
The Millon Fluffy March

Apr 7th, 2012
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  1. By The Reverend
  3. >You are the President of the United States.
  4. >You wake up early Monday morning to be greeted by a buxom young intern you’ve never seen before.
  5. >You hate interns, but love having sex with them.
  6. >Unsurprisingly, this has caused a scandal which has put you at a disadvantage in the upcoming election.
  7. >The intern hands you today’s report of things to worry about.
  8. >You fake a smile and wink at her as you take the report and head into the Oval Office.
  9. >Tonight…her.
  10. >Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary about today’s report.
  11. >The war you started isn’t all the fun you thought it would be.
  12. >The Congress can’t agree on anything.
  13. >Fluffy ponies want a constitutional amendment granting them citizenship.
  14. >Yep same as usu…
  15. >You spit your coffee, staining your historic desk.
  16. >You do a double-take.
  17. >Fluffy ponies still want to be U.S. citizens.
  18. >The smartest fluffies have organized a “Million Fluffy March”, scheduled for a month before the election.
  19. >Your opponent will be attending the march as a show of support to the fluffies.
  20. >You know that he wants them as voters, taking advantage of their large numbers.
  21. >You thought your opponent was smarter than that.
  22. >Cable news pundits seem to think it’s a great idea.
  23. >You know cable new pundits aren’t smarter than that.
  24. >You wait for the day to come, and watch on TV when it does.
  25. >Fluffies have traveled from across the nation to assemble at the Lincoln Memorial.
  26. >Even though many didn’t make it, the fluffies at the monument still number over one million.
  27. >Your opponent has accepted the honor of introducing the movement’s leader.
  28. >The fluffies cheer as their “smarty fwiend” concludes a speech even you thought was eloquent.
  29. >You hear the crack of a rifle, and see the leader fluffy explode in a bloody mess.
  30. >Your challenger tries to calm the crowd, but the fluffies have submitted to hysterics.
  31. >Some are trampled in the chaos.
  32. >Most drown in the reflecting pool in front of the monument.
  33. >Only a few of the other “smart” fluffies survive.
  34. >Some go on to be cable news pundits on fluffy rights issues.
  35. >The FBI quickly locates the assassin, a non-fluffy pony with a chip on his shoulder.
  36. >He claims to be a patsy.
  37. >He gets shot by a vengeful fluffy while being moved from jail.
  38. >As it turns out, fluff is the perfect place to hide a revolver.
  39. >Conspiracy theories abound.
  40. >A month after the failed fluffy march, you win re-election in a landslide.
  41. >Spend the next four years getting high and having sex with interns.
  42. >Life is good.
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