

Nov 23rd, 2013
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  1. 01[19:09] <SpaceThor> The early winds of late fall blow through the mountains and valleys of this land, the land set aside for you by the King of Life to escape the decadence of back east. Two of the Lords' Watchdogs ride in the cool air, the ever so slight rising of the sun over the mountains slowly warming up the land around you. As Watchdogs, they have been dispatched to do all of the things Watchdogs do. Deliver mail, officiate weddings, christen newborns, and other tasks that need the blessing of the Temple...
  2. 01[19:11] <SpaceThor> However, this particular destination has a secondary concern. The previous steward passed into the King of Life's embrace in the late spring last year, sacrificing himself to save a child from floodwaters. A new Steward has not been found for this location, so the Watchdogs have been dispatched to monitor the town and ensure that all is right. An aging watchdog has taken up residence in the town until a true steward can be found, but who knows what his aging senses might have missed...
  3. 06[19:13] * Red_Shelton sits relaxed in his saddle, not slumped over, nor straight-backed. "Y'ever been here before?"
  4. 06[19:14] * Jeremiah shakes his head, not as relaxed as his companion, eyes out and alert. "I have not, Brother. What about you?"
  5. 03[19:15] * SpaceThor is now known as SpaceMoroni
  6. 06[19:17] * Red_Shelton twirls the toothpick he's been chewing on the past few hours around in his mouth. "Not here, 'xactly, but to a town 'bout five or so miles south. Nice place. Hopefully this won't be too diff'rent."
  7. [19:20] <Jeremiah> "Hopefully so." The former Mountain Man shifts in his saddle a bit, peering around as they ride. "It is always better to find peace where we travel. I wish it happened more often."
  8. [19:20] <Red_Shelton> "Perhaps. I figure if things was more peaceful, they wouldn't need folk like us."
  9. 06[19:23] * Jeremiah nods, his heavy LeMat revolver hanging at his waist. "I suppose that would be true, Brother."
  10. [19:24] <Red_Shelton> "Well, let's not keep the good folk of Sandstone waiting too much longer, hm?"
  11. 01[19:24] <SpaceMoroni> The trail starts to transform into a path, and from a path into a road. Soon, the town is visible through the trees, though one part in particular. A rather large building is currently under construction on the outskirts of town, workmen starting to build the walls as they finish their morning meal. Elsewhere, the sounds of a sawmill are beginning to drown out the sounds of nature, and axes can be heard in the trees. As the sun rises, so must men.
  12. 01[19:25] <SpaceMoroni> In the distance, behind the town, is the large mound of sandstone the city is named for, and hiking trails extend around it, into the alpine slopes where loggers work for their daily bread.
  13. 01[19:26] <SpaceMoroni> The chapel is somewhat small, but seems to be fairly well kept. The house next door to the church has an old man sitting on the porch, copy of the Book of Life in his hands.
  14. 06[19:28] * Red_Shelton tips his hat to the man. "Mornin', Brother."
  15. 01[19:29] <SpaceMoroni> The old man looks up, eyes white with cataracts, as he turns to face you. "Ah, good morning, brothers. Welcome to Sandstone Crag."
  16. 06[19:30] * Jeremiah nods. "Good morning as well. How fairs the town, Brother?"
  17. 01[19:32] <SpaceMoroni> "The town fares quite well, King of Life be praised. We're industrious, hardy, humble people here. Though we do still need a steward." He squints. "Are you the steward the Temple has sent?"
  18. [19:33] <Jeremiah> "No, Brother. They've not selected one yet--my Brother here and I are Dogs, sent to keep watch over the town until the Steward is selected."
  19. 01[19:35] <SpaceMoroni> "Ah, quite well then! I am Brother Hiram, another of the Lords' Watchdogs. After their steward passed from this earth, I settled here to attend to the faithful until they could find a new steward. I suppose that means that they're still dragging their feet. Well, please, go about your business as you must while you're here."
  20. [19:36] <Red_Shelton> "Thank you kindly, Brother." He smiles. "I don't figure we'll be here overlong but you know as well as I do how selections go at times."
  21. 01[19:36] <SpaceMoroni> "I can take the mail you've brought. Please, see to your other duties and leave something for an old man, hmm?"
  22. 06[19:38] * Red_Shelton chuckles and nods, passing the mail off to Hiram. "Anything of note goin' on, or is everything lookin' regular?"
  23. 01[19:39] <SpaceMoroni> "Things are just fine, thanks for asking. Oh, and let me know if you need help findin anything."
  24. [19:40] <Red_Shelton> "Yup. S'pose we'll just go 'round and see to things then." He tips his hat again, and turns to Jeremiah. "Shall we?"
  25. 03[19:42] * Joins: Lijah (
  26. 06[19:45] * Jeremiah nods. "Seems like the plan, Brother."
  27. 06[19:50] * Jeremiah heads for the construction first. "Let's see what they're seeing fit to build, Brother."
  28. [19:51] <Red_Shelton> "Might as well."
  29. 01[19:52] <SpaceMoroni> The construction site is on a small hillock on the edge of town, a rather large building, but you could tell that on your way in. What you couldn't quite tell, but seems obvious from up close, is that this building is meant to be a home for someone. A very large home.
  30. 01[19:54] <SpaceMoroni> The construction crews seem rather focused on their task.
  31. [19:56] <Red_Shelton> "/That/ is a mighty big house." He raises a brow, riding closer and looking for someone who looks to be in charge.
  32. 06[19:57] * Jeremiah nods. "Very big indeed, Brother. I wonder who it's for."
  33. 01[20:05] <SpaceMoroni> The man in charge of the construction is pretty easy to find, since he's bigger than everyone else and the others are asking him questions. He seems pretty focused on the task at hand, though.
  34. 06[20:06] * Red_Shelton slips down off his horse, not wanting to look super official or anything. Guiding Sara by her harness, he approaches the man. "'Scuse me, Brother, can I have a word?"
  35. 01[20:07] <SpaceMoroni> The large man turns, and takes notice of your coats. "Oh, of course brother, what do you need?"
  36. [20:07] <Red_Shelton> "Just wonderin' about the building. That's a mighty big place. Who's it for?"
  37. 01[20:08] <SpaceMoroni> "Ah, it's for Jebediah Watchworth, the man in charge of the logging operations around here."
  38. [20:11] <Red_Shelton> "One man?" He whistles. "He mus' be doin' pretty good for all that."
  39. 01[20:12] <SpaceMoroni> "Well, houses ain't nothing but timber, and he provides most of the timber used by the Faithful in this area. Goin out and gettin some extra timber to make yourself a house'd be pretty easy for a man like that."
  40. 06[20:12] * Jeremiah nods. "Certainly he would be important, as this is a logging town." The former Mountain Man rubs his chin lightly. "I suppose it would be simple enough to get the wood for it, yes."
  41. 01[20:14] <SpaceMoroni> "If you want to talk with him, he'll be up the mountain a ways. Follow the trails and you'll find him." He jerks a thumb towards the paths around the crag in the back. "Anything else I c'n help ya with?"
  42. 06[20:14] * Red_Shelton shakes his head. "That'll do nicely. We'll go ahead and get out of your hair, Brother. Thank you."
  43. 01[20:15] <SpaceMoroni> "Just doin m'duty." He tips his hat to the two of you, then goes back to his work.
  44. 06[20:17] * Red_Shelton pulls himself back up onto Sara, and nudges her in the direction the man indicated.
  45. 06[20:18] * Jeremiah follows on his own horse. He glances to Red. "A very large house for one man. Might cause jealously among others. We should, I think, be careful, Brother."
  46. [20:19] <Red_Shelton> "Maybe."
  47. 01[20:20] <SpaceMoroni> The mountain trails begin to incline more and more as you move past fields of stumps and water-filled canals towards the current logging camp. Soon, the sound of axes indicates that you've arrived.
  48. 01[20:23] <SpaceMoroni> Large men, lumberjacks all, move back and forth among the trees, marking those to be brought down and those to be left standing, and discussing which side to cut from. At the center, a large bear of a man, is the one who can only be Jebediah Watchworth.
  49. 06[20:24] * Red_Shelton again dismounts, wandering over. "Brother Jebediah?"
  50. 01[20:25] <SpaceMoroni> The man sets his axe down on the ground, leaning on the handle. "Ah, Watchdogs, welcome to our town! I'm sorry I could not meet you in town, but I did not realize you'd be coming today, and we must all toil for the glory of the King of Life."
  51. [20:27] <Red_Shelton> "'Course." Red smiles easily. "We're just makin' the rounds right now, figured we should come and say hello."
  52. 01[20:28] <SpaceMoroni> "Well, welcome all the same. If you need anything while in town, come by my place and we'll get you set up. It's by the Crag for now. I also have something I wanted to talk to the two of you about, if you don't mind. Later though."
  53. 06[20:29] * Red_Shelton tilts his head. "'zat so? Well, sure, whatever we can do to help."
  54. 01[20:30] <SpaceMoroni> "Then it's settled, come by for dinner and we'll talk, alright?"
  55. [20:33] <Red_Shelton> "Sure thing." He nods. "Thank you kindly, Brother." He turns back.
  56. 01[20:34] <SpaceMoroni> He nods "Walk with the King of Life!" He hefts his axe, and starts back at his work.
  57. 06[20:38] * Red_Shelton remounts. "All right, looks like we've got something to deal with come dinnertime. Anything else you wanted to check in on?"
  58. [20:39] <Jeremiah> "Only the Chapel, truth be told, Brother."
  59. [20:40] <Red_Shelton> "Well, let's mosey on down."
  60. 06[20:42] * Red_Shelton heads down to the chapel.
  61. 01[20:43] <SpaceMoroni> Brother Hiram is where you left him, still on the porch. The Chapel awaits you.
  62. 06[20:44] * Red_Shelton ties Sara to a post, and makes his way in.
  63. 06[20:45] * Jeremiah walks in after Red, bowing his head lightly in respect as he enters.
  64. 01[20:47] <SpaceMoroni> The chapel seems to be all in order. It looks a little old and well worn, but nothing appears to be wrong.
  65. 01[20:53] <SpaceMoroni> SOME TIME LATER:
  66. 01[20:56] <SpaceMoroni> Dinner has been finished in the Watchworth household, and the ladies of the house are cleaning up and doing dishes, while you are on the porch with Jebediah and two of his sons, watching the sun set. "I'm glad you came. There's been something that I've needed to speak to someone with authority in the Faith about."
  67. 06[20:57] * Jeremiah nods, his eyes watching the sun. "What is it you need to discuss, Brother Jebediah?"
  68. 01[20:58] <SpaceMoroni> He looks off into the distance. "Some time ago, I received a vision from the King of Life while I slept. He told me it was time to grow my family again, by taking another wife. I spoke with our steward, and he confirmed my vision, and was preparing to announce it to the town the next day."
  69. 01[20:59] <SpaceMoroni> "Later that day, one of our canals flooded, a chunk of snow on the mountaintop melted enough to fall, and it flooded one of the paths we use to transport logs down the mountain. My youngest daughter was near it when it happened, and she was nearly swept away."
  70. 01[21:00] <SpaceMoroni> "Only the intercession of our Steward saved her, but at the cost of his own life. The announcement was never made, and I am stuck with the King of Life speaking to me, telling me it is time, but no Steward has arrived to confirm this to anyone else."
  71. 06[21:00] * Red_Shelton listens quietly.
  72. 01[21:02] <SpaceMoroni> "So that is what I wished to speak with you about. Brother Hiram has insisted that it is not the duty of the Watchdogs to confirm this. It is the sole duty of Stewards. And yet I know in my heart that this is what the King of Life wants for me and my family. I beg you, can you confirm this direction for my new family so I can finally appease the King of Life and do my duty to raise the Faithful?"
  73. 06[21:06] * Red_Shelton exhales slowly. "Is that why you've started buildin' the new house?"
  74. 01[21:08] <SpaceMoroni> He nods. "If I'm to grow my family, they will need a place to live. A large family needs a large house, after all. I'm more than capable of providing for a family of any size."
  75. 06[21:10] * Jeremiah frowns lightly, thinking. "Hmm."
  76. 01[21:12] <SpaceMoroni> "I understand if you're uncomfortable going outside your station." He sighs. "But could you just talk to Brother Thomas at the General store? He won't even consider a marriage between me and his eldest daughter. If you could just inform him that my intentions are pure..."
  77. [21:14] <Red_Shelton> "We'll see what we can do. Fact is, that whole thing is definitely territory of the stewards and while we could if situations were more dire, a new steward is due soon enough that I think it shouldn't be a problem to wait."
  78. [21:14] <Red_Shelton> "But we can stop in and chat with Brother Thomas."
  79. 01[21:14] <SpaceMoroni> He nods. "I understand. Thank you for your time."
  80. 06[21:15] * Jeremiah glances to Red. "We can at least discuss things, certainly, Brother Jebediah. Our duty is the spiritual safety of this town--we will do what we can for it."
  81. 01[21:17] <SpaceMoroni> THE NEXT MORNING
  82. 01[21:18] <SpaceMoroni> A rooster crows, awakening the two of you as the sun rises. It's a chilly morning here in Sandstone Crag, and while your blankets are more inviting than the chill air outside, your coats are more than enough to get you by.
  83. 06[21:19] * Jeremiah is up with the sun for his morning prayers, sliding his coat on over the rest of his clothes and flipping through his copy of the Book of Life for a moment.
  84. 06[21:21] * Red_Shelton gets dressed quickly, quietly griping about the cold weather.
  85. [21:26] <Red_Shelton> "I suppose we should get moving to speak with Brother Thomas. Time and tide, after all."
  86. [21:27] <Jeremiah> "Indeed, Brother." He rubs his arms a bit, keeping the warmth in. "Should not take long, hopefully."
  87. 01[21:27] <SpaceMoroni> The General Store has a nice, central location in the city, easily close to any house or trail nearby. Inside the store, an older man sits at the counter, while the sounds of people counting inventory come from the back.
  88. 06[21:28] * Red_Shelton clears his throat. "Brother Thomas?"
  89. 01[21:28] <SpaceMoroni> "Yes, that's me. What can I do for you?
  90. 01[21:28] <SpaceMoroni> "
  91. 01[21:28] <SpaceMoroni> The old man smiles a warm smile, adjusting his glasses to get a better look at you. He's probably in his early 50s by now, despite the hard life of the Faithful.
  92. [21:31] <Red_Shelton> "How do you do." He tips his hat. "I'm Red. We're here to talk about a few things, if you're of a mind for it."
  93. 01[21:31] <SpaceMoroni> "Of course, I can spare some time for the Lord's Watchdogs. What do you need from me?"
  94. 06[21:33] * Jeremiah nods. "I am Jeremiah. And we were asked by Brother Jebediah to talk to you while we were here."
  95. 01[21:33] <SpaceMoroni> He frowns immediately. "So he's sunk so low that he's asking Watchdogs to explain his case for him. Tell him that I'm not going to hear a word about marriage until our new steward confirms his calling."
  96. 01[21:34] <SpaceMoroni> You get the feeling that he's heard this case before.
  97. 06[21:35] * Red_Shelton raises his hands. "Woah, woah. I'm not explainin' anyone's case, much less arguing in anyone's favor. I want to know about the whole thing."
  98. 01[21:37] <SpaceMoroni> He sighs. "Forgive me, but scarce a week goes by that he tries to convince me to allow the marriage to Temperance. He knows as well as I do about the calling, and he knows that he shouldn't be obsessing over it until the steward confirms it for everyone. That's a bad path to walk, if you ask me."
  99. 06[21:37] * Jeremiah nods. "As Brother Red says. We're not here to confirm anything, or to convince you. We want to hear from you how things seem."
  100. 01[21:38] <SpaceMoroni> "I'm afraid that's all I can really tell you, though. I'm not a gossip. As the Book of Life says, 'before you tell your brother about the splinter in his eye, you should remove the log from yours'. Forgive me for that outburst."
  101. [21:39] <Red_Shelton> "Of course, Brother Thomas." Red smiles easily. "Jus' want to know the facts. How long has this been going on?"
  102. 01[21:39] <SpaceMoroni> "Two seasons, it started sometime in the middle of the Spring."
  103. 01[21:40] <SpaceMoroni> A man walks into the room, probably Thomas' son. "Father, I'm going to go make that delivery to the smith now." "Nonsense, boy, I'll go do it. I'm not dead yet." "Yes, father."
  104. 01[21:40] <SpaceMoroni> Thomas turns to you. "If you want to keep talking, come with me to make the delivery."
  105. [21:41] <Red_Shelton> "Might as well, don't think we've got anything pressing going on, and this seems to be the big deal 'round here right now."
  106. 01[21:41] <SpaceMoroni> Thomas nods, and goes to the back. He returns shortly after with a wooden box filled with shoeing nails. "Come with me then. Smithy's on the east side of town."
  107. 06[21:41] * Jeremiah nods. "Indeed, it will be good to help a bit."
  108. 06[21:43] * Red_Shelton follows after Thomas.
  109. 01[21:44] <SpaceMoroni> "Now, I'm not accusing him of being untoward in his motives. I heard the call myself, earlier in life. Dawn, my second wife, was widowed when her husband was killed by a bear up in the mountains. She had two younguns to take care of all on her own, and the King of Life spoke to me, telling me to bring them into my family, and take care of them as my own. I did, and it was the most fulfilling thing I've ever done in my life."
  110. 01[21:45] <SpaceMoroni> "But he's gone about it all wrong. He's impatient. Look at that eyesore he's building on the edge of town, for a family he ain't even got yet. He's come to me at least once a week, sometimes twice, to get me to agree with it so the marriage can go through when our steward gets here."
  111. 01[21:45] <SpaceMoroni> "Like the Book says, 'All things in the King's time, not in our time'."
  112. [21:48] <Red_Shelton> "That definitely seems a bit much. I was rather surprised to see it. He says he confirmed his vision with the previous steward, though." He hums thoughtfully. "Wish they'd go ahead and get the new one here. Two seasons unwatched is a bit much."
  113. [21:48] <Red_Shelton> "Not to cast doubt on Brother Hiram, of course."
  114. [21:49] <Jeremiah> "It's less time than some go unwatched," Jeremiah says thoughtfully. He shakes his head lightly. "But still, yes, he seems to be putting undue stress and pressure on you, I would say. We'll have to... hmm. See what can possibly be done..."
  115. 01[21:49] <SpaceMoroni> "All things in the King's time there too. Brother Hiram is doing his job well, but he's not a Steward." At the smithy, he hands off the box of nails to the smith their, a muscled, clean shaven man, and then turns around. "Well, that's all there really is to it. It's not a terribly interesting story, I'm afraid, but I'm worried about Brother Jebediah. Maybe you can dissuade him from this path."
  116. [21:52] <Red_Shelton> "Nothin' doin' but to try and talk to him, I suppose."
  117. 06[21:52] * Jeremiah nods. "And with the Lord's grace, things will end well for all involved."
  118. 01[21:55] <SpaceMoroni> He stops briefly, turning to face you. "Thank you for your help. I know that this problem will be dealt wi-" He's cut off by a crack like thunder, and you can feel the wind rush by you and flip the old man into a pirouette, before he falls on his bottom. You can smell blood on the dirt, and looking down, it looks like the shopkeeper got hit in the hand. A hooded figure on the edge of town stands, and starts to run into the forests.
  119. 06[22:01] * Jeremiah glances down and assess the situation. "SOmeone get a doctor," he yells out, and sprints after the man. "Brother Red, get the horses, I'll leave trail-sign for you to follow!" And with that he's off, chasing after the hooded figure.
  120. 06[22:02] * Red_Shelton immediately heads for the horses, untying Sara and Jeremiah's horse, mounting Sara swiftly and spurring her into a quick trot to get her warmed up, urging her to a gallop and making sure he has a tight grip on the reins of the other horse.
  121. 01[22:04] <SpaceMoroni> Jeremiah does well chasing the figure, keeping a good eye while Red arrives with the horses to finish the chase. Soon, the figure enters the nearby thicket.
  122. 01[22:06] <SpaceMoroni> The forest does not deter you like the figure thought it would, and soon you're upon him. Realizing the futility of the situation, he turns with his rifle and fires a shot!
  123. 06[22:14] * Jeremiah throws himself off his horse, dodging the man's aim. He raises his LeMat as he falls and pulls the second trigger, unleashing the heavy pistol's shotgun barrel one handed at the gunman--his wrist will regret it later, but for now it might save his life.
  124. 06[22:16] * Red_Shelton simply pulls himself flush with Sara, the bullet missing him entirely. Despite the motions of the horse, he sees his shot clearly. In an instant his gun clears its holster and he's squeezing the trigger.
  125. 01[22:18] <SpaceMoroni> The figure manages to fling himself out of the way of Jeremiah's blast of buckshot, but is out of position to avoid Red's well-aimed shot.
  126. 01[22:21] <SpaceMoroni> The shot takes him in the left shoulder, but he's able to fire again from the ground.
  127. 06[22:23] * Jeremiah raises up on one knee, already aiming again... right into the path of the oncoming bullet, even as he lets out a booming shot from his massive revolver.
  128. 06[22:33] * Red_Shelton races by the man, having stayed on horseback, and slides damn near horizontal, his hand flashing out and grabbing hold of the rifle.
  129. 06[22:36] * Red_Shelton also cold-cocks him with the gun as he rides by, probably entirely unnecessarily.
  130. 01[22:36] <SpaceMoroni> He raises his fists weakly, but the combined attack leaves him gurgling, bleeding to death on the cold forest floor.
  131. [22:37] <Red_Shelton> "You know any medicine?" Red does a swinging dismount off Sara, hustling over. "I want to know what this fool thought he was doing."
  132. 06[22:38] * Red_Shelton pulls the hood down.
  133. 06[22:38] * Jeremiah rushes over. "I know a little of how my old People did it, Brother. It should give us time to ask.. and to perform last rites."
  134. 01[22:40] <SpaceMoroni> The face you see is one you recognize from last night. Peter, Jebediah's oldest son. Blood trickles over his lips as his breaths grow shallower, fear growing in his eyes.
  135. 06[22:40] * Jeremiah sets himself to the task of it. It's not going to save him, but pressure here, a small bandage there, and a poultich over some wounds... it will keep him alive long enough. It has to.
  136. 06[22:44] * Red_Shelton refrains from swearing, but only just. "Son..." He shakes his head. "Why?"
  137. 01[22:45] <SpaceMoroni> His words are faint, but you can hear them. "The..King of life...told me...Hatch had to die...for...opposing...will...."
  138. [22:49] <Red_Shelton> "You young fool." He shakes his head. "The King of Life ain't never asked anyone to die."
  139. 01[22:49] <SpaceMoroni> His eyes widen. "But..I could tell it was him...he felt so warm...I even feel it again right now...." His eyes begin to dim.
  140. 06[22:51] * Jeremiah looks to red and shakes his head. "Best to perform his Rites, brother. He's not much longer now."
  141. [22:52] <Red_Shelton> "Yeah." He sighs. "Might as well." He hauls up the large book hung over his hip, connected by chains. "Let's take care of this and go make sure Brother Thomas is all right."
  142. 06[22:56] * Red_Shelton begins to read passages.
  143. 06[22:58] * Jeremiah nods, pulling out his jar of earth. He closes his eyes and marks the man's head with the earth while Red reads the passages and prayers, mumbling prayers of his own to aid in the rites.
  144. 01[22:59] <SpaceMoroni> As the rites conclude, the light finally leaves the young man's eyes, and he exhales for the last time.
  145. [23:01] <Red_Shelton> "Go in peace to the King, and to the truth of His ways." He snaps the book shut. "We need to tend to the flock."
  146. 06[23:01] * Jeremiah nods. "True enough, brother. There is an ill wind blowing in this town."
  147. 06[23:02] * Red_Shelton remounts Sara, giving her a calming stroke, before turning back in the direction of the town. "Let's get back then."
  148. [23:03] <Jeremiah> "I'll stay for now, Brother. Make sure no animals cart the body off before it can be given a proper burial." He inclines his head. "Better safe than sorry, yes?"
  149. [23:05] <Red_Shelton> "True enough. Very well, I'll send a few people on their way when I get back in."
  150. [23:05] <Red_Shelton> "Keep your eyes open, Brother." He gets Sara heading back to the town.
  151. 01[23:06] <SpaceMoroni> Brother Thomas is where you left him, but the town doctor seems to have his hand wrapped up, and is no worse for wear. "Did you catch him?"
  152. [23:07] <Red_Shelton> "Did more'n that." He's decidedly grim. He turns to the doctor. "Gonna need a few hands to bring the body back."
  153. 01[23:07] <SpaceMoroni> "Who was it?"
  154. 06[23:09] * Red_Shelton frowns. "Y'all better not overreact to this. I've got enough to deal with. It was Brother Jebediah's oldest son."
  155. 01[23:09] <SpaceMoroni> "His...eldest? Peter? But what could I have done that he tried to kill me?" He frowns. "Well, I won't do anything and leave it to you, but you should tell his pa at the least."
  156. 06[23:11] * Red_Shelton sighs. "Yeah. I'm headed that way next. Wanted to make sure you were okay, Brother Thomas, and make sure that people get sent to retrieve the body. With hope it may give Brother Jebediah some closure."
  157. 01[23:11] <SpaceMoroni> He nods. "Walk with grace, brother."
  158. 06[23:11] * Red_Shelton heads over to Jebediah's place.
  159. 01[23:13] <SpaceMoroni> Jebediah is currently at the sawmill, looking out to see what's been going on. He's obviously as perturbed by the gunshots as anyone else. "Brother Red, what's going on?"
  160. 06[23:14] * Red_Shelton motions for Jebediah to follow him a distance away. "I've got some unfortunate news for you, Brother Jebediah."
  161. 01[23:14] <SpaceMoroni> He walks with you a short distance. "What do you mean?"
  162. [23:15] <Red_Shelton> "Your son Peter attempted to shoot Brother Thomas. When Brother Jeremiah and I pursued him, he shot at us." Red looks genuinely regretful as he says this. "Peter is dead."
  163. 01[23:16] <SpaceMoroni> "My son is..." He looks shocked, then puts his face in his hands, his chest heaving in and out.
  164. 06[23:17] * Red_Shelton comes close, softly whispering psalms from the Book to offer what comfort he can.
  165. 01[23:17] <SpaceMoroni> But as you listen, it doesn't sound like weeping, it sounds like...panting. Jebediah looks up, eyes filled with rage, and speaking with a voice not his own. "You...meddling...DOG! You've ruined MONTHS of planning in one swoop by your mere presence, and now you kill the vessel's child, the instrument of my will!"
  166. 06[23:23] * Red_Shelton draws his pistol in a flash. "Now Jebediah, I don't want to hurt your family more'n I already have to. I don't want to hurt you, but I want to hurt the demon that's in you very much. Don't give me any excuses. Fight the thing if you can." He fishes out his Jar of Consecrated Earth, though it definitely looks like it has seen better days.
  167. 01[23:24] <SpaceMoroni> "This vessel is weak. He cannot fight me even if he wanted to. And he does not want to. He thinks me the King of Life, that when I tell him he deserves more, it is a commandment from his god. He will not resist, Dog."
  168. [23:25] <Red_Shelton> "Much like Peter." He frowns. "Well that's all well and good for you right now, but I'm going to sort you."
  169. 01[23:25] <SpaceMoroni> "You can try, Dog."
  170. 06[23:32] * Red_Shelton begins to recite from the Book of Life, using the consecrated earth to attempt to force the demon from Jebediah's body.
  171. 01[23:34] <SpaceMoroni> The demon continues talking, not especially concerned with your actions. "Yes, this vessel is very weak indeed...but you are not, I can see. Surely you deserve so much more than a lifetime of toil for a pat on the head. Are you not a man? Or are you truly a dog in your heart as well as in your office?"
  172. 06[23:43] * Red_Shelton whips his gun into the demon's face, the barrel aimed straight at Jebediah's eye. Red's face is utterly devoid of emotion. "I told you to start with. Don't give me any excuses. I may not want to hurt Jeb's family, but I won't sit still an' let you run rampant in this town."
  173. 01[23:46] <SpaceMoroni> "Keh. Your mortal weapon will not slay me. But it will delay me more than is acceptable. I cede this day to you, dog. If you ever want something more, however, I'll know where to find you...." Jebediah's eyes roll up in his head, and his body collapses to the ground.
  174. 06[23:48] * Red_Shelton lowers his gun, exhaling slowly. "Blessed King, thank you for your guidance." He murmurs, before holstering his weapon and kneeling. "Brother Jebediah. Wake up, c'mon."
  175. 01[23:48] <SpaceMoroni> His eyes slowly open, tears begin to form as he does. "It's not true, is it?" He whispers. "Is my son truly dead?"
  176. [23:49] <Red_Shelton> "I'm afraid it is. He was misled by the same demon what misled you."
  177. 01[23:50] <SpaceMoroni> " can't be. Could the King of Life not have taken me instead? It was my weakness, MY failure that brought this...why couldn't it have been me..."
  178. 06[23:51] * Red_Shelton grabs Jebediah's head in his hand and forces the man to meet his look. "That's enough of that talk. I can't pretend to understand what it's like to lose a son, but you've got a family to look after, don't you?"
  179. 01[23:51] <SpaceMoroni> He nods weakly.
  180. [23:52] <Red_Shelton> "You say you were weak. That may well be so. But your family's gonna be hurtin', and you gotta be there for 'em, and be strong, and in turn they will be strong for you when you need it."
  181. 01[23:52] <SpaceMoroni> He nods again. "Thank you, brother."
  182. 01[23:54] <SpaceMoroni> A FEW DAYS LATER.
  183. 01[23:54] <SpaceMoroni> It's time for the most somber of a Dog's duties, officiation of funerary rites. Almost the entire town has arrived for this, the sawmill and sounds of axes strangely silent.
  184. 01[23:55] <SpaceMoroni> The pine box containing Peter Watchworth is being lowered into the ground.
  185. Session Time: Sat Nov 23 00:00:01 2013
  186. 01[00:01] <SpaceMoroni> As Hiram reads the funerary rites, none can do anything save watch, and mourn in their own way. Jebediah stands closest to the grave, doing his best to keep a strong face. "And as we commend you to the King of Life, we know of how the King of Life vanquished death, and grants his Faithful eternal life in the hereafter. And while we may mourn the untimely death of Peter Watchworth in his mortal form, we know that we will see him again, at the right hand of the Father, now and forever, amen."
  187. 01[00:01] <SpaceMoroni> Amens ripple through the crowd.
  188. [00:02] <Red_Shelton> "Amen." He repeats softly.
  189. [00:02] <Jeremiah> "AMen."
  190. 01[00:03] <SpaceMoroni> After a few moments, the undertaker begins to shovel soft soil into the grave, filling it back up. Jebediah continues to watch, but addresses the two of you: "Brother Red, Brother boy was blameless, right? He was tricked by a demon, he's blameless...right?"
  191. [00:04] <Red_Shelton> "He was misled, just as you. The King of Life will see the truth of it."
  192. 06[00:06] * Jeremiah nods. "As Brother Red says. He was misled, no more."
  193. 01[00:06] <SpaceMoroni> Jebediah exhales deeply. "I hope so. I'm going to turn the house I was building into a church. I can't even take care of myself, much less a larger family, so I won't be needing it. I just thought you should know."
  194. [00:08] <Red_Shelton> "The new steward will appreciate it." He turns to face Jebediah. "You will grow stronger. Just remember that strength is not a one-way road. Just as you take care of your family, they take care of you."
  195. 01[00:09] <SpaceMoroni> He nods. "Thank you. For everything." After a few more moments, he kneels on the ground, bowing his head. Salty tears fall into the grave, to be covered by earth moments later. We are but ashes and dust.
  196. 01[00:09] <SpaceMoroni> END SESSION
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