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Error Log report

a guest
Jun 26th, 2016
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  1. 26-06-2016 11:43:59: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running
  2. 26-06-2016 11:49:17: DEBUG - Loading color stuff...
  3. 26-06-2016 11:49:18 Loading sidebar page...
  4. 26-06-2016 11:50:16 Downloading DirectX setup...
  5. 26-06-2016 11:50:42 Loading sidebar page...
  6. 26-06-2016 11:52:15 Done!
  7. 26-06-2016 11:52:15 Checking/Installing DirectX...
  8. 26-06-2016 11:52:30 Done!
  9. 26-06-2016 11:52:30 Downloading PSO2 required files...
  10. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 Done!
  11. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 Downloading Latest Gameguard file...
  12. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 Done!
  13. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 G:\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2\pso2_bin set as your PSO2 Directory.
  14. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 Downloading Patch file #1...
  15. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 Done!
  16. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 Downloading Patch file #2...
  17. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 Done!
  18. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 Downloading Patch file #3...
  19. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 Done!
  20. 26-06-2016 11:52:55 Downloading Patch file #4...
  21. 26-06-2016 11:52:56 Done!
  22. 26-06-2016 11:52:56: DEBUG - Checking if the PSO2 Tweaker is running
  23. 26-06-2016 11:52:56: DEBUG - Program started! - Logging enabled!
  24. 26-06-2016 11:52:56: DEBUG - Attempting to auto-load pso2_bin directory from settings
  25. 26-06-2016 11:52:56: DEBUG - Loaded pso2_bin directory from settings
  26. 26-06-2016 11:52:56: DEBUG - Pursuing freedom...
  27. 26-06-2016 11:52:56: DEBUG - Loading settings...
  28. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Load more settings...
  29. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG -
  31. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - ----------------------------------------
  32. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Program opening, running diagnostics...
  33. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Current OS Full name: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
  34. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Current OS Version: 6.2.9200.0
  35. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Is the current OS 64-bit? True
  36. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Directory program is running in: E:\Downloads
  37. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Selected PSO2 Directory: G:\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2\pso2_bin
  38. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Is Unrar Available: False
  39. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Run as Administrator: True
  40. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False
  41. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - Is 7zip available: False
  42. 26-06-2016 11:52:57: DEBUG - ----------------------------------------
  43. 26-06-2016 11:52:58: DEBUG - Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Stack Trace: at DevComponents.DotNetBar.RibbonPredefinedColorSchemes.?(ElementStyle ?, RibbonControl ?)
  44. at DevComponents.DotNetBar.RibbonStrip.RecalcSize()
  45. at DevComponents.DotNetBar.ItemControl.RecalcLayout()
  46. at DevComponents.DotNetBar.RibbonControl.RecalcLayout()
  47. at DevComponents.DotNetBar.Office2007RibbonForm.?()
  48. at DevComponents.DotNetBar.Office2007RibbonForm.OnStyleChanged(EventArgs e)
  49. at System.Windows.Forms.Form.CreateHandle()
  50. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_Handle()
  51. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetVisibleCore(Boolean value)
  52. at System.Windows.Forms.Form.SetVisibleCore(Boolean value)
  53. at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Show()
  54. at PSO2_Tweaker.FrmMain.frmMain_Load(Object , EventArgs )
  55. 26-06-2016 11:52:58 ERROR - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  56. 26-06-2016 11:52:58 Checking for updates, please wait a moment...
  57. 26-06-2016 11:52:59: DEBUG - Checking for the latest version of the program...
  58. 26-06-2016 11:52:59 You have the latest version of the program:
  59. 26-06-2016 11:52:59: DEBUG - Index was outside the bounds of the array. Stack Trace: at PSO2_Tweaker.FrmMain.frmMain_Load(Object , EventArgs )
  60. 26-06-2016 11:52:59 ERROR - Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  61. 26-06-2016 11:52:59 All done - System ready!
  62. 26-06-2016 11:52:59: DEBUG - Exception: Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs/ Message: Microsoft.VisualBasic
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