
  1200. 妙高立刻大聲回應。她不能讓羽黑擔心。
  1201. >Myoukou responded promptly--she could not allow Haguro to worry.
  1202. 妙高、羽黑是妙高型重巡的1號艦與4號艦,性能在鎮守府的重巡中算是標准。妙高是個很會照顧人的好姊姊,羽黑則是性格很符合麽女形象的懦弱艦娘,因此妙高常把心思放在羽黑身上。羽黑是個肯做就做得到的艦娘,但反過來說,士氣低落也會直接導致戰果不佳。
  1203. >Myoukou and Haguro were the 1st and 4th ships of the Myoukou-class, rather standard cruisers of the Naval District. While Myoukou was the nurturing older-sister type, Haguro was very much a youngest sister, weak-hearted and prone to tears. As such, Myoukou constantly worried over Haguro. Haguro was always willing to do her best, but low morale could still impact the course of the battle."
  1204. 「可、可是,再這樣下去的話!」
  1205. >"B-but, at this rate!"
  1206. 「我知道!響也要加油!」
  1207. >"I know! Hibiki, keep it up as well!"
  1208. 「了解。」
  1209. >"Acknowledged."
  1210. 在妙高和羽黑前方與三艘驅逐艦交戰的驅逐艦響簡短地回答。她雖然靠著巧妙的回避與三艘敵艦戰得不相上下,但始終無法給敵人決定性的打擊。
  1211. >Engaging three enemy destroyers at Myoukou and Haguro's side, Hibiki responded consisely. Though she continued to cleverly evade the attacks of the three enemy vessels, she had yet to inflict a decisive blow on any of them.
  1212. 妙高、羽黑、響打從開戰後便不斷試著對敵艦隊突擊,卻總是遭到敵戰艦的炮擊妨礙,不得不更改前進方向。盡管敵方只有一艘戰艦,兩艘重巡仍舊難以對抗。
  1213. >From the start of the battle, Myoukou, Haguro and Hibiki had repeatedly attacked the enemy fleet, only to be forced by enemy gunfire to change course. Though the enemy was only a single battleship, the two heavy cruisers were having trouble.
  1214. (而且,那家夥的背後有……!)
  1215. >(Plus, behind that fucker...!"
  1216. 妙高看向遠方的水平線──看向浮在那裏的兩艘敵航母。
  1217. >Myoukou regarded the distant horizon, where two enemy carriers hovered.
  1218. 不但要擊沈眼前的戰艦,還得擊沈那兩艘航母,否則沒辦法達成任務。
  1219. ?To complete the mission, both the battleship and the two carriers behind her would also need to be destroyed.
  1220. 目前兩艘航母似乎正忙著讓艦載機在空中集合,因此沒有動靜。但集合遲早會結束,到時候攻擊隊就會飛過來。
  1221. >The carriers had done little for a while, busy organizing their carrier planes for the next attack. But sooner or later they would be done, and the attack flight would come.
  1222. (我方航母因爲炮擊而戰力減半。從那個樣子看來,就連能不能反擊都……!)
  1223. >(Our carrier strength has already been halved due to the shelling. At this rate, not only will we be able to respond, but...!)
  1224. 然而盡管如此,她還是希望同伴反擊。
  1225. >And yet in spite of that, she still hoped for her allies to respond.
  1226. (只要解決掉敵航母,不但能掌握制空權,說不定連敵方戰艦都能擊破……)
  1227. >(If we can deal with the enemy carrier, we can clear the skies and have a chance to finish the carrier...)
  1228. 「妙高!拜托再撐一下!等敵方航母放出第二波攻擊後,我們就開始反擊!」
  1229. >"Myoukou! Please hold on a little more! Once the enemy carriers launch their second wave, we'll start our counterattack!"
  1230. 翔鶴的叫聲突然傳來。懷疑自己聽錯的妙高回答:
  1231. >Shoukaku's shout echoed. Doubting her own ears, Myoukou shouted back.
  1232. 「反擊……?在這種狀況下要怎麽做?爲了保護飛鷹,不是該徹底采取防空……」
  1233. >"Counterattack...? What are you going to do in this situation? Shouldn't you focus on air defense to protecti Hiyou?"
  1234. 「負責反擊的是瑞鶴!」
  1235. >"Zuikaku will deal with the counterattack!"
  1236. 這句話讓妙高明白了一切。
  1237. >With that, Myoukou understood.
  1238. 同一時間,兩艘敵航母出動了攻擊隊。
  1239. >At the same time, both enemy carriers launched their attack flight.
  1240. ◇◇◇
  1242. 瑞鶴與翔鶴開始朝兩艘敵航母突擊。她們的最高戰鬥速度高達三十四節以上──或許是因爲這樣吧,所到之處濺起了大量水花。
  1243. >Zuikaku and Shoukaku dashed straight for the enemy carriers. Moving at their maximum combat speed of over 34 knots, they threw up a cloud of seaspray in their wake.
  1244. 「瑞鶴,聽好!機會只有一次──就是敵方航母發動第二波攻擊之後!」
  1245. >"Zuikaku, listen to me! We'll only get one chance--as soon as the enemy carriers launch their second attack!"
  1246. 與瑞鶴並肩航行的翔鶴喊道。
  1247. >Cruising shoulder to shoulder with Zuikaku, Shoukaku elaborated.
  1248. 「敵方的第二波攻擊隊,多半會將我們當成最大的威脅而試圖發動空襲──不過,相對地上空的護衛機會減少,提高我方攻擊成功的可能性。只有這時候才可能擊破那兩艘航母。知道了嗎?」
  1249. >"The enemy's second wave will most likely prioritize me as the greatest threat--but as a result, the fighter cover above them will be severely reduced, giving us a good chance of getting a hit in. That will be our only chance to take down those two carriers. Understood?"
  1250. 「知道!」
  1251. >"Understood!"
  1252. 瑞鶴瞪著水平線上的兩艘敵航母。敵艦上空已有許多艦載機──空中集合即將完畢。
  1253. >Zuikaku eyed the two carriers on the horizon. A cloud of carrier planes surrounded them--they had completed their formation.
  1254. 而受傷的飛鷹正孤單地躺在自己背後,毫無防備──絕對不能讓敵人碰到她。
  1255. >Behind her, Hiyou lay on her own, unprotected--they could not let a single enemy touch her.
  1256. 「我派艦載機去護衛大破的飛鷹,所以我們的上空完全沒設防。敵軍的空襲就用引以爲傲的快腿避開!我們一定辦得到!」
  1257. >"I'm dispatching my fighters to protect Hiyou, so we're not going to have any cover. We're going to need to dodge the enemy's air attacks. We can do it!"
  1258. 「這我也知道!」
  1259. >"I know that!"
  1260. (一邊回避敵方的空襲,一邊引導艦載機往敵航母的方向移動……)
  1261. >(Dodging the enemy air attacks on one hand and guiding the carrier planes towards the enemy carriers...)
  1262. 瑞鶴在內心默念自己該做到的事。不用說,這是個困難的任務。
  1263. >Zuikaku went over her role in her head. This did not require saying, but it would not be an easy task.
  1264. (可是,如果做不到就會輸掉這場戰鬥……爲了逆轉戰局,只能這麽做了!)
  1265. >(But if we don't do it, we'll lose this order to turn the tables, this is what we must do!)
  1266. 「敵航母的第二波攻擊隊來了……瑞鶴!」
  1267. >"Enemy second wave inbound...Zuikaku!"
  1268. 「可惡──────!」
  1269. >"Damn it---!"
  1270. 瑞鶴舉起右臂後揮下。同一時間,編隊完畢的瑞鶴艦載機群飛向兩艘敵航母。
  1271. >Zuikaku's arm shot downwards. Instantly, her consolidated carrier planes buzzed towards the two enemy carriers.
  1272. 兩軍飛機交錯的同時,敵方的第二波攻擊隊開始俯沖。盡管有部分敵機掉頭飛向瑞鶴的攻擊隊,但因爲先前沖得太猛,因此只有少數成功轉向。
  1273. >As the two formations impacted, the enemy's bombers began to break through. Though a few fighters broke off to engage Zuikaku's attack flight, the intensity of their original charge and the ensuing clash meant that only a few managed to successfully come about in pursuit.
  1274. 朝瑞鶴俯沖的敵機約七十架,相當于第二波攻擊隊的一半。每架飛機的樣子都與己方艦載機似是而非。
  1275. >Roughly seventy enemy planes were now charging in Zuikaku's direction--roughly half of the second wave. Each plane had a passing resemblance to Zuikaku's own planes.
  1276. 敵機群似乎認爲沒護衛的瑞鶴好欺負,從四面八方襲擊而來。
  1277. >The enemy planes appeared to have figured defenseless Zuikaku would be easier to bully, and came from all directions.
  1278. (……啧!可是,跟加賀學姊那場戰鬥比起來根本不算什麽!)
  1279. >(...Tch! But, compared to the battle with Kaga-senpai, this isn't much!"
  1280. 「唔喔────!」
  1281. >"Naahhhh--!"
  1282. 瑞鶴緊緊盯住敵機群的動作,同時以高速開始回避。每當敵機俯沖而來,她便右偏左移、左搖右擺,接著又往後退──總而言之,她一邊解讀敵機的投彈路線一邊保持移動,同時盡可能避免讓敵機找到自己的移動規律。
  1283. >Eyeing the enemy carrier planes' movements, Zuikaku began to break into high-speed evasive maneuvers. As the enemy bombers closed in, she jinked left and right before backing away, reading the enemy's attack paths, moving erratically to prevent the enemy from finding a pattern in her evasive movements.
  1284. 由于艦載機一旦開始俯沖路徑就會固定成直線,因此只要等它們俯沖才動作,就能在千鈞一發之際躲開。
  1285. >Carrier planes had to move in a straight path once they began their attack run--as such, it was possible to avoid their attack by a hairsbreadth by moving the moment they began their run.
  1286. 對敵機來說,瑞鶴的反應似乎完全出乎意料之外。
  1287. >To the enemy planes, Zuikaku's response appeared to have taken them by surprise.
  1288. 雖然每架敵機都能逼近瑞鶴,卻總是會被瑞鶴躲開,到頭來只能在錯誤的地點白白浪費魚雷或炸彈後低空撤退。其中也有半吊子解讀瑞鶴動作後投彈的機體,但在瑞鶴的高速回避下同樣無功而返。
  1289. >Although every plane could close in on Zuikaku, she moved aside at the last second, leaving them to waste their torpedos and dive bombs in empty space. A few of the cleverer ones attempted to figure out Zuikaku's movements and lead with a bomb or torpedo--but thanks to Zuikaku's high-speed evasive action, they, too, could only return to their carriers empty-handed.
  1290. 瑞鶴在確認這些狀況的同時持續閃避。她以眼角余光瞄到翔鶴在水柱之間回避──但終究還是沒空分神關心對方。
  1291. >Zuikaku continued dodging as she assessed the situation. At the corner of her eye, she spotted Shoukaku dodging between pillars--her own situation, however, did not leave much time to worry about others.
  1292. (在我的背上,有飛鷹、翔鶴姊,以及大家的期待!哪能在這種地方……!)
  1293. >(I have Hiyou, Shoukaku-nee and everyone's expectations on my back! How can I fail here...!)
  1294. 緊接著,剛才放出去的攻擊隊抵達敵艦上空I瑞鶴盯著目標,以最大的音量喊道:
  1295. >Presently, the previously released attack teams were now above the enemy ships. Eyeing her target, Zuikaku shouted as loudly as possible.
  1296. 「艦載機們!去吧!」
  1297. >"Carrier planes! Go!"
  1298. 攻擊隊開始俯沖。正如先前所料,敵艦的上空沒多少護衛機,艦載機群輕而易舉地發動攻擊。
  1299. >The bombers began their attack runs. As predicted, only a few fighters protected the carriers--the attack squadrons easily began launching their attacks.
  1300. (這麽一來,只要攻擊奏效……!)
  1301. >(All that's left now is to hit!)
  1302. 瑞鶴盯著那兩艘敵方航母,並靠著斷斷續續的視線移動解讀敵機動作。
  1303. >Zuikaku focused on the two enemy carriers, tracking the remaining enemy planes out of the corner of her eye.
  1304. 數秒後,兩艘航母接連爆炸,身影倒向海面。雖然不曉得是否沈沒,但至少能確定敵艦已無法行動。或許幸運女神站在自己這一邊也說不定。
  1305. >A few seconds later, the two enemy carriers crumpled with explosions, collapsing into the water. Though it was not clear whether they had sunk, what was clear was that the enemy was not immobilized. Perhaps the goddess of fortune stood at her side after all.
  1306. 「……!成功了!」
  1307. >"...! Got 'em!"
  1308. 就在瑞鶴歡呼的瞬間,最後的──一直在觀察瑞鶴動作的敵機開始俯沖,飛向瑞鶴即將抵達的位置。
  1309. >And yet just as Zuikaku raised a shout of jubilation, one last enemy plane, eyeing Zuikaku's movements, began its attack run, its path crossing with Zuikaku's.
  1310. 瑞鶴雖然發現事情不妙,但身體沖勁太強難以轉向,無法完全躲開──會直接命中!
  1311. >Though she spotted the problem, ZUikaku's momentum prevented her from turning in time, not completely--this was going to be a direct hit.
  1312. 「……糟、糟糕……!」
  1313. >", shit...!"
  1314. 就在絕望席卷內心的瞬間──朝自己俯沖而來的敵機接連爆出火光後炸開,數秒後零戰飛過同樣的位置。
  1315. >Just as all hope was lost, the enemy carrier exploded in a ball of flame. Seconds later, a Zero fighter flew by.
  1316. 「零戰……?難道是翔鶴姊!」
  1317. >"A Zero Fighter...? Could it be Shoukaku-nee?!"
  1318. 少女轉過頭去──方才還同樣忙著回避的翔鶴,此刻已停在水上朝瑞鶴揮動右手。她似乎召回了在飛鷹上空待命的護衛機。
  1319. >The girl turned--Shoukaku, only a moment dodging a furiously, stopped on the water to wave at Zuikaku. She appeared to have recalled the fighters waiting above Hiyou.
  1320. 「幹得不錯喔……瑞鶴……」
  1321. >"Nicely done...Zuikaku..."
  1322. 翔鶴帶著微笑對瑞鶴說道。她雖然受到中等程度的損傷,但敵機群已經撤退了。
  1323. >Shoukaku smiled softly as she spoke to Zuikaku. She seemed to have taken medium damage, but the enemy planes had already broken off.
  1324. 「真不愧是我引以爲傲的妹妹呢……」
  1325. >"As expected of the sister that is my pride..."
  1326. 瑞鶴無言以對。因爲她雖然面對跟翔鶴同樣數量的敵機空襲,卻毫發無傷地度過難關。她不知道這該歸功于自己回避得當,還是自己的運氣夠好……
  1327. >Zuikaku could not respond--although she had faced the same amount of planes as Shoukaku, she had escaped without harm. She didn't know whether this was due to luck or her efforts.
  1328. 翔鶴安心地眨了一下眼睛,隨即再度看向敵艦隊。
  1329. >Shoukaku closed her eyes, reassured, before looking once more at the enemy fleet.
  1330. 「好,開始反擊!先解決讓妙高她們苦戰的戰艦。收回艦載機,准備第二波攻擊隊!」
  1331. >"Alright, let's start the counteroffensive! Deal with that battleship troubling Myoukou and company. Pull back the carrier planes and launch your second wave!"
  1332. 「了、了解!」
  1333. >"U-understood!"
  1334. 掌握制空權後就輪我方表演了──瑞鶴將贏得勝利的自信收在心裏,開始收回攻擊隊。
  1335. >Now that air supremacy had been obtained, they now had the initiative--putting the newfound confidence bought by her victory in her heart, Zuikaku began to recall the attack teams.
  1337. 9
  1338. >9.
  1339. ──飛鷹一醒來,就發現瑞鶴擔心地看著自己。
  1340. >The first thing Hiyou saw on waking up was Zuikaku watching her with a worried expression.
  1341. 「這裏是……?」
  1342. >"This is..."
  1343. 飛鷹豎起耳朵──只聽到海浪的聲音。炮聲、炮彈的飛行聲、艦載機的發動機聲,全都在不知不覺間消失了。天空染成一片紅,西方出現了夕陽。想來再過不久夜晚就會降臨這片海域。
  1344. >Hiyou strained her ears--all she heard were the lapping of waves. The sound of gunfire, the whistle of shells, the drone of the carrier planes, all of it had vanished. The sky was dyed red under the sunset. It would not be long before nighttime would fall on these waters.
  1345. 「……跟剛才一樣的海域。戰鬥結束啰。翔鶴姊她們正在確認戰果。」
  1346. >>"...Same waters as before. The battle's over, Shoukaku-nee and company are confirming the results."
  1347. 瑞鶴在回答時一直看著自己。看樣子─自己似乎枕在瑞鶴的腿上。
  1348. >Zuikaku looked at her as she responded. It seemed like she was currently resting her head on Zuikaku's legs.
  1349. 雖然全身都在痛,但至少沒沈──
  1350. >Although she ached all over, she hadn't sank--
  1351. 「哪邊……」
  1352. >"What about..."
  1353. 「當然是我們贏。我跟翔鶴姊的逼近攻擊奏效,擊破兩艘敵方航母──之後就能單方面修理敵人了。」
  1354. >"We won, of course. Shoukaku-nee and I got the enemy's two carriers with a close range attack--afterwards it was just cleanup."
  1355. 瑞鶴彷佛要讓人安心般,以和緩的語氣說道。
  1356. >Zuikaku spoke with a reassuring voice.
  1357. 「飛鷹,你的戰術成功啰。相對地,翔鶴姊吃了中破;而我的艦載機也消耗殆盡,沒辦法繼續戰鬥了就是……」
  1358. >"Hiyou, your tactic worked. On the other hand, Shoukaku-nee took medium damage, and I've lost enough planes such that continuing battle would no longer be a real option."
  1359. 「這樣啊……」
  1360. >"Is that so..."
  1361. 飛鷹滿足地咕哝。雖然不是理想中的發展,但自己的心意有傳達到。
  1362. >Hiyou mumbled in satisfaction. Although it wasn't the optimal result, she had been able to convey her feelings.
  1363. 她突然笑了起來──翔鶴跟瑞鶴果然是比自己更行的標准航母。可是不曉得爲什麽,這件事現在讓自己覺得很驕傲──
  1364. >She suddenly broke into laughter--Shoukaku and Zuikaku were truly superior standard carriers. But for reasons she didn't herself know, she felt proud over this situation.
  1365. (因爲她們是我寶貴的同伴嗎……)
  1366. >(Because they're my precious comrades...)
  1367. 至少瑞鶴跟翔鶴是這麽看待自己,才選了這種高風險的戰鬥方式。
  1368. >At the very least, Shoukaku and Zuikaku must have seen her that way to take on this high-risk tactic.
  1369. (那麽,或許我也該多相信同伴們所說的話……)
  1370. >(Maybe I should trust my comrades a little more as well...)
  1371. 身爲輕型航母的自己,如果要對抗比自己強大的深海棲艦,只能靠貼身攻擊。這個信念並未改變。
  1372. >As a light carrier, the only way to defeat stronger allies was close-range attack. This belief had not changed.
  1373. 然而除此之外,或許還可以更看重自己一點。
  1374. >But apart from that, maybe she could try to play it out a little safer.
  1375. (好像得效法一下隼鷹呢……)
  1376. >(Looks like I might have to listen to Junyou a little more.)
  1377. 少女不禁苦笑。隼鷹總是顯得充滿自信,原先一直以爲是因爲她沒有沈沒的經驗,不過她那之所以會那樣,或許是因爲擔心被過去綁住的自己也說不定。
  1378. >Hiyou smiled bitterly. Hiyou had always thought that Junyou's self-confidence came from never having been sunk--but perhaps Junyou acted that way so as not to worry her, burdened by the past as is.
  1379. (回去得向她道謝才行……)
  1380. >(I ought to thank her when I get back...)
  1381. 「飛鷹,你沒事吧……?」
  1382. >"Hiyou, you alright...?"
  1383. 瑞鶴擔心地看著飛鷹的臉。
  1384. >Zuikaku regarded Hiyou's face with worry.
  1385. 飛鷹突然覺得很不好意思,紅著臉別過頭去。
  1386. >Hiyou flushed with sudden embarrassment.
  1387. 「當、當然沒事!我可是出雲……更正,飛鷹!等傷養好以後,我還是會出擊!」
  1388. >"N-nothing, of course! I am Izumo--rather, Hiyou! Once my wounds are healed, I will go out to battle as before!"
  1389. 少女明明是想認真地回答,瑞鶴卻忍不住笑了出來。
  1390. >Zuikaku couldn't resist laughing in response to the girl's attempt at a dignified response.
  1391. 「啊哈哈!我還以爲你要說什麽呢,居然又弄錯名字了……飛鷹你真的是少根筋呢!」
  1392. >"Ahaha! I thought you were going to say something, but there you go messing your name up again...Hiyou, you're really are quite the scatterbrain!"
  1393. 「少、少根筋?在這種時候說會不會太過分啦?」
  1394. >"S-scatterbrain?! Isn't it a little rude to say that at this time?"
  1395. 「難怪隼鷹會擔心呢,啊哈哈!」
  1396. >"No wonder Junyou worries, ahaha!"
  1397. 「這跟隼鷹沒關系吧!話說回來,聽你這口氣……隼鷹是不是跟你說了什麽!」
  1398. >"This has nothing to do with Junyou! Speaking of which, that way you said that...did Junyou tell you something?!"
  1399. 「咦?沒、沒這回事啊~」
  1400. >"Eh? N-no, of course not~"
  1401. 「爲什麽你不但別開視線還講得這麽心虛!真是的,下次在演習場交手時,我絕對不會放過你──!」
  1402. >"Then why are you looking away and speaking with such a guilty tone? I won't let you get away with this next exercise, you know--!"
  1403. 飛鷹懊惱地亂甩雙手。至于把腿借她當枕頭的瑞鶴,則是開心地笑個不停。
  1404. >Hiyou wildly gesticulated in annoyance. Zuikaku, on the other hand (who had until now served as her pillow) continued laughing with joy.
  1406. 10
  1407. >10.
  1408. 夕陽染紅了鎮守府的提督辦公室。統一成藍色的古典風格辦公桌與地毯等家具、上頭放著軍艦模型的西洋風格暖爐、寫著「的說!」的挂軸等等,全都不例外。
  1409. >The setting sun colored the Admiral's office a crimson. The blue-themed classical desk, the carpet, the western-style fireplace and the ship model above it, the "Desu!" hanging wall scroll--there were no exceptions.
  1410. 「換句話說……」
  1411. >"In other words..."
  1412. 從窗邊望向屋外──同樣染成一片紅的鎮守府近郊街景──的提督開口問道:
  1413. >Watching the similarly red-painted streets outside the window, the Admiral asked,
  1414. 「我的……不,我們的預測沒錯,是吧?」
  1415. >", our predictions were correct, no?"
  1416. 「是的。」
  1417. >"Yes."
  1418. 赤城面無表情地颔首。
  1419. >Akagi responded, her face emotionless.
  1420. 「到任第二天跟加賀的演習;跟飛鷹、隼鷹她們新生二航戰的演習;以及驅逐艦響剛才報告的奧廖爾海連戰結果──在這之中,她只有第一場戰鬥中彈。然而這場……」
  1421. >"The exercise against Kaga on the second day; the exercises with Junyou and Hiyou's New 2ndCarDiv; the report on the Orel Sea battle submitted by destroyer Hibiki--in all these situations, she was only hit once, and only in the first battle. Even so, this..."
  1422. 「考慮到加賀的實力,就算遭受更嚴重的打擊也不奇怪。」
  1423. >"Given Kaga's strength, it's surprising she was only hit that much."
  1424. 「是的。相較之下,在『那場戰爭』中被揶揄爲『不幸艦』的……」
  1425. >"Indeed. In comparison, the one known during 'That War' as 'The Unlucky Ship..."
  1426. 提督舉起手制止赤城。接著,他在視線並未相交的狀態下詢問:
  1427. >The Admiral raised a hand to stop Akagi. Without eye contact, he inquired:
  1428. 「那麽,看來就是這樣了吧。她──『幸運航母』瑞鶴也跟部分艦娘一樣。」
  1429. >"Then, it seems like that is this is the case. She--'Lucky Carrier' Zuikaku is has chosen to be like some of the other shipgirls."
  1430. 提督面色凝重。赤城也以同樣的表情點頭。
  1431. >The admiral's expression seemed dignified, and Akagi nodded with a similar expression.
  1432. 「或許,她們能靠這種幸運掌握最佳的未來。」
  1433. >"Perhaps she can use that luck to grasp the best possible future."
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