
Heartless League

Feb 21st, 2016
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  1. 'Ello members of The Heartless League,
  3. I am proud to announce that the league has been growing at an exceptional rate. I hope that everyone enjoys there time here, works hard, helps others and most of all has fun. I am ecstatic to have the pleasure of battling and talking to each and every one of you. However, with all great times there are shadows of bad. I have been getting reports off unsavory behavior in and out of the league. I won't be calling anyone out, but I would like to remind all of you that whether you are in the league, in another league, in a battle or even outside of the Heartless account, you don't just represent yourself but you represent all of Heartless as well. Please remember to be courteous to others, help those in need and be respectful whether in our own home or visiting others. When in battles please don't start bashing the opponent for an odd choice in a matter and please don't be salty. If you are going to give criticism please make it constructive, and please be careful of what you say. Even joking around a lot of things are only seen through a one way window and many things said as jokes can be taken offensively. I am proud to call Heartless my home and you all my family, and I would love it if everyone could feel the same way as soon as they enter the room. Now I don't be all lovey dovey and gooey over them, but just make them feel welcomed. Remember Heartless is a place for everyone to have fun.
  5. ~HN
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