
Psionchat: Ana / Thalix

Aug 30th, 2015
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  1. [21:56] * bouncebackEschaton joined #PsionChat
  2. [21:56] * gamblingEnergetic joined Psionchat
  3. [21:56] <bouncebackEschaton> Hello!
  4. [21:57] <gamblingEnergetic> hell0
  5. [21:57] <bouncebackEschaton> How's your day been going?
  6. [21:57] <bouncebackEschaton> Anything cool happen?
  7. [21:57] <gamblingEnergetic> pretty go0d I guess. got a new ro0mat3
  8. [21:58] <bouncebackEschaton> Awesome!
  9. [21:58] <gamblingEnergetic> or I guess I'm the ro0mat3
  10. [21:58] == Serket[DM] [~Mewtie@] has joined #RPGstuck_EmptyRoom
  11. [21:58] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh, cool
  12. [21:58] <Serket[DM]> (( Hi I'm here as well
  13. [21:58] <bouncebackEschaton> Is the other person nice?
  14. [21:58] <gamblingEnergetic> well what about you ther3
  15. [21:58] <gamblingEnergetic> ye4h
  16. [21:58] <bouncebackEschaton> Everything's pretty great with me too
  17. [21:59] <gamblingEnergetic> she's pretty nic3 I guess
  18. [21:59] <bouncebackEschaton> That's great
  19. [21:59] <gamblingEnergetic> sort4. my hiv3 is a littl3... destr0yes
  20. [22:00] <bouncebackEschaton> What do you mean?
  21. [22:00] <gamblingEnergetic> it got destr0yed on a gambl3 so I liv3 with my fri32nd now
  22. [22:00] <bouncebackEschaton> Wait what
  23. [22:01] <gamblingEnergetic> what
  24. [22:01] <Lozzeh_Bethel> (( *winks* from afar ))
  25. [22:01] <bouncebackEschaton> Your hive got destroyed?
  26. [22:01] <gamblingEnergetic> ((hey bud))
  27. [22:01] <gamblingEnergetic> yes. pretty badly to0. I got my stuff though so it's all go0d
  28. [22:02] <bouncebackEschaton> ??
  29. [22:02] <bouncebackEschaton> I think you've lost me
  30. [22:02] <bouncebackEschaton> Why would you need to get your stuff if a hive got broken?
  31. [22:02] <gamblingEnergetic> well I only got my tabl3
  32. [22:03] <gamblingEnergetic> I can't le4ve that beh12nd
  33. [22:03] <bouncebackEschaton> Uh
  34. [22:03] <bouncebackEschaton> Okay I'm pretty sure no hive is dangerous enough for you to need to worry about leaving stuff behind
  35. [22:04] <gamblingEnergetic> well you nev3r now
  36. [22:04] <gamblingEnergetic> I me4n I can't liv3 ther3
  37. [22:05] <bouncebackEschaton> Ohhhhh, I getcha
  38. [22:05] <bouncebackEschaton> Sorry, took me a bit to figure out what you meant
  39. [22:05] <gamblingEnergetic> it's fin3
  40. [22:05] <bouncebackEschaton> Seems like a pretty rough gamble to make
  41. [22:05] <gamblingEnergetic> eh not re4lly
  42. [22:06] <gamblingEnergetic> I wouldv3 be3n rich
  43. [22:06] <gamblingEnergetic> but I lost it
  44. [22:06] <bouncebackEschaton> :( :( :(
  45. [22:06] <bouncebackEschaton> Ah well, don't worry!
  46. [22:06] <bouncebackEschaton> You'll be back at home soon enough!
  47. [22:07] <gamblingEnergetic> be1ng techn1cally hom3less isn't that bad
  48. [22:07] <bouncebackEschaton> You said you were staying at a friend's, right?
  49. [22:07] <gamblingEnergetic> yes I did
  50. [22:07] <bouncebackEschaton> That's gotta be fun!
  51. [22:08] <gamblingEnergetic> it's kind4 co0l
  52. [22:08] <gamblingEnergetic> she do3snt lik3 the gambl1ng though
  53. [22:08] <bouncebackEschaton> Well it apparently got you evicted, so that seems kinda reasonable
  54. [22:08] == Thingymabob [] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  55. [22:08] <gamblingEnergetic> I guess
  56. [22:08] <bouncebackEschaton> Also, I just got your username
  57. [22:08] <bouncebackEschaton> Haha
  58. [22:09] <gamblingEnergetic> but I've gott3n so clos3
  59. [22:09] <gamblingEnergetic> ye4h I lik3 my nam3
  60. [22:09] <bouncebackEschaton> So you're into gambling a lot, huh?
  61. [22:10] <gamblingEnergetic> I wouldn't say a lot but my fri3nds say it's add1cti0n
  62. [22:10] <gamblingEnergetic> I don't bel1ev3 them
  63. [22:10] <bouncebackEschaton> Well I mean
  64. [22:11] <bouncebackEschaton> You kinda got temporarily evicted because of it
  65. [22:11] <bouncebackEschaton> But I guess it's not gambling all that much for people like us, is it?
  66. [22:11] <gamblingEnergetic> I guess
  67. [22:11] <bouncebackEschaton> When you've got a way to kinda fudge the rules a bit
  68. [22:12] <gamblingEnergetic> iv3 had som3 ups though. lik3 I've gott3n som3 co0l stuff
  69. [22:12] <gamblingEnergetic> fudg3 the rul3s?
  70. [22:12] <gamblingEnergetic> do3s that help
  71. [22:13] <bouncebackEschaton> I imagine so
  72. [22:13] <bouncebackEschaton> I mean, considering the sort of stuff we can do
  73. [22:14] <bouncebackEschaton> It's kind of cheating, right?
  74. [22:14] <gamblingEnergetic> mayb3 I should le4rn how then. get som3 co0per ge4r
  75. [22:14] <gamblingEnergetic> it's prob4bly not che4ring
  76. [22:14] <bouncebackEschaton> Cooper gear?
  77. [22:15] <gamblingEnergetic> co0ler
  78. [22:15] == Thingymabob [] has joined #RPGstuck_EmptyRoom
  79. [22:15] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh, alright
  80. [22:15] <bouncebackEschaton> I mean
  81. [22:15] <bouncebackEschaton> I dunno how fair it is, but...
  82. [22:16] <gamblingEnergetic> but what
  83. [22:17] <bouncebackEschaton> But it's not technically against the rules, right?
  84. [22:17] <gamblingEnergetic> I hav3nt he4rd it
  85. [22:18] <gamblingEnergetic> lik3 I won my new lapt0p with0ut "fudg1ng it" so
  86. [22:18] <bouncebackEschaton> :O :O :O
  87. [22:18] <bouncebackEschaton> You really do play high-stakes
  88. [22:19] <gamblingEnergetic> why wouldn't fudg1ng be all0Wed if I can win eith0ut it
  89. [22:19] <gamblingEnergetic> oh ye4h I som3tim3s do
  90. [22:19] <gamblingEnergetic> lik3 us1my my hiv3
  91. [22:19] <gamblingEnergetic> us1ng
  92. [22:20] <gamblingEnergetic> sorry this is the old keyb0are
  93. [22:20] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh, fair enough
  94. [22:21] <gamblingEnergetic> so how's your fri3nds
  95. [22:21] <bouncebackEschaton> They're awesome!
  96. [22:21] <gamblingEnergetic> lik3 how
  97. [22:21] <bouncebackEschaton> Had a bit of a party all together a few days ago
  98. [22:22] <gamblingEnergetic> man that sounds pretty co0l
  99. [22:22] <bouncebackEschaton> It was, yeah!
  100. [22:22] <gamblingEnergetic> what was the party for
  101. [22:22] <bouncebackEschaton> We couldn't stay for very long because the host's parents were coming home soon
  102. [22:22] <bouncebackEschaton> But still
  103. [22:23] <bouncebackEschaton> It wasn't really FOR anything, just kinda hanging out for a bit
  104. [22:23] <gamblingEnergetic> lik3 for on3 of your "birthd4us"
  105. [22:23] <bouncebackEschaton> No, nobody's birthday
  106. [22:23] <gamblingEnergetic> or days
  107. [22:23] <bouncebackEschaton> At least I THINK it wasn't
  108. [22:24] <gamblingEnergetic> oh well merry birthd4y if it was
  109. [22:24] <bouncebackEschaton> Thanks!
  110. [22:25] <bouncebackEschaton> If it turns out to have been anyone's birthday, I'll let them know a stranger on the Internet said so
  111. [22:25] <gamblingEnergetic> sounds go0d
  112. [22:25] <gamblingEnergetic> but I'm Thal1x
  113. [22:25] <gamblingEnergetic> not strang3r
  114. [22:26] <bouncebackEschaton> Your name is Thalix?
  115. [22:26] <gamblingEnergetic> ye4:-!
  116. [22:26] <bouncebackEschaton> Cool!
  117. [22:26] <bouncebackEschaton> I'm Ana
  118. [22:27] <gamblingEnergetic> Thats kind4 short3r than usu4I
  119. [22:27] <gamblingEnergetic> but I guess it's norm4l
  120. [22:28] <bouncebackEschaton> It's shorthand, yeah
  121. [22:28] <bouncebackEschaton> Easier for everyone
  122. [22:28] <gamblingEnergetic> how do you rem3mber your nam3
  123. [22:28] <bouncebackEschaton> What?
  124. [22:29] <bouncebackEschaton> Why would I forget my own name?
  125. [22:29] <gamblingEnergetic> bec4us3 I don't know how I knew my nam3
  126. [22:29] <bouncebackEschaton> ??
  127. [22:29] <bouncebackEschaton> You've lost me
  128. [22:30] <gamblingEnergetic> my lusus went miss1ng a long tim3 ag0
  129. [22:30] <gamblingEnergetic> and I just kind4 knew my nam3
  130. [22:30] <bouncebackEschaton> Okay now I'm REALLY confused
  131. [22:30] <bouncebackEschaton> You had amnesia?
  132. [22:31] <gamblingEnergetic> well my lusus went miss1ng bef0re I could ev3n rem3mber
  133. [22:31] <bouncebackEschaton> What's lusus mean?
  134. [22:31] <gamblingEnergetic> it's what ra1ses you
  135. [22:31] <gamblingEnergetic> and tak3s car3 of you
  136. [22:32] <bouncebackEschaton> So your parents?
  137. [22:32] <gamblingEnergetic> do you not hav3 on3 to0
  138. [22:32] <gamblingEnergetic> what's par3btw
  139. [22:32] <gamblingEnergetic> par3nts
  140. [22:32] <bouncebackEschaton> I guess it's the English word for lusus
  141. [22:32] <gamblingEnergetic> mayb3
  142. [22:33] <bouncebackEschaton> Ah well
  143. [22:33] <gamblingEnergetic> wa1t
  144. [22:33] <gamblingEnergetic> ther3s only on3 word for lusus
  145. [22:34] <gamblingEnergetic> your pretty we183rd
  146. [22:34] <gamblingEnergetic> we1rd
  147. [22:34] <bouncebackEschaton> Yeah, well so are you
  148. [22:34] <bouncebackEschaton> Cultural differences, I guess
  149. [22:34] <bouncebackEschaton> From somewhere that 'Thalix' is a name
  150. [22:35] <gamblingEnergetic> well som3 outc41st gav3 it to0 me
  151. [22:35] <gamblingEnergetic> but I don't rem3mber him e1that
  152. [22:35] <bouncebackEschaton> I'm sorry to hear that
  153. [22:36] <gamblingEnergetic> ye4h. he left me som3 rocks though
  154. [22:36] <bouncebackEschaton> It must be terrible to lose your lusus so young
  155. [22:37] <gamblingEnergetic> sort4. iv3 gott3n mys3lf set up pretty well
  156. [22:38] <bouncebackEschaton> That's good
  157. [22:38] <gamblingEnergetic> what about your lusus
  158. [22:38] <gamblingEnergetic> sorry "par3btw"
  159. [22:38] <gamblingEnergetic> par3nts
  160. [22:39] <bouncebackEschaton> Well, I moved kinda recently
  161. [22:39] <bouncebackEschaton> They're still at home working up enough money to come too
  162. [22:39] <bouncebackEschaton> For now I'm staying with my uncle
  163. [22:39] <gamblingEnergetic> your lusus didn't go to?
  164. [22:39] <bouncebackEschaton> Nah, couldn't afford to send all three of us at once
  165. [22:40] <gamblingEnergetic> you hav3 two lusus
  166. [22:40] <bouncebackEschaton> Um
  167. [22:40] <gamblingEnergetic> that is pretty we1rd
  168. [22:40] <bouncebackEschaton> Yes?
  169. [22:40] <bouncebackEschaton> It's not weird to have two parents!
  170. [22:41] <gamblingEnergetic> but ther3 is only on3. mayb3 it's diff3rent for you
  171. [22:41] == kalmanKosketus [] has joined #RPGstuck_EmptyRoom
  172. [22:41] <bouncebackEschaton> :O :O :O
  173. [22:41] <bouncebackEschaton> Where do you live that people only have one lusu?
  174. [22:42] <gamblingEnergetic> ev3rywher3
  175. [22:43] == Lozzeh_Bethel has changed nick to irateTorrents
  176. [22:43] <bouncebackEschaton> No, I mean WHERE do you live?
  177. [22:43] <gamblingEnergetic> or1gin4lly on a mount4in
  178. [22:43] == Archive [~K1Krystal@] has joined #RPGstuck_EmptyRoom
  179. [22:43] <gamblingEnergetic> but now I'm by the oc3an
  180. [22:44] <gamblingEnergetic> ((*wink*))
  181. [22:44] <bouncebackEschaton> Alright, fair enough
  182. [22:45] <bouncebackEschaton> I guess we wouldn't have the same names for landmarks anyway
  183. [22:45] <gamblingEnergetic> wher3 do you liv3?
  184. [22:45] <bouncebackEschaton> I doubt you'd know the name
  185. [22:45] <bouncebackEschaton> But a place called Canada
  186. [22:46] <gamblingEnergetic> what is c4nad4
  187. [22:46] <bouncebackEschaton> It's a country
  188. [22:46] <gamblingEnergetic> ?
  189. [22:46] <bouncebackEschaton> A big place that lots of people live in
  190. [22:47] <gamblingEnergetic> oh ok
  191. [22:47] <gamblingEnergetic> you us3 som3 we1rd words
  192. [22:47] <bouncebackEschaton> Yeah, well so do you
  193. [22:47] <gamblingEnergetic> mayb3
  194. [22:48] <bouncebackEschaton> Cultural differences, I guess
  195. [22:48] <bouncebackEschaton> Do you even know what country you live in?
  196. [22:48] <gamblingEnergetic> nop3
  197. [22:48] <bouncebackEschaton> Just a mountain and an ocean?
  198. [22:48] <gamblingEnergetic> pretty much
  199. [22:49] <bouncebackEschaton> That doesn't really narrow it down at all
  200. [22:49] <bouncebackEschaton> But I guess stranger danger, right?
  201. [22:49] <gamblingEnergetic> but my fri3nd is by the oc3an
  202. [22:49] == Serket[DM] [~Mewtie@] has quit [Ping timeout: 206 seconds]
  203. [22:49] <gamblingEnergetic> I don't se3 dang3r with you
  204. [22:49] == Archive has changed nick to crepuscularMagicant
  205. [22:50] <bouncebackEschaton> Thanks!
  206. [22:50] <bouncebackEschaton> But still, I could be one of those creepy mind-readers
  207. [22:50] <gamblingEnergetic> ar3 you?
  208. [22:50] <bouncebackEschaton> Nah, I can't do any mind stuff
  209. [22:51] <gamblingEnergetic> that would be pretty co0l
  210. [22:51] <bouncebackEschaton> I know, right?
  211. [22:51] <bouncebackEschaton> Mind stuff must be so awesome!
  212. [22:51] == Serket[DM] [] has joined #RPGstuck_EmptyRoom
  213. [22:51] <gamblingEnergetic> iv3 known som3 oth3r trolls that could
  214. [22:52] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh man, that must suck
  215. [22:52] <gamblingEnergetic> not re4lly that was long ag0
  216. [22:52] <bouncebackEschaton> I've heard stories about mind-reading trolls
  217. [22:52] == Thingymabob [] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  218. [22:52] <gamblingEnergetic> re4lly?
  219. [22:53] <bouncebackEschaton> They apparently figure out where you live and blackmail you into doing stuff for them
  220. [22:53] <gamblingEnergetic> wow that must suck
  221. [22:53] <bouncebackEschaton> Hasn't happened to me yet
  222. [22:53] == Thingymabob [] has joined #RPGstuck_EmptyRoom
  223. [22:53] <bouncebackEschaton> They're probably just stories anyway
  224. [22:54] <gamblingEnergetic> I only rem3mber the troll from two ar0und two swe3ps ag0 with small horns
  225. [22:54] <bouncebackEschaton> ??
  226. [22:55] <gamblingEnergetic> ye4h but that was back with the outc41st
  227. [22:55] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh man
  228. [22:55] <bouncebackEschaton> Maybe they were the one who gave you amnesia?
  229. [22:55] <bouncebackEschaton> Scary thought, that there are people who can do that
  230. [22:56] <gamblingEnergetic> ye4h the outc4st was fri3nds with som3 we1rd trolls so I wouldn't be surpr1sed
  231. [22:56] <bouncebackEschaton> Really?
  232. [22:57] <gamblingEnergetic> but he als0 taught me tricks to gambl1ng and oth3r things
  233. [22:57] <bouncebackEschaton> Tricks like what?
  234. [22:57] <gamblingEnergetic> sne4king around and such
  235. [22:57] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh
  236. [22:57] <bouncebackEschaton> So cheating
  237. [22:58] <gamblingEnergetic> bef0re I had a hiv3
  238. [22:58] <bouncebackEschaton> Okay quick question
  239. [22:58] <gamblingEnergetic> go for it
  240. [22:58] <bouncebackEschaton> What EXACTLY do you mean by hiv3?
  241. [22:58] <bouncebackEschaton> I don't think we're talking about the same thing here
  242. [22:58] <gamblingEnergetic> my hiv3 wher3 I liv3
  243. [22:58] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh, so they're like houses
  244. [22:59] <bouncebackEschaton> I thought you meant something else
  245. [22:59] <gamblingEnergetic> I gu3as
  246. [22:59] <bouncebackEschaton> Like a beehive in your house or something
  247. [22:59] <gamblingEnergetic> uh no
  248. [22:59] <gamblingEnergetic> it's just wher3 my bed and stuff is
  249. [23:00] <bouncebackEschaton> And when it broke you needed to get exterminators to clean the place
  250. [23:00] <bouncebackEschaton> Wow I was WAY off
  251. [23:00] <gamblingEnergetic> wo4h what
  252. [23:00] <bouncebackEschaton> You must live somewhere REALLY different
  253. [23:01] <gamblingEnergetic> no my hiv3 was just mess3d up re4lly bad
  254. [23:01] <bouncebackEschaton> No I meant like, I thought some bugs had set up a nest inside your hive
  255. [23:02] <bouncebackEschaton> And you needed to leave so they could get cleaned out
  256. [23:02] <bouncebackEschaton> But I guess that's not a thing where you are either
  257. [23:02] <gamblingEnergetic> I just left caus3 it was re4lly in bad shap3
  258. [23:02] <bouncebackEschaton> Because of a gamble
  259. [23:03] <bouncebackEschaton> What sort of gambles go on where you live?
  260. [23:03] <gamblingEnergetic> lots of them
  261. [23:03] <gamblingEnergetic> for lots of things
  262. [23:03] <bouncebackEschaton> Well okay, but something that major
  263. [23:03] <gamblingEnergetic> lik3 my tabl3 and co4t
  264. [23:04] <gamblingEnergetic> well it was for a lot of gold
  265. [23:04] <gamblingEnergetic> and I thought a hiv3 was worth it
  266. [23:04] <bouncebackEschaton> Wait, your country has GOLD?
  267. [23:04] <gamblingEnergetic> ye4h
  268. [23:04] <gamblingEnergetic> I was off3red a lot
  269. [23:04] <bouncebackEschaton> COOL!
  270. [23:05] <gamblingEnergetic> sur3
  271. [23:05] <gamblingEnergetic> you lik3 gold don't you
  272. [23:05] <bouncebackEschaton> Well YEAH
  273. [23:05] <bouncebackEschaton> It's GOLD!
  274. [23:06] <gamblingEnergetic> it's not that sp3ci4I
  275. [23:06] <bouncebackEschaton> Yeah it is
  276. [23:06] <bouncebackEschaton> Gold is SUPER valuable
  277. [23:06] <gamblingEnergetic> I know pe0ple with a ton of it
  278. [23:07] <bouncebackEschaton> :O :O :O
  279. [23:07] <gamblingEnergetic> it's just regul4r
  280. [23:07] <bouncebackEschaton> Oh man
  281. [23:07] <bouncebackEschaton> It's maybe a good thing you live somewhere so obscure
  282. [23:07] <gamblingEnergetic> for gambl1ng it's lik3 the bas1's
  283. [23:07] <gamblingEnergetic> why
  284. [23:07] <bouncebackEschaton> Otherwise the US would probably want to come and take all your gold
  285. [23:08] <gamblingEnergetic> the US?
  286. [23:08] <gamblingEnergetic> why would they want it all
  287. [23:08] <gamblingEnergetic> and what are they
  288. [23:08] <bouncebackEschaton> They're another country
  289. [23:08] <bouncebackEschaton> Kind of the strongest one
  290. [23:09] <bouncebackEschaton> And they like gold because like I said, it's really valuable
  291. [23:09] <gamblingEnergetic> I'm sure our threshcutioners could handle them
  292. [23:09] <bouncebackEschaton> ??
  293. [23:09] <bouncebackEschaton> Is that like your military?
  294. [23:09] <gamblingEnergetic> lik3 the fight393rd
  295. [23:09] <gamblingEnergetic> fight3rs
  296. [23:10] <bouncebackEschaton> Okay yeah I don't think your fighters can handle the army
  297. [23:10] <gamblingEnergetic> wher3 is can4da that you don't know of them
  298. [23:10] <bouncebackEschaton> Uh
  299. [23:10] <bouncebackEschaton> It's north of the US
  300. [23:11] <gamblingEnergetic> but wher3 is US
  301. [23:11] <gamblingEnergetic> nev3r he4rd of them
  302. [23:12] <bouncebackEschaton> Your country really doesn't have that much of a geography education, does it?
  303. [23:12] <bouncebackEschaton> Here, look up "world map"
  304. [23:12] <gamblingEnergetic> we hav3 plenty of educ4ti0n
  305. [23:12] <gamblingEnergetic> ok
  306. [23:12] == gamblingEnergetic [] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  307. [23:12] <bouncebackEschaton> F
  308. [23:13] <crepuscularMagicant> F
  309. [23:13] <bouncebackEschaton> I, uh, guess I'll pastebin
  310. [23:13] <irateTorrents> f
  311. [23:14] == gamblingEnergetic [] has joined #RPGstuck_EmptyRoom
  312. [23:14] <bouncebackEschaton> Ok you're alive
  313. [23:14] <gamblingEnergetic> ye4h that was we1rd
  314. [23:14] <gamblingEnergetic> but what is any of this
  315. [23:14] <gamblingEnergetic>
  316. [23:15] <bouncebackEschaton> I'm sorry but what
  317. [23:15] <gamblingEnergetic> what is any of that
  318. [23:15] <gamblingEnergetic> non3 of that is re4l
  319. [23:15] <bouncebackEschaton> I think that's a French travel guide
  320. [23:16] <gamblingEnergetic> that's what "world map" cam3 up as
  321. [23:16] <bouncebackEschaton> Which admittedly is kind of offensive
  322. [23:16] <bouncebackEschaton> Well that's a map of the world
  323. [23:16] <gamblingEnergetic> ((I'm laughing so hard I just copied the first thing in imgur))
  324. [23:17] <gamblingEnergetic> that's not a map of anyth1my
  325. [23:17] <bouncebackEschaton> Yes it is!
  326. [23:18] <gamblingEnergetic> wher3 do you liv3 for this "French guid3"
  327. [23:18] <bouncebackEschaton> Canada's part of the green bit on the left
  328. [23:19] <gamblingEnergetic> that's a big fak3 plac3
  329. [23:19] <bouncebackEschaton> No it's not
  330. [23:19] <bouncebackEschaton> Why would Canada be fake?
  331. [23:19] <gamblingEnergetic> iv3 nev3r ev3r he4rd of this
  332. [23:20] <bouncebackEschaton> That's because wherever you live is apparently extremely isolated from the rest of the world
  333. [23:20] <bouncebackEschaton> How do you not know any of this but still have Internet access?
  334. [23:21] <gamblingEnergetic> ther3 is nowh3re in alt3rni4 with this world map
  335. [23:21] <bouncebackEschaton> Well then Alternia sucks at geography
  336. [23:22] <gamblingEnergetic> I would think this plan3t has gre4t educ4ti0n. ar3 you just jok1ng with can4's
  337. [23:22] <gamblingEnergetic> can4da
  338. [23:22] <bouncebackEschaton> Wait what
  339. [23:22] <gamblingEnergetic> what
  340. [23:23] <bouncebackEschaton> I am not joking!
  341. [23:23] <gamblingEnergetic> sur3
  342. [23:24] <gamblingEnergetic> wher3 is your hiv3 for re4l
  343. [23:24] <bouncebackEschaton> My home is in Canada, I told you!
  344. [23:24] <bouncebackEschaton> Just because it's not in Alternia, doesn't mean it's not a real place
  345. [23:25] <gamblingEnergetic> well I wouldn't think be1ng off the plan3t is re4l
  346. [23:25] <bouncebackEschaton> What
  347. [23:26] <bouncebackEschaton> No, it's still on the planet!
  348. [23:26] <bouncebackEschaton> Just not in Alternia
  349. [23:26] <gamblingEnergetic> alt3rni4 is the plan3t
  350. [23:26] <gamblingEnergetic> can4da isn't on it
  351. [23:27] <bouncebackEschaton> ...
  352. [23:27] <gamblingEnergetic> what
  353. [23:27] <bouncebackEschaton> What
  354. [23:28] <gamblingEnergetic> what what
  355. [23:28] <bouncebackEschaton> What what nothing, you said what first
  356. [23:28] <gamblingEnergetic> but you sa1d ...
  357. [23:28] <gamblingEnergetic> do3snt that me4n your confus3d
  358. [23:29] <bouncebackEschaton> I'm not even confused anymore
  359. [23:30] <bouncebackEschaton> I think you just don't make sense
  360. [23:30] <gamblingEnergetic> you don't mak3 sens3!
  361. [23:30] <bouncebackEschaton> Do too
  362. [23:30] <gamblingEnergetic> do not
  363. [23:31] <bouncebackEschaton> Do too
  364. [23:31] <gamblingEnergetic> do
  365. [23:31] <gamblingEnergetic> not
  366. [23:31] <gamblingEnergetic> wann4 bet you don't
  367. [23:31] <bouncebackEschaton> Alright, let's bet
  368. [23:32] <gamblingEnergetic> I bet you can4da is not on alt3rni4
  369. [23:32] <gamblingEnergetic> if I'm right all you hav3 to do is say that
  370. [23:32] <gamblingEnergetic> you can dec1de your rew493rd
  371. [23:33] <gamblingEnergetic> rew4rd
  372. [23:33] <bouncebackEschaton> Well of COURSE Canada's not in Alternia
  373. [23:33] <bouncebackEschaton> Alternia probably isn't even a real thing
  374. [23:33] <gamblingEnergetic> but
  375. [23:33] <gamblingEnergetic> alt3rni4 is wher3 trolls liv3
  376. [23:34] <bouncebackEschaton> ...
  377. [23:35] <bouncebackEschaton> I should have seen that coming
  378. [23:35] <gamblingEnergetic> se3n what
  379. [23:36] <gamblingEnergetic> did I spell som3thing wrong ag4in
  380. [23:36] <bouncebackEschaton> That you're just a troll
  381. [23:37] <gamblingEnergetic> well of cours3 I'm a troll
  382. [23:37] <bouncebackEschaton> Even the leetspeaking makes sense now
  383. [23:37] <gamblingEnergetic> it's pretty not1cabl3 I me4n on3 of my horns is snapp3d in half
  384. [23:38] <gamblingEnergetic> le3tspe4k? that's how I type
  385. [23:38] <bouncebackEschaton> Yeah, because you're a troll!
  386. [23:38] <gamblingEnergetic> I know!
  387. [23:39] <gamblingEnergetic> two horns
  388. [23:39] <gamblingEnergetic> troll
  389. [23:39] <gamblingEnergetic> what kind4 jok3 is this
  390. [23:41] <bouncebackEschaton> Y'know what, forget it
  391. [23:41] * bouncebackEschaton has left #PsionChat
  392. [23:41] <gamblingEnergetic> well then
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