
Gleaming Shield - Pt. 1 (Butt)

Nov 18th, 2014
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  1. The world around you is currently dark, very much so that you couldn't see your own hands in front of your face, which caused an eerie feeling to permeate throughout the blackness that so thoroughly engulfed you. You open and close your eyes to no avail as you can not see anything for the life of you. Before you have much time to contemplate on your surroundings, what appears to be a flashbang grenade explodes into your cornea. The white is such an intense contrast to your previous blackness that you wish for the darkness to return. As the white fades, it gives way to a much greater room than you could have imagined. The furnishings so vividly colored that you swore this wasn't real.
  3. What truly made you question your sanity, or last night's meal, was the fact that you appeared to be but an inch tall in the very royal-looking hallway. You decide to let it be as you doubted you could will yourself to grow by just the power of hope. You picked yourself up and began to leisurely stroll down the hallway. Hordes of massive armored ponies walked by, their steel hooves clanking against the marble flooring. They all seemed suspiciously effeminate... One group that walked by gave you a chance to look closely, they were all female, or at least looked like it. As they left, you knew for sure they were female as the last row didn't feel the need to hide their marehoods from the non-existent row behind.
  5. Walking as normally as an inch-tall human in a castle full of horses could, you swaggered your way along the wall until you came across a door. A door you'd have to cross, a door that could be opened. You approached the edge of the door with ninja-like stealth and caution. Halfway between you and the other side of the door was a basket of laundry. Socks and the like filled it.
  7. "Pony clothes..." you muttered annoyedly
  9. You prep yourself for a sprint across the brink of the doorway, breathing heavily to increase your heart rate pre-emptively and you sprint. The feeling of a full-on sprint is incredible, you can't yet feel your legs burn nor do you feel the sting of your lungs. Just the weightlessness of your own body as your fly across the ground. Taking the quickest path, you run between the door and the laundry basket.
  11. This would quickly prove to be a horrible idea because as soon as you were between the basket and the door, the door flew open and the basket slid into the room, sweeping you in with it.
  12. >Having been pulled into the room suddenly, it takes you a moment to realize what just happened
  13. >The door swings shut before you could get back out
  14. >You can faintly hear a feminine voice from somewhere deeper into the room
  15. >It just appears to be talking to itself in a worried manner as a falsetto answers it
  16. >Deciding against visiting the voice, you seek temporary refuge amongst some pillows that are scattered on the floor
  17. >You had successfully scaled a green pillow and were working on a red one when a white mass came in and suddenly plopped onto the pile
  18. >Your own route up the pillows suddenly became steep and collapsed onto the newcomer
  19. >Like many avalanche victims, you found yourself buried alive, pressed between a warm, white wall and a heavy, dark pillow
  20. >You could partially make out an image in the white flesh, a shield with stars on it
  21. >You pressed against the masses trapping you, looking for a way out
  22. >All you managed to do was irritate the pony whose flank you were pressed into
  23. >The pony tears the pillow away and rolls over, in a single swift motion
  24. >You now found yourself resting on top of another mass, this one you recognized had a nipple on it, you were right on top of it
  25. >You look up and see Gleaming Shield staring at you annoyedly
  26. >"Just what were you doing there, little guy?" she says warmly, bringing you up to her face to nuzzle you
  27. >She just rubbed you against her cheek
  28. "Listen, I need some help." you shout up to her ear
  29. >She frowns at you
  30. >"So... You can talk? What were you doing on my flank?" she gives you a perturbed glance
  31. "I was climbing and-"
  32. >"Stop. I realized I don't really care, I need a favor and you're going to say yes. Okay?"
  33. >You nod
  34. >Gleaming rolls back onto her belly and drops you onto her left flank, more closer to her tail thw her cutie mark
  35. >"All I need you to do is massage it, today was hella stressful for me. Afterwards, we can talk more."
  36. >You nod again, not that she was looking anyways and begin to press your hands her flesh
  37. >You get to work pressing your hands into the soft and pliable flesh of Gleaming's rear
  38. >She looks back at you in silence
  39. >You notice her and look up
  40. >"I know you're trying and all, but it's really do or do not here. If I don't feel anything in the next couple minutes I'm gonna put you somewhere I WILL feel you and I promise you won't like it."
  41. >You gasp and start to press as hard as you could into the flesh, but this made moving around hard
  42. >She again lifts you and rolls over
  43. >With you floating above her and her staring up at you she grins playfully
  44. >"You know... I've been looking into your memories, it seems you're stranded on an alien world, no?"
  45. >You nod again, a little shocked she'd do that
  46. >"And nopony else knows you exist?"
  47. "I'm sure a guard saw me." You reply
  48. >"So... Nopony. I'm also the only one willing to care for you because I don't you'd last a day out there."
  49. >You admit defeat there, you'd likely be mauled to death by a rat or something equally pitiable
  50. >"That means you're stuck with me!" she chirps in a joyous tone
  51. >The giant mare lowers you to her unarmored chest and hugs you
  52. >You wait a second before hugging back, it could be worse
  53. >She breaks the hug and gives you a serious stare
  54. >"I asked you to make yourself useful and massage me, not a hard task. I understand that due to your size, it could've been difficult but you should've found a way to do what I asked."
  55. >Her words from before come to mind as she rolls back onto her belly
  56. >You start to panic internally as she sets you down on her cheek for a moment to flick her tail up
  57. >It hits you, it should've before but it did now
  58. >Gleaming looks back at you
  59. >"I said I'd do it. Did you think I'd let you off on insubordination?"
  60. >A tug on your ankle pulls you towards the cleft of her cheeks and you grasp into whatever was grippable
  61. >Your efforts proved in vain as you were lined up with the white globes and pressed between them in a matter of seconds
  62. >Everything was dark, dark and warm
  63. >A moment passed and you realized your predicament
  64. >You rotated around and Gleaming's magic grasp of you resided, leaving you in the dark, only your sense of touch and smell to tell you where you were
  65. >Outside of your entrapment, Gleaming Shield looked at a clock hanging from the wall, the ticks clear and audible around the room
  66. >6:43pm
  67. >"Hmm... 5 minutes and I'll let him out." she says to no one but herself
  68. >You stretch out your arms and feel your surroundings, a large muscular ring being the most prominent of the features
  69. >About the size of an inner tube, you made sure not to come too near it
  70. >After what seemed an eternity, you found yourself pulled from the crevice
  71. >Face-to-face with Gleaming again, she smiles
  72. >"Punishment was served, your disobedience is forgiven." she snickers
  73. >She continues to lounge amongst the pillows on her side, you on her flank, as a record plays in the background
  74. >She stares at you, you look back at her
  75. >She looks like she has some bad news
  76. >Oh god, what is it?
  77. >"Little guy? I have to attend a meeting tonight. You know I can't leave you alone..." she gives you a sorry look
  78. "You can leave me alone, I'll be fine."
  79. >"No, tonight the maids are going to clean my quarters. You're coming with me to this meeting."
  80. >You'd protest if you thought you could
  81. >Gleaming Shield pulls out a pair of light blue panties and gives you a small smile
  82. "No..." You say, the realization hitting you like a speeding semi would hit a smartcar
  83. >You look around for the best escape route
  84. >"Hey now... We can do this the easy way, or I can have some fun with you."
  85. >No. This was it, you were tired of this.
  86. >You bolt off, using all the hardcore parkour knowledge you learned from playing the free demo of Assassin's Creed III
  87. >Your calculations proved worthless as you found the ground slip from your feet and fall away
  88. >Gleaming stands up and drops you into the panties, grinning playfully down at you
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