
I Woke up in Darkness

Apr 22nd, 2012
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  1. >A single flash of light appears before my eyes, followed by shadows
  2. >I am back where I started off
  3. >Floating through darkness
  4. >I was so close that time
  5. >I made it to the crack
  6. >I saw what was inside
  7. >At first I thought it was earth
  8. >But I knew something was off
  9. >Before I could touch the crack, that thing grabbed me again
  10. >It just waits, watching me, toying with me
  11. >I don't even know what it is
  12. >I get just a little bit closer towards the crack, and it grabs me, dragging me back into the darkness
  13. >I float forward, it's the only thing I can do
  14. >I'm getting out of here, one way or another
  18. >I don't know exactly how long I've been trapped
  19. >I'm not even sure how I got here in the first place
  20. >I just woke up here
  21. >Floating in darkness
  22. >I would just move straight ahead, observing the emptiness around me
  23. >Small lights in the distance, but to far to get to
  24. >And all the while, something is watching
  25. >It's alive, but it's not a creature
  26. >It's a force
  28. >I'm in a forest now
  29. >Or at least a poor imitation of one
  30. >There was no transition from darkness to nature
  31. >They just appear
  32. >The sky, the grass, everything around me is fake, like a crude cut out
  33. >The thing is playing with me again
  34. >I don't know if it's trying to trick me, or making fun of me
  35. >I just need to keep walking
  36. >The trees turn towards me as I walk
  37. >The shake, as if they are about to fall apart
  38. >They always fall apart
  39. >Soon, I'm back in the darkness
  40. >No transition
  41. >Just darkness
  43. >This force, shadow, whatever it is, has powers
  44. >It can shape this darkness into whatever it wants
  45. >The others can too
  46. >They are like clouds, floating consensuses in the bodies of smoke
  47. >They will speed by my, heading towards far off lights
  48. >They leave behind floating islands, frozen landscapes, endless deserts
  49. >Those are much more real then the shadow's imitations
  50. >But soon enough, the land melts into a sea of darkness
  51. >Either that, or the disgusting cut outs I'm forced to walk through
  53. >I come across a crack
  54. >Not the same one as before
  55. >I can feel a fierce wind blowing around it
  56. >I try to move closer, but the winds are growing stronger, making it harder to move
  57. >I can hear a screeching in the back of my head
  58. >I can catch a glimpse of what's inside
  59. >An ocean
  60. >Suddenly, I'm pushed away from the crack
  61. >The wind is angry
  62. >I should go now
  63. >As I leave, I start to think
  64. >These cracks, do they lead to new worlds, or are they just windows?
  65. >And if they are other worlds, then what is this place?
  66. >Is it another dimension, or some sort of place in between worlds?
  67. >I shouldn't think about this kind of stuff, it will mess with my head
  68. >I need as much sanity as I can have
  70. >I see it
  71. >The crack from before
  72. >I move as fast as I can towards it
  73. >I can see real trees, real grass, the actual sun
  74. >I'm closer then I have ever been before
  75. >I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, the shadow will just take me away, but I can't help it
  76. >I don't care if this isn't my home, it's a way out
  77. >I touch my hand against the crack
  78. >Light flashes before my eyes
  79. >I see everything
  80. >It's strange and confusing
  81. >I don't know what's going on, but at the same time I do
  82. >The birth of a world, the creation of a civilization, a battle of two great power
  83. >But before I can see anything else, I feel the shadow grab me
  84. >It's upset
  85. >Darkness blurs my vision
  86. >I'm being smothered
  87. >I can't breath
  88. >I can only see a small shine of light
  89. >I can't go back empty handed
  90. >This all can't be another trick
  91. >I need something, something to prove I'm making progress
  92. >My hand is being pulled away from the crack's surface
  93. >I can sense something coming out
  94. >An outline
  95. >And soon, everything is dark
  97. >I'm floating again
  98. >Empty handed
  99. >I don't know if I should go back to the crack
  100. >I'll just be pulled away again
  101. >But I saw something, and I want to see more
  102. >I see an object in the distance
  103. >A large flat rock
  104. >I float towards it
  105. >There's something moving on it
  106. >As I move closer and closer, I can see more details
  107. >It's purple
  108. >It's on all fours
  109. >It's a horse
  111. >I land on the stone, looking at the creature
  112. >It's a unicorn, nervously looking over the edge of the stone
  113. >This has to be some sort of joke
  114. >"Um...what"
  115. >It turns towards me
  116. >"Wha- who are you?"
  117. >And it talks
  118. >Just wonderful
  119. >"What are you doing here?" I ask the horse
  120. >"I don't know!"
  121. >If this is another trick from the shadow, it's a weird one
  123. >I walk away from the unicorn
  124. >"Wait! You're going to leave me here?"
  125. >I look up
  126. >"Nice try, but I'm not falling for it"
  127. >I jump off the rock
  128. >I start floating away
  129. >"No, wait, you can't just leave me here"
  130. >I look back, and see her run towards me
  131. >She jumps off the rock, and slowly floats towards me
  132. >She looks down, and realizes she's floating
  133. >She looks confused, but fascinated
  134. >"Who exactly are you?" I say to the horse
  135. >"Oh, I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm sorry, but I just need to know, where are we?"
  136. >"I wish I knew"
  138. >We're in a field
  139. >A fake one, of course
  140. >Twilight looks around, noticing something is off
  141. >"Trust me, you'll get used to this feeling"
  142. >"I don't even know what's going on, but it sure is fascinating"
  143. >Her horn glows, and a patch of the grass is ripped off
  144. >She uses magic?
  145. >"I need to study this when I get home"
  146. >I stay quiet, I shouldn't crush her hopes of getting back to her world
  147. >The unicorn drops the grass, and looks blankly forward
  148. >"Do you see that?"
  149. >Something is walking towards us
  150. >It looks like a human, but different
  151. >A grey, hairless body, creeping towards us
  152. >I back away, but Twilight stays still
  153. >She's observing it
  154. >Suddenly, it breaks off into a sprint, growling like an animal
  155. >A strange glow surrounds its body, and it's pulled right into the air
  156. >The unicorn moves around it, studying it
  157. >The field begins to shake
  158. >It's falling apart
  159. >But it's not like before, I'm not just being put into darkness
  160. >The ground is collapsing on itself
  161. >The unicorn looses control, and drops the creature
  162. >It lunges towards her, and begins to rip at her skin
  163. >Suddenly, it falls to the ground, and shatters like glass
  164. >We are thrown into darkness
  166. >I can see the crack in the distance
  167. >It will take time before we get their
  168. >The unicorn is holding her side with a hoof
  169. >"Are you alright?"
  170. >She looks up, a small look of pain on her face
  171. >"Yeah, I think so. It just burns a little"
  172. >We float silently for a bit
  173. >Bored
  174. >"Hey, um, that monster was kind of weird, right?"
  175. >She doesn't respond, still holding onto her wound
  176. >Awkward silence
  177. >I take this time to think about what happened at the crack
  178. >The visions I saw
  179. >"Hey Twilight...tell me about your world"
  181. >Twilight tells me about what her world is like
  182. >Ponies, pegesi, griffons, all that weird stuff
  183. >and the odd thing is, it seems reasonable to me
  184. >"Hey, Twilight...I think I know why you're here"
  185. >I remember touching the crack, being pulled away, into the darkness
  186. >I wanted to have something, proof I was making progress
  187. >I think I brought Twilight here
  188. >and if things kept going on like this, she'll be trapped here forever
  189. >"So, why am I here?"
  190. >I think for a bit
  191. >"Never mind, it's not important," I tell her
  192. >"No, I insist, tell me. Any ideas should be helpful"
  193. >"Don't worry. All you need to know is that I'm getting you home"
  195. >We're in a new place
  196. >An imitation of a town
  197. >I think
  198. >It's like being in a sketch of a town
  199. >The houses are shaking, made of lines that seem to move towards us
  200. >"Just keep walking and we'll be fin-"
  201. >The street is full of those grey people
  202. >They lumber towards us, their bodies are shaking like the line houses
  203. >Twilight grimaces in pain, holding her wound again
  204. >I look for anything to defend us with
  205. >Nothing
  206. >As the creatures approach, my vision begins to blur
  207. >I need to fight them off
  208. >I can see the creatures being flung away by magic, but it all looks like different blurs of color
  209. >I look around, I can see the lines of the houses moving towards me
  210. >A line breaks off, and speeds towards my hand
  211. >No time to think, a grey is running right towards me
  212. >I slam it with the line, it shatters
  213. >My vision clears up
  214. >I turn to Twilight, she's running away from the others
  215. >I run over and slam the line into nearby creatures
  216. >I haven't felt this empowered in a long time
  217. >The world suddenly falls apart
  218. >The remaining greys are floating off into the distance
  219. >Twilight looks a little weaker
  221. >The crack
  222. >It's so close
  223. >Twilight is more sickly then before
  224. >Maybe this time, if I can't get out of here myself, at least I can get her home
  225. >Hopefully the shadow won't stop me
  226. >As I approach the crack, a strange feeling overwhelms me
  227. >I can sense the other world, I can see others in there
  228. >Twilight looks up at me
  229. >"Thank you"
  230. >She places her hoof on the crack
  231. >Suddenly, a black tendril stabs right into the unicorn
  232. >She is pulled away
  233. >Shocked, I can only look on in horror
  234. >She is unable to pull herself away
  235. >Out of the darkness, the greys appear, and swarm Twilight
  236. >Twilight stops screaming
  237. >I need to do something
  238. >I float towards her, and push my way past the greys
  239. >They don't attack me, and they stop attacking Twilight
  240. >I can't let this happen, I won't let her die because of me
  241. >I pull at the tendril, but it won't come out
  242. >It seems to stretch for eternity
  243. >Twilight's skin is becoming paler
  244. >She won't speak
  245. >I don't understand, the shadow was cruel, but it never did anything like this
  246. >"Stop it! Leave her alone!"
  247. >Twilight turns to me
  248. >She speaks, her voice is deep, otherworldly >"Vessel"
  249. >Twilight shatters before me
  250. >Just like the greys
  252. >The greys sink back into the darkness
  253. >I need to get back to the crack
  254. >It's the only thing I can do
  255. >I hold my head, it aches now
  256. >I don't know what to think
  257. >One minute she was here, and the next she's gone
  258. >She just fell apart, like those monsters
  259. >And if the greys are made by the shadow, was Twilight fake the whole time?
  260. >That must have been it, it was all another trick
  261. >I'm in hell
  262. >But what if she was real, and I just killed her
  263. >Then it's all my fault
  264. >I'm a murderer
  265. >I move towards the crack
  266. >It's the only thing I have left
  268. >I place my hand on the crack's surface
  269. >I'm immediately rushed over by the blinding light
  270. >The visions return
  271. >I can see more now, it's hard to understand, but I see more
  272. >I can see others
  273. >For a second, I ask myself if I should take another one out
  274. >No, I can't. One of them is dead because of me
  275. >I took something from them
  276. >I want to give something back
  277. >I can see a human outline walk through the light
  278. >I feel much weaker now
  279. >Am I going in? Am I leaving?
  280. >The shadow quickly envelops me
  281. >It's furious
  282. >It speaks with its booming, otherworldly voice
  283. >"No"
  284. >I am back in the darkness
  285. >But not all of me is back
  287. >Something has happened
  288. >My body feels empty, not all there
  289. >It's like I'm walking on a tight rope
  290. >I can hear things
  291. >Voices
  292. >Thoughts
  293. >"I could make anything for you, and you want to leave me?"
  294. >I move, as if I'm running away from the voice
  295. >I feel strange, I'm moving faster, more fluidly
  296. >"Stop now! Just stop running from me"
  297. >I'm going back to the crack, and nothing is going to stop me
  299. >I know where I am now
  300. >Or where it wants me to be
  301. >It's a place called Ponyville
  302. >Faint black lines create the world around me
  303. >Ponies are walking around, but they look as if they could fall apart any second from now
  304. >"Heeeeeeeelllooooo, I'm Twiiiiiiiliiiggghht"
  305. >An imitation of the unicorn is in front of me, eyes blackened, skin grey
  306. >I want to destroy it
  307. >My mind is different now
  308. >I can see things differently know
  309. >I'm on the ground, but I can see things from above
  310. >I force the ground below the imitation to collapse
  311. >Fake Twilight falls through, floating away through darkness
  312. >"I don't like what's happening to you", says the shadow
  313. >I force the imitation ponyville to collapse on itself
  314. >"I don't like it one bit"
  316. >One of the mists comes towards me
  317. >A cloud of sand
  318. >It has no eyes, but I know it's looking towards me
  319. >"Another..."
  320. >If flies off, leaving a desert behind it
  321. >I move across the sand, almost flying
  322. >A long time passes
  323. >The sand stretches on forever
  324. >The sand hasn't melted into darkness
  325. >"You won't leave here, I won't let you"
  326. >Is this a new strategy?
  327. >Is it trying to torture me?
  328. >Or is it trying to stop me?
  330. As I glide through the sand, I can feel myself changing
  331. >I'm not a human anymore
  332. >But I'm not a mist, at least not yet
  333. >I'm something in between
  334. >My vision has expanded
  335. >I can see outside my body
  336. >Sometimes I wonder if my physical form is still a part of me
  337. >I remember the crack
  338. >The outline that I saw
  339. >Did I give up my physical form?
  340. >But then what was the outline I saw before that?
  341. >I look up
  342. >I move up
  343. >I'm flying now
  344. >A sandy smoke follows behind me
  345. >Pretty soon, I won't be anything like a person
  346. >I'm scared
  348. >I can see the faint glow of the crack in the distance
  349. >I'll be there soon
  350. >The shadow won't stop me
  351. >But it will try
  352. >Greys flow out of the darkness, flinging themselves towards me
  353. >Right when they enter the cloud that surrounds me, they slow down, ache in pain
  354. >I pick one out, and force the smoke into its body
  355. >I am pulled along with it, and the next thing I know, I'm seeing the world through a grey's eyes
  356. >I move my vision over to another grey
  357. >I can command them to do whatever I want, move them with my will, make them into my personal army
  358. >It's empowering and strange
  359. >But soon, I'm forced out of their bodies
  360. >The break apart into shards of darkness
  361. >I can defeat the greys with ease now
  362. >They are hollow, easy to control, but still creations of the shadow
  363. >I remember the first outline from the crack
  364. >Was Twilight hollow too? Is that why she shattered? Did I really bring her here, or was it just a shell?
  365. >And if the darkness could control her outline, I could control my own outline.
  367. >Closer to the crack now, mists have begun following me
  368. >Many of them are made up of different elements, and others made of strange forces, hard to describe
  369. >I can hear their thoughts
  370. >"It's going to open the gate"
  371. >"It's not even its home"
  372. >"I am going to love seeing what it does there"
  373. >I can feel the shadow's anger
  374. >I think I understand what it wants now
  375. >It hates seeing me like this, like one of the mists
  376. >It wants me for itself, it wants something physical, something it didn't need to make
  377. >My transformation is taking that away from him
  378. >The darkness around me seems to shake, poorly made landscapes surround me, but the forces of the mist would quickly destroy them
  379. >I doubt they will help me through the crack, they are only amused by my actions
  380. >But at least they make traveling more entertaining, watching the worlds fall apart in an explosion of fire, ice, wind, stone
  382. >I'm at the crack now
  383. >The mists have dispersed
  384. >I knew they wouldn't help me here
  385. >As I near the crack, my vision starts to blur
  386. >"Stop now, you don't want to do this"
  387. >I place my hands on the crack
  388. >Black Tendrils surround me
  389. >They wrap around each other, forming a ball of tendrils
  390. >I am unable to phase through them
  391. >"If you leave, you will be something different, something you don't want to be"
  392. >Visions of destruction, death, and misery flash before me
  393. >Dead ponies everywhere
  394. >"Innocents will die because of you"
  395. >I push myself against the tendrils
  396. >"You're lying! I'm not your plaything! I am leaving now!"
  397. >The tendrils won't budge
  398. >6 ponies appear before my eyes, dead, covered with sand
  399. >Twilight is among them
  400. >"No! I won't stay!"
  401. >I flood the cage with sand, and burst out
  402. >I'm leaving
  404. >My hands are on the crack now
  405. >They aren't hands anymore, really, more like concentrations of dust
  406. >I can see this place
  407. >Equestria
  408. >I see great things
  409. >I see myself
  410. >Or at least my outline
  411. >And I can see other ponies
  412. >And Twilight
  413. >I see so many things
  414. >Past, present, future
  415. >I can see everything
  416. >Past, present, and future
  417. >I don't like the future I see
  418. >It's always hard to understand, but the future does not look bright
  419. >I can't stay in this place, I must open the crack
  420. >I don't know what will happen, but if I hurt anyone, I don't mean it
  421. >I break the crack open
  422. >I go inside
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