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FoE RPG G10 - Session #008 PNP

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Jul 11th, 2012
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  1. [2012-07-10 18:59:09] -->| YOU (Steel_Innocence) have joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  2. [2012-07-10 18:59:09] =-= Topic for #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 is ``* Current rulebook: | Dicebot/OOC: #FalloutEquestriaDice | ALL GDocs arranged: | All the forum threads you could possibly need at: | New character sheets!:''
  3. [2012-07-10 18:59:09] =-= Topic for #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 was set by mimezinga on sábado, 24 de março de 2012 15:46:06
  4. [2012-07-10 19:04:19] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v Steel_Innocence by Violet
  5. [2012-07-10 19:05:16] <DontAskForCookies> When last we left our characters they were finishing up a simple delivery job for Girdir and makeing final preperations before seeking out the sherif about dealing with the Mirelurk threat faceing Clovers shores.
  6. [2012-07-10 19:05:25] <DontAskForCookies> Group 10's game starts now
  7. [2012-07-10 19:07:58] * Garador is in the garage, leaning against the APC. He appears to be taking a light snooze.
  8. [2012-07-10 19:08:31] |<-- Chor has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  9. [2012-07-10 19:08:46] * Violet is snuggled with Puzzler on one of the couches
  10. [2012-07-10 19:09:20] * Steel_Innocence trots back from her stroll, humming a happy tune.
  11. [2012-07-10 19:09:20] * Trefoil is washing herself off. Dirty, dirty mare.
  12. [2012-07-10 19:09:23] * Puzzler is having a awkard cuddle with Violet on the couch. He is blushing pretty hard a he puts a wing over Violets back.
  13. [2012-07-10 19:09:55] * Gizmo is waking up slowly, having a terrible headache from the amount of achohol he ingested
  14. [2012-07-10 19:10:57] * Violet is a lovely shade of red, nicely offsetting her natur-Ah who am I kidding? She's a blush factory over here.
  15. [2012-07-10 19:12:52] * Hospice is sleeping in the clinic.
  16. [2012-07-10 19:14:11] * Steel_Innocence looks around the garage, seeking Girder.
  17. [2012-07-10 19:14:18] * Gizmo gets up from his couch. he looks around, feeling strangely dirty.
  18. [2012-07-10 19:14:50] * Trefoil trots out of the bathroom, still damp with sink water, her mane hanging in strings.
  19. [2012-07-10 19:14:56] <Trefoil> "Mornin'."
  20. [2012-07-10 19:15:41] * Gizmo groggily looks at her. "Morning." He holds his head. "Shower open?" He asks
  21. [2012-07-10 19:16:14] <DontAskForCookies> Hospice his gently awakened by the doctors hoof shaking her sholder, "Wake up dear, you have another visitor"
  22. [2012-07-10 19:16:58] * Trefoil nods, "Just like yer legs last night."
  23. [2012-07-10 19:17:36] * Gizmo gives her an odd look, going past her. "Don't say weird things."
  24. [2012-07-10 19:17:44] * Violet blinks.
  25. [2012-07-10 19:18:52] * Hospice slowly blinked herself awake. "Y-yes...?"
  26. [2012-07-10 19:19:06] |<-- Trefoil has left (
  27. [2012-07-10 19:22:19] -->| Trefoil (woodsyowl@Pony-pf5.6ul.9.184.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  28. [2012-07-10 19:22:19] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v Trefoil by
  29. [2012-07-10 19:23:12] * Garador stirs awake and rustles a little.
  30. [2012-07-10 19:25:02] * Puzzler blushes even harder as he cuddles closer to Violet. He is trembling a little but manage nuzzles her neck before stopping.
  31. [2012-07-10 19:25:09] <DontAskForCookies> The doctor is tanding next to Hospices bed, behind her is Pebble. "One of the guards was sent around to check up on you and help you back to Girdirs place. You might still be a bit light headed but you have a complete bill of health from me! now when your ready he would like to talk to you"
  32. [2012-07-10 19:25:26] <DontAskForCookies> with this the doctor trots away to inspecter her other patient
  33. [2012-07-10 19:25:32] * Violet looks back at Puzzler "You alright?"
  34. [2012-07-10 19:26:02] * Gizmo washes himself off, feeling much much cleaner, for some reason the shower helps with his hangover.
  35. [2012-07-10 19:26:53] * Steel_Innocence 's ears perk up with Violet's words.
  36. [2012-07-10 19:27:04] <Trefoil> (6:18:39 PM) ***Trefoil shakes herself off whistling, "Guess I ain't half as good as I thought, despite what ya'll said last night."
  37. [2012-07-10 19:27:53] * Hospice almost choked on her spit. "W-wait. Bill of health? What?"\
  38. [2012-07-10 19:28:16] * Gizmo look back at Tre. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Oww." He holds his head. He moves into the shower washing himself off, feeling much much cleaner, for some reason the shower helps with his hangover.
  39. [2012-07-10 19:28:30] * Puzzler nods. "Y-yeah. I'im fine." he leans closer.
  40. [2012-07-10 19:29:05] * Violet smiles "Alright then."
  41. [2012-07-10 19:30:36] * Trefoil smirks
  42. [2012-07-10 19:30:49] * Steel_Innocence smiles and goes back to her epic questr to find for Girder.
  43. [2012-07-10 19:30:56] <DontAskForCookies> the doctor calls over her shoulder before crossing behind the partician obscuring the other patients bed, "Your fine sweety, all better. and best of all the city is paying for it. Just make sure and grab your things before you go"
  44. [2012-07-10 19:31:25] * Trefoil trots back to the APC to get her armor and new coat.
  45. [2012-07-10 19:31:41] * Trefoil waves good morning to Steel_Innocence.
  46. [2012-07-10 19:31:54] * Hospice regained her posture. "W-wait? You mean this was all free. That's uh...rather suspi- I mean mighty generous. Thank you."
  47. [2012-07-10 19:31:58] * Garador is lying down beside the APC.
  48. [2012-07-10 19:32:07] * Steel_Innocence waves.
  49. [2012-07-10 19:32:44] * Gizmo trots out, his mane falling in his eyes. "That feels much better." He stretches. "Weird, I feel sore." He says cracking his neck before going and getting his gear.
  50. [2012-07-10 19:33:15] <Trefoil> "I don' love gentle, Gears."
  51. [2012-07-10 19:33:23] * Trefoil skirts Garador
  52. [2012-07-10 19:34:21] <Trefoil> "...hey Garador."
  53. [2012-07-10 19:35:30] <Garador> "Hm."
  54. [2012-07-10 19:36:40] * Trefoil opens her mouth to apologize, then shuts it just as quickly and sulks off.
  55. [2012-07-10 19:36:57] * Steel_Innocence glances at Trefoil's messy mane, trotting closer.
  56. [2012-07-10 19:37:01] * Garador arcs an eyebrow at her before resuming his stare outside.
  57. [2012-07-10 19:37:11] |<-- Gizmo has left (Connection closed)
  58. [2012-07-10 19:37:18] <DontAskForCookies> As meek as ever pebbles remains still, staying a few bed lengths away from Hospice just waiting for her to get herself together before talking to her.
  59. [2012-07-10 19:37:34] * Trefoil mutters, "I was gonna apologize..."
  60. [2012-07-10 19:37:35] -->| Gizmo ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  61. [2012-07-10 19:38:56] * Hospice got her things together and fell out of bed. Picking herself up, she lazily draped her coat over herself and threw her bags on it as well.
  62. [2012-07-10 19:39:04] * Garador continues arcing an eyebrow at Trefoil but doesn't manage to catch the important parts.
  63. [2012-07-10 19:39:10] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v Gizmo by Violet
  64. [2012-07-10 19:39:15] * Gizmo looks at Trefoil. "Why do you keep saying things like that?
  65. [2012-07-10 19:40:06] <DontAskForCookies> hearing hospice crash pebbles trots closser and helps her gather her things, "Oh, sorry about this. let me help you get your things together"
  66. [2012-07-10 19:40:39] * Violet nuzzles Puzzler then lays her head back down smiling
  67. [2012-07-10 19:40:43] <Trefoil> "No reason! Just 'cause you hold yer liquor like a foal!"
  68. [2012-07-10 19:41:08] * Trefoil is putting on her armor and new coat over the obstinate blanket.
  69. [2012-07-10 19:41:20] * Steel_Innocence towers over Trefoil, with a wide smile, holding a brushie over her head.
  70. [2012-07-10 19:41:37] * Trefoil has only gotten her mane messier by putting her gear on
  71. [2012-07-10 19:41:52] * Trefoil smiles, "Steel! Just the filly I was looking for!"
  72. [2012-07-10 19:42:27] * Puzzler whispers to Violet. "D-do you think Garador would teach me how to fly properly? I.. Just want to learn.."
  73. [2012-07-10 19:42:45] <DontAskForCookies> As soon as pebbles was done helping Hospice he looks up to her with a smile, "You ready now? Becouse the sherif sent me, seems he wants to talk to you about what happened, well to you and your freinds as well. Do you- do you remember what happened?"
  74. [2012-07-10 19:42:51] * Violet nods "Why don't you ask?"
  75. [2012-07-10 19:43:11] * Gizmo scoffs. "I was drinking to feel better, I don't really care if I can hold it or not." He looks on. "I need to go talk to the sherif."
  76. [2012-07-10 19:43:15] <Steel_Innocence> "Hi~" And with these words, she lowers her brushie to Trefoil's head.
  77. [2012-07-10 19:43:38] * Trefoil is brushied! My god, there's tangles everywheeeeere!
  78. [2012-07-10 19:43:49] * Hospice looked at the strangely helpful pony. For one, she was rather surprised at HOW helpful the pony seemed to be. And she certainly didn't remember this pony from last night. "Um...not really. Um...who are you?"
  79. [2012-07-10 19:44:18] * Trefoil giggles
  80. [2012-07-10 19:44:20] * Puzzler "I.. I'm afraid too, he'll just laugh.." He mumbles, burying his head in the couch. Enjoing the feeling of having Violet close.
  81. [2012-07-10 19:44:24] <Trefoil> "Thankya darlin'."
  82. [2012-07-10 19:44:33] <Violet> "I could ask him for you."
  83. [2012-07-10 19:44:42] <Trefoil> "Steel, ya know anything 'bout mane stylin'?"
  84. [2012-07-10 19:45:09] * Steel_Innocence smiles to Trefoil. "A little, but I don't know the cutty things."
  85. [2012-07-10 19:45:32] * Trefoil would nod, but there's Steel in her hair.
  86. [2012-07-10 19:45:42] * Puzzler looks over at Violet, blushing slightly. "Could you?, Please?" He hesitates for a second before nuzzling her gently.
  87. [2012-07-10 19:45:50] <Trefoil> "Can ya do buns?"
  88. [2012-07-10 19:46:17] <DontAskForCookies> Pebbles looks down, kicking his hoof and fidgeting nervously. "Oh, you dont... well I guess not, I showed you and your freinds around yesterday when you arrived. I was the one who Identified you this morning when they brought you in, no pony ells was around who had seen you and I was comeing to check up on the pony you saved"
  89. [2012-07-10 19:46:23] * Violet smiles and nuzzles him back "It's settled then! I'll go ask him then wash up a little bit now that the bathroom is free."
  90. [2012-07-10 19:46:43] * Violet untangles herself gently from Puzzler and gets off the couch, trotting over to Garador
  91. [2012-07-10 19:46:54] * Gizmo starts heading over to the sherifs office
  92. [2012-07-10 19:47:03] =-= Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  93. [2012-07-10 19:47:16] * Garador glances at Violet, silent for now.
  94. [2012-07-10 19:47:51] * Steel_Innocence nod-nods, puzzled by the strange change in the conversation. "Mhmm, but I need flour and milk and..."
  95. [2012-07-10 19:47:59] * Violet stops in front of Garador "Hey, um...Garador? You're a good flier, right?"
  96. [2012-07-10 19:48:19] * Puzzler curls up under the coat. "O-okay."
  97. [2012-07-10 19:48:24] <Garador> "Not the best, but I suppose I'm passable."
  98. [2012-07-10 19:49:38] <Violet> "Do you think that you could give Puzzler some basics? He's lived in our stable all his life and...never really got the chance to learn. Not that there were any other pegasi or griffons around to teach him anyways..." She looks up at Garador hopeful
  99. [2012-07-10 19:49:49] * Hospice clopped herself on the head. "Oh, I'm so sorry about that. My memory is uh...a little shot. Um...uh...thanks for everything you did."
  100. [2012-07-10 19:51:04] <DontAskForCookies> Gizmo opens the front door of Girdirs shop and runs right smack into the guard who was about to knock on the door, sending the two of them both rolling into the dirt.
  101. [2012-07-10 19:51:43] * Gizmo rolls backwards. "Ouch." He looks at the gaurd. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I should have been more observant."
  102. [2012-07-10 19:51:58] <Trefoil> "Nuh uh sweetie, like, with hair, when you wrap it up?"
  103. [2012-07-10 19:53:12] <Steel_Innocence> "Oh, I can do that too."
  104. [2012-07-10 19:53:15] * Garador eyes Violet for a few seconds, head level. "How come he didn't ask me himself?"
  105. [2012-07-10 19:53:31] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble looks a bit better now as he looks up, "Oh, well thats fine. Im not exactly the most memorable guard you will every meet anyway. But we really should get going, Im suppose to take you to meet your freinds at the sherifs office"
  106. [2012-07-10 19:53:58] * Violet deadpans "Because you're twice his size, have razor sharp talons, and look like you will eat him. and that's on a good day."
  107. [2012-07-10 19:54:27] * Violet 's expression softens "He also thought you'd just laugh at him."
  108. [2012-07-10 19:54:37] |<-- Doubleclick has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  109. [2012-07-10 19:54:53] <DontAskForCookies> The poor yellow unicorn guard's eyes roll around in his skull for a bit before he is able to regain his composure. shaking his head he narrows his eyes at Gizmo, "Geez, you think kid? I have taken softer blows in bar fights at strawberries!"
  110. [2012-07-10 19:55:21] * Puzzler winces and lets his ears drop as he overhears the convo. Please dont laugh.
  111. [2012-07-10 19:55:39] * Gizmo looks at him oddly." Would you have rather had me run into you." he points to Steel in behind him. "Or her."
  112. [2012-07-10 19:55:59] * Garador remains silent for a moment. Then: "Have him talk to me. If he's the one who wants it, I want to hear it from him."
  113. [2012-07-10 19:56:04] =-= Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  114. [2012-07-10 19:56:23] * Violet tilts her head "Promise you'll hear him out and not laugh at least?"
  115. [2012-07-10 19:56:35] * Hospice snorted. "Nonsense. I'm just terrible at remembering things. I'm sure everyone else remembers you quite well. And uh...sure. Lead on."
  116. [2012-07-10 19:56:43] <Garador> "Of course."
  117. [2012-07-10 19:57:21] * Violet smiles and nods "Thank you, Garador." She turns around, trotting back over to Puzzler
  118. [2012-07-10 19:57:41] * Steel_Innocence turns her head towards Gizmo. "Huh? Me?"
  119. [2012-07-10 19:57:46] <DontAskForCookies> The guard at the door rolls his eyes before lifint his hoof up to Gizmo, "I would rather not get run over period! but anyway Im here to take you to see the sherif about a private matter, mind giving me a hoof up?"
  120. [2012-07-10 19:58:33] * Gizmo smiles and helps the guard up. "Thanks and sorry again." he looks back at Steel. "Nothing hun, go back to baking Tre's hair."
  121. [2012-07-10 19:58:55] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble grins as he begins to trot towards teh door, "Oh dont worry, im used to it. Not even the sherif can remember my name half of the time and Im practically his errand pony. now follow me and Ill take you to see him"
  122. [2012-07-10 20:00:41] * Steel_Innocence nod-nods.
  123. [2012-07-10 20:00:41] <DontAskForCookies> The guard grunts as he is helped up off the ground. Whiping dirt off of himself he shakes his head, "dont worry about it, Im going to be guarding the power plant today anyway so Im bound to get greasy anyway".
  124. [2012-07-10 20:01:42] * Puzzler looks at from under the coat as she aproaches. Giving her a sad smile.
  125. [2012-07-10 20:02:25] * Gizmo nods. "So, is it just me you're taking or did you have buisness with all of us?"
  126. [2012-07-10 20:02:47] * Trefoil is still being manestyled
  127. [2012-07-10 20:02:55] * Violet smiles "He wants to talk to you about it before he decides. He promised not to laugh, too." She leans over, getting another blush and kissing Puzzler on the cheek "It'll be okay. I'll go clean up and then join you"
  128. [2012-07-10 20:03:14] * Trefoil Twin buns will be a refreshing change, "Maybe two hair buns then, eh, kiddo? One on each side of m'head?"
  129. [2012-07-10 20:03:17] * Steel_Innocence brusies and puts some bobby pins on Trefoil's mane, making a nice ball mane.
  130. [2012-07-10 20:04:02] * Hospice followed.
  131. [2012-07-10 20:04:02] <Steel_Innocence> *brushies
  132. [2012-07-10 20:04:23] * Puzzler tenses up slightly as Violet kisses him. He twitches slightly before giving her a quick kiss back. He crawls out from under the coat. "O-okay, I'll try..." he mumbles, taking a few deep breaths before nuzzling Violet gently, startng to move towards Garador. His head low he aproaches the griffin carefully.
  133. [2012-07-10 20:04:38] <DontAskForCookies> The guard looks past Gizmo into the shop at the others, "Well really I was sent to get the one who was asking for him, and im guessing that was you from the discription. But he said anypony ells from your group was envited as well. Oh and your freind from the clinic will be there as well"
  134. [2012-07-10 20:04:56] * Violet watches him for a few seconds smiling before heading off to the bathroom to clean herself off.
  135. [2012-07-10 20:05:02] * Trefoil is brushied!
  136. [2012-07-10 20:05:20] * Gizmo nods. "hey, if anypony wants to join, I'm going to the sherifs office to talk to him about the Mirelurks. Anypony commin'?"
  137. [2012-07-10 20:05:37] * Garador is seated down, so he's more or less at Puzzler's level.
  138. [2012-07-10 20:05:39] <Steel_Innocence> "Oh!"
  139. [2012-07-10 20:05:48] <Garador> "Go ahead."
  140. [2012-07-10 20:06:11] * Steel_Innocence finishes Trefoil's twin bun and gallops after Gizmo.
  141. [2012-07-10 20:06:33] <DontAskForCookies> Pebbles silently leads Hospice out of the clinic and to the sherifs office, opening the door and allowing her to enter first. Pointing inside Pebble slimes, "You can waint out front in the loby while I go tell the sherif your here, ok?"
  142. [2012-07-10 20:07:19] * Gizmo starts to trot out with Steel in tow. "lead the way." He says to the gaurd
  143. [2012-07-10 20:07:25] -->| H0spice ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  144. [2012-07-10 20:07:26] * Puzzler dosn't look up at the Griffin. His wings flapping nervously as he aproaches. "Uh.. G-garador? I..." He sits down, looking up at Garador, his eyes are tearing up a little. "I can't fly, p-p-please teach me.. I-I feel like such a usless excuse for a pegasus..." he mumles the last part, looking away.
  145. [2012-07-10 20:07:26] * Trefoil leaps into action, "me!"
  146. [2012-07-10 20:07:30] <Trefoil> "I'm comin'!"
  147. [2012-07-10 20:08:06] |<-- Hospice has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  148. [2012-07-10 20:08:06] * Trefoil leaps over Puzzler and Garador, galloping after Steel and Gizmo.
  149. [2012-07-10 20:08:15] <Garador> "Puzzler, look at me."
  150. [2012-07-10 20:08:25] * Trefoil is majestic as fuck
  151. [2012-07-10 20:09:06] * Garador ignores Trefoil.
  152. [2012-07-10 20:09:21] * Gizmo looks at Tre." Looks nice."
  153. [2012-07-10 20:09:49] * Puzzler looks of the side for another few seconds before slowly, moving his gaze towards the griffin. he trembles sightly. not sure why himself. His eyes are wet with tears. "I just want to..." He trails off.
  154. [2012-07-10 20:10:04] <DontAskForCookies> The guard at the door takes a few steps back to make room for all the ponies volenteering to exit the shop, his eyes wide in surprise. "I have never seen so many ponies ready to go talk about mirelurks, you sure your all from a cushy stable?"
  155. [2012-07-10 20:10:23] * Trefoil skids into a canter, tossing her head as if the mane wasn't tied up, "Thanks. Steel did a great job with it!"
  156. [2012-07-10 20:10:50] <Trefoil> "Yeah, but we gotta buncha wanna be martyrs."
  157. [2012-07-10 20:11:06] * Gizmo chuckles. "Yeah, just dont call it cushy, some of us didnt live easy."
  158. [2012-07-10 20:11:44] * Violet trots out of the bathroom with her dress folded up on her back, and her mane unbraided and a knotted mess. she trots over to Steel_Innocence and Trefoil "Um...Steel? May I borrow your brush when you're done?"
  159. [2012-07-10 20:11:48] <Garador> "You want me to teach you how to fly, then show me you mean it. Eye contact, firm voice."
  160. [2012-07-10 20:11:53] =-= H0spice is now known as Hospice
  161. [2012-07-10 20:11:57] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v Hospice by Violet
  162. [2012-07-10 20:11:58] <DontAskForCookies> The door to the sherifs station closes behind Hospice, but not before she could hear the two guards out front begin a wispered conversation. Pebbles steps through a doorway deeper into the office to fetch the sherif"
  163. [2012-07-10 20:12:05] * Steel_Innocence smiles, turning to the guard. "The stable isn't cushy, it is hard and cold, but there are the bedrooms were cushy, but the beds were a little small, but I'm a big pony..."
  164. [2012-07-10 20:12:11] * Hospice strained to try to hear the guards.
  165. [2012-07-10 20:13:33] <DontAskForCookies> The guard nods slowly as his eyes follow each pony in kind as they speak, "ok then, well if you will follow me the sherif is waiting with your freind". With this the yellow unicorn turns and leads the group in the direction of the sherifs office.
  166. [2012-07-10 20:14:34] * Violet sighs and trots into the APC to get her equipment on.
  167. [2012-07-10 20:15:01] * Gizmo follows the guard, looking at Tre. "Yeah, seems the only two ponies who ran from the group are gonna be working together." He says with a chuckle.
  168. [2012-07-10 20:15:35] * Puzzler swallows hard, he blinks the tears out of his eyes as he meets the gaze of Garador. "G-" he stops, taking another deep breath, his eyes suddenly full of determination. "Garador, I want to you to teach me how to fly. I don't want to feel useless anymore!" he nearly shouts at the griffin. Trembling as he says it. Keeping his gaze locked at the griffin he flaps his wings twice, twitching nervously.
  169. [2012-07-10 20:16:55] * Garador eyes him for a few seconds before cracking a warm smile. "That's how you get results the griffin way. When do you want to start?"
  170. [2012-07-10 20:17:31] <DontAskForCookies> Straining her ears a bit Hospice is able to catch a few bits of the conversation. "-ant belive she got one of those things", "-w did he even get in the wat-", "-me sort of deal or someth-", "-ayor is going to be pissed off with h-"
  171. [2012-07-10 20:17:34] * Steel_Innocence trots after the group. "I didn't run, but I can run. Running is nice. Can I go to? I have to go because the evil bugs are doing evil things and that is very bad."
  172. [2012-07-10 20:17:49] * Hospice is too oblivious to understand something is strange.
  173. [2012-07-10 20:18:08] * Gizmo smiles at Steel. "Sure Steel, let's crush these bugs!"
  174. [2012-07-10 20:18:28] * Violet trots out of the APC, her armor and bandolier on and her mane still a knotted mess. she hurries to try and catch up with everpony else before she loses sight of them
  175. [2012-07-10 20:18:58] <DontAskForCookies> Pebbles sticks his head back into the lobby, calling out to hospice. "Hey, hes in his office and is ready to see you"
  176. [2012-07-10 20:19:16] * Hospice nodded and walked in.
  177. [2012-07-10 20:19:44] * Puzzler keeps his gaze locked firmly at Garador. He twitches again and blinks, surprised that it worked. "Uh.. I, I c-can just h-hover... I need to learn t-to fly properly.." He stands up and flies up infront of the griffin to show him. Floating gently a few yards above the ground, blushing slightly. "T- this is all I can do.." he hangs his head, ears dropping.
  178. [2012-07-10 20:20:34] <Garador> "Asked /when/ you wanted to start. Am I to take it you want to begin now?"
  179. [2012-07-10 20:20:59] <DontAskForCookies> Pebbles leads the way through the nearly empty office to the back, nocking on a wood door. From inside comes a gruff voice, "come in". Nodding pebble opens the door for Hospice, "After you!"
  180. [2012-07-10 20:21:02] <Trefoil> "We also fucked, so there's some heavy symbolisim there too Gizmo."
  181. [2012-07-10 20:21:07] <Trefoil> (belated reply is belated)
  182. [2012-07-10 20:21:48] * Gizmo sighes. "You keep saying weird things." He looks to the guard. "How much longer?"
  183. [2012-07-10 20:21:49] <Steel_Innocence> "Huh? Umm..."
  184. [2012-07-10 20:23:23] * Trefoil smiles up at Steel, "No need to run kiddo, we'll let the bugs come t'us, then show'em what for."
  185. [2012-07-10 20:23:29] * Violet catches up with the group going to the sheriffs office and trots at the back
  186. [2012-07-10 20:23:34] <DontAskForCookies> The guard turns a corner and looks back at them, "Not long now, its that building right at the end of the street across from brimstone"
  187. [2012-07-10 20:23:46] * Puzzler "I... " He mumbles. "Whenever you can, G-garador. P-please." he blushes and looks away for only a second before meeting the griffins gaze again. "Will you help me?"
  188. [2012-07-10 20:24:08] * Hospice nodded and walked in again.
  189. [2012-07-10 20:24:16] * Trefoil moves aside to accomodate Vi
  190. [2012-07-10 20:24:30] * Gizmo looks. "If you like we can go from here."
  191. [2012-07-10 20:24:49] * Garador huffs with a grin. "I already asked when you wanted to start. That should tell you something. We can start right now, if you'd like."
  192. [2012-07-10 20:25:17] * Violet smiles "Hi Tre."
  193. [2012-07-10 20:25:24] <DontAskForCookies> The office is actually somewhat nice, understated and plane but still nice. Its probably the cleanest room Hospice has seen on the outside of the stable yet. In the middle of the mostly wood panneled room was the sherif at a desk, a shotgun dismantled before him.
  194. [2012-07-10 20:25:51] * Puzzler just nods, landing from his hovering. "I- I'd like that." he says, swallowing hard again. His eyes filled with determination as he looks at the griffin.
  195. [2012-07-10 20:25:59] <DontAskForCookies> Looking up from the cleaning of the gun the sherif nods to pebble who shuts the door, "Come on in kid, want to thank you personally for saving one of my own"
  196. [2012-07-10 20:27:06] <Trefoil> Hey Vi. Go where from here Giz?"
  197. [2012-07-10 20:27:25] <DontAskForCookies> The guard shakes his head, "You need me to get past the guards, wont be long now". A few short moments later the group is lead into the lobby where they spot pebble exiting the back door into the same room as them, "Oh, its you. The sherif is back in his office now with your freind"
  198. [2012-07-10 20:27:25] <Trefoil> *"Hey Vi
  199. [2012-07-10 20:27:32] <Garador> "Alright!" He claps his claws together. "You can hover. That's one step down already." He stands up, heading out of the garage. "Can you glide?"
  200. [2012-07-10 20:27:32] * Steel_Innocence canters impatiently.
  201. [2012-07-10 20:28:00] * Trefoil follows the guard, trying to be polite as she can to the lot of them."
  202. [2012-07-10 20:28:01] * Violet scratches her knotted mane "Wait, our friend?"
  203. [2012-07-10 20:28:03] * Gizmo nods. "Hey Pebble." He says. "So we can go in right?"
  204. [2012-07-10 20:28:15] <Trefoil> "Bitchpisce kiddo."
  205. [2012-07-10 20:28:24] <Violet> "...Oh."
  206. [2012-07-10 20:28:56] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble gives Trefoil an odd look before nodding, "Sure thing, she and the sherif are just back this way if you will follow me"
  207. [2012-07-10 20:29:20] * Puzzler "O-oh! S-sure!" He flaps his ways as he follows Garador out the garage, gliding slowly dowards untill he lands next to the griffin.. He kicks a hoof. "T-thats all I can do.." he winces a little, not meeting Garadors gaze.
  208. [2012-07-10 20:29:22] <Trefoil> "Can do."
  209. [2012-07-10 20:29:26] * Gizmo smiles and follows Pebble.
  210. [2012-07-10 20:29:27] * Trefoil follows Pebble
  211. [2012-07-10 20:30:33] <Garador> "Ever try any higher? Say, from the top of the APC?"
  212. [2012-07-10 20:30:47] * Hospice gave the room a strange look. It was unbelievably clean. Just the way she liked it.
  213. [2012-07-10 20:31:01] <Hospice> "Y-yes. I maybe."
  214. [2012-07-10 20:31:06] <DontAskForCookies> Pebbles leads the group back to a wooden door and nocks, from inside the sherif calls out, "Busy! so unless its those ther stable sorts I dont want to see anypony right now!". Pebbles opens the door a crack and nods, "Its them sir". Turning Pebble opens the door for them to enter.
  215. [2012-07-10 20:31:43] * Gizmo goes into the office. "Hello Sir." He says kindly.
  216. [2012-07-10 20:31:57] * Trefoil enters afer Gizmo, trying to look cool in her new coat.
  217. [2012-07-10 20:32:15] * Violet trots into the office trying to be as inconspicuous as possible
  218. [2012-07-10 20:32:52] * Puzzler kicks a hoof again. Flicking his tail. "No..." he looks a little sad and his ears drop. "S-should I try that?"
  219. [2012-07-10 20:33:03] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble mouths the words good luck as soon as the ponies had entered and closes the door behind them.
  220. [2012-07-10 20:33:27] * Steel_Innocence trots into the office, chest high and serious looking. Probably the most guard-y she has looked so far.
  221. [2012-07-10 20:33:31] * Trefoil keeps her back straight and nods to the Sheriff, shielding Vi a little, but then Steel.
  222. [2012-07-10 20:34:46] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif tips his hat to the group and sets the rag he was using to clean the shotgun down on the table. "Glad you could all make it out to see me, I heard one of you was looking for me earlier today?"
  223. [2012-07-10 20:35:14] <Trefoil> "That'd be Giz there, Sheriff."
  224. [2012-07-10 20:35:18] * Gizmo looks to him. "Yes I was, I was wondering if we could deal with the Mirelurk problem your town seems to be having.
  225. [2012-07-10 20:35:23] * Violet hoped to run into the sheriff to talk about the mirelurk problem but didn't act on it
  226. [2012-07-10 20:35:48] * Garador nods. "We have to build you up to gliding higher and further first. When we get you gliding from two-story buildings, we can start going into actual flying. Turning, ascending, diving, maybe maneuvers."
  227. [2012-07-10 20:35:58] <Garador> "So give it a shot. Show me what you've got."
  228. [2012-07-10 20:36:47] <Trefoil> "Yeah, 'bout that. Seems like ol' Hospice got us involved in your problems."
  229. [2012-07-10 20:37:26] <Violet> "And because of that, I believe we deserve information on this problem of your."
  230. [2012-07-10 20:37:33] <Violet> "It already involves us after all."
  231. [2012-07-10 20:37:40] * Puzzler looks back, up at the roof of the garage. "F-from up there? S-sure!" He searches f or a way up on the roof.
  232. [2012-07-10 20:37:48] * Violet is peeking out from behind Trefoil's plot
  233. [2012-07-10 20:38:07] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif grunts as we walks over to a barred window overlooking the front entrance. "Well Im not the sort to ask for help but we sure could use it. Damn things have become a real menace to the folks around here, your freind was only the latest in a string of attacks. Shes lucky to be alive"
  234. [2012-07-10 20:38:08] <Garador> "No! Let's start with the APC first!"
  235. [2012-07-10 20:38:22] * Steel_Innocence nods silently
  236. [2012-07-10 20:38:35] <Garador> "Trust me, baby steps. You can't risk unnecessary injury in the Wasteland."
  237. [2012-07-10 20:38:37] * Trefoil agrees
  238. [2012-07-10 20:38:59] <Trefoil> "Yeah, she is..... so. What can we do to help?"
  239. [2012-07-10 20:40:07] * Gizmo nods. "Well, no offense to your town, but we're your best bet."
  240. [2012-07-10 20:40:41] * Puzzler "Oh!" He fidgets slightly before moving towards the APC. Climbing inside and up on the roof. "B-baby steps, right..." He swallows hard. Looking down at Garador from the top of the APC. "Here goes nothing.." He mumbles to himself and leaps of it, spreading his wings.
  241. [2012-07-10 20:40:55] * Violet nods "My spirit demands retribution for the attack on one of our number, and retribution for all the lives these mirelurks have taken."
  242. [2012-07-10 20:40:56] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif closes the blinds and turns to the group. "Well officially Im suppos to deny you any request to help out with it, the mayor didnt even want you to know about the damn things. But the point remains that will guards patrolling the walls, docs, and now half a dozen out with those two mares... well I need help"
  243. [2012-07-10 20:41:10] <Garador> "Go for it whenever you're ready. I'm here if anything happens."
  244. [2012-07-10 20:42:13] <Gizmo> "I suppose the previous ponies you sent were in fact the two form our stable?"
  245. [2012-07-10 20:42:17] <Violet> "I do not care what the mayor wants. I wish to help."
  246. [2012-07-10 20:42:43] * Steel_Innocence nods. "I want too. Those water bugs can't hurt ponied. They just can't!"
  247. [2012-07-10 20:42:47] * Violet edges around Trefoil and stands besides her
  248. [2012-07-10 20:43:26] * Hospice gave a weird look at the others. Just because she got mauled, it involved everyone? What surprising stable solidarity.
  249. [2012-07-10 20:43:43] * Trefoil nods, "She's a real pretty pony, but ya'll are spread to thin. We might not be yer best bet, but we're /a/ bet."
  250. [2012-07-10 20:44:00] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif shakes his head, "I honestly dont know what the mayor has your two stable mare freinds and my guards doing, but I think it has soemthing to do with our water problem. Point is that witch has left me spred thin, That pony that your freind here saved last night was out scouting the river looking for the dman things nests. My guess is that he found it"
  251. [2012-07-10 20:44:31] <Gizmo> "So we need to speak to him if he remembers anything?"
  252. [2012-07-10 20:44:34] * Puzzler glides off the APC, he floats down, stumbling as he lands next to Garador, stumbling slighlty sitting down next to the griffin. After a few trembling seconds he nods. "I- I think I c-can do this. T-teach me." he looks up at the griffin. Swallowing hard.
  253. [2012-07-10 20:44:38] <DontAskForCookies> "Unfortunatly He isnt in any state to tell us where it is"
  254. [2012-07-10 20:44:39] <Violet> "And perhaps we could work something out? We clear out this nest, in exchange...for a place to live."
  255. [2012-07-10 20:44:53] * Gizmo sighs. "Just as I thought
  256. [2012-07-10 20:44:54] <Steel_Innocence> "Hmph."
  257. [2012-07-10 20:45:03] <Hospice> " of /our/ number?"
  258. [2012-07-10 20:45:14] * Gizmo looks to Violet. "Wouldn't that be with the Mayor?"
  259. [2012-07-10 20:45:22] <Trefoil> "That'd count as a pretty big service, Giz."
  260. [2012-07-10 20:45:23] * Steel_Innocence looks up, down and all around.
  261. [2012-07-10 20:45:31] <Trefoil> "If we did this, I doubt the mare'd give us trouble."
  262. [2012-07-10 20:45:31] <Garador> "Nice job. You've got the gliding down, but let's work on the landing. After all, after you take off, you have to come back down, right? And you want to come down without hurting yourself. Land while bending at your knees. Helps with the impact. Try again."
  263. [2012-07-10 20:45:32] <Violet> "If the sheriff would vouch for us it would be a great boon."
  264. [2012-07-10 20:45:41] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif frown slightly as he shakes his head, "Unfrotunatly deals like that have to go through the mayor and since she isnt authorizing this... any deal we make is going to have to be off the books"
  265. [2012-07-10 20:45:47] * Trefoil pokes Steel with a hoof
  266. [2012-07-10 20:46:09] <Trefoil> "Hmpf. We ain't gonna do it for free, lawbuck, sorry. We gotta make a deal up front."
  267. [2012-07-10 20:46:10] <Violet> "The way I see it, The mayor does not have to know you sent us."
  268. [2012-07-10 20:46:18] <Violet> "We cleared out the nest, you found out."
  269. [2012-07-10 20:46:39] <Violet> "It is a simple solution."
  270. [2012-07-10 20:47:07] * Steel_Innocence turns to Trefoil. "Huh?"
  271. [2012-07-10 20:47:13] <Trefoil> "I agree with the smart filly. We happened upon it in our exp'ration, and solved you problem."
  272. [2012-07-10 20:47:13] <Gizmo> "Say we stumbled apon it
  273. [2012-07-10 20:47:22] <Trefoil> *yo'
  274. [2012-07-10 20:47:25] * Puzzler nods. "R-right!" he slowly climps up into the APC again, up on the roof. Taking a deep breath. "Bend your knees as you land, relax.. Don't think, just do it..." He mumbles to himself, before flapping his wings, galloping of the APC and gliding down again.
  275. [2012-07-10 20:47:25] <Gizmo> upon*)
  276. [2012-07-10 20:47:45] * Trefoil forgot what she was going to tell Steel and just nods, "You ready to smash some bugs kiddo?"
  277. [2012-07-10 20:47:50] <Gizmo> "We clear it out and 'oh wow, the Stable ponies did something great!'
  278. [2012-07-10 20:47:57] * Trefoil glances at Hospice, "And how 'bout ya'll, doc?"
  279. [2012-07-10 20:48:06] <Violet> "Yes. I said this Gizmo."
  280. [2012-07-10 20:48:07] * Steel_Innocence nods. "Where are they?"
  281. [2012-07-10 20:48:09] <DontAskForCookies> "My thoughts exactly, You have the numbers for it and if we move you out of town on a boat she wont notice. Shes so focused on the damn APC you brought with you that she isnt even thinking about the docs. Now the real question is... what do you ponies want in exchange for this?"
  282. [2012-07-10 20:48:14] * Hospice gave another strange glance, "...yes, and what about me?"
  283. [2012-07-10 20:48:47] <DontAskForCookies> the sherif raises a hoof, "Dont worry, we will deal with you in a momment"
  284. [2012-07-10 20:48:49] <Violet> "You to vouch for us. We cannot live in our APC and under the gracious hospitality of Gider forever."
  285. [2012-07-10 20:48:51] * Steel_Innocence blinks. "Umm... what I want?"
  286. [2012-07-10 20:49:08] <Violet> (Girder*)
  287. [2012-07-10 20:49:13] <DontAskForCookies> "Yes, I didnt think you would do it for free"
  288. [2012-07-10 20:49:21] * Puzzler stumbles again as he lands, panicing slightly just as he lands he sways about. "S-sorry.." he mumbles. The landing not pretty but atleast he didnt flop down on his haunces this time.
  289. [2012-07-10 20:49:45] <Steel_Innocence> "Do we get munny thingies?"
  290. [2012-07-10 20:49:57] <Garador> "It's alright. We're practicing under controlled conditions. We make mistakes now to learn from them and avoid making them in the real world."
  291. [2012-07-10 20:50:04] <Garador> "Give it another go."
  292. [2012-07-10 20:50:08] * Trefoil shrugs and let the rest make their demands first, "An' I'd appreciate some cash, for expenses, and maybe a lil' somethin' to beef up our firepower?"
  293. [2012-07-10 20:51:06] * Trefoil moves her coat back to show of the paucity of her personal armaments
  294. [2012-07-10 20:51:09] * Puzzler nods. "Sure!" he moves up towards the APC's roof again. Taking a step back before leaping off it. Flaping his wings and gliding down.
  295. [2012-07-10 20:51:14] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif strokes his chin, "We have limited funding but Im sure we could work something out. And as for firepower, I could see that a few choice items go missing from our armory"
  296. [2012-07-10 20:51:30] * Steel_Innocence frowns at the word 'beef'.
  297. [2012-07-10 20:51:35] * Violet nods
  298. [2012-07-10 20:51:46] * Trefoil grins wide at the Sheriff, "I 'ppreciate yo' helpin' us poor, strugglin' ponies out, sir."
  299. [2012-07-10 20:52:40] * Puzzler lands gently, gliding a good few yards longer then he did the earlier atempts. He can't help but grinning. "I.. I did it!" He smiles wider, turning to Garador.
  300. [2012-07-10 20:52:50] <DontAskForCookies> Moving to his desk the sherif sits and nods, "How dose 250 caps and a donation of ammo and firearms from the armory sound to you for payment?"
  301. [2012-07-10 20:52:51] * Gizmo looks to the Sheriff. "Well as Violet said, if we can secure some sort of abode here."
  302. [2012-07-10 20:53:12] <DontAskForCookies> "Sorry kid, again, thats the mayors job and she isnt part of this deal"
  303. [2012-07-10 20:53:19] <Garador> "Yeah, you got it, kid. I want you to try again to make sure you nailed it, okay?"
  304. [2012-07-10 20:53:41] * Gizmo nods. "Yes, that sounds fine, your payment now and hopefully we can talk to the mayor after
  305. [2012-07-10 20:53:46] <Violet> "You are ignoring me, Sheriff?"
  306. [2012-07-10 20:54:06] * Steel_Innocence thinks. 250 is a big number. She could get many the tasty things and nice things. She nods "It is nice."
  307. [2012-07-10 20:54:10] * Trefoil pushes Vi forward a little with a telekinetic nudge
  308. [2012-07-10 20:54:39] * Trefoil nods, "Good enough up front, I think, and maybe an appropriately su'prised an' enthusastic endorsement to tha mare?"
  309. [2012-07-10 20:54:42] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif lifts a brow at Violet, "Sorry, Im a bit hard of hearing in one ear. did you say something?"
  310. [2012-07-10 20:54:59] * Puzzler slumps slightly. "Oh...S-sure.." He climps up t he APC yet again. Concentrating really hard before leaping off it, he calms himself just as he goes airborn. Spreading his wings he floats down the APC.
  311. [2012-07-10 20:55:10] <Violet> "The mayor need not know about this deal at all! We simply stumbled upon the nest and cleared it-" She pushed forward a little "We cleared it out, and you learned of our actions later. All you need to do is 'vouch' for our actions to 'unwittingly' help your town."
  312. [2012-07-10 20:55:26] <Trefoil> "Ayup."
  313. [2012-07-10 20:55:27] * Puzzler gently lands next to Garador. "I-I think I got it..." He mumbles as he lands.
  314. [2012-07-10 20:55:37] * Trefoil is pacing a little at the thought of getting into the armory.
  315. [2012-07-10 20:56:03] * Steel_Innocence blinks puzzled at all the Violet's big words.
  316. [2012-07-10 20:56:32] <Garador> "Then let's kick it up a notch..."
  317. [2012-07-10 20:56:34] * Trefoil notices Steel's confusion and whispers a translation
  318. [2012-07-10 20:56:43] |<-- Garador has left (Connection closed)
  319. [2012-07-10 20:56:50] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif grins, "Sounds like a mighty fine deal, you get recomendations, caps, and weapons, I get a town free from those damn hard shelled bastards!"
  320. [2012-07-10 20:57:05] * Gizmo smiles. "Sounds good."
  321. [2012-07-10 20:57:13] * Violet nods "Exactly."
  322. [2012-07-10 20:57:27] <Trefoil> "We pretend we ain't helpin' the Sheriff, then we stomp the bugs, an' he congratulates us in fronta tha mare like he didn' send us."
  323. [2012-07-10 20:57:46] * Hospice frowned. She personally doubted the group's ability to tackle an entire nest, but she stayed silent. After all, she probably wasn't faster than a Mirelurk, but she was certainly a faster trotter than most of the rest of the party.
  324. [2012-07-10 20:58:01] <Steel_Innocence> "Oh! Why the mayor doesn't want us to smash the evil bugs?"
  325. [2012-07-10 20:58:58] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif looks to steel, "becouse she wants you safe, safe and happy so she can butter you up and get that APC of yours"
  326. [2012-07-10 20:59:08] <Trefoil> "'cause she wants her ponies to do it, but they can't 'cause she sent them off."
  327. [2012-07-10 20:59:30] <DontAskForCookies> Opening a drawr the sherif pulls out a sheet of paper and unrolls it on the desk, revealing it to be a map. Pointing to a bend in the river just north of town the sherif looks up at them, "Now best as i can tell my boy was searching this area last night, if he did find the nest then it has to be around here"
  328. [2012-07-10 20:59:58] * Trefoil steps forward to examine the map.
  329. [2012-07-10 21:00:07] * Steel_Innocence blinks. "Butter is not for ponies, butter is for tasty things."
  330. [2012-07-10 21:00:26] * Violet stands up to see the map
  331. [2012-07-10 21:00:36] <DontAskForCookies> "There are to many of the Mirelurks to clear them all out from the river but if you destroy the nest they should move on farther south away from town". The sherif either didnt hear Steel or continues to ignore her.
  332. [2012-07-10 21:01:06] * Gizmo nods. "So what, smash thier eggs or collapse a cave if they are in one?"
  333. [2012-07-10 21:01:30] <Trefoil> "Like these crab things! Butter n'mirelurk.... sounds.... good?"
  334. [2012-07-10 21:01:36] * Violet scratches her knotted mane "We would need explosives to collapse the nest."
  335. [2012-07-10 21:01:45] * Trefoil 's grin widens
  336. [2012-07-10 21:02:04] <Trefoil> "/Explosives/ you say? Why Vi, that's the smartest thing you've said t'day!"
  337. [2012-07-10 21:02:25] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif nods, "Whatever it takes kid, just make sure they are gone for good. Dont want them coming back in a week or two now do we? Now I got a guard ready to take you out in a boat to search for the nest whenever you are ready"
  338. [2012-07-10 21:02:33] * Puzzler moves outside the togehter with Garador, next step being the rooftop of the garage.. He looks around a little, looking for a way up to the roof.
  339. [2012-07-10 21:02:46] * Violet snorts "Of course you would enjoy that idea Tre."
  340. [2012-07-10 21:03:05] <Trefoil> "Very, very much. He'll take us by your armory, sir?"
  341. [2012-07-10 21:03:46] * Gizmo gets up. "Well we'll get supplied from the armory, and leave." He looks to Tre. "DOn't take too much. he said a few gone missing. not the whole armory stolen."
  342. [2012-07-10 21:04:49] * Violet chuckles "We also have two others we need to fetch before we leave."
  343. [2012-07-10 21:04:49] * Steel_Innocence 's eyes start to shift all around again. "Umm... Gizmo, you had a bug tasty thing, right?"
  344. [2012-07-10 21:05:02] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif strokes his chin, "Well I dont mind giving you some ammo and a satchle or two of explosives to get the job done, but your going to have to wait till the nest is taken care of to collect on teh rest of it"
  345. [2012-07-10 21:05:05] * Gizmo nods. "Yes, but this might taste differant."
  346. [2012-07-10 21:05:27] * Violet nods "This is understandable."
  347. [2012-07-10 21:05:34] * Violet looks at Gizmo "Um, Giz?"
  348. [2012-07-10 21:05:57] * Gizmo looks back. "Yes?"
  349. [2012-07-10 21:06:01] <Violet> "You said you would obtain some ammunition for me, correct?"
  350. [2012-07-10 21:06:19] <Trefoil> "I can't carry the whole armory, smartass."
  351. [2012-07-10 21:06:22] * Gizmo nods. "Yeah Ive got shells for your shotgun and ammo for your pistol."
  352. [2012-07-10 21:06:39] * Gizmo looks to Tre. "I wouldnt be surprised if you tricked Steel into carrying it."
  353. [2012-07-10 21:06:40] * Steel_Innocence nods. "Oh. It's okay. But maybe I can do a tasty thing too... with, eh... bugs? Eww..." She looks out of the window. "No, I have to do it."
  354. [2012-07-10 21:06:55] * Violet smiles and goes back down to all fours and trots over to Gizmo giving him a quick hug "Thank you very much."
  355. [2012-07-10 21:06:59] <Trefoil> "It'll taste great, I bet Steel."
  356. [2012-07-10 21:07:19] * Trefoil nods, "Alright. Coupla bricksa C4 and some 10mm ammo for me."
  357. [2012-07-10 21:07:28] * Steel_Innocence nod-nods, lightening up in face of the challenge.
  358. [2012-07-10 21:07:34] * Hospice sighed. I stopped by the general store to buy actual ammo for the new pistol I found, but some horrible pony bought all of the energy cells.
  359. [2012-07-10 21:07:36] * Gizmo awkwardly hugs back. "You're welcome?"
  360. [2012-07-10 21:07:42] <Hospice> ^ (pretend there were ""s)
  361. [2012-07-10 21:07:50] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif picks up his rag again and sprays the shotgun down with some sort of cleaner, "Well whenever your ready pebble will take you by the armory and then meet you at the doc. Ill send word ahead about what your permited to obtain for now"
  362. [2012-07-10 21:07:53] * Gizmo chuckles. "Umm Hospice. That was me."
  363. [2012-07-10 21:08:23] * Gizmo hoofs Violet her ammo then looks to Hospice. "How much you need?"
  364. [2012-07-10 21:08:31] <DontAskForCookies> "Oh yes, before you go... you, the one who saved the guard, hospice was it?
  365. [2012-07-10 21:08:55] * Hospice was almost about to scream at the absurdity of Gizmo's comment before the sheriff interrupted her. "Um...yes...?"
  366. [2012-07-10 21:09:10] * Violet smiles and makes sure her two 10mm magazines will filled then starts sticking shells into her bandolier
  367. [2012-07-10 21:09:11] <Trefoil> "Yep, her."
  368. [2012-07-10 21:09:28] * Trefoil trots to follow Pebble to the armory. Explosives! Yay! Real explosives!
  369. [2012-07-10 21:09:49] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif puts the rag back down and retreaves a small package from under the desk and slides it across to her, "A payment for saving one of my gurads lives. The least I can do"
  370. [2012-07-10 21:11:02] * Gizmo starts to trot to the armory with Trefoil. "I need .22 for my new pistol."
  371. [2012-07-10 21:11:03] <DontAskForCookies> Inside the box is the plasma pistol she had used last night, along with 30 peices of ammo for it
  372. [2012-07-10 21:11:19] * Steel_Innocence looks at the friends preparing their weapons and looks reluctant for a moment, but quickly shrug it off. "It's just bugs..."
  373. [2012-07-10 21:11:21] * Violet follows Trefoil to the armory, looking over herself, making her weapons were loaded and she had everything she needed
  374. [2012-07-10 21:11:30] * Puzzler climps up on the roof, finding a way... Somehow. He stands on top of it, spreading his wings, looking down. This drop would hurt if he didnt manage...
  375. [2012-07-10 21:12:01] * Steel_Innocence follows the other ponies to the armory, just because they all went there, so maybe there is something nice.
  376. [2012-07-10 21:12:11] * Trefoil has her 10mm in it's holster, frags on one side and CS on the other, single spare magazine in the two pocket pouch.
  377. [2012-07-10 21:12:17] * Steel_Innocence ...whatever an armory is.
  378. [2012-07-10 21:13:31] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble has a few words with the guard stationed at the door to the armory before turning to the group, "So, what sort of weapons do you have?"
  379. [2012-07-10 21:13:45] * Puzzler takes a few steps back. Swallowing deeply before gallowping forward, jumping of the roof of the garage.
  380. [2012-07-10 21:13:45] * Hospice gave a very strange stare at the sheriff. "Oh. Oh. Thanks. I mean, uh. Thanks."
  381. [2012-07-10 21:14:02] <Trefoil> "10mm pistol and muh grenade chuckin' skills. Need more'n a frag to bring down a cave though, kiddo."
  382. [2012-07-10 21:14:15] <Gizmo> ".22 pistol and a laser pistol" Gizmo says,
  383. [2012-07-10 21:14:23] * Steel_Innocence looks at her hooves. "Umm... I don't have hurty things."
  384. [2012-07-10 21:14:24] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif nods and tips his hat to her, "I saw what you did with it, your a good shot. At close range anyhoof"
  385. [2012-07-10 21:15:18] * Trefoil nods to herself, "I'll need C4 or dynamite to bring down a cave, prob'ly C4 thanks ta local geology and prob'ble size."
  386. [2012-07-10 21:16:04] <Violet> "A 20 gauge shotgun and a 10mm pistol."
  387. [2012-07-10 21:16:26] <Trefoil> "...collapsin' a Celestia damned cave!"
  388. [2012-07-10 21:17:06] * Gizmo hmms. "Mirelurks are water based right? Do we have any electrical weapons?"
  389. [2012-07-10 21:17:24] <Gizmo> "Tasers, electric batons. Anything like that?"
  390. [2012-07-10 21:17:25] <DontAskForCookies> Pebbles nods and trots past the guard into the armory.
  391. [2012-07-10 21:17:36] <Trefoil> "Yeah, I got a baton. Broken though."
  392. [2012-07-10 21:17:45] * Trefoil glares at the missing Hospice.
  393. [2012-07-10 21:17:52] * Violet tilts her head "I head about enchanted ammunition that was made...I wonder if there are any electricity enchanted ones."
  394. [2012-07-10 21:18:56] * Trefoil looks over at Gizmo, "Think ya can fix it, Giz? Probably just a loose wire or summin'."
  395. [2012-07-10 21:19:02] * Puzzler feels the wind under his wings, slowly floating down towards the ground. He stumbles as he lands, nearly faceplanting. Enjoying every second of being airborn.
  396. [2012-07-10 21:19:44] * Gizmo nods. "Most likely. But it might be somehting differant." He looks to Steel. "Steel, Would you mind using the sparky stick if i fix it? only on the bad bugs."
  397. [2012-07-10 21:20:40] * Steel_Innocence looks down. "Umm... it makes ouchies on my nose."
  398. [2012-07-10 21:21:04] * Trefoil roots around in her armor for the broken baton, "I toldja not to touch it kiddo."
  399. [2012-07-10 21:21:06] * Hospice gave a strange tilt. "Um...wait, you saw me? I didn't remember getting any help..."
  400. [2012-07-10 21:21:34] * Gizmo looks to her. "Well, Steel, I could make it so the sparky hurty side wont come near you. You would only need to jab the bad bugs."
  401. [2012-07-10 21:22:09] * Trefoil floats it over to Gizmo
  402. [2012-07-10 21:22:12] <Trefoil> "Have at it."
  403. [2012-07-10 21:22:40] * Steel_Innocence shrinks a little. "...umm... do I have to?"
  404. [2012-07-10 21:22:54] <Trefoil> "Kiddo, ya ain't gonna wanna buck these critters."
  405. [2012-07-10 21:23:09] * Gizmo shakes his head. "Not if you dont want to. It'd just be easier to take them down."
  406. [2012-07-10 21:23:17] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif shakes his head slowly, "You misunderstand, I saw the aftermath. You left that thing full or more holes than meat. Really did a number on it"
  407. [2012-07-10 21:23:22] * Violet looks over at the others "I believe I will go and get Puzzler and Garador. Meet you at the docks?"
  408. [2012-07-10 21:23:32] * Gizmo takes the baton and starts to examine it
  409. [2012-07-10 21:24:41] <Trefoil> "Yeah Vi, we'll meetcha there."
  410. [2012-07-10 21:24:58] <DontAskForCookies> pebbles soon walks back out of the armory with a large duffle bag. Setting it down at the groups hooves he smiles. "Got the gear you folks need for our outing!"
  411. [2012-07-10 21:25:06] * Violet trots out of the sheriff's office and heads back to Girder's garage, trying to untangle her mane with her tail with little success.
  412. [2012-07-10 21:25:09] * Hospice gave a sigh of relief. "Oh. I see. I was just imaginging a bunch of ponies laughing while I got eaten by a giant bug. But that sounds better."
  413. [2012-07-10 21:25:52] * Puzzler climbs up to the rooftop again to try to glide of it again. He is trembles and shakes, standing at the edge looking down.
  414. [2012-07-10 21:25:53] <Steel_Innocence> "But I'm a big pony, Trefoil. Look." She smashes her hooves on the ground a couple times.
  415. [2012-07-10 21:26:26] <Steel_Innocence> "I can smash bugs."
  416. [2012-07-10 21:26:36] * Trefoil nods in agreement; Steel is a very big pony, "Yeah darlin', but did you see how big the bug thingies were? Huuuge, and fulla big heavy armor."
  417. [2012-07-10 21:26:44] * Gizmo smiles as he starts to fix up the baton, getting it working. "Got it." he says. he looks to Steel. "I'll use it incase i run out of ammo then."
  418. [2012-07-10 21:27:01] <DontAskForCookies> The sherif glances at the door, "now not to rush you miss but I think you need to be catching up with your freinds. They are going to be needing a shot like you and im fairly busy"
  419. [2012-07-10 21:27:12] * Trefoil nods, "Alright, sure, yeah. I want it back when we're finished though, that thing kicks flank."
  420. [2012-07-10 21:27:31] * Trefoil trots to the duffle bag and roots for her ammo/charges
  421. [2012-07-10 21:29:04] <DontAskForCookies> Inside the bag is three 10mm magazines, 50 10mm rounds, 15 20guage shotgun shells, 25 .22 rounds, a pair of brass horse shoes, 8 sticks of dynamite, 3 land mines
  422. [2012-07-10 21:29:12] * Hospice nodded and dashed out of the door to meet everyone else.
  423. [2012-07-10 21:29:29] * Puzzler leaps of the roof yet again, gliding down slowly. He flaps his wings a few times, managing to get even further then last time he tried it. Landing a good pace infront of the garage.
  424. [2012-07-10 21:29:33] <DontAskForCookies> and 20 peices of magic pistol ammo
  425. [2012-07-10 21:29:38] * Gizmo smiles as he grabs the .22 rounds. "Hey Steel, we've got stuff for you in here too."
  426. [2012-07-10 21:29:39] * Violet trots into Girder's garage looking around for Puzzler and Garador
  427. [2012-07-10 21:30:34] * Trefoil snatches herself some dynamite, mines, an extra mag, and half the 10mm ammo.
  428. [2012-07-10 21:30:39] <Steel_Innocence> "Huh?" she trots closer to Gizmo. "A gift?" She smiles
  429. [2012-07-10 21:30:57] <Trefoil> "Yeah, some pretty shoes kiddo."
  430. [2012-07-10 21:31:10] * Gizmo pulls out the brass horse shoes. "yeah. New shoes. made for crushing bugs."
  431. [2012-07-10 21:31:24] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble nods, "Yup, hope this is enough to get you ready for the trip. Now if you will excuse me I have to get the boat ready"
  432. [2012-07-10 21:31:32] <DontAskForCookies> With that Pebble begins to trot away
  433. [2012-07-10 21:32:48] * Gizmo looks to Trefoil. "Actually, have the Baton. I was only gonna use it on the pools of water really. It would fry any Lurks in them."
  434. [2012-07-10 21:32:58] * Violet heads farther into Girder's garage looking around "Puzzle? Garador? You around?"
  435. [2012-07-10 21:32:58] <DontAskForCookies> The brass horse shoes have faded but still visible writing etched into them
  436. [2012-07-10 21:33:08] * Hospice arrived in the garage. "Uh, what is everypony crowding around?"
  437. [2012-07-10 21:33:15] * Puzzler sees Violet trot inside the garage as he floats down from it. He blushes, looking over at Garador for a second before moving inside the garage himself. Silently hovering towards Violet, wrapping his forhooves in a hug around her. "T-thank you!" He whispers.
  438. [2012-07-10 21:33:18] <Trefoil> "You've already nicknamed them?"
  439. [2012-07-10 21:33:20] <Steel_Innocence> "Oh, shoes?" She takes a closer look. "Oh, they look nice. Like the miss Bolts... everything, but another color."
  440. [2012-07-10 21:33:36] * Trefoil takes the baton back and holsters it, "Ain't a bad idea though."
  441. [2012-07-10 21:33:43] <Gizmo> "Mirelurks. shortening them."
  442. [2012-07-10 21:33:58] <Trefoil> "Ammo, Hospice. I figured that out, thanks, for telling me though."
  443. [2012-07-10 21:34:01] * Violet eeps and looks up "Puzzler! You startled me! What are you thanking me for?"
  444. [2012-07-10 21:34:30] * Gizmo picks up the ammo for his laser pistol and looks to Hospice. "Here, have some." He say giving the 20 rounds to her."
  445. [2012-07-10 21:34:43] <DontAskForCookies> One of the horse shoes reads "Love", the other one, "Tolerance"
  446. [2012-07-10 21:35:10] * Puzzler lands, hugging Violet for another few seconds. He blushes slightly. "F-for asking Garador.." He mumbles, looking at her. He kicks a hoof nervously. "H-he has promised to help me."
  447. [2012-07-10 21:35:40] * Violet giggles "That's wonderful Puzzle!"
  448. [2012-07-10 21:35:55] <Violet> "I came to get you two. We're about to head out."
  449. [2012-07-10 21:36:18] * Steel_Innocence tries the horseshoes, posing for the other ponies. "What do I look like?"
  450. [2012-07-10 21:36:20] * Puzzler leans in. About to nuzzle Violet before stopping himself. "O-oh! Where are we going?"
  451. [2012-07-10 21:36:41] <DontAskForCookies> (retcon, they say "Love" and "Tolerate")
  452. [2012-07-10 21:36:45] * Trefoil gives her a hooves up, "Looks pretty good Steel! Ready to stomp some mean bugs!"
  453. [2012-07-10 21:36:55] * Gizmo smiles. "Perfect."
  454. [2012-07-10 21:36:55] * Steel_Innocence nod-nods.
  455. [2012-07-10 21:37:10] * Violet takes advantage of Puzzler's hesitation to nuzzle him "We are going to clear out the mirelurk nest so they will not hurt any more ponies."
  456. [2012-07-10 21:38:20] * Puzzler blushes as he is nuzzles. He twitches a little and takes a step back, looking at Violet with concern. "H-how can I help?" He looks down at his hooves. "I.. Dont even have a weapon." He mumbles.
  457. [2012-07-10 21:38:20] <Trefoil> "Ready to head on down to the docks then?"
  458. [2012-07-10 21:38:35] <Puzzler> nuzzled*
  459. [2012-07-10 21:38:36] * Trefoil pockets the two other mags and ammo, and shotgun shells to give Vi.
  460. [2012-07-10 21:39:07] * Gizmo nods. "I am."
  461. [2012-07-10 21:39:20] <Trefoil> "Alright. Steel?"
  462. [2012-07-10 21:39:56] <Violet> "You don't give yourself enough credit, Puzzler. You are more useful than you realize." She pulls out her 10mm pistol and holds it out to him with her mouth "If you want, you can take this for self defense."
  463. [2012-07-10 21:39:58] * Steel_Innocence nod-nods again. "Let's go!"
  464. [2012-07-10 21:40:26] * Trefoil leads off at the trot.
  465. [2012-07-10 21:41:08] * Gizmo starts trotting behind them. "Come on Hospice."
  466. [2012-07-10 21:41:15] * Puzzler takes a step back. His eyes widen as he looks over the weapon. "I- B-but what w-would you use?" he stutters. "I-I dont want to get hurt."
  467. [2012-07-10 21:41:19] * Hospice just reached the garage as people started leaving. "W-wait, what just happened?"
  468. [2012-07-10 21:41:37] <Violet> "I have Sky Splitter, and I will do everything I can to protect you."
  469. [2012-07-10 21:41:39] <Gizmo> (look back, Gizmo gave you ammo)
  470. [2012-07-10 21:42:11] * Trefoil has even more ammo for Vi
  471. [2012-07-10 21:42:16] * Steel_Innocence follows. "We are going to smash the evil bugs and now I have nice shoes."
  472. [2012-07-10 21:42:54] * Puzzler eyes the weapon again. "I-Ill give it b-back after we are d-done with this... J-just for proctection." He nods, nuzzling Violet whiles blushing up to his ears. Taking the weapon from her.
  473. [2012-07-10 21:43:12] =-= Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Eating[A]
  474. [2012-07-10 21:43:33] * Violet smiles and nuzzles him back. She pulls out her extra magazine and gives it to him as well "Here."
  475. [2012-07-10 21:43:58] * Trefoil makes for the dock
  476. [2012-07-10 21:44:25] * Violet leaves Girder's garage with Puzzler and Garador in tow
  477. [2012-07-10 21:47:01] * Trefoil settles her helmet ontop of her newly done mane.
  478. [2012-07-10 21:48:37] * Steel_Innocence switches her nicey coat for her guard armor, to do the guardy things.
  479. [2012-07-10 21:49:22] * Trefoil throws the coat into the APC and pulls down her tarp/blanket poncho
  480. [2012-07-10 21:51:05] * Trefoil meets up with Vi and hoofs over the 20 Shotgun shells plus 12 10mm rounds with a smile, "Now we just gotta not use all this up killin' Mirelurks."
  481. [2012-07-10 21:51:25] |<-- Hospice has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  482. [2012-07-10 21:51:35] * Gizmo looks to them. "Aim at the face. It's the only not armored part.
  483. [2012-07-10 21:51:49] * Violet smiles and pockets the shells and ammo "Indeed." She looks over at Steel_Innocence "May I borrow your brush?"
  484. [2012-07-10 21:52:37] * Puzzler follows Violet, he puts the gun in its holster nervously as he hovers after the mare. "M-mirelurks? W-where can we find t-them?"
  485. [2012-07-10 21:52:47] <Trefoil> "let'er brush ya Vi, it feels great!"
  486. [2012-07-10 21:52:55] * Trefoil indicates her mostly hidden buns
  487. [2012-07-10 21:53:10] * Violet shrugs "I would just like to get my mane untangled. I do not care how it happens."
  488. [2012-07-10 21:53:44] <Steel_Innocence> "Oh!" She swiftly takes the brushie out of her bags. "I can do that too, if you want." She looks at Violet with pleading eyes.
  489. [2012-07-10 21:53:58] * Trefoil nods, "Just let'er do it..."
  490. [2012-07-10 21:54:06] * Violet smiles and sits down "Oh fine, you may."
  491. [2012-07-10 21:54:32] * Gizmo chuckles. "After that guys we need to get moving."
  492. [2012-07-10 21:54:47] * Trefoil is already headed to the door
  493. [2012-07-10 21:54:53] <Trefoil> "I'll meet ya'll at the boat."
  494. [2012-07-10 21:54:57] -->| Hospice ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  495. [2012-07-10 21:55:18] * Gizmo follows after Trefoil. "Wait for me." He says smiling next to her.
  496. [2012-07-10 21:55:20] * Violet nods "Alright. We will meet you there."
  497. [2012-07-10 21:55:27] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v Hospice by Violet
  498. [2012-07-10 21:56:05] * Trefoil grimaces, "You're god damn cheerful. Sure you don't remember us goin' at it this mornin'?"
  499. [2012-07-10 21:56:22] * Steel_Innocence snuggles around Violet for brushies.
  500. [2012-07-10 21:57:18] * Violet smiles and accepts the brushies happily.
  501. [2012-07-10 21:57:34] * Gizmo gives her another odd look. "I really dont know anything about whatever you're saying."
  502. [2012-07-10 21:58:18] * Trefoil doesn't really care, but keeps chattering, "Ya ain't half bad. Enthusiastic, angry, called me Hospice a few times and I ain't gonna even touch /that/."
  503. [2012-07-10 21:58:28] * Steel_Innocence carefully clear Violet's mane from tangles. "Do you want a ball mane like Trefoil?"
  504. [2012-07-10 21:59:10] * Gizmo starts getting a little pissed. "What the fuck are you saying?"
  505. [2012-07-10 21:59:15] * Violet shakes her head slightly so to not disrupt the brushies "No, just braided like it usually it if you don't mind."
  506. [2012-07-10 21:59:42] * Trefoil shrugs, "That we had some /very/ angry sex 'fore noon."
  507. [2012-07-10 21:59:51] <Trefoil> *angry drunk sex
  508. [2012-07-10 22:00:15] * Steel_Innocence nod-nods. "That is nice too."
  509. [2012-07-10 22:00:23] * Gizmo laughs. "I would never have sex with you. Or anypony around here really. I don't really like the idea of sex since the stable."
  510. [2012-07-10 22:01:18] * Trefoil nods, "Mhmm. Good thing ya don' 'member then. Just what I needed though."
  511. [2012-07-10 22:01:45] * Violet giggles "I'm glad you think so." Her mane unbraided and brushed is really straight and seems to cover part of her face constantly
  512. [2012-07-10 22:01:48] * Gizmo scoffs. "Yeah I suppose it is a good thing, then I don't need to care."
  513. [2012-07-10 22:02:02] <Trefoil> "Mhmm, that's nice dear.":
  514. [2012-07-10 22:02:18] * Trefoil is wishing she'd asked for more fuse cord for the dynamite.
  515. [2012-07-10 22:02:21] * Puzzler blushes slightly. He moves up to stand next to Violet. Fidgeting.
  516. [2012-07-10 22:02:52] * Steel_Innocence smiles at Puzzler, then turns back to Violet. "What is the tasty thing you like?"
  517. [2012-07-10 22:03:05] * Violet blinks "What?"
  518. [2012-07-10 22:03:14] * Gizmo just keeps trotting, thinking about where might be a good place to look.
  519. [2012-07-10 22:03:24] * Trefoil does seem noticeably less frustrated then she has recently.
  520. [2012-07-10 22:03:32] * Violet has a blush on her face for some reason
  521. [2012-07-10 22:03:55] <Trefoil> "Hm. Hope we don' haveta do much swimin'."
  522. [2012-07-10 22:04:29] * Steel_Innocence blinks too. "A tasty thing. That you eat and is nice."
  523. [2012-07-10 22:04:42] <Gizmo> "We proabably will. These things live in the water and can come on land, so itd make sense most of thier hatching area is underwater
  524. [2012-07-10 22:04:51] <Violet> "Um...I like...sandwiches?"
  525. [2012-07-10 22:05:18] <Trefoil> "Underwater or just near the water?"
  526. [2012-07-10 22:05:36] <Trefoil> "Or you wanna just blow in random cave mouthes?"
  527. [2012-07-10 22:05:58] <Trefoil> "Best'd be to get right in there to the hatchin' room, 'cause these caves have a dozen entrances, I'm sure."
  528. [2012-07-10 22:06:13] * Gizmo nods. "Yes that makes sense."
  529. [2012-07-10 22:06:45] <Steel_Innocence> "Sandwiches are nice. Is there a nice, tasty sandwich you like a lot?"
  530. [2012-07-10 22:06:50] <Trefoil> "Butta course, dynamite won't work underwater. S'why I wanted C4."
  531. [2012-07-10 22:07:00] * Puzzler sits down. He glances over at the newly brushed Violet and blushes. She was so pretty with her mane was unbraided. "D-do we kno w-where they are comming from?" He asks, flinging a small rock with his hoof.
  532. [2012-07-10 22:07:42] * Violet shrugs "I don't know. We have a general location but that's all."
  533. [2012-07-10 22:07:49] * Trefoil thinks back to the map she saw in the Sheriff's office.
  534. [2012-07-10 22:07:50] * Steel_Innocence braids her mane again.
  535. [2012-07-10 22:08:55] * Steel_Innocence does that with hooves. Somehow.
  536. [2012-07-10 22:09:06] * Gizmo nods. "Well the cave cant all be submerged."
  537. [2012-07-10 22:09:07] * Violet hums happily "Thank you, Steel."
  538. [2012-07-10 22:09:38] * Puzzler nods "D-do we h-have a plan?" He blushes again.
  539. [2012-07-10 22:10:15] <Trefoil> "Nope."
  540. [2012-07-10 22:10:19] * Steel_Innocence smiles to Violet. Then look at all of her friends.
  541. [2012-07-10 22:10:20] <Trefoil> "Well, okay, yeah, it can be."
  542. [2012-07-10 22:10:26] * Violet doesn't know why Puzzler is blushing but it's making her blush "Um...find the next and collapse it."
  543. [2012-07-10 22:10:28] * Hospice nodded with Puzzler. "Wait, are we seriously going after a whole nest of these things iwth no plan? I mean, they were pretty nasty, as far as I remember."
  544. [2012-07-10 22:10:32] <Violet> (nest*)
  545. [2012-07-10 22:10:35] <Trefoil> "But wi' this water level, we'd probably see it."
  546. [2012-07-10 22:10:37] * Hospice was lying as she did not remember.
  547. [2012-07-10 22:11:14] <Gizmo> "Well then, unless Violet or Hospice can give us some sort of Seapony spell, we're going to drown."
  548. [2012-07-10 22:11:30] <DontAskForCookies> There are very few boats tied off at the north docs, but as Tre and Gizmo approach they can see pebble lingering in one of them, inspecting it and makeing preperations at teh end of the dock.
  549. [2012-07-10 22:12:04] * Puzzler looks up at the rest, he flicks his tail and his wings flutter slightly. "C-can w-we collaps it? D-do we h-have any explosives." He winces slightly, still glancing over a Violet from time to time. Blushing, he looks down at his hooves.
  550. [2012-07-10 22:12:24] <Trefoil> "Probably. It's sucked dick knowin' ya'll."
  551. [2012-07-10 22:12:27] <Violet> "Yes. Trefoil is carrying the explosives."
  552. [2012-07-10 22:12:46] * Trefoil trots towards Pebble and his boat.
  553. [2012-07-10 22:13:05] <Trefoil> "I appreciate your faith in Vi's earth pony magic, though."
  554. [2012-07-10 22:13:21] * Steel_Innocence trots to Puzzler. "Hi~ do you want a nice mane too?"
  555. [2012-07-10 22:13:35] * Gizmo chuckles. "Nice knowing you too Tre. But I aint about to kill myself down there. I dont mind if I do though."
  556. [2012-07-10 22:13:46] * Gizmo shrugs. "Slip of the tongue."
  557. [2012-07-10 22:14:03] * Puzzler nods slowly. "Oh. O-okay." He turns to Steel, looking confused for a second before smiling ."S-sure!" he stutters.
  558. [2012-07-10 22:14:19] * Violet scratches her newly rebraided mane "Thanks Steel! We should probably head to the docks. you can brushie Puzzler's mane on the boat!"
  559. [2012-07-10 22:14:32] <Steel_Innocence> "Oh, okay."
  560. [2012-07-10 22:15:33] * Steel_Innocence gallops after Trefoil, leaving the others behind. "Gizmo, let's go!"
  561. [2012-07-10 22:15:51] * Puzzler says nothing, he looks at the weapon Violet gave him. Taking a deep breath, steadying himself. He gets up, waiting for the others to take the lead.
  562. [2012-07-10 22:15:52] * Gizmo is surprised by Steel. "Huh? O-oh okay!"
  563. [2012-07-10 22:15:57] <DontAskForCookies> The boat pebble is inspecting is a 25 footer with an awning over the middle of it. In the back is a bank of two large batteries powering a outboard motor
  564. [2012-07-10 22:16:08] * Violet stands up and wiggles to get the dust off her butt "Lets go meet up with Tre and Giz!"
  565. [2012-07-10 22:16:13] * Hospice quickly followed everyone else.
  566. [2012-07-10 22:16:17] <DontAskForCookies> Hearing the others Pebble looks up and waves, "Hey guys, you about ready to head out?"
  567. [2012-07-10 22:16:44] * Gizmo nods to Pebble. "Yup."
  568. [2012-07-10 22:16:54] * Puzzler can't help to look at Violets wiggling rear, he blushes up to his ears as he catches himself doing it. Quickly following the others.
  569. [2012-07-10 22:17:18] <Trefoil> "Sure am."
  570. [2012-07-10 22:17:31] * Violet trots to catch up since she's getting left behind!
  571. [2012-07-10 22:18:22] * Trefoil waves to all the returned ponies.
  572. [2012-07-10 22:19:24] <DontAskForCookies> Bebble nods and steps aside, "well all aboard thats comeing aboard, well leave as soon as every pony is here. We dont want to be out on the waters after dark now do we?"
  573. [2012-07-10 22:19:55] * Trefoil glares at Pebble, "I don' know if we can help that, colt."
  574. [2012-07-10 22:20:18] * Gizmo hops on said boat
  575. [2012-07-10 22:20:47] * Trefoil steps on the craft gingerly
  576. [2012-07-10 22:20:58] * Steel_Innocence follows, preparing his brushie for Puzzler's arrival.
  577. [2012-07-10 22:21:14] * Trefoil is shocked that Steel is now a stallion!
  578. [2012-07-10 22:21:24] <Hospice> "...after dark? Oh dear."
  579. [2012-07-10 22:21:45] <Trefoil> "Ya'll be alright Hospice. Keep calm and get on the fuckin' boat."
  580. [2012-07-10 22:21:49] * Puzzler meekly waves back at Trefoil, slowly making his way over to the boat. She hovers down on it. Grinning a little.
  581. [2012-07-10 22:21:58] <Puzzler> (fuck. he*)
  582. [2012-07-10 22:22:08] <Gizmo> naw Puzzlers a she)
  583. [2012-07-10 22:22:11] -->| Garador ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  584. [2012-07-10 22:22:20] * Violet carefully gets onto the boat
  585. [2012-07-10 22:22:28] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v Garador by Violet
  586. [2012-07-10 22:22:28] * Hospice gave Trefoil a glare and trotted onto the boat.
  587. [2012-07-10 22:22:50] <Steel_Innocence> *her
  588. [2012-07-10 22:23:05] <Steel_Innocence> (You bunch of pedantic ponies)
  589. [2012-07-10 22:24:46] * Trefoil sticks her tongue out at Hospice. Her hair gives her super bitchiness.
  590. [2012-07-10 22:24:49] <--| DontAskForCookies has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  591. [2012-07-10 22:24:52] -->| DontAskForCookies ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  592. [2012-07-10 22:25:04] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v DontAskForCookies by Violet
  593. [2012-07-10 22:25:48] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble inspects some of the storage space up front under a bench before making his way to the motor at the back of the boat and looking around, "So is everypony here?"
  594. [2012-07-10 22:26:06] <Garador> "I'll keep to the skies if you don't mind," Garador says to Pebble.
  595. [2012-07-10 22:26:20] =-= Arcane_Eating[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  596. [2012-07-10 22:27:25] <Trefoil> "Yep, if the griffon's flyin'."
  597. [2012-07-10 22:27:31] * Violet sits down next to Puzzler
  598. [2012-07-10 22:27:55] * Trefoil stays near the bow, keeping a watch over the water for lurking.... Lurks.
  599. [2012-07-10 22:28:14] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble nods at the griffon, "So, everypony besides teh griffon ready to get underway?"
  600. [2012-07-10 22:28:24] * Violet nodnods
  601. [2012-07-10 22:28:25] * Hospice nodded.
  602. [2012-07-10 22:28:31] * Gizmo nodsnod
  603. [2012-07-10 22:28:45] * Hospice sighed, "I think its probably too late to explain how bad of an idea I think this is."
  604. [2012-07-10 22:29:11] * Puzzler twitches a little as he sits down. Taking a few deep breaths. "T-thats everypony.." He mumbles and nods.
  605. [2012-07-10 22:29:20] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble nods and turns the motor on, "Probably". And with that the boat begins to speed away from the docs up river.
  606. [2012-07-10 22:29:36] <Gizmo> "I believe you already told me that yesterday." he smiles to Hospice.
  607. [2012-07-10 22:29:58] <Trefoil> "We already know Hospice.":
  608. [2012-07-10 22:30:06] * Hospice shrugged. "Repetition is a form of emphasis."
  609. [2012-07-10 22:30:11] * Garador takes off, providing overwatch.
  610. [2012-07-10 22:30:44] * Gizmo nods. "But hey, if you can kill one im sure Trefoil or Violet can get a few."
  611. [2012-07-10 22:30:44] * Steel_Innocence curls around Puzzler and starts brushing him.
  612. [2012-07-10 22:31:05] * Violet sits down providing Puzzler watch!
  613. [2012-07-10 22:31:29] * Trefoil would make a smartplot comeback, but is watching the water.
  614. [2012-07-10 22:31:33] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble stays at the back of the boat working the motor and stearing the vessle, his belongings stashed at his hooves.
  615. [2012-07-10 22:31:48] * Puzzler eeps, surprised as Steel starts to brush. He soon relaxes and leans into the brushes, enjoying them very much. Sighing he closes his eyes.
  616. [2012-07-10 22:31:56] * Hospice nodded. "That's true."
  617. [2012-07-10 22:32:46] <Hospice> "But they're a nest-type creature. What's to stop us from getting swarmed by two dozen? Twenty four times a force multiplier equals death. For some of them of course, but mostly for us."
  618. [2012-07-10 22:33:26] * Gizmo nods. "But we're smarter."
  619. [2012-07-10 22:33:47] <Trefoil> "Sure we are."
  620. [2012-07-10 22:34:00] * Hospice waved her hoof in front of her, "Oh, I'm not that worried. Can't outrun one of them, but I can sure outrun most of you guys. Hahahaha." Hospice's expression made it seem unclear whether she was trying to crack a joke or not.
  621. [2012-07-10 22:34:22] * Gizmo facehoofs. "You would too."
  622. [2012-07-10 22:34:51] * Trefoil grumbles, "That's our Hospice."
  623. [2012-07-10 22:35:17] * Puzzler whimpers, slumps but says nothing.
  624. [2012-07-10 22:35:36] * Violet puts a hoof on Puzzler's back
  625. [2012-07-10 22:36:10] * Garador soars quietly above them, scanning for Mirelurks or any other threats.
  626. [2012-07-10 22:36:44] * Trefoil also looks at the bank for caves
  627. [2012-07-10 22:37:10] <Steel_Innocence> "It's okay Hospice. I won't let them hurt you."
  628. [2012-07-10 22:37:37] * Puzzler opens his eyes and smiles gently at Violet. "C-cant w-we just sneak in and b-blow up t-the entrance?" he mumbles as he looks down at his hooves.
  629. [2012-07-10 22:37:56] <Trefoil> "No. 'cause there's more then one entrance."
  630. [2012-07-10 22:37:59] * Hospice almost choked on her spit. "Uarghhi." She looked away from Steel with an awkward expression.
  631. [2012-07-10 22:38:25] * Gizmo smiles slyly. "Oh yes Hospice, we care deeply for you."
  632. [2012-07-10 22:38:49] <Puzzler> "Oh..O-okay."
  633. [2012-07-10 22:39:04] * Hospice frowned and glared at Gizmo. "You are...a BAD!"
  634. [2012-07-10 22:39:21] <Gizmo> "A bad?" He asks, looking innocent.
  635. [2012-07-10 22:39:36] * Steel_Innocence blinks. "Uh... how do you want your mane Puzzler?"
  636. [2012-07-10 22:40:02] <Trefoil> "A bad what, Hospice?"
  637. [2012-07-10 22:40:22] * Garador dips down to hover beside the boat. "Why are you all being so loud? I can hear you all the way up from where I am."
  638. [2012-07-10 22:40:25] * Hospice snorted in frustration and sulked in her corner of the boat. "Absolutely infuriating!"
  639. [2012-07-10 22:40:51] * Gizmo feigned innocence. "What did I do, I just said we cared about you."
  640. [2012-07-10 22:41:10] * Steel_Innocence looks from Hospice to Gizmo, unsure of what is going on. "Umm... I think Gizmo is nice."
  641. [2012-07-10 22:41:21] * Puzzler wingshrugs. "Uh, h-however y-you want it I guess.."
  642. [2012-07-10 22:41:34] * Hospice just groaned.
  643. [2012-07-10 22:41:34] * Gizmo looks to Steel. "Thank you."
  644. [2012-07-10 22:41:36] <Trefoil> "Well, we want'em to hear us, don't we?"
  645. [2012-07-10 22:41:59] * Trefoil shrugs, "I still don't, but, eh."
  646. [2012-07-10 22:42:35] * Violet was totally in a daze and looks up "Hmm?"
  647. [2012-07-10 22:42:53] <Trefoil> "Not liking or liking Gizmo."
  648. [2012-07-10 22:42:57] * Garador raises an eyebrow at Trefoil. "Was that the plan? Because trying to draw out the enemy while in their territory, namely in water, is a very bad idea."
  649. [2012-07-10 22:43:22] * Gizmo looks to Tre." Thats fine, I dont really like you either."
  650. [2012-07-10 22:43:23] <Trefoil> "Oh no, I figured that was the plan, since only Garador and I are looking for anything."
  651. [2012-07-10 22:43:37] <Trefoil> "I really, really don't care."
  652. [2012-07-10 22:43:42] * Trefoil keeps her eyes on the prize.
  653. [2012-07-10 22:44:36] <DontAskForCookies> pebble calls out to the rest of them, "Ok, im about to slow down a bit. This is about where Pepermint, the guard you found, was suppose to start looking so keep an eye open!"
  654. [2012-07-10 22:45:02] * Gizmo nods, taking out his scoped pistol and scanning the area
  655. [2012-07-10 22:45:03] <Garador> "This is my advice- let's try to keep quiet for now, everyone. Alright? I wouldn't bet on on the Mirelurks being out of earshot." He ascends again to provide overwatch.
  656. [2012-07-10 22:45:41] * Hospice stopped pouting just long enough to pull our his pistol and to crouch, hoping any mirelurks would choose another pony to attack.
  657. [2012-07-10 22:45:50] * Violet nods and stands up and goes to the side of the boat to help look
  658. [2012-07-10 22:46:33] * Trefoil stays in the bow, doing whatever.
  659. [2012-07-10 22:46:58] * Puzzler perks his ears and looks over the water. Breathing quickly he flicks his tail nervously.
  660. [2012-07-10 22:47:05] <Steel_Innocence> "Oh." She Puzzler's mane untangled, but without any further work. "Sorry, the bugs are there." She whispers.
  661. [2012-07-10 22:47:16] * Steel_Innocence starts looking around.
  662. [2012-07-10 22:48:57] * Trefoil doesn't see shit.
  663. [2012-07-10 22:52:43] <DontAskForCookies> After nearly half an hour or so of looking out the side of the boat most of the group spots something. A empty boat similar to the one they party is in tied up to a loose root in an embankment next to a flooded cave entrance
  664. [2012-07-10 22:52:45] * Gizmo doesnt see shit either
  665. [2012-07-10 22:53:09] * Violet points "Another boat"
  666. [2012-07-10 22:53:42] <Trefoil> "Where?"
  667. [2012-07-10 22:53:43] * Gizmo looks to the boat." Oh, How did I miss that?" He asks quietly.
  668. [2012-07-10 22:53:49] <Trefoil> "Oh. Wow."
  669. [2012-07-10 22:54:05] <Trefoil> "....odds on, that's what we were looking for."
  670. [2012-07-10 22:54:06] * Garador spots the boat and starts circling over head, checking over this new boat.
  671. [2012-07-10 22:54:32] <Steel_Innocence> "Huh?" She looks away from the nice landscape.
  672. [2012-07-10 22:54:39] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble cuts the speed of the boat down by half and looks about, "Oh, I see it! That is definately the one Pepermit was in when he left!"
  673. [2012-07-10 22:55:11] * Hospice was confused why everyone was so interested in the boat before Pebble told everyone the reason. She decided not to reveal her deductive abilities to the party.
  674. [2012-07-10 22:55:11] <Trefoil> "Lovely. Looks like that cave's nice and flooded too."
  675. [2012-07-10 22:55:13] <Violet> "Then we are close?"
  676. [2012-07-10 22:55:20] <Trefoil> "Yeah."
  677. [2012-07-10 22:55:23] <DontAskForCookies> Garador can see that teh boat is not only empty but has taken on a good bit of the radioactive water from the river and is in danger of sinking soon.
  678. [2012-07-10 22:55:29] * Gizmo nods. "Most likely, thats where we need to go.
  679. [2012-07-10 22:55:49] * Steel_Innocence looks around. "Where are the bugs?"
  680. [2012-07-10 22:55:50] <DontAskForCookies> The cave entrance is not tottaly flooded but the water is high, to high for the boat to enter.
  681. [2012-07-10 22:56:04] -->| Ashen|Sleep (Athilmar@Pony-9qj.k4t.189.72.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  682. [2012-07-10 22:56:05] <Trefoil> "Inside, sweetie."
  683. [2012-07-10 22:56:07] * Garador descends to hover beside their boat. "She's empty and taking on water. No sign of the crew."
  684. [2012-07-10 22:56:10] <Trefoil> "And under the water."
  685. [2012-07-10 22:56:18] =-= Ashen|Sleep is now known as Ashen_Ward
  686. [2012-07-10 22:56:26] <Trefoil> "Already have him, Garador, in the clinic back in Clover."
  687. [2012-07-10 22:57:01] <Garador> "Oh. Well I wasn't informed."
  688. [2012-07-10 22:57:02] * Violet suddenly realizes something "Um...I don't know how well I'll be able to swim in my barding..."
  689. [2012-07-10 22:57:46] <Trefoil> "Hospice saved him? Whatever."
  690. [2012-07-10 22:57:54] * Trefoil shrugs at Vi
  691. [2012-07-10 22:58:05] <Trefoil> "Giz and I discussed this. We're all just gonna drown."
  692. [2012-07-10 22:58:56] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble trolls the boat in slowly next to the other boat, then leans out over the edge, "Luckily the entrance dosent look that deep, you may be able to walk right on in..."
  693. [2012-07-10 22:59:36] <Trefoil> "Until we hit a dip and go under."
  694. [2012-07-10 22:59:37] * Puzzler looks around, scouting the area. "I-is there another w-way -" he abruptly stops as Pebble speaks "Oh..."
  695. [2012-07-10 22:59:44] * Steel_Innocence looks a little nervous. "Umm... that would be nice."
  696. [2012-07-10 22:59:47] * Trefoil stands up
  697. [2012-07-10 23:00:16] <Gizmo> "Well, then Hospice, Tre, you two have any telekentic magic?"
  698. [2012-07-10 23:00:49] =-= Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  699. [2012-07-10 23:00:52] =-= Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Eating[A]
  700. [2012-07-10 23:03:07] * Trefoil stands to the side, ready to jump in
  701. [2012-07-10 23:03:13] <Trefoil> "Of course we do."
  702. [2012-07-10 23:03:29] * Trefoil 's horn glows, in preperation to activate her keen sight.
  703. [2012-07-10 23:03:34] * Steel_Innocence scowls and hops to the other boat.
  704. [2012-07-10 23:04:08] * Garador touches down in at the entrance. There, he does something rather... unusual. He stands up on his hindlegs with his wings snapping out to his sides. The long wingblades act as stabilizers, allowing him to flip up his twin lever-action rifles.
  705. [2012-07-10 23:04:17] * Trefoil jumps straight into the shallow water of the cave entrance
  706. [2012-07-10 23:04:34] <Trefoil> "I'll take point, since I can see in the dark."
  707. [2012-07-10 23:04:37] * Trefoil brags
  708. [2012-07-10 23:04:56] <Garador> "Your choice."
  709. [2012-07-10 23:05:18] * Steel_Innocence nods and follows, just one step behind.
  710. [2012-07-10 23:05:19] <Trefoil> "I'd rather have you at drag, feathers."
  711. [2012-07-10 23:05:26] * Gizmo follows behind the group
  712. [2012-07-10 23:05:32] <Trefoil> "Don't wanna loseya to a chance claw."
  713. [2012-07-10 23:05:36] <DontAskForCookies> Pebble looks at the cave entrance, "ummm Ill stay with the boat, just in case guys"
  714. [2012-07-10 23:05:42] * Violet jumps down beside Gizmo
  715. [2012-07-10 23:05:52] <Garador> "That means I'll have to fire over everyone."
  716. [2012-07-10 23:05:58] <Trefoil> "Just me."
  717. [2012-07-10 23:06:08] <Trefoil> "And if I'm dead, ain't loosin' anything."
  718. [2012-07-10 23:06:13] <Garador> "... if we get taken from behind."
  719. [2012-07-10 23:06:23] <Trefoil> "That's what she said."
  720. [2012-07-10 23:06:26] * Puzzler flies up, hovering just above the water. He winces as he sees the other ponies wading trough the water. Keeping himself as close to the water as possible he follows the others.
  721. [2012-07-10 23:06:31] <Violet> "That's wha-awww."
  722. [2012-07-10 23:06:35] * Hospice nodded. "The answer to whether I have telekinesis is yes. However, whether I am actually any good, is an entirely different question.
  723. [2012-07-10 23:06:46] * Steel_Innocence frowns. "Don't say that, Trefoil. I'll be with you."
  724. [2012-07-10 23:07:02] <Trefoil> "What's the bigger threat, ahead or behind, gotta orient ourselves the best we can 'cause damned if you can prepare for everything."
  725. [2012-07-10 23:07:23] <DontAskForCookies> The ponies pip-bucks (the ones that still worked) begin to click as they enter the water and wade to caves entrance
  726. [2012-07-10 23:07:38] <Violet> "I will watch our plots, I guess?"
  727. [2012-07-10 23:07:41] * Gizmo nods. "Well We might need you two to pull one of us out if we fall in." he looks to his pipbuck. "Great radiation."
  728. [2012-07-10 23:07:53] * Garador sighs, "Probably ahead for now, at least until we spot a junction. I'll be right behind you then."
  729. [2012-07-10 23:07:59] <Violet> "The two heaviest armed should be in the front and back."
  730. [2012-07-10 23:08:00] <Steel_Innocence> "This music is weird."
  731. [2012-07-10 23:08:17] <Violet> "It isn't music sweetie."
  732. [2012-07-10 23:08:20] * Gizmo sighes and doesnt even try to correct Steel.
  733. [2012-07-10 23:08:29] * Trefoil casts her Keen Sight spell and peers into the darkness.
  734. [2012-07-10 23:08:36] <Trefoil> "Steel, you and Vi watch our plots."
  735. [2012-07-10 23:09:08] * Violet mock salutes, accidently flinging water on Gizmo "Oh! sorry!"
  736. [2012-07-10 23:09:24] * Gizmo looks through his scope before getting wet. "Its... fine." He sighes.
  737. [2012-07-10 23:10:19] * Gizmo takes his scope again and looks through it to see in the dark
  738. [2012-07-10 23:10:20] * Hospice groaned as her pipbuck started beeping. "Oh great. Contaminated water."
  739. [2012-07-10 23:10:36] <Trefoil> "Of course it is. Move out."
  740. [2012-07-10 23:10:46] * Trefoil starts forward, sweeping her natural night scope through the gloom.
  741. [2012-07-10 23:11:11] * Puzzler keeps himself to the middle of the group, still hovering just above the water levle.
  742. [2012-07-10 23:11:39] * Steel_Innocence beepy-boops on her extra clicky thing to turn off the oddd sound, but a light comes up instead.
  743. [2012-07-10 23:11:41] * Garador moves up behind her, keeping his lever-action rifles up. Cords of some sort dangle from a loop in their stocks to his wings.
  744. [2012-07-10 23:11:42] * Hospice made sure to stay behind Trefoil, but definitely not in the back of the group, lest there be a flanking attack.
  745. [2012-07-10 23:12:09] <Trefoil> "Chamber ahead."
  746. [2012-07-10 23:12:17] * Violet sticks to the back of the group
  747. [2012-07-10 23:12:30] <Garador> "Understood."
  748. [2012-07-10 23:12:32] <DontAskForCookies> Luckily the water thins out as it banks up to damp but luckily not radioative cave floor
  749. [2012-07-10 23:12:41] <DontAskForCookies> The cave is dark
  750. [2012-07-10 23:12:48] <DontAskForCookies> not offering much visibility
  751. [2012-07-10 23:13:12] * Hospice scampered onto the land, trying to put as much distance between her and the radioactive water but still not be in front.
  752. [2012-07-10 23:13:28] * Trefoil can see in the dark
  753. [2012-07-10 23:13:32] * Gizmo looks around the cave in his nightscope, getting a feel for the terrian
  754. [2012-07-10 23:13:55] * Trefoil moves up to get a better view of the big room
  755. [2012-07-10 23:14:45] * Trefoil loosens the flap on her pistol and foats it out.
  756. [2012-07-10 23:14:48] <DontAskForCookies> Those who could see in the dark and had the good fortune to own night vision gadgets can see the changer ahead is empty besides some crates
  757. [2012-07-10 23:15:17] * Gizmo goes in. "Clear." He says to the ponies in back.
  758. [2012-07-10 23:15:35] * Trefoil doesn't say anything, but moves towards the crates
  759. [2012-07-10 23:15:40] <Trefoil> "No it ain't. Boxes."
  760. [2012-07-10 23:15:59] <Gizmo> "I meant clear of enemies."
  761. [2012-07-10 23:16:01] <Trefoil> "Gizmo, look left, Garador, stay behind me."
  762. [2012-07-10 23:16:11] <Trefoil> "Steel...."
  763. [2012-07-10 23:16:14] <Trefoil> "Do whatever."
  764. [2012-07-10 23:16:15] * Garador moves ahead with Trefoil, sweeping his rifles across the room.
  765. [2012-07-10 23:16:16] * Violet stays near the entrance, keeping watch behind them
  766. [2012-07-10 23:16:20] * Gizmo does so looking to his left.
  767. [2012-07-10 23:16:22] <Hospice> "...should I uh...light up a light?"
  768. [2012-07-10 23:16:28] <Trefoil> "Could be mined. Vi... yeah, stay here."
  769. [2012-07-10 23:16:35] * Steel_Innocence blinks. "...okay."
  770. [2012-07-10 23:16:37] <DontAskForCookies> The crates look ancient are appear to be near colapsing in on themselves
  771. [2012-07-10 23:16:38] * Trefoil sighs deeply, "Please don't."
  772. [2012-07-10 23:16:59] * Trefoil pushes a hoof through rotten wood.
  773. [2012-07-10 23:17:20] * Steel_Innocence looks around for bugs.
  774. [2012-07-10 23:17:24] * Gizmo finds a small chamber to his left. he starts to look about ti
  775. [2012-07-10 23:17:28] * Puzzler gently lands on the damp cave floor. Watching trefoil loosen the flap of her pistol he does the same. Taking a deep breath, he looks unsure, fidgeting he stays close to Violet.
  776. [2012-07-10 23:17:29] <DontAskForCookies> Gizmo sees a few puddles of slightly glowing water
  777. [2012-07-10 23:17:51] * Violet gives Puzzler a comforting smile, though he probably can't see it
  778. [2012-07-10 23:18:25] * Trefoil notes the potential exits from the room.
  779. [2012-07-10 23:18:26] <DontAskForCookies> The wood offers little to no resistance and crumbles
  780. [2012-07-10 23:18:31] * Violet makes her shotgun can be easily drawn and fired
  781. [2012-07-10 23:18:40] <Trefoil> "Hey Giz, take a peak at that far exit, would ya."
  782. [2012-07-10 23:18:53] * Trefoil nods to the one ahead of her.
  783. [2012-07-10 23:19:05] <Gizmo> "Yeah, one sec." He says looking in the puddles for anything
  784. [2012-07-10 23:19:08] * Hospice tried to make sure she was surrounded on all sides by other ponies, while gripping her pistol.
  785. [2012-07-10 23:19:14] * Steel_Innocence looks at all the different ways, unsure of where to go.
  786. [2012-07-10 23:19:21] * Trefoil reaches around for whatever's inside and hopefully not full of needles or glass shards.
  787. [2012-07-10 23:19:41] <DontAskForCookies> Some of the more percetive ponies make note of a small opening in the north facing wall
  788. [2012-07-10 23:20:08] * Garador stands guard while Trefoil does her thing.
  789. [2012-07-10 23:21:11] <Trefoil> "Steel, sweetie, wanna go look at that hole with Gizmo?"
  790. [2012-07-10 23:21:14] * Violet mutters "It's too fucking dark in here..."
  791. [2012-07-10 23:21:31] * Gizmo wanders off and looks in the small opening he spotted
  792. [2012-07-10 23:22:06] * Trefoil continues rummaging in the box for things.
  793. [2012-07-10 23:22:09] <DontAskForCookies> A sudden low clicking noise gos almost unotised, only the more percetive ponies notice it
  794. [2012-07-10 23:22:25] * Steel_Innocence nod-nods. "Huh? What was that?"
  795. [2012-07-10 23:22:31] * Gizmo slows down. "Wait..." He looks around. "What?"
  796. [2012-07-10 23:22:33] <DontAskForCookies> The boxes, unfortunatly holds nothing but moldy and splintered wood
  797. [2012-07-10 23:22:34] * Puzzler pokes his pipbuck with his nose to start the pipbuck light. He gives a nervous smile before looking around the room.
  798. [2012-07-10 23:22:55] * Hospice ignored Steel and continued scanning around
  799. [2012-07-10 23:22:59] * Trefoil groans, the flash in her vision distracting her.
  800. [2012-07-10 23:23:04] * Steel_Innocence follows Gizmo, squeezing herself into the tight passage
  801. [2012-07-10 23:23:39] <Trefoil> "Ow! Damnit Wings!"
  802. [2012-07-10 23:24:19] <Garador> "Hold up. Mirelurks."
  803. [2012-07-10 23:24:39] * Puzzler ears drop. "..s-sorry!" he panics, tries to turn the light off again.
  804. [2012-07-10 23:25:02] <Trefoil> "Leave it on! Stop panicking!"
  805. [2012-07-10 23:25:12] <Trefoil> *Stop panicking, for Luna's sake."
  806. [2012-07-10 23:25:44] * Puzzler freezes up. Leaving it on he just stands there, shaking.
  807. [2012-07-10 23:26:03] <Garador> "Take positions. Think I hear some Mirelurks."
  808. [2012-07-10 23:26:23] * Violet looks at what has Puzzler so freaked and curses under her breath "So this is a mirelurk..."
  809. [2012-07-10 23:26:25] * Steel_Innocence tenses up, looking around for the bugs. "Gizmo, stay behing me."
  810. [2012-07-10 23:26:48] * Gizmo nods. "Steel, I can tell you where they might be. "Looking around for the Mirelurk
  811. [2012-07-10 23:26:50] * Trefoil is still looking for shit in the fuckin' boxes.
  812. [2012-07-10 23:27:19] <DontAskForCookies> From the east side of the cavern comes a large armored creature lumbering towards teh group
  813. [2012-07-10 23:28:02] <Trefoil> "Well shit."
  814. [2012-07-10 23:28:26] * Trefoil gets a full view of the lumbering super lobster.
  815. [2012-07-10 23:28:35] <Trefoil> ".....Puzzler. Turn your light off."
  816. [2012-07-10 23:28:44] * Trefoil tries to be as soothing as she can.
  817. [2012-07-10 23:30:19] * Trefoil doesn't see shit after all and just muddles about with boxes.
  818. [2012-07-10 23:32:06] |<-- Gizmo has left (Connection closed)
  819. [2012-07-10 23:32:15] -->| NitoKa ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  820. [2012-07-10 23:32:25] * Puzzler "B-but.." He takes a deep breath, he nuzzles the pipbuck again and leaves them them in the dark. He takes the gun Violet gave him in his mouth, and moves up on shaky legs. Not sure what to do he just freezes up as he sees the creature, the gun clattering between his teeth.
  821. [2012-07-10 23:33:35] =-= NitoKa is now known as Gizmo
  822. [2012-07-10 23:34:56] =-= Arcane_Eating[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  823. [2012-07-10 23:36:33] * Hospice noticed a creature. "Oh no, oh no, oh no! It's one of these, urgh!" She figured the best way to fight it would be spark a light from her horn, despite that she didn't know it was probably making her a target. Her horn shimmered a light as she decided to jump right behind a meatshield.
  824. [2012-07-10 23:37:22] * Hospice ended up hiding behind Puzzler.
  825. [2012-07-10 23:43:18] * Violet does the first thing that comes to mind, and that is rushing the creature and stopping a few meters away, drawing and firing Sky Splitter
  826. [2012-07-10 23:44:19] * Violet misses and curses under her breath
  827. [2012-07-10 23:44:47] * Garador notices the gunshot and is alerted to the Mirelurk's presence but cannot react fast enough...
  828. [2012-07-10 23:45:52] * Trefoil 's head comes up, but she is also unable to act thanks to the spots in her vision.
  829. [2012-07-10 23:50:10] * Steel_Innocence yells "Bug!" She charges towards it, burning in anger. "You won't hurt the nice PONIES!" She leaps, bringing down her hooves over the mirelurk.
  830. [2012-07-10 23:52:56] <DontAskForCookies> The mirelurk takes a horrifyingly punishing attack to its chest, a loud crack of its shell shatering echos in the cave
  831. [2012-07-10 23:54:14] <--| DontAskForCookies has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  832. [2012-07-10 23:54:16] -->| DontAskForCookies ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  833. [2012-07-10 23:54:19] |<-- DontAskForCookies has left (Connection closed)
  834. [2012-07-10 23:54:45] -->| DontAskForCookie ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  835. [2012-07-10 23:55:06] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v DontAskForCookie by Violet
  836. [2012-07-10 23:55:10] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v Gizmo by Violet
  837. [2012-07-10 23:55:22] * Trefoil cheers
  838. [2012-07-10 23:55:37] <DontAskForCookie> Screaming in anger the large hard shelled beast brings its claws down, attempting to pumble the large pony
  839. [2012-07-10 23:55:48] * Hospice gulped. Someone tell Hospice later to never anger THE STEEL.
  840. [2012-07-10 23:56:38] <DontAskForCookie> The Claws however only hit the cold stone floor of the cave
  841. [2012-07-10 23:58:47] * Steel_Innocence glares at the Mirelurk.
  842. [2012-07-10 23:59:24] * Gizmo moves into position near a cave wall and gets a clear sight of the mirelurk before taking a shot
  843. [2012-07-10 23:59:51] * Puzzler winces and takes a step back as the Mirelurk swings at Steel.
  844. [2012-07-11 00:04:30] <DontAskForCookie> Gizmos shot cracks off and pings against the body of the monster
  845. [2012-07-11 00:05:42] <Trefoil> Er
  846. [2012-07-11 00:05:45] <Trefoil> (Damnit)
  847. [2012-07-11 00:14:12] * Garador barrels ahead, moving with surprising speed due to his unique stance. Stabilizing himself, he flings off a quartet of shots at the Mirelurk, flipcocking his lever-action rifles expertly.
  848. [2012-07-11 00:15:40] <DontAskForCookie> Only one of the shots finds home but the impact of the weapon is enough to stagger the beast.
  849. [2012-07-11 00:17:38] * Puzzler clenches down on the gun, he moves a little closer. Not wanting to see Steel or anypony else being hurt by this creature he aims and fires two shots at it.
  850. [2012-07-11 00:22:28] -->| Lucky ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  851. [2012-07-11 00:23:52] <DontAskForCookie> Puzzlers two shots miraculasouly down the already injered beast
  852. [2012-07-11 00:23:59] <DontAskForCookie> slaying it once and for all
  853. [2012-07-11 00:24:22] * Hospice gave an impressed whistle. "Geez. That's some shooting."
  854. [2012-07-11 00:24:23] * Gizmo takes a breath of relief.
  855. [2012-07-11 00:24:27] <Garador> "... huh. One, I'm getting rusty. Two, nice shot."
  856. [2012-07-11 00:24:37] * Puzzler drops the gun in surprised. Eyes wide, ears dropping as the gunshot strikes the beast. He takes a step back.
  857. [2012-07-11 00:24:38] <Trefoil> "Jesus, wings."
  858. [2012-07-11 00:24:39] * Violet laughs "Wonderful Puzzler!"
  859. [2012-07-11 00:24:43] <Gizmo> "It seems we couldnt take that down much like Hospice could
  860. [2012-07-11 00:24:58] * Gizmo smiles in the dark. "Good job Puzzler
  861. [2012-07-11 00:25:07] * Garador drops one rifle, letting it dangle by the cord as he reloads one. He repears the same for the other.
  862. [2012-07-11 00:25:26] * Trefoil floats Puzzler's Magic Pistol back up to him.
  863. [2012-07-11 00:25:31] * Steel_Innocence smiles. "Thanks, Puzzler..."
  864. [2012-07-11 00:25:40] <Trefoil> "Keep ahold of that."
  865. [2012-07-11 00:26:26] * Violet cracks open her shotgun, taking a shell from the bandolier and sticking it in to the breach, replacing the enpty slot with a shell from her pack
  866. [2012-07-11 00:26:30] * Puzzler slowly picks up the gun again. Putting it back in his holster, he smiles and blushes a little. "Uh.." Still taken aback. He nods at Trefoil "Sure!" Taking the gun in his mouth.
  867. [2012-07-11 00:26:44] * Hospice sighed. "You know, this gets a lot easier with lack- I mean friends."
  868. [2012-07-11 00:27:07] * Violet glances at Hospice "Shut up Hospice."
  869. [2012-07-11 00:27:23] * Steel_Innocence stares seriously further into the darkness . "...but there is a lot of them, right? "
  870. [2012-07-11 00:27:29] <Garador> "Now eyes and ears open, everyone. Our shots probably got some attention."
  871. [2012-07-11 00:27:41] * Garador sweeps his rifles across the area as he maneuvers back to the center of the group.
  872. [2012-07-11 00:27:46] * Gizmo nods. "Yes, there is. We need quick ways of taking them out."
  873. [2012-07-11 00:28:01] * Trefoil steps forward, "Grenades?"
  874. [2012-07-11 00:28:10] <Trefoil> "'cause I got grenades and can see in the dark."
  875. [2012-07-11 00:28:17] * Violet trots over to Puzzler with a wide grin on her face
  876. [2012-07-11 00:29:01] <Garador> "Cut the talk and check your surroundings!"
  877. [2012-07-11 00:29:24] <Hospice> "May I suggest a defense perimeter around our medical assets?"
  878. [2012-07-11 00:29:27] =-= Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  879. [2012-07-11 00:29:36] <Violet> "Shut up Hospice."
  880. [2012-07-11 00:29:39] * Gizmo goes back to looking in the small corridor he was exploring before
  881. [2012-07-11 00:29:46] * Steel_Innocence looks into the Mirelurk carcass with a little disgust. She hesitantly bites into the shell and rips a bit of it out.
  882. [2012-07-11 00:30:01] * Hospice gave Violet a glare. "What? It's a perfectly reasonable idea. That way, anyone who gets hit by anything can get instant medical attention."
  883. [2012-07-11 00:30:14] * Trefoil is watching, because, you know, that's all she's been doing.
  884. [2012-07-11 00:30:18] <Hospice> "...y-yeah. Totally. No ulterior motives here."
  885. [2012-07-11 00:30:23] <Violet> "You only want us around you /so/ we get hit."
  886. [2012-07-11 00:30:36] <Violet> "Because that means you don't."
  887. [2012-07-11 00:30:48] <Garador> "For the love of Alda, /shut up/!"
  888. [2012-07-11 00:30:51] <Trefoil> "That's the idea. Alright. Giz, Steel, did you see anything before the death lobster showed up?"
  889. [2012-07-11 00:31:19] <Violet> "If you're that much of a cry baby, then stay away from the fight. It's a brilliant idea!"
  890. [2012-07-11 00:31:27] <Violet> (Cry foal*)
  891. [2012-07-11 00:31:28] * Trefoil points towards the passage in the dark, "Over in that tunnel?"
  892. [2012-07-11 00:31:47] * Violet shakes her head and looks back at Puzzler "You did great, puzzle!"
  893. [2012-07-11 00:32:07] * Hospice huffed indignantly. "That's a completely misleading way of phrasing the optimal strategy. Plus, I'm pretty sure if you get thwomped in the head a few more times than I do." Hospice mumbled, "Not like there's much to lose anyways..."
  894. [2012-07-11 00:32:08] * Gizmo shakes his head. "Nope but im looking again, its longer
  895. [2012-07-11 00:32:15] <Steel_Innocence> "Gizmo found a small place, but I didn't see things."
  896. [2012-07-11 00:32:42] * Garador facerifles. None of them were trained. At all.
  897. [2012-07-11 00:32:57] <Violet> "Oh there is much I could lose. Like my patience with not shooting you for attempting to manipulate my friends into positions where they will be hurt instead of you."
  898. [2012-07-11 00:33:18] <DontAskForCookie> The pasage north they were about to explore is to small for a mirelurk to pass
  899. [2012-07-11 00:33:28] * Puzzler puts his newely aquired weapon in his saddlebags. "I.. I killed it!" He turns to Violet, giving her a wide smile.
  900. [2012-07-11 00:34:05] * Hospice snorted. "Which still isn't unreasonable. If the Mirelurks were sentient, you'd know they'd adopt the optimal strategy by shooting the medic first. I simply aim to not give them that opportunity."
  901. [2012-07-11 00:34:07] * Gizmo goes further down the passage
  902. [2012-07-11 00:34:09] * Violet gets her grin back and wraps her forelegs around Puzzler's neck, hugging him tightly "I told you you could do it!"
  903. [2012-07-11 00:34:11] <Trefoil> "Alright. Take THE STEEL with you for backup again. Don't be afraid to duck under her."
  904. [2012-07-11 00:34:38] * Steel_Innocence is somewhat weirded out by the gleeful way Puzzler says the word "kill".
  905. [2012-07-11 00:34:38] <Violet> "I highly doubtful they're even sentiant enough to /use/ weapons."
  906. [2012-07-11 00:34:42] <Garador> "Mirelurks can't shoot, Hospice. And Puzzler, nice shot, but don't let it get to your head. Let's keep mobile."
  907. [2012-07-11 00:35:04] * Trefoil turns to Hospice and hisses, "Shut up and stay behind me or so help me Celestia you will wake up with a frag grenade in your mouth."
  908. [2012-07-11 00:35:20] * Steel_Innocence follows Gizmo, squeezing into the tight passage.
  909. [2012-07-11 00:35:25] <Trefoil> "Garador! Hear anything that way?"
  910. [2012-07-11 00:35:29] * Puzzler acks as he is pulled into Violets embrace. Hugging her back though.
  911. [2012-07-11 00:35:47] <Garador> "I'd try to listen, but people aren't shutting up."
  912. [2012-07-11 00:36:04] * Violet releases Puzzler blushing "Sorry."
  913. [2012-07-11 00:36:23] * Hospice gave Trefoil a smirk, "You're more liable to wake up with a frag grenade embedded in uh...somewhere that only doctors can get to. Hah!"
  914. [2012-07-11 00:36:59] * Trefoil ignores the Doc
  915. [2012-07-11 00:37:16] * Trefoil waits for some word from Gizmo or Steel about the tunnel
  916. [2012-07-11 00:37:32] * Garador strains to listen over the others.
  917. [2012-07-11 00:37:37] * Violet mutters "Don't shoot the doctor, she might be your only hop at some point. Don't shoot the doctor, she might be-"
  918. [2012-07-11 00:38:04] * Trefoil stares into the darkness with magic nightvision
  919. [2012-07-11 00:38:20] * Gizmo looks around the tunnel system with his nightscope
  920. [2012-07-11 00:38:35] * Garador mutters something under his breath.
  921. [2012-07-11 00:38:43] <DontAskForCookie> Gizmo and Steel find the tunnle empty and looking quite abandoned, it dosent look like any pony has used this passage in a long long time
  922. [2012-07-11 00:39:16] <Gizmo> "Steel, theres more down here, Stay close please."
  923. [2012-07-11 00:39:24] =-= Lucky is now known as Cranberry_Cookie
  924. [2012-07-11 00:39:33] * Steel_Innocence takes the lead, using the light to guide herself, looking all around for bugs.
  925. [2012-07-11 00:40:05] * Trefoil mumbles aside to Garador, "Can you see Gizmo and Steel?"
  926. [2012-07-11 00:40:10] * Hospice strategically placed herself behind Steel and Gizmo.
  927. [2012-07-11 00:40:33] <DontAskForCookie> Reaching the end of the tunnel Steel and Gizmo find more crates like the ones out front
  928. [2012-07-11 00:40:37] <DontAskForCookie> these however are not empty
  929. [2012-07-11 00:40:57] * Gizmo starts to check the crates
  930. [2012-07-11 00:41:02] <Garador> "What?" He looks around. "Fuck. They're seriously gone?"
  931. [2012-07-11 00:41:08] * Steel_Innocence looks back at Gizmo. "It's okay. No bugs here."
  932. [2012-07-11 00:41:20] <Garador> "Dammit, you people just... ugh. You don't split up like this. Ever."
  933. [2012-07-11 00:41:22] <Gizmo> "Yes, but theres stuff in these."
  934. [2012-07-11 00:41:24] * Trefoil moves forward to get a better look into the next chamber, whispering, "Go up to the tunnel and listen."
  935. [2012-07-11 00:41:32] <Trefoil> "Chill. The fuck. Out."
  936. [2012-07-11 00:41:40] <DontAskForCookie> The crate are full of two things, ammo and rum. 25 bottles of rum, 25 9mm ammo, and 30 .22 ammo
  937. [2012-07-11 00:42:28] * Garador scowls but complies, keeping his rifles at the ready as he strides after Trefoil, nodding at Puzzler, Hospice, and Violet to follow.
  938. [2012-07-11 00:42:32] * Steel_Innocence looks at the strange bottles. "Umm..."
  939. [2012-07-11 00:42:34] <Gizmo> "Oh my. Trefoil will probably kiss me if I gave her this." He picks up some of the rum and the ammo. "Steel can you take some more of these bottles? We can sell them."
  940. [2012-07-11 00:42:53] * Hospice followed. Hospice was opposed to splitting up and searching for clues for obvious reasons.
  941. [2012-07-11 00:42:56] * Violet tilts her head "Come on Puzzle. Lets not get left behind."
  942. [2012-07-11 00:43:00] * Steel_Innocence nod-nods, taking the remaining bottles.
  943. [2012-07-11 00:43:13] * Gizmo goes to check the other boxes
  944. [2012-07-11 00:43:24] === The nickname ``DontAskForCookies'' does not exist.
  945. [2012-07-11 00:43:25] * Puzzler slowly leaves Violets embrace. "Yeah, l-lets go.." he follows garador silently
  946. [2012-07-11 00:43:36] * Trefoil wasn't planning on leaving until the other two ponies returned.
  947. [2012-07-11 00:43:45] * Trefoil was just making sure there was nothing dead ahead of them.
  948. [2012-07-11 00:43:59] * Garador also keeps his eyes forward but also glances at the passages to their sides.
  949. [2012-07-11 00:44:01] <DontAskForCookie> Nothing ells remains in the crates
  950. [2012-07-11 00:44:48] * Gizmo looks up. "Well let's go deliver the good new to Tre."
  951. [2012-07-11 00:44:52] <Gizmo> news*
  952. [2012-07-11 00:45:05] <DontAskForCookie> The cave is wet and ocasionaly puddles of radioactive water can be found as you walk, your pip bucks warning you well before you step in them
  953. [2012-07-11 00:45:06] * Trefoil takes covert nips out of her flask. Thank god she can hold a pistol and drink at the same time.
  954. [2012-07-11 00:45:46] * Trefoil isn't getting warned of shit
  955. [2012-07-11 00:45:53] <Trefoil> "Watch that opening feathers."
  956. [2012-07-11 00:45:56] * Steel_Innocence nod-no-"Uh... what news?"
  957. [2012-07-11 00:46:00] * Garador is.
  958. [2012-07-11 00:46:07] * Gizmo keeps walking. "We have rum."
  959. [2012-07-11 00:46:23] * Hospice immediately stopped. "What."
  960. [2012-07-11 00:46:26] * Puzzler makes sure to take wide arcs around any puddles.
  961. [2012-07-11 00:46:42] <Trefoil> "Another chamber. Coupla side passages."
  962. [2012-07-11 00:46:45] * Steel_Innocence follows back to the central area. "Oh... that is nice... I think?"
  963. [2012-07-11 00:46:45] * Hospice quickly recovered. "That's EXCELLENT. I mean, that was a decent find. Congradulations."
  964. [2012-07-11 00:47:00] * Trefoil peeks down the one on the right, then up to the left.
  965. [2012-07-11 00:47:07] * Violet is following behind Puzzler
  966. [2012-07-11 00:47:17] * Garador sweeps his rifles across the chamber methodically, keeping his breath to a minimum.
  967. [2012-07-11 00:47:18] <Trefoil> Invisible beams of magic cut the darkness for the dingy white unicorn.
  968. [2012-07-11 00:48:15] <Hospice> "I only congradulate you for your find because my distaste for alcohol will mandate that we sell it. I certainly do not partake in such beverages and I certainly have never helped conduct a surgical operation under the influence."
  969. [2012-07-11 00:48:42] * Gizmo looks to Hospice. "Wow, I didnt know you were a drunk. " He says chuckling even after her explianation, making his way back to the group
  970. [2012-07-11 00:49:06] * Trefoil steps up closer to the center.
  971. [2012-07-11 00:49:17] * Hospice waved her hands indignantly. "What!?! How dare you accuse me of such. Especially when it directly flies in the face of the evidence. Aka my recent statement."
  972. [2012-07-11 00:49:21] <Trefoil> "Think a Mirelurk could fit in there, Feathers?"
  973. [2012-07-11 00:49:22] <Hospice> *hooves*
  974. [2012-07-11 00:49:34] * Steel_Innocence is puzzled. She trots towards Trefoil. "Hi! We found a rum thingie stuff of bottles."
  975. [2012-07-11 00:49:59] <Violet> "Shut. Up. Hospice."
  976. [2012-07-11 00:50:02] * Trefoil 's ears go straight up, "Rum!? HERE?"
  977. [2012-07-11 00:50:31] * Garador cringes.
  978. [2012-07-11 00:50:46] * Trefoil was still whispering, but whatever
  979. [2012-07-11 00:51:00] * Steel_Innocence nod-nods. Smiling because Trefoil really did seem to like it.
  980. [2012-07-11 00:51:04] <Violet> "Later, Trefoil. We'll all get drunk and have a celebration. After. We finish this."
  981. [2012-07-11 00:51:05] * Trefoil can hear the clattering of whatever Mirelurks moved on, "Well shit."
  982. [2012-07-11 00:51:13] * Trefoil slips her flask away
  983. [2012-07-11 00:51:20] <Trefoil> "Uh huh, sure, drunk later."
  984. [2012-07-11 00:51:21] * Hospice threw her hooves up. "Finally! Someone shares my excitement. I mean, I pity the pony that finds themselves seduced by such foul liquids. Yup. Totally. That's my story and I'm sticking to it."
  985. [2012-07-11 00:52:03] * Garador hears them too. "Movement, left."
  986. [2012-07-11 00:52:08] <Trefoil> "Shut up. Here we go."
  987. [2012-07-11 00:52:35] * Trefoil edges forward around the rock formation blocking her view.
  988. [2012-07-11 00:53:11] * Steel_Innocence mutters. "Bugs." Tensing herself up, preparing for their arrival.
  989. [2012-07-11 00:53:46] * Gizmo quielty takes out his pistol
  990. [2012-07-11 00:53:54] <Trefoil> "Yeah. Get ready to stomp Steel."
  991. [2012-07-11 00:54:03] * Hospice was still clueless and strangely loud. "What? Something is coming?"
  992. [2012-07-11 00:54:07] * Trefoil 's grin wouldn't even be visible in the light.
  993. [2012-07-11 00:54:22] * Trefoil wishes she were close enough to put a gun in Hospice's mouth."
  994. [2012-07-11 00:54:25] <Trefoil> *mouth.
  995. [2012-07-11 00:54:29] <Hospice> "WHERE? I DON'T SEE IT."
  996. [2012-07-11 00:54:42] <Hospice> "IS IT COMING FROM THE FRONT OR BACK?"
  997. [2012-07-11 00:54:44] <DontAskForCookie> From farther in the cave comes the sounds of another beast storming the party
  998. [2012-07-11 00:55:09] * Garador points a rifle at Hospice.
  999. [2012-07-11 00:55:43] <Garador> "Shh."
  1000. [2012-07-11 00:55:53] * Garador points the rifle away.
  1001. [2012-07-11 00:55:55] <Hospice> "WHAT? I DIDN'T CATCH THAT?"
  1002. [2012-07-11 00:56:08] * Violet sighs and moves up to the left, taking the meat shield position.
  1003. [2012-07-11 00:56:17] <Hospice> "IS THERE SOMETHING BEHIND ME?"
  1004. [2012-07-11 00:56:17] * Trefoil takes that moment to cram the muzzle of her telekinetically held gun into Hospice's mouth.
  1005. [2012-07-11 00:56:25] * Trefoil cocks it.
  1006. [2012-07-11 00:56:35] * Garador moves ahead, sticking close to the rocks.
  1007. [2012-07-11 00:56:47] <Trefoil> "Shut up Doc."
  1008. [2012-07-11 00:56:53] * Garador stays low for now, crouching in his stance.
  1009. [2012-07-11 00:56:54] * Puzzler winces. Takes a step back. "D-dont!"
  1010. [2012-07-11 00:56:59] * Hospice glared at Trefoil and immediately spat a loogie into the barrel.
  1011. [2012-07-11 00:57:06] <Garador> ((Redact))
  1012. [2012-07-11 00:57:16] * Steel_Innocence turns to Trefoil. "You stop. Now."
  1013. [2012-07-11 00:57:44] * Trefoil pulls it back just as Steel suggests, and smacks the reclaitrant Doctor across the muzzle full force
  1014. [2012-07-11 00:58:24] * Hospice was surprised by the whole incident, rather nonplussed, and evne louder "H-hey! What's the big deal?"
  1015. [2012-07-11 00:58:33] <DontAskForCookie> A Mirelurk charges Violet but its wild swing misses, however two more creatures can be heard rushing into the fight as well from the other direction
  1016. [2012-07-11 00:58:36] * Steel_Innocence glares at Trefoil.
  1017. [2012-07-11 00:58:43] * Trefoil hits her again
  1018. [2012-07-11 00:58:51] * Trefoil whispers, "What did I say?"
  1019. [2012-07-11 00:59:55] * Hospice , not fully noticing the mirelurks yet, yelled at Trefoil, "Absolutely nothing! The heck?" She immediately used her telekinesis to jerk the gun away from Trefoil's grasp and toss it up the corridor.
  1020. [2012-07-11 01:00:07] <Garador> "From the rear! Watch our six!" Garador reports as he brings up his foreleg and uses it as a platform to take an aimed shot with his right lever-action rifle.
  1021. [2012-07-11 01:01:44] * Hospice felt the gun budge just a little before she heard Garador yell out, "W-wait, wh- oh. I see. That explains a lot."
  1022. [2012-07-11 01:01:55] * Garador completely missed.
  1023. [2012-07-11 01:01:56] <Garador> "Fuck."
  1024. [2012-07-11 01:02:09] * Hospice immediately turned away from Trefoil and focused her attention the swarm of mirelurks she had finally noticed after far too long.
  1025. [2012-07-11 01:04:19] * Puzzler sidesteps as he sees the two other mirelurk aproach from the rear. he breaths heavily as he pulls the newly aquired energy pistol, aiming carefully at the lonly mirelurk he fires two shots, smiling as he does so.
  1026. [2012-07-11 01:08:21] <DontAskForCookie> the two shots however miss the aproching beasts
  1027. [2012-07-11 01:09:46] * Hospice saw Puzzler's lasers soar above the incoming beast. She was surprised for a second before she jiggled her own pistol enough to take also take careful aim and shoot twice at the same beast.
  1028. [2012-07-11 01:14:19] <DontAskForCookie> Both glowing bolts land home on one of the charging crab monsters
  1029. [2012-07-11 01:15:25] * Trefoil aims her ready pistol at the same Mirelurk that the last two ponies shot at, because why not.
  1030. [2012-07-11 01:17:34] * Trefoil doesn't hit shit with any of her four rolls.
  1031. [2012-07-11 01:17:54] <DontAskForCookie> gizmo
  1032. [2012-07-11 01:17:56] <DontAskForCookie> your up
  1033. [2012-07-11 01:18:13] <DontAskForCookie> (... wrong channel)
  1034. [2012-07-11 01:20:05] * Gizmo moves in close to the Mirelurk and aims his pistol, keeping silent and steady
  1035. [2012-07-11 01:25:28] <DontAskForCookie> Gizmos first shot gos wild but the second (after a speedy reload) hits
  1036. [2012-07-11 01:30:47] * Steel_Innocence leaps over the ponies, standing between the water bug and them. She snorts and turns to him, eyes on fire, advances towards him, mashing her hooves with full strength.
  1037. [2012-07-11 01:34:03] * Hospice 's eyes went wide in surprise as she watched the carnage unleashed by THE STEEL.
  1038. [2012-07-11 01:34:51] <DontAskForCookie> Steel literally puts her hooves through the mirelurk, somehow even its face looks surprised at the damage
  1039. [2012-07-11 01:36:04] <DontAskForCookie> The very bloody Mirelurk swings wild, managing to actually connect with Steel. Meanwhile the other two mirelurks close in....
  1040. [2012-07-11 01:38:39] -->| Big_beats (ofijlgtibveop@Pony-0ja.qdj.150.63.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  1041. [2012-07-11 01:41:06] * Garador screws accuracy and fires wildly at the weakened Mirelurk to finish it off before it becomes a problem, flipcocking like a pro.
  1042. [2012-07-11 01:42:32] <DontAskForCookie> Garadors one hit is right between the firs Mirelurks skull, killing it dead
  1043. [2012-07-11 01:43:10] * Trefoil can't see what's going on behind her, but hopes it's going better then their day.
  1044. [2012-07-11 01:46:41] * Puzzler winces as he misses his shots, and takes a couple of steps back from the dead mirelurk as Garador guns it down, slowly he turns to his right and spots the other two bug creatures. Swallowing hard he aims his pistol and squeezes of two shots.
  1045. [2012-07-11 01:46:51] * Puzzler at the one to his left (nr3)
  1046. [2012-07-11 01:48:38] <DontAskForCookie> and misses
  1047. [2012-07-11 01:49:09] * Violet just trots over to whatever the fuck is closest and shoots it.
  1048. [2012-07-11 01:49:21] * Puzzler 's shots misses the target, he starts to shake nervously, dropping down to hes haunces as he backs away in a panic. The pistol still in his mouth, gripping down on it so hard his jaw is shaking.
  1049. [2012-07-11 01:52:13] <DontAskForCookie> Violets shot perferates the beast and paints the walls and floor with its blood, its crys ring out across the cavern.
  1050. [2012-07-11 01:52:46] * Trefoil watches Vi splatter the bitch. Things must've gone well over there.
  1051. [2012-07-11 01:53:52] * Hospice gulped as the two Mirelurks drew waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too close for comfort. She readied her pistol and shot at the first one.
  1052. [2012-07-11 01:55:54] <DontAskForCookie> One of Hospices glowing plasma bolts hits home in the rapidly approching monsters
  1053. [2012-07-11 02:00:00] * Trefoil levels her pistol at the part of the Mirelurk's face that looked the most vulnerable, taking the extra time to make her shots land.
  1054. [2012-07-11 02:05:46] <DontAskForCookie> Trefoils sense of what may or may not be the weakest point of the mirlurks face is spot on as it drops dead from the attack
  1055. [2012-07-11 02:09:04] * Steel_Innocence canters around the corner, following the sounds of the gun fight. She immediately locks her eyes on the mirelurk, leaping and slamming both of her hooves.
  1056. [2012-07-11 02:09:28] * Trefoil doesn't have any time for jubilation.
  1057. [2012-07-11 02:12:40] <DontAskForCookie> Stell... well steel manages to somehow dive Brass horse shoe clad hoof first through the mirelurk as it explodes!!!!!
  1058. [2012-07-11 02:13:31] * Garador growls and reloads his rifles. "Dammit, being old sucks."
  1059. [2012-07-11 02:14:59] * Hospice 's jaw dropped. She reminded her for the sixth time today to never get on the wrong side of THE STEEL.
  1060. [2012-07-11 02:15:34] <Violet> "Don't worry, feathers. You're wise. just make sure you don't throw your back out."
  1061. [2012-07-11 02:15:40] * Steel_Innocence looks at the mirelurk remains. "Umm..." She hopes she can recover some of the meat. She realizes she is covered in bug goo. "Ewww!" And tries to shake it off.
  1062. [2012-07-11 02:15:42] <Trefoil> "Wow."
  1063. [2012-07-11 02:16:02] * Trefoil holds out a corner of tarp to Steel with TK
  1064. [2012-07-11 02:16:22] <Garador> "To be forward, wisdom means nothing if I can't hit shit like I used to."
  1065. [2012-07-11 02:16:34] * Violet quickly steps back from the globs of goo being flung from Steel_Innocence
  1066. [2012-07-11 02:17:02] <Violet> "Well You've gotta put it into perspective. You can't see as well as you could when you were my age."
  1067. [2012-07-11 02:17:38] <Garador> "And now that's saying something about my vision. Thanks. So! Everyone count your limbs! We all good?"
  1068. [2012-07-11 02:17:38] * Steel_Innocence takes tarp. "Thanks, Trefoil." She tries to clean some of the gooo with the tarp, not that it works too well.
  1069. [2012-07-11 02:17:38] * Puzzler sits a good pace away from the now gory scene, breathing heavily, still biting down on the gun. he fidgets nervously, staring into the darkness.
  1070. [2012-07-11 02:17:38] * Hospice took a step back as well. "...your age? What do you mean your age? We're not- I mean you're not old at all."
  1071. [2012-07-11 02:18:03] * Trefoil snorts, "Maybe it was the traumatic head injury?"
  1072. [2012-07-11 02:18:08] <Trefoil> "Speaking of which..."
  1073. [2012-07-11 02:18:15] * Trefoil turns around, looking for Hospice
  1074. [2012-07-11 02:18:38] <Trefoil> "Doc?"
  1075. [2012-07-11 02:18:38] * Violet nods "I'm limbed." She trots over to Puzzler and gently takes the gun from his mouth "Calm down Puzzle."
  1076. [2012-07-11 02:18:55] <Garador> "I'm fucking forty-seven. That's old."
  1077. [2012-07-11 02:19:25] * Steel_Innocence looks back at Garador, then to the the Mirelurk remains, takes a deep breth and tries to gather anything she can
  1078. [2012-07-11 02:19:40] * Violet glances at Garador smiling "Out here? I don't doubt. positively ancient, Gara."
  1079. [2012-07-11 02:20:12] <Trefoil> "Soon for the grave no doubt. /Doc/?"
  1080. [2012-07-11 02:20:24] * Hospice glared toward Trefoil, "...what?"
  1081. [2012-07-11 02:20:26] * Garador sighs and looks around, checking on the others.
  1082. [2012-07-11 02:20:37] * Puzzler keeps holding on to the weapon for another second before dropping it. He still fidgets. "I, I coulnt hit them. It wasnt like the other.. I-Im sorry.." He stands up.
  1083. [2012-07-11 02:20:44] * Trefoil is already trotting closer to the other mare because she can see in the fuckin' dark.
  1084. [2012-07-11 02:21:21] * Violet tucks the gun into Puzzler's bags and hugs him "It's alright, Puzzle.
  1085. [2012-07-11 02:21:23] <Garador> "Okay. Looks like we've got all our bits and pieces still properly inside."
  1086. [2012-07-11 02:21:23] <Violet> *"
  1087. [2012-07-11 02:21:53] * Puzzler returns the hug, still casting nervous glances at the surrounding caves.
  1088. [2012-07-11 02:22:15] * Trefoil lunges the remaining distance to Hospice.
  1089. [2012-07-11 02:22:48] * Violet looks over at Trefoil and Hospice, still hugging Puzzler
  1090. [2012-07-11 02:22:50] * Trefoil hits the mare full on with her forehooves
  1091. [2012-07-11 02:24:17] -->| AMARDA-Phone (AndChat401249@Pony-s4m.o6t.153.222.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  1092. [2012-07-11 02:25:21] * Hospice bent her head at a very strange angle to prevent her face from getting hit, but her slow sidestep meant that the hooves still grazed her sides, "W-what in Luna's name is wrong with you!?"
  1093. [2012-07-11 02:25:29] * Steel_Innocence 's eyes widen, she rushes and tackles Trefoil
  1094. [2012-07-11 02:25:50] * Violet quickly releases Puzzler and stands in front of Steel_Innocence
  1095. [2012-07-11 02:26:07] * Garador watches the scene unfold before him and slowly facerifles.
  1096. [2012-07-11 02:26:10] * Trefoil raises a foreleg back to hit Hospice again, but is hit full on by Steel
  1097. [2012-07-11 02:27:20] <Trefoil> (redacted)
  1098. [2012-07-11 02:27:50] * Violet looks at Hospice and trots over, punching her in the face. "What's wrong with us? If you're going to act like a liability, Hospice, You're going to be treated like one."
  1099. [2012-07-11 02:28:04] <Trefoil> (or not)
  1100. [2012-07-11 02:28:25] * Trefoil is trapped under Steel, but not without magic.
  1101. [2012-07-11 02:28:42] |<-- AMARDA-Phone has left (Connection closed)
  1102. [2012-07-11 02:29:15] <Trefoil> "Steel. Get off me."
  1103. [2012-07-11 02:29:31] -->| AMARDA-Phone (AndChat401249@Pony-2d6.o6t.153.222.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  1104. [2012-07-11 02:29:39] <Garador> "I'm starting to think we're all liabilities."
  1105. [2012-07-11 02:30:02] * Steel_Innocence yells at Trefoil. "No! Stop, you are being mean!" She turns to face Violet. "Violet? What are you doing?! Stop you too. Why are you hitting each other?!]"
  1106. [2012-07-11 02:30:33] <Trefoil> "Steel. Get off me. I think you cracked a rib."
  1107. [2012-07-11 02:30:54] <Violet> "In some scenarios and cases, yes, Garador. we are." She looks at Steel_Innocence "Hospice is a selfish bitch who cares nothing about any of us, merely her own safety. her yelling brought more mirelurks upon us, and /got you injured/"
  1108. [2012-07-11 02:31:05] <Violet> "No one, hurts my friends."
  1109. [2012-07-11 02:31:21] * Hospice was surprisingly calm, although a magical aura was glimmering over a pistol. "...I do admit that I may not have been as alerted to the mirelurks as some others was. In that situation, I would reccomend informing me of what you wanted me to do. Instead of acting like a stupid little foal and hitting me until I can randomly guess what you want done. Now, take a nice step
  1110. [2012-07-11 02:31:21] * Hospice backwards before I shoot you."
  1111. [2012-07-11 02:32:07] * Trefoil shoves against the larger mare
  1112. [2012-07-11 02:32:11] * Violet draws Sky Splitter "Is this how you want to play it, Hospice. If you get a member of this team killed, I. Will. END YOU."
  1113. [2012-07-11 02:32:14] <Trefoil> "Get off me."
  1114. [2012-07-11 02:32:32] <Trefoil> "Somepony has to stop them, and it's gonna be me or you kiddo."
  1115. [2012-07-11 02:33:00] * Steel_Innocence let's herself up, then rushes between Violet and Hospice
  1116. [2012-07-11 02:33:08] <Steel_Innocence> "No!"
  1117. [2012-07-11 02:33:26] <Steel_Innocence> "What are you doing?! This is bad, bad!"
  1118. [2012-07-11 02:33:48] <Violet> "Hospice is going to get us killed with her selfish behavior."
  1119. [2012-07-11 02:34:09] * Trefoil finally pulls out one of her nice little metal spheres she took from the raiders. It didn't take much imagination to see what one did to the equine form, considering what she herself had done to it's former owner.
  1120. [2012-07-11 02:34:16] <Steel_Innocence> "And I knew the bad things were making you mean, but it'ws getting bad and even more bad and now you want to hurt eacho other?! No!"
  1121. [2012-07-11 02:34:19] * Hospice is practically half-rabid. She'll probably snap and take someone out.
  1122. [2012-07-11 02:34:25] <Garador> "... and all this in under two days," he sighs. "Yagmarth be with me..."
  1123. [2012-07-11 02:34:26] <Hospice> (eer, wait)
  1124. [2012-07-11 02:34:35] <Hospice> "Violet is practically half-rabid. She'll probably snap and take someone out."
  1125. [2012-07-11 02:35:10] * Trefoil turns away from the three ponies and wanders back the way they came.
  1126. [2012-07-11 02:35:17] * Violet snorts "Rabid?" She puts Sky Splitter back into it's holster "You drew your weapon first."
  1127. [2012-07-11 02:35:22] <Steel_Innocence> "You all." She yells with all of her lungs "STOP NOW!!"
  1128. [2012-07-11 02:35:35] * Hospice was about to retort before being interrupted by Steel.
  1129. [2012-07-11 02:36:28] * Steel_Innocence turns to Hospice. "And if you do the shooty thing? Then they are going to get more mad and do the shooty thing too. And you are all going to be hurt! Why?!"
  1130. [2012-07-11 02:36:30] * Violet covers her ears "Do not yell, Steel. It is painful."
  1131. [2012-07-11 02:36:31] * Garador looks about the caverns as the shout echoes through them. "Xicis above... just give us time to rest and mend."
  1132. [2012-07-11 02:37:16] * Trefoil rotates the grenade in her TK as she trots
  1133. [2012-07-11 02:37:17] * Hospice almost composed an eloquent rebuttal to Steel before those thoughts slowly melted out of her head for some reason.
  1134. [2012-07-11 02:38:05] * Garador sighs and heads off toward the unexplored end of the cavern, standing guard for now. Hopefully he could actually hit something if it popped up.
  1135. [2012-07-11 02:38:44] * Violet trots back over to Puzzler and plops down to the ground
  1136. [2012-07-11 02:39:23] * Trefoil squeezes her eyes shut
  1137. [2012-07-11 02:40:13] * Hospice took a very deep breath before looking at Steel. "...fine". Her pistol fell back into her bag. "Makes sense. Doing things will result in those things also being done to you."
  1138. [2012-07-11 02:40:28] * Trefoil cries for the first time in the wasteland
  1139. [2012-07-11 02:40:59] * Garador maintains watch, lifting his rifles up once more. "Iaida... grant me thy strength to endure, grant me thy bravery to push forth."
  1140. [2012-07-11 02:41:45] * Puzzler sits with his head hunged low. The 10mm in his mouth.
  1141. [2012-07-11 02:42:00] * Hospice walked around Steel, " that case, let me also do the punchy thing." Hospice galloped towards Violet and Puzzler, horn flaring as she tried to telekinetically smash her hoof into Violet.
  1142. [2012-07-11 02:42:08] * Steel_Innocence rage start to get taken by tears. "I'm not a smart pony... b-but you are. Why do you get so mean? Ponies do bad things sometimes and it is sad, but if you get mean too, and everypony get mean too, it is going to get more bad and more bad forever. And... ummm... *whimper*"
  1143. [2012-07-11 02:43:46] * Puzzler looks up as Hospice gallops towards them. His eyes are full of hatred and tears. He aims the weapon, closes his eyes shut, and fires.
  1144. [2012-07-11 02:45:58] * Hospice , having stayed calm, chose the strangest pony, Steel, to lose her temper at. "What in LUNA'S name are you even talking about? I'm not the pony who randomly attacks other ponies because they can't read minds. I'm not the pony who threatens to murder other ponies on a regular basis. I'm not the pony that has consistently acted as an abrasive semi-feral the entire time. And
  1145. [2012-07-11 02:45:59] * Hospice you're calling ME the mean pony?"
  1146. [2012-07-11 02:45:59] <Steel_Innocence> (Hospice and Puzzler attacks retconnec)
  1147. [2012-07-11 02:46:28] * Trefoil lowers her head, the loose face shield falling down to cover her eyes as the the pin falls away and releases the spoon. Unsupported any longer by the feeble red magic field, the bomb falls to the cavern floor beside her.
  1148. [2012-07-11 02:46:38] * Trefoil gives up
  1149. [2012-07-11 02:47:06] |<-- Big_beats has left (Connection closed)
  1150. [2012-07-11 02:47:53] * Steel_Innocence yells. "You are being mean! And Violet! And Trefoil! B-but you can be nice! Please, be nice! Why can't you be nice?!"
  1151. [2012-07-11 02:48:14] <DontAskForCookie> End of session
  1152. [2012-07-11 02:53:59] <--| Trefoil has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  1153. [2012-07-11 02:55:20] |<-- Garador has left (Connection closed)
  1154. [2012-07-11 02:57:24] |<-- DontAskForCookie has left (Connection closed)
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