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May 12th, 2012
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  1. In all the time you've spent browsing /a/, you could've become fluent in another language. Now's your opportunity to redeem yourself: you're going to learn Japanese. You're a weeaboo, Otaku, gaijin-- I don't care what you call yourself. You're an /a/non, so you're learning this shit.
  3. Learning it might seem like a daunting task, but it's easy once you create a routine for yourself. When moot implements Kanji captcha for /a/, you'll be ahead.
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  6. See this link? Save this link. Bookmark it. It's the bone of your sword. This website is by Tae Kim, a godsend to stupid gaijins who want to learn Japanese. This website covers Hiragana, Katakana, as well as grammar. It even has tracing practice sheets for Hiragana and Katakana to help with stroke order and shit.
  8. You're not done with Hiragana and Katakana until you can fill out a chart. You must know how to pronounce each one, as well as having proper stroke order. Keep going until you can do that. Done? Then we get to the most tedious part of learning Nipponese: Kanji grindan.
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  11. This site is written for bros, by bros. Kanji is just as simple as 1 + 2 = 3. I thought Kanji was scary until I saw this site, and then suddenly HOLY FUCK--IT ALL MAKES SENSE.
  13. Now you're going to grind Kanji. Go through kanjidamage or whatever, and just learn to write each Kanji, pronounce it, etc. Once you've grinded about 1K Kanji, it's time to start reading some manga or VNs in Japanese. Find a Kanji you don't know? Look it up in a dictionary and practice it.
  15. Here's a compilation of links to websites as well as download links to various dictionaries and cool PDFs like that.
  16. >
  18. The resources are right in front of you. It'll do everything but suck your dick. If you learn Japanese, you'll be able to communicate with your waifu. If you're a weeaboo, you'll be one step closer to "becoming" an Eleven. C'mon.
  20. You want this.
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