

Oct 17th, 2016
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  1. Hello all! Another #pastebinmonday coming your way! I haven't done one in a little bit so I guess it's time for a bit of an update.
  3. Right now, I'm back home on break until January, where I will then head back to Japan to start more Japanese lessons in Shinjuku. I had the option of straight up staying in Japan and starting new classes in October, but I was really starting to burn out and I'm very glad I actually made the decision to come back home for a few months. Being able to stream again and sit back and relax has really done wonders for me. To all of my new/existing subs/viewers, thank you so much for staying with me! Now on to some recent stuff:
  5. JAPAN: Though it's always nice to come back home, I actually cannot wait to go back to Japan again! Before I left, I actually attended Tokyo Game Show and got to go with two very famous Japanese cosplayers, who invited me to go along with them! They both went as Noctis and Prompto, and I went as Ignis. The entire experience was out of this world, especially considering that after the first day, we were asked (rather spontaneously) by Square Enix staff to attend their Active Time Report the next day for Final Fantasy XV because our cosplays were apparently "very, very good". The next day, we were showed back stage and were able to talk with Square Enix staff members. After that, we actually went on to the main Square Enix stage at Tokyo Game Show with Hajime Tabata, director of Final Fantasy XV, and Akio Ofuji, the main marketing producers for Final Fantasy XV. The experience was surreal and myself and the other cosplayers were definitely insanely nervous. Everyone's Japanese was much better than mine, but I went out there and gave it my best go! There were so many people there, I thought I was gonna pass out, it was extremely nerve wracking! After that, we were back stage again, but the staff told us we'd be able to talk one-on-one with Tabata-san, ask him questions, and even get pictures. When he walked in, it was like straight out of a movie. He walked around and introduced himself to everyone, did a full interview right before our Q&A, and he had assistants literally peel off all of the Final Fantasy XV merchandise he was wearing while he did it. It was incredible lmao. We had a long talk with him about different aspects of the game, and got several pictures. I was even able to give him one of my Ignis 1984 posters, which he told me to sign~~~ that was incredible. After that, we were invited to the Final Fantasy XV meeting happening at a hotel nearby, that only 100 people would be invited to! The meeting was an amazing experience and I got a chance to meet some amazing Square staff members and new cosplay friends. I met head animators, motion capture directors, artists, sound designers, and voice actors, all of the people who were actively working on Final Fantasy XV. It was pure magic. I got some business cards as well!!! Some people told me to give them a call...which I will do!!!!!!! Landing a gig at Square would be a dream come true indeed. The experience was phenomenal! The experience also got my name out there in the Japanese cosplay world, and I now actively talk to many more amazing cosplayers from Japan almost every day!! Thanks Square lol
  7. LOVEYDOVEY STUFF: Well... the original love target I think is officially gone.... I attended Tokyo Game Show with my love interest who I've been talking about for the past couple of months.... long story short, I actually mustered up the courage to ask her out on a real date, but she gave me a reaction that I really was not expecting. She gave me a rather "annoyed" look but still agreed to the date anyway(?) which was something I wasn't expecting, seeing as all of our outings were rather great and she seems to be getting into it. I think I screwed something up in my translation when I asked her, and I think she might have been relatively confused as to what I was requesting, but I can go around and around in circles forever and still be back at square one. I'll see what happens when I return I guess. I'm very confused about the entire thing and we really haven't spoken since the event (about a month ago). The funny part is that I actually shared a (relatively better?) connection with her friend who went with us, whom I had only met once before. It was kind of strange... but it was awesome to connect with her! She said she can't wait until I get back so we can hang out again, and still keeps in touch with me via LINE messages sometimes! It feels good man! :) but again, there is literally nothing I can do about the situation from Canada, so I will wait until January lol! In fact, the experience at Tokyo Game Show allowed me to make more cosplay friends (all female, all dangerously good looking, all with amazing personalities), that I literally don't know what to do. All show a lot of interest in me, which is like aisdfladflkaslfk what do I do???????????? Love is difficult, I'll come back to this at a later date.
  8. (Literally can't have one girl in my life, I need to have at least 4, right? Life works in mysterious ways.)
  10. COSPLAY: I've edited all of the photos I wanted to for my Black Book series, but still have a lot more Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV Ignis photos to upload. I'll do that soon! I also have a lot of regular Ignis photos from the one shoot I did in Japan, so I'll try to edit those and get those ones out. Also, I've been invited to do an Until Dawn cosplay photoshoot sometime in December! Sounds like a lot of fun, gonna have to go up to Edmonton though, so getting there might be a bit pricey! I'll see what I can do.
  12. STREAM: Streaming has been everything I thought it would be. Totally awesome! Thank you all for being so supportive! We've hit a few of the sub milestones I've set up, now all I need to do is practice some runs to be able to the Jak trifecta and we're good to go! Jak has been going very well and I'm now in the top 5 again! Feels good! Still have a long way to go, but I'll take it in small steps! Can't wait to keep going with that!
  13. Month of Final Fantasy XV will start in December and will go until January! Can't wait to finally get my hands on that game oh my god!!! I am making it a stream event and there will be awesome prizes for subs at the end of December! Dunno what I'm gonna do in terms of speedruns for December, but I'll figure that out closer to the date! I also have an artist working on getting you guys some sick FFXV themed emotes once we get to 250 subs! Hopefully we can reach that mark! ^^
  14. Recently played through SOMA. I've gotta say, that game was great/fucked up/awesome/weird/scary~ I have so many emotions when I think about what I just played through. The soundtrack was amazing, story was awesome, it was a scary scary experience. When I was young, I used to have nightmares all the time about being trapped under the ocean with something eating away at me. Needless to say, at some points, especially in an area of the game called the Abyss, I felt very, very uncomfortable. It takes a great game to make some of those feelings come out while playing. Don't want to spoil it either, but some of the decisions you either do or don't make are totally off the wall and exceptionally difficult to make up your mind on. The game truly succeeds with some of the questions that pop up about being or existing, the true humanity of the decisions you have to make. It's an experience that will truly set your moral compass spinning out of control. The monsters were also incredibly terrifying as well. Everything in the game was super well done and was definitely a great, terrifying experience. Ultimately glad I finally played through it! Thanks for watching!
  16. LIFE: Been going back to the gym lately. Feel good physically! Have something creative I'm working on right now, so mentally I feel refreshed and determined. Feeling very good all around!
  18. Well, that's all I have. I think I've covered everything. If you actually read through all of this crap, I love you. Thank you. Kisses xox
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