
Anon: The Two-Dimentional Hero

May 27th, 2013
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  1. Day two dimensions in Equestria.
  2. >You are Anon, the two-dimensional hero!
  3. >Everyday's an adventure ever since you’ve been transported into a world of cartoon ponies.
  4. >It was sort of weird seeing things in three dimensions at first, you kinda where expecting your head to explode or something.
  5. >Somehow you body was able to adapt to a three dimensional view without side effects.
  6. >But the most amazing part of being here is that you can ‘flatten’ everyone’s perception of the world.
  7. >Practically making everything two-dimensional whenever you want.
  8. >Not like you’re an asshole about it, you don’t want to send the world into a state of panic.
  9. >Today you got nothing else to do but stay at the bar a bit.
  10. >You’re not drinking away any sorrows, you got over that shit a long time ago.
  11. >Sitting a bar stool with your back turned to the door, you begin to slow the drinking before you start getting a bit excited.
  12. >It’s kinda nice sitting at the bar stools, they’re the only ones that seem to be the right size.
  13. >Everything seems to be okay, usually people would require the help of the thirty two bit hero by now.
  14. >As if on cue, the door swings open and the nighttime lights shine in through the frame.
  15. >You know that kind of swing, it only comes a few times in a week, someone needs the thirty two bit hero’s help.
  16. >Swivelling in your seat you turn to see the mane six at the door.
  17. >Oh boy, mane six? Something interesting must have happened.
  18. >Applejack approaches your side.
  19. >”Anon! Ah need ur help! Tha’ orchard is under attack by parasprites!”
  20. >They’ve kinda learned to stay calm when talking to you and address the problem clearly.
  21. >They know you’d help anyway.
  22. “Hmm, how much we talkin’ about?”
  23. >”A WHOLE NEST!”
  24. >You nearly spit out your drink at this. A nest? They’re rare, but when they do happen they’re a huge problem.
  25. >A big problem, sure, but you still need to help them.
  27. >Fluttershy comes up to you.
  28. >”Please, help us Anon...if you don’t mind...”
  29. >It takes no second thought for you to understand that they need desperately need your help.
  30. >Okay, you’re gonna do this one.
  31. >You slam your mug to the table.
  32. “Alright girls, it time for the TWO-DIMENSIONAL HERO!”
  33. >You raise your fist into the air to emphasize your point.
  34. >The world suddenly ‘flattens’ out and becomes pixelated.
  35. >Glow from the fireplace becomes nothing but a faded grouping of orange pixels that slowly dissipate the farther from the source they get.
  36. >Edges become rigid and sharp.
  37. >Colors are more solid and stand out a bit more.
  38. >Your vision pans out to a screen like focus on the room, giving you sight of impossible angles.
  39. >Lucky you the world happened to be a thirty two bit design. Not like those nasty eight-biters...
  40. >A tiny box with a pixel portrait of you appears at the front of your vision.
  41. “Alright girls, a nest could mean trouble for more than just the orchard, we gotta go now before the whole town is infested!” [press a]
  42. >”Um, Anon?” [press a]
  43. >Fluttershy barely squeaks the word out.
  44. “Yeah?” [press a]
  45. >”Why are we all speaking in tiny boxes at the front of the... ‘screen’ thingie?” [press a]
  46. >Damn, that’s a good question. Why are you speaking like that?
  47. >Makes you wonder how you knew that it was a whisper when it was in text.
  48. “I don’t know, two dimensional powers I guess?” [press a]
  49. >You’ve never questioned it, it’s just been there since birth.
  50. >After taking the girls to the door, the ‘screen pans outside of the building.
  51. >The girls and you use a weird stock running animation and one by one walk out of the building with you at the lead.
  52. >Once outside you see that the town is being demolished by parasprites wrecking shit in the night.
  53. >This portion of the town has a huge night district, so lights from huge colourful signs light up the scene.
  55. >The parasprites are not very normal looking ones, there big, like dog big.
  56. >What’s worst is that they’re all nest guardians, meaning that the nest is growing fast.
  57. >Ponies run and panic in the streets without making a noise, just little speech bubbles over their heads.
  58. >The girls and you all slide awkwardly into into a line in front of the bar using that shitty walk cycle that you have.
  59. >A hub selection and stats appear on the screen, a hunk of it has your stuff on it.
  60. >It says you have a pocket knife with six damage and three full hearts that are split into four parts.
  61. >Another part is left blank, this is an enemy stat box for when you hit something and receive its data.
  62. >A narrator's voice begins to ring out from nowhere.
  63. >”MISSION, START!”
  64. >A rockin tune springs out of nowhere.
  65. >
  66. >Mmm... dat bass.
  67. >You and the girls suddenly are given control over your bodies.
  68. >Same as the parasprites it seems.
  69. >They all stop what they’re doing and instantly target you instead of the horde of fleeting ponies.
  70. >Why you is a mystery.
  71. >You and the girls rush into a huge brawl while equipped with a knife.
  72. >The first foe sees and rushes at you.
  73. >You shank that mofo like a nigga on the streets.
  74. >It gets no physical damage but a small ‘-13’ sign tells you it’s working.
  75. >After a bit of shanking, you got him in a combo.
  76. >Kick, kick, punch, stab, slash, and punch.
  77. >At the end of the combo a ‘-57’ sign appears over his head.
  78. >A shitty death stock animation starts up and he deflates like a balloon.
  79. >The girls seem to be done to, time to keep going.
  80. >Just as the last one died and a tiny cool down passed, a huge arrow appeared in the sky and begun to blink with a repetitive ‘bweop’ sound.
  81. >You all start your shitty running animations and keep advancing.
  82. >Seriously, you look fucking retarded.
  83. >This time the screen moves with you.
  84. >After a bit of walking you reach a challenge.
  86. >A pony is being pounded on by a group of parasprites.
  87. >Small “help” bubbles appear above his head.
  88. >His health bar is getting a bit low, you need to take action.
  89. >As soon as you get close, the parasprites start focusing their energy on you and the girls.
  90. >This time one of them lands a good hit on you, a ‘-2’ appears over your head.
  91. >You go to special moves in the menu and select ‘item attack’.
  92. >It’s not anything special, just ensures that a random item will fall.
  93. >You get a critical hit and the parasprite pops like a party favor.
  94. >The attack lost you one special move heart section, but you still got two and three fourths left, it’s no biggie.
  95. >Killing him dropped a small box with a ‘T’ on it.
  96. >You pick it up and the familiar voice rings “THROWING KNIVES!”
  97. >Now you can do what you’ve always could have done with a hint of common sense, great.
  98. >While you killed that one, the girls pounded the shit out of the other ones.
  99. >The pony that was cowering in fear the entire time is now safe.
  100. >He doesn’t even look, he just gives a “Thank you!” and runs away.
  101. >No reward? Huh, maybe that’s at the end.
  102. >This shit basically repeats itself for a while.
  103. >After a fight with a group of parasprites you are at Sugarcube Corner.
  104. >A “HELP!” bubble appears from the door and your hud disappears.
  105. >Pinkie’s portrait appears with a speech box.
  106. >”That sounded like Mrs.Cake! We gotta save her!” [press a]
  107. >You all involuntarily walk inside.
  108. >The screen fades out, and back in.
  109. >You’re all inside the dining room of the bakery.
  110. >Strangely, everything is bigger than on the outside, and you really mean big!
  111. >”MISSION, START!”
  112. >Parasprites start bursting out of window frames cabinets and run down the steps.
  113. >You chuck knives in every direction, parasprites be droppin’ like flies.
  114. >A parasprite eventually dropped an item box with a ‘G’ on the front.
  115. >”HANDGUN!” That voice is starting to piss you off...
  117. >As the last parasprite dies, a help bubble appears from the top of the stairs.
  118. >You and the girls walk up the stairs which are now the width of an entire damn room.
  119. >The hud shows that you have fifty bullets left in your handgun.
  120. >At the top, the hallway is about the same size, but lengthy as fuck.
  121. >All of you fight and pick up cupcakes for health.
  122. >The girls and you finally reach the end of the hall way.
  123. >A door at the end of the wall is sprouting tiny “Help!” signs.
  124. >An arrow springs to life in the air, but you know better than to just go.
  125. >You walk up to the nearest door and start beating the shit out of it.
  126. >The door eventually breaks and pieces disappear in thin air.
  127. >A broiled turkey pops out from where the door used to be.
  128. >Just walking over it completely filled your health bar.
  129. >You turn to the door leading to the screams and open it up. for some reason, that wouldn’t have worked anywhere else.
  130. >The screen fades out and back in.
  131. >At the center of the room is a huge gorilla sized parasprite with arms and legs to match.
  132. >It stands brooding over over the cake family while they sit in the corner.
  133. >Options: Sneak Attack? Charge? Special Move? Scream?
  134. >You pick sneak attack.
  135. >Taking a rushing start at him, you plunge your blade into his back.
  136. >He gives a roar that shakes the room and throws you off.
  137. >A ‘-46’ appears above him. You think you’ve chosen correctly.
  138. >He turns and faces you and the mane six.
  139. >Getting even madder, he starts to bang his chest.
  141. >
  142. >He charges full speed at you, the mane six run while you dodge.
  143. >After passing you, he doesn’t seem to be stopping.
  144. >Without halt or slow, he hits the wall at full force. Like a fucking retard...
  145. >The room quakes as he rears his head back.
  146. >Tiny stars symbolize his daze and confusion.
  147. >You takes this as a time to strike and light that nigga up with yo gat.
  149. >The gun icon says twenty five bullets left and you stop, you took about a quarter of his health.
  150. >After getting his back lit up like the fourth of July he roars.
  151. >It seems like his rage is charging him.
  152. >He takes a fucking ridiculous jump in the air that would touch the ceiling if there were one.
  153. >It’s like watching the fucking pogo stick world championship. He just won’t stop spamming!
  154. >He hit you and took out a tenth or something, fucking first bosses.
  155. >After jumping like a madman for like a minute, he takes a cooldown. This guy is making it too easy.
  156. >Instead of using your bullets on this guy, you’ll just you a combo.
  157. >You go to menu and select ‘hyper speed’, taking away one fourth of your hearts.
  158. >The effect are immediate and you rush after it and start wailing on the big ape.
  159. >Punch, punch, forward, kick, punch, you stomp the ground so hard that it shakes.
  160. > [Embed]
  161. >You stand over the defeated and broken ape-like creature.
  162. >A kanji symbol for ten appears at the background of the ‘screen’.
  163. >”KO! YOU WIN!”
  164. >You and the girls begin involuntarily taking fucking retarded poses as your vision fades away.
  165. >Kills: 136, deaths: 0, rescues: 6, blah blah blah, whatever just hold a and wait.
  166. >You walk up to the cake family who are seemingly unharmed by the complete war that happened just a few feet away from them.
  167. >Mrs.Cake hand the gives the babies over to Mr.Cake.
  168. >”Thank you Anon, but the hive is in another building!” [press a]
  169. “No shit, I’m going to Sweet Apple Acres to finish them off now.” [press a]
  170. >Those two pixels make it look like she’s flipping you off...
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