
Never Meet Your Heroes (Force Quit)

Dec 31st, 2012
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  1. >You’ve seen the threads about Anon in Equestria, and you’ve always had those fantasies about going there, even before you had ever heard of AiE.
  2. >Well today was your lucky day, the last thing you remember was going to bed at home, and waking up in this magical land of talking horses.
  3. >Now on the outskirts of Ponyville, you’re ready to start your own adventure. Taking in a deep breath, you run as fast as your legs can carry you.
  4. >Though you only have knowledge of the landmarks to go on, you recognize enough of the town to more or less know where you are.
  5. >You see film crew ponies walking around with their little cute pony size clothing on, doing random tasks that you knew nothing about.
  6. >Seeing some of the familiar ponies sitting at tables and talking, you look around for the one you would like to talk to first.
  7. >As luck would have it, you see Twilight and Spike talking to Rarity, several feet away,
  8. (“This is gonna be so cool.”) You think as you compose yourself and dry off some of the sweat that accumulated while running over here, not your best idea so far.
  9. >Walking over, you think about what you’re going to say to Twi when you see her. She was always your favorite in the show, mostly because she had a cute and charming nerdy/awkward girl quality to her. Standing by their side, the first to look at you is Twilight, and she looks kind of annoyed.
  10. >”Cut!” Some random voice shouts, “Who the hell is that?!”
  11. >”Oh nice going!” Twilight says raising her voice, “You ruined the shot! Ah whatever, I’ll be in my trailer.” She groans walking away while Spike and Rarity sigh and head over to a table and sit.
  12. >Some stallion with shades and an orange vest comes stomping up to you, “You had better have a damn good reason for coming in the middle of a shoot, and bucking up a perfectly good scene!” He yells “Somep0ny calm Twilight “Diva” down and have her ready to shoot again in 5! And as for you!” He says pointing a hoof at you
  13. “Me?”
  14. >”Yeah you, get out of here before I have security haul you out.” He says bitterly before turning around and trotting away.
  15. >Looking around, you see more film crew ponies walking around and popping out of bushes with cameras and boom mics.
  16. >Speaking all kinds of technical mumbo jumbo, they all more or less avoid you.
  17. “What the fuck is going on?”
  19. >Leaving the scene from where pissed off 20 plus ponies simply by being there, you pace back and forth in front of Twilights library.
  20. (“Get it together man.”) You think, (“There has to be a logical explanation for this, maybe I interrupted a documentary or some shit. Yeah, that makes sense, it was probably a long day of filming, that shit would have anyone on edge.”)
  21. >”Excuse me, but we’re gonna be filming here in a minute.” A little girl’s voice says from behind you, turning around, you see Apple Bloom and the other two CMC’s
  22. >You crouch down and look her right in the eyes,
  23. “Apple Bloom, where is Applejack?”
  24. >”How should I know, we don’t live together.” She laughs
  25. “B..but you two are sisters, how can you not know where she is?”
  26. >Her expression loses all the humor from before and becomes gravely serious, ”Mister, that’s just in the show, we’re not really sisters.”
  27. “…..” You stare blankly at the young mare as you process what she just said “You two aren’t sisters?”
  28. >She shakes her head, as Scootaloo looks at the both of you
  29. >”You’re not one of those crazy fans are you?” She asks
  30. >You rub your face and groan quietly
  31. “I don’t know.”
  32. >”Mr. you don’t look so good.” Apple Bloom says before looking over at one of the stallions behind her “Can you take him somewhere and get him some water and a snack?”
  33. >”Sure.” The stallion replies before escorting you away from the group of fillies,
  34. >Walking like a zombie devoid of any expression or personality, you sit at the table he takes you to and slowly open the bottled water he got you.
  35. >Watching the CMC’s act like how you saw them in the show in front of the cameras, it really hits home now.
  36. “This is so fucked up.” You whisper
  38. >Staring blankly forward, occasionally sipping at the water that was given to you, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle come walking up from behind.
  39. >”Good job girls, see ya tomorrow.” You hear Applebloom say as Sweetie and Scootaloo rush past you
  40. >”Later AppleBloom!”
  41. >”Bye!” They shout as they run out of sight, Applebloom comes walking up and sits herself next to you. Tossing her mane back, a stallion in a black suit comes up next to her.
  42. >”Can you get me a water and a PB n J?” She asks as the stallion nods and rushes away
  43. “So your name actually IS Applebloom?” You ask almost angrily
  44. >”Yeah, it is.” She replies calmly before looking over “How are you doing? Feeling better?”
  45. “A little I guess.”
  46. >”So what happened? Why did you think I was actually sisters with Applejack? Were you having a heatstroke or something?”
  47. *sigh* “Well you see, where I’m from, you guys are a TV show.”
  48. >”We ARE a TV show,” She says annoyed
  49. “Ugh, my bad.” You clear your throat “Where I’m from, you guys don’t exist, you’re a cartoon show for little kids.”
  50. >”…..” She raises an eye brow “Mr, you sure you’re all right?”
  51. “Anonymous,”
  52. >”Huh?”
  53. “My name, its Anonymous. Or Anon for short.”
  54. >”That isn’t a name.”
  55. “It’s a long story, look let me finish.”
  56. >Telling her everything you knew, she silently listens and nods on occasion.
  57. “And that’s pretty much it.” You finish as you knock back the last of the water,
  58. >Chewing on her sandwich, she swallows and dabs her mouth clean. “That’s some story.”
  59. “So you believe me?”
  60. >“Heck no, but don’t take it the wrong way, its just well…”
  61. “Its cool,” You say picking up a hand “I understand.”
  62. >”….”
  63. “….”
  64. >Looking around, you see the camera crew ponies, and civilian ponies walking around.
  65. “Soooo, is this town fake too?”
  66. >”No, it’s a real town; the folks here are nice about us filming all the time. We also let lots of them background characters when we can.”
  67. “Do you live here?”
  68. >”Haha Pretty much, we can’t go far when shooting for the next season. But in my off time I live in Canterlot in case you’re wondering.”
  69. >Giving her a little smile, you go back to drinking your water.
  70. >”So you aren’t from around here right?”
  71. “Pretty much.”
  72. >”You got a place to stay?”
  73. “No.”
  74. >She bites her lip and looks away, “Sorry to hear that.”
  75. “It’s all right.”
  76. >”Applebloom!” A mare calls out “You’re needed at Sweet Apple Acres!”
  77. >”Got it!” She shouts looking back before turning to face you again “It was nice talking to you, but… I gotta go now. “ She says getting up “See ya.”
  78. >As she runs over to the mare, you look on and get up as well, might as well find something to do.
  80. >Walking down the town, you can see what Applebloom had said is true, certain areas are off limits for filming, and other areas are just normal towns folk going on about their lives.
  81. >Reaching Sugar Cube Corner, you sigh.
  82. (“It’s all a big lie.”)
  83. >”Get out of the way!!” Pinkie’s voice yells out from behind, turning around, she smashes right into you and sends you flying back and onto the floor.
  84. >Groaning in pain, she giggles and dusts you off.
  85. >”Sorry, I was coming in WAY to fast.”
  86. >Getting up and looking at her, she stares curiously over and tilts her head before smiling.
  87. >”I’ve never seen you before, are you new to the cast? Or a new resident of Ponyville?”
  88. “I’mmm not from around here.”
  89. >*gasp* “We need to throw you a party! A big party with ballons, and cake, and punch, and pie, oh my gosh, it’ll be so great! My names Pinkie Pie, whats your name?!”
  90. “Anon….are we being filmed?”
  91. >”Not that I know of, why?”
  92. “Soooo, this is how you NORMALLY act? You’re not playing a character in a show?”
  93. >She giggles and places a hoof over your chest “No, I mean, yeah I play Pinkie Pie in the show, but this is how I am in real life, sooo I play myself…or is it I play with myself?” She ponders deeply, “I guess its both.” She smiles before you hug her tightly in joy at meeting “the real Pinkie Pie.”
  97. Never Meet Your Heroes
  100. Anon sticks to Pinkie Pie like glue, since she is the only constant in this world of ponies who act nothing like their characters. He tries to live the perfect life he imagined in his head, but finds out the mares act just like regular women back home. The world is full of the same problems as home, and is not the utopia he thought it would be.
  102. Pinkie and the cast do become something of friends thanks to Anon, but he is sad that it is no different than earth. He forms a close friendship with Pinkie Pie, and through her he finds his footing into their world. When he comes to a realization that he only wanted to be here to escape his own reality, a portal opens up back home. Before leaving, he gives Pinkie Pie the biggest and deepest kiss he can, before running off back home. Much later, Anon relaxes in his home, and watches MLP. In the episode, Pinkie is blowing balloons for her friends, when one pops. She falls back and they all laugh, Pinkie joins in and when she stops laughing, she looks at the screen and smiles.
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