
Deadmeat Chronicles: The Start of the Herd

Oct 1st, 2012
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  1. >You are a maroon fluffy unicorn with a light green mane.
  2. >You have got back from your morning run and see your hidey hole bush shaking.
  3. >”Dis nice pwace, fwuffy wike dis.”
  4. >”Nummies awound, fwuffy happy.”
  5. >”Yay! Fwuffy fin home!”
  6. >”Wook! Beddie awea aweady hewe!”
  7. >You run into your hidey hole, “Dis Deadmeat pwace! Go way!”
  8. >Three fluffies turn and see you, one shrieks in terror and sprays shit all over your bedding.
  9. >One puffs up, “Nuu! Fwuffy fin pwace! Dis-“
  10. >You turn and buck the fluffy out of your bush.
  11. >The other two run, “Ahhh! Munsta fwuffy gowing get us!”
  12. >You run out yelling after them, “Yoo make bad poopies! Deadmeat gif owchies!”
  13. >They fall to the ground covering their heads with their hooves.
  14. >The offending fluffy shits again.
  15. >”Nuuuu! Fwuffy sowwy! Nuu hewt fwuffy!”
  16. >You run up and start to stomp its ribs, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Make poopies on Deadmeat sweepy pwace!”
  17. >It starts to sob, “Fwuffy sowwy! Wahhhh! Pwease nuu mo hewt! Wahhh!”
  18. >When you feel you have given enough sorries you walk back to your bush.
  19. >”Deadmeat no sweep hewe, nuu smeww pwetty!” You huff.
  20. >The scared fluffies jump up, “Fwuffy make bad poopies go way. Nuu mo hewties.”
  21. >They run into your hidey hole.
  22. >”Nuu taste pwetty..”
  23. >”Shhh, make munsta fwuffy happy! Nuu mo hewties!”
  24. >After a few moments they come back out with poop staining the fluff around their mouths.
  25. >”Fwuffy cwean up bad poopies.” They fall to the ground and crawl out of your way.
  26. >You walk back into your hidey hole and see that they ate up the offending poop, and some of your bedding.
  27. >You step back out, the two fluffies are still lying on the ground shaking.
  28. >The third has come around, you see boo boo juice on its lips.
  29. >”Yoo meanie fwuffy!” He starts to shake his hoof at you but then gets a good look at your face.
  30. >”Ahhh! Munsta fwuffy!”
  31. >One of his companions jumps on him, “Nuuu! Quiet, munsta fwuffy gif big owchies.”
  32. >”Deadmeat nuu munsta!” you stamp your feet.
  33. >Two of the fluffies shit themselves this time.
  34. >”Dis Deadmeat awea, yoo go way…” you turn to go back in your hidey hole.
  35. >”But fwuffy haf no pwace to go!”
  36. >”Fwuffy wike dis pwace…”
  37. >”Nummies hewe, pwease wet fwuffy stay!”
  38. >One of the fluffies jumps up, “Fwuffy get nummies fo munsta fwuffy! Munsta wet fwuffy stay!”
  39. >You stare as the three fluffies run off.
  40. >You ignore the fluffies and pull more leaves down for your little nest.
  41. >After you get your hidey hole back in order you step back out.
  42. >It’s time to start looking for food.
  43. >You start to wonder toward the center of the park.
  44. >You are tackled from behind.
  45. >”Yay! New fwen pway!”, you start feeling soft pads of fluffy hooves rub your ribs.
  46. >”Hee hee…Tee hee hee hee hee!” you can’t help but to laugh at the tickle attack.
  47. >”Yay! New fwen fo Wosebewwey!” she lays down across your back.
  48. >”Why fwuffy tickle Deadmeat?” You turn and look at your tickler.
  49. >She sees your face and jumps off, “Ahhh! Munsta fwuffy!”
  50. >She starts to run off, “Deadmeat nuu munsta yoo meanie!” you shout after her.
  51. >You stomp in frustration feeling your torn ear and glancing up at your changed horn.
  52. >”Ahhhh! Waahhhh!!”
  53. >You look seeing the red earth fluffy with the blue purple mane running back.
  54. >”Dey gowing get Wosebewwy! Wosebewwy onwy wan pway. Wahhh!”
  55. >You see four large earth fluffies chasing after her.
  56. >You face them all, “Go way! Dis Deadmeat pwace!”
  57. >Roseberry keeps running past you as the four earth fluffies stop and look at you.
  58. >”Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo munsta fwuffy! You go way!”
  59. >You run up and stab the spouting fluffy in his shoulder.
  60. >”Owies owies owies!” He shouts jumping back.
  61. >One of his friends looks at him, “Whaa!? Fwen haf boo boo juice! Gif huggies!”
  62. >All his friends start to hug their hurt companion.
  63. >”Deadmeat say go way!”
  64. >The four earth fluffies look at you and start shaking, “Munsta fwuffy gif big owchies!”
  65. >”Pwease no hewt fwuffy, fwuffy gud fwuffy…”
  66. >One turns and flees, “Wahhhh, nuu hewt fwuffy! Wahhh!”
  67. >The other three turn and run, the one you stabbed showing a noticeable limp now.
  68. >You give a satisfied sniff and turn back to look for nummies.
  69. >You see Roseberry on her belly not too far away shaking and looking at you.
  70. >”Why fwuffy still hewe?” You ask her.
  71. >”Yoo stwong fwuffy… you saf Wosebewwy…”, she says staring at you.
  72. >”Deadmeat pwotect Deadmeat pwace.” You say looking around for another threat.
  73. >Roseberry crawls toward you, “Yoo nice fo munsta fwuffy.”
  74. >You stomp at her, “Deadmeat nuu munsta!”
  75. >She shrinks away from you. “Nuu hewt! Wosebewwy gud fwuffy!”
  76. >You take a step back, “Why fwuffies afwaid Deadmeat?”
  77. >You hear movement and turn to look at it.
  78. >The three fluffies that ran off are returning, they are all carrying things in their mouths.
  79. >They drop their items before you, you see a limb with lots of leaves, some orange peels and a banana peel.
  80. >”See, gud fwuffies bwing nummies!” They all fall back down on their bellies.
  81. >You sniff the food to see if any poop smell is on them, they smell clean.
  82. >You eat some of the banana peel.
  83. >”Pwease wet fwuffy stay!” One begs.
  84. >”Bwing munsta fwuffy nummies aww de time!”
  85. >You look at the three cowering fluffies.
  86. >You finish the food they brought. It was pretty good.
  87. >You think it might be worthwhile to have other fluffies around to do stuff for you.
  88. >”Yoo stay, but dis Deadmeat hidey hole.”
  89. >You look around and see another bush nearby, “Yoo fwuffy stay dat hidey hole.”
  90. >They look over at the bush and gaze in awe, “Fwuffy no see dat pwace… you smawty munsta.”
  91. >They break into a small dance, “Munsta smawty wet fwuffy stay! Fwuffy happy!”
  92. >Roseberry never moves watching you.
  93. >”Why yoo stiww hewe!?” You snap at her.
  94. >”Wosebewwy wan stay too… yoo stwong fwuffy… keep Wosebewwy safe…”
  95. >You think for a bit and decide, “Yoo stay too, but dis Deadmeat awea!”
  96. >She stands up smiling, “Yay! Wosebewwy haf smawty!”
  97. >She runs up and hugs you, “Tank yoo munsta smawty!”
  98. >She jumps back, “Wosebewwy wan pway! Wha we pway?”
  99. >The three fluffies just stare blankly, “Fwuffy no know.”
  100. >After a bit you say, “Pway wun awound.”
  101. >All fluffies jump happily, “Yay! Fwuffy pway wun awound!”
  102. >They then look at you, “How pway wun awound?”
  103. >You stare at them a bit, “Yoo wun awound. Wun near fwuffy den wun near udder fwuffy.”
  104. >”Yay! Pway wun awound!”
  105. >All the fluffies start running randomly laughing and giggling., “Dis fun! Fwuffy wike wun awound!”
  106. >You look around before you join them.
  107. >In the distance you see Snuggle Wuggle watching you with 5 large earth fluffies behind her.
  108. >She is staring unsmiling at you.
  109. >You shrug it off and start running with your new formed herd.
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