

Jan 7th, 2012
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  1. [16:41:10] <Botherer> But if you do the Reuniclus... It better be related to the Solosis from Fallen ;_;
  2. [16:41:15] <Botherer> It better not be*
  3. [16:41:25] <castfromhp> ...Excellent idea. :3c
  4. [16:41:28] <Botherer> ( Actually, it would be kinda funny 'cause it'd be a misanthropic-as-all-hell bastard )
  5. [16:41:38] <castfromhp> Ghost shifted because it literally died?
  6. [16:41:49] <Botherer> It actually didn't die.
  7. [16:41:53] <castfromhp> I...what.
  8. [16:41:55] <Botherer> Well, not in Fallen Canon.
  9. [16:41:58] <castfromhp> You BLENDED it.
  10. [16:42:01] <castfromhp> How did it not die?
  11. [16:42:33] <castfromhp> Okay, fine, steel-shifting it and making it ATK-based.
  12. [16:42:55] <Botherer> To be quite honest, I don't know how blenders actually work, so...
  13. [16:42:59] <Botherer> Yeah. :p
  14. [16:43:04] <castfromhp> They dice shit up pretty well.
  15. [16:43:11] <castfromhp> So, what the fuck happened to it? o_0
  16. [16:43:22] <Botherer> The way I imagined it...
  17. [16:43:50] <Botherer> It was more like it got spun around inside so fast that its jelly flew off and splattered all over the wall.
  18. [16:43:59] <castfromhp> @_@ but there are BLADES
  19. [16:44:33] <Botherer> I didn't KNOW there were blades inside a blender!
  20. [16:44:37] <castfromhp> HOW?
  21. [16:44:50] <Botherer> I've never actually USED one!
  22. [16:44:58] <castfromhp> How did you think you turned chunks of fruit into a smoothie with them?
  23. [16:45:09] <Botherer> I don't know.
  24. [16:45:35] <castfromhp> Hahahaha
  25. [16:45:37] <Botherer> I thought since the fruit was normally chopped up into pieces beforehand, it just got aggressively tossed about and it just got turned into pulp.
  26. [16:45:43] <castfromhp> This is why everyone was horrified.
  27. [16:45:49] <castfromhp> HEre, let me show you a video.
  28. [16:46:08] <castfromhp>
  29. [16:46:27] <Botherer> >"Will it blend?"
  30. [16:46:53] <Botherer> First thing I thought of was
  31. [16:47:16] <castfromhp> Hahaha
  32. [16:47:35] <Botherer> Jesus Christ!
  33. [16:47:46] <Botherer> It tore an iPod to shreds!
  34. [16:47:46] <castfromhp> THAT is what everyone thought happened to the Solosis.
  35. [16:48:20] <castfromhp> And it's probably too late to convince anyone otherwise. :3c
  36. [16:48:37] <Botherer> Well, this is, umm...
  37. [16:49:49] <Botherer> That's horrifying!
  38. [16:50:35] <castfromhp> Yes! Now you know why. :3
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