

Aug 16th, 2014
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  1. [22:08] <Aler|SemiAFK> [21:59] <Lillin_> I don't feel like I make you happy [21:59] * Aler|SemiAFK cannot throw enough pls' at the screen [21:59] * Aler|SemiAFK cannot also fit hands through the screen, pls halp [22:00] <Aler|SemiAFK> You do make me happy, and faget, doubt that for a second and I'll pretend my dick is the Hammer of Dawn and Hammer my Dick up yer arse
  2. [22:09] <Lillin> But you deserve someone better
  3. [22:09] <Aler|SemiAFK> If it's regarding those absences on the IRC, it's 'cause of work D: 6 AM-7 PM
  4. [22:10] <Lillin> No, no. I just... I feel like theres someone better for someone as amazing as you
  5. [22:14] <Aler|SemiAFK> Oh no no no. Not the case completely. If it were, then we wouldn't be here as it were. But it's not the case, and here we are. I feel like you're worth all the chips, in my book.
  6. [22:14] <Aler|SemiAFK> Let's try something. How do you feel about me? What are your emotions towards me?
  7. [22:14] <Aler|SemiAFK> Also brb tobacco
  8. [22:19] <Lillin> I really like you...I just don't want you stuck with me..
  9. [22:24] <Aler|SemiAFK> How so? What makes you think that you're not good enough for me?
  10. [22:25] <Lillin> I'
  11. [22:26] <Aler|SemiAFK> And I love you for you.
  12. [22:27] <Aler|SemiAFK> Just being you.
  13. [22:28] <Lillin> I don't look good enough for you
  14. [22:29] <Aler|SemiAFK> I may not be the most talkative person in the world, shit. Even forgetful at some times. If anything I'm worried about not being well enough. With my past 'n all. And pls. Looks do not matter at all to me, I look at what's on the inside of a being, rather than outside.
  15. [22:30] <Lillin> I want to be so much for you and I can't
  16. [22:31] <Aler|SemiAFK> pls. You are already so much, and a bit more, for me. You may not see it, but I do.
  17. [22:32] <Lillin> Please don't hate me...
  18. [22:37] <Aler|SemiAFK> Pffft, please. I don't hate you one bit.
  19. [22:38] <Aler|SemiAFK> I do infact, have all my frontal lobe emotions that currently generate strong feelings towards an induvidual creating positive neurons and electrons that are sent throughout my entire body and interpreted by it in various ways.
  20. [22:40] <Aler|SemiAFK> tl;dr, you make me feel grand-tacular whenever we get the chance to talk to each other, and even more, which generates those aforementioned neurons and electrons.
  21. [22:40] <Aler|SemiAFK> rtl;dr, The love is real.
  22. [22:43] <Lillin> I'm just a slut...
  23. [22:44] * Aler|SemiAFK cannot throw enough pls' at the screen once again
  24. [22:45] <Aler|SemiAFK> What makes you think you are?
  25. [22:45] <Lillin> I get attached to everyone... I get jealous of everyone
  26. [22:51] <Aler|SemiAFK> But alas, we're here again at this point. All that's left to do is somehow meet up in real for a couple, three days or so, then go from there. Jealousy and attachment come natural with everyone, it's only human nature. But there are some that get a liiittle more attached than others, just like us.
  27. [22:53] <Aler|SemiAFK> There's nothing to be ashamed/humiliated/discriminated etc. etc. etc. with me. I never ever ever EVER judge a book by its cover.
  28. [22:53] <Lillin> I shouldn't have come back, so you could find someone else and be happy...
  29. [22:53] <Aler|SemiAFK> And believe me, whenever or what ever it is, I'll always be here for you regardless. And puh-lease. I'm already happy with you.
  30. [22:55] <Lillin> I don't know what to do...
  31. [22:55] <Aler|SemiAFK> Just remember, the ride never ends.
  32. [22:55] <Lillin> I don't want to hurt you
  33. [22:57] <Aler|SemiAFK> Best to live it up whilst it's there then, eh? Life doesn't go on forever, as much as we want it to. But instances like these, one or all parties need to focus on the positive, rather than the negative.
  34. [22:58] <Lillin> I couldn't live with myself If I hurt you
  35. [23:01] <Aler|SemiAFK> And I to you, Brannon. I feel the exact same way.
  36. [23:01] <Lillin> I think theres someone else I love too
  37. [23:07] <Aler|SemiAFK> Mmh? I mean like, yeah, I comprehend that message, but hmm? Who, if you don't mind my asking?
  38. [23:08] <Lillin> I don't want to lose you....I don't know what to do...
  39. [23:11] <Lillin> I told you I'm no good...useless...
  40. [23:14] <Aler|SemiAFK> Not useless to me, though. This is one of those times where one just needs to make a nice cup of tea with lavender in it for the relaxing aroma, sit down and just think. If anything I feel like the useless one, for not being on as frequently as I did.
  41. [23:15] <Lillin> No no! please... don't say that.. you have been nothing but supportive and kind... And I love you...
  42. [23:17] <Lillin> I need to think... I'm just a are perfect... and I'm happy with why do I love someone else too?
  43. [23:17] <Aler|SemiAFK> Me? I'm one of those poor sods that probably couldn't find anyone outside of a dragon dildo forum, with the exemption of this place. And I love you equally back, regardless of looks, creed or race.
  44. [23:18] <Aler|SemiAFK> By definition, you aren't a whore. A woman/man who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet.
  45. [23:18] <Aler|SemiAFK> Soooo... NYEH~!
  46. [23:19] <Lillin> You are the kindest, most gentle soul I've come by yet, and I refuse to believe that. I'm the one who should consider myself lucky someone like you would have me...and all I do is fuck it up...I can't do anything right
  47. [23:22] <Aler|SemiAFK> Alas, the sticky fingers of love. Meant for two people to share. It's quite the slippery sidewalk, the block of love. But once one comes through it, one will probably get a giant trophy, or a wedding ring, once one completes the circuit.
  48. [23:22] <Aler|SemiAFK> But
  49. [23:22] <Aler|SemiAFK> you are doing the right thing. Talking about it. That's what can bolster a couples relationship.
  50. [23:23] <Lillin> I'm so stupid...
  51. [23:25] <Aler|SemiAFK> No no. Not 'tall. The only stupid thing to do would've not to talk in the first place. That was my main falter in a couple of relationships, lack of communication.
  52. [23:26] <Lillin> I don't want to throw away everything we have, but I love... I might as well tell you. I Love Star too. You both make me happy the way no one else can
  53. [23:29] <Aler|SemiAFK> Now here's the question. Love as in superb camaraderie, or love as in, I wanna be with this person as long as possible?
  54. [23:31] <Aler|SemiAFK> If there's one thing I'm going to get off my chest right now, I cannot do polygamous relationships at all. I prefer giving my love to one person and one person only, and to have that same person give love back to the other person. Just two people.
  55. [23:32] <Lillin> you two are the only ones I have connected with on a deeper level, as if soulmates. But its tearing me apart...
  56. [23:33] <Lillin> I don't want polygamy either... but I can't just choose who I think I love more. You both mean the world to me
  57. [23:33] <Aler|SemiAFK> I'm assuming Star_ Right?
  58. [23:34] <Lillin> Yes...
  59. [23:35] <Aler|SemiAFK> Have you told him how you feel?
  60. [23:36] <Lillin> I have. He feels the same, And he knows about you.
  61. [23:39] <Aler|SemiAFK> This is something both you, me and Star are going to have to sort out then.
  62. [23:40] <Lillin> This isn't fair to you..
  63. [23:42] <Aler|SemiAFK> Gunna be honest, it's bringing back some shit-tastic memories. Brb tobacco.
  64. [23:43] <Lillin> I'm so so so fucking sorry Aler.... I knew you were too good for me...
  65. [23:59] <Aler|SemiAFK> Even though I may not like this news, and bringing up shit-tastic memories, it's still a good thing that it's being discussed. Eventually, you, me and Star will have a discussion on this topic as well.
  66. [00:00] <Lillin> I guess it would have been worse If I waited... But I wish I could have just not fallen in love with two people...
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