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Jun 2nd, 2015
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  1. >Feature CH01_ECIIIL
  2. 94 1476 gene
  3. locus_tag M970_010010
  4. label gene
  5. 94 1476 CDS
  6. protein_id gnl|CorradiLab|M715_ECU01_0190
  7. product serine hydroxymethyltransferase
  8. label serine hydroxymethyltransferase
  9. 1549 3321 gene
  10. locus_tag M970_010020
  11. label gene
  12. 1549 3321 CDS
  13. protein_id gnl|CorradiLab|M715_ECU01_0200
  14. product mitochondrial ABC transporter
  15. label mitochondrial ABC transporter
  16. 3373 3912 gene
  17. locus_tag M970_010030
  18. label gene
  19. 3373 3912 CDS
  20. protein_id gnl|CorradiLab|M715_ECU01_0210
  21. product hypothetical protein
  22. label hypothetical protein
  23. 4760 4026 gene
  24. locus_tag M970_010040
  25. label gene
  26. 4760 4026 CDS
  27. protein_id gnl|CorradiLab|M715_ECU01_0220
  28. product hypothetical protein
  29. label hypothetical protein
  30. 5587 4976 gene
  31. locus_tag M970_010050
  32. label gene
  33. 5587 4976 CDS
  34. protein_id gnl|CorradiLab|M715_ECU01_0230
  35. product hypothetical protein
  36. label hypothetical protein
  37. 6693 5680 gene
  38. locus_tag M970_010060
  39. label gene
  40. 6693 5680 CDS
  41. protein_id gnl|CorradiLab|M715_ECU01_0240
  42. product fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase
  43. label fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase
  44. 6912 7427 gene
  45. locus_tag M970_010070
  46. label gene
  47. 6912 7427 CDS
  48. protein_id gnl|CorradiLab|M715_ECU01_0250
  49. product hypothetical protein
  50. label hypothetical protein
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