
Hearts & Hooves day with Liza

Nov 30th, 2014
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  1. >Be Liza Doolots
  2. >Waking up today you felt what could only be described as nervousited
  3. >Today was Hearts and Hooves day and you decided that you would finally breakout of the social shell you created
  4. >You had spent all of yesterday working on the card that was now held in your magic
  5. >you poured your heart into creating this thing, coming together with a design that would impress even Sweetie Belle's older sister
  6. >"Liz, it's time for school!"
  7. >Your mother calling snaps you out of your trance and you tuck the card into your empty saddle bag
  8. >Practically running for the front door you're stopped by your mother
  9. >Someones in a rush, mind telling me what all the fuss is about?
  10. >You fail to contain a beaming smile as you say
  11. "Today's going to be a great day, I just know it!"
  12. >"Glad to hear that Sweetie. Have a nice day at school."
  13. "Of course!"
  14. >On the way to school you meet with Dinky, one of the few ponies you did talk to
  15. >As you two walk and talk Dinky's mother flies overhead giving you two a smile, a wave,and a warning
  16. >"It's supposed to rain today, be careful on your way home."
  18. >Sitting in the back of the class had two advantages; the first being that your crush sat only two seats away, the second being that no one could see how anxious you were
  19. >Cheerilee stood at the head of the class explaining that today would be a work free day
  20. >As the class began speaking among themselves you open your saddlebag withdrawing the card
  21. >Reading over the card you feel your nerves set in but you act before they stop you
  22. >Turning to your left you begin to call to the colt
  23. "Hey-"
  24. >Before you could finish, the filly between you handed him a card and as she did you felt your heart drop
  25. >You were quick to reassure yourself, it's hearts and hooves day after all so of course he got a card, everyone did
  26. >As you look back to them you see them embrace one another in a hug
  27. >The card fell from your hooves, your vision blurs as you look down to the floorboards
  28. >Sure everyone got cards but not hugs...
  29. >The statement repeats in your head on realization
  30. >Looking around the room literally everyone present were receiving cards
  31. >Everyone but you
  32. >Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon even Cheerilee received a card
  34. >"Something the matter?"
  35. >Cheerilee looked slightly concerned
  36. "N-nothing, I just dropped my card."
  37. >Her eyes seemed to glow as the card comes into view
  38. >"Why Liza aren't you lucky. That card is magnificent, someone must have put a lot of work into that!"
  39. >You speak in a low tone but just loud enough for her to hear
  40. "Yeah they did..."
  41. >As she trotted away you heard a roar of thunder
  42. >You let your gaze fall back to the floor
  43. >You didn't care..
  44. >You were used to it...
  45. >Same thing every year
  46. >You were used to it...
  47. >At least, that's what you told yourself...
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