
The Witch and The Wizard; Post Date Yang Talk

Dec 24th, 2015
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  1. [00:28] Sam Yi-Ping: It's after dinner, Sam and Irune having put together some traditional Chinese cooking after having spent the day together on a date. Sam has retreated to his room after cleaning the kitchen, contently reading a old book on his bed.
  2. [00:29] Yi-Ping There is a knock on the door and the unmistakable voice of the oldest/youngest member of the team
  3. [00:29] Yi-Ping "Sam you decent now?"
  4. [00:30] Sam "As decent as I can be."
  5. [00:30] Yi-Ping push the door open bringing with her a tray with cakes and tea
  6. [00:31] Yi-Ping "Well its not like I haven't seen you naked before"
  7. [00:31] Sam "Oh, thank you." Sam sits up and motions for Yi-Ping to join him. "Or been me naked. Or vice-versa."
  8. [00:31] Yi-Ping "Penis is overrated"
  9. [00:31] Yi-Ping joins Sam
  10. [00:32] Sam "So what brings the to mine humble abode?" Sam asks before taking a cake.
  11. [00:33] Yi-Ping "It's about your little illicit meeting with our lovable little Irune"
  12. [00:33] Sam blinks, looking rather confused.
  13. [00:34] Yi-Ping "... I meant the date Sam"
  14. [00:34] Sam "Ahh."
  15. [00:36] Yi-Ping "How's it goes?"
  16. [00:36] Sam ". . . . It went."
  17. [00:38] Yi-Ping "It went?"
  18. [00:39] Sam "I went well. We did some shopping, had some pastry, considered buying enough cake to hurt a black-budget project."
  19. [00:43] Yi-Ping "Mmmh that must had been cute ... Did the two of you get all mushy mushy when buying cake?"
  20. [00:43] Sam "Nah, that was mostly business."
  21. [00:44] Sam "There was the eclair. . . " Sam mumbles to himself.
  22. [00:45] Yi-Ping "She enjoyed the stuffing?"
  23. [00:46] Sam "No, she had something else. . . I /may/ have teased her with some of the custard though." Sam smirks "Was adorably hot."
  24. [00:47] Yi-Ping "My my, I didn't know you were jnto things like these"
  25. [00:47] Sam "Uhh. . It's not like that!"
  26. [00:48] Yi-Ping "Rightttt"
  27. [00:48] Yi-Ping "Come on Sam I was in your head!"
  28. [00:49] Yi-Ping "I know what you like~"
  29. [00:49] Yi-Ping "... Maybe I should hint Irune"
  30. [00:49] Sam "Nonononowe'refineshereallydoesn'tneedanyhints!"
  31. [00:50] Yi-Ping "Not now but what about later!? I know you have needs!"
  32. [00:51] Sam ". . . . She's perfectly capable of attending to those." He says a tad stiffly.
  33. [00:51] Yi-Ping "Oh?"
  34. [00:51] Sam "Err I mean. . . . ." Sam shuts up and petulantly sips his tea.
  35. [00:52] Yi-Ping "Your silence is very suspicious Sam"
  36. [00:53] Yi-Ping "Do I need to bring up a doll and ask you where she touched you?"
  37. [00:53] Sam Yi-Ping: THat's when you notice a strip of pictures, like that from a photoboth, sitting on Sam's desk, along with some art supplies.
  38. [00:53] Yi-Ping "Ohhhhhh pictures!"
  39. [00:55] Sam chokes on his tea trying to say something.
  40. [00:55] Yi-Ping reach and take the pics
  41. [00:56] Sam Yi-Ping: It's Sam and Irune sitting a photoboth. Sam has a stupidly happy grin, with a blushing Irune next to him. She looks increasingly flustered in each successive photo. Sam's face remains unchanged.
  42. [00:56] Yi-Ping "I wonder what is your hand doing underneath there."
  43. [00:56] Sam "Sitting on my lap!"
  44. [00:57] Sam "And holding Irune's hand."
  45. [00:57] Yi-Ping "And nothing else?"
  46. [00:58] Sam "Nothing else. That came later."
  47. [00:58] Yi-Ping "Later?"
  48. [00:58] Sam blinks. "That came out wrong."
  49. [00:58] Yi-Ping "Uh huh"
  50. [00:59] Sam "We didn't touch anything under our underwear."
  51. [00:59] Yi-Ping raise an eyebrow
  52. [01:00] Sam "I uh. . . may have teased her a bit. . . She may have teased me back. . ."
  53. [01:01] Sam "You shouldn't be able to turn a guy on like that just by breathing. . ." He mutters under his breath.
  54. [01:01] Yi-Ping "Ah could it be that Sam is inexperienced to the ways of the fairer gender?"
  55. [01:01] Sam "More like Irune cheats."
  56. [01:02] Yi-Ping "You're just easy"
  57. [01:02] Sam "I am *not* !"
  58. [01:02] Yi-Ping just smiles
  59. [01:05] Sam "No, trust me, she's all innocent and flustered one moment, the next she's. . . ." Sam blushes a bit "Just wow."
  60. [01:09] Yi-Ping "So you're into the innocent yet secretly wild sexual predator type?"
  61. [01:10] |<-- Yi-Ping has left (Connection reset by peer)
  62. [01:10] -->| Yezara (AndChat688@70BC76CB.D0BD394D.E164C3F6.IP) has joined #AdEva3AU
  63. [01:10] =-= Yezara is now known as Yi-Ping
  64. [01:11] Sam "Look, Yang, Irune is my type. Like full on my type 100%. She's /always/ cute, but shifts between adorable and exuding sex appeal on par with /Akram/ at the drop of the hat. She's smart, caring, and. . . I just. . . She's a good person who cares about me, who makes me feel wanted."
  65. [01:13] Yi-Ping patpats
  66. [01:14] Yi-Ping "It's always good to find someone who cares "
  67. [01:15] Sam "It is. Doesn't hurt if they're cute either."
  68. [01:16] Yi-Ping "Well I'm happy for you, though so remember to use protection"
  69. [01:16] Sam ". . . Yeah we will."
  70. [01:17] Yi-Ping "Well I'm trusting her more really"
  71. [01:17] Sam "I am perfectly responsible!"
  72. [01:18] Yi-Ping "Uh huh"
  73. [01:18] Sam "It really hurts my feelings when you question me like that."
  74. [01:19] Yi-Ping "Awwwww"
  75. [01:19] Sam "Yeah." Sam flops back onto his bed. "It makes me want to kick you out and cry myself to sleep."
  76. [01:20] Yi-Ping "It's okay, I'll get Irune to sleep with you"
  77. [01:21] Sam "Nooo! Don't let her see me all emotional hurt and vulnerable! I need to maintain my stoic manly act!"
  78. [01:21] Yi-Ping "You mean brooding artist act"
  79. [01:21] Sam "Brooding artist? The hell does that come from?!"
  80. [01:22] Yi-Ping "Well have you looked into the mirror!?"
  81. [01:22] Sam "Yes?"
  82. [01:23] Yi-Ping "If you open the dictionary and look up the definition of brooding, your picture would be right there"
  83. [01:24] Sam "Would not!"
  84. [01:24] Yi-Ping "Would too!"
  85. [01:24] Sam "Would not!"
  86. [01:25] Yi-Ping "Would too!"
  87. [01:25] Sam "Would not!"
  88. [01:25] Yi-Ping "Would too!"
  89. [01:26] Sam "Would not!" Sam sits up and pokes Yi-Ping's collarbone
  90. [01:28] Yi-Ping "Would too!" Yi Ping flicks Sam's forehead
  91. [01:28] Sam "Would not!" Sam flicks Yi-Ping back.
  92. [01:29] Yi-Ping "Would too!" Yi Ping blows a raspberry at Sam
  93. [01:29] Sam "Would not!" Sam throws a cake at Yi-Ping
  94. [01:29] Yi-Ping "Would t-"
  95. [01:30] Yi-Ping goes rolling as the cake hits her right on the face
  96. [01:30] Sam The cake splats on the wall. "Would not!" Sam readies another cake.
  97. [01:31] Yi-Ping "Oh its on!"
  98. [01:32] Yi-Ping has a came readied as well
  99. [01:32] Sam ". . . ." Sam leaps from the bed and tackes Yi-Ping, grinding a cake into her face without mercy,
  100. [01:33] Yi-Ping throws her cake at Sam before rolling out of the way
  101. [01:34] Sam hits the ground and pounces after Yi-Ping, armed with cakes akimbo.
  102. [01:34] Yi-Ping employs paper napkins to parry Sam's Cake Climbing
  103. [01:34] Yi-Ping Akimbo*
  104. [01:35] Sam slips past her guard with one cake and smoshes it on her stomach.
  105. [01:37] Yi-Ping "Oomp"
  106. [01:39] Yi-Ping "Why you do that for!?"
  107. [01:39] Sam smoshes the remnant of the other cake into Yi-Ping's face.
  108. [01:42] Yi-Ping "Meanie!"
  109. [01:42] Sam "Feh." Sam licks the cake remants off his hands. "Good cake though."
  110. [01:43] Yi-Ping "Of course it is!"
  111. [01:46] Yi-Ping "Well now that you wasted the cake"
  112. [01:46] Yi-Ping "We need to get more"
  113. [01:46] Sam "And you could probably use a clean shirt."
  114. [01:47] Yi-Ping "You want to help me there?"
  115. [01:47] Sam "Nope! But I'll get more cake."
  116. [01:48] Yi-Ping "Fineeeeeee"
  117. [01:49] Sam stands up and heads to the kitchen to get more cakes and tea. "Meet you back at my room when you're clean."
  118. [01:50] Yi-Ping "Sure"
  119. [01:51] Yi-Ping leaves for her own room
  120. [01:52] Sam returns to his room shortly thereafter with more tea and non-smoshed cake.
  121. [01:54] Yi-Ping has a new shirt on
  122. [01:54] Yi-Ping "So ... Where were we ..."
  123. [01:56] Sam "Don't quite recall actually."
  124. [02:01] Yi-Ping "Well doesn't matter, what matters is that you and Irune are enjoying yourself"
  125. [02:01] Sam "It's done us both good I think."
  126. [02:03] Yi-Ping "Mmmh yes"
  127. [02:03] Yi-Ping "The feeling that someone else values your presence ..."
  128. [02:03] Sam "Means a lot after. . . well we both know how it feels, not even counting the shared memories there either."[00:28] Sam Yi-Ping: It's after dinner, Sam and Irune having put together some traditional Chinese cooking after having spent the day together on a date. Sam has retreated to his room after cleaning the kitchen, contently reading a old book on his bed.
  129. [00:29] Yi-Ping There is a knock on the door and the unmistakable voice of the oldest/youngest member of the team
  130. [00:29] Yi-Ping "Sam you decent now?"
  131. [00:30] Sam "As decent as I can be."
  132. [00:30] Yi-Ping push the door open bringing with her a tray with cakes and tea
  133. [00:31] Yi-Ping "Well its not like I haven't seen you naked before"
  134. [00:31] Sam "Oh, thank you." Sam sits up and motions for Yi-Ping to join him. "Or been me naked. Or vice-versa."
  135. [00:31] Yi-Ping "Penis is overrated"
  136. [00:31] Yi-Ping joins Sam
  137. [00:32] Sam "So what brings the to mine humble abode?" Sam asks before taking a cake.
  138. [00:33] Yi-Ping "It's about your little illicit meeting with our lovable little Irune"
  139. [00:33] Sam blinks, looking rather confused.
  140. [00:34] Yi-Ping "... I meant the date Sam"
  141. [00:34] Sam "Ahh."
  142. [00:36] Yi-Ping "How's it goes?"
  143. [00:36] Sam ". . . . It went."
  144. [00:38] Yi-Ping "It went?"
  145. [00:39] Sam "I went well. We did some shopping, had some pastry, considered buying enough cake to hurt a black-budget project."
  146. [00:43] Yi-Ping "Mmmh that must had been cute ... Did the two of you get all mushy mushy when buying cake?"
  147. [00:43] Sam "Nah, that was mostly business."
  148. [00:44] Sam "There was the eclair. . . " Sam mumbles to himself.
  149. [00:45] Yi-Ping "She enjoyed the stuffing?"
  150. [00:46] Sam "No, she had something else. . . I /may/ have teased her with some of the custard though." Sam smirks "Was adorably hot."
  151. [00:47] Yi-Ping "My my, I didn't know you were jnto things like these"
  152. [00:47] Sam "Uhh. . It's not like that!"
  153. [00:48] Yi-Ping "Rightttt"
  154. [00:48] Yi-Ping "Come on Sam I was in your head!"
  155. [00:49] Yi-Ping "I know what you like~"
  156. [00:49] Yi-Ping "... Maybe I should hint Irune"
  157. [00:49] Sam "Nonononowe'refineshereallydoesn'tneedanyhints!"
  158. [00:50] Yi-Ping "Not now but what about later!? I know you have needs!"
  159. [00:51] Sam ". . . . She's perfectly capable of attending to those." He says a tad stiffly.
  160. [00:51] Yi-Ping "Oh?"
  161. [00:51] Sam "Err I mean. . . . ." Sam shuts up and petulantly sips his tea.
  162. [00:52] Yi-Ping "Your silence is very suspicious Sam"
  163. [00:53] Yi-Ping "Do I need to bring up a doll and ask you where she touched you?"
  164. [00:53] Sam Yi-Ping: THat's when you notice a strip of pictures, like that from a photoboth, sitting on Sam's desk, along with some art supplies.
  165. [00:53] Yi-Ping "Ohhhhhh pictures!"
  166. [00:55] Sam chokes on his tea trying to say something.
  167. [00:55] Yi-Ping reach and take the pics
  168. [00:56] Sam Yi-Ping: It's Sam and Irune sitting a photoboth. Sam has a stupidly happy grin, with a blushing Irune next to him. She looks increasingly flustered in each successive photo. Sam's face remains unchanged.
  169. [00:56] Yi-Ping "I wonder what is your hand doing underneath there."
  170. [00:56] Sam "Sitting on my lap!"
  171. [00:57] Sam "And holding Irune's hand."
  172. [00:57] Yi-Ping "And nothing else?"
  173. [00:58] Sam "Nothing else. That came later."
  174. [00:58] Yi-Ping "Later?"
  175. [00:58] Sam blinks. "That came out wrong."
  176. [00:58] Yi-Ping "Uh huh"
  177. [00:59] Sam "We didn't touch anything under our underwear."
  178. [00:59] Yi-Ping raise an eyebrow
  179. [01:00] Sam "I uh. . . may have teased her a bit. . . She may have teased me back. . ."
  180. [01:01] Sam "You shouldn't be able to turn a guy on like that just by breathing. . ." He mutters under his breath.
  181. [01:01] Yi-Ping "Ah could it be that Sam is inexperienced to the ways of the fairer gender?"
  182. [01:01] Sam "More like Irune cheats."
  183. [01:02] Yi-Ping "You're just easy"
  184. [01:02] Sam "I am *not* !"
  185. [01:02] Yi-Ping just smiles
  186. [01:05] Sam "No, trust me, she's all innocent and flustered one moment, the next she's. . . ." Sam blushes a bit "Just wow."
  187. [01:09] Yi-Ping "So you're into the innocent yet secretly wild sexual predator type?"
  188. [01:10] |<-- Yi-Ping has left (Connection reset by peer)
  189. [01:10] -->| Yezara (AndChat688@70BC76CB.D0BD394D.E164C3F6.IP) has joined #AdEva3AU
  190. [01:10] =-= Yezara is now known as Yi-Ping
  191. [01:11] Sam "Look, Yang, Irune is my type. Like full on my type 100%. She's /always/ cute, but shifts between adorable and exuding sex appeal on par with /Akram/ at the drop of the hat. She's smart, caring, and. . . I just. . . She's a good person who cares about me, who makes me feel wanted."
  192. [01:13] Yi-Ping patpats
  193. [01:14] Yi-Ping "It's always good to find someone who cares "
  194. [01:15] Sam "It is. Doesn't hurt if they're cute either."
  195. [01:16] Yi-Ping "Well I'm happy for you, though so remember to use protection"
  196. [01:16] Sam ". . . Yeah we will."
  197. [01:17] Yi-Ping "Well I'm trusting her more really"
  198. [01:17] Sam "I am perfectly responsible!"
  199. [01:18] Yi-Ping "Uh huh"
  200. [01:18] Sam "It really hurts my feelings when you question me like that."
  201. [01:19] Yi-Ping "Awwwww"
  202. [01:19] Sam "Yeah." Sam flops back onto his bed. "It makes me want to kick you out and cry myself to sleep."
  203. [01:20] Yi-Ping "It's okay, I'll get Irune to sleep with you"
  204. [01:21] Sam "Nooo! Don't let her see me all emotional hurt and vulnerable! I need to maintain my stoic manly act!"
  205. [01:21] Yi-Ping "You mean brooding artist act"
  206. [01:21] Sam "Brooding artist? The hell does that come from?!"
  207. [01:22] Yi-Ping "Well have you looked into the mirror!?"
  208. [01:22] Sam "Yes?"
  209. [01:23] Yi-Ping "If you open the dictionary and look up the definition of brooding, your picture would be right there"
  210. [01:24] Sam "Would not!"
  211. [01:24] Yi-Ping "Would too!"
  212. [01:24] Sam "Would not!"
  213. [01:25] Yi-Ping "Would too!"
  214. [01:25] Sam "Would not!"
  215. [01:25] Yi-Ping "Would too!"
  216. [01:26] Sam "Would not!" Sam sits up and pokes Yi-Ping's collarbone
  217. [01:28] Yi-Ping "Would too!" Yi Ping flicks Sam's forehead
  218. [01:28] Sam "Would not!" Sam flicks Yi-Ping back.
  219. [01:29] Yi-Ping "Would too!" Yi Ping blows a raspberry at Sam
  220. [01:29] Sam "Would not!" Sam throws a cake at Yi-Ping
  221. [01:29] Yi-Ping "Would t-"
  222. [01:30] Yi-Ping goes rolling as the cake hits her right on the face
  223. [01:30] Sam The cake splats on the wall. "Would not!" Sam readies another cake.
  224. [01:31] Yi-Ping "Oh its on!"
  225. [01:32] Yi-Ping has a came readied as well
  226. [01:32] Sam ". . . ." Sam leaps from the bed and tackes Yi-Ping, grinding a cake into her face without mercy,
  227. [01:33] Yi-Ping throws her cake at Sam before rolling out of the way
  228. [01:34] Sam hits the ground and pounces after Yi-Ping, armed with cakes akimbo.
  229. [01:34] Yi-Ping employs paper napkins to parry Sam's Cake Climbing
  230. [01:34] Yi-Ping Akimbo*
  231. [01:35] Sam slips past her guard with one cake and smoshes it on her stomach.
  232. [01:37] Yi-Ping "Oomp"
  233. [01:39] Yi-Ping "Why you do that for!?"
  234. [01:39] Sam smoshes the remnant of the other cake into Yi-Ping's face.
  235. [01:42] Yi-Ping "Meanie!"
  236. [01:42] Sam "Feh." Sam licks the cake remants off his hands. "Good cake though."
  237. [01:43] Yi-Ping "Of course it is!"
  238. [01:46] Yi-Ping "Well now that you wasted the cake"
  239. [01:46] Yi-Ping "We need to get more"
  240. [01:46] Sam "And you could probably use a clean shirt."
  241. [01:47] Yi-Ping "You want to help me there?"
  242. [01:47] Sam "Nope! But I'll get more cake."
  243. [01:48] Yi-Ping "Fineeeeeee"
  244. [01:49] Sam stands up and heads to the kitchen to get more cakes and tea. "Meet you back at my room when you're clean."
  245. [01:50] Yi-Ping "Sure"
  246. [01:51] Yi-Ping leaves for her own room
  247. [01:52] Sam returns to his room shortly thereafter with more tea and non-smoshed cake.
  248. [01:54] Yi-Ping has a new shirt on
  249. [01:54] Yi-Ping "So ... Where were we ..."
  250. [01:56] Sam "Don't quite recall actually."
  251. [02:01] Yi-Ping "Well doesn't matter, what matters is that you and Irune are enjoying yourself"
  252. [02:01] Sam "It's done us both good I think."
  253. [02:03] Yi-Ping "Mmmh yes"
  254. [02:03] Yi-Ping "The feeling that someone else values your presence ..."
  255. [02:03] Sam "Means a lot after. . . well we both know how it feels, not even counting the shared memories there either."
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