
Dash can Read?

Jan 30th, 2016
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  1. >Be anon
  2. >Every since you caught Rainbow Dash writing fanfiction, she's been bugging you non-stop
  3. >Something about needing a semi-professional's opinion since you're in the literary program
  4. >Day in and day out it's been the same thing
  5. >She even comes over you house to do nothing but have you help her writing
  6. >Thanks to that, she's apparently become pretty popular on whatever website she posts on.
  7. >Reading her stuff at first was awful
  8. >Who mixes Sherlock and Doctor Who like that? And why that one?
  9. >10th Doctor a shit
  10. "Sure, Rainbow Dash"
  11. >But you like having her around
  12. >She turned out to be a great bro once you got close to her
  13. >"You mean it!? Thanks, man! I worked hard after you helped me with the last one. I did this all by myself"
  14. "I know, I wasn't there to write it with you"
  15. >"O-oh yeah. You are the only one who ever helps me"
  16. "Because I'm the only one who knows"
  17. >"Yeah...listen, Anon. I want to thank you"
  18. "For what?"
  19. >"You could have made fun of me when you caught me in the library. You could have had leverage over the most awesome girl in school! But, you didn't. You actually read it and gave a real review. You promised to keep it a secret. You continued to help me. I don't know how I can repay yo-"
  20. "Stop it"
  21. >"Why a-"
  22. "You're a writer, an artist. Why would I bash someone for trying to express themselves? I just wanted to help you out, and I love hanging out with you."
  23. >"You love it?"
  24. "I love it. You're my best friend, why would I not love it?"
  25. >" friends"
  26. >Rainbow looks down, shuffling her feet
  27. >"Anon?"
  28. "Yes, Dashie?"
  29. >"Do you want to write a novel?"
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