
Ross the Christian

Dec 24th, 2017
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  1. Ross
  2. why do you post lies about ppl on the i-net
  3. bunb
  4. Ross, those are the words you typed.
  5. Do you not like seeing the words you typed?
  6. Ross
  7. those are not words that i typed
  8. you altered them
  9. bunb
  10. Incorrect.
  11. Ross
  12. i never said i hated Jesus
  13. bunb
  14. Agreed.
  15. Ross
  16. you ARE a LIAR
  17. bunb
  18. That was my title.
  19. Ross
  20. you got it posted on that link that says i hate Jesus
  21. bunb
  22. The reason I said that "you hate Christ with your whole heart" is because you defend VirtualPreacher.
  23. Ross
  24. and that IS A lie
  25. bunb
  26. VirtualPreacher, everyday, hurts and abuses the children of God.
  27. Ross
  28. and you are an idiot
  29. bunb
  30. It is a sin to defend such a person.
  31. Ross: I'd remind you of James1:19.
  32. Ross
  33. virtual preacher doesnt hate Jesus
  34. bunb
  35. You have read my post incorrectly.
  36. Ross
  37. i care about your version of the bible as you are a liar ... you proved YOU ARE A LIAR
  38. no i did not
  39. bunb
  40. Ross: Why do you defend VirtualPreacher?
  41. Ross
  42. you said i hate Jesus
  43. bunb
  44. He hurts the children of God.
  45. Ross
  46. i dont defend anyone
  47. you are evil
  48. bunb
  49. "Whomever appointed VirtualPreacher operator, whomever maintains VirtualPreacher's operatorship, and VirtualPreacher all hate Christ."
  50. ⓘ Ross set mode +b *!*@37.61.211.*
  51. × You have been kicked by Ross (Ross)
  52. Ross
  53. you are not the moral judge of another
  54. i am going to kick you every time i see from this point on
  55. bunb
  56. Ross: Do you agree that VirtualPreacher abuses people?
  57. Ross
  58. so take it up with Sara
  59. bunb
  60. Ross: You are commanded by Jesus to forgive those who trespass against you.
  61. Ross
  62. YOU ABUSED ME you asshole
  63. lol
  64. bunb
  65. Ross: You are not behaving in accordance with James 1:19.
  66. Ross
  67. so you think you can lie about ppl and and think we have to forgive you
  68. i dont intend to
  69. you're are Satan's agent
  70. YOU ARE ABUSing ME you asshole
  71. bunb
  72. Ross: You don't intend to behave in accordance with James 1:19?
  73. Ross
  74. and do you think you are living in harmony with ppl whom you slander
  75. bunb
  76. Ross: You appear to have typed "lol" in response to my reminding you that you are taught by Jesus to forgive those who trespass against you.
  77. Ross
  78. and do you think you are living in harmony with the principals of the bible when you slander ppl
  79. bunb
  80. Ross: You're not addressing my question.
  81. Ross
  82. and you were taught ... na commanded by Jesus not to tell lies about others
  83. and you were taught ... na commanded by Jesus not to tell lies about others
  84. and you were taught ... na commanded by Jesus not to tell lies about others
  85. you bear false witness against me
  86. bunb
  87. Ross: I will address your questions if you address my questions.
  88. Ross
  89. that you the LIAR and a FRAUD
  90. bunb
  91. Are you interested in that?
  92. Ross
  93. you bear false witness against me
  94. bunb
  95. I am willing to go first.
  96. Ross
  97. you take down that slander you posted about me
  98. bunb
  99. It doesn't appear you're interested in having a conversation.
  100. Ross: Remember, when two of us come together in Jesus' name, then Jesus will be here, too.
  101. Ross
  102. i have no unity with a LIAR like you
  103. bunb
  104. Ross: I am a child of God.
  105. Ross
  106. your Jesus is the Devil
  107. bunb
  108. And Jesus teaches us to forgive those who trespass against us.
  109. Ross
  110. your Jesus is the Devil
  111. you are no child of Christ
  112. bunb
  113. All are children of Christ, Ross.
  114. Ross
  115. no we are not
  116. some ARE the children of Satan .... just as you are
  117. bunb
  118. "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,"
  119. Ross
  120. you ARE the child of Satan .... just as all liars are
  121. bunb
  122. "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."
  123. I forgive you, Ross.
  124. I am ready to have a conversation with you when you're ready.
  125. Ross
  126. you say you are the prophet of God ... how do you read this verse
  127. bunb
  128. I have not claimed to be a prophet of God.
  129. * Ross kjv Mt�5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
  130. Ross
  131. the verse says without a cause
  132. i have cause, as do all the other ops of #ChristianDebate
  133. you are such a looser
  134. bunb
  135. I forgive you, Ross.
  136. bunb
  137. I am sorry you are suffering, Ross.
  138. It is possible to stop that suffering.
  139. Ross
  140. you are a creep
  141. why dont you stop slandering ppl
  142. you'
  143. you're not cool
  144. you are a creep
  145. bunb
  146. "Here I stand... arms open wide"
  147. Ross
  148. piss off dude you're the Devil not Jesus
  149. bunb
  150. "My whole life is yours"
  151. "I give it all -- surrender to your name"
  152. Ross
  153. i reject you and your Jesus
  154. bunb
  155. Have a blessed day, Ross.
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