

Jun 7th, 2015
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  1. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] lifts her hand and sort of just,,, uncaptchas a bear trap into her hand. And tries to press the trigger down onto Rodney's outstretched, unarmed hand. --
  2. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] sideways right? --
  3. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] like upside down. like if rodneys hand is palm up, shes pushing it into the palm of his hand so the jaws will snap around his hand --
  4. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] OH GOD. --
  5. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] WHERE DOES IT CLOSE. --
  6. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] AROUND THE WRIST??? --
  7. CVU: Hey, Wendy >~~~~~>
  9. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] OR HIGHER THAN THAT. --
  10. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] * --
  11. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] PROBABLY --
  13. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] LIKE START OF THE FOREARM --
  14. -- CURRENT varecularUpheaval [CVU] spins in the stool and pats her lap --
  15. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] o H --
  16. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] oh thEN NVM --
  17. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] I THINK HE'S SAFE. --
  18. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] YE --
  19. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] flicks his ears up in interest at the smell of blood. --
  20. CHH: Hey babe!
  21. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] hops off her seat and skips over to plot herself in VU's lap --
  22. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] i mean, as safe as you can be with a bear trap clamped on his upper forearm. He looks initially shocked, before the weight, couped with his own fUCKING PAIN, forced him to drop to the ground. He makes little, high pitched gasps of surprise/pain, as he sort of, gingerly works at his mangled a r m, looking up at Hirrud periodically. --
  23. -- CURRENT analyticSerenity [CAS] rodney rn --
  25. -- CURRENT analyticSerenity [CAS] potentially --
  26. CMS: I'm-m-m.
  27. CEV: Huλ.
  28. CMS: Just. Use the th-th-things I give y~ou. En~ough will um.
  29. -- CURRENT varecularUpheaval [CVU] attempts a tickle attack on HH's ssides --
  30. CMS: Dull. Dull the pain.
  31. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] turns his head suddenly, at the scene. --
  32. CEV: Did you guys need to do tλis λere?
  33. CAS: Holy fuck.
  34. CEV: I mean I'm not complaining but.
  35. CMS: We can talk m~ore ab~out us being m~oirails later.
  36. CEV: If we're doing dinner and a sλow, I'd like to order food first.
  37. CEV: Bangers and masλ if you could as well.
  38. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] nods frantically, tearing up and leaving quickly. --
  39. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] musters up some fucking, sense, before sort of, whispering to her. --
  40. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] FUCK --
  41. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] pROBABLY STILL WALKING --
  42. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] GO FOR IT --
  43. -- CURRENT analyticSerenity [CAS] 4u4 --
  44. CHA: (do you really think i would've hurt you?)
  45. CPP: Obviously.
  46. CPP: Yes.
  47. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] drops his dagger, gingerly prying at the bear trap on his arm, with little success. He looks more panicked than in pain. --
  48. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] probably halts tbh. fff ffuuck --
  49. CMS: Mmmmm. ~Ok we're.
  50. CHA: (do you think i would've, |struck| you, hirrud?)
  51. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] IS SNEAK ATTACKED. IS promptly set into a fit of giggles and squirming as she attempts to swat the womans hands --
  52. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] gets up and hops slowly over to HA. --
  53. CMS: D~on't y~ou DARE t~ouch him.
  54. CHA: (what makes you think i |wan--)
  55. CMS: Y~ou /FREAK/.
  56. CHA: greetings, impite.
  57. CHA: oh, hirrud, please.
  58. CPP: Hello, mage.
  59. CHA: what's the worst he could do.
  60. CPP: You need help.
  61. CHA: put a bear trap around my arm.
  62. CHA: oh, wait.
  63. CCC: {ψ} Oh, jeez.
  65. -- CURRENT analyticSerenity [CAS] IT COULD BE WORSE. --
  67. CPP: That's probably all I could do, as well.
  68. -- CURRENT analyticSerenity [CAS] He could be Mimiri! --
  69. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] gingerly nudges at the bear drop, whimpering, --
  70. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] hand starts shaking again, before she storms back. She kneels down, attempting and, if he doesn't struggle, wrenching the bear trap open with some frantic desperation. --
  71. CPP: Hey!!
  72. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] like a w o u n d e d w o r m --
  73. CPP: Stop, you'll only make it worse.
  74. CMS: Shut the fuck up.
  75. -- CURRENT analyticSerenity [CAS] mmm whatcha say. --
  76. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] fucKING SHRIEKS IN PAIN, BATTING AT MS'S ARM, OH MY GOD --
  77. CHA: |sOITP
  78. CHA: |
  79. CHA: STP|||OP
  80. -- CURRENT varecularUpheaval [CVU] is tickling relentlessly --
  81. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] uninventories a clean white tee and places it around the wound. --
  82. CVU: Say "uncle" >~~~~~>
  83. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] sTOPS --
  84. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] froths some spittle at his mouth, holding back his u n c e n s o r e d r a g e. --
  85. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] is the trap off or not --
  86. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] i doNT THINK SO --
  87. CEV: So, I literally λave no idea wλat tλe fuck led up to tλis.
  89. CEV: Anyone else in tλat group?
  90. CEV: Or am I just missing some modern youngling bullsλit fad.
  91. CPP: I don't have magic, but I'm going to get it off.
  92. CCC: {ψ} No, no, I don't...
  93. CPP: And I'm going to treat it to the best of my knowledge.
  94. CEV: Hey, λow mucλ is it wortλ to you for me to disarm tλat.
  96. CPP: Hush.
  97. CEV: Because if you want it off, I can do it.
  98. CCC: {ψ} Einarr, what the hell. Go help.
  99. CAS: 4pp4rently Hirrud h4d her lu2u2 in her b4g 4nd now Rodney'2 4bout to lo2e 4n 4rm.
  100. CAS: If thi2 2itu4tion were 4n e2c4l4tor.
  101. CEV: Eλλ, fine.
  102. CHA: F|UC|K
  103. CAS: Fucking hell.
  104. CPP: The bone is likely crushed, so you will have to go to a medical center to have it put together.
  105. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] stands up, and heads over towards HA. --
  106. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] has no idea how to make a bear trap function or she would be probably doing something about that --
  107. CHA: FU|CKK||
  108. CYT ceased responding to memo.
  109. CEV: Stop panicking, move away little sλits.
  110. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] also has pretty cursory medical knowledge --
  111. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] goes to clamp his teeth at the space above where the bear trap clamped. What the fuck is he doing. --
  112. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] hooks his claws over the teeth of the trap, and carefully pries it off the arm. --
  113. CEV: You'd tλink none of you λave ever disarmed a bloody trap.
  114. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] seems too busy shaking to properly notice anything. She's just staring at Rodney's arm. --
  116. CHH: you win!!!
  117. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] it probably works, bc he's too busy trying to gnaw his arm off. --
  118. CAS: Heh. Di24rmed.
  119. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] carefully uses a thumbed foot to carefully lift the arm off the trap and onto the white t-shirt. --
  120. -- CURRENT varecularUpheaval [CVU] grins smugly and stops tickling --
  121. CVU: I always win. >~~~~~>
  122. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] huffs and puffs --
  123. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] To note, don't most beartraps have springs on the side to release the arm --
  124. CHH: You...suck...
  125. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] has never read about bear traps. --
  126. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] /has a bit of knowledge on a large amount of topics --
  127. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] stops, staring at PP. He's made some progress on trying to gnaw off his arm, skin torn, and whatnot. --
  129. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] carefully closes th bear trap shut, the tips of his claws snipped off in the process, and sets it aside. --
  131. CEV: Or, I could mend tλe arm?
  132. CPP: I don't have potions. Look at you, crazy man.
  133. CVU: You know you love it >~~~~~>
  134. CHA: |||ACI|D
  135. CAS: They h4ve 2ome behind the b4r.
  136. CPP: Please mend the arm. You may have to rearrange the bones crushed by the trap.
  138. CHA: ST|
  139. CPP: Don;t.
  140. CHA: OP||
  141. CHA: LE|T ME DIE
  142. CEV: Would you like me to cast a spell to λeal it.
  143. CEV: Or do you want to do tλis tλe boring mundane way.
  144. CPP: Yes.
  145. CEV: Wλicλ takes montλs.
  146. CHH: Are you so sure?
  147. CAS: I'm getting 2eriou2 dej4 vu right now.
  148. CVU: Yes. >~~~~~>
  150. CHA: THE AC|ID
  151. CEV: Oλ, well in tλat case.
  152. CPP: Ssss...
  153. CHA: F|CUK| ME
  154. CPP: Get me some matches, please.
  155. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] breaks out a tramakit. --
  157. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] trauma fuck --
  158. CHA: |WHG | GIV ES A SH|IOT
  159. CPP: Or that. Thank you.
  160. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] i am not on my A-game today --
  161. -- CURRENT varecularUpheaval [CVU] still grinning smugly --
  162. CEV: I'm going to gag you.
  163. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] gets out his fucking phone, with his good hand. --
  164. CHH: The confidence is nice, but tone it down a bit.
  165. CHA: St|tOP|
  166. CEV: Sλut tλe fuck up, or I'm going to let it fester.
  167. CHA: PLE|A|SE||| DON|T
  168. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] just sort of heads over to the action. --
  169. CEV: Tλen quiet your ass down.
  170. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] holds the good arm down. --
  171. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] sh uffles away from EV, moderately terrified. --
  172. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] as far as he can get with PP hoilding him --
  173. CAS: Hirrud, did you re4li2e th4t it would pr4ctic4lly fucking rip hi2 4rm off?
  174. CHH: Always a bleeding edge love, and absolutes are for the damned
  175. CEV: Oλ come on.
  176. CCC: {ψ} He's not going to let it fester.
  177. -- CURRENT maudlinStrain [CMS] has tucked her legs up into her arms, still staring. Not properly paying attention to anything. --
  178. CVU: Alright fine. >~~~~~>
  179. CCC: {ψ} /Right,/ Einarr?
  180. CEV: I've λad men under my command walk off sλrapnel lacerating tλem, and losing limbs.
  181. -- CURRENT varecularUpheaval [CVU] goes for snuggles with HH tho --
  182. CPP: He isn't one of your soldiers.
  183. CAS: Ok4y, I've 2een 4 2imil4r 2itu4tion like thi2.
  184. CPP: Start healing, please.
  185. CHA: ST|OP
  186. CHA: |||
  187. CHA: DOIN|T GAG|| ME
  188. CEV: If λe doesn't stop moving, I'm going to λave to knock λim out.
  189. CHA: GE|T H I|M A WAY|
  190. CHA: S|tTMGD
  191. CPP: He might go into shock soon.
  192. CAS: You might h4ve to remove the 4rm.
  193. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] moderate fear advances to major fear. --
  194. CAS: 4nd he could u2e 4 pro2thetic one?
  195. -- CURRENT boisterousTrooper [CBT] --
  196. CPP: Does the kit have anesthetic?
  197. CEV: Yeaλ, not going to work, if λe /keeps fucking resisting/.
  198. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] is getting lightheaded lmao. --
  199. CEV: It's a trauma kit, not a fucking ER.
  200. CCC: {ψ} I can hold him in place.
  201. CEV: It's got gauze, splints, and a lot of tλings designed to stop bleeding.
  202. CHA: |sto|p
  203. CHH: Heh
  204. CHH: Yeah, I might keep you for a bit.
  205. CHA: don|t h old me do|wn
  206. CPP: I could be rearranging his bones right now, but you decided to step in and waste my time.
  207. CEV: I λave morpλine.
  208. CPP: Please, hold him.
  209. CEV: Tλat'll work.
  210. CVU: Only for a bit? >~~~~~>
  211. CPP: Please administer the morphine,
  212. CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  213. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] opens the door cautiously, seeking his incapacitated friend. --
  214. CEV: Yeaλ no, I don't trust xenos as a general note.
  215. CEV: And also? Stop telling me wλat to do.
  216. CPP: I don't see you doing anything but talking!!
  217. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] is oN THE FLOOR. ONE OF HIS ARMS IS PARTIALLY MANGLED. --
  218. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] steps on over. He removes an autoinjector, uncapping it with his teeth. --
  219. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] yeah you're responding before I can get my posts out --
  220. CAS: Doe2 4nyone h4ve 4 huge fucking knife in c42e it come2 to 4mput4tion.
  221. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] moves over to the arm. --
  222. CHH: Would you want to be mine forever? I cant keep lovely fish woman like you on a leash for eternity
  223. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] causing me to OOCly have to stop, and go back, and ICly remark. This is moving a little fast. --
  224. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] attempts to hold Rodney down, not touching his injured arm, except probably at the shoulder. --
  225. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] sorry --
  226. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] d e ep breathing, is he crying? he's fucking crying, lmao. --
  227. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] JUMPS. POOR PRECIOUS BROWNBLOOD. --
  228. CVU: Hmmmm, maybe not. >~~~~~>
  229. -- CURRENT analyticSerenity [CAS] PRECIOUS MYRDIN IS PRECIOSU --
  230. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] steps closer, just sort of hovering nearby. --
  232. CAS: Oh, hello, Jerr4m.
  234. CEV: Piece of sλit.
  235. CEV: Restrain λim.
  236. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] is held down, with ease, struggling meekly. I think everyone gets a decent view of his forehead, for once. His forehead is covered in veins, kind of, blood colored onces, cause he's fucking brown, lmao --
  237. CHA: (s|t top|)
  238. CVU: I haven' seen my old girlfriend in a while. >~~~~~>
  239. CVU: So I'm pretty much single >~~~~~>
  240. CEV: I'm going to give you a sλot. I'll count to tλree.
  241. CEV: One.
  242. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] brb!!! --
  243. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] stabs the morphine autoinjector into HA's leg. --
  244. CAS: Where the fuck'2 Mimiri when you need her.
  245. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] inner thigh. --
  246. CCC: {ψ} Sorrie, but I'm prettie sure ieou need medical treatment.
  247. CCC: {ψ} Just, ieou know, a hunch.
  248. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] makes a hushed whimper, followed by a gasp of pain, his thigh on fir|e --
  249. CHA: (ple|ase d on|t un dre|ss me)
  250. CHA: (im s|orry|)
  251. CAS: Nobody'2 going to undre22 you.
  252. CAS: Thi2 i2 4 medic4l procedure.
  253. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] nods, carefully cutting through the backside of the forearm with a claw, examining the bones in the arm to see the damage. --
  254. CAS: The 4b2olute wor2e it could get i2 the lo22 of your 4rm.
  255. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] begins to remove tools from the kit, starting with nitrile gloves. He quickly, and expertly, begins by removing bits of the sleeve, should their be a longer sleeve, with a pair of scissors. --
  256. CCC: {ψ} What, no, calm down, friend. It's okaie.
  257. CEV: Oλ, you know wλat's a good idea. Let's go out for a drink Einarr.
  258. CEV: Yeaλ. Tλat sounds great.
  259. CHH: Hm...I dunnooo
  260. CHH: thats like
  261. CHH: some sketchy ruless
  262. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] is hyperventilating lmao. --
  263. CEV: You know wλat sounds better? Spending your off time λelping someone out of cλarity.
  264. CEV: Breatλe.
  265. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] starts to rearrange the bones of the arm with eidetic precision. --
  266. CEV: Slower.
  267. CEV: Listen to me.
  268. CEV: You're going to be fine.
  269. CHA: (i|m n |ott)
  270. CEV: Deep breatλe in.
  271. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] sizes up the wound. He scowls. --
  272. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] is already working on the arm, one large eye close to examine it. --
  273. CVU: Sketchy rules? >~~~~~>
  274. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] now is the time to nOTE THE SEVERITY. --
  275. CVU: It's been almostt 2 months since I've seen this woman >~~~~~>
  276. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] it's a bear trap clamped around his forearm, or, was. Bone is crushed, it's nasty, it's bleeding, and it's not quite stopping. Above the initial wound, is some torn off skin on his part, from him trying to gnaw his fucking arm off for a minute. --
  277. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] picks out some of the smaller bone shards, lining up the reconstructed bones carefully, and then leans back, paws covered in brown blood. --
  278. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] loks over at HA but seens snazzy handling it. --
  279. CEV: ...
  280. CPP: Do you know how to sew up muscle?
  281. CEV: You know, I'm not even going to begin to address wλat's wrong witλ tλis.
  282. CEV: Tλe uncovered λands, tλe unsanitary conditions.
  283. CEV: Do you even know about transmittable infections, and secondary infections? Get some gloves on.
  284. CHA: (ac|id)
  285. -- CURRENT varecularUpheaval [CVU] looks over too --
  286. -- CURRENT analyticSerenity [CAS] kneels down next to the situation. standing up is a pain. --
  287. CPP: There wasn't any time.
  288. CHA: (ac||i|d)
  289. CVU: (He's pretty messed up, huh?) >~~~~~>
  290. CAS: Th4t will kill you.
  291. CHA: (pu|rcha|se the aci|d)
  292. CEV: Tλere's always time enougλ.
  293. CPP: Disinfect the area, if you like.
  294. CEV: Because I know wλat patλogens you're carrying.
  295. CPP: don't disturb the bones, though.
  296. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] reaches over, with his good arm, patting around in his robes. --
  297. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] does, though, proceed in order. He uses an antiseptic agent in gel form. --
  298. CHH: ...(I should help shouldnt they got it....)
  299. CCC: {ψ} It's gonna be okaie, kiddo. Ieour arm will be fine, so staie calm, alright?
  300. CHA: (w hy|| won|t yo|u g e|t off)
  301. CEV: Look, I'm just saying. If you λave time to do sometλing wrong, you λave time to do it again.
  302. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] hops back a few paces, starting to clean all four claws in a very catlike manner. --
  303. CVU: (Yeah mimght be best to stay away.) >~~~~~>
  304. CEV: Rosa, tλe dressings from my kit.
  305. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] back!!! --
  306. -- CURRENT analyticSerenity [CAS] wb --
  307. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] wb nerd! --
  308. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] just sort of presses her forearm against Rodney's chest to keep him in place and attempts to reach towards the kit, to grab the dressings. DOES SHE MAKE IT? --
  309. CEV: And a tourniquet.
  310. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] thanks pals omg --
  311. CEV: We need to stop tλe bleeding.
  313. CHH: ...
  314. CHH: (SHit.
  315. CAH: | WITH LIKE
  316. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] is probably like half sprawled on top of him or something. --
  317. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] gets up from her seat. --
  318. CHH: Hey uh
  320. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] Einarr can she reach the kit from where she is --
  321. CHH: Can I help?
  322. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] reaches to his dagger, with his good hand, idly plotting. --
  323. CAS: I'm no life pl4yer, 2orry.
  324. CHH: I uh
  325. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] probably yeah --
  326. CHH: Know lots about fixing wounds
  327. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] keeps an eye on Myrdin's dagger hand, crouching near him. --
  328. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] hands him the stuff he wanted, and probably doesn't notice HA's actions at all. --
  329. CHH: We got training at the reservation and I uh..think I can make this faster...if you dont already have too many people.
  330. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] is now looking in that direction. --
  331. CEV: Weapon!
  332. CAS: I don't think 4 generic life pl4yer would be good for the job 4nyw4y.
  333. CAH: | WE HAVE A
  334. CAS: It'd h4ve to be 4 title 2pecific4lly for he4ling wound2.
  336. CAH: | BY THE WAY
  337. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] gestures to HH. --
  338. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] since he has an opening, he goES TO TRY AND DRIVE THE DAGGER INTO CC'S SHOULDER, MAKING A LOUD SQUELCH, AS HE DOES SO. --
  339. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] HOLY SHIT --
  340. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] is going to attempt to restrain HA, immediately. --
  342. CAS: WO4H.
  343. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] it probably works. Idk if he catches him before he goes to stab. --
  344. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] SCREECHES --
  345. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] wait --
  346. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] roll 1d20 --
  347. CEV: (( !!roll 1d20 ))
  348. ??? Adminbot [?AA] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  349. ?AA: [[ 6 ]]
  350. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] wait --
  352. CHA: (( !!roll 1d20 ))
  353. ?AA: [[ 15 ]]
  354. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] nope --
  355. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] I need to write a thing but i might take me a little. --
  356. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] nope? --
  357. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] that means HA gets to act first --
  358. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] unless CC rolls higher --
  359. CAS: Why 4re you 4tt4cking Ro24li?
  360. CHH: ((!! roll 1d20 ))
  361. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] is STABBED. She immediately gets off of him, reaching over to her injured shoulder. --
  362. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] wait aww --
  363. CEV: Son of a bitcλ!
  364. CCC: {ψ} What the actual fuck?
  365. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] called shot to the head, with a synthetic fist. --
  366. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] releases the bad arm, not the one with the dagger --
  367. CVU: [[ !!dieroll 1d20 ]]
  368. ?AA: [[ 11 ]]
  369. CCC: {ψ} Fucking, shit. Shit!
  370. CHH: (( !!dieroll 1d20 ))
  371. ?AA: [[ 2 ]]
  372. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] is idling nearby, freaking out. He's not sure how to intervene. --
  373. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] damnit --
  374. CEV: (( !!roll 1d20 ))
  375. ?AA: [[ 8 ]]
  376. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] is stunend by the stabbing --
  377. CBT ceased responding to memo.
  378. CAS: (( !!roll 1d20 ))
  379. ?AA: [[ 20 ]]
  380. CURRENT bisquickWizkid [CBW] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  381. CBW: (( !!roll 20d1 ))
  382. ?AA: [[ 20 ]]
  383. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] iholy fuck --
  384. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] unless you want to account for like highbloods trength --
  386. CAH: | OKAY
  387. CAH: | UH
  389. CAH: ((*DAGGER))
  390. CAH: | PROBABLY
  391. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] reaches forward, since EV is on him, with his head, opening his jaws widely to clamp his teeth around EV's fists. His teeth are, well, eerily resolute,, strange enough The punch could mostl certainly wiggle his teeth, and it's GOING to hurt tbh. Yeah. --
  392. CHA: (( !!roll 1d20 ))
  393. ?AA: [[ 13 ]]
  394. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] would hurt --
  395. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] a LOT --
  396. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] for him. --
  397. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] except you bit into a layer of synthetic flesh and blood, and right into metal. --
  398. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] bc he's bronze and weak as shit but he tries to mangle his hand. --
  399. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] oh yeah. --
  400. -- CURRENT varecularUpheaval [CVU] sits looking confused --
  401. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] /on the flip side, casting has a 55% Arcane Spell Failure chance --
  402. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] /casting level 0 spells becomes a challenge --
  403. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] im gonna cry? --
  404. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] contemplates leaving, without another word. --
  405. CAH: | I
  406. -- CURRENT analyticSerenity [CAS] rodney pls ur already crying --
  407. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] the bite makes him feel better, if anything, --
  408. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] is not happy about this, as se touches her feather and a from it, a light shimers as a hand she pulls a gun out of thin air and fires it by HA's head, like nicking their ear. --
  409. CCO ceased responding to memo.
  410. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] scowls, and knees HA right in the gut. --
  411. CEV: So λelp me, if you so mucλ as twitcλ, I will end you.
  412. CHH: (OS bad to the soul active)
  413. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] curses softly under her breath, looking equal parts hurt and pissed off, as she scoots over to the trauma kit and begins taking what she needs from it. --
  415. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] moves over to CC. --
  416. CHH: ....
  418. CHH: Snazzy, you watch him, Im fixing up Talks a lot.
  419. CEV: Someone fucking get tλe dagger out of λis λand so I can use my fucking λand.
  420. -- CURRENT perplexingPanthera [CPP] looks up from his cleaning. --
  421. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] oh wait --
  422. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] shoots the dagger out of his hand --
  423. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] lets out a choked breath, winded. --
  424. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] get the fuck out. --
  425. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] or nottt --
  426. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] I'm sorry my bad. --
  427. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] misread --
  428. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] the dagger was in HA's shoulder wasnt it --
  429. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] what I meant to say was; attempts, please? --
  430. -- CURRENT varecularUpheaval [CVU] can this be taken upstairs? --
  431. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] CC's shoulder! --
  432. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] shh --
  433. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] either way, with no sort of weaponry left, and his stomach bruising, not to mention b lood lost,,, he pa sses out --
  434. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] keeps her gun trained on HA before heading over to CC --
  435. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] stands up, grabbing HA by the throat with his free hand. He attempts to forcibly remove his hand from HA's mouth, tearing the false skin, exposing the bronzed metals below. --
  436. CHH: Hey hey hey.
  437. CP ceased responding to memo.
  438. CEV: I am going to take tλis little fucker outside.
  439. CHH: Um... sorry.
  440. CHH: Let me just uh...
  441. CHH: Do a thing okay?
  442. CAS: I2 he de4d.
  443. CEV: Not yet.
  444. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] is slumped, he does it with ease --
  445. CAS: Nice.
  446. CEV: After tλat tλougλ?
  447. ceased responding to memo.
  448. CPP: I'm not getting involved again.
  449. CEV: I'd say λis life expectancy λas dropped to tλe minutes catagory.
  450. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] is probably, by this point, attempting to patch herself up. Sloppily. It's harder to do it on herself, and her knowledge of medical things, as I said, is cursory, really. --
  451. CEV: You okay Rosa?
  452. CCC: {ψ} What thing.
  453. CCC: {ψ} Iees, absolutelie fine, I'm not bleeding or aniething, I'm totallie fine.
  454. CHH: I'm good at fixing people up.
  455. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] stops at the door, dragging HA to it. --
  456. CEV: Yeaλ, just patcλ λer up.
  457. CAS: Ok4y, but, 42ide from Rodney who i2 definitely NOT.
  458. CVU: Don't kill him. >~~~~~>
  459. CAS: I2 everybody el2e ok4y.
  460. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] touches the dagger and attempts to gently pull it out. --
  461. CEV: Oλ don't worry.
  462. CCC: {ψ} Okaie. Ieou--
  463. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] make sure to not bump or move it around any --
  464. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] holds his hands against his face for a moment. --
  465. -- CURRENT cognitiveCorrelation [CCC] hisses. That probably hurts quite a bit. --
  466. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] probably comes to, because he's being held by the throat, I'm certain. --
  467. CHH: Yeah I know.
  468. CHH: IT hurts
  469. CHH: this is the worst part
  470. CVU: Make sure the dagger hasnt hit any major vessels before you pull it out, Wendy. >~~~~~>
  471. CAS: There'2 4 po22ibility he could die from bleeding out.
  472. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] lifts HA up, and throws him out the door with ease. --
  473. CHH: I know what Im doing.
  474. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] probably, meekly struggles against EV, whispering to him befORE HES THROWN --
  475. CHA: (is this what you wanted all along, highblood.)
  476. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] it's probably hushed as shit he might not hear it. --
  477. -- CURRENT hornbeamApprentice [CHA] but he's thrown out. --
  478. CCC: {ψ} Alright, okaie, good. Fine.
  479. CAS: Ro24li will be fine, if her 2houlder'2 not too m4ngled.
  480. CVU: Well, that just happened. >~~~~~>
  481. CAS: There 4ren't m4ny ve22el2 in the 2houlder.
  482. -- CURRENT adamantHygienist [CAH] follows after HA and EV, seeing as his help isn't needed with CC. --
  483. -- CURRENT hexedHeroism [CHH] pulls it out and her gun dissolves into echoplasmic energy as she places it over their shoulder, which would keep the wound from bbleeding out as she asked the bartender for some alcohol to clean up with. --
  484. CAS: Wh4t'2 2tr4nge i2 th4t e4rlier, I liter4lly 24id th4t the mo2t brut4l thing I'd 2een w42 2omeone getting hit with 4 ch4ir.
  486. -- CURRENT enigmaticVagabond [CEV] steps on outside after HA --
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