
Dominant Octy

Dec 2nd, 2013
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  1. >You have been tasked with driving your roommate, Octavia to a concert she has in New York...
  2. >All the way from Seattle.
  3. >She seems pretty cool, friendly, if a litle quiet, mostly keeps to herself, playing her cello.
  4. >She hates flying (because the airline would force her to ride with the baggage,) so it's up to you.
  5. >The 9 hours on the road haven't done much for your mood, much less for Octy's.
  6. >She's been irritable and moody for the duration of the trip, now it seems to be coming to a head..
  8. >The keys to your hotel room, jingle in your hands, like a wind-chime beckoning your salvation...
  9. >And is instantly poisoned by the banshee's call.
  10. >"Will you HURRY UP with those keys already!"
  11. >God, she's REALLY getting on your nerves!
  12. "I'm hurrying, give me a minute!"
  13. You faff about with the keys, finally getting them into the lock.
  14. >You open the door.
  15. >She brushes past you, nearly knocking you down.
  16. >"About time," she scoffs.
  17. "You're welcome..." you say under hushed breath.
  18. "Well...home sweet home."
  19. >"You call THIS home? Some filthy hovel in the middle of nowhere?"
  20. "I'm just glad we've got a chance to rest for the night."
  21. >You walk around, inspecting the room. The wallpaper is tattered and torn. The carpet is stained a permanent brown.
  22. >You walk reluctantly over to the bed.
  23. >You're glad the sheets are clean.
  24. >"Move," a voice comes from behind.
  25. >You feel a pair of hooves push you aside.
  26. >Octavia claimed the bed as her own.
  27. "Uh...excuse you?"
  28. >"What?"
  29. "Can you stop being so rude?"
  30. >"I'm sorry, princess. If you don't like my attitude, maybe you can sleep outside!"
  31. "What is with you?"
  32. >"Nothing...I just can't be around you right now."
  33. "...Alright. I'm going to shower. Then we can unpack"
  34. >"Don't take too long, I need to use it after you."
  35. "Okay."
  37. >Later after the shower.
  38. >You stand in the bathroom, doing your normal routine, but a faint murmur catches your attention.
  39. >You crack the door open slightly, peek out into the room.
  40. >You eye Octavia on the bed, hunched over, her hooves between her legs.
  41. >"Oh, Anon..."
  42. >Her thighs are dripping wet.
  43. >Suddenly, she yells
  44. >Why did I have to start now, damn it?"
  45. >She's masturbating.
  46. >To you.
  47. >Questions form in your mind:
  48. >Why is she schlicking to you? What did she mean by 'start now'?
  49. >You have to find out...
  50. >You surreptitiously close the door, then loudly open it again, making sure to get Octavia's attention.
  51. > Obviously perturbed, you see her jump, nearly falling off the bed.
  52. >"What is wrong with you! Do you make a habit out of scaring people?"
  53. "No, I thought I head something. I wanted to see what it was."
  54. >I... didn't hear anything...
  55. >Her ears droop, clinging to her hear.
  56. >She looks away, obviously embarrassed.
  57. "Okay. If you say so. I'm going to go get some things out of the car, want anything in particular?"
  58. >"My cello. If you be SO kind!"
  59. Despite her recent change in attitude, that elicits a chuckle.
  60. "I thought you'd say that."
  61. >"What? You think it humorous that I would like to practice before a performance? I know you're fine with playing basic chords on that guitar of yours and calling it music, but I'm a real musician."
  62. "I thought you said you liked playing with me?"
  63. >"Well, we've all done things out of desperation we later regret."
  64. >You storm out the door, barely holding back the tears in your eyes, and slam it behind you, without hearing her call back...
  66. "Anon, wait!"
  67. >'s too late
  68. >He didn't hear.
  69. >You scream into the pillow, crying.
  71. "...why can't anyone help me?"
  72. >That fucking bitch.
  73. >That mule of an equine.
  74. >You were lied to right in your face.
  75. >You grab the cello case from the trunk and slam it.
  76. >You walk back to the room.
  77. >Opening the door, you see Octy's pacing back and forth.
  78. >Not pacing, strutting.
  79. >Her tail gently brushes her flank with each stride.
  80. >I'mgettingreallyturnedon.png
  81. >Focus, Anon. She fucked with you
  82. >Now you're gonna fuck with her.
  83. "Here's your goddamn cello!"
  84. >You slam the case on the ground.
  85. >She turns to you, with a look of rage that could clinch Satan's asshole shut.
  86. >You suddenly realize the gravity of your mistake...
  87. >" FUCKING IDIOT!"
  88. >Ohshitnigger.jpeg
  89. >Do you realize how much this instrument costs?
  90. >Much more than you can afford, I'm sure!
  91. >I can't believe I convinced myself to live with someone so stupid!
  92. "I can't believe I fooled myself into thinking that you were nothing but some uptight bitch! All you've done ever since we set off on this trip was bitch and moan, complaining about how 'the food in the restaurant is horrid' or forcing me to listen to that shitty classical music' even though I TOLD you I need high energy' music to stay awake. You know, what, fine! If you're so repulsed by me, then you can find your own way to Manhatten, because I sure as hell won't get you there!"
  93. >"ANON, I'M IN HEAT!
  94. "...What?"
  95. >"In heat, you idiot. Estrus?"
  96. >"Do you know what that's like, Anon? Of course you don't. I've been irritable, because my vagina's been leaking fluid ever since we left. I can't eat the food at those fast food 'resturants' because they'll just make it worse. And I wanted to listen to some BAROQUE because it would help me be calm. I've been trying to be nice, but at every turn you keep making it worse! IT BURNS! and I want it to stop..."
  97. "Uh..."
  98. >You're speechless
  99. "I'm sorry, I had no idea."
  100. >"No, really?"
  101. "How can I help?"
  102. >"There's really only one way you can..."
  103. >She plants her lips on yours before you have to time to react.
  104. >You recoil back in shock, eyes wide.
  105. "What are you doing?!"
  106. >"You, stupid."
  107. >"The only way to help me is penetrating me"
  108. "I-I don't know...
  109. >"Anon, you want to help, right? You don't want me to be bitchy the whole trip, right?"
  110. "No..."
  111. >"Then fuck me, Anon. Please."
  112. "Okay."
  113. >She pushes you down with her hooves onto the bed.
  114. >Pinning you down, she snakes her tongue into your mouth, and down your throat.
  115. >You almost choke on her saliva, bu'tt don't break the kiss.
  116. >You unbutton your pants and remove them, then your underwear.
  117. >She wastes no time.
  118. >She breaks the kiss, and begins to play your skin flute.
  119. >The warm feeling of her mouth on your cock gets you rock hard.
  120. >Once she's satisfied with your "attention." she removes you from her mouth.
  121. >She turns around, lining up her pussy with your dick.
  122. >She turns her head, "winks" a couple times, and sits on your cock
  123. >The feeling is indescribable.
  124. >Her coarsng fluids drench your crotch.
  125. >You pump in time with her thrusts.
  126. >Anon, fuck me!" she groans.
  127. >You grab her haunches and thrust and hard as you can.
  128. >Her moans get louder and more frequent with each repitition.
  129. >"Yes...yes, YES YES!"
  131. >"DON'T STOP!"
  132. >The walls of her sex quiver as you continue.
  133. "Octavia, I'm getting close!"
  136. >You reach around in front of her, finding her clit, hoping that'll get her close enough.
  137. >"OH GOD, YES!"
  138. >You feel her walls clinch tighter, almost enough to push you out.
  139. >You press on, the harder you push, the louder she screams.
  140. >More fluid wets you, creating a sticky mess.
  141. >Finally it becomes too much.
  142. "Octavia..."
  143. >"I'M COMING!"
  144. >The torrent of fluids that gush from her mix with your semen as it fills her up.
  145. >You pull out with a sloppy "POP!" Fluids drench all over, coating you, Octavia and the bed.
  146. >You both lay there, drenched in sweat and cum.
  147. >She looks at you, gasping.
  148. >"Tha...That was great."
  149. "I'll say."
  150. "Do you f-feel better?"
  151. >"I haven't felt this good in weeks. Thank you, Anon. I know you didn't have to do that."
  152. "You're welcome, let's get some sleep. We can clean up in the morning."
  153. >"Okay."
  154. >She places her head on your chest, as you fall asleep.
  157. >The next morning you awaken.
  158. >You reach for, Octavia, to find the bed next to you empty.
  159. "Octavia?"
  160. >No answer
  161. >She must've gotten some food.
  162. >You reek of cum.
  163. >You climb out of bed, desperate for a shower.
  165. >Finished cleaning up, you head out into the common room to find Octavia has returned.
  166. >Only she;s not alone.
  167. >In her hooves, you find a strangely familiar object.
  168. >A guitar
  169. >Your guitar.
  170. >"Hey"
  171. "Hey, what's going on?"
  172. >"Oh nothing, just thought I'd grab the guitar from the car."
  173. >"It's been a while since I've played, so go easy on me."
  174. >She awkwardly fingers a chord and strums.
  175. >Several sour notes ring.
  176. >"Sorry..."
  177. "No, no, it's good."
  178. >I wanted apologize for earlier, I really do enjoy playing with you, Anon.
  179. "I do too."
  180. >You glance over to a black case sitting on the ground
  181. >You open it and retreive the cello and bow inside.
  182. >Octavia opens her mouth in protest, but she simply smiles at you.
  183. >"You ever play that before?"
  184. "Nope"
  185. You awkwardly draw the bow across the strings. A harsh squeal leaves the instrument.
  186. >You expect octavia to yell
  187. >Instead, she laughs.
  188. >She strums another sour chord
  189. >You continue to play.
  190. >Together you make sweet shitty music together.
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