

May 25th, 2016
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  1. To my dearest Genesis,
  3. All of my children deserve to know who I was. There are folks who'll tell you out there. If any of you want to know about me, go on a trip to the deserts of Kaldra, seek out my Ma. She'll talk for days. But you, especially you, are special. You don't have a Draconic name like your siblings. As I'm writing this, we're preparing to try to slay a demon, and there's no guarantees we'll make it out alive. If we die, no one will be left who knows the significance behind your name.
  5. Let me start at the beginning. We were hired by a rich man named Alois Lowe to track down an artifact by the name of the Goddess Sword. It led us to the lair of a callous Cobalt dragon, and deep into the desert lair of a Brown dragon who cared for us and aided us. It led us into the jungles of a tribe of Yuan-ti, where we found a Warlock who made deals with the stars. She kept the sword with her, and we were allowed to take it in exchange for the slaying of a Starspawn. We returned it to him only to learn that he was actually a fallen angel seeking the last pieces of divinity from his lost goddess.
  7. We were misguided in believing we would have to slay him. In truth, he was right to be upset. We were afraid. A fallen angel is truly nothing to take lightly, particularly one so desperate as he. So we fled the city, we arrived in the Golden City, and we trained, and we did research. Sometime in that time, you and your siblings were conceived. The more we learned about her, and what happened, the more we grew to realize how blind we were. By the time we returned to the city which most of us called home at the time to retrieve the hilt of the broken sword, we were both paranoid and lamenting that we may have to kill him. We warned our loved ones away but stalled for time.
  9. My sister, though, had different plans. She collaborated with him, because she truly believes the best in everyone, wishes so strongly for an ideal world. She took my fur and my blood, and gave it to him, because I 'shared kinship with the goddess'. I don't hold it against her. I would have agreed. I just wish she would have asked first. At the time, though, I was distraught. I believed, maybe unjustly, that I would burn up when the ritual was complete. With the hilt in our possession, we traveled back to your mother's side. It took a week to reforge the blade. In that time, you were laid as eggs. I became even more terrified after that. I didn't want you to have to wonder who I was.
  11. Eventually, it was decided that we would have to fight the angel now, else face terrible consequences. When we arrived, he was already in the ritual. Even in the midst of combat, he was able to complete it. Though I didn't die, I think the madness in him did when he saw what had come about from his machinations. A horrible undead thing, barely recognizable. It was slain as soon as it was raised, and for the better. You should never try to raise a god from the dead, not like that.
  13. From there, he joined us, after we spared his life. We decided to take time off for ourselves, only to learn that a cult had slain the village one of our own had come from; a cult following the very demon that had slain the goddess. Our hunt for information on the demon led us to a buried city in the sands, where we met a lich who had been misguided by that very demon.
  15. He was a king in desperation who had cried out in anguish, and been answered by the opportunists of the Abyss. Once the leader of a band of misfits, who had raised their own city, his circumstances grew dire as drought fell upon their settlement, and neighbors refused to trade. He was deceived by the help he had accepted from the demon, and his city was slain for it and sunken beneath the desert. I tell you all this so that you might bear in mind both our story and his, and never forget them.
  17. What all of this has to do with you, is your name. You are named for the lost goddess, so that both you and she may never be forgotten. She had a great many names, but Genesis was the one as which she was known to the other gods, so I'm told. She was a goddess of laughter and mirth, and so too were her angels. Not many tales are left of her, those we know come from the angel himself. She was known as a trick master, a merry prankster.
  19. I suppose in that comes my wishes for you. You and all your siblings were named with a wish in mind. In your case... I want you never to lose your laughter the way the world did on that day. Stay determined, remain hopeful even in the face of hopelessness. Always remember that for all the bad you'll see in your long life, there is so, so much good in the world to make up for it. And maybe most importantly, never let a good story die quietly. Whether that be the story of the goddess after which you were named, the tale of the man who lost his kingdom, the story of the six warriors who stood against a great demon, or maybe a story that you make yourself. Remember them, remember us. Keep them recorded in history.
  21. If you're reading this at all, that means I didn't make it through the fight. If that's the case, I love you, all of you, dearly, and I'm sorry I could never really meet you. I thought it would only be right if I told you what your name truly means. If the angel lives where we didn't, I hope he sees fit to watch over you. If my sister lives, I hope she takes good care of you. If none of us do, I hope you understand. The world is yours, and you deserve everything it has to give, at least to me.
  23. I love you. And I'm sorry.
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