
Male Six: Cry in a River

May 6th, 2013
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  1. >Still being Rainbow Dash.
  2. >Whizzing past the whole town with lightning speed.
  3. >Got to get to twilight’s and figure out this sudden cock thing, before something even WORSE happens.
  4. >Could you even IMAGINE the great Rainbow Dash spending her life as a HE?
  5. >Nu-uh, stallions are lame as fuck.
  6. >Anyways, I spot somepony creeping along the edges of the market in a pruple cloa-
  7. >It’s Rarity. Yep.
  8. >I zoom down to her with never before seen speed and agility and stop just INCHES from her…
  9. >His, right, like I even have to check.
  10. >The pure awesomeness of my dive sends a gust of wind right at him.
  11. >His purple cloak flies up and I’m face to face with Mr. Rarity!
  13. >Of course, being the drama queen he is, Rarity lets out the GAYEST shriek to ever come out of a stallion and leaps back from me.
  15. “Sure I do! It takes more than a gender change to trick THIS mare!”
  16. >”Oh?” he says, struggling to pull the cloak back over himself.
  17. >”Then how about a haircut?”
  18. “Huh?”
  19. >THAT’S when I notice that Rarity’s hair is definitely shorter than last time I saw her; curly and purple and smells like a spa, but shorter.
  20. “OH! Y-yeah! I didn’t even notice that you got your hair done!”
  21. >He sighs and rolls his eyes.
  22. >”Well THAT makes me feel much better, Rainbow Dash.”
  23. “Yeah well that’s what pals are for, right?”
  24. >”Well then, if you don’t mind I’d like to get to Twilight’s as soon as possible and get this whole… Stallion situation worked out before anypony else recognizes me.”
  25. >Aw yeah, I hear you LOUD and CLEAR!
  26. >I wrap my hooves around Rarity’s body and tug him up into the air. He struggles and shouts and flails his hooves around like wet noodles.
  28. “C’mon, Rarity! You said ya wanted to get there FAST!”
  29. >He screams as we speed across the sky, zipping past inferior Pegasi and under signs and over roofs and under bridges and between one pony’s legs! (They were very long legs).
  30. >Aaaand BAM! We burst right through Twilight’s wall and into her house! It was pretty fucking fantastic, I know.
  31. >I stand up from the pile of rubble around me and see male Twilight coming down the stairs with a totally pissed look on his face! He screams at me with an obnoxiously shrill tone.
  33. >I don’t even make a witty response; there’s no time when there’s a dick between my legs.
  34. “TWILIGHT!”
  35. >I point at the intruding member still flopping about under my belly.
  36. “WHY! JUST WHY?”
  37. >”I don’t know what happened! I was just reading this book the Princess sent me and the next thing I knew-“
  39. >”It’s not dark magic, Rainbow! It’s good magic! And I didn’t even do anything, all I did was read the book!”
  40. >He scrunches his face in anger and storms over to Rarity’s side.
  41. >Oh yeah, I might have let him take the brunt of the crash… Woops. But yeah, he’s lying unconscious under a fallen bookshelf, no biggie.
  42. >”What did you do to Rarity?”
  43. “What? Nothing! He was a dude when I found him!”
  44. >”You smashed him through my wall!”
  45. >I fling my front hooves in the air.
  46. “Oh yeah? Well what about me? I hit it pretty hard too!”
  47. >”You’re fine, Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile, Rarity is PASSED OUT UNDER A BOOKSHELF!”
  48. “Fuck yeah, I’m fine! I kicked that wall’s ASS! But anyways, where’s Fluttershy? Is she a he too?”
  49. >Twilight points to a table, and under it I see the wispy pink tail of my favorite asocial betapony.
  50. “Hey Fluttershy, ‘sup?”
  51. >Like I thought, there’s no response from the table. So I flip that shit and there HE is!
  52. “Hey Fluttershy! You alright?”
  53. >He makes for a pretty wimpy guy, but it’s nothing I wasn’t expecting. Unlike rarity, Fluttershy hasn’t cut his hair, so it drapes down over an eye just like before.
  54. >His single visible eye timidly scans my face before the cowering stallion whispers my name.
  55. >”Rainbow Dash?”
  56. “HAY YEAH, IT’S RAINBOW DASH! Who else is allowed to smash through Twilight’s wall all the time?”
  57. >I hear Twilight’s shouting again from behind.
  58. >”NOPONY has my permission to break my walls! So I would seriously appreciate it if you STOPPED!”
  59. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Go cry in a river, Twilight.”
  60. >Burn.
  61. >Twilight’s totally pissed at my awesome comeback, he’s all growling and stomping and shit.
  62. >”That’s not how the saying goes, Rainbow Dash! It’s “Cry me a river”!
  63. >What the fuck sense does THAT make?
  64. “That’s stupid! MY version makes WAY more sense.”
  65. >”You know what, Rainbow?”
  66. “Yeah?”
  67. >”You really are just a.. A terrible po-“
  68. >BAM! Door swings wide open and in falls Spike, gasping for breath, with Applejack and Pinkie in tow.
  69. >Twilight switches his tone at the sight of them.
  70. >”Ah! You’re all here! Now, let’s not waste any time, and get to work right away on this mysterious problem!”
  71. >Applejack’s the first to speak up,
  72. >”Twilight, let’s get this sorted out lickity-split! Ah don’t like havin’ these big balls flopping ‘round when ah run!”
  73. >Then pinkie soon after,
  74. >”I dunno, Applejack, I think it’s kinda neat!”
  75. >Spike rises to his feet and speaks to Twilight in a ragged voice.
  76. >”…The Princess hasn’t responded to your letter yet, eith-“
  77. >That’s when he sees Mister Rarity poke his head out from under the bookshelf.
  78. >”……”
  79. >His face goes, like, completely white and his eyes widen into big saucers.
  80. >This isn’t good; we all stare at him in silence. Well, except Rarity, he’s still pretty messed up and just lays there groaning and gazing around the room like she’s got a serious concussion or something.
  81. “…Spike? You okay there, bud?”
  82. >He doesn’t take his eyes off Rarity.
  83. >”…I don’t know.”
  84. >Twilight chuckles awkwardly and tries to get us back on track.
  85. >”…Right, so, I’m not completely sure how this spell occurred, but it happened when I was reading a book sent by the Princess.”
  86. >Applejack cocks his head to one side.
  87. >”What book’s that, Twi?”
  88. >Twilight races up the stairs and retrieves a book from his bedside table.
  89. >”This one: ‘ Magical Male Enhancers: A Complete Collection of Spells and Potions for the Ungifted Stallion’”
  90. >What?
  91. “Err, Twilight? Why were you reading that exactly?”
  92. >He points his chin up, eyes closed, and puts a hoof to his chest, achieving the look of a regular asshole.
  93. >”Because as Princess Celestia’s most faithful student, it’s my duty to understand ALL magic, even if it doesn’t exactly concern me, like these ones which were specifically meant for males.”
  94. >Applejack gives Twilight a strange look; I dunno if it’s suspicion or worry or whatever. Can’t be too complicated, coming from Applejack, though.
  95. >”Okay, so yer readin’ this book on males’n’such, then COINCIDENTLY we all get our plumbin’ redone? Ah dunno, Twilight, that’s more than just a bit suspicious.”
  96. >Twilight scoffs, looking offended.
  97. >”What are you suggesting, Applejack, that I did this? I told you before that I was only READING the book! Besides, this was sent to me directly from the Princess herself, why would Celestia ever want to turn us all into stallions? What POSSIBLE benefit could she get out of that?”
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