

Oct 19th, 2013
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  1. [18/10/2013 23:16:35] Launcher was opened. Build Apr 28 2013 02:45:13
  2. [18/10/2013 23:16:35] Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit
  3. [18/10/2013 23:16:35] Current Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Freestyle GunZ Version 7
  4. [18/10/2013 23:16:35] Checking patch servers..
  5. [18/10/2013 23:16:35] Analyzing patch info..
  6. [18/10/2013 23:16:35] Processing files..
  7. [18/10/2013 23:16:38] Ready to start.
  8. [18/10/2013 23:16:39] Starting game...
  9. [18/10/2013 23:16:56] Launcher was closed.
  10. GUNZ 1,0,0,290 launched. build (Oct 6 2013 18:27:49)
  11. Log time (10/18/13 21:43:30)
  12. Linear88's Runnable!
  13. CPU ID = GenuineIntel ( family = 774 , model = 10 , stepping = 9 ) @ 2594 MHz
  14. Display Device = Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 ( vendor=8086 device=166 subsys=c706144d revision=9 )
  15. Display Driver Version = 10.18.0010.3316
  16. Windows = 6.2 Build 9200 , n/a (64-bit) (4194303KB) : Windows 8..
  17. Load XML from memory : system/locale.xml- SUCCESS
  18. Country : (USA), Language : (USA)
  19. Load Config from file : config.xml- FAIL
  20. Load XML from memory : system/system.xml- SUCCESS
  21. Load XML from memory : system/strings.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
  22. Load XML from memory : system/cserror.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
  23. Load XML from memory : system/messages.xml(0x0009) - SUCCESS
  24. Load XML from memory : system/gametypecfg.xml
  25. Dmp ok.
  26. InitializeNotify ok.
  27. WFog Enabled Device.
  28. Gunz64 launched. Build (May 20 2013 02:28:56)
  29. Log time (10/18/13 23:16:41)
  30. Waiting
  31. Failed
  32. Error while launching game [4] (0 - 5732) (Code: -1073741790)
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