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Aug 3rd, 2016
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  1. # RankMissions by Terrobility
  2. # Skype: huntergplays and Spigot: Terrobility <3
  4. # x=x=x=x=x=x=x=x=x
  6. # x=x=x=x=x=x=x=x=x
  7. # Please don't change the config version.
  8. config-version: 1
  10. # To store all completed missions per player.
  11. database:
  12. # Either 'mysql' or 'sqlite'.
  13. type: sqlite
  14. mysql:
  15. host: localhost
  16. port: 3306
  17. database-name: rankmissions
  18. user: root
  19. password: password
  21. plugin-messages:
  22. no-permission:
  23. - "&cYou don't have permission."
  24. invalid-args:
  25. - "&cInvalid arguments!"
  26. help-menu:
  27. - "&8 ---- &bCommands for RankMissions &8-- &7Page &d1 &8----"
  28. - "&6/rankmissions&f: &7Open this help menu."
  29. - "&6/rankmissions &estats [player]&f: &7See what missions a player has completed."
  30. - "&6/rankmissions &cgive [player] [mission]&f: &7Give a player a mission."
  31. - "&6/rankmissions &cgiveall [mission]&f: &7Give all online players missions."
  32. given-item:
  33. - "&aYou were given the item to spawn &2%mission%&a!"
  34. no-space:
  35. - "&cThere was no space in your inventory so the item was dropped where you're standing!"
  36. required-missions-not-completed:
  37. - "&cYou cannot activate this mission because you have not completed the required missions!"
  38. completed-mission-that-blacklists:
  39. - "&cYou can't complete this mission because you have completed another mission that disallows you from doing this one!"
  40. no-repeat:
  41. - "&cYou're not allowed to repeat this mission!"
  42. already-completing-mission:
  43. - "&cYou are already completing a mission!"
  44. failed-to-spawn-entity:
  45. - "&cYou can't spawn the entity here!"
  46. died-by-natural-causes:
  47. - "&cThe mob for the %mission% mission started by %player% died by natural causes! Better luck next time."
  48. not-in-region:
  49. - "&cYou can only start this mission in a warzone!"
  51. region-needs-mob-spawning-allow: false
  53. missions:
  54. # This is the mission name. You can add as many missions as you want.
  55. 'Patfinder': # Please rename the mission to something else! This is only an example.
  56. item:
  57. # Materials:
  58. type: "HAY_BLOCK"
  59. data: 0
  60. name: "&eRank Mission"
  61. lore:
  62. - "&7Right click me to"
  63. - "&7start a rank mission!"
  64. # This checks against the WorldGuard region.
  65. activate-in-region:
  66. - "warzone"
  67. settings:
  68. start-delay: 10
  69. # If true, it would require 'rankmissions.examplemission2' since that's the name you chose for the mission.
  70. use-permission: false
  71. repeatable: false
  72. required-missions: []
  73. blacklisted-if-mission-complete:
  74. - "ExampleMission3"
  75. entity:
  76. # Entity types:
  77. mob: "COW"
  78. name: "&e%player%'s Rank Mission Cow"
  79. health: 20.0
  80. # Follows format of EFFECT:LEVEL. The time will always be infinite.
  81. # Effect list:
  82. effects:
  83. -
  84. # Commands to be run.
  85. actions:
  86. on-click:
  87. - "broadcast %player% is about to start a %mission% mission at %x%, %y%, %z%!"
  88. on-start:
  89. - "broadcast %player% started a %mission% mission at %x%, %y%, %z%!"
  90. on-complete:
  91. - "broadcast %killer% has completed %player%'s mission!"
  92. - "zperms player %killer% addgroup pathfinder"
  93. - "msg %killer% Congratulations on winning the rank mission! Your rank has been applied."
  94. 'ranger': # Please rename the mission to something else! This is only an example.
  95. item:
  96. # Materials:
  97. type: "HAY_BLOCK"
  98. data: 0
  99. name: "&eRank Mission"
  100. lore:
  101. - "&7Right click me to"
  102. - "&7start a rank mission!"
  103. # This checks against the WorldGuard region.
  104. activate-in-region:
  105. - "warzone"
  106. settings:
  107. start-delay: 10
  108. # If true, it would require 'rankmissions.examplemission2' since that's the name you chose for the mission.
  109. use-permission: false
  110. repeatable: false
  111. required-missions: []
  112. blacklisted-if-mission-complete:
  113. - "ExampleMission3"
  114. entity:
  115. # Entity types:
  116. mob: "COW"
  117. name: "&e%player%'s Rank Mission Cow"
  118. health: 20.0
  119. # Follows format of EFFECT:LEVEL. The time will always be infinite.
  120. # Effect list:
  121. effects:
  122. -
  123. # Commands to be run.
  124. actions:
  125. on-click:
  126. - "broadcast %player% is about to start a %mission% mission at %x%, %y%, %z%!"
  127. on-start:
  128. - "broadcast %player% started a %mission% mission at %x%, %y%, %z%!"
  129. on-complete:
  130. - "broadcast %killer% has completed %player%'s mission!"
  131. - "zperms player %killer% addgroup ranger"
  132. - "msg %killer% Congratulations on winning the rank mission! Your rank has been applied."
  133. 'traveler': # Please rename the mission to something else! This is only an example.
  134. item:
  135. # Materials:
  136. type: "HAY_BLOCK"
  137. data: 0
  138. name: "&eRank Mission"
  139. lore:
  140. - "&7Right click me to"
  141. - "&7start a rank mission!"
  142. # This checks against the WorldGuard region.
  143. activate-in-region:
  144. - "warzone"
  145. settings:
  146. start-delay: 10
  147. # If true, it would require 'rankmissions.examplemission2' since that's the name you chose for the mission.
  148. use-permission: false
  149. repeatable: false
  150. required-missions: []
  151. blacklisted-if-mission-complete:
  152. - "ExampleMission3"
  153. entity:
  154. # Entity types:
  155. mob: "COW"
  156. name: "&e%player%'s Rank Mission Cow"
  157. health: 20.0
  158. # Follows format of EFFECT:LEVEL. The time will always be infinite.
  159. # Effect list:
  160. effects:
  161. -
  162. # Commands to be run.
  163. actions:
  164. on-click:
  165. - "broadcast %player% is about to start a %mission% mission at %x%, %y%, %z%!"
  166. on-start:
  167. - "broadcast %player% started a %mission% mission at %x%, %y%, %z%!"
  168. on-complete:
  169. - "broadcast %killer% has completed %player%'s mission!"
  170. - "zperms player %killer% addgroup traveler"
  171. - "msg %killer% Congratulations on winning the rank mission! Your rank has been applied."
  172. 'scout': # Please rename the mission to something else! This is only an example.
  173. item:
  174. # Materials:
  175. type: "HAY_BLOCK"
  176. data: 0
  177. name: "&eRank Mission"
  178. lore:
  179. - "&7Right click me to"
  180. - "&7start a rank mission!"
  181. # This checks against the WorldGuard region.
  182. activate-in-region:
  183. - "warzone"
  184. settings:
  185. start-delay: 10
  186. # If true, it would require 'rankmissions.examplemission2' since that's the name you chose for the mission.
  187. use-permission: false
  188. repeatable: false
  189. required-missions: []
  190. blacklisted-if-mission-complete:
  191. - "ExampleMission3"
  192. entity:
  193. # Entity types:
  194. mob: "COW"
  195. name: "&e%player%'s Rank Mission Cow"
  196. health: 20.0
  197. # Follows format of EFFECT:LEVEL. The time will always be infinite.
  198. # Effect list:
  199. effects:
  200. -
  201. # Commands to be run.
  202. actions:
  203. on-click:
  204. - "broadcast %player% is about to start a %mission% mission at %x%, %y%, %z%!"
  205. on-start:
  206. - "broadcast %player% started a %mission% mission at %x%, %y%, %z%!"
  207. on-complete:
  208. - "broadcast %killer% has completed %player%'s mission!"
  209. - "zperms player %killer% addgroup scout"
  210. - "msg %killer% Congratulations on winning the rank mission! Your rank has been applied."
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