
2019-03-12 TOEFL: word roots, reading purpose

Mar 12th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Word Roots (list 3) - With your partner, try to think of one or two words to explain the meaning of each root.
  6. ego (egocentric, egotistical, egomania) = self
  7. endo (endotherm, endocrine) = inside
  8. epi (epiphyte, epidermis, epidemic) = on/upon
  9. equi (equidistant, equation) = same (quantity)
  10. erg (ergonomic, energy) = work
  11. esth/aesth (anesthetic, kinesthesia) = perception/feeling (many words that begin with this root are related to beauty)
  12. eu (eulogy, euphemism, euphoria) = good (the opposite prefix is “dys”)
  13. ex/ect (ex-husband, exit, excavate, ectotherm) = out/away
  14. extra (extraordinary, extrovert, extraterrestrial) = outward/beyond (“tra” was originally a comparative)
  15. fac/fact (artifact, factory) = make/do
  16. fer (transfer, ferry) = carry
  17. flect/flex (deflect, reflection, flexible) = bend
  18. fore (foreground, forecast) = front/before (Along with “pre”, “pro”, “prim”, “first” - these are all related.)
  19. fract/frag (fracture, fragment) = break
  20. fug (refugee, fugitive) = flee/escape
  21. funct (function, defunct) = perform
  22. gen (generation, generate, genealogy) = make/create (create -> birth -> family -> kind/type: genre/genus)
  23. geo (geography, geology, geodesy, geocentric) = Earth
  24. graph (autograph, graphite, seismograph) = draw/write
  25. grat (gratify, gratuity, grateful) = please
  26. helio (heliocentric, heliograph, helium) = Sun
  27. hemo (hemophilia, hemorrhage, hemoglobin) = blood
  28. hetero (heterogeneous, heteronym) = different
  29. homo (homogeneous, homonym, homophone, homograph) = same
  30. hydro (hydrate, hydraulic, hydrophobia) = water/fluid
  31. hyper (hyperextend, hyperactive, hypertension) = over
  32. hypo (hypodermic, hypothermia, hypotension) = under
  33. ---
  34. Magazines like National Geographic, Smithsonian, Scientific American, etc., can be really helpful to improve your academic vocabulary and knowledge.
  35. ---
  36. TOEFL: 4 hours, 4 sections, 120 points total (30/section), $205
  37. 1 reading: 60-80 minutes, 3 or 4 passages, about 14 questions each
  38. 2 listening: 60-90 minutes, 2 or 3 sets (each = 3 listenings, 5+6+6 questions, 10 minutes to answer)
  39. (10-minute break)
  40. 3 speaking: 20 minutes, 6 tasks, 5.5 minutes of speaking time
  41. 4 writing: about 60 minutes, 2 tasks, 20+30 minutes of writing time
  42. ---
  43. Reading Question Types:
  44. - vocabulary
  45. - reference (pronouns)
  46. - inference
  47. - fact/detail
  48. - negative fact
  49. - paraphrase
  50. - purpose/method
  51. - sentence insertion
  52. - summarize
  53. - organize
  54. ---
  55. BREAK
  56. ---
  57. Purpose Questions - why does the author say something?
  58. Method Questions - how does the author accomplish something?
  59. ---
  60. Handout (Cengage) p. 85 exercise 4.1 - Answer the true/false questions about each passage
  61. Passage 1 - 60s each
  62. 1 T
  63. 2 F
  64. 3 F
  65. 4 F (purely scientific = optical physics; applied technology = optical engineering)
  66. Passage 2 - 45s each
  67. 5 T
  68. 6 T (“The challenge is like the irritating grain of sand”)
  69. 7 F
  70. 8 T
  71. 9 F (It’s the other way around.)
  72. 10 T
  73. 11 F
  74. Passage 3 - 45s each
  75. 12 F
  76. 13 T
  77. 14 F (These are the cities of her later “triumphant performances”.)
  78. 15 T
  79. Passage 4
  80. 16 F
  81. 17 F
  82. 18 F
  83. 19 T
  84. 20 T
  85. Passage 5
  86. 21 T
  87. 22 F
  88. 23 T
  89. 24 T (A failure to lead is a failure of leadership.)
  90. Passage 6
  91. 25 F
  92. 26 T
  93. 27 T
  94. Passage 7
  95. 28 T
  96. 29 F
  97. 30 F
  98. 31 T
  99. ---
  100. Homework: Handout (Cengage) exercise 4.1 (p. 91-101)
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