
Connecting Major Religions

Sep 15th, 2012
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  1. Connecting Major Religions
  2. credit Bored_Magician and raum215
  3. ===========================================
  6. On Judaism and Hinduism:
  8. Yada is the name of the religion that "Judiasm" is based on, and Yada HEAVILY influences Islam. It is connected to Veda. Yada and Veda are both terms for a possessive form of "Knowledge." So, in this sense, without saying which came first, Yada and Veda ARE cognates.
  10. Properly speaking, the oldest Qabala (mouth to ear) which is the crux of the religion of Yada is identical to the mysteries of Veda which are Kapala (in the skull). Both arew inherently and totally oral until writings become a crucial part of their development. Here is where we see difference.
  12. In Veda, the religion that in great part "Hinduism" is based on - the Vedas were written down because man was losing the potency of his original nature. Writing is a sign of the degradaing of mankind by access to the seven lower worlds - until man's form becomes a GATE to those lower worlds.
  14. In Yada, the Knowledge was written down in the Ketuvah, and that was concealed in the the Torah Shebhictiv, or "Torah that can be put into words". The Ketuvah is the "edenic text" spoken of in Lore - an oral tradition of "Adam Achad". It is the "mystery" in the bible. The Ketuvah is now the contract of marriage - but the Ketuvah is a sacred writing of any kind - and even channeled or automatic writings are called Ketuvim.
  16. We know that proto-sanskrit written first in Bhrami, instead of the more familiar Devagenari and proto-Hebraic texts intersect heavily, and so do the teachings of Yada and Veda. These languages so heavily intersected that they define each other in many ways, including intentional contrasts. From their interaction, we can see an emerging viewpoint common around the world in certain ways.
  18. There are Nine Heavens and Seven Hells. One heaven is already gone and one is yet to come, but will be where the fourth is. Our world, bhuloka in the Vedas, and Cheled in Yada will be destroyed when the forces rise up and are beaten back. In both there are multitudes of Gods, but there is also the YChUD (Yada) and the Bhrama (Veda) who is above it all created by an aspect emanation of himself he created to create himself. This is in Veda the deity known as Vishnu, in his aspect Jahve "He who is", which is in Yada, the root of YHVH. (jehovah)
  20. So there are five higher worlds accessible, but many are parsecs away from us and only attainable by a few - but each wolrd, loka to Veda, and Olam to Yada, has many divisions and many inhabitants. And below us there are Seven hells. With two inaccessible to humans and transitory to the anguish of re-entering this world Bhur-loka as an insect who plagues the grain of his people, or dies with his mother in childbirth. These two are heavily messed up - one the agent of the sorrow of a man for his wife and his child - resenting both for taking the other, and the bringer of plague and famine, thus inspiring war and ultimately bringing death to his own people. They are positions of no power... but even these must be endured for complete knowledge.
  22. This, by the way, is the esoteric sense of Kafka's metamorphosis.
  24. The whole nature of the creation is not even done yet - this is all birth pangs of the bringing forth of mhar-loka, the true fourth world - which is going to require the destruction of the 14 heavens and hells (with another four being entirely impermanent). But their destruction is rather more like their integration into one composite whole - which requires the death of Bhrama, which he has prepared for as Vishnu, and in other aspects. He has entire armies dedicated to and against each other and to serve in armies to complete his great work of reproducing his own supreme mysteries.
  26. This was the dominant religion of magicians called Apocatastasis. Later on, by revolutionary times, this is called Deism. In a sense, it is the notion that God created existence to perform a function and sits back to let the it function - until it fulfills its function, and put us in it as part of his own need for it to be experienced. This is implicit in the first call of Enochian, and the book of Job.
  29. On Sumerian Religion and Hinduism:
  31. In modern times, the main reference we have to learn about the supposed alien race that has colonized Earth, in remote times, are the books of Zecharia Sitchin, like it or not. Debunkers, "in the box" scholars and general skeptics claim he misinterpreted Sumerians tablets and ancient Mesopotamian scriptures, that alien colonization never happened and the Anunnaki are just myths. Well it seems that the Sumerians weren't the only source of information about these extraterrestrial humanoids. They were reported by many ancient civilizations, as the Greeks, Romans, Meso-americans... but the scriptures of ancient Hindu civilization, seem to have massive information about them, during the times it was knew as "Rama Empire".
  33. Comparing texts from the Ayurveda scriptures with the translations of Zecharia Sitchin, we can see a very strong similarity between the Sumerian gods and the Hindu gods. Personalities, behaviors, doctrines, passions, wars, technologies, architectures and many events that suggest the ancient Hindus weren't talking about mythic creatures or fantasy deities, but real beings, super humanoids coming from stars and their interaction with mankind. Before start expose my point here, I wanna let clear, I won't elaborate about the spiritual and religious implications of the Anunnaki presence in the Hindu civilizations. It's more like an anthropological approach.
  35. The meaning of the word "Ayurveda" itself, already give us a clue about them: Ayur means "life" and Veda means "science." The ancient Hindu "gods", the so called "Vedas", were scientists, actually. Bearers of high advanced knowledge about material sciences and occult sciences. So you ask - "What the Anunnaki have to do with hindu gods?"
  37. According to Zecharia Sitchin, when the Anunnaki returned to Earth after the last ice age, they decided to create realms and split among them. Most of them were built in Egypt, around the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean. But ENLIL, the first on command, decided to give the area of the Indus Valley, to his grand-daughter, INANNA.
  39. Inanna "liked to roam the lands and took a liking to the people who in the upper plain of the two rivers dwelt. They were the IGIGI who descended to Earth from heaven, from Lahmu (Mars). The Igigi Aryans moved east, following Inanna (they called her Ishtar) to the Indus Valley region (Aratta) and laid the foundation for the Indo-European culture."
  40. [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 499]
  42. According to Michael Tellinger, another researcher of Sumerian Culture, the princess Inanna moved with a team of IGIGI, "astronauts", to raise a civilization in the plains of the Indus Valley. The word "Aryan" seems to come from the combination "Ayur", life + "An", sky, space. "Those who live in the space". Later this word became a general label to define the descendants of the crossbreeding between the Anunnaki and the humans of that region.
  44. The warrior princess INANNA supposedly raised the Hindu civilization helped by the IGIGI. Inanna's personality totally matches with the Goddess Kali and it's just weird that in some artistic depictions or sculptures of Kali, her face is just identical to Sumerians steles. In most of Hindu paintings, Kali is bearing several weapons and fighting enemies, as the Sumerians depicted Inanna, but sometimes she's identified as Sarasvati in her sexy aspect.
  46. A descendant from the original Aryan ethnic group, caught in Afghanistan. The modern dark skinned Hindu ethnic group, seems to be result of crossbreeding with Mesopotamian and African groups.
  48. Also we can find many similarities between other Sumerian and Hindu gods. The so called "Trimurti", the sacred Hindu triad formed by Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is identical to Sumerian Anunnaki triad ANU, ENKI and ENLIL. Brahma, the "grandfather", is the god who "rules from the sky", Vishnu is the "creator", the "preserver", the "life engineer" and Shiva is the "destroyer".
  50. Notice that Vishnu's characteristics are identical of the Sumerian god Enki, the great Anunnaki genetic engineer. In the Mahabharata is mentioned he created men and the "nagas", serpent beings that looks more like reptile humanoids and also the "danavas", giant humanoids very similar to the "Nephilim".
  52. Shiva matches too much with Enlil. In Sanskrit literature he's depicted as "the One who is eternally pure" or "the One who can never have any contamination of the imperfection of Rajas and Tamas". Enlil was the Anunnaki that hated the crossbreeding between his race and the humans. Shiva is the most feared god of Hindu cosmogony. He's the one that destroyed the "three cities of Asura demons", that totally looks like Sodom, Gomorrah and the Babel Tower. He's the god that provide powerful weapons to other gods and warriors. The Asuras are similar to the rebel Anunnaki that matched with human females.
  54. The goddess Durga, the "divine mother of the gods", "the one who has the divine power of creation", seems identical to Sumerian goddess NIMAH and the Egyptian goddess Hathor.
  56. A scheme of vedic symbols related to engineering of the physical and ethereal body, disclosing the points of energy flow, vortexes known as "Chakras" where each vortex is associated with a specific element. Notice the symbol of sexual chakra, the most powerful vortex of human body, is a pyramid. It's associated to fire element. It seems that pyramids aren't only related to Anunnaki architecture, but also with occultist science.
  58. Other ancient Hindu very known symbol, is the swastika, that originally represents life flow, life cycle, life preservation and was inverted to be used as an evil archetype by the nazis.
  60. The swastika ALSO is found in some ancient Mesopotamian and Greek-roman buildings, attributed to the Anunnaki.
  62. Particularly interesting is that the swastika is seen along the extension of some sections of the Baalbek terrace that, according to Sitchin, was a landpad platform.
  64. It seems that the roots of myths about the "Aryan superior race" and the nazi misinterpretation of the swastika, are related to the wars of a very racist Anunnaki humanoid named Indra, against the "Dravidians" or "Dasyus", that seemed to be dark skinned Nefilins crossbreeding of Mesopotamians and Africans.
  67. "Indra, the slayer of Vrittra, the destroyer of cities, has scattered the Dasyu (hosts) sprang from a black womb." RgV. II 20.6
  69. The Rig Veda praises the god who "destroyed the Dasyans and protected the Aryan colour." - Rg.V. III 34.9
  71. Another very important aspect of similarity between the Sumerian and Hindu gods, is the architecture. Despite the Anunnaki didn't build pyramids in India (but built in China), the characteristic megalithic edifices, assembled with mega blocks cut with surgical precision or straightly carved in mountains.
  73. a Hindu temple that strongly suggests some spacecraft launching platform. The shape of the main building is very common in many temples over the India and is identical to schemes of Vimana crafts, depicted in the Samarangana Sutradhara, an encyclopedic work on classical Indian architecture and engineering (Vastu Shastra) written by Paramara King Bhoja of Dhar (1000-1055 AD).
  76. "Shining in every direction, their machine (yantra) could travel wherever the imagination dictated. From their great height they saw stimulating dances, drama plays, and pristine dance ceremonies. Their yantra gained renown among Royal dynasties and various nations. In such a manner the High-Souled ones flew, while the lower classes walked. All those friends succeeded in their much-deserved acquisition of a yantra, by means of which human beings can fly in the air, and non-earthling, Celestial Beings, can come down to mortals in their visits to Earth."
  78. "An extremely swift and nimble vimana can be built, as large as the temple of the God-in-motion. Into the interior structure four strong mercury containers must be installed. When these have been heated by a controlled fire from iron containers, the flying machine develops thunder-power through the mercury, becoming a highly desirable yantra. Moreover, if this iron engine with properly welded joints be filled with fluid [mercury?], when ascending or descending over land it generates power with the roar of a lion.
  79. Chapter XXXI
  81. These Vimana aircrafts seem to be the same vehicles reported by Sumerians, the DIN.GIR, piloted by the Anunnaki.
  83. And the model of Vimana below seems to be the same flying object seen by Sumerians and Babylonians as the Anunnaki aircraft depicted as the "winged disk".
  85. As you see, there are too many coincidences that can't be ignored. Different cultures that corroborates the translations of Zecharia Sitchin. Like it or not. A bit of scrutiny over these similarities and many secrets are revealed.
  87. So if you have any ideas, bring it on!
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