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a guest
May 1st, 2012
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. PwnTang Punch!: Hey there, any status update?
  3. PwnTang Punch!: The private profile is a bit fishy . . .
  4. PwnTang Punch!: Are you going to risk getting a scammer tag and banned from all the trading websites over $25 ?
  5. [TB] Nessy: private profile is bad?
  6. PwnTang Punch!: Most people relate a private profile with a scammer. It has become very untrustworthy
  7. [TB] Nessy: oh
  8. [TB] Nessy: well after all that
  9. [TB] Nessy: trading
  10. [TB] Nessy: im not gonna trade again with money
  11. [TB] Nessy: anyway XD
  12. PwnTang Punch!: I know right?
  13. PwnTang Punch!: kinda turned into a train wreck
  14. [TB] Nessy: yea
  15. PwnTang Punch!: well I still have the 5 keys and DOTA, we can just trade back since the card isn't working
  16. [TB] Nessy: i already spent the buds tho
  17. [TB] Nessy: D:
  18. PwnTang Punch!: -___
  19. [TB] Nessy: are you sur
  20. [TB] Nessy: sure
  21. [TB] Nessy: the card oesnt work?
  22. PwnTang Punch!: I can't use it and you can't use it since it is not in our names
  23. PwnTang Punch!: I have gone out of my way trying to help out a first time cash trader, there is nothing more I can do
  24. [TB] Nessy: should i buy another card then?
  25. [TB] Nessy: moneypak
  26. [TB] Nessy: for paypal?
  27. PwnTang Punch!: That would work
  28. [TB] Nessy: since thats all that works
  29. [TB] Nessy: with paypa
  30. [TB] Nessy: pal
  31. PwnTang Punch!: You will have to go to a pharmacy or gas station that sells moneypak
  32. PwnTang Punch!: If you want just a $25 card it will cost $25 +$4.95 to load it
  33. [TB] Nessy: ill buy $30 then
  34. [TB] Nessy: ill end up with 25 in the card
  35. PwnTang Punch!: make sure the cashier knows you only want $25 on the card, the $4.95 is a separate charge
  36. PwnTang Punch!: After you buy the moneypak, you can upload to your paypal after an hour, or give the code straight to me
  37. [TB] Nessy: ok
  38. PwnTang Punch!: When do you think you will have the card?
  39. [TB] Nessy: sometime tomorrow
  40. [TB] Nessy: or tuesday
  41. PwnTang Punch!: okay, don't go disappearing on me
  42. [TB] Nessy: nope XD
  43. PwnTang Punch!: k, I gotta go now
  44. PwnTang Punch!: bye
  45. [TB] Nessy: bye
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