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Troll on DME

a guest
Jul 8th, 2011
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  1. Jul 09 12 19 - Dark Bot Kyotoshien (Kyotoshien) logs in.
  2. YugiohLegend01 lowers his Duel Disk.
  3. <Kyotoshien> yo
  4. <Kyotoshien> zangetsu
  5. <Kyotoshien> where u at
  6. <YugiohLegend01> Duel Anyone
  7. <Echo> I will..
  8. <Katta Karifuda> echo..
  9. <Katta Karifuda> you must sing...
  10. <Echo> Not in the mood to
  11. <Katta Karifuda> save us all from the evil link
  12. PM from Junshiro :: ITS THE TROLL!!!!!!!
  13. PM from Junshiro :: Wake up!! He's on here xD
  14. <Katta Karifuda> and his lacky, shadow aka kaiser
  15. <Zangetsu> Oh great
  16. <Zangetsu> Dear lord
  17. <Kyotoshien> hey
  18. <Kyotoshien> u get my post?
  19. <Katta Karifuda> kyo
  20. <Katta Karifuda> it was fun reading it btw
  21. <Kyotoshien> i'm serious
  22. <Junshiro> the post about you cursing everyone out?
  23. <Kyotoshien> who ever made that crap up
  24. <Kyotoshien> can face me face to face
  25. <Zangetsu> What "post" aside from the one about the "ghosts attacking your family"?
  26. <Kyotoshien> nah
  27. <Echo> tag at KC, 2 needed
  28. <Kyotoshien> i wanna see that one
  29. <Kyotoshien> i need that link for that ghost sht
  30. <Zangetsu>
  31. <Junshiro> Maybe he has a memory disease?
  32. <Junshiro> or Split Personalities.
  33. <Kyotoshien> uh no
  34. <Kyotoshien> i have adhd
  35. <Kyotoshien> but not split personalitys
  36. <Kyotoshien> I have an anger issue
  37. <Zangetsu> Yeah we can see.
  38. <Kyotoshien> and that's about the extent of my problems
  39. <YugiohLegend01> Duel Anyone
  40. <Katta Karifuda> It's ok
  41. <Kyotoshien> but here's my main question
  42. <Greatsaiyaman24> how do you start a tag duel?
  43. <Kyotoshien> where's that kyo at
  44. <Kyotoshien> the one who made that post
  45. <Junshiro> Right here
  46. <Katta Karifuda> We all know you're mental
  47. <Echo> ...
  48. <Kyotoshien> no
  49. <Kyotoshien> his email
  50. <Junshiro> from were standing your the one who went crazy
  51. <Kyotoshien> what's his email
  52. <Echo> Tag at KC, 2 needed
  53. <Kyotoshien> junshiro
  54. <Kyotoshien> don't test me
  55. <Zangetsu> Fine hold on
  56. <Kyotoshien> i already had issues with that one person
  57. <Kyotoshien> my email is
  58. <Kyotoshien> and i have a second email
  59. <Kyotoshien> which is my real name
  60. Jul 09 16 35 - Dark Bot Red sand (Red sand) logs in.
  61. PM sent to Link :: I hate to bother you Link but can you get Kyotoshien out of here? He's trolling me for an issue thats not game related?
  62. <EHeroMatt> kinda sad this person that got banned comes here, ai
  63. <Junshiro> Welp if its not you, you should really see the crap he's been posting
  64. <YugiohLegend01> Duel Anyone
  65. PM from Link :: what's the issue
  66. <Kyotoshien> i wanna see it
  67. <Red sand> ill duel
  68. <Kyotoshien> cause honestly
  69. <Kyotoshien> i swear on every thing
  70. PM to Link ::
  71. <YugiohLegend01> left kc
  72. <Kyotoshien> that's not me who posted that ghost shit
  73. <Junshiro>
  74. <Kyotoshien> cause that dude joined yesterday
  75. <Kyotoshien> i joined just a few hours ago
  76. <EHeroMatt> you do realize
  77. <Kyotoshien> and the ip's don't match up
  78. PM sent to EHeroMatt :: Is Kaiser online?
  79. <Link> Hey are you ranting about another game Kyo?
  80. <EHeroMatt> Hey! Kyo
  81. PM to EHeroMatt :: Or is he AFK?
  82. Red sand raises his Duel Disk.
  83. YugiohLegend01 raises his Duel Disk.
  84. <EHeroMatt> Guess what, you're lying
  85. <Kyotoshien> llink
  86. Jul 09 18 17 - Dark Bot Buch Akimichi (Buchalter97) logs in.
  87. <Kyotoshien> don't mess with me
  88. <Kyotoshien> and i'm not lying
  89. <Link> You dont mess with me.
  90. YugiohLegend01 lowers his Duel Disk.
  91. <Kyotoshien> Besides that new order crap i asked to be banned from that one first time
  92. <Buch Akimichi> Now, now, children, stop messing around in general.
  93. YugiohLegend01 raises his Duel Disk.
  94. <Junshiro> Dont mess with the Zohan.
  95. <Buch Akimichi> <_>
  96. <Kyotoshien> cause some douche kept summon killing me
  97. <Link> Now please leave this game and talk about that NWO business elsewhere.
  98. <EHeroMatt> you said you wanted to see it yet you just told everyone you said '' this ghost shit wasen't me''.......
  99. <Kyotoshien> and none of the admins did this crap. And besides i'm building infern deck
  100. Jul 09 19 08 - Rain Bot Joey Wheeler (Bawer) logs out.
  101. <Link> Then if I were you, i'd keep my mouth shut about it and play this game.
  102. <Junshiro> Lol Good Observation Matt but you should of Screamed out Objection and made a dramatic post
  103. <Kyotoshien> I wanted zangetsu to give me that guy's email
  104. <Buch Akimichi> Pose*
  105. <Buch Akimichi> >:D
  106. <Mudkip God> duel anyone?
  107. <Zangetsu> You didn't have to troll me over here to do it
  108. <Junshiro> ty for the correction ^^
  109. <Link> And he doesn't know what you're talking about.
  110. <Kyotoshien> zangetsu knows
  111. <Link> So stop bothering him.
  112. <Kyotoshien> he followed me to games
  113. <Kyotoshien> and was telling me ip adresses
  114. <Zangetsu> Because you sent a
  115. <Buch Akimichi> I may be retired into a ninja, but I'm still a grammar Nazi at heart.
  116. <Zangetsu> threat message
  117. <Buch Akimichi> :D
  118. <Kyotoshien> that's not a threat
  119. <Mudkip God> kyo ur annoy plz shut up
  120. <Kyotoshien> that was a promise
  121. <Junshiro> that isnt grammar though
  122. <Junshiro> wasnt*
  123. <EHeroMatt> > Promise
  124. <Kyotoshien> i could care less about that game to be hoenst
  125. <Junshiro> it twas spelling :b
  126. <Kyotoshien> what pissed me of
  127. <Buch Akimichi> It is, junsh.
  128. <EHeroMatt> more like Mental Drival
  129. PM sent to Asai :: Link and Kyo are going at it
  130. <Kyotoshien> is someone had the nerve to impersonate me
  131. <Kyotoshien> and won't say it to my face
  132. <Zangetsu> How can they?
  133. <EHeroMatt> guess what, Kyo
  134. <Zangetsu> We're over the fucking internet
  135. <Kyotoshien> cuz
  136. <Kyotoshien> i'll fly them out here
  137. <Buch Akimichi> Sentence structure as well as spelling fall under the category of grammar.
  138. <Kyotoshien> idc
  139. <Kyotoshien> i got the money to fly em out
  140. <Junshiro> Buch Grammar doesnt = Spelling
  141. <Kyotoshien> i want them to step up
  142. <Link> well whatever the case its done
  143. <Kyotoshien> and face me like a man
  144. <EHeroMatt> NO ONE GIVES A FUCK
  145. <Zangetsu> ^
  146. <Buch Akimichi> Yes, spelling is a part of grammar.
  147. <Kyotoshien> they can bring what ever they want to the damn fight
  148. <Mudkip God> ^
  149. <Link> drop the subject
  150. <Mudkip God> @ matt
  151. <Junshiro> I ask for a survey
  152. <Kyotoshien> all of u are against me
  153. <Junshiro> Does Spelling fall under Grammar everyone
  154. <Kyotoshien> and none of you know me
  155. <EHeroMatt> This man is clearly a crack addict~
  156. Link: end the conversation
  157. <Echo> Enough, please just enjoy the game "everyone"
  158. <Mentavo Dorado> you have shien on your name
  159. <Mentavo Dorado> which means you are bad
  160. <EHeroMatt> * Objection pose*
  161. <Kyotoshien> funny -_-
  162. <Mudkip God> lol
  163. <Kyotoshien> i don't run sams tho
  164. <Junshiro> W00t nice Matt xD
  165. Echo raises her Duel Disk.
  166. <Buch Akimichi> Yo guys, tell junsh that spelling is part of grammar.
  167. Mentavo Dorado raises his Duel Disk.
  168. <Buch Akimichi> >:o
  169. <Junshiro> It is not >.<
  170. <Mudkip God> idc buch
  171. <Kyotoshien> you know what. when u guys wanna talk this like real people
  172. <Kyotoshien> let me know
  173. <Buch Akimichi> Yes it is.
  174. <Junshiro> I'm sure Spelling isnt Grammar
  175. <Zangetsu> Grammar is like saying...
  176. <Buch Akimichi> And I have proof.
  177. <EHeroMatt> yes.....
  178. <Buch Akimichi> *take that pose*
  179. <Zangetsu> I isn't going to the park
  180. <Buch Akimichi> >:D
  181. <Zangetsu> That is Grammar
  182. <Mentavo Dorado> Zangetsu are baboon?
  183. Jul 09 23 50 - Dark Bot Jake_Kazami (Jake_Kazami) logs in.
  184. <Zangetsu> Spelling is just... u kno wat tym it iz 2day. The stuff Kyo did
  185. <Mudkip God> lol what?
  186. <Jake_Kazami> baboons rule
  187. <EHeroMatt> Let you know...........Hey! Kyo
  188. <Junshiro> Show me proof
  189. <Ayara-Smexy Beast> did he leave?
  190. <EHeroMatt> Let's talk like real ppl!
  191. <Junshiro> Show me Buch!
  192. <Buch Akimichi> *take that*
  193. <Mudkip God> did who leave ayara?
  194. <Zangetsu> Is Kyotoshien gone?
  195. <Jake_Kazami> ok ok answer this for me
  196. <Ayara-Smexy Beast> the troll about zans game
  197. <EHeroMatt> Nah
  198. <Mudkip God> ah
  199. <EHeroMatt> he's sitting here like a roach
  200. <Kyotoshien> cuz
  201. <Junshiro> OBJECTION! *Finger Points at Buch*
  202. <Buch Akimichi> :D
  203. <Kyotoshien> who u callin a roach
  204. <Mudkip God> roach!
  205. <Zangetsu> xD
  206. <Mudkip God> i wanna eat him
  207. <Mentavo Dorado> inverz roach? where
  208. <Jake_Kazami> dragunities, D heros, e heros, morphtronics, or cyber dragons
  209. <Junshiro> Take That! >:O
  210. <Kyotoshien> i'm done arguing about this damn case
  211. <Kyotoshien> zan hasnt given me the guys email
  212. <Mudkip God> Thank you!
  213. <EHeroMatt> Kyo.........whatchu going to do, Brah?
  214. <Buch Akimichi> OBJECTION!
  215. <Kyotoshien> and personally i think he posted that ghost shit
  216. <Kira> duel anyone?
  217. <Jake_Kazami> dragunities, D heros, e heros, morphtronics, or cyber dragons / chose one
  218. <Kyotoshien> seems like something up his ally
  219. <Zangetsu> Why give an Email if both IPs matched?
  220. <Mudkip God> kira i will
  221. <Kyotoshien> they didn't
  222. <Buch Akimichi> *shakes finger at junsh*
  223. <Zangetsu> They clearly did
  224. <Junshiro> Not in this court! of Duel Monsters!
  225. <EHeroMatt> OBJECTION!
  226. <Kyotoshien> alright zan
  227. <Kyotoshien> post it
  228. <Jake_Kazami> God damnit answer me!
  229. <Buch Akimichi> This is CANADIAN answers.
  230. <Kira> kc
  231. <Zangetsu> When I banned you from NWO, I looked at your IP
  232. <Mudkip God> god damn it
  233. <Kyotoshien> no
  234. <Kyotoshien> since they matched zan
  235. <Buch Akimichi> Therefore your arguement is invalid.
  236. <Buch Akimichi> >:o
  237. <Kyotoshien> since u was the one who kept summon killing me befor
  238. <Junshiro> But Canada
  239. <Junshiro> is part OF THE WORLD
  240. <Kyotoshien> u was the one who kept doing all that bull shit to me before
  241. Mudkip God raises his Duel Disk.
  242. <Zangetsu> Why would I break the rules of my own game?
  243. <Kyotoshien> you have all the resources to do the shit
  244. Kira raises his Duel Disk.
  245. <Katen Kyokatsu> Hi Zangetsu
  246. <Junshiro> and The World is where we use Grammar
  247. <Kyotoshien> cause it's your game
  248. <EHeroMatt> @ Jun
  249. <Kyotoshien> what do you have to lose
  250. <Link> DIdnt i say to drop this conversation
  251. <Kyotoshien> no link
  252. <Katen Kyokatsu> Hi Zangestu
  253. <Mudkip God> add plz
  254. <Junshiro> Dont worry Matt
  255. <Link> If it's about another game, talk about it elsewhere.
  256. <Junshiro> I dont need fancy Music
  257. PM to Katen Kyokatsu :: Hi
  258. <Kyotoshien> alright zan
  259. <Buch Akimichi> I refuse to allow this evidence into the court record on the grounds that this may cause an international incident.
  260. <Kyotoshien> get on rebirth
  261. <Katen Kyokatsu> lol
  262. <Buch Akimichi> >:o
  263. <Kyotoshien> we'll talk about this there
  264. <Zangetsu> Ummm
  265. <Zangetsu> I have a strict policy
  266. <Junshiro> I just need some of this
  267. <Kyotoshien> ok
  268. PM from Asai :: wow... i leave for a few minutes and you all go haywire x_x *continues reading missed conversation*
  269. <Kyotoshien> alright
  270. <Kyotoshien> we can play this game
  271. <Junshiro> Buch accept that Grammar is not Spelling
  272. YugiohLegend01 lowers his Duel Disk.
  273. <Zangetsu> Not to talk to people who can't accept responsibility and blames it on "ghosts" <--- Last sentence about this argument
  274. YugiohLegend01 raises his Duel Disk.
  275. <Kyotoshien> zan
  276. Red sand lowers his Duel Disk.
  277. <Junshiro> Tell me why a L.A. teacher spends time doing these things one day Grammar
  278. Red sand raises his Duel Disk.
  279. <Kyotoshien> i wanted to be banned from that game
  280. <Junshiro> the other day Spelling
  281. <Kyotoshien> i never asked to be unbaned
  282. <EHeroMatt> OBJECTION!
  283. <Link> you can stop that matt
  284. <Junshiro> Never Link :B
  285. <EHeroMatt> Link says to stop this bs argument.....besides I've already proven you Guilty
  286. <Kyotoshien> the reason i was banned form the game was because i was made sand kage and waterfall started summon killing me and spam killing me then i started changing everyone's name then dared ya'll to ban me
  287. <Zangetsu> You were banned for god knows what. You're banned now because of your "excuse" for getting banned the first time.
  288. <Junshiro> Me Guilty? Or Him
  289. <Kyotoshien> no
  290. <Jaden> duel anyone?
  291. <Kyotoshien> i didn't have an excuse
  292. <Asai> why is this /still/ going on? -__________-
  293. <Link> You know...
  294. <Kyotoshien> i wanted to be banned form that sorry excuse of a game
  295. <Zangetsu> I refuse to talk
  296. <Zangetsu> I'm done.
  297. <Kyotoshien> ok
  298. <Junshiro> We have to cases currently going on lol Kyo and them and Buch and I
  299. <Kyotoshien> you a bitch then
  300. <Junshiro> two*
  301. <Link> Im usually an easy going guy.
  302. <Kyotoshien> shut up link
  303. <Kyotoshien> u wanna ban me to
  304. <Kyotoshien> do it
  305. <Mudkip God> SHUT THE F*** UP KYOTO
  306. <Kyotoshien> make me
  307. <Asai> do eeet link
  308. <Kyotoshien> i don't honestly give a fuck
  309. <Link> Well thanks for the permission.
  310. <Kyotoshien> so
  311. <EHeroMatt> TAKE THAT!
  312. <Buch Akimichi> TAKE THAT *slams hand down on the table, then opens his eyes*
  313. <Kyotoshien> do it
  314. <Kyotoshien> do it
  315. <Kyotoshien> do it
  316. <Mudkip God> THEN LEAVE U WINEY EOTCH
  317. <Junshiro> Buch by your Silence That means Im right
  318. <Kyotoshien> do it
  319. <Echo> *sighs*.. obviously you do or you wouldn't be making a big scene...
  320. <Kyotoshien> do it bitch
  321. <Junshiro> oh crap
  322. <Kyotoshien> do it
  323. <Kyotoshien> come on
  324. <Mudkip God> *beotch
  325. <Kyotoshien> ban me
  326. <Asai> Troll~
  327. <Mentavo Dorado> FALCON PUNCH!
  328. <Junshiro> BUCH
  329. <Kyotoshien> taking too long
  330. <Kyotoshien> ban me
  331. Kyotoshien was banned from the world for: Spam/Troll.
  332. Jul 09 31 05 - Rain Bot Kyotoshien (Kyotoshien) logs out.
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