

Jul 4th, 2012
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  1. As I opened my eyes, a bright white light glared down on me. The kind of light that says “I hope you like seeing fireworks when you close your eyes.” I tried to sit up, but my head slammed against a plexiglas of some sort. When my senses returned to me, I found that I was in a small pod, and that it was closed completely. After observing the room around me, I realized I was inside the nurse’s office.
  2. “Oh, you’re up. Hello, Hisao”
  3. It’s a voice I’d heard so many times that I easily traced it’s owner.
  4. “Why am I in here?”
  5. “Me and Dr.Mutou have a little experiment we’ve been wanting to try out. Tell me, Hisao, have you ever wished to go back in time?”
  6. I had thought about going back in time a great deal, but I don’t think my reasons for going back where the same as theirs.
  7. “After my accident, I wanted to go back and prevent Iwanako from confessing, so that I could catch the arrhythmia before anything major happened.”
  8. “Well, Hisao, that can become a reality right now.”
  9. The fibers of my body began to change. I felt a burning sensation in my abdomen, and I screamed at the top of my lungs from the pain. I almost had a flutter, but I quickly zipped through a continuum of matter.
  10. I woke next to a shore. I looked around, and noticed something much different about where I was.
  11. It was extremely humid.
  12. I looked around for a little bit, and not realizing where I was, decided to head through the woods to see if there was a nearby road.
  13. After hours of wandering, I wound up back at the lake. Something was off here, there was just more and more woods, and it would get so dense that I couldn’t go through.
  14. Where was I?
  15. Then, suddenly, a loud roar became audible from a few miles behind me. I turned, and saw nothing. Again, the roar came. It sounded like someone taking a rubber kitchen glove and rubbing their hands on a violin. I couldn’t understand what it came from, but I was freaking out.
  16. I then heard a softer voice
  17. “I thought you could be different. I thought I wouldn’t be alone.”
  18. Rin.
  19. I yelled her name out, but could not see her anywhere. Then, a massive reptile emerged from the forest and towards the lake. It had stubs for arms, a red line of hair on it’s head, and green eyes. It was gigantic, and I remember reading a book in the hospital about this sort of animal.
  20. A Tyrannosaurus Rin
  21. The reptile noticed me, and it turned towards me. That’s when I suddenly became aware of this species’ biggest fact.
  22. It had a sexual drive stronger than 100 teenage boys who just saw a naked woman.
  23. The reptile kicked me in the air, and as I fell down, it caught me in it’s mouth. I though I was going to be eaten, but it just lowered me down to the ground.
  24. Then, I saw the biggest shlong I have ever laid my eyes on. My heart started pumping, I thought I could have a heart attack right then and there, but that’s when I realized that this time period was before arrhythmia existed.
  25. The giant T-Rin lowered me on to it’s big thirsty dragon dick, and I yelped in surprise when it penetrated my anus. I began to shit liquid dysentery, and cried at how this large rod ripped my ass apart.
  26. But what was weird, was that it felt amazing.
  27. The T-Rin pounded me and pounded me until I came. I screamed for it to fuck me harder, yelling “GIVE ME THAT FUCKING DINO DICK, CMON GIMME IT YES YES YES YES”
  28. The dinosaur pounded me so fucking hard that I shot cum from my ass, nose, cock, eyes, ears, and mouth.
  29. I could not stop cumming, and as I laid there in sexual exhaustion, I heard a ring go off.
  30. I woke up, to see that I was late for class and it was Saturday. Wait a minute, where was I?
  31. A white wall was decorated with the small bed I was in, a desk, a chess set, and a few dolls.
  32. “G-good morning H-Hisao…”
  33. “Hanako?”
  34. “Y-you g-gave quite the m-milking in y-your s-sleep…”
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