Guest User


a guest
Aug 27th, 2012
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  1. groups:
  2. default:
  3. default: true
  4. prefix: '&2'
  5. suffix: '&7'
  6. permissions:
  7. - mcdocs.command.ranks
  8. - mcdocs.command.dogs
  9. - mcdocs.command.donate
  10. -
  11. - essentials.mail.send
  12. - essentials.mail
  13. - essentials.time
  14. -
  15. -
  16. - -herochat.emote
  17. - -bukkit.command.kill
  18. - cfbanner.rei.minimap
  19. -
  20. - -herochat.join.Mods
  21. - essentials.rules
  22. - -herochat.leave.Local
  23. - -herochat.leave.Global
  24. - herochat.autojoin.Local
  25. - essentials.afk
  26. - essentials.list
  27. - essentials.motd
  28. - cf.display
  29. - herochat.create
  30. - herochat.join.*
  31. - herochat.speak.*
  32. - herochat.leave.*
  33. - herochat.speak.Global
  34. - herochat.autojoin.Global
  35. - herochat.speak.IRC
  36. - herochat.leave.IRC
  37. worlds:
  38. Saving...: {}
  39. donor:
  40. default: false
  41. prefix: '&a'
  42. suffix: '&7'
  43. inheritance:
  44. - default
  45. permissions:
  46. -
  47. - herochat.emote.*
  48. - -herochat.emote.IRC
  49. - loginqueue.bypass
  50. mod:
  51. default: false
  52. prefix: '&3'
  53. suffix: '&f'
  54. inheritance:
  55. - donor
  56. permissions:
  57. - essentials.ban.tempban
  58. - essentials.tempban
  59. - essentials.tempban.*
  60. - herochat.mute.*
  61. - tickrate
  62. - serverinfo
  63. - herochat.mute
  64. - -mcbouncer.command.unbanip
  65. - -mcbouncer.command.banip
  66. - herochat.join.Mods
  67. - herochat.autojoin.Mods
  68. - mcbouncer.mod
  69. award:
  70. default: false
  71. prefix: '&6'
  72. suffix: '&7'
  73. inheritance:
  74. - donor
  75. admin:
  76. default: false
  77. prefix: '&4'
  78. suffix: '&f'
  79. permissions:
  80. - vanish.silentjoin
  81. - -vanish.joinvanished
  82. - -vanish.effects.*
  83. - bookwrite.write.own
  84. - bookworm.write.others
  85. -*
  86. - -bookworm.write.deny.*
  87. - -bookworm.copy.deny.*
  88. - -bookworm.remove.deny.*
  89. - -bookworm.destroy.deny.*
  90. - -worldguard.notify
  91. - -vanish.explode
  92. - -herochat.autojoin.*
  93. - -herochat.force.join.*
  94. - -herochat.force.leave.*
  95. - herochat.autojoin.Mods
  96. - '*'
  97. - herochat.autojoin.Global
  98. - herochat.autojoin.Local
  99. - herochat.admin.stealth
  100. - essentials.nick
  101. - herochat.admin
  102. - mcbouncer.admin
  103. wg-amphibious: {}
  104. wg-invincible: {}
  105. users:
  106. Savoie:
  107. group:
  108. - admin
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