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Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. TerrificTom sad
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  4. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  5. ur a sad person
  7. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  8. I have no idea who you are.
  10. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  11. The person who was more right about the Patriots
  13. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  14. Kek. So you're literally retarded then? Good luck with that.
  16. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  17. nah youre a sad fag.
  19. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  20. I still have absolutely no idea who you are, but I must have thoroughly destroyed you if you feel the need to message me days/weeks/months later. I hope it comes up in your therapy sessions, that's unhealthy.
  22. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  23. I think it's funny that you destroyed me. You really are a fat narcissistic cuck.
  25. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  26. >I think
  27. I'm not convinced.
  29. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  30. I don't need to convince you. You know exactly who I am and you know how sad of a person you are. You spend all day on reddit tormenting people.
  32. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  33. I have no clue who you are. You message me out of the blue expecting me to give a flying fuck about some butt-hurt you suffered some time in the distant past. It's hilarious that it mattered so much to you, considering I don't recall it, or you.
  35. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  36. You're sadistic
  38. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  39. You're sadistic
  41. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  42. Also your grammar is fucking atrocious you really are retarded huh
  44. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  45. I don't know who you are, I don't recall ever speaking to you, and you randomly message me to cry about something I apparently did so long ago I don't remember it, assuming I did anything at all. How could I possibly be sadistic? I'm not responsible for your psychoses.
  47. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  48. Spelt psychoses wrong. You were wrong about Chandler Jones. I see you tormenting users on Reddit all the time and I demand you delete your account.
  50. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  51. Chandler Jones? Jesus Christ, that must have been months ago. Holy shit, you're such a fucking lolcow. Hahahaha.
  53. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  54. Can't even dispute the fact that you are terrible. Glad your deleting your account.
  56. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  57. You're such a fucking mongoloid, it's wonderful. If I genuinely was so terrible, I'd point out just how retarded you are every time you say something remarkably fucking stupid, like not knowing the difference between "you're" and "your". But I don't need to, because you're clearly such an inadequate dumbfuck that you're messaging me months after I apparently owned you over something.
  58. It was clearly a major event in your life. I don't even recall it. Think about how petty you must be for that to be true.
  60. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  61. you think so highly of yourself because you 'own' people on the internet. Get a job you loser. No one will ever love you.
  63. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  64. "Get a job"? Oh petal, I'm a gainfully-employed lawyer. You're really struggling.
  65. I take it that this conversation is not going the way you had planned? Did you draw the diagrams in crayon, by any chance?
  67. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  68. You claim to be a leader yet are on Reddit all day, everyday. lying loser
  70. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  71. You also have absolutely no idea where I'm from, or what hours I keep. Such an ignorant little mouthbreather. And in any event, lawyers don't take coffee breaks? Please, tell me more about my chosen profession.
  73. [–]from TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  74. Go to bed. Sorry you have to delete your account you lyin lawyer
  76. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  77. Wrong again. I'm honestly impressed you're able to type given your handlers have sewn your hands into your mittens. Do they match the colour of your helmet?
  79. [–]to TerrificTom sent 1 day ago
  80. Evidently I've broke you again. Try to be more memorable the next time you sperg out, you're quite run-of-the-mill. Bye, Felicia.
  82. [–]from TerrificTom sent 17 hours ago
  83. You're very sad. Sorry to see you deleting your account no life
  85. [–]from TerrificTom sent 17 hours ago
  86. Like you actually think you break people on the internet? How fucking sad are you? I don't give a shit about this but evidently you live vicariously through your internet triumphs.
  88. [–]to TerrificTom sent 13 hours ago
  89. You messaged me, dumbfuck. Feel free to stop and slither away at any time.
  91. [–]from TerrificTom sent 11 hours ago
  92. I won't stop till you delete your account like you should.
  94. [–]to TerrificTom sent 10 hours ago
  95. Hahahaha. Holy shit, I get my own pet autist? Cool! Do you do any tricks, like running into walls with a safety helmet on, or drooling until you gag because you forget to swallow? Or are you just a boring autist, flailing your stumpy little arms at the keyboard in rage because you're completely inadequate as a person and you can't handle any real outlet for your frustration?
  97. [–]from TerrificTom sent 10 hours ago
  98. You spend all day on Reddit. I implore you to delete your account so you can save your life.
  100. [–]to TerrificTom sent 10 hours ago
  101. Hahaha. I'm at work right now. Thankfully you take up a fraction of 1% of my attention because you're a knuckle-dragging dumbfuck mongoloid.
  103. [–]from TerrificTom sent 10 hours ago
  104. You don't have a job. You live at home. You split your time between Reddit and twitch and it's incredibly sad.
  106. [–]to TerrificTom sent 10 hours ago
  107. Now you're projecting.
  108. >You live at home
  109. Fucking lol. This is literally the most stupid thing I've read this year. Do you think before you type? What is the literal definition of "home"? Jesus Christ, you're quite possibly the most stupid person alive.
  111. [–]from TerrificTom sent 10 hours ago
  112. You can't stop responding because this is all you have. Some fake power on the internet. So sad.
  114. [–]to TerrificTom sent 9 hours ago
  115. I told you already, you're my new pet retard. I suspect that you'd have an epic tantrum when I get bored of you, and I want to save that for later so that I can enjoy it and/or post it to one of the subreddits that will laugh at your inevitable meltdown.
  116. Smile and drool for the audience! Good mongoloid.
  118. [–]from TerrificTom sent 9 hours ago
  119. You truly are sadistic. It's sad that this site is the only power and love you get. No one will care if you post it, because no one cares about you.
  121. [–]to TerrificTom sent 8 hours ago
  122. Hahaha. Feel free to stop messaging me with your whiny spergtastic bullshit. Your crackhead amateur psychology is fucking hilarious, though. It's incredibly funny that you think you're in a position to condescend to me when you're clearly two neurons short of a synapse.
  124. [–]from TerrificTom sent 5 hours ago
  125. You dont even know what those words mean. Delete your account or you'll get banned
  127. [–]to TerrificTom sent 4 hours ago
  128. >Delete your account or you'll get banned
  129. Fucking lol. You messaged me, mouthbreather.
  130. >You dont even know what those words mean.
  131. Just because you're an illiterate dumbfuck, it doesn't mean I am.
  133. [–]from TerrificTom sent 4 hours ago
  134. It does tho. You spend your whole day on reddit. So sad. Get a job, a life even.
  136. [–]to TerrificTom sent 3 hours ago
  137. I'm at my job, numbnuts. It takes me a whole ten seconds to point out that you're a web-footed illiterate crack-baby. Yet you're messaging me constantly, hanging off my every word, so how can you possibly criticise my use of time? Fucking lol.
  138. I'd imagine your parents are ashamed of your stupidity, but I guess if they cared about congenital defects they wouldn't have gotten together given they're siblings. Good luck responding with your flipper hands, Cletus.
  140. [–]from TerrificTom sent 3 hours ago
  141. Who works at 10pm? A liar is who. You're so sad. Wrong about everything. Can't wait till your account gets deleted.
  143. [–]to TerrificTom sent 3 hours ago
  144. >Who works at 10pm?
  145. Fucking lol. It's not 10pm everywhere in the world, you retarded piece of shit. I've already told you this.
  147. [–]to TerrificTom sent 3 hours ago
  148. Just remember that you messaged me, out of the blue, to harangue me about something which could be entirely imaginary. I'm sure you'd get all the sympathy from the admins, kek.
  150. [–]from TerrificTom sent 2 hours ago
  151. I would. Also it is 10pm everywhere you imbecile. I'm sorry nobody likes your bad subreddit.
  153. [–]to TerrificTom sent an hour ago
  154. >Also it is 10pm everywhere you imbecile.
  155. I'm not sure if you're kidding or you're fundamentally brain-damaged. Either way, I'm sure someone will get a giggle about it.
  157. [–]from TerrificTom sent 52 minutes ago
  158. Who will get a giggle about it?
  160. [–]to TerrificTom sent 50 minutes ago
  161. I already told you. Pay attention. Your terminal autism is only responsible for so much.
  163. [–]from TerrificTom sent 47 minutes ago
  164. Go Ahead and post. You'll be violating my 4th amendment rights.
  166. [–]to TerrificTom sent 41 minutes ago
  167. >You'll be violating my 4th amendment rights.
  169. Firstly, I'm not the US Government, so you can't invoke your constitutional rights against me. Your 4th amendment rights have about as much relevance to me as a fish has to a bicycle.
  170. Second, I'm not American, so they really have no relevance to me. At all.
  171. Finally, even if they did, I'm neither searching nor seizing, you fucking dipstick.
  173. [–]from TerrificTom sent 35 minutes ago
  174. You violated my rights last time when you posted my messages, and you got banned, and it will happen again.
  176. [–]to TerrificTom sent 34 minutes ago
  177. Hahahaha. What the fuck are you talking about? You're so fucking retarded you think everything was about you. That's wonderful.
  179. [–]from TerrificTom sent 29 minutes ago
  180. You violated my rights before by posting my messages too you on r/Drama. And then you got banned.
  182. [–]to TerrificTom sent 24 minutes ago
  183. Lol. No, it didn't. You have literally never come up in conversations with the admins. Nobody gives a shit about you, and I didn't even recognise your account name. Fucking lol.
  185. [–]from TerrificTom sent 16 minutes ago
  186. Okay fine then, you're getting banned.
  188. [–]to TerrificTom sent 13 minutes ago
  189. HAHAHAHAHA. You fucking wish. You're hilarious. You message me, cry your heart out, and then claim that I'll get banned? Jesus Christ, you're delusional.
  191. [–]to TerrificTom sent 10 minutes ago
  192. Okay, petal, let's test your theory. Hi /r/drama!
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