
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 27

Sep 24th, 2015
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. However, Twilight has been steadily making steps to develop a new system of language based on gestures and mannerisms. The creature she once discredited and then feared has become something of a special interest now that she understands a little more on what, or rather who, Anonymous is.
  4. Last Chapter: While Pinkie Pie runs off to talk with the Cakes, Spike asks Anonymous questions using the drawings and sign language to get some clues as to where Anon lives. This works well for a bit, but after hitting a speed bump Anonymous breaks down crying. Fluttershy rushes to sweep up Anon. Twilight notices the disheartened Spike and takes him into the kitchen where the two go over the evidence together.
  6. Posted in Thread 1101
  7. ===================================================================================================================
  9. >Warm pollinated air fresh with the scent of harvest seared by the late morning sun wafts through the Apple family’s kitchen as Spike takes his leave out the back door.
  10. >Alone once again and safely held in silence within your protective bubble you muse over the makeshift study one last time, your sight instinctively drawn to Ponyville proper. There is never a dull moment in the town you have come to call home.
  11. >And although at times it feels like trouble goes out of its way to find you Ponyville’s colored history tells that your absence was no exception. From its founding to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash’s latest pranks the wide cast of characters share the blame.
  12. >Speaking of, where are those mares? There has been no sign of Rarity, Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo either and it is well passed their usual time.
  13. >Meh. Big things, Twilight.
  15. >Deciding to instead worry about cleaning up you gather everything in your magic then lower your shield to the sound of…quiet.
  16. >Good. It must be safe for you to return to the living room.
  17. >Sure enough, the first thing you see when you enter that well aged room heavy with the scent of oak and yarn is Anonymous curled up on the love seat fondly held by Fluttershy who whispers while nuzzling the top of Anon’s head.
  18. >”All better now?”
  19. >Anon remains still, their sore eyes honing in on you. You try your best to offer a motherly smile.
  20. “I’m back, and I brought your drawings. Sorry, but we needed them for a bit.”
  22. >Taking things a step further you join the two on the love seat, squeezing in on the other side of Anonymous. Anon’s gaze follows you the whole way refusing to let go, but once you sit down they lose interest and sink into their seat.
  25. >As you and Fluttershy offer the close contact so crucial to the little hominem the newest generation of songbirds testing their skills seeps into the room from the outside world; their chorus dancing in harmony while the distant sounds of a shovel hitting dirt or the slow turning wheels of a loaded wagon add pivots to the tempo.
  26. >Your friends hard at work for another day.
  27. >A soft creaking of wood, only noticeable due to the prevailing calm, cuts through the symphony. Like the opening of a crypt the front door swings with the greatest of care and the head of a white horned spy pokes in just enough to sweep the area.
  28. >Unfortunately for her the reflection of two ponies staring right back invades the still waters of her deep blue eyes.
  29. >”Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.”
  30. “You’re not interrupting anything.”
  31. >Receiving your blessing she enters like any other family member carrying a very thin bundle of yellow fabric.
  32. >”Good, good. Applejack mentioned you were having an important discussion when we arrived this morning and I was hoping you were done by now.”
  33. “We did, and it is. There’s always more to consider though. In fact, one should be coming through that door any minute now.”
  34. >”Are you referring to Spike?”
  35. “No, I’m waiting on Pinkie to get back.”
  36. >”Ah, I see. Then where is Spike off to?”
  37. “He’s going to get some of his comics for Anon. He’ll be back.”
  38. >”Isn’t that sweet. Purely his idea I presume.”
  39. ”Yup.”
  40. >“Such a thoughtful boy. Anyway, I suppose I should make this quick as there is still much to do outside.”
  42. “Has Rainbow showed up yet?”
  43. >Rarity’s casual yet peppy demeanor catches on the name, her lips squiggling before recovering.
  44. >”No, not yet. I’m sure she’ll turn up soon; not that she can be much later.”
  45. >Hmmmm.
  48. >”But I’m here because I have something for little Anonymous, assuming that is okay.”
  49. >As she indicates the need of an answer you look to Anonymous who so far ignores the commotion. Fluttershy also catches your attention after she herself takes a similar look, neither of you showing much of a certainty one way or the other leaving you to press Rarity further.
  50. “What is it?”
  51. >Faint azure lifts the neatly folded yellow cloth she brought then spreads the article out for a full display.
  52. >”Well, after yesterday there was a lot to think about; what with our conversation at lunch, the awkward dinner and Rainbow’s outburst. I couldn’t exactly go to sleep, so last night I did what I always do when I need to think, and shut myself in my inspiration room. This…was the end result.”
  53. >Starting from the held up center, three equally sized holes huddle together near the top while the rest of the sides continue downward for a great length but at sharp angles with four distinct peaks. Sort of like a dress or poncho turned vertical. Peculiar, though perhaps functionally the same.
  54. >The real kicker is the lack of anything to break up the solid color, the single accompaniment being the fuchsia edging along the bottom rim. The only time Rarity did not add some imagery or flare was with your birthday dress which she obviously designed around capturing your practicality, and even that had a ribbon. This, however, looked…
  55. >Modest. Yes, modest. That’s the word you are looking for.
  56. >Still, there should be no harm in such a gift and it could be really useful.
  58. “That’s really nice of you, Rarity. And I see no reason to say no.”
  59. >“Please dear, it’s nothing special. I simply cut some holes into an old blanket I had laying around. I mean, I did TRY to come up with something more…fitting; something that accentuated Anonymous’ figure and personality, but it was inevitably fruitless. As good as I may be I’m afraid I am at a loss.”
  62. >”Never-the-less, I remembered what you said about their clothes tailored more towards security than warmth and made sure to use a light sheet. If Anonymous does prove to be cold here in Ponyville we can easily use a blanket instead. Hopefully by then I will have a better read on our friend and can pick a truly appropriate color. Perhaps green?”
  63. >”I-I like the colors.”
  64. >Of course you do Fluttershy.
  65. “Now, whether Anonymous will accept it or not is the big question.”
  66. >You give Anon a nudge.
  67. >All you get is a careless gaze ready to abandon you at the earliest convenience. Before that can happen Rarity floats her gift closer earning at least a portion of that lacking interest.
  68. [Rarity] [Give] [This] [You]
  69. >Those powerful arms wrapped around Anon’s chest squeeze ever tighter and they turn away.
  70. “Hey now, that’s not very nice.”
  71. >A well-mannered cough interrupts.
  72. >”Allow me.”
  74. >With a steady clop clop clop as unobtrusive as the opening of the door Rarity walks up to Anonymous with that ease and elegance denoting her namesake.
  75. >She stops right in front of Anonymous standing as tall as possible, the closest the two have ever been. In response Anonymous sinks farther into Fluttershy’s side.
  76. >”So you’re in one of those moods, huh?”
  77. >Rarity merely waits without any signs of annoyance, a small compassionate smile painted on her face.
  78. >Anon’s curious eyes try to sneak a peek, but they find the patient onlooker and freeze like a rabbit caught outside of its hole.
  79. >A white hoof rises and places itself on Rarity’s chest.
  80. >Next she slowly wipes her brow while taking a deep breath.
  81. >Then her gift weaves next to her which she points to.
  82. >Finally, she daintily presses a hoof to Anon’s chest.
  83. >[Me] [Work] [This] [You]
  84. >As she rests her hoof on the hominem the gift controlled by her magic sets itself down in their hands. Anonymous takes a single glance at the fabric being explored by their fingers, then looks back to Rarity.
  87. >Rarity again moves her hoof and points to herself.
  88. >Then holds out her hoof followed by pointing to her eyes.
  89. >Another point to Anonymous, and finishes on her lips.
  90. >[Me] [Want] [See] [You] [Smile]
  92. >Anonymous goes to reply with the same hollow smile offered to Fluttershy at breakfast, but that same white hoof covers their lips.
  93. >”When you mean it.”
  94. >She does not sign a translation, instead letting her soft voice hang in the air.
  95. >”Okay? [Yes]?”
  96. >[Yes]
  98. >Rarity steps away from the love seat with a pleasant hum. Anonymous sits up, popping free from the nook of Fluttershy’s wing but remaining close.
  99. >”Well, that’s the best I can do.”
  100. >Where are all of your friends learning these tricks?
  101. >Your inner thoughts must have spilled into your expression because when Rarity spots you a sly smile crawls across her lips.
  102. >”Aren’t you the one who said Anonymous is basically a child? I have quite the experience when it comes to dealing with pouty ponies.”
  103. >And here she was near the bottom of your initial list; topping Rainbow by a comfortable margin. If she was originally more eager to be with Anonymous where would she be now? Which pony would you be asking?
  104. >You are going to have to keep an eye on this girl.
  105. >Rarity heads for the door smug as oats in honey while you try to match Argument A with Example B.
  106. >”Alas, the temporary life of a farmer cruelly beckons me once more. We can continue this at lunch.”
  107. >A string of high pitched notes squeal in the distance bringing her to retrace her step.
  108. >”But it seems your wait is over. I believe that’s Pinkie Pie down the road.”
  110. >With a final ‘tata’ she leaves you and Fluttershy to prepare for the coming storm.
  111. >At least you expect a storm, but oddly enough your thoughts are calm. Your answer will be here any moment, and you have done everything you can.
  112. >”What do you think they said?”
  113. “I guess we’ll find out.”
  116. >Pinkie Pie enters with her stock cheeriness. Suppose that is a good sign, or at least not awful.
  117. >”Hello everypony! And Anonymous! Didja miss me?”
  118. “There she is. Given how long you were gone I bet you and the Cake’s had a lot to talk about.”
  119. >Mmhmm~ “We sure did.”
  120. >”What did they say; if you don’t mind me asking.”
  121. >”A whole buncha stuff about responsibility and courtesy and making rash decisions, but don’t you worry I told them that the whole thing was your idea. Now they want to talk with you and closed the store early. They never close the store early. You’re gonna get all of Sugarcube Corner to yourself!”
  122. >She threw you right under the wagon.
  123. “Lucky me.”
  124. >Well, to say you did not see this coming would be a lie.
  125. “I best not keep them waiting. Are you coming too or did they want you to stay here?”
  126. >”They didn’t say, but I’ll stay here. It’s no fair that you guys got to spend so much time with Anonymous.”
  127. >You roll your eyes, landing on Fluttershy who gives a reassuring nod.
  128. “Alright, you can stay. I hope you brought earplugs.”
  129. >”Why would I need earplugs?”
  130. “No reason. Let me just say goodbye and I’ll be off.”
  132. >You fidget in your seat to bring a hoof to Anon’s cheek though a curious stare is already on you.
  133. [Me] [Go] [That way]; [Me] [Here] [Shortly].
  134. >Rather than reply their arms tightly clutch the recent gif. You could almost get away with that, but their giant eyes hungry with a forlorn hope beg a question you would be cruel to ignore.
  135. [You] [Stay]
  136. >The answer brings a renewed pool of tears already forming a tiny cascade which you catch with your hoof.
  137. Shhhhhh. [Pinkie] [Stay] [You]
  138. >Giving up your seat Pinkie hurriedly takes your place pushing her muzzle right into Anon’s hands and constantly brushes against them.
  139. >”Hiya Nonny~”
  140. >And there is your distraction. Best make your escape.
  143. >Safely outside you give a relieved breath before setting off.
  144. >Another set of friendly voices converse in the distance, one pleading with the other.
  145. >”Sorry, sorry, sorry, super sorry. I didn’t mean to be so late. I just lost track of time.”
  146. >”Lost track of time? You were gone ALL MORNING. I was worried sick. This is not what I anticipated when I said you could be A LITTLE late.”
  147. >”I know, I know. I really wanted to be here, honest, but things kept happening and I got distracted and then before I knew it half the day was gone.”
  148. >”Just look at you, you’re a mess. Twigs and leaves are all over your tail and mane. And the bags under your eyes; did you even get any sleep?”
  149. >“About an hour or two.”
  150. >”Alright, that seals it. Come down here so I can clean you off, and then it’s straight to the house with you so you can take a nap.”
  151. >”No way, I’m perfectly fine. Wide awake and better than ever.”
  152. >”I will not hear another word. You will get down here this instant and after we’re done I am having Fluttershy make sure you get some rest. And when I say a ‘nap’ I mean a ‘nap.’ I am not having you mess up your sleeping schedule.”
  153. >You cannot help but smile as the grumbling Rainbow Dash descends, and you make your way to town.
  155. >Same as the last time, ponies walk the streets with their usual day to day until you approach where they turn to stone.
  156. >You, however, pleasantly trot on by throwing greetings and salutations.
  157. “Good afternoon.”
  158. “Hey, how are you?”
  159. “Lovely weather we’re having.”
  160. >Applying Luna’s lesson you act as a role model.
  161. >Sure enough the ponies take to your enthusiasm with pride. Bystanders sing good day, vendors try to peddle you their wares, children point and cheer, and you receive many many questions about Anon. A few even ask if you will be at the library later today.
  164. >Ah to have the town alive again, and to be part of it to boot. Sadly you must keep your replies brief, letting ponies know that in regards to Anonymous an answer is coming. Doubly sad, you must also tell them that no, you will not be at the library. However, you do mention that Spike may be around to help them.
  165. >Though they all refer to your title you finally feel welcome again.
  166. >A jolly door chime announces your arrival in the abandoned entryway of Sugarcube Corner.
  167. >Well, you did.
  169. >Okay. Happy face, Twilight.
  170. “Hello? Mr. and Mrs. Cake? You wanted to see me?”
  171. >…
  172. “I’m here to talk with you about Anonymous.”
  173. >Quiet hooves clock down the stairway bringing the shop owners with them; Mrs. Cake at the front.
  174. >”Just putting the babies to bed. You know how they can be a hoof-full sometimes.”
  175. >Oof, going right into it. They are playing hardball.
  176. >”We didn’t want to risk them interrupting. I’m sure we have plenty to cover.”
  177. “Yes, Pinkie told me a little about that, and I would just like to start with—“
  178. >Mr. Cake stands tall, taller than you have ever seen him, with a dark brow upon his innocent face.
  179. >”Princess Twilight, forgive me but I must insist you let us go first.”
  180. “S-sure.”
  181. >”We like Pinkie Pie. We’re willing to do a lot for her. We want her to be like an Aunt to Pound and Pumpkin. However, we will NOT jeopardize our children for her. When she asked us about keeping that thing here we thought she was getting ahead of herself as she sometimes does.”
  182. >”Way ahead of herself.”
  183. >”When she told us it was your idea we couldn’t believe it. We’ve known you to be sensible, so why in the world would you think we would say yes?”
  185. >Your chests heaves and your heart sits in your stomach. They have dug in and are ready for a fight.
  186. >This is going to be far from easy; even you have doubts in this idea. Yet you have been wrestling with those doubts for days now and this is where you have settled.
  189. “You’re right; I did ask Pinkie knowing full well that it directly affects you and your family. I certainly did not expect you to say yes, but I did expect to at least be able to plead my case. Given the fact you have both asked me to be here I am assuming that I was not mistaken.”
  190. >Husband and wife turn to each other sharing a steady glance. Mr. Cake then boosts himself back up.
  191. >”We are more curious as to why in the name of harmony you would even ask.”
  192. >Good. Your probing has brought their own admission to being curious. This is not a solid no.
  193. >It is small, but you have wiggle room.
  194. “Let me start by saying that I only started to consider you as an option AFTER finding Anonymous to be safe. I have seen Anonymous with fillies, and in this world that must seem so strange to them it was fillies who were Anonymous’ first friends. Never once has Anonymous shown anything even remotely resembling hostility towards them.”
  195. >”Pumpkin and Pound are foals not fillies, and you are going off of what, a few days?”
  196. “I know they are foals and are more vulnerable than fillies. However, I have also seen Anonymous with smaller animals such as minks and the results were the same. Minks are not ponies, but they are small and fragile like a foal compared to a filly. Anonymous has shown to recognize this and adjusts their manners appropriately always keeping their touch soft and gentle. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie can vouch for this.”
  197. >”Our point still stands.”
  198. “Yes, we have only known Anonymous for a total of five days, but those are five ENTIRE days. Ever since the first day there has not been a single hour where Anonymous was alone. Even when somepony is the best at hiding their personality after a day or two things start to slip. I will not pretend that this gives us a complete understanding of what Anonymous is like, but it gives us a good idea.”
  201. >With each sentence your heart refinds its home. You are in the thick of it now and everything you said is factually true.
  202. >You have taken that wiggle room and pushed a wider hole. Like a crack in a dam you hope to make that hole grow until the pressure destroys itself giving complete victory.
  203. >Mrs. Cake steps forth to join her husband’s side; a far more benign yet just as dedicated expression.
  204. >”That is all well and good, but why us? Why here? There are hundreds of ponies in and out of town that Anonymous can stay with. Why jeopardize two foals when there are so many safer options?”
  205. >Steady girl, this is the real test.
  206. “Because I believe the risk to be minimal for every reason I stated and because Anonymous is not from here. They do not know anypony. The best solution for everyone is to have Anonymous stay with one of us. At this point we have SOME familiarity.”
  207. >”Then shouldn’t you take them in?”
  208. “I lack the experience you have and am liable to make a big mistake. I am an option, but not the best. That falls on Pinkie, and in turn you; because of who all of you are.”
  209. >Alright. This is it.
  210. “You are a family. I am taking a big gamble on attempting to adapt Anonymous to pony life, and no one better symbolizes this than you. You are adults who have experience and control, Pinkie is a young adult who has the energy but still needs your guidance from time to time, and the twins are newborns who have a whole world ahead of them. You have nearly every aspect of pony life inside your home.
  211. Your home is also a shop where a wide array of ponies comes to visit. These daily examples will help Anonymous understand us and discover where they might fit in. Not only that, but you have myself and the others nearby ready to support you in any way that we can.”
  214. >”That is very touching, but we are just ordinary ponies. There is nothing special about us. Wouldn’t Anonymous be better placed in the hoofs of someone with a cutie mark for this sort of thing?”
  215. “There is no such thing as an extraordinary pony, only ordinary ponies put into extraordinary situations. Remember how when I moved here I was just another unicorn? Yes, I was…”
  216. >Don’t think about it, Twilight. Let it come from the heart.
  217. “I was Princess Celestia’s student, but she has had literally hundreds of students over the years. That didn’t make me special or tell of any great destiny. When Nightmare Moon showed up I had no idea that I would become a bearer of the elements, and especially not of becoming a princess. I simply did what I felt I had to do. Before that I was just the unicorn sent from Canterlot to oversee the festival, and afterwards I became the town’s snarky librarian who occasionally had to protect the world with the help of her friends.
  218. You even hosted my birthday party that year and treated it like any other. I was a regular pony, and I liked that. As far as I am concerned I still am a regular pony. I just happened to be thrown into irregular situations.”
  219. >Mr. and Mrs. Cake hold a silent conversation based solely on looks with each other.
  220. >This gives you the chance to ease the butterflies. Impromptu speeches based on emotion were never your thing.
  221. >Did you get your point across? Were you too ranty?
  222. >They conclude their conversation with a nod; Mr. Cake’s posture more neutral though still reserved.
  225. >”We don’t really want to be in irregular situations. We want our foals to grow up to live a normal life. Imagine what it will be like if they become known as ‘the ponies that live with that one creature.’ And what about the store? Having Anonymous here might drive customers away and then we won’t be able to afford raising our children.”
  226. >Hmmm. There is that.
  227. “I plan to get ponies used to Anonymous. Not as an attraction but as a citizen. I promise to help in any way that I can and if that includes financially then so be it. You have my word that your quality of life will not be endangered.”
  228. >”And if we say no?”
  229. “Then Fluttershy will take Anonymous in.”
  230. >Candy wrap! Hope they don’t take that as a convenient out.
  231. >”…We still don’t like this.”
  232. “Does that mean you’ll say yes?!”
  233. >”No.”
  234. >Mrs. Cake follows her husband’s firm denial with a reassuring smile.
  235. >”It means we will think about it.”
  236. “Oh. Well, thinking is good.”
  237. >She chuckles.
  238. >”We will discuss it and talk with Pinkie Pie tonight. Meanwhile, why don’t you take a muffin for the road?”
  239. “Um, thank you. Not to be pushy or anything, but can you give me an idea which way you are leaning? I’d like to get started planning the move.”
  240. >”To repeat my husband; no.”
  241. “No?”
  242. >”No, we cannot give you an answer yet. If you want us as your first option then you are going to have to wait.”
  243. >You lower your ears while accepting the muffin Mrs. Cake held out for you with a guilty frown.
  244. “I suppose that’s fair.”
  245. >”Now run along. I’m sure Pinkie will fill you in first thing tomorrow morning.”
  246. >No doubt about that.
  247. >With a final thanks, for their consideration and the muffin, you leave the shop into the open streets.
  248. >And while you would have liked to have come to some sort of conclusion you relax and take the time to enjoy a nice savory bite.
  249. >Whatever the outcome you have a contingency plan ready to be put into action.
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