

Sep 14th, 2015
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  1. Intro
  2. The game starts off with an animation of Mark Gibbons who is just lying in bed staring at the ceiling. His room is messy with papers, clothes, and other items cluttered around. The blinds next to Mark’s bed are shut, but the sunlight slips through a crack hitting him directly in the eyes. His bloodshot eyes are wide open, underlined by deep, gray bags as he goes to scratch his chin curtain beard. As he goes to scratch his beard, he forgets that he has a bottle in his hand, and so he bangs the bottom of the coffee table with the bottle, dropping it. He sits up to reach for it, but his exhaustion catches up to him as he does and so he digs his face into his palms. In an effort to try and get rid of his tiredness, he rubs his face violently and tries to stand up. But he did all too fast, making him lightheaded. Despite being lightheaded, he decides to try and walk to the bathroom, but slips on a piece of paper. He falls to the floor and starts wincing in pain. When he clenches his fist, a surge of pain runs from his hand throughout his whole arm. Upon inspecting his hand, he sees that there’s a small, fresh gash on his palm. He must have got it from scratching his hand on something as he fell down. As he studies the wound on his hand, his mind traces back to his childhood when he was all edgy.
  3. Level 1: Edge
  4. The level starts off with Mark Gibbons (age 10) playing with the neighbors. When he got home, Ryan Perez (his step brother), called him over to his room and showed him a knife.
  5. “Look at how sharp it is,” he said, brandishing it. Fascinated deeply by it, Mark started his own knife collection and gradually moved on to collecting more dastardly weapons such as swords and claws. But he didn’t stop there. To fit the image of a badass knife wielding mercenary/vigilante, he buys light, Kevlar armor, combat boots, ninja masks, hand wraps, etc. Then he looks up close quarter combat and parkour tutorial videos to learn the skills he needs.
  6. As he’s lurking his neighborhood in search of any nefarious ne’er do wells to beat up, he sees Amy Hedgehag, the hottest girl in the neighborhood. He falls in love at first sight and decides to impress her by showing off his sweet blades and his awesome skills. [Player starts the game]
  7. I. As the player makes his way towards Amy, he encounters her posse scattered up and down the street. With each encounter, the player is thrown into a battle sequence where he imagines they’re these bad guys he must defeat with his martial art, parkour, and knives skills. After finishing the battle sequence, the sprites of the other children on the street simply just walk away from the Mark in disgust for being autistic.
  8. II. After reaching Amy, he begins to speak to her. Amy, obviously disgusted but too nice to say anything, tries to brush him away. Mark stands his grounds and tries to make advances towards the lovely Amy. Amy’s brother, Steven Hedgehag, sees Mark creeping his sister out, so he goes over with his gang of high school sophomores.
  9. III. Battle sequence: Sophomores are mini-bosses with high health and above average damage output. However they are slow and scatter around aimlessly, until attacked, then they start following Mark. The point is to try and injure Mark until he has 30% health left.
  10. IV. After Mark “beats up” all the sophomores, the boss, Steven, comes in. Badass animation of Steven showing himself and the battle sequence continues with Mark at 30% health. Not much of a battle sequence as each hit drains 6%.
  11. V. Mark goes down in a dramatic anime fashion.
  12. Animation outro of Mark actually just sperging out when the gang of sophomores surrounded him. He just took out his dull knife and started flailing it around while jumping up and doing pathetic, half-assed 360s. The sophomores back up and look at him like he was a psych ward patient. Mark takes this as a sign of victory and holds his head up triumphantly, exhausted and panting for breath. Then Steven comes in and knocks his lights out.
  15. Level 2: Weaboo
  16. Level starts off with animation of Mark coming out of the flashback and back to studying his hand. He shakes his head and makes his way to the bathroom. Once there, he runs his hand under some water to wash away the blood on his hands. As he does, he looks in the mirror and he takes a long hard look at himself. He closes his eyes and sighs, as if he’s disappointed with what he sees. After doing so, he exits the bathroom while wrapping a bandage roll around his hand. The bandage roll reminds him of when he was in his weaboo phase and the flashback begins.
  17. Mark Gibbons (Age 13) barges into his room, slumping against the wall. He holds his left hand to try and ease the pain. But the pain is too much for him to bear and it makes him yell, “I must unleash this dark energy residing in me!” Then he goes to pull out a book covered in chains from underneath his bed. He recites an incantation before the book and dark, purple flames start igniting around the book. The symbols on the book begin to glow intensely and a strong wind started entering the room. All of a sudden, the book violently flips open and Mark puts his hand up to it. Black lightning came out of Mark’s hand and went into the book. It takes a while for the lightning to stop, but after it does, everything started to become calm again. The flames around the book start to die, the wind starts to settle, and the symbols on the book starts dimming. Mark sighs in relief as he took a seat in his computer chair, “That was close. Well, time to train my mind!” He then pulls up his laptop and starts watching anime.
  18. He watches some edgy, Naruto/Bleach anime shit when all of a sudden, he hears Amy Hedgehag outside his window. When he takes a look outside his window he sees Amy trying to escape the clutches of her brother.
  19. “Let me go, Steven!” she cries.
  20. “Amy, no! I’m not letting you go with that Robert Nicholas guy! He’s a total creep!” Steven explains.
  21. “You’re just saying that!”
  22. “I am not! The dude’s like 40 years old, maybe older!”
  23. “Shut up! Let go of me!”
  24. Mark is appalled at the roughness that Steven is using on Amy. He decides that she needs to be rescued by none other than him! As he goes to make his way outside, an intense pain starts to form in his left eye. In an effort to try and ease the pain, he clutches his left eye, but as he does, shadows start to form in front of him. Laughter comes from these shadows as they start to take form into various demons. [Player starts the game]
  25. I. As the player makes their way through Mark’s house, they must defeat the shadow demons that Mark is imagining. As he fights them, voices start appearing in his head saying stuff like, “Do you really think you can save her?” “She’ll be so far gone by the time you reach her!” to which Mark will respond weebishly, “I love her too much to let her be harmed! If I have to die in order to save her, then so be it!” [Mechanic, if the player gets hit or dies, their RESOLVE meter will be drained. The more monsters they hit and kill, the more their RESOLVE meter will replenish. RESOLVE is needed to continue throughout the level.]
  26. II. After reaching Amy and Steven a quick animation starts.
  27. >Steven sees Mark and rolls his eyes hard, “Oh god damn it, it’s you. What do you want?”
  28. >Mark points to Amy, “Let her go.”
  29. >”Dude, just get the fuck outta here,” Steven says.
  30. >”No, you’re hurting her, and if I were you, I would stop doing so, or else.”
  31. >”Or else what?”
  32. >”I will unleash a nightmarish hell upon you using the dark energy residing in my soul. Let me warn your mortal self, the dark energy manifesting within me is so powerful that it is the equivalent of a black hole. Apologize now before I drain the blood from your body and drink it like wine.”
  33. >Steven looks at Mark disgusted, “The fuck are you on?”
  34. III. Battle sequence starts. [Mechanics be told later.]
  35. IV. In reality, Mark just dodged Steven as he goes to grab him, followed by a swift kick to Steven’s shin. Steven gets mad, clothesline Mark, then begins to pummel him on the ground. Mark then blacks out.
  38. Level 3: Fedora Fag
  39. Animation: Mark cringes at the memory and scratches his head with both hands furiously. He forgets that the bandage roll is still attached to his hand and hits him in the face. Annoyed, he snaps off the roll and chucks it across the room where it hits a shelf. The force from the impact was enough to make some stuff fall from the shelf. Mark sighs as he reluctantly walks over to the pile to pick it all up. As he rummages through the pile, he is shocked to find something that he thought he has thrown away a long time ago. In his hands, he holds a fedora and he starts to remember his fedora fag years.
  40. Mark Gibbons (Age 15) is sitting outside of a café, sipping on a cup of tea. Whenever a woman would pass by, he would tip his fedora slightly and say, “Good day, m’lady”. They would laugh in ridicule, but Mark thought they were just giggling from his gentleman like behavior. Then a group of teenagers rolled up in a car next to Mark and decided to heckle him.
  41. “Hey retard, nice fedora!” one of them yells, then goes to high five his buddy.
  42. “Metal illness does not exist, only the demons in one’s heart makes them act that way,” Mark replies calmly.
  43. “Jesus Christ, is that fedora on too tight?”
  44. “Using your non-existential God in an effort to try and insult me? Pathetic. In fact, I use religion as a litmus test for morons such as you. Seriously, it’s so painfully obvious that there is no God and that religion is just a social construct used to control—” Mark says as he’s interrupted by their tires screeching. The teenagers who were heckling him does a burnout and kicks dust up into his face as they speed down the street. “Ugh, simpletons.” As he brushes himself off, he spots Amy and her posse across the street from him, and immediately, his heart begins to race. He’s been planning for so long to ask her to be his and so he decides that it will be today that he pops the question. So he goes over to Amy and tips his fedora, Good day, m’lady.”
  45. “Oh, hey, Mark…” she says annoyed, as if she’s just been trapped.
  46. “Oh my god, is that Mark?” Rachel (Rouge the bat), Amy’s friend, asks in disgust.
  47. “Sorry, Mark, but, we’re kind of in a rush,” Carrie (Cream the bunny), Amy’s other friend, says.
  48. Mark takes this as a challenge, thinking that he has to find some way to persuade Rachel and Carrie to leave them alone so he can pop the question. [Player starts the game]
  49. I. This is a puzzle platformer where the player must solve numerous puzzles to reach the end.
  50. II. With each puzzle completed he damages Rachel’s and Carrie’s health bar. (In reality, he’s just saying bullshit things to try and have alone time with Amy while they’re trying to drive him away.)
  51. III. After both health bars have been depleted, the player wins and goes to outro animation.
  53. After a long conversation of going nowhere, Amy steps in and tells Rachel and Carrie to leave so she can be alone with Mark really quick. Mark takes this as a sign and is extremely happy. (Next level)
  55. Level 4: Friend Zone
  56. Animation: Mark walks out onto his balcony with his fedora in his hands. He sets the fedora down on the railing as he lights a cigarette and takes a hit. Then he exhales the smoke into the form of a skull while pulling out his phone. He opens a picture of Amy and stares at it, and then he stares at the fedora on the railing.
  57. Flashback to the end of level 3: Amy and Mark Gibbons (Age 15) walk down the sidewalk talking.
  58. “M’lady,” Mark says, “I must confess that I am aware of your flirtations with other men.”
  59. “You what?” Amy asks, shocked.
  60. “Yes, but do not worry. I know that you have feelings for me and I can easily overlook your—please excuse my foul tongue—whorish acts.”
  61. “Okay hold on, I don’t—“
  62. “Have faith in me though, I am a gentlemen, unlike those other men you are attracted to. To me sexual activity that is not for the purpose of procreation is pure degeneracy. I will treat you right, and it’s a good thing you have finally made yourself aware of my presence. You don’t have to worry anymore.”
  63. Amy stops dead in her tracks and slaps Mark across the face, “Shut the fuck up, Mark! Who the fuck do you think you are? I don’t fucking like you, let alone want to date you! At first I was going to tell you that I like you as a friend and all so that way I didn’t lead you on, but now I don’t even want you as a friend!”
  64. “W-Wait, what? Wh-why?”
  65. “Because you’re pulling this shit!”
  66. “But I don’t understand! What about the dating advice I gave you, the times when you were down and you cried on my shoulder, and—“
  67. “Just because you were nice to me doesn’t mean I’m gonna fuck you!”
  68. “But I didn’t want to have sex, I just—“
  69. “Stop lying, Mark. I saw your journal of sexual fantasies with me when we were studying together in the library last week.”
  70. “B-But—“
  71. “Fuck off, Mark, and never come near me again,” she says as she swiftly turns around and walks away.
  72. Mark falls to his knees and begins crying. Then he says while sobbing, “I wanna go home.” [Player starts the game]
  73. I. Mark starts making his way home in tears. [The camera is all blurry with tears and sways from left to right.]
  74. II. The enemies are clones of Amy harassing him. Through each encounter (the 2D platformer part), there’s a giant Amy punching holes in the stage causing instant death to the player.
  75. III. If the player runs out of lives, then the game is over and he gets the bad ending. Now if the player makes it home, he gets the good ending.
  77. Good Ending:
  78. Mark makes it home and cries in bed. After being depressed for x amount of time, he grows up and becomes a decent person. Back in reality, he puts out his cigarette on his fedora and throws the fedora off the balcony. He then deletes the photo of Amy on his phone as he walks back inside to get dressed. He puts on a nice, plaid shirt with designer jeans and nice leather shoes. Then he walks down the stairs of his apartment building and is greeted by his landlord.
  79. “Heya there, Mark, I heard the ruckus this morning. Are you okay?” he asks.
  80. “Yeah, I’m fine, just didn’t have my morning coffee right away,” he says jokingly as he shows him his bandaged up hand.
  81. “Well you take care of yourself now, okay?”
  82. “Yeah, will do. Sorry to worry you!”
  83. “It’s okay, we’ve all been there. Have a good day now!”
  84. “Yeah, you too!”
  85. Mark goes to a café where he waits for his girlfriend. He sees some kid in a fedora at a table across from him and shudders. Then his girlfriend arrives and gives him a quick peck on the cheek. He then reaches for hand then notices that her hand is bandaged up too.
  86. “What happened?” he asks worriedly.
  87. “Oh? This? Uh well, just didn’t have my morning coffee, y’know? Haha,” she says nervously.
  88. He cracks a smile, “It’s okay, we’ve all been there,” he says as he shows her his bandaged hand.
  89. “Well then,” she says as she offers him her hand. Mark takes her hand and they walk off.
  90. Bad Ending:
  91. Mark ends up crying in the street. He’s been depressed ever since and could never get over it, no matter how hard he tried. Back in reality, he flicked the cigarette over his balcony, puts on the fedora, and starts masturbating to every pic of Amy on her facebook. After he cums, he goes to his computer where he starts trolling internet forums and the camera pans over his crusty anime figurines and his dirty my little pony toys. Then the camera zooms out on him breathing heavy and laughing creepily to himself on the computer as it the camera fades to black.
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