

Jul 25th, 2014
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  1. Sampling process 231 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
  2. Sampling completed, processing symbols...
  3. Analysis of sampling Shroud of the Avatar (pid 231) every 1 millisecond
  4. Process: Shroud of the Avatar [231]
  5. Path: /Users/Chuck/Downloads/StandaloneOSXIntelPatcher/ of the of the Avatar
  6. Load Address: 0x1000
  7. Identifier: unity.Portalarium.Shroud of the Avatar
  8. Version: Unity Player version 4.5.0f6 (4.5.0f6)
  9. Code Type: X86
  10. Parent Process: ??? [1]
  12. Date/Time: 2014-07-25 14:27:05.885 -0500
  13. OS Version: Mac OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)
  14. Report Version: 7
  16. Call graph:
  17. 1058 Thread_1976 DispatchQueue_1: (serial)
  18. + 1058 start (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 53 [0x31d5]
  19. + 1058 PlayerMain(int, char const**) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 731 [0x662b6b]
  20. + 1058 NSApplicationMain (in AppKit) + 1165 [0x91438018]
  21. + 1058 -[NSApplication run] (in AppKit) + 727 [0x9144f17c]
  22. + 1058 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] (in AppKit) + 119 [0x9145c890]
  23. + 1058 _DPSNextEvent (in AppKit) + 1602 [0x9145d369]
  24. + 1058 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter (in HIToolbox) + 92 [0x99f266bd]
  25. + 1058 ReceiveNextEventCommon (in HIToolbox) + 526 [0x99f268e2]
  26. + 1058 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode (in HIToolbox) + 259 [0x99f26b5d]
  27. + 1058 CFRunLoopRunInMode (in CoreFoundation) + 123 [0x9007d85b]
  28. + 1058 CFRunLoopRunSpecific (in CoreFoundation) + 394 [0x9007d9fa]
  29. + 1058 __CFRunLoopRun (in CoreFoundation) + 1779 [0x9007e363]
  30. + 1058 __CFRunLoopDoTimers (in CoreFoundation) + 349 [0x9014106d]
  31. + 1058 __CFRunLoopDoTimer (in CoreFoundation) + 1395 [0x900c6873]
  32. + 1058 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ (in CoreFoundation) + 22 [0x900c6eb6]
  33. + 1058 __NSFireTimer (in Foundation) + 117 [0x9380d76b]
  34. + 1058 -[PlayerAppDelegate UpdatePlayer] (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 252 [0x662e1c]
  35. + 1058 PlayerLoop(bool, bool, IHookEvent*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 1525 [0x2fe4f5]
  36. + 1058 DelayedCallManager::Update(int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 562 [0x236e02]
  37. + 1058 Coroutine::ContinueCoroutine(Object*, void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 87 [0x31b197]
  38. + 1058 Coroutine::Run() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 201 [0x31b269]
  39. + 1058 Coroutine::Run() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 105 [0x31b209]
  40. + 1058 bool ScriptingInvocation::Invoke<bool>(MonoException**) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 25 [0x35a0a9]
  41. + 1058 ScriptingInvocation::Invoke(MonoException**) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 50 [0x35a152]
  42. + 1058 scripting_method_invoke(ScriptingMethod*, MonoObject*, ScriptingArguments&, MonoException**) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 69 [0x257d55]
  43. + 1058 mono_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 133 [0x161378b]
  44. + 1058 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 1142 [0x14e08c5]
  45. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x3da74fe1]
  46. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x4a351324]
  47. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0xfe4621a9]
  48. + 1058 WarmupAllShaders() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 1205 [0x167935]
  49. + 1058 ShaderLab::Pass::ApplyPass(unsigned int, ShaderLab::PropertySheet const*, Shader*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 142 [0x3d26ce]
  50. + 1058 ShaderLab::ShaderState::ApplyShaderState(unsigned int, ShaderLab::PropertySheet const*, Shader*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 165 [0x3ebe85]
  51. + 1058 GraphicsHelper::SetShaders(GfxDevice&, ShaderLab::SubProgram**, ShaderLab::PropertySheet const*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 333 [0x3ec1fd]
  52. + 1058 GfxDeviceClient::SetShadersMainThread(ShaderLab::SubProgram**, ShaderLab::PropertySheet const*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 159 [0x69589f]
  53. + 1058 GfxDeviceClient::CreateShaderParameters(ShaderLab::SubProgram*, FogMode) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 209 [0x695b81]
  54. + 1058 GfxDeviceWorker::WaitForSignal() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 20 [0x69e554]
  55. + 1058 PlatformSemaphore::WaitForSignal() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 34 [0x679e02]
  56. + 1058 MPWaitOnSemaphore (in CarbonCore) + 104 [0x95277071]
  57. + 1058 semaphore_timedwait_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x9238bfce]
  58. 1058 Thread_1985 DispatchQueue_2: (serial)
  59. + 1058 _dispatch_mgr_thread (in libdispatch.dylib) + 52 [0x94b00532]
  60. + 1058 _dispatch_mgr_invoke (in libdispatch.dylib) + 238 [0x94b00899]
  61. + 1058 kevent64 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x92391992]
  62. 1058 Thread_1995
  63. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  64. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  65. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  66. + 1058 GC_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 108 [0x169b2dd]
  67. + 1058 thread_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 265 [0x1675462]
  68. + 1058 start_wrapper (in libmono.0.dylib) + 534 [0x1641b2e]
  69. + 1058 finalizer_thread (in libmono.0.dylib) + 219 [0x15c4fd5]
  70. + 1058 mono_sem_wait (in libmono.0.dylib) + 33 [0x167eb85]
  71. + 1058 semaphore_wait_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x9238bfb6]
  72. 1058 Thread_1996: UnityLookForNewInputDevices
  73. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  74. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  75. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  76. + 1058 Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 65 [0x3bf931]
  77. + 1058 LookForNewDevices(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 452 [0x66df94]
  78. + 1058 CFRunLoopRun (in CoreFoundation) + 129 [0x90140221]
  79. + 1058 CFRunLoopRunSpecific (in CoreFoundation) + 394 [0x9007d9fa]
  80. + 1058 __CFRunLoopRun (in CoreFoundation) + 2130 [0x9007e4c2]
  81. + 1058 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 (in CoreFoundation) + 523 [0x9008dd8b]
  82. + 1058 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ (in CoreFoundation) + 53 [0x9008de25]
  83. + 1058 __CFMachPortPerform (in CoreFoundation) + 440 [0x9008dff8]
  84. + 1058 IODispatchCalloutFromCFMessage (in IOKit) + 177 [0x94a8997a]
  85. + 1058 RebuildHIDDeviceList(void*, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 114 [0x66dc02]
  86. + 1058 InputInitHID() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 471 [0x66c147]
  87. + 1058 HIDGetNextDeviceElement (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 62 [0x43fdee]
  88. + 1058 IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements (in IOKit) + 57 [0x94aaef12]
  89. + 1058 IOHIDDeviceClass::_copyMatchingElements(void*, __CFDictionary const*, __CFArray const**, unsigned long) (in IOHIDLib) + 57 [0x9ad1bbb]
  90. + 1058 IOHIDDeviceClass::copyMatchingElements(__CFDictionary const*, __CFArray const**, void const*, __CFDictionary*, unsigned long) (in IOHIDLib) + 1312 [0x9ad106e]
  91. + 1058 CFArrayAppendValue (in CoreFoundation) + 157 [0x900356ed]
  92. + 1058 -[__NSArrayM addObject:] (in CoreFoundation) + 64 [0x90016640]
  93. + 1058 -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:] (in CoreFoundation) + 282 [0x9001677a]
  94. + 1058 objc_memmove_collectable (in libobjc.A.dylib) + 75 [0x931cdf01]
  95. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0xffffffff]
  96. + 1058 _sigtramp (in libsystem_platform.dylib) + 43 [0x92376deb]
  97. + 1058 mono_sigsegv_signal_handler (in libmono.0.dylib) + 164 [0x14dea20]
  98. + 1058 mono_chain_signal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 76 [0x1593a02]
  99. + 1058 HandleSignal(int, __siginfo*, void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 29 [0x34f20d]
  100. + 1058 PrintStackTraceOSX(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 95 [0x34f79f]
  101. + 1058 mono_pmip (in libmono.0.dylib) + 47 [0x14d70ba]
  102. + 1058 mono_jit_info_table_find (in libmono.0.dylib) + 42 [0x15bbf3b]
  103. + 1058 pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 16 [0x94b5f7ac]
  104. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 19 [0x94b5f7c4]
  105. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_check_init (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 11 [0x94b5fbd5]
  106. 1058 Thread_1997: UnityGfxDeviceWorker
  107. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  108. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  109. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  110. + 1058 Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 65 [0x3bf931]
  111. + 1058 GfxDeviceWorker::RunGfxDeviceWorker(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 79 [0x69e50f]
  112. + 1058 GfxDeviceWorker::RunCommand(ThreadedStreamBuffer&) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 15747 [0x6a23c3]
  113. + 1058 DynamicNullVBO::DrawChunk(ChannelAssigns const&) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 227 [0x68d493]
  114. + 1058 glDrawArrays (in libGL.dylib) + 45 [0x93ad0495]
  115. + 1058 glDrawArrays_IMM_Exec (in GLEngine) + 228 [0x99105dba]
  116. + 1058 gleDoDrawDispatchCore (in GLEngine) + 564 [0x9914e4a0]
  117. + 1058 Gen7::updateDispatch(GLDContextRec*, GLDRenderDispatch*, unsigned int*) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 1790 [0x4040c8a2]
  118. + 1058 gpusLoadCurrentPipelinePrograms (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 3986 [0x403857fb]
  119. + 1058 glrUpdateCtxSysFragmentProgram (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 57 [0x403ac3c3]
  120. + 1058 intelUpdateCtxSysProgramCommon(GLDContextRec*, GLDProgramRec*, GLDPipelineProgramRec*, void*, ShaderInfoCacheRec*, unsigned int) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 2052 [0x403a0336]
  121. + 1058 USC::IM_Shader::Compile(void*, GFXCORE_FAMILY, void*) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 939 [0x404258fd]
  122. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0xffffffff]
  123. + 1058 _sigtramp (in libsystem_platform.dylib) + 43 [0x92376deb]
  124. + 1058 mono_sigsegv_signal_handler (in libmono.0.dylib) + 164 [0x14dea20]
  125. + 1058 mono_chain_signal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 76 [0x1593a02]
  126. + 1058 HandleSignal(int, __siginfo*, void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 29 [0x34f20d]
  127. + 1058 PrintStackTraceOSX(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 95 [0x34f79f]
  128. + 1058 mono_pmip (in libmono.0.dylib) + 47 [0x14d70ba]
  129. + 1058 mono_jit_info_table_find (in libmono.0.dylib) + 42 [0x15bbf3b]
  130. + 1058 pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 16 [0x94b5f7ac]
  131. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 19 [0x94b5f7c4]
  132. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_check_init (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 11 [0x94b5fbd5]
  133. 1058 Thread_1998: UnityWorker
  134. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  135. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  136. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  137. + 1058 Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 65 [0x3bf931]
  138. + 1058 JobScheduler::WorkLoop(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 99 [0x3bec63]
  139. + 1058 PlatformSemaphore::WaitForSignal() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 34 [0x679e02]
  140. + 1058 MPWaitOnSemaphore (in CarbonCore) + 104 [0x95277071]
  141. + 1058 semaphore_timedwait_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x9238bfce]
  142. 1058 Thread_1999
  143. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  144. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  145. + 1058 algThreadJobQueueThreadFunc (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 35 [0x607e3]
  146. + 1058 semaphore_wait_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x9238bfb6]
  147. 1058 Thread_2000: UnitySubstanceThread
  148. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  149. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  150. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  151. + 1058 Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 65 [0x3bf931]
  152. + 1058 SubstanceSystem::ThreadMain(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 40 [0x28cb78]
  153. + 1058 PlatformSemaphore::WaitForSignal() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 34 [0x679e02]
  154. + 1058 MPWaitOnSemaphore (in CarbonCore) + 104 [0x95277071]
  155. + 1058 semaphore_timedwait_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x9238bfce]
  156. 1058 Thread_2001:
  157. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  158. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  159. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  160. + 1058 HALB_IOThread::Entry(void*) (in CoreAudio) + 69 [0x9c03c4fb]
  161. + 1058 ___ZN19HALC_ProxyIOContextC2Emj_block_invoke (in CoreAudio) + 20 [0x9c046f52]
  162. + 1058 HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOThreadEntry(void*) (in CoreAudio) + 167 [0x9c03c5ff]
  163. + 908 HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop() (in CoreAudio) + 1111 [0x9c03cb27]
  164. + ! 908 HALB_MachPort::SendSimpleMessageWithSimpleReply(unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int&, bool, unsigned int) (in CoreAudio) + 68 [0x9c03e34e]
  165. + ! 908 HALB_MachPort::SendMessageWithReply(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long, mach_msg_header_t*, bool, unsigned int) (in CoreAudio) + 138 [0x9c043e9a]
  166. + ! 908 mach_msg (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 68 [0x9238b16c]
  167. + ! 908 mach_msg_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x9238bf7a]
  168. + 150 HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop() (in CoreAudio) + 4320 [0x9c03d7b0]
  169. + 150 AUHAL::AUIOProc(unsigned long, AudioTimeStamp const*, AudioBufferList const*, AudioTimeStamp const*, AudioBufferList*, AudioTimeStamp const*, void*) (in CoreAudio) + 2778 [0xd40d98a]
  170. + 150 AUBase::DoRender(unsigned long&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned long, unsigned long, AudioBufferList&) (in CoreAudio) + 452 [0xd4058ba]
  171. + 150 AUBase::DoRenderBus(unsigned long&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned long, AUOutputElement*, unsigned long, AudioBufferList&) (in CoreAudio) + 141 [0xd407173]
  172. + 149 AUConverterBase::RenderBus(unsigned long&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned long, unsigned long) (in CoreAudio) + 359 [0xd409bdd]
  173. + : 149 AUInputElement::PullInputWithBufferList(unsigned long&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned long, unsigned long, AudioBufferList*) (in CoreAudio) + 183 [0xd40a237]
  174. + : 149 FMOD::OutputCoreAudio::renderProc(void*, unsigned long*, AudioTimeStamp const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, AudioBufferList*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 51 [0xa424af]
  175. + : 149 FMOD::Output::mix(void*, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 727 [0xa09c29]
  176. + : 149 FMOD::DSPSoundCard::read(void*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 99 [0x9fa5ed]
  177. + : 148 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 302 [0x9df40e]
  178. + : | 148 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 302 [0x9df40e]
  179. + : | 148 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 302 [0x9df40e]
  180. + : | 148 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 302 [0x9df40e]
  181. + : | 100 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 302 [0x9df40e]
  182. + : | + 69 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 178,172,... [0x9df392,0x9df38c,...]
  183. + : | + 31 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 302 [0x9df40e]
  184. + : | + 26 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 873,823,... [0x9df649,0x9df617,...]
  185. + : | + 5 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 302 [0x9df40e]
  186. + : | + 5 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 302 [0x9df40e]
  187. + : | + 3 FMOD::DSPWaveTable::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 1098 [0x9fb0b6]
  188. + : | + | 3 FMOD_Resampler_Linear (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 732,2596,... [0x9f345c,0x9f3ba4,...]
  189. + : | + 2 FMOD::DSPWaveTable::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 2076 [0x9fb488]
  190. + : | + 2 FMOD_Resampler_NoInterp (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 680,736 [0x9f5268,0x9f52a0]
  191. + : | 48 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 178,172,... [0x9df392,0x9df38c,...]
  192. + : 1 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 178 [0x9df392]
  193. + 1 AUConverterBase::RenderBus(unsigned long&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned long, unsigned long) (in CoreAudio) + 47 [0xd409aa5]
  194. 1058 Thread_2002
  195. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  196. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  197. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  198. + 940 FMOD::Thread::callback(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 73 [0xa2dd19]
  199. + ! 940 FMOD_OS_Time_Sleep(unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 21 [0xa413d5]
  200. + ! 940 usleep$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 60 [0x90babe62]
  201. + ! 940 nanosleep$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 219 [0x90babfb7]
  202. + ! 940 __semwait_signal (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x92390b76]
  203. + 118 FMOD::Thread::callback(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 130 [0xa2dd52]
  204. + 114 FMOD::SystemI::updateStreams() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 131 [0xa22fe5]
  205. + : 110 FMOD::ChannelStream::updateStream() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 409 [0x99823f]
  206. + : | 109 FMOD::Stream::fill(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*, bool) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 1827 [0xa16725]
  207. + : | + 106 FMOD::SoundI::read(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 2336 [0xa1b3d8]
  208. + : | + ! 104 FMOD::SoundI::readData(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 569 [0xa193ab]
  209. + : | + ! : 104 FMOD::Codec::read(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 340 [0x9a377c]
  210. + : | + ! : 104 FMOD::CodecOggVorbis::readCallback(FMOD_CODEC_STATE*, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 50 [0x9c3836]
  211. + : | + ! : 103 FMOD::CodecOggVorbis::readInternal(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 88 [0x9c35fe]
  212. + : | + ! : | 103 FMOD_ov_read (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 82 [0xa38c42]
  213. + : | + ! : | 100 FMOD_ov_read_filter (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 135 [0xa38797]
  214. + : | + ! : | + 95 _fetch_and_process_packet (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 549 [0xa38515]
  215. + : | + ! : | + ! 94 FMOD_vorbis_synthesis (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 437 [0xa37105]
  216. + : | + ! : | + ! : 51 FMOD_mapping0_inverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 548 [0xa33534]
  217. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 51 FMOD_res1_inverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 108 [0xa3569c]
  218. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 39 _FMOD_01inverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 460 [0xa355ac]
  219. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + 34 FMOD_vorbis_book_decodev_add (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 416 [0xa31840]
  220. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 23 decode_packed_entry_number (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 306,51,... [0xa314e2,0xa313e3,...]
  221. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 6 decode_packed_entry_number (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 38 [0xa313d6]
  222. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 6 FMOD_oggpack_look (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 59,62,... [0xa2e51b,0xa2e51e,...]
  223. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 4 decode_packed_entry_number (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 374 [0xa31526]
  224. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! : 4 FMOD_oggpack_adv (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 36,6,... [0xa2e6d4,0xa2e6b6,...]
  225. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 decode_packed_entry_number (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 166 [0xa31456]
  226. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + ! 1 FMOD_oggpack_look (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 173 [0xa2e58d]
  227. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + 5 FMOD_vorbis_book_decodev_add (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 302,366,... [0xa317ce,0xa3180e,...]
  228. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 11 _FMOD_01inverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 386,323,... [0xa35562,0xa35523,...]
  229. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 _FMOD_01inverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 296 [0xa35508]
  230. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 FMOD_vorbis_book_decode (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 26 [0xa318da]
  231. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 decode_packed_entry_number (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 51 [0xa313e3]
  232. + : | + ! : | + ! : 24 FMOD_mapping0_inverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 951 [0xa336c7]
  233. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 13 FMOD_mdct_backward (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 471 [0xa34bb7]
  234. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + 13 mdct_butterflies (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 439,1482,... [0xa33f77,0xa3438a,...]
  235. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 10 FMOD_mdct_backward (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 601,904,... [0xa34c39,0xa34d68,...]
  236. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 FMOD_mdct_backward (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 480 [0xa34bc0]
  237. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 mdct_bitreverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 234 [0xa3492a]
  238. + : | + ! : | + ! : 10 FMOD_mapping0_inverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 881 [0xa33681]
  239. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 10 FMOD_floor1_inverse2 (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 429,465,... [0xa31bdd,0xa31c01,...]
  240. + : | + ! : | + ! : 8 FMOD_mapping0_inverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 222 [0xa333ee]
  241. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 5 FMOD_floor1_inverse1 (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 517,595,... [0xa31e85,0xa31ed3,...]
  242. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 2 FMOD_floor1_inverse1 (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 403 [0xa31e13]
  243. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 FMOD_vorbis_book_decode (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 26 [0xa318da]
  244. + : | + ! : | + ! : | + 2 decode_packed_entry_number (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 9,51 [0xa313b9,0xa313e3]
  245. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 FMOD_floor1_inverse1 (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 323 [0xa31dc3]
  246. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 FMOD_vorbis_book_decode (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 26 [0xa318da]
  247. + : | + ! : | + ! : | 1 decode_packed_entry_number (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 51 [0xa313e3]
  248. + : | + ! : | + ! : 1 FMOD_mapping0_inverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 585 [0xa33559]
  249. + : | + ! : | + ! 1 FMOD_vorbis_synthesis (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 107 [0xa36fbb]
  250. + : | + ! : | + ! 1 FMOD_oggpack_read (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 92 [0xa2e7ac]
  251. + : | + ! : | + 4 _fetch_and_process_packet (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 631 [0xa38567]
  252. + : | + ! : | + ! 4 FMOD_vorbis_synthesis_blockin (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 660,656,... [0xa301d4,0xa301d0,...]
  253. + : | + ! : | + 1 _fetch_and_process_packet (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 96 [0xa38350]
  254. + : | + ! : | + 1 _get_next_page (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 247 [0xa37e27]
  255. + : | + ! : | + 1 FMOD_ogg_sync_pageseek (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 215 [0xa2f847]
  256. + : | + ! : | + 1 FMOD_ogg_page_checksum_set (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 152 [0xa2ed18]
  257. + : | + ! : | 3 FMOD_ov_read_filter (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 904,848,... [0xa38a98,0xa38a60,...]
  258. + : | + ! : 1 FMOD::CodecOggVorbis::readInternal(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 59 [0x9c35e1]
  259. + : | + ! 1 FMOD::SoundI::readData(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 633 [0xa193eb]
  260. + : | + ! 1 __udivdi3 (in libcompiler_rt.dylib) + 155 [0x914345bb]
  261. + : | + 1 FMOD::SoundI::read(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 2164 [0xa1b32c]
  262. + : | + ! 1 FMOD::Sample::unlock(void*, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 91 [0xa14853]
  263. + : | + ! 1 FMOD::SampleSoftware::setLoopPointData() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 996 [0xa12f70]
  264. + : | + ! 1 _platform_memmove$VARIANT$sse42 (in libsystem_platform.dylib) + 36 [0x92378334]
  265. + : | + 1 FMOD::SoundI::read(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 2467 [0xa1b45b]
  266. + : | + ! 1 FMOD::Sample::lock(unsigned int, unsigned int, void**, void**, unsigned int*, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 50 [0xa15006]
  267. + : | + 1 FMOD::SoundI::read(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 676 [0xa1ad5c]
  268. + : | 1 FMOD::Stream::fill(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*, bool) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 0 [0xa16002]
  269. + : 1 FMOD::ChannelStream::updateStream() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 214 [0x99817c]
  270. + : | 1 FMOD::ChannelReal::updateStream() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 1 [0x99127d]
  271. + : 1 FMOD::ChannelStream::updateStream() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 259 [0x9981a9]
  272. + : | 1 FMOD::ChannelSoftware::getPosition(unsigned int*, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 195 [0x993e1f]
  273. + : 1 FMOD::ChannelStream::updateStream() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 281 [0x9981bf]
  274. + : | 1 FMOD_OS_CriticalSection_Leave(FMOD_OS_CRITICALSECTION*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 24 [0xa41088]
  275. + : | 1 pthread_mutex_unlock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 83 [0x94b5faf9]
  276. + : | 1 __mtx_droplock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 3 [0x94b5f45e]
  277. + : 1 FMOD::ChannelStream::updateStream() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 344 [0x9981fe]
  278. + : 1 FMOD_OS_CriticalSection_Leave(FMOD_OS_CRITICALSECTION*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 24 [0xa41088]
  279. + : 1 pthread_mutex_unlock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 83 [0x94b5faf9]
  280. + : 1 OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier$VARIANT$mp (in libsystem_platform.dylib) + 26 [0x9237639a]
  281. + 2 FMOD::SystemI::updateStreams() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 278,80 [0xa23078,0xa22fb2]
  282. + 1 FMOD::SystemI::updateStreams() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 159 [0xa23001]
  283. + : 1 FMOD_OS_CriticalSection_Enter(FMOD_OS_CRITICALSECTION*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 0 [0xa410a0]
  284. + 1 FMOD::SystemI::updateStreams() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 345 [0xa230bb]
  285. + 1 FMOD::TimeStamp::stampOut(int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 25 [0xa2e37f]
  286. + 1 FMOD_OS_Time_GetUs(unsigned int*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 32 [0xa41460]
  287. + 1 gettimeofday (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 0 [0x90b419aa]
  288. 1058 Thread_2005: CVDisplayLink
  289. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  290. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  291. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  292. + 1058 startIOThread(void*) (in CoreVideo) + 159 [0x988d0180]
  293. + 1058 CVDisplayLink::runIOThread() (in CoreVideo) + 936 [0x988d0540]
  294. + 1058 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 71 [0x94b60bd9]
  295. + 1058 _pthread_cond_wait (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 728 [0x94b5ed1d]
  296. + 1058 __psynch_cvwait (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x923907ca]
  297. 1058 Thread_2012: UnityPreload
  298. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  299. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  300. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  301. + 1058 Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 65 [0x3bf931]
  302. + 1058 PreloadManager::Run(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 17 [0x300151]
  303. + 1058 PreloadManager::Run() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 153 [0x3001f9]
  304. + 1058 PlatformSemaphore::WaitForSignal() (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 34 [0x679e02]
  305. + 1058 MPWaitOnSemaphore (in CarbonCore) + 104 [0x95277071]
  306. + 1058 semaphore_timedwait_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x9238bfce]
  307. 1058 Thread_2097
  308. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  309. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  310. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  311. + 1058 _NSEventThread (in AppKit) + 283 [0x91606b88]
  312. + 1058 CFRunLoopRunInMode (in CoreFoundation) + 123 [0x9007d85b]
  313. + 1058 CFRunLoopRunSpecific (in CoreFoundation) + 394 [0x9007d9fa]
  314. + 1058 __CFRunLoopRun (in CoreFoundation) + 1393 [0x9007e1e1]
  315. + 1058 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort (in CoreFoundation) + 169 [0x9007ec09]
  316. + 1058 mach_msg (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 68 [0x9238b16c]
  317. + 1058 mach_msg_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x9238bf7a]
  318. 1058 Thread_2100
  319. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  320. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  321. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  322. + 1058 FMOD::Thread::callback(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 73 [0xa2dd19]
  323. + 1058 FMOD_OS_Time_Sleep(unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 21 [0xa413d5]
  324. + 1058 usleep$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 60 [0x90babe62]
  325. + 1058 nanosleep$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 219 [0x90babfb7]
  326. + 1058 __semwait_signal (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x92390b76]
  327. 1058 Thread_2147
  328. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  329. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  330. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  331. + 1058 GC_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 108 [0x169b2dd]
  332. + 1058 thread_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 265 [0x1675462]
  333. + 1058 start_wrapper (in libmono.0.dylib) + 641 [0x1641b99]
  334. + 1058 mono_runtime_delegate_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 126 [0x1618ca4]
  335. + 1058 mono_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 133 [0x161378b]
  336. + 1058 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 1142 [0x14e08c5]
  337. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x97ebd39]
  338. + 1057 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x4a34ef1a]
  339. + ! 1057 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x4a34f657]
  340. + ! 1057 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x4a34f6d7]
  341. + ! 1057 ves_icall_System_Threading_Thread_Sleep_internal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 95 [0x16433d6]
  342. + ! 1057 SleepEx (in libmono.0.dylib) + 138 [0x1675dda]
  343. + ! 1057 nanosleep$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_c.dylib) + 219 [0x90babfb7]
  344. + ! 1057 __semwait_signal (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x92390b76]
  345. + 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x4a34ee83]
  346. + 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x4a34ef96]
  347. + 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x4a34f3e2]
  348. + 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x11a66a1f]
  349. + 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x135f43d5]
  350. 1058 Thread_2182
  351. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  352. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  353. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  354. + 1058 GC_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 108 [0x169b2dd]
  355. + 1058 thread_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 265 [0x1675462]
  356. + 1058 start_wrapper (in libmono.0.dylib) + 641 [0x1641b99]
  357. + 1058 mono_runtime_delegate_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 126 [0x1618ca4]
  358. + 1058 mono_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 133 [0x161378b]
  359. + 1058 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 1142 [0x14e08c5]
  360. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x97e00bf]
  361. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x65eba654]
  362. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x65ebb7b8]
  363. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x3da6dd4c]
  364. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x3da6e805]
  365. + 1058 ves_icall_System_Threading_WaitHandle_WaitOne_internal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 83 [0x1644ce7]
  366. + 1058 WaitForSingleObjectEx (in libmono.0.dylib) + 579 [0x16734ab]
  367. + 1058 _wapi_handle_wait_signal_handle (in libmono.0.dylib) + 46 [0x1663c31]
  368. + 1058 _wapi_handle_timedwait_signal_handle (in libmono.0.dylib) + 455 [0x1663b86]
  369. + 1058 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 71 [0x94b60bd9]
  370. + 1058 _pthread_cond_wait (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 728 [0x94b5ed1d]
  371. + 1058 __psynch_cvwait (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x923907ca]
  372. 1058 Thread_2183
  373. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  374. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  375. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  376. + 1058 GC_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 108 [0x169b2dd]
  377. + 1058 thread_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 265 [0x1675462]
  378. + 1058 start_wrapper (in libmono.0.dylib) + 641 [0x1641b99]
  379. + 1058 mono_runtime_delegate_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 126 [0x1618ca4]
  380. + 1058 mono_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 133 [0x161378b]
  381. + 1058 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 1142 [0x14e08c5]
  382. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x97e00bf]
  383. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x65eba654]
  384. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x65ebb7b8]
  385. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x3da6dd4c]
  386. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x3da6e805]
  387. + 1058 ves_icall_System_Threading_WaitHandle_WaitOne_internal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 83 [0x1644ce7]
  388. + 1058 WaitForSingleObjectEx (in libmono.0.dylib) + 579 [0x16734ab]
  389. + 1058 _wapi_handle_wait_signal_handle (in libmono.0.dylib) + 46 [0x1663c31]
  390. + 1058 _wapi_handle_timedwait_signal_handle (in libmono.0.dylib) + 455 [0x1663b86]
  391. + 1058 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 71 [0x94b60bd9]
  392. + 1058 _pthread_cond_wait (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 728 [0x94b5ed1d]
  393. + 1058 __psynch_cvwait (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x923907ca]
  394. 1058 Thread_2184
  395. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  396. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  397. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  398. + 1058 GC_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 108 [0x169b2dd]
  399. + 1058 thread_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 265 [0x1675462]
  400. + 1058 start_wrapper (in libmono.0.dylib) + 641 [0x1641b99]
  401. + 1058 mono_runtime_delegate_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 126 [0x1618ca4]
  402. + 1058 mono_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 133 [0x161378b]
  403. + 1058 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 1142 [0x14e08c5]
  404. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x97e00bf]
  405. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x3da6db0a]
  406. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x3da6dd4c]
  407. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x3da6e805]
  408. + 1058 ves_icall_System_Threading_WaitHandle_WaitOne_internal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 83 [0x1644ce7]
  409. + 1058 WaitForSingleObjectEx (in libmono.0.dylib) + 579 [0x16734ab]
  410. + 1058 _wapi_handle_wait_signal_handle (in libmono.0.dylib) + 46 [0x1663c31]
  411. + 1058 _wapi_handle_timedwait_signal_handle (in libmono.0.dylib) + 455 [0x1663b86]
  412. + 1058 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 71 [0x94b60bd9]
  413. + 1058 _pthread_cond_wait (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 728 [0x94b5ed1d]
  414. + 1058 __psynch_cvwait (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x923907ca]
  415. 1058 Thread_2185
  416. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  417. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  418. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  419. + 1058 WorkerThread::ThreadFunc(void*) (in ShroudUnityPlugin) + 44 [0x4bb487e8]
  420. + 1058 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 71 [0x94b60bd9]
  421. + 1058 _pthread_cond_wait (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 728 [0x94b5ed1d]
  422. + 1058 __psynch_cvwait (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x923907ca]
  423. 1058 Thread_2186
  424. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  425. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  426. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  427. + 1058 WorkerThread::ThreadFunc(void*) (in ShroudUnityPlugin) + 44 [0x4bb487e8]
  428. + 1058 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 71 [0x94b60bd9]
  429. + 1058 _pthread_cond_wait (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 728 [0x94b5ed1d]
  430. + 1058 __psynch_cvwait (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x923907ca]
  431. 1058 Thread_2187
  432. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  433. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  434. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  435. + 1058 WorkerThread::ThreadFunc(void*) (in ShroudUnityPlugin) + 44 [0x4bb487e8]
  436. + 1058 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 71 [0x94b60bd9]
  437. + 1058 _pthread_cond_wait (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 728 [0x94b5ed1d]
  438. + 1058 __psynch_cvwait (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x923907ca]
  439. 1058 Thread_2198
  440. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  441. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  442. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  443. + 1058 GC_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 108 [0x169b2dd]
  444. + 1058 thread_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 265 [0x1675462]
  445. + 1058 start_wrapper (in libmono.0.dylib) + 641 [0x1641b99]
  446. + 1058 mono_runtime_delegate_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 126 [0x1618ca4]
  447. + 1058 mono_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 133 [0x161378b]
  448. + 1058 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 1142 [0x14e08c5]
  449. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x97ebd39]
  450. + 1056 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172d3cd]
  451. + ! 1056 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172d61c]
  452. + ! 1056 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172dbe9]
  453. + ! 1056 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172de01]
  454. + ! 1056 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172e022]
  455. + ! 1056 ves_icall_System_Net_Sockets_Socket_RecvFrom_internal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 192 [0x161e87a]
  456. + ! 1056 _wapi_recvfrom (in libmono.0.dylib) + 121 [0x166fdd9]
  457. + ! 1056 __recvfrom (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x92390a26]
  458. + 2 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172d3e6]
  459. + 2 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x11a6822a]
  460. + 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x11a68467]
  461. + : 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x11728511]
  462. + 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x11a687ff]
  463. + 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x11a69b88]
  464. + 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172c811]
  465. + 1 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x97e13a3]
  466. 1058 Thread_2202
  467. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  468. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  469. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  470. + 1058 GC_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 108 [0x169b2dd]
  471. + 1058 thread_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 265 [0x1675462]
  472. + 1058 start_wrapper (in libmono.0.dylib) + 641 [0x1641b99]
  473. + 1058 mono_runtime_delegate_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 126 [0x1618ca4]
  474. + 1058 mono_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 133 [0x161378b]
  475. + 1058 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 1142 [0x14e08c5]
  476. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x97ebd39]
  477. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172d3cd]
  478. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172d61c]
  479. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172dbe9]
  480. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172de01]
  481. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172e022]
  482. + 1058 ves_icall_System_Net_Sockets_Socket_RecvFrom_internal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 192 [0x161e87a]
  483. + 1058 _wapi_recvfrom (in libmono.0.dylib) + 121 [0x166fdd9]
  484. + 1058 __recvfrom (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x92390a26]
  485. 1058 Thread_2204
  486. + 1058 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  487. + 1058 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  488. + 1058 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  489. + 1058 GC_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 108 [0x169b2dd]
  490. + 1058 thread_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 265 [0x1675462]
  491. + 1058 start_wrapper (in libmono.0.dylib) + 641 [0x1641b99]
  492. + 1058 mono_runtime_delegate_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 126 [0x1618ca4]
  493. + 1058 mono_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 133 [0x161378b]
  494. + 1058 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 1142 [0x14e08c5]
  495. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x97ebd39]
  496. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172d3cd]
  497. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172d61c]
  498. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172dbe9]
  499. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172de01]
  500. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0x1172e022]
  501. + 1058 ves_icall_System_Net_Sockets_Socket_RecvFrom_internal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 192 [0x161e87a]
  502. + 1058 _wapi_recvfrom (in libmono.0.dylib) + 121 [0x166fdd9]
  503. + 1058 __recvfrom (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x92390a26]
  504. 1058 Thread_2231 DispatchQueue_6: (concurrent)
  505. + 1058 start_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 30 [0x94b61cce]
  506. + 1058 _pthread_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 336 [0x94b5ddab]
  507. + 1058 _dispatch_worker_thread2 (in libdispatch.dylib) + 39 [0x94b0170e]
  508. + 1058 _dispatch_root_queue_drain (in libdispatch.dylib) + 257 [0x94b00443]
  509. + 1058 _dispatch_call_block_and_release (in libdispatch.dylib) + 15 [0x94b0176b]
  510. + 1058 ___ZN3USC9IM_Shader7CompileEPv14GFXCORE_FAMILYS1__block_invoke (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 115 [0x40425bef]
  511. + 1058 USC::CompilePixelShaderOpenGL(void*, USC::OPTIMIZER_LEVEL, USC::SIMD_LEVEL, USC::SCompilerInputStatePixelShaderOpenGL const*, USC::SCompilerOutputPixelShaderOpenGL_Gen7*&) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 927 [0x40006f0d]
  512. + 1058 USC::CPixelShader::Compile(USC::OPTIMIZER_LEVEL, USC::SIMD_LEVEL, USC::SPixelShaderCompileTimeOptions const&, USC::SPixelShaderDrawTimeData const&, USC::SCompilerOutputPixelShader_Gen7*&) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 894 [0x402eaa98]
  513. + 1058 USC::CGen6PixelShaderKernelProgram::Create(void const*, PLATFORM_STR, S3DKernelHardwareCapabilities const&, USC::CPixelShader*, USC::OPTIMIZER_LEVEL, USC::SIMD_LEVEL, USC::SGen6PixelShaderKernelProgramCacheKey const*, USC::CGen6PixelShaderKernelProgram*&) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 232 [0x40052a2a]
  514. + 1058 USC::CGen6PixelShaderKernelProgram::Initialize() (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 613 [0x4005378d]
  515. + 1058 USC::CGen6PixelShaderKernelProgram::Build() (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 542 [0x400539cc]
  516. + 1058 USC::CGen6PixelShaderKernelProgram::Compile16(bool, bool) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 1125 [0x40054d3f]
  517. + 1058 USC::CGen4CodeGeneratorContext::LocalScheduling(USC::CShader const*, unsigned int*) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 196 [0x401f540c]
  518. + 1058 USC::ISAScheduler::CScheduler::Schedule(void const*) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 594 [0x401f57b0]
  519. + 1058 USC::ISAScheduler::CBasicBlock::CreateDAG() (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 73 [0x401f5ceb]
  520. + 1058 USC::ISAScheduler::CDependenceDAG::Build() (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 984 [0x401f9cfe]
  521. + 1058 USC::ISAScheduler::CDependenceDAG::AddBarrierEdgeToLiveNodes(USC::ISAScheduler::CDagNode*) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 176 [0x401f935c]
  522. + 1058 USC::ISAScheduler::CDependenceDAG::AddEdge(USC::ISAScheduler::CDagNode*, USC::ISAScheduler::CDagNode*, USC::ISAScheduler::EdgeType, unsigned int, USC::ISAScheduler::RegisterType, unsigned int) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 337 [0x401f8f2b]
  523. + 1058 USC::ISAScheduler::CISLinkedList<USC::ISAScheduler::CEdge*, USC::CMultiPoolAllocator<USC::CAllocator, USC::ISAScheduler::CMPAllocatorProfileISAScheduler> >::Add(USC::ISAScheduler::CISLinkedList<USC::ISAScheduler::CEdge*, USC::CMultiPoolAllocator<USC::CAllocator, USC::ISAScheduler::CMPAllocatorProfileISAScheduler> >::CIterator const&, USC::ISAScheduler::CEdge*) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 45 [0x401fc3cb]
  524. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0xffffffff]
  525. + 1058 _sigtramp (in libsystem_platform.dylib) + 43 [0x92376deb]
  526. + 1058 mono_sigsegv_signal_handler (in libmono.0.dylib) + 164 [0x14dea20]
  527. + 1058 mono_chain_signal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 76 [0x1593a02]
  528. + 1058 HandleSignal(int, __siginfo*, void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 29 [0x34f20d]
  529. + 1058 PrintStackTraceOSX(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 95 [0x34f79f]
  530. + 1058 mono_pmip (in libmono.0.dylib) + 47 [0x14d70ba]
  531. + 1058 mono_jit_info_table_find (in libmono.0.dylib) + 42 [0x15bbf3b]
  532. + 1058 pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 16 [0x94b5f7ac]
  533. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 19 [0x94b5f7c4]
  534. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_check_init (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 11 [0x94b5fbd5]
  535. 1058 Thread_2524 DispatchQueue_6: (concurrent)
  536. + 1058 start_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 30 [0x94b61cce]
  537. + 1058 _pthread_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 336 [0x94b5ddab]
  538. + 1058 _dispatch_worker_thread2 (in libdispatch.dylib) + 39 [0x94b0170e]
  539. + 1058 _dispatch_root_queue_drain (in libdispatch.dylib) + 257 [0x94b00443]
  540. + 1058 _dispatch_call_block_and_release (in libdispatch.dylib) + 15 [0x94b0176b]
  541. + 1058 ___ZN3USC9IM_Shader7CompileEPv14GFXCORE_FAMILYS1__block_invoke (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 115 [0x40425bef]
  542. + 1058 USC::CompilePixelShaderOpenGL(void*, USC::OPTIMIZER_LEVEL, USC::SIMD_LEVEL, USC::SCompilerInputStatePixelShaderOpenGL const*, USC::SCompilerOutputPixelShaderOpenGL_Gen7*&) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 162 [0x40006c10]
  543. + 1058 USC::(anonymous namespace)::ApplyStaticNOS(USC::CShader const*, USC::SCompilerInputStateCommonOpenGL const*, USC::CShader**) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 107 [0x4000a294]
  544. + 1058 USC::CPixelShader::CreateDeepCopy(bool) const (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 46 [0x402ef8aa]
  545. + 1058 USC::CPixelShader::Create(USC::CShaderCompiler*, USC::SHADER_VERSION_TYPE, USC::CPixelShader*&) (in AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver) + 85 [0x402e9bf3]
  546. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0xffffffff]
  547. + 1058 _sigtramp (in libsystem_platform.dylib) + 43 [0x92376deb]
  548. + 1058 mono_sigsegv_signal_handler (in libmono.0.dylib) + 164 [0x14dea20]
  549. + 1058 mono_chain_signal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 76 [0x1593a02]
  550. + 1058 HandleSignal(int, __siginfo*, void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 29 [0x34f20d]
  551. + 1058 PrintStackTraceOSX(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 95 [0x34f79f]
  552. + 1058 mono_pmip (in libmono.0.dylib) + 47 [0x14d70ba]
  553. + 1058 mono_jit_info_table_find (in libmono.0.dylib) + 42 [0x15bbf3b]
  554. + 1058 pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 16 [0x94b5f7ac]
  555. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 19 [0x94b5f7c4]
  556. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_check_init (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 11 [0x94b5fbd5]
  557. 1058 Thread_2751 DispatchQueue_7: (concurrent)
  558. + 1058 start_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 30 [0x94b61cce]
  559. + 1058 _pthread_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 336 [0x94b5ddab]
  560. + 1058 _dispatch_worker_thread2 (in libdispatch.dylib) + 39 [0x94b0170e]
  561. + 1058 _dispatch_root_queue_drain (in libdispatch.dylib) + 61 [0x94b0037f]
  562. + 1058 _CFAutoreleasePoolPush (in CoreFoundation) + 23 [0x900428e7]
  563. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0xffffffff]
  564. + 1058 _sigtramp (in libsystem_platform.dylib) + 43 [0x92376deb]
  565. + 1058 mono_sigsegv_signal_handler (in libmono.0.dylib) + 164 [0x14dea20]
  566. + 1058 mono_chain_signal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 76 [0x1593a02]
  567. + 1058 HandleSignal(int, __siginfo*, void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 29 [0x34f20d]
  568. + 1058 PrintStackTraceOSX(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 95 [0x34f79f]
  569. + 1058 mono_pmip (in libmono.0.dylib) + 47 [0x14d70ba]
  570. + 1058 mono_jit_info_table_find (in libmono.0.dylib) + 42 [0x15bbf3b]
  571. + 1058 pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 16 [0x94b5f7ac]
  572. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 19 [0x94b5f7c4]
  573. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_check_init (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 11 [0x94b5fbd5]
  574. 1058 Thread_2946 DispatchQueue_4: (concurrent)
  575. + 1058 start_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 30 [0x94b61cce]
  576. + 1058 _pthread_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 336 [0x94b5ddab]
  577. + 1058 _dispatch_worker_thread2 (in libdispatch.dylib) + 39 [0x94b0170e]
  578. + 1058 _dispatch_root_queue_drain (in libdispatch.dylib) + 61 [0x94b0037f]
  579. + 1058 _CFAutoreleasePoolPush (in CoreFoundation) + 23 [0x900428e7]
  580. + 1058 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0xffffffff]
  581. + 1058 _sigtramp (in libsystem_platform.dylib) + 43 [0x92376deb]
  582. + 1058 mono_sigsegv_signal_handler (in libmono.0.dylib) + 164 [0x14dea20]
  583. + 1058 mono_chain_signal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 76 [0x1593a02]
  584. + 1058 HandleSignal(int, __siginfo*, void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 29 [0x34f20d]
  585. + 1058 PrintStackTraceOSX(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 95 [0x34f79f]
  586. + 1058 mono_pmip (in libmono.0.dylib) + 47 [0x14d70ba]
  587. + 1058 mono_jit_info_table_find (in libmono.0.dylib) + 42 [0x15bbf3b]
  588. + 1058 pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 16 [0x94b5f7ac]
  589. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 19 [0x94b5f7c4]
  590. + 1058 _pthread_mutex_check_init (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 11 [0x94b5fbd5]
  591. 1058 Thread_3276
  592. 1058 start_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 30 [0x94b61cce]
  593. 1058 _pthread_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 372 [0x94b5ddcf]
  594. 1058 __workq_kernreturn (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x92391046]
  596. Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
  597. 22 _pthread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 130 [0x94b5c485]
  598. 22 thread_start (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 34 [0x94b61cf2]
  599. 21 _pthread_body (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 144 [0x94b5c5fb]
  600. 8 FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 302 [0x9df40e]
  601. 8 GC_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 108 [0x169b2dd]
  602. 8 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 1142 [0x14e08c5]
  603. 8 mono_runtime_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 133 [0x161378b]
  604. 8 thread_start_routine (in libmono.0.dylib) + 265 [0x1675462]
  605. 7 __psynch_cvwait (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 0 [0x923907c0]
  606. 7 _pthread_cond_wait (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 728 [0x94b5ed1d]
  607. 7 mono_runtime_delegate_invoke (in libmono.0.dylib) + 126 [0x1618ca4]
  608. 7 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 71 [0x94b60bd9]
  609. 7 start_wrapper (in libmono.0.dylib) + 641 [0x1641b99]
  610. 6 ??? (in <unknown binary>) [0xffffffff]
  611. 6 HandleSignal(int, __siginfo*, void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 29 [0x34f20d]
  612. 6 PrintStackTraceOSX(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 95 [0x34f79f]
  613. 6 _pthread_mutex_check_init (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 0 [0x94b5fbca]
  614. 6 _pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 19 [0x94b5f7c4]
  615. 6 _sigtramp (in libsystem_platform.dylib) + 43 [0x92376deb]
  616. 6 mono_chain_signal (in libmono.0.dylib) + 76 [0x1593a02]
  617. 6 mono_jit_info_table_find (in libmono.0.dylib) + 42 [0x15bbf3b]
  618. 6 mono_pmip (in libmono.0.dylib) + 47 [0x14d70ba]
  619. 6 mono_sigsegv_signal_handler (in libmono.0.dylib) + 164 [0x14dea20]
  620. 6 pthread_mutex_lock (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 16 [0x94b5f7ac]
  621. 5 Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*) (in Shroud of the Avatar) + 65 [0x3bf931]
  622. 5 start_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) + 30 [0x94b61cce]
  624. Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):
  625. __psynch_cvwait (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) 7406
  626. _pthread_mutex_check_init (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) 6348
  627. semaphore_timedwait_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) 4232
  628. __recvfrom (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) 3172
  629. __semwait_signal (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) 3055
  630. semaphore_wait_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) 2116
  631. mach_msg_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) 1966
  632. __workq_kernreturn (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) 1058
  633. kevent64 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) 1058
  634. FMOD::DSPFilter::read(float**, int*, unsigned int*, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE, int, unsigned int) (in Shroud of the Avatar) 144
  635. decode_packed_entry_number (in Shroud of the Avatar) 27
  636. mdct_butterflies (in Shroud of the Avatar) 13
  637. _FMOD_01inverse (in Shroud of the Avatar) 11
  638. FMOD_floor1_inverse2 (in Shroud of the Avatar) 10
  639. FMOD_mdct_backward (in Shroud of the Avatar) 10
  640. FMOD_oggpack_look (in Shroud of the Avatar) 7
  641. FMOD_floor1_inverse1 (in Shroud of the Avatar) 5
  642. FMOD_vorbis_book_decodev_add (in Shroud of the Avatar) 5
  644. Binary Images:
  645. 0x1000 - 0xb67fff +unity.Portalarium.Shroud of the Avatar (Unity Player version 4.5.0f6 - 4.5.0f6) <674A94D8-AB6B-3C9B-BA14-7859CE6EC206> /Users/Chuck/Downloads/StandaloneOSXIntelPatcher/ of the of the Avatar
  646. 0x125b000 - 0x13d2ff7 (1.0 - 781.62) <8AA0C6CE-5A99-383C-9551-429B4AF3ABF0> /System/Library/Frameworks/GameKit.framework/Versions/A/GameKit
  647. 0x14d6000 - 0x174eff4 +libmono.0.dylib (1) <C98BA547-E79A-3C0A-A599-30A8214D86C0> /Users/Chuck/Downloads/StandaloneOSXIntelPatcher/ of the
  648. 0x17c5000 - 0x1850ffb (2.0 - 586.16.4) <98965854-D51A-3F8D-BC4C-9EC004D8B5D4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GameKitServices.framework/Versions/A/GameKitServices
  649. 0x187e000 - 0x187efff (2.0 - 586.16.4) <58B210B9-10A1-3DBB-88E2-9FD4BC399B67> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AVConference.framework/Frameworks/LegacyHandle.framework/Versions/A/LegacyHandle
  650. 0x1882000 - 0x19d4ff7 (2.0 - 586.16.4) <658FA61C-CC8B-38C7-88A3-7E082ECE4C54> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AVConference.framework/Versions/A/AVConference
  651. 0x1a40000 - 0x1a41fff (2.0 - 586.16.4) <09044496-33F3-38E9-9333-63F9A5F177D0> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AVConference.framework/Frameworks/snatmap.framework/Versions/A/snatmap
  652. 0x1a45000 - 0x1a50ff3 (2.0 - 586.16.4) <579A4F92-B350-3DB2-B07E-CF8BBE21E4D2> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AVConference.framework/Frameworks/ViceroyTrace.framework/Versions/A/ViceroyTrace
  653. 0x1a5a000 - 0x1a83fff (2.0 - 586.16.4) <D8335655-8F84-3C40-93CF-2AD1D6D17D97> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AVConference.framework/Frameworks/ICE.framework/Versions/A/ICE
  654. 0x1a8c000 - 0x1a93ff5 (2.0 - 586.16.4) <88BDE087-13E9-3509-BAC2-617D4716F7B7> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AVConference.framework/Frameworks/SimpleKeyExchange.framework/Versions/A/SimpleKeyExchange
  655. 0x1a9a000 - 0x1aa0ffc (1.0 - 1.28) <17A407B9-FA9B-3A50-9D88-ACFAED07A29A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RTCReporting.framework/Versions/A/RTCReporting
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  660. 0xa4f7000 - 0xa4fbffd (2.6.1 - 2.6.1f2) <566536E7-3014-3A2C-B25C-DC169D5FDCAE> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn
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  663. 0x1061e000 - 0x10709ff7 unorm8_bgra.dylib (2.3.58) <4E28B3D7-DC85-3454-8B83-4A81918934DC> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/ImageFormats/unorm8_bgra.dylib
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  665. 0x11af8000 - 0x11af9ff3 +cl_kernels (???) <1A37DC6D-AD80-49AC-9384-09B110CF8752> cl_kernels
  666. 0x1230f000 - 0x1230fff5 +cl_kernels (???) <E8399606-EA11-42F2-8AA1-6514B9F6FED5> cl_kernels
  667. 0x3db5f000 - 0x3db60ff0 +cl_kernels (???) <622A087E-02D3-4A92-AD0E-2D6973DB0A09> cl_kernels
  668. 0x3db65000 - 0x3db66ffb +cl_kernels (???) <B48AFD34-3210-41FF-8AF4-1FCAB37B5349> cl_kernels
  669. 0x3db6a000 - 0x3db6affd +cl_kernels (???) <96CCC936-1F2A-4B5A-8C29-30B165B5F965> cl_kernels
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  673. 0x90008000 - 0x9020afff (6.9 - 855.16) <6283B27F-3C46-365F-932C-1A7102D8A3CF> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
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  684. 0x904ae000 - 0x90519fff (4.0 - 2.0) <D6465D74-9351-3FF3-9561-AC149AEDB86F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Heimdal.framework/Versions/A/Heimdal
  685. 0x9051a000 - 0x90533fff libAVFAudio.dylib (32.2) <C4CBDFDF-8F77-3872-B7DE-D2D7982084BA> /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libAVFAudio.dylib
  686. 0x90542000 - 0x905a0fff (1.0 - 46.2) <64AC1689-5F60-3E16-AE62-A2259E0D57EC> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ViewBridge.framework/Versions/A/ViewBridge
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  688. 0x905e8000 - 0x90a1cff7 (3.0.0 - 3.0.0) <5B12F3E9-84F6-3183-B85D-FD19EF800ADB> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FaceCore.framework/Versions/A/FaceCore
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  690. 0x90b30000 - 0x90bc2ff9 libsystem_c.dylib (997.90.3) <80D21D3D-1031-314C-B1F0-0B35B977CEFB> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
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  692. 0x90bcb000 - 0x90cf8ff3 (2.0 - 651.12.1) <D52E847F-FCDE-35D0-A0FB-25F6F05D8600> /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/Versions/A/AVFoundation
  693. 0x90cf9000 - 0x90da4ff5 (10.0 - 1000) <000D6E8B-1067-3FE1-8524-18A8710C572E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/Versions/A/IMCore
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  695. 0x90dab000 - 0x90dbdfff libsystem_asl.dylib (217.1.4) <51EB17C9-9F5B-39F3-B6CD-8EF238B05B89> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_asl.dylib
  696. 0x90dbe000 - 0x90dc1ff7 libdyld.dylib (239.4) <B2BD2222-2A51-39B7-BCC5-B8A4F36F900A> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
  697. 0x90dc2000 - 0x90dc2ffe (1.0 - 1) <E612B5AD-06AE-3BCB-BA14-F7B64714640A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSMigrate.framework/Versions/A/AOSMigrate
  698. 0x90dc3000 - 0x90e02ff5 (10.0 - 1000) <D28CFCBA-F7C4-3456-92E4-0B1ABA86BB87> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDS.framework/Versions/A/IDS
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  700. 0x90e9b000 - 0x90f04fff (1.13.1 - 1.13.1) <3AD9C90B-40A9-312B-B479-3AB178A96EA1> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfiguration
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  702. 0x90f14000 - 0x90f64ff7 libcorecrypto.dylib (161.1) <135FD99E-2211-3DF4-825C-C9F816107F0C> /usr/lib/system/libcorecrypto.dylib
  703. 0x90f65000 - 0x90fb5fff (2.3.59 - 2.3.59) <9A8EF83B-78F9-3278-8812-5A0ECB09F8B7> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/OpenCL
  704. 0x90fb6000 - 0x91090ff6 (5.0 - 622.7) <6F9C5661-0D7D-3B54-AC34-55E1A24EC05A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/QuickLookUI
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  706. 0x9109f000 - 0x910a2ff3 (3.0 - 3.0) <4586B503-A0A8-3654-AA48-D2F9FA0188CB> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleSystemInfo.framework/Versions/A/AppleSystemInfo
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  714. 0x9133f000 - 0x91356ff4 (2.2 - 947) <958EE809-D21F-3C88-8D87-B3A5E4C3FCA6> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaAuthoring.framework/Versions/A/CoreMediaAuthoring
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  723. 0x922eb000 - 0x9236bff7 (600.4 - 600.4) <382BE89A-9F37-3316-9AB8-DDEA691A80D1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServices.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
  724. 0x9236c000 - 0x92372ff7 (1.7.0 - 760.3) <63F7E7F8-6FA3-38D3-9907-CDF360CA9354> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSNotification.framework/Versions/A/AOSNotification
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  726. 0x92379000 - 0x92396ff4 libsystem_kernel.dylib (2422.100.13) <C09FD945-4F48-3322-AB4B-7D0243667657> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
  727. 0x92397000 - 0x923a7ff7 libsasl2.2.dylib (170) <CA1C07F6-8E17-315E-AE49-AB696DDE6707> /usr/lib/libsasl2.2.dylib
  728. 0x923a8000 - 0x923e8ff7 (14.0 - 193.1) <FFF1C8E5-41FF-357B-8681-69B21DCED2E4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework/Versions/A/Bom
  729. 0x923e9000 - 0x9244aff7 (1.4 - 129.0.2) <774BC6EC-450B-3AE8-BBED-F1F140B93E7E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Symbolication.framework/Versions/A/Symbolication
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  734. 0x92488000 - 0x924a3ff5 (1.4 - 157) <5C161A52-8D2F-3D56-A988-05727BED7A59> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting.framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting
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  736. 0x924f6000 - 0x924f7fff libsystem_blocks.dylib (63) <2AC67D5E-ECD4-3644-A53C-9684F9B7AA33> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
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  747. 0x93371000 - 0x93396ff7 (1.8.0 - 1.7.0) <FCF52905-85B1-375C-B0AA-B8251B614D2D> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuartzFilters.framework/Versions/A/QuartzFilters
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  750. 0x9345e000 - 0x934b3ff7 (5.0 - 622.7) <215A2C74-801A-39AE-85E4-A1E5031CFD38> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/QuickLook
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  752. 0x93510000 - 0x93510fff (1.5 - 1.5) <5BB3FDD4-4727-3D1B-9582-C96F36DA1542> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Quartz
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  756. 0x93542000 - 0x93636fff libFontParser.dylib (111.1) <D8F9B2A4-41A6-3407-8D80-13A841F97BE5> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontParser.dylib
  757. 0x93740000 - 0x937a2ff3 (10.0 - 1000) <20565092-0897-3E34-A35A-E1F027D53A26> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMFoundation.framework/Versions/A/IMFoundation
  758. 0x937a3000 - 0x93aceffe (6.9 - 1056.13) <C33A8984-7E97-36BE-B842-EE4FE35F53EA> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
  759. 0x93acf000 - 0x93adefff libGL.dylib (9.6.1) <885E9C1F-11C7-347D-BE10-522A40A46596> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib
  760. 0x93adf000 - 0x9497eff5 (9537 - 9537.75.14) <9A09AC09-98E4-3CFE-B37E-3AB405396FD7> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/WebCore
  761. 0x9497f000 - 0x949c1fff libGLU.dylib (9.6.1) <0655104D-2F22-36CE-955B-52A533CA70D5> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib
  762. 0x949c2000 - 0x949c9ff1 (1.1.1 - 105) <4279F426-BD5E-3716-A23E-5A718B01F466> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhoneNumbers.framework/Versions/A/PhoneNumbers
  763. 0x94a2e000 - 0x94a6bff7 libauto.dylib (185.5) <CD008E66-4A0C-35F5-8D72-80D76A716A03> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
  764. 0x94a6c000 - 0x94a70ffe libCoreVMClient.dylib (58.1) <0EB8FFD7-AFED-3A63-810E-29629831D43D> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreVMClient.dylib
  765. 0x94a71000 - 0x94a84fff (9.0 - 9.0) <63D5C96F-1893-3F35-ADFB-EE451AFD87E6> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageCapture.framework/Versions/A/ImageCapture
  766. 0x94a85000 - 0x94afcffb (2.0.1 - 907.100.13) <D1308EE0-96AA-3442-A27B-264F58AE12B4> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
  767. 0x94afd000 - 0x94b15ffd libdispatch.dylib (339.92.1) <7E7A88BF-74B3-363B-B534-6F757DF2DDE3> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
  768. 0x94b16000 - 0x94b4bffd libssl.0.9.8.dylib (50) <F3BEA2DF-DB84-37F0-B4C7-97C0A4DF19C9> /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.8.dylib
  769. 0x94b4c000 - 0x94b53fff libMatch.1.dylib (19) <3B3680FC-2AC9-37CC-B262-5ACE2CF8939A> /usr/lib/libMatch.1.dylib
  770. 0x94b54000 - 0x94b5aff7 (8.0 - 1371) <55CA3D96-7BE2-332B-8BAD-C34F8EA9E6CF> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ContactsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/ContactsFoundation
  771. 0x94b5b000 - 0x94b62ffb libsystem_pthread.dylib (53.1.4) <8B1B7B84-1B5D-32A8-AC0D-1E689E5C8A4C> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
  772. 0x94b63000 - 0x94b65ffe libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib (9.6.1) <C2071F9E-72A1-360C-BF7E-286F9681922F> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib
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  774. 0x94bf3000 - 0x94cc1ff7 (1.5.3 - 1.5.3) <03BFC83E-A086-3CA8-A3E6-2EA6F1D388AF> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Backup.framework/Versions/A/Backup
  775. 0x94cc2000 - 0x94cceffc libkxld.dylib (2422.100.13) <5C97CA53-F237-3ECC-9725-E71DDFEC661E> /usr/lib/system/libkxld.dylib
  776. 0x95059000 - 0x95145ff7 libxml2.2.dylib (26) <32040145-6FD6-3AD2-B98B-39F73BF9AC47> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
  777. 0x95146000 - 0x9514ffff libsystem_notify.dylib (121) <623269F5-1518-3035-A916-8AF83C972154> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_notify.dylib
  778. 0x951eb000 - 0x954ecffb (1077.17 - 1077.17) <02C72D54-E3D3-32B0-A081-E85A7038489D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
  779. 0x954ed000 - 0x954f5ff7 libCGCMS.A.dylib (599.23.13) <ACC64750-863E-3EA1-B306-F63B96572A8F> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGCMS.A.dylib
  780. 0x954f6000 - 0x95683ffb (673.3 - 673.3) <2C900A5F-9E29-3636-846D-68B24774E82A> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
  781. 0x95684000 - 0x95754fef libvDSP.dylib (423.32) <E2FA7230-A001-3F6B-9ACF-6998C51AD7DC> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libvDSP.dylib
  782. 0x95755000 - 0x95757fff (9.0 - 55005) <FD6FC95D-CBE2-329F-9ACB-AB3027CAAB6D> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SecurityHI.framework/Versions/A/SecurityHI
  783. 0x95758000 - 0x95758fff libkeymgr.dylib (28) <1B097DEA-011E-3B1C-86D5-6C7FAD5C765A> /usr/lib/system/libkeymgr.dylib
  784. 0x95759000 - 0x957bfffb (2.0 - 200.34.4) <F14AAB3C-1C8A-37D7-85BE-76646F9F6098> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUtils.framework/Versions/A/CoreUtils
  785. 0x957c0000 - 0x95819ffa libTIFF.dylib (1043) <C03B34F4-8037-3AF5-AE51-B8B5FC8DB639> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
  786. 0x9581a000 - 0x95a99ff7 (2.5 - 774) <53C3FA27-3830-3A15-9707-AF7369119866> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageKit.framework/Versions/A/ImageKit
  787. 0x95a9a000 - 0x95cfeff7 (107 - 481.3) <8EB45FB9-CF78-36E1-919C-E976AE4C8146> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
  788. 0x95cff000 - 0x95d01ff2 (2.0 - 2) <BC558029-74C0-3A69-B376-8F4CBF8C338F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EFILogin.framework/Versions/A/EFILogin
  789. 0x95d71000 - 0x95dd8ffc (4.3.3 - 433.48) <9809D1A7-CE43-3DEE-9812-796590176DEE> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework/Versions/A/CoreWLAN
  790. 0x95e8e000 - 0x95e8ffff libSystem.B.dylib (1197.1.1) <789CF4BE-5A0B-310E-9515-E515EA033D03> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
  791. 0x95e90000 - 0x96255ff6 libLAPACK.dylib (1094.5) <E6286E68-3501-31AC-813E-75B3B3968011> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib
  792. 0x96256000 - 0x96261fff libGPUSupportMercury.dylib (9.6.1) <4733F91D-0778-3DA3-965E-624DD53D0C9C> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGPUSupportMercury.dylib
  793. 0x96262000 - 0x962b7ff3 (5.0 - 5.0) <69A007AE-4654-3C79-9AF6-5EC8F173F225> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageCaptureCore.framework/Versions/A/ImageCaptureCore
  794. 0x962b8000 - 0x962d4fff libCRFSuite.dylib (34) <FFF76EBA-DF35-3A5F-857F-3F4B1C9F4C77> /usr/lib/libCRFSuite.dylib
  795. 0x962d5000 - 0x962d5fff (1.9 - Accelerate 1.9) <C85070A7-D942-3CFA-981F-5864480788C8> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate
  796. 0x962d6000 - 0x962dffff (4.2.4 - 4.2.4) <CF8E5706-F744-3139-8A51-D52BF055D19F> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechRecognition.framework/Versions/A/SpeechRecognition
  797. 0x962e0000 - 0x962f3ff7 (10.0 - 1000) <67D0D240-D471-3882-8FAA-922FD91C3846> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDSFoundation.framework/Versions/A/IDSFoundation
  798. 0x962f4000 - 0x962f8ff7 libmacho.dylib (845) <D8E93E59-1F80-3413-B9CF-78B848F6E873> /usr/lib/system/libmacho.dylib
  799. 0x962f9000 - 0x962fafff (10.0 - 1000) <F7AD1FF7-5B1E-3D3C-AF00-FA3A43118CE5> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Marco.framework/Versions/A/Marco
  800. 0x962fb000 - 0x96338ffb libGLImage.dylib (9.6.1) <E2DADD8A-8A60-3F39-840B-4B7FE7001384> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dylib
  801. 0x96339000 - 0x96388ff9 (1.23 - 468) <B0534B49-A137-363A-9FC2-44FAA6F0894F> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices
  802. 0x96389000 - 0x9669cfef (6.25.00 - 6.25.00) <84677812-2943-328C-B4E0-5E37A6181195> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAUC.framework/Versions/A/CoreAUC
  803. 0x9669d000 - 0x966a6fff (4.1 - 4.1) <68B7CEB7-AF09-3E24-8548-6ABF065B5186> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/Versions/A/CarbonSound
  804. 0x966a7000 - 0x966abffa libcache.dylib (62) <9730D7F2-D226-3F30-8D26-BF598CB781F6> /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib
  805. 0x966ac000 - 0x966b0fff (98.20 - 98.20) <15DD0D0C-F16C-30C7-B968-AA1DEF044F49> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IOAccelerator.framework/Versions/A/IOAccelerator
  806. 0x966c5000 - 0x96a34fff (1.0 - 1273.54) <46C11BBD-7F31-3227-9441-6087FAA3B477> /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/Versions/A/MediaToolbox
  807. 0x96a35000 - 0x96a9bff4 (1.9.9 - 57) <BF22E11E-56CB-3396-A109-8C75694DDE7F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ISSupport.framework/Versions/A/ISSupport
  808. 0x96a9c000 - 0x96a9dfff liblangid.dylib (117) <F18F76C6-7E4B-34AD-AE81-C1C031BF2F7D> /usr/lib/liblangid.dylib
  809. 0x96b05000 - 0x96b27ff5 libssl.0.9.7.dylib (106) <41C9B854-C23B-3855-868F-801CFFA1B981> /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.7.dylib
  810. 0x96b28000 - 0x96b9eff3 (6.0 - 55122.1) <B35A6BA6-D6B5-3743-8F03-1FE0900A9C22> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Versions/A/SecurityFoundation
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  812. 0x96bd3000 - 0x96ec8ff8 (9.2.8) <40B7AFD7-2560-3BDD-B321-1CC5FE266DF2> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreImage.framework/Versions/A/CoreImage
  813. 0x96ec9000 - 0x97145fe7 (7.7.3 - 2826.19) <AEF12245-C9D5-3B50-8AB6-45DC794E693E> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime
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  815. 0x97148000 - 0x9714afff libsystem_configuration.dylib (596.15) <E49AAD29-35C2-3EE2-AF4D-59514C4B478F> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_configuration.dylib
  816. 0x9714b000 - 0x971d5ff7 (3.0.1 - 141.0.5) <A33D0598-8699-39AC-A1DD-37079F423269> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/Versions/A/CoreSymbolication
  817. 0x971d6000 - 0x971f2ff9 (1.3 - 289) <1CEDC83D-7282-3B4D-8CF7-4FE045012391> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Ubiquity.framework/Versions/A/Ubiquity
  818. 0x971f3000 - 0x971f4ffa libsystem_sandbox.dylib (278.11) <1A6276FC-9204-3A59-8024-2D572BA9D2F2> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_sandbox.dylib
  819. 0x971f5000 - 0x971f6ff7 (10.0 - 1000) <B2525E0D-2BB1-3AF6-BDCA-56DCDC1F7DBF> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiagnosticLogCollection.framework/Versions/A/DiagnosticLogCollection
  820. 0x971f7000 - 0x97200fff (2.6 - 2.6) <92F7575A-AA20-34D9-BB26-2CC8C3CCAFEB> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
  821. 0x97201000 - 0x972e4ff7 libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib (50) <B367D3A3-FC1F-326C-92EC-CAD81666524D> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
  822. 0x972e5000 - 0x97309ff7 libxpc.dylib (300.90.2) <5ACBBE2C-74EB-3E88-BCBF-C573095318A5> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib
  823. 0x9730a000 - 0x974d0ffb libicucore.A.dylib (511.32) <9DC4CADF-6F5C-3D6F-A0FE-D8BC868915F2> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
  824. 0x974d4000 - 0x974e2ff7 (132.2 - 132.2) <87DBFC7A-9689-3B8E-AD16-5A9DFF9DE625> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Sharing.framework/Versions/A/Sharing
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  828. 0x97951000 - 0x979a4ff3 (407.0 - 4561) <09C5A94C-39BD-36D8-A483-77F9CA3C5F2F> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMediaIO.framework/Versions/A/CoreMediaIO
  829. 0x979a5000 - 0x979edfff (1.47 - 47) <5C6FA727-EAC9-3924-8662-AF01090A9EF4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PerformanceAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/PerformanceAnalysis
  830. 0x979ee000 - 0x979f8ff7 (4.7.1 - 4.7.1) <C4CC55E5-6CC4-307E-9499-AF89A6463AF4> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechSynthesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis
  831. 0x98354000 - 0x98358ffc (91.1 - 91.1) <70637267-4D54-3EFF-A929-54FC0A8A907A> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOSurface.framework/Versions/A/IOSurface
  832. 0x9835a000 - 0x9835dffa libCGXType.A.dylib (599.23.13) <6EF86C73-323D-30BA-8EEF-954AC81BD694> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGXType.A.dylib
  833. 0x9835e000 - 0x98376ff7 (10.9 - 173.90.1) <184471C6-C810-3346-B7C7-D86E695D0FA1> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFOpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/CFOpenDirectory
  834. 0x98377000 - 0x983a3ff7 (1.2 - 208) <33873336-BECD-3F62-A315-C45F24C1818C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DictionaryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
  835. 0x983a4000 - 0x983b9ff3 (3.0 - 1) <017FED4F-AD6E-3A56-806B-A2D33E69EFF9> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppContainer.framework/Versions/A/AppContainer
  836. 0x983ba000 - 0x983bdffe (3.0 - 3.0) <6FE961A4-3C17-3004-B50B-FD78FDC28350> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LoginUIKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LoginUICore.framework/Versions/A/LoginUICore
  837. 0x983be000 - 0x983c3ff7 (9.0 - 260) <A6C465F6-C5D1-353A-9F33-19B9CEDBBC2A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Print.framework/Versions/A/Print
  838. 0x983c4000 - 0x983f5ff4 (9.0 - 55047) <0D5ED2B8-C973-3C91-BA45-22501A043263> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityInterface.framework/Versions/A/SecurityInterface
  839. 0x983f6000 - 0x983f6fff libodfde.dylib (20) <98FC02AE-C596-3ED5-80D1-C502FF6115ED> /usr/lib/libodfde.dylib
  840. 0x983f7000 - 0x98410fff (3.0 - 1) <91F17EB2-C70C-359C-B09D-96B52D2A9C9F> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Versions/A/Kerberos
  841. 0x98411000 - 0x9843bfff libxslt.1.dylib (13) <249D54AB-1D82-38FE-ABEC-0D575450C73B> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
  842. 0x9843c000 - 0x9843dfff libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib (100) <B936B1D4-90BB-395D-8EA9-E1237608E7D0> /usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib
  843. 0x9843e000 - 0x98442fff (1.2.6 - 96) <E7CA63C6-CEE9-3F0A-93A7-C12C653FFB80> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommonPanels.framework/Versions/A/CommonPanels
  844. 0x98443000 - 0x9851eff7 (572.26 - 572.26) <5915A9AC-7928-30B1-9329-94048ADE81D9> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
  845. 0x9851f000 - 0x9852afff libcsfde.dylib (380) <821ACD5D-E4BD-3626-B7AC-8EE2637268C3> /usr/lib/libcsfde.dylib
  846. 0x9852b000 - 0x986a9ff0 libGLProgrammability.dylib (9.6.1) <26DFAFFB-1706-3BEF-91D9-06F1655880EE> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLProgrammability.dylib
  847. 0x986aa000 - 0x986bcfff libbsm.0.dylib (33) <1BE92DB5-0D2F-3BB5-BCC6-8A71EF2A3450> /usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib
  848. 0x986bd000 - 0x986bdffd libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib (157) <4D06E8ED-D312-34EA-A448-DFF45ADC3CE5> /usr/lib/libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib
  849. 0x986be000 - 0x987cbff7 (3.3.0 - 1043) <3AA4C524-1B31-39AC-A641-189D0D6EA427> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO
  850. 0x987cc000 - 0x987ccfff (6.8 - 20) <407DC9E6-BBCE-3D34-9BBB-00C90584FFDF> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
  851. 0x9886e000 - 0x98899ff7 libpcap.A.dylib (42) <66FBEAD3-FE91-3A89-8706-FB95229068AC> /usr/lib/libpcap.A.dylib
  852. 0x9889a000 - 0x9889effa libGIF.dylib (1043) <276F48A6-766B-3D40-85C4-C9E8E6051DF7> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib
  853. 0x9889f000 - 0x988cdff3 (106 - 106) <FC70F4C9-B2A6-352F-9563-6C085E9DDDB8> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DebugSymbols.framework/Versions/A/DebugSymbols
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  855. 0x988f6000 - 0x98954ffd (665.5 - 665.5) <54F2F247-160C-3A22-A6E3-5D49655A67AB> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.framework/Versions/A/AE
  856. 0x98955000 - 0x98ac8ffb (1.10 - 1.10) <4248C0FE-F872-34AB-9402-0045D5CD0CC1> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
  857. 0x98ac9000 - 0x98ad1fff libsystem_dnssd.dylib (522.90.2) <A73663C9-CE65-3FF3-B41B-686728BBFB00> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_dnssd.dylib
  858. 0x98ad2000 - 0x98ae6ff9 (245.13 - 245.13) <06C2834A-91E9-3DCC-B7D0-9EAC592CE1C5> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MultitouchSupport.framework/Versions/A/MultitouchSupport
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  911. 0x9b460000 - 0x9b46eff7 libz.1.dylib (53) <858B4D9F-D87E-3D81-B07A-DF9632BD185F> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
  912. 0x9b46f000 - 0x9b46ffff (59 - 59) <06747539-5035-3307-8645-9BC4E7F89023> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
  913. 0x9b470000 - 0x9b490fff (10.0 - 1000) <D3A59518-0F74-3B3F-8BFE-447D75E9F3F1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FTServices.framework/Versions/A/FTServices
  914. 0x9b4e0000 - 0x9b508fff libsystem_info.dylib (449.1.3) <BB68E8CC-422F-3121-8C86-D0F766FB696D> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_info.dylib
  915. 0x9b50c000 - 0x9b515ffc (4.0 - 2.0) <99219CEB-D340-3E1F-9C04-FD0FA700BD67> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommonAuth.framework/Versions/A/CommonAuth
  916. 0x9be3d000 - 0x9be6fffb (5.7.0 - 5700.4.3) <30CF0E7B-3511-318F-AC31-06C29EDC111E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAVCHD.framework/Versions/A/CoreAVCHD
  917. 0x9be70000 - 0x9be74fff libheimdal-asn1.dylib (323.92.1) <DD8BAEED-28AC-389E-9DC4-E32DA60CB05A> /usr/lib/libheimdal-asn1.dylib
  918. 0x9be75000 - 0x9c021fff (1.8 - 332.3) <DA347693-5E26-3E47-A2B3-3824C52EB08B> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
  919. 0x9c022000 - 0x9c02afff libcopyfile.dylib (103) <1B1484BD-08B6-3BA9-94CA-A7C24B610EB3> /usr/lib/system/libcopyfile.dylib
  920. 0x9c02b000 - 0x9c080ff7 (4.2.0 - 4.2.0) <0F1C111F-1E64-33BB-A69F-14643B3037D5> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio
  921. 0x9c081000 - 0x9c1f1fff (7.7.3 - 2826.19) <5F386E3B-ED51-3850-993E-12552FD25708> /System/Library/Frameworks/QTKit.framework/Versions/A/QTKit
  922. 0x9c1f2000 - 0x9c248ff6 (1.0 - 1) <2C81641B-FA30-32FF-8B3E-3CB9BF53B2D9> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ScalableUserInterface.framework/Versions/A/ScalableUserInterface
  923. Sample analysis of process 231 written to file /dev/stdout
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