
Shantotto NT Quotes

Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. (take slight damage: slapped)
  2. (take slight damage: stepped on lego)
  3. (take slight damage: hit funny-bone)
  4. Ow.
  5. (take slight damage: pricked by pin)
  6. (take slight damage: given a charlie horse)
  7. (take slight damage: touch hot stove)
  8. (take slight damage: pinched)
  9. (take a lot of damage: punched in the gut)
  10. (take a lot of damage: kicked in the shin)
  11. (take a lot of damage: hit in a delicate area)
  12. (take a lot of damage: smashed in the nose)
  13. (take a lot of damage: air knocked out of you)
  14. (take a lot of damage: jabbed in the throat)
  15. (take a lot of damage: foot stomped on)
  16. (regret/pissed off @ self)
  17. (take a lot of damage: blood spewing from mouth)
  18. (get smashed into wall) (long)
  19. (get tripped and hit floor) (long)
  20. (get pile-driven into ground) (long)
  21. (get pushed into a boulder) (long)
  22. (crash into a metal pipe) (long)
  23. (get smashed into wall) (real)
  24. (get tripped and hit floor) (real)
  25. (get pile-driven into ground) (real)
  26. (get pushed into a boulder) (real)
  27. (crash into a metal pipe) (real)
  28. (get smashed into wall) (compact)
  29. (get tripped and hit floor) (compact)
  30. (get pile-driven into ground) (compact)
  31. (get pushed into a boulder) (compact)
  32. (crash into a metal pipe) (compact)
  33. How can this be? No one's better than me!
  34. That wasn't half bad? you've made me quite mad.
  35. While you have far to go, you're still a worthy foe.
  36. No more horsing around? I'll hunt you like a hound.
  37. I won't sit and pout? I'll just snuff them out!
  38. Allow me to advise... Prepare for your demise!
  39. (sidestep effort)
  40. (jump effort)
  41. (hop up a step effort)
  42. (darting forward effort)
  43. (struggling to jump to the side)
  44. (leaping forward)
  45. (slight grunt of exertion)
  46. (dodging an attack)
  47. (lunge effort)
  48. (small step backwards)
  49. Ohohoho. (laughing like you know you'll win)
  50. Aha!
  51. Well, well.
  52. (assuming a fighting stance 4)
  53. Come on!
  54. (Unleash minor attack 1)
  55. (Unleash minor attack 2)
  56. (Unleash minor attack 3)
  57. (Unleash minor attack 4)
  58. (Unleash minor attack 5)
  59. (Unleash minor attack 6)
  60. (Unleash minor attack 7)
  61. (Unleash minor attack 8)
  62. (Unleash minor attack 9)
  63. (Unleash minor attack 10)
  64. (Unleash massive attack 1)
  65. (Unleash massive attack 2)
  66. (Unleash massive attack 3)
  67. (Unleash massive attack 4)
  68. (Unleash massive attack 5)
  69. (Unleash massive attack 6)
  70. (Unleash massive attack 7)
  71. (Unleash massive attack 8)
  72. (Unleash massive attack 9)
  73. (Unleash massive attack 10)
  74. You'll find no less strife in the afterlife!
  75. To your chagrin, you'll never win!
  76. Let me be clear; get out of here.
  77. You were a fool to enter this duel!
  78. Beat a quick path away from my wrath!
  79. You won't prevail, so just turn tail!
  80. You're on the brink of being extinct!
  81. Woe is you, through and through.
  82. Spare the rod, spoil the clod!
  83. I won't abide your sense of pride!
  84. Go away without delay!
  85. Don't scoff, my gloves are off!
  86. Turn my prey into a fillet!
  87. Plough straight toward your bait!
  88. For your dissent, you shall be rent!
  89. You must atone for what you've sown!
  90. Be wise; shield your eyes!
  91. Bow down, you clown!
  92. Bend your knee only to me!
  93. I walk the walk and talk the talk!
  94. Don't go too far, my little star!
  95. No more waiting to start decimating!
  96. I'll bounce you and trounce you!
  97. I'll purge this scourge!
  98. Explode, you toad!
  99. I'm itching to start bewitching!
  100. And where is the fun in letting you run?
  101. It's a shame you're so tame!
  102. Go splat, you pesky gnat!
  103. Tit for tat, you brat!
  104. Have you the grit to bear this hit?
  105. Enough! Let's play rough!
  106. Know your role, vulgar mole!
  107. (getting pissed off non-verbal)
  108. (Unleash minor attack 1)
  109. (Unleash minor attack 2)
  110. (Unleash minor attack 3)
  111. (Unleash minor attack 4)
  112. (Unleash minor attack 5)
  113. (Unleash minor attack 6)
  114. (Unleash minor attack 7)
  115. (Unleash minor attack 8)
  116. Ohohoho! (scheming laugh)
  117. (Unleash massive attack 2)
  118. (Unleash massive attack 3)
  119. Begone, you pawn!
  120. No pain, no gain!
  121. Can't get away this day!
  122. Sublime beats slime!
  123. Brace for disgrace!
  124. Now you're small; I'll crush you all!
  125. At this height, I'd win any fight!
  126. Behold, I'm larger by tenfold!
  127. I'll not abate, you ingrate.
  128. Excuse me, you flea!
  129. I must agree, you're no match for me!
  130. That's it.
  131. (tossing stuff)
  132. (tossing stuff)
  133. (tossing stuff)
  134. (tossing stuff)
  135. All right.
  136. There.
  137. Here.
  138. (confident chuckle to self)
  139. Excellent. (Mr. Burns-style)
  140. Get in my way and you'll pay.
  141. And so I go, to and fro!
  142. My blood boils like hot oil!
  143. Another whelp needs my help?
  144. I should be paid to dole out aid.
  145. (exasperated sigh)
  146. Do your job, you dumb blob.
  147. Use some flair out there!
  148. (expending energy to summon massive creature 1)
  149. (expending energy to summon massive creature 2)
  150. Appear!
  151. If we get our jobs done, this contest's as good as won.
  152. Hold me back and I'll put you to the rack.
  153. I'll dispense with the greeting, since your life will be fleeting.
  154. Even as test subjects you wouldn't do; perhaps you'd look better under my shoe.
  155. I dare not lean on these bumbling peons.
  156. Ohoho!
  157. I dare not lean on these bumbling peons.
  158. Ohoho!
  159. It'd be prudent to treat my teammates as students.
  160. You thought you could shine? How asinine.
  161. You thought you could shine? How asinine.
  162. Ohoho!
  163. Did you throw the match? I barely have a scratch!
  164. The writing's on the wall: you don't know how to brawl.
  165. The writing's on the wall: you don't know how to brawl.
  166. Ohoho!
  167. That was a job well done; you earned your day in the sun.
  168. That was a job well done; you earned your day in the sun. Ohoho!
  169. But I never lose! This must be a ruse!
  170. I'll get you yet!
  171. All dogs have their day,
  172. but ours seems so far away.
  173. Good day, I say.
  174. Keep your spirits high and in good supply.
  175. Here's your due: thank you.
  176. I confess I transgressed.
  177. Loud and clear, my dear.
  178. Rule of thumb: what you say is dumb.
  179. %ls is mine.
  180. Settle our score with %ls.
  181. I'm on the way to save your day, %ls.
  182. Heads out of the sand, for I need a hand!
  183. That piddly rubble won't give me trouble!
  184. Time to invoke some astral folk!
  185. I'll now attack; they're sure to crack!
  186. Just a retreat, not a defeat!
  187. Whatever they're planning, we'll give them a tanning!
  188. I'll say it straight: could you please wait?
  189. I've no more to prepare, so strike up the fanfare!
  190. No wonder that was a blunder.
  191. That wasn't a jokeβ€”I simply misspoke.
  192. We must be deftβ€”there's no time left!
  193. By Altana's good graces, we've put them in their places!
  194. On regret we'll sup if we dare give up!
  195. I'm still a member of your team, so things are better than they seem!
  196. To prolong my lifespan, I'll change my lesson plan.
  197. Ohohohohohoho!
  198. However calm of temperament and poised I seem to be, step out of line and...
  199. Ohhh! You're making me lose my temper, dear!
  200. Very well!
  201. Before being cursed by a fool, make sure he is the one who gets cursed!
  202. Before being cursed by a fool, make sure he's the one who gets cursed!
  203. Shantotto's the name, and destruction's my game!
  204. Of course! The future is for one to take by brute force!
  206. KOEI TECMO Games
  208. Team Ninja
  210. Why, hello! And, oh...goodbye!
  211. Perish here, you surely will. Beat a path toward the hills.
  212. Were you hit by a bolt of inspiration? Absolutely nothing? Did the battle lack...
  213. This martial mashfest of mages will be a grand affair! Those weakling wizards need...
  214. Did you come to apologize for your failing? Well, I can't tell that from your incessant wailing.
  215. Although I'd prefer to use it on someone more pure, my new curse will work just as fine on you, I'm sure.
  216. You might be my a million years!
  217. Oh, my skeptical colleague, will you never, ever learn? "Impossible" isn't in my dictionary...
  218. Ho-hum. Such a typical scene.
  219. These betrayals have become so routine.
  220. To make sure I did not end up like one of those pansy white or barbarian red mages...
  221. I'm on the way to save your day.
  222. %ls is mine.
  223. I'm still a member of your team, so things are better than they seem!
  224. However calm of temperament...
  225. Before being cursed by a fool...
  226. Before being cursed by a fool...
  227. Of course! The future is for...
  228. Find your own foe and bring each low!
  229. Cause %ls a world of woe!
  230. Only allot what you ought.
  231. Your fate you'll meet, beneath my feet.
  232. I'd best use it or I'll lose it.
  233. Put them to rout by going all out!
  234. After this one, I will be done.
  235. Let's keep dueling and continue your schooling.
  236. I'm almost moved at how you've improved.
  237. I need you near, so get over here!
  238. No time for chatter; we need to scatter!
  239. Don't ignore the core!
  240. Your esteem makes me beam.
  241. I want to test to see what's best.
  242. I'll sit and watch to see what you botch.
  243. No one can make light of that rousing fight!
  244. My theory on the archduke has proved to be no fluke.
  245. You're not that great, but you're no dead weight.
  246. I'll both still her tongue and bring her down a rung.
  247. Oh, you'll rue the day you got in my way!
  248. How I tire of your fire.
  249. I would never pose in such revealing clothes.
  250. You've brains, that's true, but I do too!
  251. Back to the deep, you slimy creep!
  252. You might be a knight, but I'm in the right!
  253. I could make a manse from your vast expanse.
  254. Take with you that rage back into your cage.
  255. Cause that foe a world of woe!
  256. Oh, you'll rue the day you got in my way!
  257. Take with you that rage back into your cage.
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