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Dec 30th, 2014
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  1. >>>The Psychic
  2. Official Changes
  3. The following are the official changes to the psychic’s abilities and spells. First off, the psychic does get iterative attacks as normal, but they’ve been omitted from the table by accident.
  4. Class Skills: Add Diplomacy to the psychic’s class skill list.
  5. Psychic Discipline: The saving throw for any discipline ability that allows a save is 10 + 1/2 psychic level + Intelligence modifier.
  6. Phrenic PoolThe psychic gains this class feature at 1st level.
  7. Phrenic Amplifications: The psychic gains her first amplification at 1st level instead of 3rd. She gains an additional amplification at 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter. Adding a phrenic amplification is part of the action used to cast the spell. Change the following amplifications.
  8. Complex Countermeasure This ability makes the spell harder to dispel, counterspell, or identify.
  9. Conjured Armor: An 8th-level psychic uses the +2 bonus or her relevant modifier, whichever is higher.
  10. Discipline of Abomination: In dark half, it should specify that attempting to return to normal is an ability that the psychic can used while she’s her dark half. The dark half can be used for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + the psychic’s Charisma modifier + 1/2 her psychic level.
  11. Discipline of Pain: Change the following abilities.
  12. Painful Resurgence: Change painful resurgence to the following: When you take damage, as an immediate action you can gain DR 2/— against the effect that damaged you. If you still took at least 5 points of damage after applying DR, you regain 1 point in your phrenic pool. The amount of DR increases by 1 for every 4 psychic levels you possess beyond the first. The amount of damage you must still take to regain phrenic points is equal to your character level at every level beyond 5th. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier, and can use it no more than once per hour.
  13. Agonizing Wound: Move dazed from the initial list of conditions onto the list of conditions that can be applied if you expend 2 uses of the ability. Remove stunned from the latter list.
  14. Discipline of Tranquility: In the bonus spells list, change detect thoughts to silence.
  15. Remade Self: This ability should clarify that the spell is chosen when the psychic reaches 20th level and can’t be changed.
  17. Spells
  18. Remove permanency from the 6th-level spell list. Add lesser create demiplane to the 7th-level list, create demiplane to the 8th-level list, and greater create demiplane to the 9th-level list.
  20. >>Logan Bonner's Updates (Designer of the class) along with other Paizo staff updates
  21. There will be many more disciplines in the final version of the book. This playtest is an attempt to make sure the core foundations of the class are solid before we start bolting all kinds of options on top of it.
  23. One thing I'm seeing repeatedly here are requests for more spells on the psychic's spell list. I think we're going to expand it a fair amount, both with new spells for this book and with some categories that a pretty light right now (such as summoning spells). Unlike the mesmerist, this class should be able to cast plenty of spells that have physical effects rather than just mental ones. The spell list isn't reflecting that as much as it will need to.
  25. There will definitely be more spells in that area. The psychic's spell list is going to grow quite a bit once it gains most of the spells in the spell chapter. :)
  27. For the purposes of the playtest, we also went pretty conservative with what we included on the spell list, sticking to only the stuff we saw as really conceptually suited to psychic magic. We'll be adding in more pre-existing spells as well.
  28. One thing you probably won't be seeing a ton of is energy-based attack spells. Those are more of the kineticist's piece of the psychic pie. So the psychic will be primarily using force spells and physical telekinetic spells for dealing damage.
  30. Psyren wrote:
  31. - Can Coaxing Spell be used with Psychic Magic? Can Psychics use Metamagic Rods?
  32. >Yes. Metamagic works the same way with psychic spells as with any other types.
  34. Psyren wrote:
  35. - Can a Lore Psychic use Illuminating Answer as many times per day as they have divinations to cast?
  36. >Yes. We'll have to make sure there's no easy way to exploit that. If a high-level psychic spams augury and uses up all their 2nd-level spell slots to regain points, I kind of doubt that will be hugely detrimental to a game.
  38. Psyren wrote:
  39. - How close to you does an ally have to be to benefit from the Tranquility discipline's Mental Placidity?
  40. >There's currently no range limit. If we add one, it will be pretty large, like 500 feet.
  42. Skaldi the Tallest wrote:
  43. Was the intent for Dark Half to be 1/2 level + modifier or 3+modifier or Modifier +2/level or some such? As it is, it's almost non-existant. A level 20 Psychic would probably have 3 or 4 rounds in a day, which seems a bit sparse. A level 1 has 2, maybe three if they're lucky.
  44. >It will end up being usable for more rounds per day in the final version, probably with some adjustments to the other effects.
  46. Permanency is still there. It was erroneously on both the 5th- and 6th-level lists.
  47. >Aka Permanency is now on the 5th Level spell slot
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