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Just Say So / Low Self Esteem RD

a guest
Jul 30th, 2014
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  1. The OP that inspired me:
  2. >It took a drunk old mare to tell you the truth about Dash
  3. >She isn't pretty
  4. >Not to a pony at least
  5. >Her mane, her snout, her hooves, the shape of her wings
  6. >A dozen little irks and quirks that made her too homely to get past the friendzone with any colt
  7. >They always figured that's why she was trying so hard to be your 'bro'
  8. >She could never do better than another ugly monster
  10. Here is what I made of it.
  12. >It's been almost 2 whole years.
  13. >The life you left behind is almost completely forgotten.
  14. >You wonder about all the-
  15. >Bump
  16. >"Oh hey Anon, what's going on?"
  17. "Hey Dash, up early today?"
  18. >Well.
  19. >Early for HER at least. It's like only fucking 10.
  20. >"Yeah, I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to the new Daring Do release!"
  21. "That's happening today I'm guessing."
  22. >Shouldn't that shit come out in two days?
  23. >It's fucking SunButtday. Shit comes out on Tuesdays for some fucking reason.
  24. >"It's at midnight, on Tuesday."
  25. >Called it.
  26. "Isn't it going to be in Canterlot?"
  27. >That big-ass bookstore always does the releases.
  28. >At least you could get some new books when you arrive.
  29. >You've been meaning to get around to doing so, you just don't get to Canterlot often enough.
  30. >"Is that a problem? I thought you had Tuesday off this week..."
  31. >Wow, she looks like her parents were just murdered and she just recalled the day she was told.
  32. "I do, but-"
  33. >Fuck, if you say no.
  34. >She might not be able to take that shit.
  35. >"If it's a place to stay it's alright. I have a room booked for 2."
  36. >Is she serious with you right now?
  37. >This is almost weird.
  38. >"Twilight was going to come along, but she had some 'princess' stuff to do."
  39. >Why would Princess Books not go get some new... Books.
  40. >Fucking princess shit.
  41. >Only if you had some surefire way to dodge ponies sometimes.
  43. "I'm gonna see how I feel, I might be catching something. Come back over around 6."
  44. >"Oh? I hope you feel better, I'll let you be. I'll see you later tonight."
  45. >You don't like lying to her, but you did cough once maybe.
  46. >Only if life was that easy.
  47. >You shrug it off while walking to the Treebary.
  48. >Wait. That's gone now.
  49. >Fucking magic and shit man.
  50. >Castle.
  51. >That thing is really out of place.
  52. >At least it's now a fancier library.
  53. >Books not going to get a book?
  54. >This you had to fucking see.
  55. >Knocking sounds
  56. >"Oh hey Anon. what brings you over here?"
  57. "Just coming by to talk, what's new?"
  58. >"Come on in, have a seat. You would not believe what I have to do."
  59. >Here comes those duties.
  60. >You should get her a copy, presents are always a nice gesture.
  61. >"You know the new DD book that's coming out?"
  62. >Seems like she is serious about this.
  63. >Why are you even here, it's not like Rainbro lies to you anyway.
  64. >Shit you've lied to her quite a bit actually.
  65. >She only called you on your shit twice.
  66. >Fuck yeah.
  67. >Top level ruses you've pulled on all the ponyfolk here.
  68. >Apparently lying isn't too big a thing here.
  69. "Yeah, Rains told me about it on my way here."
  70. >"I'm glad sheee gets to go, but it's not fair."
  71. >"She asked me to watch Tank because he's a bit sick and Fluttershy is is out of town."
  73. >OH FUCK
  74. >DEFCON 1
  75. >MISSLES
  78. >Is Dash trying to ask you on a date?
  79. >Without being obvious as fuck about it?
  80. >Wow.
  81. >This is pretty fucking out there.
  82. >It's not like anything with a dick wouldn't like to rail that.
  83. >At least you might be able to get some pone-booty
  84. >It's not like you haven't been porking some tail from time to time.
  85. >"Yeah, but I just had to let her go. If I went I'd feel too bad about it, you know?"
  86. >Mainly because you're a tad strange.
  87. >A social status is all it really is.
  88. >Wait.
  89. >Purples said something.
  90. >
  91. "Yeah, being the princess of books and all. You have an image to upkeep."
  92. >She has a giggle.
  93. >It was rather cute.
  94. >Almost all the things that happen around here are adorable as shit.
  95. >"Well, don't put me on a pedestal or anything."
  96. >Implying
  97. "You can magics and stuff. PLUS FLYING. That's impressive."
  98. >Shit, magic wasn't even a thing back home.
  99. >Other than movies, games and books.
  100. >Never forget books.
  101. >"Oh ha ha ha Anon."
  102. >"So why'd you come on over again?"
  103. >Only if Butterstick was here.
  104. >Rains could be behind that one too.
  105. >Wait.
  106. >She's out because reasons.
  107. >Important ones at that, you were there.
  108. "Just to say I'm going up with Rainbow, and I was getting you a signed copy."
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