
mtg/dtd stuff

Dec 12th, 2017
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  1. Xenthori: i'll keep lore dumping while you're out
  2. Xenthori: so in that case, Bolas probably left now that he had his Ark of thousands of undead skeletal crystal warriors (we'll call them Eternals) and three mindbent gods under his control, leaving behind the one city that HAD been under protection of the 5 'good' mindbent gods (all mostly dead, but didn't know they were baddies like the 3 Bolas probably took with him) to suddenly be exposed to the giant desert outside
  3. Xenthori: 'cause they had a big ol forcefield from the desert
  4. Xenthori: cause out there are lots of feral zombies, wurms, ect.
  5. Xenthori: and they really fucking wanted to get in and spread their mummy curse
  6. Xenthori: because those zombies out there were the guys Bolas killed when he first got there, stuck in undeath
  7. Xenthori: so any survivors are probably hanging out in the ruins of an apocolypse'd !egypt! while shite tons of zombies roam and everything's gone to shit
  8. Xenthori: corpses of the gods lay in the streets
  9. Xenthori: the river has already been turned to blood
  10. Xenthori: distinction: these are the zombies that Bolas took with him, that he made out of the loyal servants who passed the trial and got to go to his 'afterlife'
  11. Xenthori: these are the zombies that once roamed the desert outside the protection of the city, now able to roam in the city
  12. Xenthori: and these are the zombies of other people that didn't pass the trials, and were onced used as servants and workers of the fields and shit. Basically "hey if you die a failure, atleast your corpse can pull it's own weight"
  13. Xenthori: they're probably still doing their jobs even though there's no one to order them
  14. Xenthori: tending to dead fields, cleaning empty ruins, etc.
  15. Xenthori: so that's the zombies
  16. Xenthori: if there ARE ruins filled with treasure, it's outside that one city
  17. Xenthori: whatever civilization was there BEFORE bolas came and hostile tookover
  18. Xenthori: but they'd most likely planeswalk (or however they get there) into the main city, which wasn't this fucked up last time someone's been there
  19. Xenthori: so they'll go expecting !egypt!, and get apocolypse !egypt! instead
  22. FelixCalamatus: okay
  23. FelixCalamatus: you know more about say Innistrad right
  24. FelixCalamatus: I placed Innistrad right next to Equestria on the map
  25. FelixCalamatus: i dont know why, maybe so the horrors could torment the ponies
  26. Xenthori: oh yeah, but moreso what's happened recently, not the zombie invasions
  27. Xenthori: once again, probably in a state of recovery
  28. Xenthori: the gatewatch ruins everything, TLDR
  29. Xenthori: the fuck up a plane forever and then move on to the next one
  30. Xenthori: Sorin is stuck in a pillar of rock
  31. Xenthori: only one angel is still around
  32. Xenthori: well, one of the famous ones
  33. Xenthori: sure she's got her flock too
  34. Xenthori: werewolves got fucked by eldritch
  35. FelixCalamatus: this setting doesn't have a gatewatch but there might be something equivalent
  36. Xenthori: anyways doesn't matter cause this was morso Nahiri getting revenge on Sorin
  37. Xenthori: you know about the stuff Ugin did with his lil scooby doo gang?
  38. FelixCalamatus: nop
  39. Xenthori: alright well they were the original Mystery Incorperated before the gatewatch
  40. Xenthori: although not the OG OG ones, but we won't go into Urza stuff
  41. Xenthori: anyways Ugin the Dragon (now spirit dragon), Sorin the sick nasty vampire who's a gentleman and scholar, and Nahiri, who maybe is a vampire? she's really pale atleast, and she's a lithomancer
  42. Xenthori: meaning she's good at doing rock stuff
  43. Xenthori: so they all decide "these Eldrazi Tititans are bad news, let's imprison them in Zendikar"
  44. Xenthori: and they totally do, because they're awesome
  45. FelixCalamatus: My friends are super duper scared Im gonna throw out the Eldrazi as a BBEG
  46. FelixCalamatus: im probably not
  47. Xenthori: nah they've been more or less sealed away
  48. Xenthori: again
  49. Xenthori: this is long ago lore though
  50. FelixCalamatus: yeah
  51. Xenthori: over 6000 years ago
  52. FelixCalamatus: same with dtd
  53. Xenthori: in mtg stuff
  54. Xenthori: Ugin force are all immortals
  55. FelixCalamatus: the mtg lore within dtd is all on the forums and homebrew stuff
  56. Xenthori: aaanyways, they all agree what they did was great, Nahari stays behind to take a nap and Ugin and Sorin do their respective things
  57. Xenthori: so 5000 years later, still 1000 years in the past, Nahiri wakes up from her nap, and realizes the endrazi have been fiddling with their locks
  58. Xenthori: she's like "i can handle this", fixes up the prison again, then wonders what Sorin and Ugin are up to because that shit almost got past her
  59. Xenthori: she gets pissy because while they're out doing their own things, she's gotta baby sit
  60. Xenthori: so she leaves zendikar to get em
  61. Xenthori: then the Zendikar block happens, eldrazi are free and Sorin's "oh shit" and shows up
  62. Xenthori: and neither Nahiri or Ugin are there
  63. Xenthori: he leave Zendikar again to find Ugin, meanwhile Nahiri STILL is trying to find Sorin
  64. Xenthori: Khans of Takir happens, Sarkhan revives Ugin, Sorin and Ugin chat it up back at Sorin's manor, Ugin tells sorin to get Nahiri
  65. Xenthori: now we're at Shadows Over Innistrad
  66. Xenthori: Nahiri is still being a cunt and is pissy about Sorin for not being there for the little break out she had to deal with, even though while she was gone all shit broke lose because she wasn't watching the Eldrazi
  67. Xenthori: loose
  68. Xenthori: so Sorin's like "srsly" and Nahiri goes full frontal feminazi, starts breaking up Innistrad, and builds a buncha glyphs, stone hedgy-kinda stuff, wahtever
  69. Xenthori: gatewatch show up, they're like "what's this lady doing" and "why are the angels suddenly being a lot more evil" and "what's all this other shit"
  70. Xenthori: (here we ahve the clue mechanics)
  71. Xenthori: anyways prettyboi of the gatewatch builds a blue/green clue deck and after sacrificing a bunch of them to draw some cards, realizes she was totally building a eldrazi homing beacon to get them to come
  72. Xenthori: and so they do
  73. Xenthori: gatewatch fight the eldrazi, Sorin has to put down the angels (which he created in the first place btw so it's like killing his daughters), and the Nahiri goes full REEEEEEEEE and sticks him in a pillar of stone
  74. Xenthori: not dead, but unable to escape
  75. Xenthori: anyways eldrazi god realizes that the gatewatch wants to kill them, unknowning that the eldrazi are basically space detrivores
  76. Xenthori: they eat old worlds so that new ones can emerge
  77. Xenthori: so it warps jace's mind a bit to make him think up his totally original, not eldrazi-given idea of locking her in the moon
  78. Xenthori: so Emrakul tricks them into imprisoning her instead of killing her, and then the gatewatch leaves the planes
  79. Xenthori: not bothernig to clean up the mess
  80. Xenthori: who knows if there's still tentacle beasts, etc.
  81. Xenthori: but all sortsa shit is fucked when they leave
  82. Xenthori: and that's the state of Innistrad
  83. Xenthori: there's an elder god in the moon
  85. FelixCalamatus: I'm saving all this to read again later. Ok so without throwing in the Eldrazi what's something my players can do there?
  86. Xenthori: it's still the same innistrad it should be, just a lot more nursing wounds
  87. Xenthori: i'd probably go demon cults
  88. Xenthori: that's the Skirsdag
  89. Xenthori: so first they were a cult taht worshiped Griselbrand that rose to power over all other demons and shit
  90. Xenthori: though he was killed by Liliana the gatewatch necromancer
  91. Xenthori: so for shadows over innistrad, they started worshipping the next best demon
  92. Xenthori: big ol demon prince named Ormendahl
  93. Xenthori: anyways with the chaos Nahiri caused, the Skirsdag totally snuck under the radar of everyone else
  94. Xenthori: and so they unded up basically infiltrating a sect of the church of avacyn, the Lunarch council
  95. Xenthori: basically awesome paladin people
  96. Xenthori: and gained control over said council
  97. Xenthori: so you could totally do some intrigue stuff, routing out the cultists remaining in the church as the truly devote have to not stand out too much or get silenced
  98. Xenthori: possibly requesting the help of your party to root out the cult and restore the church's power to actually holy dudes
  99. Xenthori: could even culminate in a demon battle
  100. Xenthori: maybe or maybe not Ormendahl himself, although he's fucking huge
  101. Xenthori: probably some demon lord, not demon prince himself
  102. Xenthori: that's the church anyhow, there's zombies you can deal with too, with the different necromancers trying to outdo eachother
  103. Xenthori: in a friendly, i'll kill you but we'll joke about it kinda way
  104. Xenthori: there's the werewolf packs of the Kessig, who mostly got corrupted by the eldrazi and lost their ability to transform, stuck in beast form
  105. Xenthori: and how the remaining untainted werewolves had to deal with that
  106. Xenthori: i'd read up on the howlpacks if you were interested in them
  107. Xenthori: there's also ghosts and stuff, but they're more akin to the weather
  108. Xenthori: one day it can be rainy, the next it can be ghosty
  109. Xenthori: really any gothic horror-y stuff you want to do, Innistrad's the place to do it
  110. Xenthori: witches, werewolves, i didn't even go into the vampires
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