
F4A - Title, I dunno.

Sep 23rd, 2016
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  1. She is made of the moonlight reflecting on still water. Her skin is pale as stars and softly glows in their presence. In the middle of the lake she rests, body half in water, as she stares up at the sky from whence she was born. Her fingertips rest on the lake top and move on occasion, sending ripples out all the way to the shore. There on the sand sit her admirers, who wait for her ebony eyes to turn away from the heavens that gave her up and instead look at them. Earthbound and born, but willing and wanting to ease the suffering she feels by being trapped in a place not meant for a creature like her.
  3. When she looks away from the sky, she will pick one. Just one, a single person that she will sweep up into her arms and pull out from the shore. It must be someone in the water, so they crowd whenever she approaches. Some reach out, but others don’t; there are rumors both ways about whether she takes the desperate or the hesitant more. No one knows for sure how she chooses, just that she does.
  5. There is no set rhythm to her picking. Sometimes she will take a person nearly nightly. Other times she will select someone only for the pair to emerge from below the lake months later. The people she picks always come back, free of injury and whole in mind and body. Except they never enjoy sex again, nor ever crave it. Yet every single one claims to never miss it and to not regret a single moment with her, no matter how short or long.
  7. They become the sort that never stop smiling and watch the full moon with wistful, happy gazes. They sit on another part of the shore when they go at all, but never enter the water. They have no need; they are satisfied. Complete. They are whole and at peace with life.
  9. None say what she does to or with them below the waves.
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