
It's a bad idea to have Christians in positions of power

Jan 19th, 2018
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  1. 12:39:39 PM+\|\Hiyas, Sara_Ks :-D
  2. 12:41:15 PM+dragoon\|\: Many of the Christians here do not value nor follow Christ.
  3. 12:41:26 PM+dragoonThis is common for American Christians, a majority of which support Donald Trump.
  4. 12:42:12 PM+dragoonTrump won evangelical Christians 84% to Clinton's 16%.
  5. 12:42:20 PM+dragoonTrump violates the 10 Commandments on a daily basis.
  6. 12:42:45 PM+\|\dragoon, why are you directed this to me?
  7. 12:42:49 PM+\|\*directing
  8. 12:42:55 PM+dragoon\|\: You engaged one of these Christians.
  9. 12:42:56 PM+\|\My fingers are broken today, apparently.
  10. 12:43:17 PM+\|\dragoon, if you're going to talk crap about Sara_Ks, then talk to her so she can ban you.
  11. 12:43:19 PM+\|\Again.
  12. 12:43:38 PM+dragoon\|\: By 'talking crap' do you mean 'being honest about a person in power'?
  13. 12:43:45 PM+\|\dragoon, go away.
  14. 12:43:55 PM+dragoon\|\: Are you a Christian?
  15. 12:44:09 PM+\|\What part of "go away" was not clear?
  16. 12:44:13 PM+\|\Do I need to ignore you?
  17. 12:44:23 PM+dragoon\|\: The part where Christ recommends us to love our neighbor as we love ourself.
  18. 12:44:38 PM+dragoonIf you're a Christian and you don't admit you are, because of your emotions, that would be a sin.
  19. 12:45:09 PM← sardaukar has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  20. 12:45:11 PM+\|\Uh huh. This is the same Jesus who said, "Let your yes be yes and your NO be NO." He also said, "Get away from me." It's okay, as a Christian, for me to say no to your trolling, and for me to tell you to go away.
  21. 12:45:22 PM+\|\Now, go away.
  22. 12:45:28 PM⚠ Disconnected from the IRC network
  23. 12:45:28 PMⓘ [KILL] koala!DALnet!Sara_Ks (ban avoidance)
  24. 12:45:28 PMClosing Link: dragoon (Killed (Sara_Ks (ban avoidance)))
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