
Blue-Blooded Rivals Pt. 10

Apr 19th, 2014
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  1. >This has to be a bad dream.
  2. >You're still asleep on the train back from Canterlot, with Twilight.
  3. >Twilight. Not Fluttershy.
  4. >But no matter how many times you bop your head against the cool glass window of the train, you don't wake up.
  5. >You can't wake up.
  6. >This is real.
  7. >The pink-maned, yellow menace has stowed away on your solitary quest to save Blueblood's kingdom.
  8. >She smiles meekly at you from across the cabin, a light blush to her face. Your eyes are locked on hers, watching their every move, before you drop your head onto the window with one last bop.
  9. >She giggles at your unintentionally tickling antics, and departs from her seat to sit awkwardly next to you.
  10. >You respond by standing up and swapping to the other seat, next to your bag.
  11. >This doesn't seem to faze her. Fluttershy looks to you with an expression of happy content.
  12. >Your face shows nothing of the sort.
  13. "...Fluttershy. What are you doing here?"
  14. >She smiles and averts her eyes bashfully. "I just wanted to spend some time with you..."
  15. "Now is not the time to spend time."
  16. >Her eyes meet yours again. Her out-of-place smile remains visible through the rattling of the train cabin. "It'll be like... a couple's vacation." A red hue once again returns to her cheeks. "I didn't realize traveling was your fetish..."
  17. >You audibly groan.
  18. >"I would have planned a trip much sooner..."
  19. "For the umpteenth time: No. This is not my fetish."
  20. >With a deep sigh, you continue.
  21. "This is incredibly important stuff. I'm going on a journey, to help my friend. I can't have you along for this."
  22. >"But it could be such a great bonding experience for lovers."
  23. "I'm not your lover."
  24. >You pinch the bridge of your nose.
  25. >Outside the window, the greenery and lush environment that you usually associate with P0nyville, and with Equestria in general, soon begin to fade.
  26. >The land starts to gradually transform into a brown, vast wasteland.
  27. >The very-real possibility of Fluttershy tagging along this entire time starts to poke its way into your mind.
  28. "I need you to get right back on the train to P0nyville when we arrive in Appleoosa. This is something I need to do on my own, Fluttershy."
  29. >Thoughts once again come to you about the nature of Fluttershy and this entire predicament.
  30. >If it weren’t for her, you and Blueblood would still be friends.
  31. >It's her fault, in a way.
  32. >...But that's not really a fair judgment to make.
  33. >If it also weren’t for, say, Blueblood's stubbornness, easily mistakable for pure stupidity, then none of this would be happening either.
  34. >Though despite all of that, and what it all boils down to, is:
  35. >You don't want her around.
  36. >But...
  37. >"I can't do that, Anon. I'm going to stay with you til the end of time."
  38. >...It doesn't seem like that's going to happen.
  39. "That's a little dramatic, don't you think?"
  40. >She swoons a little bit. "It's how I feel..."
  41. >You take a deep breath, and rest your head against the window, staring at the passing scenery.
  42. >The rattling of the cabin causes your head to softly bump against the window every few seconds.
  43. >Your eyebrows contort your face into a cross look.
  44. >You know Fluttershy.
  45. >Or, rather, this new Fluttershy.
  46. >Thick-skulled. Delusional. Demonically persistent.
  47. >...You won't be able to shake her.
  48. >Your eyes flick over to her. She's still staring at you with those big, teal eyes.
  49. >As if expecting something from you.
  50. >Or perhaps just enjoying your company. In a creepy, stalker kind of way.
  51. >You don't like this.
  52. "...This isn't some retreat for pleasure. This isn't something I'm doing for leisure."
  53. >She leans in a little closer to you.
  54. "...Just don't get in my way."
  55. >Her eyes light up, and she smiles wide.
  56. >Your tone didn't matter. She got your implication.
  58. >"Mountain climbing, eh?" the shopkeeper asks.
  59. >You nod at him as you glance around his quaint shop.
  60. >"Well, you certainly have the, uh... hands for it." He gives you another look over, clearly never having seen anything like you. "What did you say you were again...?"
  61. "Impatient."
  62. >The shopkeeper bites his tongue and nods to himself before turning around and looking over his supplies.
  63. >You ever so slowly turn your head to the right and downward.
  64. >...Yup. She's still there.
  65. >Glancing up to you with an almost dog-like sense of affection.
  66. >She tries to wrap a hoof around your arm, but you slide it out from her grasp.
  67. >This doesn't seem to bother her much.
  68. >You're brought back to attention by the sound of metal dropping down on the wooden desk in front of you.
  69. >Small, handheld metal picks and a variety of cords and cables sit in front of the shopkeeper.
  70. >"These should do you good. Sturdy as they come."
  71. "Thanks."
  72. >He looks over you and Fluttershy once more, then leans in closer, the wooden desk creaking under his weight.
  73. >"Say... where are you two going with this equipment anyway?"
  74. >There's a second of silence.
  75. >You can see Fluttershy gearing up to speak, so you quickly interject.
  76. "Just around some of the cliffs outside of town."
  77. >The shopkeeper reads your expression, then nods slowly.
  78. >"Alright... just stay clear from the borders, alright?" He starts counting the various pieces of equipment in front of him, adding up the total. "It ain't safe over there."
  79. >You almost want to ask him what he means.
  80. >But any further into this topic and your cover might be blown.
  81. >Probably just dangerous cliffs, anyway.
  82. >After you add some food and firewood to your running total of things-to-buy and filling your water bottles, the shopkeeper gives you your bill. You pay it and stuff the newly acquired equipment into your bag.
  83. >Once that's done, you step back outside into the heat of Appleoosa.
  84. >The town still baffles you.
  85. >It's like you stepped into an old Wild West film.
  86. >Except with p0nies.
  87. >The buildings and other constructs are all arranged side-by-side, with other building running parallel, facing one another.
  88. >In between these buildings is hardly anything, save the wide dusty dirt patch you'd be hesitant to call a road.
  89. >All of the citizens here wear cowboy hats, or boots, or weird cowboy vests.
  90. >You've never felt more out of place.
  91. >And that's saying something.
  92. >"When should we begin our adventure, h-honey?"
  93. >'Our' adventure.
  94. >'Honey.'
  95. >Jesus Christ.
  96. "Now."
  97. >Fluttershy recoils a little.
  98. >"Wh-What? Now? You don't want to rest first maybe?" She closes in on you. "Get a room at the saloon? Have a l-little... quality t-time together...?"
  99. >You glare down at her.
  100. >"There would be so much time to explore your f-fetish..."
  101. >You look back up to the town in front of you.
  102. "You could have all the time in the world and you'd never find my fetish, Fluttershy."
  103. >A deep gulp of warm desert air fills your lungs.
  104. "I really wish you'd understand that."
  105. >She starts mumbling something to herself, or you, but you don't really pay attention. You instead pull out the map from your backpack and give it a look over.
  106. >You know where to get to...
  107. >But walking across the desert might not be the best idea.
  108. >Maybe you can hire a carriage or something.
  109. >You start walking through town, the grainy, dusty dirt crunching under your feet.
  110. >Fluttershy trots up next to you.
  111. >Your eyes flitter over to her.
  112. >...Well. If she's going to be accompanying you, as unwanted as that is, you may as well keep her in the loop.
  113. >You look back ahead, scanning the area.
  114. "...We're gonna see if we can find a carriage or something to take us to the border. Or as close as we can get."
  115. >"That sounds good... no point in wasting energy, right?"
  116. "Exactly."
  117. >You spot two stallions resting in front of a cart of sorts.
  118. >"Besides... we can w-waste all the energy w-we want later, under the sensual moonlight, and--"
  119. "Please don't make me hit you."
  120. >You approach the two stallions and inquire about their business.
  121. >Once the usual gawking was finished, they tell you that they are indeed a carriage service, and they can take you as far outside the town as they can legally manage.
  122. >Good enough for you.
  123. >You pay them their fee, and you are officially running dangerously low on funds.
  124. >But that's alright. From this point onward, you don't see yourself needing any more cash.
  125. >You and Fluttershy get seated in the unfortunately snug carriage, and the two stallions get started on hauling you two outside of town.
  126. >Fluttershy starts to snuggle up next you. Despite your best efforts, there's really nothing you can do about it.
  127. >The stallions are already giving you looks.
  128. >Fuck them.
  129. >You don't even know them.
  130. >And you and Fluttershy aren't even a thing.
  131. >Fucking hell.
  132. >This entire trip went differently in your head when you thought it up in the pub.
  133. >Nothing ever goes the way you want it to.
  134. >Now you're riding through a desert road late in the morning with your stalker cuddling you like you're dating.
  135. >And the ride's damn bumpy too.
  136. >You take a breath.
  137. >...Cheer up, Anon.
  138. >It's not like you to be this salty.
  139. >Roll with the punches.
  140. >Maybe Fluttershy will actually be of help.
  141. >The carriage rocks back and forth as the road gets bumpier, occasionally squeaking as the wood lightly strains.
  142. >It reminds you of old cowboy movies and video games.
  143. >Riding shotgun and all that.
  144. >Your eyes trail off to the sides, looking at the passing landscape.
  145. >It seems to spread on for so long.
  146. >You can see the high, so-far-off mountains of Equestria in the distance.
  147. >They're dark and faded from the distance, as if behind a thick layer of fog.
  148. >These are the kinds of mountains dragons live in.
  149. >Yet here you are, in the same land, but a completely different environment.
  150. >It's got such a wide variety of landscapes.
  151. >But then again, so does the North America back home on Earth.
  152. >Though not in such a tight proximity.
  153. >The carriage bumps and rattles again as you glace to the opposite side, allowing your mind to tune out to the sound of the stampeding hoofsteps in front of you.
  154. >You can see the various cliffs and mountains, these much closer, that line the land.
  155. >It's like the environment from an old Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote cartoon.
  156. >These are what you'll be climbing.
  157. >For the first time, you feel lightness in your chest thinking about it. Like butterflies.
  158. >You hope you'll be alright.
  159. >...You'll be safe.
  160. >It's not a problem.
  161. >Through the hoofsteps, a light snore catches your attention.
  162. >You turn your head and look at the yellow stick of butter snuggling up to you.
  163. >Her head rests against your shoulder, her eyes closed.
  164. >Fast asleep.
  165. >How she managed that through this noise and rattling, you'll never know.
  166. >Like all of the p0nies, she is rather cute.
  167. >Unbearably so, really.
  168. >It's why her sexual desires and stalker-like attitude are a frightening juxtaposition to what she seems like she'd be.
  169. >You take a deep breath and let out a satisfying exhale.
  170. >Your time in Equestria so far has been absolutely bizarre.
  171. >You can see the cliffs growing closer and closer.
  172. >...Let's hope for a little normality after this.
  174. >You've yet to fully calm down, despite the time that has passed.
  175. >So much has happened.
  176. >Your hoofsteps clop loudly on the stone floor in your room.
  177. >It's late afternoon.
  178. >The chancellor should be calling the conference fairly shortly.
  179. >You sigh.
  180. >The conference to crush your dreams.
  181. >It's been weighing on you all day.
  182. >The conference was supposed to be this morning, but was delayed.
  183. >The chancellor had some other business, apparently.
  184. >Not that it'd take long to tell you what he's going to tell you.
  185. >'You've ruined your chances, Blueblood. Back to your low-level royalty work.'
  186. >Never to rule anything.
  187. >It's like he wants this to drag out so you feel every inch of despair.
  188. >You can almost feel tears well up in your eyes.
  189. >You're a broken stallion.
  190. >The soft comfort of your bed does little to help as you climb up onto it and rest for a moment.
  191. >The thoughts haven't stopped.
  192. >Would things have been different had Anonymous not shown up yesterday?
  193. >No... that can't be right.
  194. >Your behavior as of late has been horrendous.
  195. >They would have done the same thing at a later time.
  196. >...Anonymous...
  197. >Just the mention of his name starts to make your blood boil.
  198. >Or, rather, it would, if you didn't feel so absolutely shut-down.
  199. >...He truly is a snake in the grass.
  200. >Trying to apologize... how could he even?
  201. >It's obvious he is up to something with Fluttershy.
  202. >Even after you told him how you feel about her.
  203. >And what he said regarding his physical attraction to p0nies...
  204. >Was it all one big lie...?
  205. >What would be the purpose?
  206. >You've known him for half a year... yet you still can't wrap your head around that one.
  207. >Nevertheless, you were hurt.
  208. >He hurt you.
  209. >Anonymous.
  210. >And you took it out on the p0nies around you.
  211. >Then it's his fault, not yours.
  212. >He made you this way.
  213. >You step back down onto the floor off your bed, then start pacing the grand room once more.
  214. >But then again... it is because of him you were considered for the position in the first place.
  215. >HE was the one who humbled you...
  216. >When he was right about Dahlia.
  217. >Or, rather, the changeling posing as her.
  218. >He was right then...
  219. >...
  220. >...Could he be right now?
  221. >You furl your brow a bit.
  222. >Your mind is telling you yes...
  223. >...But your emotions are telling you no.
  224. >It feels like you just want to be angry.
  225. >Fluttershy was your dream girl.
  226. >So sweet, soft, shy...
  227. >...And all she wants is him. Anonymous.
  228. >Not even giving you the time of day.
  229. >Shafted.
  230. >It makes you feel so cold and worthless.
  231. >And angry at the one she feels love for.
  232. >And...
  233. >And he loves her too, right?
  234. >...You're just not sure anymore.
  235. >Would Anonymous truly do this...?
  236. >"Sir."
  237. >Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.
  238. "Come in."
  239. >The wooden door creaks open, revealing one of the guards on duty.
  240. >"The chancellor has begun the conference. Your presence is requested."
  241. "Of course."
  242. >Your calm demeanor is betrayed by the blood freezing in your veins.
  243. >Now is the time your dream is crushed.
  244. >You head toward the door and leave your room, walking down the corridor with your guard companion.
  245. >The torch-lit hallways have seemed all the darker lately.
  246. >Long, twisted shadows stretch and contort over the stone walls ominously.
  247. >It unsettles you greatly.
  248. >...It doesn't have to be this way.
  249. >Maybe you can plead your case.
  250. >You've been upset. Heartbroken.
  251. >Your best friend stomped all over your trust. Right?
  252. >You were grieved. Things are better now.
  253. >Things aren't better now.
  254. >But you can pretend they are.
  255. >You need to make an argument for you to still inherit the kingdom.
  256. >Maybe you can whip together a last-minute presentation.
  257. >You stop in your tracks, the guard following suit soon after.
  258. >He glances back at you. "...Sir?"
  259. >What do you need...?
  260. >You keep your gaze averted as you think, then dart your eyes up to the waiting guard.
  261. "...I need my world map. Do you know where it is?"
  262. >The guard turns around to you completely, tapping his hoof to his mouth.
  263. >"THE world map? It's in the conference room."
  264. >No.
  265. >No, that won't do.
  266. >You need to be prepared before you enter.
  267. "Where is the spare?"
  268. >"The spare map?" He glances down the corridor. "It should be in library, I--"
  269. "Good. Fetch it for me. Please."
  270. >He looks to you once more with a look of mild confusion.
  271. "Hurry!"
  272. >"Yes sir!"
  273. >With a fumbled salute, the guard begins galloping down the hallway, his hoofsteps gradually echoing quieter and quieter.
  274. >You begin pacing the narrow corridor.
  275. >You don't have much time.
  276. >Think, Blueblood, think.
  277. >What can you say to convince them you deserve another chance?
  278. >The options flow through your mind.
  279. >Not a moment later, you hear the galloping begin to echo once more.
  280. >He's back.
  281. >You time your pacing and turn to greet him as he approaches, but no map is with him.
  282. "What? Where is the map?"
  283. >"Sir, I--"
  284. "I'm already wasting time, I'm going to be late! We can't afford this delay!"
  285. >"I'm sorry, sir!" he cries in a panic. "It's just... the spare map, it's gone!"
  286. >What?
  287. "What?"
  288. >This can't be.
  289. >You're destined to fail.
  290. >Your presentation won't even be good.
  291. >Why does the universe hate you so?
  292. "Where is it?!"
  293. >"I don't know, sir!"
  294. >Damn it. Who would know?
  295. "Who was doing rounds earlier today?"
  296. >You begin walking toward the library yourself, the guard following you.
  297. >"I believe Lance-- I mean, Guard 26, was scheduled at the time."
  298. "Bring him to me."
  299. >He salutes once more, then, with a deep breath, gallops off.
  300. >You continue your walk to the library.
  301. >...Is this worth it?
  302. >The conference starts in a few minutes.
  303. >If you're too late, it'll look really bad.
  304. >But showing up unprepared is certain doom.
  305. >Would it be better to show up late and prepared? Or on time unprepared?
  306. >You groan to yourself.
  307. >More hooftseps echo.
  308. >"I found him!"
  309. "Then come over here!"
  310. >It grows in volume until the two guards arrive in front of you.
  311. >The one who initially fetched you is now panting heavily.
  312. >You quickly look to Guard 26.
  313. "You. You were doing rounds earlier. Did you see anyp0ny go into the library at that time?"
  314. >He recoils a bit at your authoritative tone.
  315. >"Uh, uhm... I did see Guard 42 leaving down the hall from the library, sir. He had a rolled-up scroll of paper in his mouth."
  316. >Garrison?
  317. >You sigh.
  318. >More fetching.
  319. "I need Garrison here NOW!"
  320. >The first guard doesn't skip a beat. He instantly turns around and begins panting down the other corridor.
  321. >You, on the other hand, start heading toward the conference room instead.
  322. >Better to be closer to the ultimate goal here.
  323. >But Garrison...
  324. >What was he doing with the map?
  325. >You can see the conference room at the end of the corridor.
  326. >Torchlight is coming from within it.
  327. >Great.
  328. >You're already going to be late.
  329. >Before you can concern yourself with it, you, hopefully for the last time, hear the familiar gallop of hooves.
  330. >You turn to see Garrison bolting at you.
  331. >You don't give him much time.
  332. "Where is the map?"
  333. >He runs up and halts immediately before you.
  334. >"Th-The map?"
  335. "The guard here said he saw you take it. I need that map. Where is it?"
  336. >He looks at you with wide eyes. They occasionally glance quickly behind you, presumably at the conference room, before locking back to you.
  337. >"...Wh-Why do you need it?"
  338. >You're growing horribly impatient.
  339. "That's NOT your concern, Garrison! Where is it? This is SUPREMELY important!
  340. >He winces at your words. "I! I... I... l-lent it to... someone..." His words shrink with each utterance.
  341. >Lent it to someone?
  342. >LENT it?!
  343. "Who could POSSIBLY need that map in this castle!?"
  344. >Besides you, that is.
  345. >"Well... the thing is... he's not really... from this castle."
  346. >...You don't like where this is going.
  347. "WHO has my map!?"
  348. >He glances at you one more time, frozen.
  349. >"...Anonymous."
  350. >Your heart pangs at his name.
  351. "What?"
  352. >You process this information once more.
  353. "...What? Why does Anonymous need that map?"
  354. >Another moment passes.
  355. "Furthermore... why did you give it to him?!"
  356. >He shrinks further away.
  357. >He glances left and right, as if somep0ny could possibly help him.
  358. >Finally, he sighs.
  359. >"Well..."
  360. >He rubs his hooves together, as if trying to find some idle task to help him speak.
  361. >"...He's been worried about you, sir. So worried about your behavior. He just wants to make things right..."
  362. >You focus on him intently. He takes a moment to collect his words, then continues.
  363. >"He thinks this whole thing is his fault. He came by yesterday evening and told me he wished to travel to Nevlaria, to correct his mistakes. To tell them that you deserve the position."
  364. >Your heart sinks instantly at these words.
  365. >Your eyes shrink to pinpricks, and your mouth gapes.
  366. >"I offered him the map, because... I thought that--"
  367. "Tell the chancellor I cannot make the meeting."
  368. >You say to one of the guards.
  369. >Instantly, you take off down the hall as fast as you can.
  370. >"Sir, wait!"
  371. >You barely hear him.
  372. >You dart through the castle as fast as you can, desperate to get to your room.
  373. >Anonymous...
  374. >Anonymous...
  375. >What have you done, you fool?!
  376. >"Sir!"
  377. >You can hear the hoofsteps galloping after you.
  378. >Good. This is good. You need him.
  379. >You reach your room in record time, Garrison not too far behind you.
  380. >He peers into your room as you dig through your closet.
  381. >"Sir, what is the matter?"
  382. >You find your blue cloak and swiftly put it on.
  383. "Garrison, I need you to assemble two of the fastest pegasus guards we have, and a chariot."
  384. >Even then, you don't think you'll be able to get there very quickly.
  385. >Almost a day at least, you think. By late tomorrow morning.
  386. >You begin looking for your sword.
  387. >"Sir... what is the meaning of this haste?"
  388. >You halt, immediately stopping your search in uncharacteristic stillness.
  389. >You look at him.
  390. "...Garrison. Are you aware the nature of Nevlaria's surrounding area?"
  391. >He takes a mere second to think. "No..."
  392. "You fool. There's a reason their kingdom has been requesting more Equestrian influence."
  393. >"...The surrounding area--"
  394. "Is NOT a safe place! Especially for such an ignorant human such as Anonymous!"
  395. >He grits his teeth.
  396. >"I... I didn't know..."
  397. "And now you do!"
  398. >You gallop to the other side of your room, continuing your search as if you were never halted in the first place.
  399. "And NOW you may get me those two pegasus guards!"
  400. >He jumps back at your startling command. "Y-Yes sir!"
  401. >Finally, you find your blade at the bottom of an old trunk.
  402. >It's been a while since you've had to use it.
  403. >Let's hope you still don't need to.
  404. >...Anonymous.
  405. >You damn fool.
  406. >You best be okay...
  408. >With the exception of your little yellow tumor... you think the trip is going fairly well so far.
  409. >The carriage dropped you off as far as they could, and now, you're walking through the desert.
  410. >It's been a few miles at least since you've begun.
  411. >All things considered, it isn't too bad. Not too hot, you've got plenty of energy, your bag still isn't all that heavy.
  412. >You glance down at the map, keeping very sure you've got a good idea where you are on it.
  413. >You're heading through the desert now... the cliffs will mark the beginning of the rather large border area.
  414. >Looking up from the map, you can see those cliffs off in the distance.
  415. >Still several miles away.
  416. >You doubt you'll get there by today.
  417. >In fact, you're certain.
  418. >The sun is almost beginning to set, and you really don't think it's a good idea to travel by night.
  419. "Hmm..."
  420. >You move your eyes back down to the map.
  421. >Suddenly, a familiar, unwanted fuzzy feeling caresses your cheek.
  422. >"What are you looking at, lover?"
  423. >Her voice feels like it's coming from directly in your right ear.
  424. >You use your head to push her away.
  425. "Nothing."
  426. >You punctuate this by rolling up the large sheet of paper.
  427. "I think we should set up camp soon, it's getting late."
  428. >"Ooh, camp..." she says, as if she's started daydreaming.
  429. >You roll your eyes, scanning the landscape for a good place to sit down.
  430. >"Camp. Do we have a tent we can sleep in together?"
  431. >You can feel her gaze at you.
  432. >Ever so slowly, you turn your head towards her, your eyebrows flat. Unimpressed.
  433. >"...Sensually?"
  434. >...
  435. >You sigh.
  436. "I have a sleeping bag."
  437. >The thought crosses your mind.
  438. "Just one."
  439. >"Oh, that's alright, Anon." You feel her come closer once more. "...We can share..."
  440. >You stop dead in your tracks.
  441. >This is good enough.
  442. >You drop the bag from your back, the weight falling off and leaving you more liberated.
  443. "...You can have the sleeping bag."
  444. >You have a pillow and blanket anyway.
  445. >That'll do just fine.
  446. "Now come on,"
  447. >You say, pointing to the bag.
  448. "If you're going to tag along, you gotta be useful. Pull some firewood out while I grab the matches."
  449. >She nods to you, slowly fluttering to the ground. "Anything for you, h-honey..."
  450. >You wonder when you'll build a resistance to this kind of awkward sweet talk.
  451. >...Probably never.
  452. >But all things considered... a rather successful first day.
  453. >Already almost to the cliffs.
  454. >You think over what'll be on the agenda for tomorrow as you and Fluttershy assemble your fire.
  455. >You're so deep in thought about the topic that you almost miss the light tremor under your feet.
  456. >...Was that just you?
  457. >Glancing up to Fluttershy, you see her looking at you with the same perplexed expression.
  459. End of Part 10
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