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Apr 8th, 2013
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Python 2.90 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #
  2. #
  3. # created by: M. Peele
  4. # section: 01
  5. #
  6. # This program implements a brute-force solution for the Knight's tour problem
  7. # using a recursive backtracking algorithm. The Knight's tour is a chessboard
  8. # puzzle in which the objective is to find a sequence of moves by the knight in
  9. # which it visits every square on the board exactly one. It uses a 6x6 array for
  10. # the chessboard where each square is identified by a row and column index, the
  11. # range of which both start at 0. Let the upper-left square of the board be the
  12. # row 0 and column 0 square.
  13. #
  14. # Imports the necessary modules.
  16. # Initializes the chessboard as a 6x6 array.
  17. chessBoard = [[None for i in range(6)] for j in range(6)]
  19. # Gets the input start position for the knight from the user.
  20. row = int(input("Enter the row: "))
  21. col = int(input("Enter the column: "))
  23. # Main driver function which starts the recursion.
  24. def main():
  25.     knightsTour(row, col, 1)
  27. # Recursive function that solves the Knight's Tour problem.    
  28. def knightsTour(row, col, move):
  29.     # Checks if the given index is in range of the array and is legal.
  30.     if _inRange(row, col) and _isLegal(row, col):
  31.         chessBoard[row][col] = move # Sets a knight-marker at the given index.
  32.         # If the chessBoard is full, returns True and the solved board.
  33.         if _isFull(chessBoard):
  34.             return True, _draw(chessBoard)    
  36.         # Checks to see if the knight can make another move. If so, makes that
  37.         # move by calling the function again.
  38.         possibleOffsets = ((-2, -1), (-2, 1), (-1, 2), (1, 2), \
  39.                            (2, 1), (2, -1), (1, -2), (-1, -2))
  40.         for offset in possibleOffsets:
  41.             if knightsTour(row + offset[0], col + offset[1], move + 1):
  42.                 return True
  43.         # If the loop terminates, no possible move can be made. Removes the
  44.         # knight-marker at the given index.
  45.         chessBoard[row][col] = None
  46.         return False
  47.     else:
  48.         return False
  50. # Determines if the given row, col index is a legal move.
  51. def _isLegal(row, col):
  52.     if _inRange(row, col) and chessBoard[row][col] == None:
  53.         return True
  54.     else:
  55.         return False
  57. # Determines if the given row, col index is in range.
  58. def _inRange(row, col):
  59.     try:
  60.         chessBoard[row][col]
  61.         return True
  62.     except IndexError:
  63.         return False
  65. # A solution was found if the array is full, meaning that every element in the
  66. # array is filled with a number saying the knight has visited there.
  67. def _isFull(chessBoard):
  68.     for row in chessBoard:
  69.         for col in row:
  70.             if col is None:
  71.                 return False
  72.     return True
  74. # Draws a pictoral representation of the array.
  75. def _draw(chessBoard):
  76.     for row in chessBoard:
  77.         for col in row:
  78.             print("%4s" % col, end = " ")
  79.         print()
  81. # Calls the main function.
  82. main()
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