
Princest (MLP)

Jul 1st, 2015
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  1. >Be princess Luna
  2. >Contemplate ignoring all of your life lessons thus far, and just burning Canterlot to the ground
  3. >Nobles were the worst
  4. >Sigh as you finally stand from your throne, stretching as you do
  5. >The Night Court (or the Court of Owls as it was ‘amusingly’ called) had finally been brought to a close
  6. >It had basically been a couple of hours of shysters and ass-kissers attempting to better their own position through you
  7. >A few came with real concerns, but they were a rarity
  8. >After all that, your bed is looking more and more promising
  9. >But first, you had to attend an end of week catch-up with your sister
  10. >It was mostly on stats and finances, but Celestia seemed to be find it therapeutic
  11. >Celestia…
  12. >Frown as you descend the throne room’s stairs, nodding to the guards stationed by the door
  13. >The corridor beyond was empty, save for all of its gilded decorations
  14. >Good
  15. >You could use some time with your thoughts
  16. >…Things had been weird between you and Celestia
  17. >She was simultaneously coddling, while also kind of distant
  18. >She is hyper aware of paying attention to you, eyes never leaving you after you walk into a room
  19. >But whenever you suggest just spending time together, she makes up some kind of excuse to be busy
  20. >You hadn’t really noticed, when you first…’got back’
  21. >You had assumed that she was just trying to avoid rushing things
  22. >A thousand years is a long time to be apart, after all…
  23. >…It was also kind of weird how different she looked
  24. >She hadn’t aged day, but she carried herself differently
  25. >You could read your sister like a book a thousand years ago
  26. >Now? Not so much
  27. >…
  28. >…You miss your sister
  29. >Draw yourself up: the door to Celestia’s tower was quickly approaching
  30. >Maybe now would be the time to confront her about this…?
  32. >You always found it somewhat unnerving, climbing up these giant stone towers
  33. >Something about the reverberating echo in such a tight staircase
  34. >You almost missed the days when the castle had been small enough to warrant you and your sister's rooms being situated on the ground floor
  35. >You remember, when it got big enough, you had to share a tower
  36. >Tartarus, you had to share a room
  37. >The number of fights that had started from what fifty percent of the room was yours…
  38. >Find your fond smile starting to slip
  39. >There was never enough time to do stupid junk like that anymore; not even pretty arguments
  40. >The last time was at the Cranky and Matilda’s wedding
  41. >The whole argument about the gift wasn’t really that important
  42. >The couple were ecstatic that that THREE of the land’s royalty would be attending their small-town wedding
  43. >Despite that, you felt a need to confront Celestia on the lack of a gift
  44. >It had felt kind of…relieving, to be so openly angry
  45. >Like you weren’t trying to hide anything from each other
  46. >Later, when Celestia had smiled and pressed her hoof into yours…
  47. >Just for a minute, it felt like you could actually see your sister again
  48. >…
  49. >…Whoa, wha?
  50. >Realize you’ve been standing on the last landing for a good few minutes
  51. >Celestia’s tall, spotless door looms over you
  52. >Gulp
  53. >Take several calming breaths
  54. >There’s nothing to be worried about, really
  55. >Celestia will have a perfectly reasonable explanation for what’s been happening between you two
  56. >Maybe
  57. >Hopefully
  58. >Push the door open with a small burst of magic before you lose the nerve
  59. >Doesn’t take long to spot Celestia in the room beyond
  60. >She’s sat on her balcony, white fur almost glowing in the moonlight
  61. >Her ears flick, signalling she’s heard you, but she doesn’t turn around
  62. >Well
  63. >Here goes…
  65. >Carefully make your way over to the balcony
  66. >Neither of you say a word as you trot across the room
  67. >Equally as silent, you pit yourself down on the balcony, a respectful distance away from your sister
  68. >...
  69. >This is weird
  70. >She would have normally started on the paperwork already
  71. >What was she doing star gazing?
  72. >…Unless she felt the odd distance too…
  73. >“You really outdid yourself tonight, Luna.”
  74. “Hmm?”
  75. >Finally turn to look at Celestia
  76. >Her eyes are locked to the night sky
  77. >A thousand stars and constellations are made all the more pronounced because they’re shining into those purple ringed depths
  78. >“I don’t think we’ve had a night quite as beautiful as this for a long time.”
  79. >A glassy smile spreads across her muzzle
  80. >“I could never quite wrangle the stars right. I don’t think my heart was ever in it.”
  81. >Frown at Celestia
  82. “Sister, you…”
  83. >Clear throat
  84. >Don’t lose that nerve now
  85. “We forgave each other the day I got back. You don’t have to keep thinking about it-”
  86. >“I know.”
  87. >Celestia nodded
  88. >“I know, I shouldn’t. But I can’t help but reflect on it.”
  89. >She averted her gaze from the sky, eyes locking on yours
  90. >“It was the first time I had been apart from you. Properly, I mean.”
  91. >A sigh that spoke volumes escaped her
  92. >“Watching everyone you care about grow old and pass away…it was more difficult, without you there.”
  93. >You can’t even begin to imagine
  94. >It was painful enough to watch friends and lovers fade when your sister WAS around
  95. >To be effectively alone…
  96. >Celestia jumped in place as you lent forward, brushing your muzzle along her neck
  97. “I’m not going anywhere now, right? So try and not think about it.”
  98. >One of your wing unfolded, wrapping around your sister’s withers
  99. “I won’t leave you, I promise.”
  100. >You could feel your sister’s slightly erratic breathing against you
  101. >It felt…warm
  102. >“…Heh, that’s a dangerous thing to say, Lulu.”
  103. >Huh?
  104. >Look up just in time to see Celestia stand fully, an actual smile on her features
  105. >“Come on, that paper work won’t do itself.”
  106. >She trots back inside without another word
  107. >…Well, it was a start…
  109. “Remind me why we have to do this?!”
  110. >”Hmm?”
  111. “We’re the god beings who literally raise and lower the sun and moon! We shouldn’t HAVE paperwork!”
  112. >Celestia just giggles
  113. >Huff as you turn back to the document in front of you
  114. >The words on it barely register with you after several hours of reading almost identical scrolls
  115. >A lot of bull and red-tape
  116. >…Paperwork was the worst
  117. >You’re not sure how Celestia puts up with this kind of stuff
  118. >Whenever you look up at her, she’s just smiling contently as she writes and reads
  119. >It’s hard to be believe she put up with this for almost a thousand years by herself
  120. >…Unless she got some help
  121. >Think back to what she said on the balcony
  122. >There had been something bugging you for a while...
  123. “…Sister, do you mind if I ask a question?”
  124. >Her quill pauses
  125. >Fidget on your pillow slightly
  126. “I know I said to not think about it, but…while I was gone, did you…”
  127. >She looks at you with patient eyes
  128. “…Take a lover?”
  129. >Celestia doesn’t outwardly react, but you know you're treading on touchy ground
  130. >Because of your nature, you WILL outlive anyone you're involved with, ascended to alicorn-hood or not
  131. >It was something you both tried to avoid
  132. >Celestia looks at you in silence, her eyes searching
  133. >You're not even fully aware of why you asked
  134. >“I tried.”
  135. >Celestia looks grimly off to one side
  136. >“But even when she was alive, you were all I could think of…”
  137. >…
  138. >…
  139. >…What?
  140. “H-heh!”
  141. >You give Celestia a crooked grin
  142. “Y-you had best be more careful: t-that could be taken a number of wrong ways, sister.”
  143. >“…I suppose it could.”
  144. >She turns back to the paper work
  145. >Her expression is completely blank
  146. >Soon, the crackling of the fireplace and the scratching of a quill were the only sounds in the room
  147. >Feel the spike in your heart rate
  148. >What the Tartarus was that?
  150. >You work in silence after that
  151. >You try and focus on the report in front of you
  152. >It’s pretty difficult, in all honesty
  153. >…You're sure that she just meant that she couldn’t enjoy her time with her lover because of her guilt, of course
  154. >Of course
  155. >She couldn’t have meant anything else
  156. >Sneak a quick look at your sister
  157. >He expression’s stony
  158. >Try and focus on the work after that
  159. >Progress is slow...
  160. >Before long, however,, all the respective papers are placed in their correct receptacles
  161. >You…suppose you’re done for the night
  162. >Half rise, intending to make for the door
  163. >“Luna, before you go,”
  164. >Look around, just in time to see Celestia levitate a number of fluffy pillows to in front of the fireplace
  165. >“Sit with me, if that’s alright.”
  166. “I…yes, of course.”
  167. >Lay down on your stomach, next to your similarly situated sister
  168. >The fireplace gives off a pleasant heat
  169. >You still feel like shivering
  170. >She stares into the dancing flame for a while, while you shuffle uncomfortably
  171. >This whole night has been bizarre
  172. >“…I realized an important fact after you... left. Something that should have been obvious from the start.”
  173. >She finally turned to look at you
  174. >The movement caused her to slide closer to you
  175. >Her eyes looked so…tired, half cast in shadow as they were
  176. >“You’re the one constant in my life, Luna. Other ponies are so… fragile; I blink, and they’re gone. You’re the one part of my life that I can rely on to still be there when I wake up in the morning.”
  177. >A sad smile spread across her face
  178. >“I’m sorry that it took nearly losing you to realize that.”
  179. >Your breath is coming in fits and starts
  180. >Your body feels so warm all of a sudden
  181. >You can’t tell if it’s because of the fireplace or because of how close she is
  182. >You just know that you want to erase that melancholy smile
  183. >You’re kissing her before you really understand why
  185. >Celestia’s little gasp of surprise would have been adorable if you could have heard it over the sound of blood pumping in your ears
  186. >Your eyes had slammed shut as you had pressed forward, though you can imagine that whatever expression she wore it would be one of surprise
  187. >Her muzzle tasted oddly sweet, like icing off a cake
  188. >Mewling with curiosity, you twist and turn your head, tasting those incredibly soft lips from as many angles as possible
  189. >Each little movement causes another gasp from your sister
  190. >You could smell Celestia’s staggered breath, like dew after a rainy day
  191. >You breathed in that smell like a drowning soul breathes in fresh air
  192. >Everything about your sister was intoxicating
  193. >It felt like an age before you finally pulled back, panting
  194. >It takes opening you eyes and seeing Celestia’s wide-eyed expression to realize that she hadn’t moved during the entire kiss
  195. >Feel heat overtake your face and a pit open in your stomach
  196. >You might have fucked up
  197. “I-I…”
  198. >Bow your head down, more to hide your face then anything
  199. “I’m sorry. I-I don’t know what come over me…”
  200. >You pray that your sister can't see the lie
  201. >Celestia is silent, and stock still
  202. >Glance over at the balcony
  203. >Considering running and jumping off the railing: regardless of if you flew away or not after, you’d at least be out of this situation
  204. >“…Ponies would never accept it.”
  205. >Blink in surprise as Celestia raises your head with a gentle hoof until you’re looking her square in the eye
  206. >“And I don’t think I could ever bear to see you with another, even if they were a fake suitor.”
  207. >Those indescribable lips draw closer as she says this
  208. >Her eyes pierce through you in a way that makes you shiver
  209. >“…But could you still accept me?”
  210. >The answer comes immediately
  211. “In a heartbeat, sister.”
  213. >Yelp as you're thrown down onto the bed, belly up
  214. >Celestia’s only a second behind, pressing her burning lips against yours, throwing away your crown and clothing in a burst of magic, her own following after
  215. >If kissing Celestia while she was stock still and unresponsive was intoxicating, this was heaven
  216. >She presses down desperately, causing a tremor through your whole body
  217. >You open your mouth wider, groaning as Celestia’s tongue slips in
  218. >At first, she slides the wet muscle gently but quickly along the ridges of your teeth, flicking across your tongue
  219. >But soon she’s rolling your tongues over each other, a low groan reverberating out of her occupied mouth
  220. >The feeling is enough to stoke the building fire in-between your legs
  221. >After what felt like a blissful age, Celestia pulls back, ropes of salvia splitting between you
  222. >Pant for the air you’re only just remembering you need
  223. >Celestia’s red face hovers over yours, a goofy smile on her face
  224. >“S…sorry about that. I’ve been holding back for so long that I thought I was going to burst.”
  225. “D…don’t be.”
  226. >Feel the red intensify on your face
  227. “I…kind of like you taking charge.”
  228. >She chuckles, before giving you a sly grin
  229. >With a brief glow of magic your flipped, and your rear is pulled in the air
  230. >Feel your loins quiver when she blows against it
  231. >She presses her lips on either side your entrance, just close enough to make you whine
  232. >She continues this for several agonizing seconds, her smirk growing as she does so
  233. >Good lord, your snatch is fire!
  234. “T-Tia, stop teasing me!”
  235. >“But you look so cute, Lulu!”
  236. >She laughs are you impatiently push your lower body towards her
  237. >“Alright, alright…”
  238. >She gently rubs the front of her hoof against your folds, grinning when they came back slick
  239. >Bury your head into Celestia’s pillow, breathing in her scent as she readjusts herself, placing a hoof on each side of your rear
  240. >You tense up
  241. >“Just say if I’m too rough…”
  243. >Celestia’s pillow does little to stifle the moan you make when your sister presses her tongue against your marehood
  244. >She laps upwards, parting the folds with each lick
  245. >Her dexterous tongue causes a wave of heat to wash across your entire body
  246. >You don’t even notice when your wings spring upwards, at full mast
  247. >The moan is only redoubled as she finally presses forwards, long and thick tongue sliding into your body
  248. >The appendage took it’s time to glide across every muscle, taking it’s time to explore every corner of your core
  249. >Even its slightest brush causes another shudder through you
  250. >You finally force your eyes open, and twist around to peer back
  251. >Celestia has her eyes closed, sporting a look of pure euphoria as her muzzle dug around your dripping nether-lips
  252. >It’s not enough
  253. >You need more
  254. “Unf!”
  255. >Celestia blinks as you push your ass backwards, but soon pushes back
  256. >Groan as your sisters tongue gets pounded in and out with the motion as you both set the rhythm
  257. >Feel the pressure start to build
  258. “I-I’m about to…”
  259. >The warning is swallowed up by a barely retrained cry as Celestia increases her efforts tenfold, lapping and licking and sucking and-
  260. >Release a full body cry as the dam finally breaks, and the climax gushes from you
  261. >Celestia continues her attention, making you pant with relief as you ride out the release
  262. >After a minute, your sister pulls out, leaving your bottom to flop down, a twitching and sticky mess
  263. >Let out an involuntary purr as Celestia lays behind you, nuzzling you from behind
  264. >You take a second to catch your breath, and to wait while strength returned to your legs
  265. >Celestia blinks as you start to pull yourself up
  266. >“Lulu? What are you-”
  267. “I like it when you take charge, Tia.”
  268. >Celestia practically melts as you roughly run your tongue along her neck
  269. “But I’ll MAKE you like me in charge.”
  271. >Instead of pulling Celestia into the usual presenting state, you simply roll her onto her back
  272. >Celestia wraps her hooves around your withers as you press down, biting down on her neck
  273. >Celestia’s heavy breath glides directly into your ear
  274. >You almost feel like you’re ready for round two…
  275. >First things first
  276. “I’m going to try something. Just say if it’s too much.”
  277. >You feel her nod
  278. >Charge up your horn
  279. >Celestia tenses as you begin to gently ‘vibrate’ the entirety of her marehood, shutting her eyes
  280. >The tension is soon replaced by a breathy sigh of relief
  281. > “Oooh…Lulu…”
  282. >Her wings join her hooves, wrapping around like a downy cocoon.
  283. >Lift your head up, and press your forehead to hers
  284. >You wouldn’t want to miss her reaction for the world
  285. >Celestia grunts as you increase the pace of the vibration, before moaning
  286. >“Lulu…”
  287. >She opens her eyes
  288. >Her face is red, and her eyes glazing over
  289. >Your so focused on her face that you miss her horn glowing
  290. >“I love you…so much…”
  291. >Gasp as you feel a very familiar vibration racks through your body
  292. >A constant wash of pleasure causes you to collapse downward
  293. >Your sweat glistening fur rubs against each other as you shift to get comfortable
  294. >It's hard to when when you keep twitching, Celestia's magic pressing in all of the right spots
  295. >Lean upward, you kissing Celestia's snout before pulling back
  296. “I…ah…love you too…”
  297. >Pump more magic into your horn at the same moment as her
  298. >Yell out as you feel every curve and every corner of your snatch become a aglow with vibrating pressure
  299. >Clutch onto your shuddering sister, who gasps in your ear
  300. >“Let’s go together, alright?”
  301. >You answer by returning to nipping and biting at Celestia’s neck
  302. >Your sister repays the favor by adding a pulse to the magic, wrecking your body, causing your eyes to roll back in their sockets
  303. “T-Tia, if you keep that up, I’m….”
  304. >“Don’t…don’t hold back…”
  305. >You and and your sister's horns light up like a super-nova
  306. >You both cry out, bodies shuddering as one as you're filled to the brim with the glow of each other’s magic
  307. >The relentless wave of pleasure crests
  308. >Your whole body feels aflame
  309. >For a second, all you can see is your sister's face etched in pure bliss
  310. >Then you collapse, sleep already overtaking you
  312. >The first thing you’re aware of is feeling warm
  313. >Your eyes slide open slowly, bleary and unfocused
  314. >The second thing you're aware is WHY you’re warm
  315. >Your head is pressed into Celestia’s soft chest, her wings and hooves totally encasing you
  316. >Her chest raises and falls in a almost hypnotically comforting rhythm
  317. >You're tempted to just go back asleep, considering this is the comfiest you’ve been for a long time
  318. >But, you want to talk to Celestia more
  319. >With quiet groan, you manage to crawl up the bed while still being wrapped in your sister’s embrace, until your head is level with hers
  320. >It only takes a shake before she herself is blinking slowly awake
  321. >You smile as her face scrunches up, resting your head on one of the bed’s luxurious pillows (that never the less paled in comparison to your sister’s chest fur)
  322. >When she’s finally conscious, her smile lights up, and she lightly rubs her nose against yours
  323. >You both content yourself to the silence
  324. >At least, for a second
  325. >“Well, that happened, I guess.”
  326. >Roll your eyes
  327. “Be glad it did, ‘Tia. Who would have guessed you were such a deviant…”
  328. >“As I recall, you kissed me first!”
  329. >Snort as Celestia tickles her hooves across your sensitive belly
  330. >She always did know your weak-spots
  331. >(She most like just found a few more)
  332. >After you settle back down, Celestia’s face turns grim
  333. >“…I was serious about what I said before, you know. Our subjects would NEVER be okay with this…”
  334. >You know she’s right
  335. >Equestria was a land of acceptance, but that didn’t change the facts of the situation
  336. >Scoff as you snuggle down, nuzzling into the waiting crook of Celestia’s neck
  337. “Then we’ll never let them find out. What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
  338. >“Lulu…”
  339. “I just found my sister again.”
  340. >Squeeze your hooves around Celestia’s withers
  341. “It wasn’t how I excepted, but that doesn’t matter now. I’m not letting her go again.”
  342. >Slowly, softly, she squeezes back
  343. >You can hear the quiet joy in her voice
  344. >“Thank you, Luna…”
  345. >You both drift off, each entwined around the other, midnight blue and piercing white…
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