
How I met that mare - On Hiatus

Jul 14th, 2013
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  1. A few quick notes: I've never seen How I met your mother, but I have heard a little about it. So, no, this is not a copy/paste of that show. Also, if you have a suggestion for the story, or the title I'd love to hear it.
  2. Wrote most of this late at night, so I think I missed some stuff that needs editing. Never fear! Stegtorn is on the case, or he will be. Soon.
  4. "Sit down right there please, and stay still," you say softly.
  5. >"What's the matter?" the little bouncy filly at your feet asks.
  6. "Nothing, I'm just going to tell you a story. I want you to get comfortable, it may be awhile."
  7. >"Oh! What's it about?"
  8. "I thought I'd finally tell you how I met your mother since you won't stop bugging me about it."
  9. >"Woo-who!" your little filly prances about the living room in victory, chanting.
  10. "You're obviously not ready to handle the epic proportions of this tale," you say, getting up from the couch.
  11. >She falls dead silent, sliding to your leg, "No wait. I'll be quiet, please, please?"
  12. >You look down at her, savoring the moment.
  13. "Can't argue with that, are you absolutely certain you'e ready?"
  14. >She nods rapidly, her leg twitching in anticipation.
  15. >You take your seat again, she hops up next to you and curls up in a ball.
  16. "Alright, it all began a long time ago, one cold night in Ponyville."
  18. >You were panting heavy, a little sweat on your brow.
  19. >Rainbow Dash laid next to you, looking content and tired.
  21. >"Ew, I don't want to hear that part."
  22. "What? OH! No, no we were racing."
  23. >"At night?"
  24. "Yes. Now are you going to let me finish or are we going to argue about running at night?"
  25. >"No, go ahead, I'll keep it down."
  26. >You look at her uncertainly, she shakes her head, signalling you to go on.
  28. >Turning to Rainbow Dash you take a deep breath of the grass tickling your face.
  29. >Smells nice, it was just cut after all.
  30. "We just going to lay here?" you asked.
  31. >"If you want to."
  32. "I'm cool with that."
  33. >There was a pause, the night's silence only broken by the occasional heavy breath, or the sound of someone shifting their position.
  34. >"How do you feel about losing so badly to me?"
  35. >You smirked at this.
  36. "Wasn't a fair competition, you were flying."
  37. >"Not my fault, you never said no flying."
  38. >She moved closer to you, closer enough that you felt her warmth.
  39. >Her hot breath on your chest wasn't at all unpleasant.
  40. "Nice night, eh?"
  41. >"Yup," she replied, drawing it out.
  42. >You laid there for a few more quiet moments in peace, catching your breath and enjoying the moment.
  43. >Feeling a bit more rested you stood, helping Dash up as well.
  44. "Best we get some rest, I think its midnight," you pointed up at the full moon to back your point.
  45. >She looked upset, and spoke her response softly, "Right, I'll catch you tomorrow."
  47. >"So-"
  48. "SHHH, I'm trying to tell a story!"
  49. >"Right sorry," your filly ducks her head down and rests them in her hooves, looking up at you with big eyes.
  50. >You smile at the sight and continue.
  52. >You walked home, alone, and uncertain about what just happened.
  53. >Maybe you were just over thinking it, but it seemed like Rainbow was trying to get close, and you just shut her down.
  54. >You hoped it wasn't so, she's your friend, but you're not interested in her like that.
  55. >But damn it felt nice to be so close, to be so together.
  56. >You shook the thought from your head, humming a song the rest of the way to the little shake that was your home.
  57. >The long walk took what energy you had left, and despite all the questions and theories banging around in your head you fell asleep rather quickly.
  59. >You woke the next to a rapid knocking at the door.
  60. >Groggy and undressed you stumbled about, putting the pot on the stove, trying to assemble what you needed for coffee.
  61. >The knocking kept coming.
  62. "Gimme a minute!" you called, scrambling about looking for at least pants.
  63. >You fumbled into your dress shirt and suit pants just in time to open the door.
  64. >Dash was there, just about to turn away.
  65. "Hey, sorry I just woke up."
  66. >"I can see that. You better get yourself together quickly, we're having a rematch in ten minutes."
  67. "what? No, it would just be another blow out. I can't run as fast as you fly. Hey what time of day is it, looks like the sun is just coming up," you squinted at the horizon, eyes feeling heavy.
  68. >"That is why I bought a referee to make sure I don't use my wings, she'll make the decision on who won."
  69. >You peeked over Dash, expecting to see another pony, maybe a filly or someone small that could have eluded your sights this long.
  70. "Who?"
  71. >As if cued a big, poofy, upside down mane slowly descended in front of your face, stopping just as Pinkie's full face met yours.
  72. >"HI!" she says, grinning literally ear to ear.
  73. >You look behind her to Dash.
  74. "Hey Pinkie, don't you think it is a bit early for your gravity defying antics?"
  75. >"Nope!" she leans in and bops you on the nose softly before falling to the ground, landing on her hooves.
  76. "Alright, let me just get dressed first."
  77. >Before you could close the door Pinkie bounded in, "I'll help you."
  78. >You look a Dash and break into a short burst of laughter, she looked just as confused as you did.
  79. >Heading back inside you moved past Pinkie to the pot of water that should be boiling by now.
  80. >Except there is no water there, morning forgetfulness wins this round.
  81. >"Hey, I've never seen you where these."
  82. >You spun around to see Pinkie sitting there with a silly grin, your boxers on her head, twitching as her ears did.
  83. "And ya ain't gonna see it anytime soon," you plucked the undergarments from her head, folding them over.
  84. >You collected your suit jacket, socks and folded them over your arm alongside your underwear.
  85. "Alright, I'm going to go get dress, don't blow up the house."
  86. >"Oh I've always wanted to see a human get dressed."
  87. >You look at her with a furrowed brow, but a smile slides across your face, "Good one."
  88. >You slipped into the bathroom to change, you rearranged yourself and went through the usual morning process.
  89. >With still wet hair you exit the steamy washroom, to find Pinkie waiting at the door.
  90. "What up, red and white?"
  91. >"Huh?"
  92. "Think about it. Damn I'm hungry. Hey did you and Dash get breakfast yet?"
  93. >"Nope, but that sounds like a great idea," she bounces up and down.
  94. "Awrite, let's hit it."
  95. >You exit, your not so helpful helper in tow.
  96. "We thought it would be a good idea to get some food, ya in?"
  97. >Dash nods and takes to the air, "Where should we go?"
  98. >It was a Saturday, no Sugar Cube Corner.
  99. >Suddenly Pinkie starts off down the road.
  100. >You shrugged to Dash and followed her, hoping she was taking you to food.
  101. >"Where is she going?"
  102. "Hell if I know, you think she's in one of those trances?"
  103. >"I hope not."
  104. "Nervous?"
  105. >"N-no why would I be?" she backs off a little.
  106. "No reason," you kept your eyes forward, trained on Pinkie's swaying tail, you never knew when she would break into a run.
  107. >The rest of the walk you kept quiet, following Pinkie through twists, turns, and even as she went in a circle.
  108. >The payoff was worth it, she stopped right in front of a little cafe.
  109. >The white awning above read "Fresh Cut Grass", hoping it wasn't one of those wheat grass juice places you step inside, holding the door for Dash.
  110. >Pinkie already ordered, and had a table secured.
  111. >Walking up to the counter you get yourself a chocolate chip muffin and a coffee, extra large, milk and 5 sugars.
  112. >Dash just gets a roll.
  113. "Is that Big Texas any good?" you asked, sliding into your seat across from the pink mare.
  114. >"What?"
  115. "Human thing, sorry, I meant cinnamon roll," Dash plopped down beside her friend, already nibbling on the little roll in her hoof.
  116. >"It's fantastic, why else would I get it?"
  117. >Tentatively you bit into your muffin, your eyes went wide at the amount of chips in it.
  118. "Holy hell this thing is all chocolate."
  119. >Dash laughs, "That's why I got a roll."
  120. "You been here before?" you took a sip of your coffee, it was perfect - best you ever had even.
  121. >"Yup, plenty of times with Pinkie here," she elbowed her buddy gently.
  122. >Pinkie and Dash exchange a few words about the food here, but you sort of zoned out, staring out the window and sipping your coffee, it was a great morning so far.
  123. >You leaned back in your chair, forcing it to tilt backward on two legs, utterly content with the situation.
  124. >"Hey, Anonymous, you don't have a marefriend right?"
  125. >You slammed forward, nearly dropping your coffee mug.
  126. "Wh-what?" you sputtered.
  127. >"A special somepony, a marefriend, how else can I say it?" Dash explains.
  128. >You scratch the back of your neck, your eyes darted around the room - seemingly unable to meet hers.
  129. "Well, no, I never really."
  130. >"Interesting," she said quietly, almost to herself.
  131. >"Nonny, why are you still single?" Pinkie tilts her head slightly
  132. "Uhm, well I don't know. Haven't met the right gal I guess?"
  133. >She nodded, popping up from her seat, "Sorry, but I'm late for a race!"
  134. >She sped out of the cafe, probably breaking the door, and the sound barrier.
  135. >"I know, we're part of it," Dash called to her, but it was far too late.
  136. "Sometimes, man," you commented to her with a laugh.
  138. >Following Pinkie again took you and Dash to the park nearby, it was empty for the most part being that it was still fairly early in the morning.
  139. >The grass was cut yesterday and the scent still lingered, if only faintly.
  140. >You could spot the hoof marks and footprints where you and her had been running last night.
  141. >"Get over here," Pinkie growled playfully, standing around where you had finished last time.
  142. >Dash sped over, a display of her running speed that hadn't fazed you at all.
  143. >You took position on Pinkie's left, your competitor on her right.
  144. >"We'll race to the edge of the field?" Rainbow asks you, nodding at where the grass gave way to cobble and a park bench.
  145. "Sounds good."
  146. >"Okay, get ready. And remember: no flying," the very bubbly Pinkie said loudly.
  147. >Dash looked at you with a smile and leans close to the ground, readying herself in a very likely looking stance.
  148. >You tried to assume one that made it look like you knew what you were doing, but a muffled giggle from Pinkie told you otherwise.
  149. >She begun the countdown, slowly winding down from 3 to 1 in an excited voice.
  150. >As soon as she hit three you were off, running like the wind, and feeling it brush back your hair.
  151. >Unable to see where Dash was you decided it was for the better.
  152. >It wasn't hard focusing on yourself and keeping a good pace, it looked like you'd be winning this round.
  153. >You just kept your head forward, hoping you'd reach that green wooden bench first.
  154. >And you would have, if it wasn't for a pesky rock catching your foot and sending you head over heels into the grass.
  155. >At least you had landed face up.
  156. >Blinking you tried to figure out how it all went so wrong, and get your bearings back.
  157. >Out of the blue something blocks out the sky.
  158. >It was Rainbow, she hopped on your chest, her face is close to yours.
  159. >She tilts her head to the side, one eye wider than the other, "you okay?"
  160. "I have to admit, I've been better," you said with a calm smile.
  161. >She lets out a huff of low laughter.
  162. >You just became aware of the situation, laying there in the grass with Dash on you, both of you smiling and care free.
  163. >For a moment you felt something more, and you had thought it was mutual.
  164. >Dash leaned in closer, both her eyes wide and face obviously nervous and scared.
  165. >"You alright there, 'Nonymous?" Pinkie said, the rock that tripped you in her hoof.
  166. >Dash pulled her head back quick as lightening, getting off and turning away from you.
  167. >Feeling awkward, as if you'd been caught doing something illegal, you got up softly telling Pinkie you that you were fine.
  168. >"Rematch?" she asked, tossing the rock in the grass.
  169. "Nah, I think this one goes to Rainbow Dash once again, fastest Pegasus in Equestria."
  170. >"You mean fastest pony ever, right?" she called jokingly, sitting a few feet away.
  171. "Of course, in the history of forever there has never been a quicker one than you," you made no attempt to hide your sarcastic tone.
  172. >"You're just jealous."
  173. "No comment on that."
  174. >You took a seat next to her, and near unnoticeable she scooted closer toward you.
  175. >"What now?" Pinkie trotted over, plopping down across from you.
  176. >You shrugged, tilting back a little and grabbing your knees to steady yourself.
  177. >Your was head still hurting.
  178. >The sky was cloudless and bright, a perfect, quiet morning.
  179. >No amount of staring at the sky could shake the nagging feeling you were getting, and thinking about just made you feel stupid.
  180. >You'd look like the biggest idiot in Ponyville if you were wrong, and if you were right what then?
  182. >You look down at your daughter, she's half asleep and breathing slowly.
  183. >"Why'd you stop?" she asks, picking her head up and yawning.
  184. "It's late, you've got school, and I got work. I think it's time for bed, little one."
  185. >"I'm not tired though," she claims, one eye dropping shut.
  186. "You could have fooled me," you scoop her up and carry her upstairs despite her halfhearted pleas and attempts at stopping you.
  187. >Flicking on the light you gently lay her in bed, kissing her head and pulling the blanket over her.
  188. >"You'll tell me more tomorrow?" she calls as you turn to leave, her tired voice almost inaudible.
  189. "Promise," you respond, switching off the light and closing the door slowly.
  190. >With a deep breath you head to the master bedroom, shifting through some tough memories as you try to recall past events, it is going to be a long story.
  192. "How was school?" you say, looking down at your daughter as the two of you walk back home.
  193. >"Good. Are you going to tell me more today?"
  194. "Of course, but lets wait until we get inside first."
  195. >A few moments pass of quiet walking, when something hits you.
  196. "You remember Big Macintosh right?"
  197. >"Not really."
  198. "Big red quiet guy, likes apples."
  199. >Her muzzle scrunches in thought and she looks down, her pace slowing.
  200. >"Nope, no bells are ringing."
  201. "Well he's an old friend, and he's a big part of this story. I'll try to explain him to you while I tell you this next part of it. Oh, and another thing, not a word of any of this tale to your mother, okay?"
  202. >"When is she coming back?"
  203. "I got no clue, hopefully soon."
  204. >You avert your eyes from her, not wanting her to see your face.
  206. >"So what happened! What happened with Rainbow Dash?"
  207. "Nothing, one of her friends came by and asked her to help with some clouds or something. I hung with Pinkie for awhile but nothing worth mentioning. I didn't see Rainbow for days," you say sadly, "This happened a few days after the race, this is where Big Mac comes in."
  208. "Get comfy, because here we go, again..."
  210. >It was midday, cloudless and a little hot.
  211. >The sun was bright and cheery, you on the other hand were not.
  212. >You hadn't spoken with Big Mac in a long while, farming and all that kept him busy most of the time, maybe you'd get lucky and he'd be free.
  213. >There he was, Macintosh the big red stallion, leaning up against a fence chewing on a sprig of wheat.
  214. "How's it hanging, playa?" you said, approaching him.
  215. >He looked at you with the calmest face possible, but you knew he was trying to make you feel silly for saying such a stupid thing.
  216. "Gonna hit the club later, you tryin' to roll?" you were determined to continue speaking like this until he responded.
  217. >Nothing at all, not even a change in facial features.
  218. >You moved next to him, looking out at Ponyville and the sun above.
  219. >It looked nice, and peacefully, you could understand why he spent his spare time here.
  220. "After all the hard work you do here, just standing here is the only fun you have?"
  221. >He shoots you a sideways glance, and stops chewing for a moment.
  222. "C'mon, they just opened that new place, we could check it out. Maybe you pick up a mare. Or two," you were trying your very best to convince this stony faced equine.
  223. >You stared at him for a few minutes, trying to pick him apart with your eyes, figure out what made him tick.
  224. >"Fine, swing by aht ten, I'll be reahdy then. But only if you stop bothering me now."
  225. "Awrite," you hit him softly in the shoulder and bounce away before he can react, waltzing back into town.
  227. >It was ten o'clock on the dot, the air was cooler now, and a light breeze had rolled in.
  228. >The town was alive with the reserved but large night life there, everyone having a good time and enjoying the weather.
  229. >You had fetched Big Mac from his family's farm, he was ready and waiting just as suspected.
  230. >"Where are ya taking me?"
  231. "This place opened just last week, it's suppose to be really cool."
  232. >"I thought that new place closed?"
  233. "Yeah it did, this is something else, none of that dress up bullshit. What idiot thought it would be a good idea to force their patrons to conceal their identity before entering? That makes no sense."
  234. >He said nothing, silently trotting beside you through the town as you led him to the place.
  235. >It was small, a long black awning covering the long red carpet extending from the club's entrance.
  236. >Red ropes held the closely packed ponies waiting to get inside together.
  237. >The line was long, ending far after the red ropes did.
  238. >"Well there goes that plan," Big Mac says quietly, turning to head home.
  239. >You stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do.
  240. >At the front of the line you spotted the huge Minotaur bouncer pushing aside a single stallion in favor of a couple.
  241. >A excited mint colored mare and a upset looking cream one at the other end of the line caught your eye and a plan began to formulate.
  242. >You grabbed Big Mac's tail and dragged him back with one rough tug.
  243. >In his deep, angry voice he yelps, "HEY!"
  244. >He whips around and almost hits the mint mare in the face.
  245. "Hello ladies, are you having some trouble getting in?"
  246. >"As a matter of fact-" the cream one began.
  247. >"Yes! Yes we are!" her friend interrupted her, jumping up to meet your face.
  248. >"Lyra," her friend says harshly.
  249. >"What? We can finally get in with them."
  250. "Exactly, all we have to do is weave by all these other ponies."
  251. >Lyra's partner didn't look convinced.
  252. "Look, er, name?" you asked her.
  253. >"I'm Bonbon."
  254. "Right, look Bonbon, as soon as we get inside we could split up."
  255. >"Fine," she said with a huff.
  256. "Alright, Big Mac, Lyra," you said, sliding him next to her, "stick together and follow us, okay?"
  257. >"Eeyup," he nodded briskly, smiling to Lyra.
  258. >You scooped up Bonbon, much to her protest, and slung her over your back.
  259. >"Let me down," she had began flailing in a sad attempt to free herself.
  260. "Hey, hey, big guy, over here!" you waved your arm at the bouncer, hoping to catch his attention.
  261. >He tilted his head down, his black shades sliding down his nose, an eye brow rising high.
  262. >You smiled wildly, pushing past everyone else without care.
  263. >When you reached the front the burly bouncer let you in, almost reluctantly.
  264. >A happy Lyra and ever calm Big Mac close behind you.
  265. >The place was packed, flashy multicolored lights the only illumination in the dark, loud club.
  266. >To the left was the bar, the glass shelves behind the bartender lit up a cool white, letting you clearly read the various bottles and such they offered.
  267. >You dropped Bonbon down, she gave you and look of contempt.
  268. >"That was uncalled for."
  269. "Sorry, but hey, we got in right? I guess it's time for us to part ways," you said, looking around you, "where's your friend?"
  270. >With a upset face she points to the bar behind you.
  271. >There sat both Big Mac and Lyra, her mouth moving a mile a minute, him calmly listening, both had drinks.
  272. "How did they move that fast?
  273. >"I have no clue, that damn mare does it all the time," she huffed once more, "there goes that."
  274. "Well, we could still do something, can I buy you a drink?" you said with a smile.
  275. >She nodded, seemingly unwilling to accept.
  276. >She followed you to the bar, where you ordered two of some pony drink, handing her one you suggested getting a booth in the back.
  277. >There were only a few, and all were empty, most ponies choosing to dance rather than sit.
  278. "So, what do you do for work?"
  279. >"I'd rather not say."
  280. "Well, alright. You live in Ponyville long?"
  281. >She nodded a yes, taking a sip of her bluish drink and looking out at the dance floor.
  282. "I haven't seen you around town."
  283. >"I've seen you," she looks down at the table.
  284. "Really now?"
  285. >"Of course, you're huge."
  286. >All of sudden you felt larger than normal, your face got hot, you looked down at the small glass in your hand.
  287. >"I don't mind though."
  288. >You held back a smile, drinking deeply.
  289. "You go out like this often?"
  290. >"Yes, but not on my own free will, Lyra usually drags me out of the house."
  291. "You don't like going out?"
  292. >"Hmm, this will sound a little stupid but I prefer to stay home and relax. Besides, Lyra is always stealing the show," she pointed her hoof over at the bar.
  293. "I guess I can understand that. There's no place like home right?" you smiled at her, hoping she'd open up a bit more.
  294. >She said nothing, just taking another sip from her cup.
  295. "Looks like your friend is getting rather acquainted with my buddy there," you gestured toward the bar, where Lyra was practically on top of Big Mac, giggling and nuzzling him.
  296. >"Typical. She always gets the stallions."
  297. >She looked both annoyed and angered, and obviously jealous.
  298. "We could show her up one."
  299. >"How's that?"
  300. "Well, a stallion is pretty mediocre, common."
  301. >She was still looking over at them.
  302. "A human on the other, uhm, hoof."
  303. >She glances over at you, you could see in her eyes she was thinking it over.
  304. >"What are you proposing?"
  305. >You shrug, downing the entirety of your drink, it's effects just hitting you.
  306. "I need more of this."
  307. >She drained her cup to the dregs, "me too."
  308. >You got out of your seat, picking her up again like a keg.
  309. >Plopping her down on a stool you gesture for two more drinks.
  310. >At the other end of the bar, past all the other chatting ponies was Lyra and Big Mac.
  311. >The loud music and lights were a bit distracting, and you didn't see Bonbon pounce until it was too late.
  312. >She hopped up from her seat, putting two hooves on your chest, and plunging at your face.
  313. >She practically stuck her tongue down your throat, attacking your mouth with hers.
  314. >Late to react you shut your eyes and retorted with everything you had, which was admittedly not much.
  315. >Awkwardly your held her, leaning against some other pony behind you.
  316. >It was uncomfortable, and the thought of ponies watching you caused some blushing, but she tasted so nice.
  317. >Like liquor and chocolate, and sugar.
  318. >And loneliness and sadness.
  319. >It goes on for awhile, but you didn't want to let up, this wasn't a fight you were going to lose.
  320. >After a few moments you come up for air, grabbing someone's drink off the bar and finishing it for them.
  321. >You picked the creamy mare up again.
  322. "Where do you live?"
  323. >You march out of the club, past everyone staring at you, and
  324. >She directs you all the way to her little home at the edge of town.
  325. >On occasion she'd lick your face or bite your ear, which was weird, in a good way.
  327. >"Well what happened then!? Why'd you stop?"
  328. "Well, er, she let me stay at her house the night, because we were very tired," not wishing to give your daughter any details.
  329. >"So you had a sleep over?"
  330. "Sort of," a sad look comes over your face.
  331. >"What's the matter?"
  332. >You straight yourself out, putting on your usually cheery grin.
  333. "Nothing. I just, just really miss Bonbon. It's been awhile since we've spoken."
  335. >You woke up the following morning feeling weak, with a warm presence pressed up against you on your right.
  336. >"Hey, you awake?" Bonbon's groggy voice asked.
  337. "I don't know, are you?"
  338. >"Yeah," she brushed her soft cheek against your arm and moved closer.
  339. "What happened?"
  340. >"I think we won the competition if that's what you're asking."
  341. >What.
  342. >You rolled out of bed with vigor, falling on the cold wood and dressing in a flash.
  343. >Bonbon still laid there, looking at you with curious eyes.
  344. >"Um, want to do a victory lap?"
  345. >With wide eyes out backed toward the door, thinking you've made a terrible mistake.
  346. >Then something in your brain decided to light up, telling you to go back to bed.
  348. >"Why do you keep stopping?"
  349. "Um. Here's the gist of what happened: we had a sleepover the whole day."
  350. >"But, you can't have a sleepover during the day."
  351. "Yeah, well I'm big and your small and what I say goes so deal with it."
  352. >She tilts her head and looks up at you with her big questioning eyes.
  353. >"Keep going."
  354. "This happened the next day, after the second 'sleepover'..."
  356. >You were sitting in that cafe Pinkie had shown you, Bonbon sipping coffee across from you.
  357. >Today you had chosen to try a blueberry muffin, you hated blueberries.
  358. >"This place is nice."
  359. "Yeah I know, and that coffee is awesome."
  360. >She doesn't respond past shaking her head yes, looking off out a window.
  361. >"I've got work later," she said, her voice trailing off.
  362. "Are you busy afterward?"
  363. >"No, why?"
  364. "Well maybe I could show you my place."
  365. >"What kind of bed do you have?" her head turned to you quickly, a vicious smile on her face.
  366. >The doors to the cafe opened, bell ringing happily.
  367. >Distracted, you turn to the door, tilting the chair back on two legs, getting relaxed.
  368. >You see who has entered and you tense up, tilting back forward and slamming the chair down.
  369. >Rainbow Dash looked at you with a smile, but then she noticed Bonbon sitting across from you.
  370. >Guilt and even some shame washed over you.
  371. >The look on Dash's face was hard to bear, even if it was only there for a second.
  372. >Luckily Pinkie bounced over, "Hi Anonnnnny, who's this?"
  373. >"This is Bonbon," she smiled awkwardly.
  374. >"Hi. I'm Pinkie Pie, and she is," Pinkie grabbed Dash and dragged her over, "Rainbow Dash."
  375. >"Friends of yours?" Bonbon asked.
  376. "Yep, very old buddies," you tried to ignore the obvious tension.
  377. >"How did you and Bonbon meet?" Pinkie pulled a chair from a nearby table and moved it uncomfortably close to you, sitting herself down.
  378. >"A bar, just recently too."
  379. >You were unsure if she was being purposely curt, then again she seemed to be cold to any newcomers.
  380. >Dash laughs oddly, "C'mon Pinkie lets leave these two alone, they look like they're very busy."
  381. >"Don't bother I've got to head to work anyway, I'll see you later Anonymous, pick me up at my place, 'kay?"
  382. >You nodded and smiled as she walked out the door, leaving her coffee.
  383. >Pinkie stayed put, and she started asking questions as fast as her mouth could spit them out.
  384. >You couldn't hear a single one, you were too focused on the saddened facial expressions and signals coming from Rainbow Dash.
  385. "Hey hey lets focus on the bigger problem here," you interrupted, placing your hand on Pinkie's face.
  386. "Why the hell haven't I seen either of you for so long?"
  387. >"It's been like 3 days," Dash reasoned.
  388. "It's been like forever," you relinquished Pinkie.
  389. >"I just saw you yesterday!" she yelped.
  390. "We looked at each other from across the street. What I need to know is how have my topest buddies been doing?"
  391. >"Okay," Dash spoke as if she was unsure of her own status.
  392. >"Fabulous!"
  393. "Spectacular!"
  394. >"We should do something fun."
  395. "Ideas? Rainbow?"
  396. >"I got nothing."
  397. >"We could have a party!" Pinkie pops up clings to your arm, "Your house had the perfect set up for a huge party."
  398. "I don't know, I'd have to clean it. And we have to get everyone else."
  399. >"It might be cool," Dash added, "We could clean up and get the food and stuff while Pinkie invites everyp0ny."
  400. "Alright, we might as well, lets get started. Pinkie, we'll catch you later."
  401. >With a wave goodbye you and Rainbow were up and out, headed to your house.
  402. >Things were quiet this morning, which made the walk that much more awkward.
  403. >Dash hung her head, and quickly flicked her eyes from you then out to the street.
  404. "So what's up in Rainbow Town? There's got to be something new happening."
  405. >"Nothing much, saw an old friend yesterday. I guess that is worth mentioning."
  406. "Oh, who?"
  407. >"Thunder lane."
  408. "Uh, more info needed."
  409. >"Some stallion I met in flight school. We have a looong history."
  410. "History?"
  411. >"Yeah, you know what I mean."
  412. >She looked up to you almost defiantly, almost angry, perhaps trying to make you feel like she did.
  413. >The rest of the walk was silent, and after fifteen more tense minutes you were at the house, and it was a mess.
  414. >Clothes, cups, food and a hell of a lot worse, everywhere.
  415. >"This place-"
  416. "Don't even, I already know."
  417. >"Where do we even start? There's just so much, so much stuff," she picked up a plastic cup and tossed it at a pile of unwashed clothes.
  418. >You shrugged, heading into the kitchen and fetching two garbage bags, handing one to your friend.
  419. "Let's start with stuff we need to throw away, then clothes, then the sweeping and other sorts of cleaning."
  420. >"This party better be the best damn thing..." she grumbled, turning and collecting all the trash around her.
  421. >It wasn't a fun task, but the tedious job was made some much easier by your usual bickering and teasing with Dash.
  422. >It was just like before, before you started feeling things, before she was dropping hints and looking sad.
  423. >Back when you were just good friends and nothing felt confusing and scary.
  424. >You began rounding up the clothes, carrying a pile so large it blocked your view.
  425. >Seems like Dash was doing the same thing because you bump into her, her face ramming right into your leg.
  426. >Freaking out you dropped the clothes and staggered back, landing on your ass.
  427. >Rainbow tumbles forward, landing on you, one of her hooves caught in your pants.
  428. >Immediately both of you break into laughter.
  429. >But it died down, and you were just left looking into her eyes, and they were begging for something.
  430. >The concern was obvious in your facial features as you stood, helping her up as well.
  431. >All is silent for a long while, soon the clothes are all put away and your sweeping up the kitchen, her behind you with the dustpan and a brush.
  432. >You stopped abruptly, spinning around and turning to her.
  433. "What are we doing here?" you asked.
  434. >"I don't know about you but I'm cleaning up this messy house."
  435. "I mean what are WE doing?"
  436. >"Nothing," she said abruptly, looking away, "just trying to get this place ready for the party."
  437. >You went back to sweeping, refusing to speak the rest of the time you and her were working.
  439. >All the snacks and drinks were rounded up, and Pinkie had returned with confirmations on quite a few people.
  440. >Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and many more would be coming.
  441. >You waited until Dash was out of the room to ask if she had invited Bonbon.
  442. >"No, sorry Anon I don't know where she lives."
  443. "Alright, that's fine. Can you and Rainbow handle the food shopping while I go get her?"
  444. >"Sure, see ya later. Oh, maybe she can help us set up!"
  445. "Exactly what I was thinking."
  446. >You arrived at Bonbon's house just as the sun began to set, the sky was a pleasant purple-orange.
  447. >Knocking twice you were promptly greeted by your marefriend.
  448. >"Hey, you're a bit early aren't you? I only just got home," she looked nervous, continuously looking back into her apartment.
  449. "Sorry 'bout that. I know we were suppose to be alone tonight but stuff got away from me and now I'm having a party. It'll probably be around eight or nine. If you want to come or something."
  450. >"Yeah of course I'll be there. But right now I need to relax a bit, long day of work you know?"
  451. "I got you. Okay, I'll see you later."
  452. >"Bye," she slammed the door.
  453. >That was highly unusual.
  454. >Pinkie and Dash had gotten busy in your absence.
  455. >Streamers, streamers everywhere and balloons, lots of them.
  456. >Pinkie had made some berry punch, and odd little cupcakes.
  457. >As soon as she had her back turned you and Dash spiked it.
  458. >In bowls littered around the house in potted plants, tables and chairs you had chips, dip and pretzels.
  459. >This would be an awesome gathering, you and Dash both agreed seeing Twilight drunk would be hilarious.
  460. >You were practically shivering at the prospect of all the stupid shit that could happen tonight.
  461. >It's been months since you've have a good party.
  463. >It was time, of course Twilight was the first to show up, early at around eight.
  464. >Then Fluttershy, and Rarity together.
  465. >Big Mac with Lyra and Applejack.
  466. >Time Turner and Roseluck, Derpy, and a ton of other ponies you didn't know.
  467. >Your house was packed in less than thirty minutes, ponies chatting and drinking your punch.
  468. >Thank god there was so much of it, but that didn't matter, anytime it got low you and Dash would sneak over and top it off with more liquor.
  469. >You and her were keeping the drink to a minimum, hanging back in the kitchen with Pinkie as she cooked up more treats, making fun of all the drunk mares and stallions stumbling about, trying to dance.
  470. >"Oh gosh look at that one," Rainbow would say, doubling over in laughter.
  471. >She'd point at a stallion making out with a plant, or a mare tripping around the room with a lamp shade on her head.
  472. >These ponies party hard.
  473. >You spotted Big Mac and Lyra sneak out to the back, Derpy falling and hitting Time Turner in the face with a cupcake, and then Roseluck licking the frosting off his face.
  474. >But for all the fun you were having, you couldn't escape the fact that Bonbon still hadn't shown up yet.
  475. >By ten o'clock you were out of hope, and a now inebriated Rainbow was getting closer and closer to you.
  476. >She asked to dance, rubbing her warm cheek on your arm, breathing heavily.
  477. >Your will to resist and wait for Bonbon was getting low, you were leaning toward her, pretending to be just as drunk.
  478. >Then your open door swung open, and there she was, looking a bit disheveled and sorry.
  479. >You immediately got up, patting Rainbow on the head and saying you'd be right back.
  480. >She greets you with hugs and apologies.
  481. "It's fine, you're here now."
  482. >"Ooo, punch," she said, grabbing herself a cup.
  483. "Be careful, or uh, just down the whole thing."
  484. >"Whoa, what the hell is in this?"
  485. "All the alcohol me and Dash could get our hands on."
  486. >"Might as well have another."
  487. >She downs two more cups, which is impressive, before staggering into you and bumping her head into your leg.
  488. >"We should dance or something. Or you should hold me," she hit her flank against the sofa, "I can't stand so well."
  489. >You picked her up by her forelegs, holding her upright.
  490. >She fell against you, her breath smelling of strong liquor.
  491. >And you just tried your best to follow the beat of the music blasting from Pinkie's speakers.
  492. >It didn't fit at all, and probably looked silly to an outsider.
  493. >But with all the other guests passed out or busy doing other stuff all that mattered was keeping your eyes locked with hers.
  494. >And that's all you could do.
  495. >Until, out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Dash, leaning against the kitchen counter, bottle of something in her hoof.
  496. >She looked beyond depressed.
  498. >"How come you don't have parties any more?"
  499. >For some odd reason this hits you hard.
  500. "Well, things happen. People change, things change. Sometimes you just can't have a party."
  501. >"Um?"
  502. "Never mind, back to the story. As soon as I saw Dash I knew I needed to take a breather, so I left Bonbon on the couch and found Big Mac."
  504. >You stood outside, near a small window on the side of your house with Big Mac.
  505. >A few other ponies had come outside to talk and enjoy the pleasant night air.
  506. >He was a little tipsy, but still had his reasoning capabilities.
  507. "How's it going?"
  508. >He nods rapidly, grinning.
  509. "Glad your having a good time. How's Lyra?"
  510. >"Fine. She's a hoofful ya know. All over the place."
  511. "And you're okay with that?"
  512. >"Eeyup!"
  513. >A crashing noise came from behind you.
  514. >Whipping around you saw Derpy laying there in the dirt, on her back, shards of glass around her.
  515. >Her eyes rolled around in their holes a little before straightening out - then once again derping.
  516. >"S-sorry Anon! I fell down," she flipped over and got back on her hooves.
  517. "You alright?"
  518. >She inspected herself, "No cuts. Derpy is allll goood," she replied with a goofy smile plastered on her face.
  519. "As long as you're alright," you commented under your breath, taking a glance at the light streaming from your now broken window, and the gray Pegasus walking around back to the front door.
  520. >Big Mac looked at you with a dumbfounded expression.
  521. "Yeah I don't know either. How did she even do that?"
  522. >Big Mac shrugged and leaned up against the wall.
  523. "I'll be right back, 'kay?"
  524. >"Eeyup. I think I'll stay here a while."
  526. >Back inside things were still active to say the least.
  527. >As expected Twilight was making an ass of herself on a table, hollering and pouring a bottle of pony jaeger down her back.
  528. >You couldn't imagine the headache she had in the morning.
  529. >You didn't even notice Time Turner passed out on the caret until you tripped over him, smashing your face into the hardwood floor.
  530. >Flipping over you patted him and apologized, he rolls his eyes and goes back to sleep on your floor.
  531. >"Hey Anon!" out of nowhere Lyra jumped up and tackled you down to the couch.
  532. "Oh lord, my head."
  533. >"Sorry. I really love the party."
  534. "Thanks."
  535. >"Oh, I knew I had to tell you something. It's Bonbon's birthday next week, I wanted to remind you just in case."
  536. "Shit," you didn't know what she would want, or where she'd want to eat.
  537. "Ya think you could help me plan that out? If it's not too much to ask.
  538. >Please, please, please.
  539. >"Sure, I was hoping you'd ask. Say, have you seen Big Mac?"
  540. >You pointed toward the door and in a flash she was out of the house.
  542. >While talking and drinking and enjoying yourself as much as possible you found Fluttershy in the laundry room, hiding in a corner, she was wearing some sort of pony hoodie which concealed her face.
  543. "Uh, why are you behind my washing machine?" you questioned, leaning up against it.
  544. >In here the music could hardly be heard and had a pleasantly drowned out sound.
  545. >"Nothing, r-really. Just enjoying the party," she put on a false smile and raised up her cup.
  546. "By sitting here, alone, by my pile of clothes?"
  547. >She looks around, "It's quiet and warm in here."
  548. "Hmm, those are pretty good reasons, but," you forcibly picked her up.
  549. >You've been doing that a lot lately.
  550. "You need some social interaction," you plopped her down on a chair next to Rarity, who was sitting there alone, probably doing the same thing you and Dash were before.
  551. "Could you show Fluttershy around, she needs to meet some new ponies."
  552. >"Of course, darling," she pulled the hood off Fluttershy who then took cover in her forelegs.
  553. "Good luck."
  555. >The party began to wind down around 1, many had left, and only your closer friends remained.
  556. >Big Mac had run off with Lyra about ten minutes ago.
  557. >Pinkie had fallen asleep in a bowl of batter.
  558. >Dash was curled up with Twilight under a table, both asleep.
  559. >Rarity, Fluttershy and Bonbon were nowhere to be found.
  560. >Roseluck peeled Turner off the floor and said her goodbyes.
  561. >You wave to her as she closes the door silently.
  562. "Hey Applejack, how's it going?"
  563. >"Pretty good I'd say, except I think I ate a bit too much," she leans back on the couch, rubbing her bulging stomach.
  564. "Where is everyone?"
  565. >Suddenly the music shut off, you turned toward the speakers to see Pinkie, muzzle and face covered in lumpy batter.
  566. >"I think the party's over."
  567. >You shrug.
  568. "Yeah, let's round up whoever is left and send 'em home."
  569. >"But, but what about the after party?"
  570. >"No thanks, I think I'll be good for awhile," Applejack looked up at you to confirm.
  571. >"Aw, I had this whole big thing planned."
  572. >You rustled Pinkie's mane, whispering "next time."
  574. >It took a while, but you got nearly everyone back on their hooves and out the door.
  575. >Except Twilight, she just wouldn't wake up, so you put her on the bed and covered her in a blanket.
  576. >And of course Bonbon, who you found snoozing in your bed.
  577. >Not that you had any complaints.
  578. >After all the stuff you'd just been doing for hours you needed some sleep.
  579. >You curled up around her and were dreaming in seconds.
  582. "Alright, it's time for bed," you say, rising from the couch.
  583. >But your filly is dead to the world, snoring cutely.
  584. >You shake your head with a smile and scoop her up, laying her in bed and pulling the blanket over her.
  587. >The next morning you wake earlier, it's a Saturday and that means waffles.
  588. >You wake up your daughter, and lead her down the stairs into the kitchen.
  589. >She is hardly awake, stumbling around while trying to rub the sleep from her eyes.
  590. >Tumbling into a chair the second she sits down her head is on the table, snoozing.
  591. "Hey, how about I tell you a little more of the story over breakfast?"
  592. >Her head shoots up and she quickly gauges the room with wide eyes, "I'm up."
  593. >You smirk and slide her a plate of warm waffles, covered in syrup and butter.
  594. "The weirdest thing happened the day after the party..."
  596. >It was night, around eight o'clock.
  597. >That day had been slow, nearly everyone had work or was recovering from the party.
  598. >You were relaxing on the couch, watching some TV, when a knock came at the door.
  599. >Expecting Bonbon, you opened up immediately.
  600. >But it wasn't her, far from it.
  601. >A nervous looking Applejack kicked at the ground and readjusted her saddlebag.
  602. >"Ah hey Anon, ya think I could spend the night here?"
  603. "Uhm, sure? But why? Did something happen at the farm?"
  604. >"Nah," she dragged a heavy looking bag behind her, "Jus' Lyra and Big Mac at it again."
  605. >This gave you a laugh, and made helping her with her bags that much harder.
  606. >The sack she had brought in was not only heavy, but bumpy.
  607. "Hey, what's in this?" you said, closing the door with your foot.
  608. >"Just some stuff from home, nothing important," she looked nervous.
  609. >But she was always very honest, so you didn't think about it very much.
  610. "You packed quite a lot for a one night stay."
  611. >"It's just the essentials, and stuff," she gathered her things and placed them on the armchair next to your couch.
  612. "You don't mind sleeping down here right? My bed is kinda small, and I may have some, er, company over."
  613. >"That's fine with me. I just couldn't sleep with my brother and Lyra in the next room. Poor Applebloom," she shook her head with a frown.
  614. "Oh well, she'll only be scarred for life," you jumped onto the couch with a grin.
  615. >"I don't think so, she's a tough one."
  616. >AJ joined you and it was back to watching the telly.
  618. >A hour and a half later another knock comes at the door.
  619. >AJ gave you an unsure look as you rose from the loveseat.
  620. >Thankfully it was just Bonbon.
  621. >You gave her a kiss and let her in.
  622. >She nodded quizzically at AJ, to which you responded with a shrug.
  623. >The three of you piled on the couch, you sat between the two mares, not feeling awkward at all.
  624. >Bonbon nuzzled you during commercials, looking for some fun, but every time your gaze would drift to Applejack, who would be starring at you two with her eyes wide and mouth agape.
  625. >Her half shocked half embarrassed face cracked you up every time, any there was just no way you could focus on Bonbon.
  627. >At around 12 everyone decided to head for bed.
  628. >You fetch AJ some sheets and pillows for bed, only to find she had brought her own sleeping bag.
  629. >"You can leave 'em here if ya want," she said cautiously.
  630. >Not thinking twice about it you leave her to her devices, heading up to your bedroom.
  631. >There Bonbon was waiting for you, and with no distractions you gave her what see was looking forward to all night.
  632. >Then, right in the middle of the fun, the door creaked open slowly.
  633. >You froze mid-fun times, head turning slowly to the door.
  634. >A shadow crept across the bedroom, opening a draw and snatching something out of it.
  635. "Applejack what the hell are you doing?" you whisper.
  636. >"M-muh apples were getting cold," she tried to explain.
  637. >Bonbon poked her head up from under the seats.
  638. >"We're trying to get, you know, intimate here."
  639. >"Sorry," she squeaked, rushing for the door, "I've been waiting out there for a long time now. Ya'll have been going at it awhile, good job Anon," she added before closing the door.
  640. "DAMN IT."
  642. >"What's that suppose to mean?" your cute little filly asks, chewing a fork full of waffles.
  643. "What?"
  644. >"In-ta-mit."
  645. >You pause, a bead of sweat gathers on your forehead.
  646. "Uhh. I'll tell you when your older."
  647. >"I'll just ask mom."
  648. "No! Don't do that, that would be bad."
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