

Apr 9th, 2017
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  1. Arimnestos, an old fisherman, he used to spend his days out at sea, he's fought more than a few of the monsters of the deep too.
  3. In his timeline he was around when Raditz showed up, now he wasn't particularly strong but he was strong enough to get the saiyan's attention.
  5. Raditz landed on his boat, and Arim being the old fisherman that he was told him to fuck off or start helping patch the nets.
  7. Raditz was suitably impressed with his power level and decided to humour him, they spent a few hours working on the net, patching holes and just talking about life, Raditz told him of his search for his brother and Arim gave him something to think about.
  9. "You only get one family, best take care of it, lord knows I needed to do better." and other old timer wisdom.
  11. Turns out this fucked with the timeline, rather than fighting Goku he actually tried to negotiate and work something out. It worked too, somewhat.
  13. After it was found out the old man had unknowingly altered the Timeline Chronoa spoke to him and offered him a job, refusing at first, citing he was too old. Chronoa told him he can still help train the next generation, hearing that, he decided "why not", doesn't work much as a fighter but does give out more than his fair share of wisdom, and even a few barroom brawl tricks. After all, what fisherman hasn't gotten into a fight or two in his life.
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