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Oct 21st, 2011
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  1. Tonight: Hardware Hacking / Arduino Tomfoolery | Tomorrow: Lan Party | 1 year party on Nov 19th
  2. 18:46 [@A-KO|irss] [@pronto ] [ blkmajik] [ HiveKlr ] [ pwrcycle ] [ Soil ]
  3. 18:46 [@Aethyr ] [@roamer ] [ CyberRad] [ Hunterkll] [ Pyr0_work] [ tar ]
  4. 18:46 [@C-P ] [@s00ner ] [ DarkTech] [ jbest ] [ Raszh ] [ tunafag ]
  5. 18:46 [@C-Ps ] [@s1|pronto] [ dearia ] [ Kos ] [ rotor ] [ vrybdpkt]
  6. 18:46 [@crypt0s ] [@Textile ] [ docwho76] [ LadyNikon] [ schrodyn ] [ wiseacre]
  7. 18:46 [@godminus1] [@ZeroChaos] [ etzel ] [ lafp ] [ scorche ] [ x58 ]
  8. 18:46 [@munin_ ] [+UnalloBot] [ fearnor ] [ MysticPxl] [ scorche|s] [ zilcha ]
  9. 18:46 [@nickfarr ] [ baltimore] [ frank2 ] [ pushpin ] [ Socky_ ]
  10. 18:46 -!- Irssi: #unallocatedspace: Total of 47 nicks [14 ops, 0 halfops, 1 voices, 32 normal]
  11. 18:46 -!- Channel #unallocatedspace created Mon Jul 12 23:42:13 2010
  12. 18:46 < dearia> hiya
  13. 18:46 -!- Irssi: Join to #unallocatedspace was synced in 1 secs
  14. 18:46 < dearia> I see that I was banned from this chan =/
  15. 18:48 < Pyr0_work> I need to get a laptop so is easier to play with microcontrollers
  16. 18:48 < dearia> has anyone here heard about the european bitcoin conference by any chance?
  17. 18:48 <@munin_> i heard about it
  18. 18:48 <@munin_> but that's about it
  19. 18:51 < dearia> ^_^
  20. 18:52 <@munin_> when is it?
  21. 18:52 < dearia> next month
  22. 18:53 < dearia> Nov 25-27
  23. 18:53 <@munin_> neat
  24. 18:53 <@munin_> there is no way i can go to it
  25. 18:53 <@munin_> but it should be interesting
  26. 18:53 < dearia> there will be live video streams
  27. 18:53 <@munin_> i guess
  28. 18:55 < dearia> munin: Is it acceptable that I may join this channel with my main connection?
  29. 18:55 < dearia> Or is that undesired maybe?
  30. 18:55 <@munin_> i have no idea why you were banned
  31. 18:55 <@munin_> so i have no idea
  32. 18:56 < dearia> munin_: * You have been kicked from #unallocatedspace by C-P (come say hi)
  33. 18:56 <@munin_> i'm not C-P
  34. 18:56 <@munin_> perhaps
  35. 18:56 < dearia> I haven't said anything or done anything in the channel to trigger it. In fact, it may be the lack of activity that is the reason for the ban
  36. 18:56 <@munin_> this channel is primarily for a hacker space in the dc/baltimore area
  37. 18:56 < dearia> yep
  38. 18:56 <@munin_> are you in the area?
  39. 18:56 < dearia> that's why I was here
  40. 18:56 < dearia> I am not in the area, no.
  41. 18:57 <@munin_> oh
  42. 18:57 <@munin_> i think c-p was trying to motivate you to come to the space?
  43. 18:57 <@munin_> but i don't know
  44. 18:57 < dearia> mm, if that were the case, he could have pinged me
  45. 18:57 <@munin_> yeah probably
  46. 19:09 < dearia> munin_: I see you were in the channel and active at the moment that C-P banned me. Is it necessary to wait and consult with him before unbanning me? Or is it possible you could unban me?
  47. 19:11 <@munin_> dearia, the people who have ops in this room aren't a cohesive decision making body
  48. 19:11 <@munin_> i could, but i have no idea what C-P was thinking and i don't want to override whatever decision he made
  49. 19:12 <@munin_> i wasn't active in the room either, i said like, one thing, and then i went back to work
  50. 19:12 <@munin_> :P
  51. 19:12 <@munin_> i wasn't active in the room either, i said like, one thing, and then i went back to work
  52. 19:12 <@munin_> :P
  53. 19:16 < dearia> Well, if you're concerned about his banning me being justified and since there is no noticeable channel-based activity to justify it, perhaps you could unban me and as he returns he can reban me and then the issue will be resolved and I imagine I will never join again?
  54. 19:16 <@C-Ps> lol
  55. 19:17 <@C-Ps> your nick and host has been acting strangly, plus if your not in the area....
  56. 19:18 <@C-Ps> :P
  57. 19:19 < dearia> C-Ps: Okay, so would you prefer me to not have any affiliation with your hackerspace?
  58. 19:19 <@C-Ps> not the case at all, it was indeed a motivation to get you into the space if you where in the area
  59. 19:19 <@C-Ps> also, irc is srs bzness
  60. 19:19 < dearia> Well, if I am ever in the area, I'm not sure the community would be friendly enough to justify my consideration of attending.
  61. 19:20 < dearia> yeah, IRC is lief.
  62. 19:20 < dearia> without IRC access, there is no reason to live.
  63. 19:20 <@C-Ps> yep, we are an unfriendly bunch
  64. 19:20 < dearia> ^_^
  65. 19:20 <@C-Ps> we hate everyone and routinely ban long term members for shits and giggles
  66. 19:21 -!- 1 - #unallocatedspace: ban *!* [by C-P!, 333311 secs ago]
  67. 19:21 -!- 2 - #unallocatedspace: ban *!*@ [by C-P!, 2142149 secs ago]
  68. 19:21 < dearia> I see ban list is quite empty
  69. 19:21 < dearia> more banhammerings pl0x
  70. 19:21 < dearia> How much is membership fee?
  71. 19:22 < dearia> If I pay, will I qualify for member ban experience?
  72. 19:22 <@C-Ps> ha
  73. 19:22 <@C-Ps> !link dues
  74. 19:22 * UnalloBot Nothing could be found.
  75. 19:22 <@C-Ps> hmm
  76. 19:22 < dearia> Do you accept bitcoin payments?
  77. 19:22 <@C-Ps> need to add that
  78. 19:22 <@C-Ps> no
  79. 19:22 <@C-Ps> and that's the topic of why you where banned
  80. 19:22 < dearia> o_o
  81. 19:23 <@C-Ps> you have been flagged for bitcoin tomfoolery by close friends
  82. 19:23 < dearia> meaning?
  83. 19:24 * C-Ps shrugs
  84. 19:24 <@C-Ps> makes sense to me
  85. 19:25 <@C-Ps> someone has to be a dick, might as well be me
  86. 19:25 <@C-Ps> muahaha
  87. 19:25 <@C-Ps> if you like, you can hit me up offchannel
  88. 19:26 <@C-Ps> I'm not opposed to the idea of unbanning you, but it seems hardly effective since you are here
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